4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Sorrowed

This article is part of the 4 Prayers to Pray series.
1. Read 2 Samuel 18:31–33 and Pray
O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and most merciful God, in whose hands are life and death, who gives and takes away, casts down and raises up, look with mercy on the affliction of your unworthy servant, turn away your anger from me, and speak peace to my troubled soul. Grant me the assistance and comfort of your Holy Spirit, that I may remember with thankfulness the blessings so long enjoyed by me in the society of my departed wife; make me so to think on her precepts and example, that I may imitate whatever was in her life acceptable in your sight, and avoid all by which she offended you. . . . And now, O Lord, release me from my sorrow, fill me with just hopes, true faith, and holy consolations, and enable me to do my duty in that state of life to which you have been pleased to call me, without disturbance from fruitless grief, or tumultuous imaginations; that in all my thoughts, words, and actions, I may glorify your holy name, and finally obtain what I hope you have granted to your departed servant: everlasting joy and felicity, through our Lord Jesus Christ. —Samuel Johnson
2. Read Judges 16:18–22 and Pray
Most holy and most merciful God, the strength of the weak, the rest of the weary, the comfort of the sorrowful, the savior of the sinful, and the refuge of your children in every time of need, hear us while we pray for your help in all the circumstances and experiences of our life. When our hearts are growing cold and dead, and we are losing our vision of your face, and living as if life had no spiritual reality, help us, O God. —John Hunter
3. Read Psalm 42:1–11 and Pray
Gracious God, most mighty to help, have regard to my pain and distress wherein I weep and complain so long, and help me. You cannot have forgotten me. I am your beloved child, your lamb that is marked with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. My soul is troubled at the withholding of your help. For days and months—a long time have I waited for your salvation, and as the deer pants after the water brooks, so has my desire been unto your grace. You make my soul to wait long in this vale of sorrow. My enemies exult over my misery. Lord, remember my affliction. Hasten to help me. —Wilhelm Loehe
4. Read Daniel 6:16–28 and Pray
O Almighty God, our only help in time of trouble, look with pity and compassion upon me, now under your afflicting hand. Be my stay and confidence under all my sorrows and afflictions, and suffer me not to sink under the weight of them, through any dejections or faintness of spirit. Give me such an entire trust and confidence in your mercy, through the merits of my dear Redeemer, that I may cast all my care upon you, and with cheerfulness commit myself into your hands, assuredly believing that all things shall work together for good to them that love you; and, O Lord, grant that I may be found such a one as, through your great mercy, may be entitled to the benefit of your gracious promises. —Henry Thornton
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