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10 Key Bible Verses on Salvation

Because of Christ, believers are granted salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life. What hope we have in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

10 Key Bible Verses on Sin

Because of Christ, our sin does not have to separate us from God. In fact, when we confess it and believe in him, we are cleansed from our unrighteousness.

10 Key Bible Verses on Faith

Faith is a necessary part of the Christian life and allows us to live as people of hope, even when we cannot always see the fruits of our hope.

10 Key Bible Verses on Discipleship

Christ calls us to himself and then invites us to lead others to follow him in obedience and trust. We are called disciples when we love each other in this way.

10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Love

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

10 Key Bible Verses on Serving

Christ set the ultimate example of service and sacrifice when he condescended to us and submitted to death on our behalf.

10 Key Bible Verses on Worship

Whereas Old Testament worship focused on offering animal sacrifices in the temple, Paul says that spiritual worship in a broad sense now includes offering one’s whole life to God.

10 Key Bible Verses on Idolatry

"Keep yourselves from idols" means to keep yourselves from trusting, obeying, revering, and following—that is, in effect, worshiping—anyone or anything other than God himself and his Son Jesus Christ.

10 Key Bible Verses on Giving

God loves joy-motivated giving to others because it expresses contentment in God’s gracious giving to the believer.

10 Key Bible Verses on the Holy Spirit

These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

10 Key Bible Verses on Spiritual Gifts

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

10 Key Bible Verses on Contentment

A believer’s contentment is not to be affected by circumstances, but firmly rooted in the good news of Christ and what he has accomplished for sinners.

10 Key Bible Verses on Creation

Jesus is not only the agent of creation but is also the goal of creation, for everything was created by him and for him, that is, for his honor and praise.

10 Key Bible Verses on Humility

Christ set the ultimate example of humility by submitting himself to life on earth and then death on the cross on behalf of sinners.

10 Key Bible Verses on Parenting

Children are a gift from the Lord, and he is faithful to grant wisdom and guidance to those who are called to shepherd those in their care.

10 Key Bible Verses on Evangelism

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

10 Key Bible Verses on the Trinity

All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

10 Key Bible Verses on Love

The biblical picture of love can differ wildly from how the world defines it. Be set aright and encouraged by these verses and commentary.

10 Key Bible Verses on Courage

The Christian life isn’t guaranteed to be without struggle and strife—and it undoubtedly requires courage. God’s Word invites us to trust in God’s power and strength, and not our own.

10 Key Bible Verses on Baptism

And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

What Is the Gospel?

Greg Gilbert

Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus.

10 Key Bible Verses on Heaven

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.

5 Myths about Calvinism

Greg Forster

In all the areas of theology where Calvin made his most distinguishing contributions, we see the exaltation of the work of the Spirit driving his analysis.

10 Key Bible Verses on Hardship

With the power and presence of Jesus in our lives, we are called to endure and thus shine the light of Christ in a dark world.

10 Key Bible Verses on Trusting God

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream.

Will My Dog Be in Heaven?

Cameron Cole

The perfect happiness of heaven will make your greatest joys from this life feel like misery compared to the complete euphoria of heaven with Christ.

10 Key Bible Verses on Anger

What is righteous vs. unrighteous anger? What does the anger of God look like? Glean insight about the right time and application for anger by reading these verses and commentary.

10 Key Bible Verses on Being Happy

The joy that Paul calls for is not a happiness that depends on circumstances but a deep contentment that is in the Lord, based on trust in the sovereign, living God.

10 Key Bible Verses on Self-Control

Self-control is the discipline given by the Holy Spirit that allows Christians to resist the power of the flesh. Read ten verses that exhort believers to be “self-controlled and sober-minded.”

10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Holiness

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim

10 Key Bible Verses on Angels

Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”

10 Key Bible Verses about the Lord’s Supper

Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them.

The Bible and Islam

Timothy C. Tennent

The emergence of Islam and the Qur’an can be properly understood only within the larger context of the Bible and the monotheism of Islam’s two main predecessors, Judaism and Christianity.

10 Key Bible Verses on Community

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens . . .

Remembering J. I. Packer (1926–2020)

As we remember the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his profound writing ministry and the legacy of his faithful service to the church.

Introducing Subscriptions for

Moving forward, most content that was previously available for purchase will be available on a low-cost subscription basis as part of two paid subscription plans.

10 Key Bible Verses on Greed

Godliness with contentment is great gain. Read and be encouraged by Scripture on how not to covet after wealth and be glad in God.

10 Key Bible Verses on Peace

May the God of peace be with believers—now and always—as we seek to usher in his kingdom here and now.

The Key to True Grit

R. Kent Hughes

If we have stripped ourselves bare of all besetting sins and every hindrance, and have begun to run with perseverance our race, we are then given the focus that guarantees our finishing well.

5 Myths about Hell

Mark Jones

The realities of hell give us all the reasons in the world to persuade sinners to put their faith in the one who experienced hellish despair on the cross.

Introducing the ESV Digital Scripture Journal

Designed from the ground up for use with a digital tablet and stylus, the ESV Digital Scripture Journal is an innovative resource created to maximize the best of the digital Bible and print Bible experience.

Introducing ‘The Biggest Story Curriculum’

Introducing a brand new children's curriculum set based on The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung with 104 Bible lessons that will help children understand the storyline of the Bible.

10 Key Bible Verses on Pastoral Ministry

Scripture offers wisdom for those leading churches in roles of pastoral ministry. Return to the words of God for guidance, hope, and encouragement about this important calling.

Creeds and Confessions 101

Creeds and confessions are useful only to the extent that they reproduce faithfully the teaching of Scripture itself.

Infographic: How Is Your Prayer Life?

We recently asked over 14,000 people about the state of their prayers lives and gathered some stats about established habits as well as some common pain points.

10 Key Bible Verses on Endurance

The Christian life requires strength, fortitude, and endurance. The path marked out for believers is never promised to be easy or smooth.

How to Pray for Your Enemies

John Piper

Jesus is not commending hypocritical prayer. He is not calling for show-prayer. He is calling for real prayer, that is, real Godward desire for the good of our enemy.

