2018 ESV Bible Preview

New Bibles for the New Year
Here at Crossway, we're excited to be publishing a number of new Bible editions in 2018.
Whether it’s the all-new ESV Archaeology Study Bible, the innovative ESV Scripture Journals, the accessible ESV Story of Redemption Bible, or the carefully designed ESV Super Giant Print Bible, all of the new editions releasing this year were created to build up Christ’s church by helping God’s people engage with his Word on a regular basis.
ESV Archaeology Study Bible
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, giving Bible readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture.
ESV Global Study Bible
The ESV Global Study Bible is a one-volume study resource for globally minded Christians everywhere. It has been designed to be highly accessible and priced for distribution on a global scale.
ESV Scripture Journal
The ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament Set includes 19 volumes, featuring the text of each New Testament book opposite lightly lined blank pages for recording notes and prayers—a great resource for personal Bible reading and reflection, group Bible studies, or sermon notes.
ESV Gospel of John, Reader's Edition
The ESV Gospel of John, Reader's Edition captures John's firsthand account of Christ's ministry in a portable, stand-alone volume without chapter or verse numbers—inviting readers into an immersive reading experience.
ESV Preaching Bible
Created from the ground up with input from pastors and church leaders, the ESV Preaching Bible was specifically designed with features to serve those tasked with proclaiming God’s word.
ESV Economy Bible, Giant Print
The ESV Economy Bible, Giant Print provides the full ESV text in an extra large font and at an affordable price, making this a great edition for ministry use, outreach, and bulk distribution.
Large Print
ESV Super Giant Print Bible
The ESV Super Giant Print Bible, produced from research with vision-industry experts, features the full ESV text in very large and easy-to-read type, offering an optimized experience for low-vision readers.
ESV German/English Parallel Bible
The ESV German/English Parallel Bible positions the revised Luther 2017 German text beside the ESV Bible text, making it a valuable edition for native speakers, bilingual readers, or students of either language.
ESV Exhaustive Concordance
With more than 340,000 references connected to every verse in the Bible, the ESV Exhaustive Concordance is an ideal reference tool for quickly locating particular passages or for conducting in-depth word studies.
Greek-English Interlinear ESV New Testament
The ESV Greek-English Interlinear New Testament features the Greek text laid out word-by-word above an English gloss, making it a helpful resource for all who study the Bible in the original Greek.