A Free Resource for Lent

In Behold the King of Glory, Russ Ramsey presents readers with a carefully researched retelling of the gospel story, helping us encounter the truth about Jesus's life, work, and message in a fresh and compelling way.
To help you reflect on the book and Jesus’s history-shaping ministry, we’re pleased to offer a free 40-day study guide covering each chapter. Featuring a Bible reading guide, reflection questions, and prompts for prayer, this free companion to Behold the King of Glory is a helpful resource for those who want to study the life of Christ and for anyone looking for a unique devotional during Lent.
In his foreword to the study guide, author Russ Ramsey writes:
Though the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is timeless, and could and should be studied year round, I intentionally structured both the book and this study guide to have forty chapters so that they can be used as a daily reader during the season of Lent. Regardless of when you choose to use this guide or the book it drawn upon, I pray these resources will bring about the same results the apostle John wanted people to experience when they read his Gospel.
Download the free study guide. You can also learn more about the book and download a free excerpt.