6 Passages to Read for Advent

Celebrate the beginning of Advent season by reading these passages either on your own, with a friend, or with your family.

10 Key Bible Verses on Justice

God is a righteous judge, and Scripture details just what true justice is. Read ten verses about justice alongside notes from the ESV Study Bible.

The Value of Being Blunt

John Piper

We have much to learn from the apostle who had the ability to be blunt and corrective while striving toward peace with others in kindness.

5 Myths about Porn

Ray Ortlund

Porn is Satanic. Why do I say that? Because the world of porn is infested with lies. Porn needs lies and myths to keep going.

10 Key Bible Verses on Freedom

As Christians, we’ve been released from the power of sin and death by Jesus and his substitutionary death on the cross.

10 Key Bible Verses on Goodness

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

What Does 1 Corinthians 10:13 Mean?

Jay S. Thomas

This verse promises that God will never allow a temptation that we cannot stand under because he will provide the power to escape through endurance. But what is Paul getting at here in particular?

10 Key Bible Verses on Joy

Joy is the gift of God to those who trust in Christ—not circumstantial, but the result of a deep trust in and love for Jesus.

10 Key Bible Verses on Ministry

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. . . .”

10 Key Bible Verses on Patience

God is unendingly patient with us, his children. In turn, we can exhibit grace and patience with others through the help of the Holy Spirit.

10 Key Bible Verses on Demons

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’”

5 Myths about the Bible

Chris Bruno

The Bible tells one story of the one God who is redeeming one people in his one creation through the one Savior Jesus Christ. The unity of the Bible is breathtakingly joyous.

6 Lessons from Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice contains some poignant lessons for Christians. Learn more about how her characters can point us to the Gospel.

5 Myths about John Calvin

Michael A. G. Haykin

Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.

10 Key Bible Verses on Celebrating

Read these ten verses that highlight the importance of celebrating God’s goodness, blessings, and the salvation offered through faith.

Fight Sin with One Word

Paul David Tripp

Your marriage is shaped by your commitment to say no. Your parenting is shaped by your willingness to say no. Your friendships are shaped by how often you say no.

5 Myths about Gender Identity

Samuel D. Ferguson

While we should be careful not to reduce gender to cultural stereotypes, we must realize that uprooting gender from biology effectively kills it. If gender can be anything, it ends up being nothing.

Don’t Be True to Yourself

Kevin DeYoung

I’d like to offer different advice than what you might hear elsewhere: “Do not follow your dreams. Do not march to the beat of your own drummer. And whatever you do, do not be true to yourself.”

10 Key Bible Verses on Justification

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand . . .

12 Passages to Read to Help Fight Laziness

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

11 Passages to Read to Help Fight Anger

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

10 Key Bible Verses on Time

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

He Nourishes and Cherishes Her

The words "nourish" and "cherish" in Ephesians 5 help us understand the meaning of true love—a love that Christ has for his church and that a husband is called to have for his bride.

10 Key Bible Verses on Weakness

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

12 Passages to Read to Help Fight Impatience

Waiting is not easy, and the strength for patience comes only through trusting in the Lord. Be encouraged by these verses from God's Word when you're in a season of waiting.

Why Study the Book of James?

Greg Gilbert

James is an intensely practical book, filled with exhortations to Christians about the way they should live their lives now that they have been given new life in Jesus.

5 Myths about the End Times

Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley

After the Lord Jesus Christ predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

Kids Bible Reading Plans

With a little intentionality, adults can help build a foundation of biblical literacy in children from an early age.

5 Ways Stephen Hawking Was Wrong

Scripture is true in all that it claims, and when interpreted rightly, it harmonizes perfectly with the book of nature. The church had misunderstood this principle and used Scripture to silence science.

Is Hell Real?

Dane Ortlund

The crass references to hell we hear in everyday conversation shouldn’t dull the agonizing awareness all believers should have of the pains of hell.

10 Ways to Fracture Your Church

Conrad Mbewe

You only have to be a Christian for a short time before you realize that churches suffer from disunity and splits after seasons of peace as surely as valleys follow rolling hills.

Jesus’s Solution to Stress

David Murray

Stress sickens the soul. Yes, stress causes bodily disease (some estimate that 90 percent of doctor visits are stress-related), but it also causes soul disease. Stress and spirituality are mortal enemies.

How to Fight Well in the War against Porn

Ray Ortlund

Many people believe they’ll flourish from the outside in, but we believe we flourish from the inside out. We believe the great things in life come not from our outward advantages but from our inward resources.

5 Common Evangelism Excuses

Mark Dever

Jesus says to tell all nations the good news, but we haven’t. Jesus calls people to be fishers of men, but we prefer to watch. Peter says to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have, but we are not.

What Does Matthew 5:17 Mean?

Drew Hunter

What do the Old Testament commands have to do with New Testament Christians? Should Christians seek to obey the Old Testament just like the Israelites? Can we “unhitch” ourselves from it altogether?

How Much Should Christians Tithe?

Wayne Grudem

In the history of the church, there are thousands of individuals who have faithfully tithed 10 percent of their income and who testify that they have seen God’s faithfulness in providing for their needs.

Which Large Print ESV Bible Is Right for You?

Whether you're a pastor looking for a large print Bible for preaching or you're simply wanting a larger, readable type size for personal reading and study, Crossway offers several editions to suit your needs.

What Does James 1:2 Mean?

Robert L. Plummer

James calls on Christians to reckon any situation, however difficult, as an occasion of intense joy. Not every element of suffering is joy. But, however severe one’s suffering, every trial is a time for intense joy.

10 Questions about Spiritual Gifts

Sam Storms

Spiritual gifts are capacities or abilities imparted to Christians by the Holy Spirit to enable them to exceed the limitations of their finite humanity in order to serve other believers to the glory of God.

10 Key Bible Verses on Envy

Learn more from Scripture about jealousy, envy, and covetousness—and how to trust and lean on the Lord for help when we're tempted.

5 Myths about Mental Illness

Feeling hopeless and helpless is a feeling that we all have encountered at various times in our lives. This feeling or thought is the most painful part of all mental illness.

What Did Jesus Teach about Prayer?

