11 Notable Quotes from Missional Motherhood

This article is part of the Notable Quotes series.

Motherhood Matters in Eternity

There is eternal value in even the most mundane moments if the Great Commission informs how we’re thinking about all of life, including what it means to be a mom. Be encouraged in the far-reaching significance of your day to day with these quotations from Missional Motherhood: The Everyday Ministry of Motherhood in the Grand Plan of God by Gloria Fuman.

“God did not create motherhood as “just” a list of to-dos. God did not create motherhood as “just” a sentimental greeting card. God did not create motherhood as a trifling, negligible “just”. . . . Nothing he does or wills could possibly be inconsequential or petty. No woman made in God’s image, made for God’s mission, could be “just” a mom. Missional motherhood is a strategic ministry designed by God to call people to worship the One who is seated on the throne in heaven.”

“Mothering (or nurturing) is a calling not just for women who have biological or adopted children. Mothering is a calling for all women. Every Christian woman is called to the spiritual motherhood of making disciples of all nations. Our nurturing is, by nature, missional.

“To live in light of Christ’s resurrection is to be so heavenly minded that we are of immense earthly good.”

Missional Motherhood

Gloria Furman

Furman gives moms a fresh, biblical perspective on their calling to raise and nurture children, helping them live out God’s story of redemption as they offer the message of the gospel to those around them.

“Every kind of nurturing work is an intervention of sorts—stepping between a child and destructive habits, between a friend and her discouragement, between a refugee and homelessness, between a helpless person and neglect. This has been our story since the fall. Not a single one of us has any hope apart from God’s gracious intervention.”

“For God’s people to truly love and obey him, they needed more than rules. They needed new hearts—hearts with his good law written right on them. God had to transform his people from the inside out.”

“What God commissions, he sees through to the end. He will not forsake us in the work he has given us.”

“God has an unimpeachable plan to make himself known, and he has designed God-centered roles for his image bearers to play.”

“The gospel is not good advice for moms; it is life-giving news.”

“Whatever season we are in, and whatever kind of nurturing work we are doing, and however long our season lasts, life in Christ is our new normal. And it will still be thirty trillion years from now. We are in a season of life in Christ forever!”

“Moms have to be strengthened by grace to make the necessary sacrifices and to do the mundane, routine things that move the gospel forward.”

“We want Christ’s power to be made perfect through us weak moms. So we will boast all the more gladly of our weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon us (2 Cor. 12:9).”

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