5 Ways to Use the ‘ESV Story of Redemption Bible’

Five Unique Features
The ESV Story of Redemption Bible: A Journey through the Unfolding Promises of God leads readers on a journey through Scripture’s storyline from start to finish, with conversational commentary written by pastor Greg Gilbert interspersed throughout the full ESV text.
Whether you’re a new believer walking through the Bible for the first time or are reading through familiar passages, the thoughtful explanations found throughout the text provide helpful insight into how God has brought salvation to mankind throughout human history. Use these five features of the Bible to get the most out of your reading and study.
1. Chronological Reading Plan
In the back pages of the ESV Story of Redemption Bible, find this year-long suggested reading plan for making your way through the Scriptures in the actual order that events unfolded throughout history—mirroring the directive notes found in the commentary. Read through an average of three chapters a day to complete your reading of the whole Bible within the year.
2. Canonical Reading Plan
Also located in the back of the Bible, this reading plan follows the canon of Scripture, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. This plan also divides the entire Bible into roughly three chapters a day in order to complete an entire reading of the Bible over the course of a year.
3. Timeline
A fold-out illustrated timeline in the back pages of the Bible highlights key events in human history, beginning with creation when God made all things from nothing and ending with the future new heavens and new earth when God’s people will live eternally in his presence. Each event is labeled with dates to help readers place them in the grand narrative of history.
4. Index of Title Illustrations
Each book of the ESV Story of Redemption Bible features an illustration on its opening page to represent the themes or events that take place within it. Get a snapshot of the entire Bible through the index at the back of the Bible, which provides information about how they were created to reflect the important details and help readers recalling them by their unique visual icon.
5. Chapter Introductions
Get a big-picture view of biblical history as you read through the descriptions of each book of the Bible—either on each book’s introductory page or collected in the free ebook The Story of Redemption: A Journey through Each Book of the Bible. Sign up to receive our email newsletters to download a free digital copy of the ebook to supplement your Bible reading today.
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