Mark Jones

As mediator, Jesus brings us to God, but he does so by pouring out his Spirit upon us so that our own prayer life is to replicate his prayer life in terms of how the Holy Spirit binds us to our Father in heaven.

6 Keys to a Rewarding Digital Detox

Tony Reinke

Our screens project images to us that are more attractive than our real lives, and that’s all by design. Lured in, we escape into our screens, get hooked, and find it difficult to escape.

Can a Christian Have Mental Illness?

David Murray

Some Christians believe that Christians cannot have mental illness. If a professing Christian is depressed, anxious, or bipolar, they think it’s because they are not a real Christian, or it's because of unrepented sin.

6 Habits for Successful Bible Study

Jon Nielson

Cultivate these Bible study habits. Pay attention to the text, avoiding rabbit trails, and do everything you can to get the main point and the central application as God intended it.

9 Powers of Satan That Are Not Ultimate

John Piper

While God has his reasons for permitting Satan to exist and pursue evil, he has never given, nor will give to Satan any freedom that God himself doesn't restrain and decisively direct for his purposes.

10 Key Bible Verses on Kindness

God is kind to us—most evident in Christ—and demonstrates how we can, in turn, show his character to others by being kind.

10 Things You Should Know about God’s Attributes

Mark Jones

When we speak of his attributes, we must keep in mind that because his essence remains undivided, his goodness is his power. Or, God’s love is his power is his eternity is his immutability is his omniscience is his goodness, and so forth.

What Temptation Is and Is Not

J. Garrett Kell

Considering sin doesn’t have to mean conceding to it. Knowing this keeps you from being crippled by unnecessary guilt; it gives hope to keep fighting, even when temptation is raging.

Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (Jim Hamilton)

Jim Hamilton discusses what to do when you hate your job, offering encouragement for those frustrated in their work and explaining the difference between a job and a vocation.

What Did Jesus Teach about Evangelism?

Jerram Barrs

When we look at Jesus’s life and ministry we also see that he was the greatest evangelist. In his earthly ministry he was the light of the world, the one who always lived in a way that was pleasing to his Father.

10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Providence

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will . . .

7 Tips for Being a Good Friend

Drew Hunter

As we emerge from this pandemic, we have a fresh opportunity to embrace essential relationships, not just returning to our pre-pandemic status-quo, but moving forward into something even better.

5 Myths about Seminary

Jeff Robinson Sr.

Seminary can by no means teach a minister everything he needs to know, but it puts strong tools in his box to set him up for a lifetime of learning and growing in the Lord.

Unpacking “Love Is Love”

Rosaria Butterfield

“Love is love” proudly pronounced that the lover's authenticity determines the love's integrity. Who can judge love? it asked. But does God define love, or do I? Is God love, or are my feelings my God?

50 Reasons We Appreciate Our Pastors

We recently invited our readers to finish the following sentence: "In the last year, I have appreciated my pastor because he . . ." Here are 50 of our favorite responses.

Marriage: A 7-Day Reading Plan

Marriage is God's invention intended to bring him glory. Begin a 7-day reading plan to guide you through what Scripture says about it.

What Jesus Will Never Ever Do

Dane Ortlund

With Christ, though, our sins and weaknesses are the very tickets that qualify us to approach him. Nothing but coming to him is required—first at conversion, and ten thousand more times.

You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death

Dane Ortlund

Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.

Resources Related to Abortion and the Sanctity of Life

In light of the recent ruling by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, we wanted to highlight a number of resources that will help Christians to understand the truths of the pro-life position, to articulate that message, and to truly reflect on the sanctity of life.

An Open Letter to Christians Who Doubt

Randy Newman

Just defining or describing the doubt helps me talk to God more pointedly about it. And in some instances, he gives me insight or perspective that alleviates (but not totally removes) the doubt.

The History of the ESV

The ESV is a treasure that has been transmitted to us—a treasure we have sought to transmit to the body of Christ, to a new generation, and even to generations beyond.

4 Questions about the Trinity

Scott R. Swain

According to the entire witness of Holy Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods. Nor are they some confederation of the one God with lesser gods. These three are the one God.

2018 ESV Bible Preview

Learn more about forthcoming Bibles in 2018, including the ESV Archaeology Study Bible and the ESV Story of Redemption Bible.

A Prayer for Racial Reconciliation

Mark Vroegop

Divisions of mistrust and historical bias run deep. Without God, nothing will ever change. In our pain and our weariness, we know that only Jesus can change our hearts and unite the church.

6 Reasons Not to Be a Missionary

Andy Johnson

You don’t need a reason to go as a missionary; you need a reason to stay where you are. I’ll admit I don’t love this saying. Yes, it’s a catchy phrase, but it’s not especially good theology.

8 Words of Warning

Paul David Tripp

Scripture tells us that sin is deceitful. We are often deceived into believing two lies, as we step outside of God’s boundaries and do what he has forbidden.

An Open Letter to the Prayerless Church

Paul E. Miller

The church is a spiritual force. It is animated by the Spirit of Jesus in our midst. So, if we want to see the church brought back to life, we have to make room to listen and be led by the Spirit as a community.

15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me

Real pastors get honest about the joys and challenges of the first five years of pastoral ministry—and how they bridged the gap between seminary training and life in a local church.

10 Key Bible Verses on Friendship

Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend . . .

The Day My Worst Nightmare Came True

Four years ago, Cameron Cole came face-to-face with his worst nightmare. The one thing that he hoped and prayed would never happen, did happen.

7 Tips for Being More Productive

Ana Ávila

True productivity is not about results but about faithfulness. We are productive when we are walking in the good works God has prepared for us, whatever the results of those good works are.

How (and How Not) to Wait

Mark Vroegop

If you were to take a quick survey, there’d be a strong consensus that waiting is difficult, annoying, or downright bad. Waiting should be avoided and not affirmed, right?

Advent: A 31-Day Reading Plan

The story of Christmas is meant to enliven, motivate, excite, and transform you. May the glory of the best gift ever recapture our hearts this season.

True, False, or Heresy?

