3 Prayers of Thanksgiving from History

Prayers to Pray on Thanksgiving
Many Christians have a desire to pray but don’t know where to start or struggle to have a consistent prayer life. As we draw near to Thanksgiving, use these written prayers from the past as examples to help give you words to express your gratitude to God.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Didache (ca. 100)
Holy Father, we thank you for your holy name, which you have caused to dwell in our hearts. And we thank you for the knowledge and faith and immortality that you have made known to us through Jesus, your servant. To you be glory forever. You, the Almighty Lord of all, created everything for the sake of your name.
You have given food and drink to humanity for their enjoyment so that they would give you thanks. But to us, you have given spiritual food and drink and eternal life through your servant. Above all, we give thanks to you because you are all powerful. To you be glory forever.
Remember, oh Lord, your church, to deliver her from all evil and to perfect her in your love. Gather her from the four winds once she has been sanctified for the kingdom you have prepared for her, for yours is the power and glory forever.
May grace arrive and let this world pass away. Hosanna to the God of David. If anyone is holy, let him come. If he is not, let him repent. Maranatha. Amen.
Cloud of Witnesses
Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter
This comprehensive anthology combines prayers and petitions of the greatest figures throughout history to bolster the reader’s knowledge of prayer and develop their walk with Christ.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Forgiveness of Sins
Old Gallican Rite
It is right and just for us to give thanks to you, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord, whom you offered as a sacrifice for us all. Oh, the wonderful condescension of your mercy to us! Oh, the inexpressible love! In order to redeem the slave, you gave your Son! Oh, surely the sin of Adam—which was destroyed by the death of Christ—was a necessary and even, dare we say, happy fault, for because of its magnitude, it deserved to have a redeemer! Without it, we would never know the greatness of your love, for by it, you proved your love by the death of your only begotten, coeternal Son, our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ. The condescension of your holiness overcame the evil of the devil—for where sin abounded, your grace abounded even more. But you, in your mercy, have restored to us more than the jealous enemy had taken. He longs for paradise; you offer the heavens. He brought temporal death; you have given eternal life. Therefore, the entire world praises you with exuberant joy, joining with the angelic choir that unceasingly sings hymns of your glory.

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Prayer of Thanksgiving for God’s Blessing
Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274)
I praise, glorify, and bless you, my God, for the immeasurable goodness you have given to me, a completely unworthy recipient. I praise your mercy that you have granted to me for so long, your sweetness in disciplining me, your devotion in calling me, your kindness in accepting me, your mercy in forgiving my sins, your goodness that goes over and above what I could possibly deserve, your patience that does not record my wrongs, your humility that consoles me, your patience that protects me, your eternality that conserves me, your truth that rewards me.
My God, what can I say about your unspeakable generosity? For you call the fugitive home. You welcome the one who is returning. You help the one who falters. You cheer up the one who despairs. You encourage the negligent. You prepare the warrior for battle. You crown the victor. You do not reject a repentant sinner. You do not remember the wrongs he has done.
You free him from a multitude of dangers. You soften his heart for repentance. You use correction to teach him to fear. You allure him with promises. You discipline him with whips. You guard him with angelic ministers.
You enter our time to supply our needs, but you reserve eternity for us. You inspire with the sheer beauty of creation. You entice with redemptive mercy. You promise rewards as payment.
All the praises I can offer do not suffice. I thank your majesty for the abundance of your immeasurable goodness, and I ask that you would continue to multiply your grace in me, conserve what is multiplied, and reward what is conserved. Amen.
This article is adapted from Cloud of Witnesses: A Treasury of Prayers and Petitions through the Ages edited by Jonathan W. Arnold and Zachariah M. Carter.
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