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Simply Read: Day 8

To Rome

It's day 8 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge adapted from ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set aimed at helping us set aside time—prolonged time—to immerse ourselves in God’s Word as we enter this holiday season.

As we conclude the book of Acts, Paul makes an appeal to the king for his release from jail during which he explains that though he is a Roman citizen and has every reason to boast in his identity, he can only boast of Christ and his power.

After a journey by sea (and a shipwreck in Malta), he eventually ends up on house arrest in Rome where he remains until his death. But his last years are not wasted, as he continues to welcome all who came to him in the name of Jesus, teaching about Jesus until his end.

Simply Read

Download today’s reading.

It should take you about 12 minutes to complete.

To follow along with today’s reading in your own copy of the ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set, read pages 354-365.

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