Robert Letham

Orthodoxy and Heresy Orthodoxy means right doctrine or belief. In one very important sense it is essential to salvation. Although we are saved entirely by the grace of God, not on the basis of the …

How Iran Became a Hotspot for Christianity

Despite Muslims’ commitment to bringing up their children in the ways of Allah, the Holy Spirit is stirring the hearts of children and adults in Islamic-ruled countries to bring them to faith in Jesus.

What Is Needed to Be a Christian?

J. I. Packer

In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.

What Does Exodus 3:14 Mean?

Matthew Newkirk

As one of the more mysterious utterances in the Old Testament, God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 3:14 has received countless examinations by biblical interpreters.

5 Questions about Mental Illness

David Murray

Mental illness is an old problem; as old as the fall. Although God made everything very good, when sin entered, humanity—together with the rest of the creation—came under the divine curse.

Is Google Making Us Ungodly?

Samuel D. James

Is it true that it's not just the messages that we find on the web that influence us but that it’s the web itself, the process through which the web puts us as we engage its powers?

Why Study the Book of Acts?

Justin S. Holcomb

The book of Acts does not primarily provide us with human patterns to emulate or avoid. Instead, it repeatedly calls us to reflect upon the work of God, fulfilled in Jesus Christ, establishing the church by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel in Esther

Elyse Fitzpatrick

For believers today, the significance of the book of Esther is that it coordinates with the rest of the Old Testament to foreshadow Jesus as deliverer and mediator for God’s people.

You Become Like What You “Like”

Tony Reinke

Social media has become the new PR firm of the brand Self, and we check our feeds compulsively and find it nearly impossible to turn away from looking at—and loving—our “second self.”

5 Myths about Body Image

Sam Allberry

Unrealistic standards of beauty are being pushed on us almost constantly by the media, and the cumulative effect is that it can leave us thinking about our bodies in a seriously distorted way.

Does James Contradict Paul?

Kevin DeYoung

No Christian denies that justification is by faith. That is an obvious biblical teaching. The controversy is about whether justification is by faith alone (sola fide).

What Does "Raised for Our Justification" Mean?

Is Jesus's Resurrection and Our Justification Linked? Romans 4:25 reads "[Jesus] was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification". The Greek behind our English word for could mean either “because of” or …

4 Questions about Our Suffering

Mark Talbot

Why are we to rejoice in our suffering? Why do we suffer in the ways that we do, and why do some suffer much more than others? Why doesn’t God usually answer our prayers for him to end our suffering?

Help! My Job Is Just a Job

Bryan Chapell

Our occupation is what occupies us as we make a living. The word vocation originates in a word for “calling” and refers to what God has called us to do to fulfill his mission in our lives.

God Is Sovereign and We Are Responsible

J. V. Fesko

Exploring the theological past can unearth wonderful theological truths that are incredibly helpful for our own growth in grace and enable us to understand all the more how mighty and merciful God truly is.

What Is True Worship?

Bob Kauflin

It’s the Spirit who brings life to our spirits and enables us to know, love, and worship God the Father through Jesus Christ.

The Gospel in Romans

Robert W. Yarbrough

Romans explains the saving work of Jesus reported in the Gospels, and unpacks many of the teachings that were foundational to the churches that arose in Acts.

Simply Read: Day 1

Day 1 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

Why Study the Book of Judges?

Miles V. Van Pelt

The narratives contained in the book of Judges were written to “bear witness” or “testify” to the person and work of Jesus and the great salvation that he has achieved for his people.

ESV Bible Translation Update

The ESV Translation Oversight Committee met over the summer of 2024 to consider a limited number of changes to the ESV text. Read a summary of the changes that were made.

“Liturgy Saved Me”

Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Life is full of moments where our emotions—love, joy, sorrow, confusion, hurt—render us speechless before God. Liturgy provides structured prayers that give us a voice when our own words fall short.

Unpacking “You Do You”

Brett McCracken

Consensus is hard, especially in an individualistic culture where “have it your way” consumerism is the air we breathe. Sometimes it’s just easier to say, “You do you, I’ll do me.”

Fall 2018 ESV Bible Preview

Crossway is proud to publish a number of new Bible editions this Fall, including the ESV Story of Redemption Bible, ESV Journaling New Testament, Inductive Edition, and more.

10 Key Bible Verses on Family

God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Introducing the New and Improved ESV Bible App

The ESV Bible app allows you to easily read, study, and engage with God’s word wherever you go. And we've just updated the app with a number of exciting new features to make it even better!

10 Bible Promises about Eternity

But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.

Which ESV Bible Is Right for You?

To help you find the Bible that’s right for you or someone you love, we’ve compiled a list of some of our most popular editions, organized by category.

10 Key Bible Verses on Money

Scripture tells us that we cannot serve two masters and that the love of money is the root of all evil. What is the proper way to use our money for the glory of God and the good of others?

10 Key Bible Verses on Fear

We are encouraged not to fear, but trust in the Lord with all our hearts, leaning not on our strength and understanding, but on his.

5 Reasons We Don’t Disciple

Ajith Fernando

We need to think of the blessings, to all concerned, of biblically responsible discipling when we are reminded of the pitfalls associated with unbiblical discipling relationships.

God Will Forgive You

By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.

12 Bible Passages for Overwhelmed Fathers

A father’s world is filled with responsibilities and concerns, and the stress that can arise from helping to support a family can be overwhelming. But God offers all fathers wisdom and strength from his Word.

Paul Tripp’s Story of Unexpected Suffering

Four years ago, Paul David Tripp entered the hospital with what he thought was a minor issue and began a journey with pain and suffering for which he felt completely unprepared.

What Does Philippians 4:13 Mean?

Jason C. Meyer

This verse is well-loved and often quoted, but frequently misunderstood and thus misapplied. This verse is not a promise that God will enable believers to do whatever they want whenever they want it.

Is Your God Too Small?

Paul David Tripp

I’m persuaded that much of our fear, anxiety, discouragement, and hopelessness is the result of bad theology. At its core, what is the Bible all about? The existence, character, and plan of God.

The New City Catechism Curriculum

The New City Catechism Curriculum features 52 engaging lessons designed to help children ages 8–11 learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith.

