9 Notable Quotes from Weep with Me
This article is part of the Notable Quotes series.
Opening the Door
Equipped with the gospel, the evangelical church should be the catalyst for reconciliation, yet it continues to cultivate immense pain and division. In the Bible, lament is a prayer that leads to trust, which can be a starting point for the church to “weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15). Be encouraged by the following quotes excerpted from Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation by Mark Vroegop.
“Christianity looks stunning to the world and most emulates Jesus when our identity and unity in the gospel are more foundational than any other identity—including our ethnicity. Our broken world needs to see this vision lived out in new and fresh ways in the church.”
“Simply stated, a lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust. Laments are more than merely the expression of sorrow. The goal of a lament is to recommit oneself to hoping in God, believing his promises, and a godly response to pain, suffering, and injustice. Lament is the historic biblical prayer language of Christians in pain. It’s the voice of God’s people while living in a broken world. Laments acknowledge the reality of pain while trusting in God’s promises.”
“The church should be involved in racial reconciliation because of what we believe. Our common relationship with Jesus, regardless of our ethnicity, creates a new spiritual identity.”
“When life feels out of control, it’s good to celebrate God’s authority.”
“Rather than quickly entering the typical fix-it mode of many white evangelicals, there’s something powerful about weeping with those who weep. A key to learning is lamenting.”
“Where we have been guilty of personal sins, we should wholeheartedly lament and repent. There is no excuse for devaluing the image of God in our thoughts, words, or actions.”
“A church can’t be Christian without empathy. Empathy is essential to Christianity and racial reconciliation.”
“Racial reconciliation is possible only in the context of relationships. That starts by knowing minority Christians, sharing meals, ‘doing life’ together, and also embracing their hurts and struggles.”
“While we may not understand all the complexities of racism and injustice, every Christian should be able to affirm that we need God’s help. We should be able to cry out together for God’s grace when misunderstanding, hurt, fear, prejudice, and injustice invade our relationships, especially within the body of Christ.”
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