1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan

This article is part of the ESV.org Reading Plans series.
Perseverance through Hardship
Peter's Epistles are a rallying cry for hope. Written to a young church facing intensifying persecution, they showcase the living hope of the gospel even in the midst of trials and tribulation.
Through 1–2 Peter, we learn that God does not abandon us in our suffering. Through the themes of suffering, the transformative power of God, spiritual authority, false teachers, and the last days, Peter directs us to the God who is faithful in our trials, working them for his glory and for our good.
Over the course of 10 days, alongside excerpts from 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.
To start the devotional via your browser or as a daily email, simply visit esv.org.
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