A 30-Day Crash Course in Systematic Theology

We've created a free, 30-day crash course in systematic theology designed to give you an overview of key doctrines and show how they connect to the specific passages of Scripture.

7 Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Discipleship

As you get going in discipleship doing spiritual good to others, consider a couple of pitfalls you should avoid. The following list isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully it will help you approach the discipling task with wisdom.

J. I. Packer: In His Own Words

As we look back on the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his humble writing ministry and the legacy of his service to the church.

5 Myths about Atheism

We should admit up front that there are some decent reasons a person might have for being an atheist.

10 Key Bible Verses on Hope

As believers, we put our ultimate hope not in this world, but in what is unseen. We trust and wait expectantly for God to usher forth the promised King and kingdom.

6 ESV Bibles You Can Take Anywhere

Someone searching for the ideal Bible that will be able to handle the wear and tear of everyday life usually looks for something portable, durable, and affordable.

Jesus of Nazareth vs. Caesar Augustus

Trevin Wax

The nature of infancy teaches us something about weakness, and it teaches us something about our God. Every Christmas we celebrate not Caesar’s triumphant census, but our Emmanuel: God with us.

What Do I Use to Write in My Bible?

When it comes to underlining and writing in the margins of our Bibles, the choice of writing utensil can make all the difference in preserving the appearance and longevity of the thin Bible paper.

7 Questions about Conversion

Michael Lawrence

To be converted as a Christian is to have changed your thinking and your believing about Jesus Christ, and to be changed into a person who is no longer an enemy of God but a beloved child of God.

How to Pray for Your Pastor’s Family

Jani Ortlund

Would you like to show your pastor your appreciation but are unsure what might be most helpful to him? More than any other gift you could give your pastor, he will treasure your prayers for his family.

How Prayer Produces a Soul at Rest

Lois Krogh

We pray because we should, or worse, because we think we have to if we want to experience God’s blessings. A quote from John Calvin in his commentary on Matthew 6:5–6 helped me understand prayer differently.

Looking for a Large Print Bible?

Brian Martin and A.J. Penney speak about the main goals for producing a large print edition and also the major challenges to the process.

The Common Calling of All Women

Abigail Dodds

Am I faithfully obeying God as his child by meeting the genuine needs of others, or am I pursuing self-actualization, self-fulfillment, or selfish ambition apart from him?

What Does 1 Corinthians 16:13 Mean?

Jay S. Thomas

“Act like men” is a phrase that could be easily misunderstood in light of modern sensibilities. For many, at first blush, it could read as a sexist statement by Paul. So, what does it mean?

No More Going through the Motions

There are plenty of men who know their names and their occupations and yet don’t really know who they are at the core of their being. Therefore, they have no real sense of purpose in life.

What Does 2 Peter 1:19–21 Mean?

Matthew S. Harmon

God is a God who speaks and delights to reveal himself. And so when God speaks, he is telling us something about who he is, what he values, what's important to him, and what he is doing in this world.

Why We Dare Not Seek God without Christ

Mark Jones

The true and living God is too much for us to bear, to handle, to conceive, to adore, to know, to trust, to understand, and to worship. The Incomprehensible One is simply too much for us in every conceivable way.

We Are Both Job and Job’s Friends

Eric Ortlund

One important question in reading any biblical text is who you, as a reader, identify with. This is easier for some texts than for others. Who do we identify with in the book of Job?

Introducing the ‘Blessed’ Podcast with Nancy Guthrie

In this new podcast, Nancy Guthrie—author, Bible teacher, and podcast host—leads listeners to a deeper understanding of the book of Revelation through conversations with respected Bible scholars, pastors, and other Bible teachers.

The Danger of Self-Care

Lydia Brownback

Self-care has become a thing. The trend got traction by appealing to necessity—you can’t care for others if you don’t first care for yourself.

10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Immutability

The Bible teaches that God does not change. Read ten verses that emphasize the immutability of our Father in heaven “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

5 Myths about Fasting

David Mathis

Jesus doesn’t say that we must. But he says we will. In that sense, fasting is not an obligation, but it is an opportunity—and one too powerful to miss.

The Gospel in Isaiah

Kelly M. Kapic

Isaiah’s messianic profile informs Christian worship of Jesus as the suffering servant who brings a new creation through his life-giving resurrection.

Don’t Make Church About You

Erin Wheeler

Our church’s gatherings are ultimately about God. We worship according to his desires, not ours. When we gather we should be governed by God’s word, not our preferences.

Why Study the Books of 1–2 Kings?

Gavin Ortlund

This is a theologically rich book that makes a unique contribution to our understanding of our sin and frailty, God’s character and provision, and the plan of redemption being worked out in history.

A Word for the Discouraged Christian

Tim Savage

The Apostle Paul remembered who he was in Christ. He remembered that beating within him is none other than Christ himself—the indwelling Christ with all his resources of power and love and joy.

Whom Is Jesus Ashamed Of?

Erik Raymond

According to Jesus, the people who are ashamed of him are those who refuse to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. They’ve considered Jesus unworthy of their devotion and obedience.

Who Is Jesus?

Greg Gilbert

A Historical Person Maybe you have never really thought about who Jesus is, or whether his claims have any implications for your life. After all, we’re talking about a man who was born in the …

Why Study the Book of Job?

Eric Ortlund

Perhaps the most important reason for reading the book, however, is that Job’s tragedy—an experience of searing pain and loss which did not make sense within any framework Job had—is all too common.

What Did Jesus Teach about Discipleship?

Peter Orr

Jesus’s instruction about discipleship applies to all (i.e., not simply the twelve) who want to follow him and includes three elements: denying oneself, taking up one’s cross, and following him.

Find a Bible Reading Plan for the New Year

We have made over fifty Bible reading plans available with varying lengths, topics, and styles. Find one that fits your lifestyle and reading goals, and establish a regular habit of Bible reading this year.

5 Myths about Discipleship

Jonathan K. Dodson

There is not an uninfluenced day, hour, or minute in our lives. We are constantly discipled by the cultural, relational, and spiritual forces around us. Which discipling forces influence you the most?

Introducing Crossway+

Crossway+ is a new membership program designed to provide you with gospel-centered resources aimed at strengthening your faith and serving the church.

