4 Prayers to Pray When You’re Afraid

This article is part of the 4 Prayers to Pray series.
1. Read Genesis 12:1–9 and Pray
My life is yours, O God; created by you, redeemed by you, preserved by you, and
mine again today, because you have remembered me. And now the calling of today is upon me,
with its work and trial, and I go forth to it until the evening. Let your blessing go with me into
whatever it brings. I do not trust myself at all. I am afraid to live, unless you keep me. I am afraid
to act or to speak, unless I am guided by you. Hold me today, that I may not leave your peace or
fall into sin. —Henry Wotherspoon
2. Read 2 Kings 4:1–7 and Pray
I pray that the Lord may strengthen you and reveal his own all-sufficiency so clearly
and powerfully to your heart, that you may not be afraid of any event, but cheerfully rely upon
him, to be all that to you, in every circumstance and change, which his promise warrants you to
expect. —John Newton
3. Read 1 Kings 16:11–13 and Pray
Grant Lord, we ask you, that we may learn to have our hopes and fears, our joys
and sorrows, all grounded on your holy Word, that we may learn to love what you love, and to
hate that which you hate. —William Wilberforce
4. Read Micah 5:5 and Pray
O Lord, since I know not whence comes this grievous anguish and pain that oppresses
and troubles my body and soul, whether from the Devil or from mine own weak and diseased
body, I commit the cause of all my suffering unto you and seek my help from you alone, O Lord,
God of peace that passes understanding. Take away, for the sake of him, who in Gethsemane and on the cross did suffer all human pain and anguish; take away, for the sake of Christ my only Savior, who is the eternal covenant between you and me: take away my fear-filled heart, for his dear sake, and so bring quiet unto my body and soul. —Wilhelm Loehe
This article is adapted from the ESV Prayer Bible.
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