Format: | Ebook |
Page Count: | 160 |
Size: | 5.5 in x 8.5 in |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433518867 |
ePub ISBN: | 978-1-4335-1886-7 |
PDF ISBN: | 978-1-4335-1584-2 |
Mobipocket ISBN: | 978-1-4335-1885-0 |
Published: | October 31, 2010 |
Entrusted with the Gospel: Pastoral Expositions of 2 Timothy by John Piper, Philip Ryken, Mark Driscoll, K. Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell, J. Ligon Duncan (Ebook)
Edited by D. A. Carson, Contributions by John Piper, Philip Graham Ryken, Bryan Chapell, Ligon Duncan, K. Edward Copeland
Entrusted with the Gospel: Pastoral Expositions of 2 Timothy by John Piper, Philip Ryken, Mark Driscoll, K. Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell, J. Ligon Duncan (Ebook)
Edited by D. A. Carson, Contributions by John Piper, Philip Graham Ryken, Bryan Chapell, Ligon Duncan, K. Edward Copeland
The church needs a strong reminder of the glorious weight of Scripture. The Bible is preached from the pulpit less and less, and we need to return to what is most important. The Gospel Coalition seeks to address this need. It exists “to be robustly biblical, richly theological, constantly elevating what God himself in his own Word makes central.”
Stemming from the coalition’s 2009 National Conference and edited by D. A. Carson, this book explores the great responsibility of being entrusted with the gospel. Through six sermons expositing 2 Timothy, John Piper, Phil Ryken, Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell, and Ligon Duncan model faithful preaching rooted in Scripture.
These pastors take up themes such as unashamed courage in gospel preaching, rightly dividing the word of truth, pitfalls and parodies of ministry, and finishing well. A great resource for pastors, church leaders, and others in ministry, this volume will help readers better live the vision of 2 Timothy.
Product Details
“These authors delight in the realistic, uncompromising gospel ministry, which beautifully accents every page of this book. Entrusted with the Gospel abounds with ancient, biblical wisdom for every generation. It isn’t just a book for pastors but for everyone who needs, knows, loves, and proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ. God has entrusted every Christian with the glorious ministry of his abundant life-giving gospel, but like Timothy, many Christians are timid and lack confidence and wisdom in their efforts to herald the gospel entrusted to them. This book offers a much needed clarion call to gospel-established ministry for the church at the beginning of the twenty-first century.”
Burk Parsons, Senior Pastor, Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Sanford, Florida; Editor, Tabletalk
“Every minister of the gospel would be wise to reflect carefully and prayerfully on 2 Timothy. The esteemed contributors to this volume will help you do just that with insightful biblical exegesis, discernment of pressing contemporary challenges, and love for Christ and his church.”
Collin Hansen, Vice President for Content and Editor in Chief, The Gospel Coalition; Host, Gospelbound podcast
“There are seasons of pastoral work in which the faithful shepherd faces serious challenges, and at these times he longs for words of refreshment, wisdom, encouragement, power, and endurance. These six expositions of Paul’s last charge to his suffering protégé provide a shot in the arm to stir both weary and strong shepherds to greater faithfulness in the ministry trust given to them by Christ. They are sober and sound catharses for the overseer’s soul. Through these sermons you hear the Spirit reminding you with joy, ‘Rely on me so that you can stay in the game with diligence until the end!’”
Eric C. Redmond, Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute; Associate Pastor of Preaching and Teaching, Calvary Memorial Church, Oak Park, Illinois
“Piper, Ryken, Driscoll, Copeland, Chapell, and Duncan are very different people, but they are all proven champions of the unchanging gospel of Jesus. This book will help all Christians study to be faithful to the task we have been entrusted with to spread that same message. Paul’s advice to his young apprentice Timothy is ably explained in these pages. Do your family, friends, and fellow church members a favor—read this book and apply it.”
Adrian Warnock, author, Hope Reborn and Raised with Christ
“What you hold in your hands is a diversity of approaches to expositional preaching by some of today’s most capable expositors who model the unity of the one gospel, applied by one man (Paul), in one context (the church in Ephesus), written to one pastor (Timothy). And because all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable, I am certain that you will profit from these expositions as you apply this one gospel, presented in 2 Timothy, to your own ministry context and your personal life.”
Juan R. Sanchez, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas; author, The Leadership Formula: Develop the Next Generation of Leaders in the Church
“For preachers still wrestling with the place biblical exposition should have in ministry, Entrusted with the Gospel speaks with one voice—‘Preach the Word!’ The proclamation of God's Word is God's way of accomplishing his work in the world. These messages will encourage you to keep God's Word at the center.”
David R. Helm, Senior Pastor, Christ Church Chicago; Chairman, The Charles Simeon Trust