Unpacking “New Year, New Me”

Jen Oshman

While our collective declaration of “New year, new me” is powerful on January 1, it loses steam quickly. The second Friday in January is known as Quitters Day because so many of us give up by then.

Resources for Small Group Studies

Need some suggestions for what to study with your small group? Browse this list of resources for a variety of interest groups.

What a Church Is . . . and Isn't

Mark Dever

The church is not a place. It’s not a building. It’s not a preaching point. It’s not a spiritual service provider. It’s a people—the new-covenant, blood-bought people of God.

When Jesus Sang

I wonder what that song was like for Jesus. I wonder because of the other details the Gospel writers also included about that evening—and there are many.

10 Key Bible Verses on Blessing

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.

How to Pray for Peace

Erika Allen

The Bible promises that in Jesus, we have peace. But when our circumstances and our emotions threaten us with despair, it doesn’t always feel like that is the case.

Hope Means Resting

Paul David Tripp

Because your world is not out of control but under God’s careful redemptive control, you can have hope even when it looks to you as if darkness is winning the day.

3 Kinds of Prayers That God Answers

David Murray

We know we should pray. We start praying. But soon we give up. Or we pray with no expectation of an answer. Or we pray for the wrong things. Prayer becomes a problem rather than a solution.

Introducing ‘The Complete Works of John Owen’

The Complete Works of John Owen brings together all of Owen’s original theological writing, including never-before-published work, reformatted for modern readers in 40 user-friendly volumes.

Eschatology 101

John MacArthur

The Bible presents the greatest story ever told: the ultimate good-versus-evil storyline—the great cosmic battle between God and Satan.

5 Myths about Making Decisions

Aimee Joseph

The sooner we learn to see decisions as a blessing rather than a burden, the more we will begin to experience the God-intended delight that comes with the decision-making process.

The Ultimate Goal of Parenting

Paul David Tripp

The ultimate goal of parenting is not behavior management. It is heart realignment. The root problem with your children is not their misbehavior but the condition of their heart.

5 Hats That a Lead Pastor Must Wear

Dave Harvey

If the quality of our elder plurality determines the health of our church, then we need to know which hats will best help us to cultivate solid teams. Here are five hats senior leaders should wear.

Resources to Help You Meditate on Scripture in 2025

There are many ways to engage with the Bible and countless tools available that allow you to dig deeper into the text and better meditate on Scripture. Consider these resources to use in this new year.

Bible Study Resources for Men

Men: Crossway wants to equip you with resources to help you joyfully receive, carefully study, and faithfully share God's Word.

Win the Next Generation with Love

Kevin DeYoung

The evangelical church has spent far too much time trying to figure out cultural engagement and far too little time just trying to love. If we listen and are curious about people, we will be plenty engaged.

The Gospel in 1 Timothy

R. Kent Hughes

The thrust of 1 Timothy is that godliness is central to the Christian’s continuing in the gospel and the church’s proclamation of the gospel.

4 Prayers to Pray for the Sick

When or loved ones are burdened with suffering and illness, find comfort in Scripture and in these historic prayers of saints that have gone before.

Life Is a Glory War

Paul David Tripp

What glory right here, right now, has captured your heart, and how is it shaping the way you respond to the situations, locations, and relationships in your life?

What Does Mark 2:17 Mean?

Douglas Sean O'Donnell

The Bible, like all good literature, is full of questions. It includes over 3,000 of them—questions that are intended to make us ponder the person and powers of God and our relationship with him.

8 Principles of Prayer from John Owen

John Owen

There are some generally allowed principles, which, though not always duly considered, yet cannot at any time be modestly denied, that give direction toward the right performance of our duty [of prayer] herein.

Introducing Emblems of the Infinite King

Introduces kids ages 10+ to God’s radiant beauty through the main categories of systematic theology in this imaginative journey through the grand story of the universe.

Does Singleness Waste My Sexuality?

Sam Allberry

There will be a time when there will be no more earthly marriage. Marriage, as we practice it now, will have served its purpose. Life then is a fulfillment of all that marriage now is meant to point to.

The Best Reason to Read the Bible

Jen Wilkin

A lot of people think that the reason they are to study the Bible is so that they can know the Bible well. But when we study the Bible, we always should be coming to an increasing knowledge of God not just the Bible.

Gift Ideas for Grads

Equip graduates with resources that can strengthen and deepen their walk with the Lord as they embark on new life seasons.

The Silence of Holy Saturday

Daniel J. Brendsel

That there is such a thing as Holy Saturday in the gospel is remarkable, if oft overlooked. Why wouldn’t a simple movement from death one day to resurrection the next be sufficient?

What Do Angels Do?

John MacArthur

Revelation 5:8–12 portrays a similar scene, with multiplied thousands of voices singing of the worthiness of God and the Lamb. That is the song of heaven. I cannot wait to hear it.

7 Tips for Teaching Theology to Teens

Jon Nielson

If you’re a pastor, youth leader, ministry volunteer, or simply a Christian parent of a Christian teenager, you’ve probably struggled with the best approach in talking with young people about theology.

Can Women Be Deacons?

Matt Smethurst

Every church, practically and functionally, has to come down on a position. You’re either going to install women into the office of deacon—or not.

5 Ways to Practice Scripture Meditation

Kristen Wetherell

Whether we are feasting with our church—a fantastic God-given means of built-in meditation alongside other hungry believers—or “snacking on” Scripture alongside our children, the point is that we feed our souls.

3 Ways to Love Like God Does

Megan Hill

Love for the church ought to be a fundamental characteristic of our lives. You have a people. They are your local church. And our love ought to mirror God’s love in three important ways.

How to Pray

The Lord's Prayer—a simple prayer which Jesus taught his disciples—can also show us how to talk with God in prayer.

Easter Crafts for Kids

Read Scripture, explain the gospel, and celebrate Jesus’s resurrection with the youth in your church or your own children through Scripture-based crafts.

An Antidote to Spiritual Amnesia

David Murray

We forget we were saved by God. We forget the suffering required to save us. We forget to worship God for saving us. What’s the antidote for such serious spiritual amnesia?

