50 Reasons We’re Thankful for R. C. Sproul

One Man’s Worldwide Impact
Last week in celebration of R. C. Sproul, we shared a free download of his ebook, Justified by Faith Alone, and asked you to share why you were thankful for his life and ministry. Over 17,000 of you answered with thoughtful and poignant reasons.
Read just 50 comments from among the thousands impacted by his legacy around the world.
“I am grateful for R. C. Sproul because . . .”
“. . . he showed God's grace in discussing matters where Christians had differing views.”
—Guildford, Surrey, England
“. . . his teaching was clear, accurate, and instructive. He was courageous and bold in his proclamation of the truth and gracious in his approach.”
—Jan, St. Charles, IL
“. . . he has contributed tremendously to biblical scholarship.”
—Joselito, Caloocan City, Philippines
“. . . of his faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
—Larry, Fountain City, IN
“. . . of his extraordinary talent to expound God's Word. I am especially thankful for his teaching on the Sovereignty of God.”
—Prem, Bonne-Terre, Vacoas, Mauritius
“. . . God used R.C. Sproul to impact my pursuit of God and his holiness. R.C. Sproul gave me, through his intellect and incredible humor, a hunger for the word of God.”
—Amy, Henderson, NV
“. . . he spent his entire adult life faithfully teaching, proclaiming, and describing the majesty, the grandeur, the beauty, and the glory of the one true God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent. He is a man, who God has used to touch, impact, and shape countless lives across the globe in their faith walk with Christ.”
—Edward, Laurel, MD
“. . . he made the greatest contribution to my understanding of systematic theology.”
—Michael, Abbotsford, British Columbia
“. . . he was faithful to the end.”
—David, Aberdeen, Scotland
“. . . he communicates dense theology plainly and beautifully.”
—Matt, Abington, PA
“. . . of all the wonderful articles and videos that I have read and watched in the past year or so since I came across ligonier.org. I particularly enjoyed all that were put out in commemoration of 2017 Reformation Day.”
—Olumide, Abuja, Nigeria
“. . . he demystified theology for me. He made me realize that theology is not an academic discipline to be pursued only by pastors and other professionals but something to be embraced by all Christians in their quest to know who God is and his purposes for his creation.”
—Etornam, Accra, Ghana
“. . . he helped me see God’s holiness and the beauty of justification by grace alone through faith alone.”
—James, Acworth, GA
“. . . he helped me to have a more biblical view of God which resulted in greater reverence, peace, joy, and love for Jesus Christ and for others.”
—Roger, Akron, OH
“. . . his ministry has taught me how to love God with all of my mind as well as my heart and soul.”
—Katie, Alamogordo, NM
“. . . his book Chosen By God was so influential in my life.
—James, Algiers, Algeria
“. . . he helped me to understand the gravity and weight of my sin, my cosmic treason, against a Holy God while still being loved and accepted because of Christ alone.”
—Andrew, Allen, TX
“. . . his faithfulness to preach the whole counsel of God without wavering.”
—Brandon, Alton, IL
“. . . of his faithfulness and ability to proclaim the mystery of the gospel and shape a generation of pastors and lay people to think more deeply about Christ.”
—Rob, Ambler, PA
“. . . his teaching and radio ministry was used by God to introduce me to theology, philosophy clear thinking. God used his teaching to open up the Scriptures to me as a new believer and I will always be grateful for that.”
—Derek, Anaheim, CA
“. . . his book Chosen by God has changed my life.”
—Natallia, Bandung, Indonesia
“. . . his clarity. Even on the tough stuff! Amazing!”
—David, Belfast, Northern Ireland
“. . . his children's books so wonderfully explain the truth of the gospel in a way that is winsome and understandable for children of all ages.”
—Marie, Calgary, AB, Canada
“. . . many brethren in the church I pastor got to delight in the truth and sound theology through his direct teachings and his influence on me.”
—Christo, Cape Town, South Africa
“. . . of his unrelenting pursuit of preaching the inerrant Bible and the doctrines of grace. He allowed me to see God’s holiness in a way that brings him ultimate glory.”
