8 Notable Quotes from What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?

This article is part of the Notable Quotes series.
Truth and Grace for Sinners
Scripture has much to say about judgment for sin and God’s love for sinners. God’s word addresses how we as Christians should think about sexuality and offers us hope and wisdom for navigating today’s cultural landscape with humility and grace. All quotes are excerpted from What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung.
“When sin entered the world, it was not just a fall; it was a curse. The man, the woman, the Serpent, the ground—all felt the sting of the curse so that ‘not the ways things are supposed to be’ became ‘the ways things are.’”
What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?
Kevin DeYoung
Offering readers a valuable resource for thinking through a contentious issue, this timely book by award-winning author Kevin DeYoung summarizes the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality and responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians.
“The garden, the land, and the temple did not prefigure a day when holiness no longer mattered. They pointed to the heavenly reality that has been our hope since Adam and Eve were barred from Paradise.”
“Marriage was created as a picture of the fittedness of heaven and earth, or as Ephesians 5 puts it, of Christ and the church (Eph. 5:31–32). The meaning of marriage is more than mutual sacrifice and covenantal commitment. Marriage, by its very nature, requires complementarity. The mystical union of Christ and the church—each ‘part’ belonging to the other but neither interchangeable—cannot be pictured in marital union without the differentiation of male and female. If God wanted us to conclude that men and woman were interchangeable in the marriage relationship, he not only gave us the wrong creation narrative; he gave us the wrong metanarrative.”
“The God we worship is indeed a God of love. Which does not, according to any verse in the Bible, make sexual sin acceptable. But it does, by the witness of a thousand verses all over the Bible, make every one of our sexual sins changeable, redeemable, and wondrously forgivable.”
“We don’t get to pick the age we will live in, and we don’t get to choose all the struggles we will face. Faithfulness is ours to choose; the shape of that faithfulness is God’s to determine.”
“The church will have a tremendous opportunity to be slow to speak and quick to listen, to keep our Bibles open and our hearts too, and to speak the truth in love and show truth and grace.”
“I care about the decisions of the Supreme Court and the laws our politicians put in place. But what’s much more important to me—because I believe it’s more crucial to the spread of the gospel, the growth of the church, and the honor of Christ—is what happens in our local congregations, our mission agencies, our denominations, our parachurch organizations, and in our educational institutions.”
“Only in Jesus can we be given new birth. Only through Jesus can we be new creations. Only with Jesus can all things be made new.”
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