The Gospel in Proverbs

The book of Proverbs is one of the “many ways” God spoke, leading us to his only Son Jesus.

10 Truths for Moms

Katie Faris

While motherhood is a desirable and godly calling, it also brings pain and heartache. But God is still good. He really is, no matter what. These are ten truths for moms like me to cling to on our difficult days.

The 2 Characteristics of Revival

Megan Hill

By divine command, we must pray for the reinvigorating of God’s people—morning and evening, today and tomorrow, this year and next year, and in all the years until Christ’s return.

An Open Letter to a Struggling Mom

Katie Faris

Even while you and I experience the joys and bear the burdens of this glorious thing called motherhood, we remain—and always will remain—beloved daughters of our heavenly Father. Beloved is who we are.

3 Lies About Loneliness

Lydia Brownback

The emptiness that so often accompanies aloneness—loneliness—is meant to be filled, and most fully by Christ himself. Lydia Brownback outlines three lies that can heighten the waves of loneliness.

The Gospel in 1–2 Samuel

V. Philips Long

In the riveting stories of 1 and 2 Samuel we catch glimpses of who God is, what he does, what life is like with him and without him, and what life can become by his grace and in the power of his Spirit.

9 Bible Promises About God’s Forgiveness

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

3 Christmas Gifts for You

John Piper

If Christ came to die so that when you do sin, there is a propitiation, a removal of God’s wrath, then what does this imply for living your life? Three things.

The Gospel in Ezra

Kathleen Nielson

God’s covenant promises are gloriously on display as this weak, struggling remnant returns to Jerusalem after the exile to live together again as his people.

How to Have the Mind of Christ

Sinclair B. Ferguson

It is all very well to say that being “worthy of the gospel of Christ” means being restored to the image of God so that we begin to reflect the character of the Lord Jesus. But what does that mean?

Reformed Catholics

J. V. Fesko

Don’t cede the title of Catholic—embrace it but with the theologians of the Westminster assembly add the qualifier that you are a Reformed Catholic.

Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating

God has far more planned for you than your future marriage. In his new book, author Marshall Segal won't call you to wait quietly in the corner of the world for God to bring you “the one,” but instead sets out to inspire you to live and date for more now.

Bible Study Resources for Women

One of the most important things you can schedule is consistent time in the Bible. How will you prioritize God's Word this fall?

The Godly Wife

Jani Ortlund

Human marriage is not the ultimate human experience. Our relationship with God is. But under Christ, marriage is the most profound human relationship we have.

The Most Epic Tale of All

It is no exaggeration to say that the Bible is the most sweeping and engrossing and enthralling epic ever written.

Christian Economics 101

Greg Forster

With a Christian perspective, we can see the economy as a social web that God has created for people to serve each other with their work.

The Crisis Facing Our Pastors

Peter Orr

Of course, every Christian faces difficulty—Jesus called us to a life of carrying our crosses as we follow him. However, the challenges of those in pastoral ministry are often more acute.

The Gospel in Jonah

Colin Smith

Once we begin to pull back the layers of the story, we discover that it is not really about what Jonah is doing for God, but what God is doing for Jonah.

Observing Advent Aright

Jonathan Gibson

The place of Advent in our calendar as being the four-week period before Christmas day on December 25 certainly lends itself to that understanding. However, while this is true, it is only half the truth.

A Call for Theological Humility

Gavin Ortlund

There are plenty of issues over which Christians will be tempted to divide. We must even be willing to make sacrificial adjustments for the sake of our unity with others in the body of Christ.

Why God Saved You

Paul R. House

God saves people for a purpose. Salvation in Christ begins a life spent growing into being like him and serving him faithfully.

5 Myths about Missions

Andy Johnson

Each myth of missions, if left uncorrected, will likely tend toward a weakening of biblical missionary labor and a reliance on our own wisdom and methods.

Learning Money Management from Jesus

Jerram Barrs

We need to teach much more clearly and with far greater boldness the biblical message that we will have to give an account to God, and that the choices we make today have eternal consequences.

Reading the Easter Story on the Shoulders of Giants

Reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus with insight offered into these events by gifted teachers from church history like John Calvin, Martin Luther, Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon.

Introducing the ESV Prayer Bible

This volume demonstrates the connection between the words God has spoken to us in the Bible and the words we speak back to him in prayer.

What True Humility Is and Is Not

Gavin Ortlund

One mistake that we can make in thinking about humility is seeing it as self-hatred, as though to be humble means you’re constantly attacking yourself or you’re denying your own worth.

Are You Losing Your Gospel Mind?

Paul David Tripp

I don’t know about you, but in the rush and press of life I can lose my mind. No, I’m talking about a subtle form of insanity that often inflicts me and a vast number of my Christian brothers and sisters.

The Legacy of the ESV Study Bible

When we first began work on the ESV Study Bible, we could never have anticipated the way God would use it to encourage and equip Christians to study his word.

Discipline Your Body—for Christ

Sam Allberry

The Bible is littered with cautionary tales of those who seemed spiritually vibrant but in the end showed themselves to be disqualified. The key to it all is the body. It needs to be disciplined.

Is All Rest Sabbath Rest?

Jen Wilkin

The practice of remembering the Sabbath requires Israel (and us) to remember what God has ordained for his children from the earliest moments of human existence: a pattern of work followed by rest.

The Power of Double Listening

Tim Chester

Double listening . . . is the faculty of listening to two voices at the same time, the voice of God through Scripture and the voices of men and women around us.

God, Our Mighty Fortress

Gloria Furman

As ordinary as our days may seem, the world we live in is precarious. The unknowns we live with can threaten to overwhelm our faith and even our very lives. Where can we look for hope and security?

The Gospel in Nahum

Michael J. Glodo

In a variety of ways, the prophecy of Nahum brings home the gospel and carries along the redemptive story that culminates in Jesus Christ.

5 Myths about Pastoral Leadership

We can, with true humility and firm confidence, call our people to repent when they are sinning, assure them of God’s care when they are hurting, promise them eternal riches when they are dying—all on the authority of God’s most precious word.

The Gospel in Malachi

Iain M. Duguid

The book of Malachi contains six oracles (or disputations) that each begin with a saying of the people, to which the Lord responds through his prophet.

