9 Notable Quotes from Lead

This article is part of the Notable Quotes series.

“The church is in desperate need of a leadership community whose function is not just structured to achieve with efficiency but is more deeply shaped by the comforts and calls of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

“Because of the completeness of Christ’s authority, the inescapability of his presence and the surety of his promises, we don’t have to be afraid of examining our weaknesses and failure. The gospel of his presence, power, and grace frees us from the burden of minimizing or denying reality. The gospel of his presence, power, and grace welcomes us to be the most honest community on earth.”

“Grace means we are not held to our worst moment or cursed by our worst decision. Grace means out of the ashes of sin, leaders can rise because the Savior has resurrection power.”

“We are free to confess weakness because Jesus is our strength.”

“It is love for Jesus that has the power to crush leader pride. It is love for Jesus that ignites and protects our love for one another. It is love for Jesus that turns ministry achievement from a cause for self-glory into a reason to worship. It is love for Jesus that protects a leader from both fear of man and fear of failure.”

“There may be nothing more important, humbling, or culture-shaping for a ministry leadership community than to keep in view at all times that every member of the community is in the middle of their own sanctification.”

“Every leader needs to be the object of ongoing discipleship, every leader needs at moments to be confronted, every leader needs the comforts of the gospel, every leader needs help to see what he would not see on his own, and every leader needs to be granted the love and encouragement to deal with the artifacts of the old self that are still within him.”

“Ministry leadership, at its core, is about a community of leaders practicing together the presence of the Lord.”

“As a ministry leader, you should remind yourself over and over and over again that you do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces in high places. And as you remind yourself of who it is that actually opposes you, you’d better also remind yourself of the presence, glory, and grace of the one who is with you and for you.”

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