—Kyle, China
“. . . his clear teaching on the holiness of God was my first venture into delighting in God! What a joy!”
—Steve, Dallas, TX
“. . . of his unwavering passion to make all of us realize that we are great sinners that deserve nothing but wrath. But God gave us great grace through Jesus Christ.”
—Joel, Dasmariñas Cavite Philippines
“. . . he defended the Reformed faith with class, aptitude and love and took it out of the ivory tower and gave it to the people.”
—Vishal, Diamond Bar, CA
“. . . of his tireless efforts to thoughtfully expound and explain the truth of God’s Word with such clarity and spirit of charity.”
—Scott, Fort Riley, KS
“. . . he taught me much, and modeled how I might teach effectively and persuasively. “
—Daniel, Glasgow, Scotland
“. . . my heart was regenerated by the Holy Spirit but R.C.'s radio program and books helped me know the depth and breath of the holy, sovereign God who created me, redeemed me, sanctified, and justified me.”
—Bruce, Glenelg, MD
“. . . his ministry was an effective witness to the Reformed faith and led many out of unbelief and false religions.”
—Jason, Grand Rapids, MI
“. . . he has opened the eyes and hearts of many to the truth, so they can pass on his legacy and love for the Lord.”
—Judith, Kent, UK
“. . . he cared deeply about theology as both an intellectual and practical pursuit. An amazing man!”
—Stephen, Green Bay, WI
“. . . his extraordinarily clear teaching on the Bible. I first learned about him through his teaching video tapes and it made a hugely positive impression on me that I won't likely ever forget.”
—Jim, Hamilton, New Zealand
“. . . He has been a stalwart of Reformed theology.”
—Tragg, Hanoi, Vietnam
“. . . of his tireless efforts to preserve the message of the Gospel through the proper exegesis of Scripture.”
—Mike, Hawaii
“. . . God used him and Ligonier Ministries to deliver me from false theology and lead me to the solid ground of the Reformed faith.”
—Matithyahu, Herefordshire, UK
“. . . he helped me appreciate the contrast between God's holiness and my sinfulness.”
—Andrew, Holland, MI
“. . . he was a man of God, true to his calling and faithful to teach the truth with simplicity because he wanted everyone to understand the Word of God! He truly helped me to be a better preacher of the gospel and I will miss this general of the faith!”
—Angelo, Horn Lake, MS
“. . . of his radio program. It was just like sitting in class. His lessons were so deep and profound that it required all of my mental capacity to listen to it. He was smart, logical, and reasonable. But that didn't make him cold. He seemed friendly and he had a great sense of humor. It seemed that he made jokes for his own sake. And he really did treasure God. That was always clear. He wanted all of us to know God like he did.”
—Katie, Independence, KS
“. . . he opened my mind to the truth of God, his salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ and the reality of the Holy Spirit.”
—Joseph, India
“. . . he helped solidify my understanding of the Reformed faith as well as so many other biblical doctrines. Because of his faithfulness I will be able to continue growing and raising my family to grow with the help of his teaching and the many other resources available through Ligonier Ministries.”
—Jeremy, Jamestown, NC
“. . . he passionately lived out the doctrine that he so eloquently defended.”
—Steve, John’s Creek, GA
“. . . he has helped me serve God deliberately, without looking or waiting for favors in return but to be subject to him for He is God over all.”
—Nicholas, Kenya
“. . . he is the one who lead me to the Reformed faith and taught me what the Gospel really is.”
—Jeremiah, Korea
“. . . he left a godly legacy.”
—Olubusolami, Lagos, Nigeria
”. . . he has been a one of my ‘mentors from afar’ for many years.”
—John, Lancaster, PA
“. . . his legacy of terrific teaching, razor sharp intellect, deep philosophical insight, dedication to Scripture, and love for the Lord is inspiring and humbling.”
—David, Lansing, MI
“. . . he made Biblical theology both accessible and captivating to regular, everyday people and never wavered in his resolve to adhere to the absolute truth and authority of the text.”
—Phillip, MO
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