What Does Deuteronomy 6:4 Mean?

August H. Konkel

Deuteronomy is the first book of the Bible to demand love for God. Previously the emphasis was on fear of God, an awe of his grandeur and a dread of his judgment that serve as motives for obedience.

Why Do We Do Missions?

Mark Collins

Many passages in Scripture speak to the missionary task, but at the foundation we need to remember that we do missions because Jesus commissioned his people to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The Contagion of Grace

Rosaria Butterfield

When Jesus walked the earth, he wasn’t afraid to touch hurting people. He drew people in close. He met them empty and left them full and turned everything upside down.

For the Joy Set Before Him

Dane Ortlund

When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.

Share the Good News of Easter

This spring, Crossway is eager to partner with churches, ministries, and individual Christians to help God’s people share the good news of Easter with their communities.

5 Myths about Liturgy

Jonathan Gibson

Given that liturgy concerns the order of worship elements in a church service, it’s not whether a church has a liturgy; it’s just which liturgy the church has.

The Gospel in 1–2 Kings

Miles V. Van Pelt

The clear contrast between God’s covenant-keeping and Israel’s covenant breaking, particularly among Israel’s kings, is perhaps the most important theme in the book of Kings.

4 Ways to Redeem Your Time

We each have a blink. We can waste it in sinful busyness or laziness or discontentment or distraction. Or the gospel of Jesus Christ can change how we spend our time.

The What and Why of Mentoring

Melissa B. Kruger

Mentoring is a discipleship relationship that focuses on equipping younger believers for the work of ministry so that they grow in maturity and unity in the faith with the ultimate goal of glorifying God.

Introducing the ESV Women’s Study Bible

Introducing a new resource for women who are eager to study God's word. For a limited time, Crossway+ members receive 50% off and free shipping in the contiguous US of the ESV Women's Study Bible.

You Should Know Irenaeus

Michael Reeves

Irenaeus was born somewhere around AD 130 and grew up in Smyrna in Asia Minor, where the then bishop, Polycarp, became his mentor and passed on his memories of the apostle John and others.

Adoption's Formidable Enemy

Russell Moore

Those preparing for adoption or orphan care must be equipped in more ways than they might realize—most importantly, to fight the spiritual battle that rages for the vulnerable.

Has Grief Led You to Apathy?

Uche Anizor

Is there something great or small you’re currently grieving? Have you processed that grief before God or other people? Is this grief making you numb?

5 Myths about Leisure

Is leisure something we really need? As Christians, we perhaps struggle with the concept, but it is vitally important.

The Gospel in Hebrews

Robert A. Peterson

While Hebrews clearly makes its own unique contribution, it joins other New Testament books in exulting in the same amazing grace in Jesus that forms the Bible’s main message.

Enter to Win a Free Resource Library for Your Pastor

We want to express our love and appreciation for our spiritual leaders this October. Over the next two weeks, we’re inviting you to enter to win a free resource library on behalf of your pastor/elder.

How to Pray about Your Sin

Bryan Chapell

Praying in Jesus’s name is an acknowledgement of our total dependence on his provision. We push away from any personal claim on God’s blessing and lean entirely on Christ’s provision.

We Were Made for Intimacy

We were made for closeness to others and to God through Christ, and yet it doesn’t always feel as though we can grasp God’s nearness to us.

The Gospel in Matthew

Frank Thielman

For Matthew, the gospel is the good news that God has inaugurated the final stage of his plan to reclaim the world from the destruction of sin and establish his just and merciful reign over it.

5 Myths about Sin

Sam Storms

Sin is deceptive, both in its capacity to tempt us to follow its lead and in the way it confuses and clouds our thinking.

No More Passive Fathering

Fathers are called upon to choose not only between our children and our work, but between our convenience and the inconvenience of keeping a promise.

9 Notable Quotes from Providence

The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe.

A Devotional on Prayer by Jane Austen

Leland Ryken

Teach us to feel the importance of every day, and every hour as it passes, and earnestly strive to make a better use of what thy goodness may yet bestow on us, than we have done of the time past.

Benefits of a Verse-by-Verse Bible

Proponents of a versified Bible text appreciate how easy it is to quickly find a specific verse, especially when scanning the biblical text while preaching or teaching.

God’s Word Is Necessary

Kevin DeYoung

The doctrine of the necessity of Scripture reminds us of our predicament: the One we need to know most cannot be discovered on our own, and this same ineffable One has made himself known through his word.

15 Passages to Read to Help Fight Pride

Pride can be a struggle for every one of us and is at the root of other sins in our lives as well. Consider meditating on these verses from God's word to help fight against the sin of pride.

Pastor, Are You Gentle?

David Mathis

We first need to understand biblically what gentleness is, because it is a largely misunderstood term. In our day, we often associate gentleness with weakness. That is not the biblical virtue of gentleness.

5 Myths about the Pro-Life Movement

Scott Klusendorf

To position ourselves for eventual political victory resulting in legal protection for unborn humans, we must engage the public with a persuasive case for life that confronts abortion at the worldview level.

Because of the Grace of God

Mark Jones

God bestows many gifts on his children. Some of these gifts are titles and privileges; others enable us to be diligent for the work of God’s kingdom. But whatever we accomplish, we do so by the grace of God.

Pride vs. Humility in Marriage

Pride is perhaps the most deceptive, pervasive, and multifaceted form of sin, and it plays a central role in virtually all sin.

5 Myths about Singleness

John Piper

Many unmarried people have strengthened their hands with the truth that no one has left anything for the sake of the kingdom, says the Lord Jesus, who will not receive back far more.

The Unresolved “Why” of Suffering

When tragedy strikes, almost everyone who believes in God, along with almost everyone who claims they don’t, asks the same question: Why does God allow suffering?

The Gospel in John

Scotty Smith

Everything John tells us about Jesus leads us to his cross and his empty tomb—to his substitutionary death and glorious resurrection.

Why Sexual Ethics Matter

Sexual ethics, and a high standard of sexual integrity, are so vital. It is vital because it isn't just a petty taboo.

The Utter Folly of the Cross

Jeremy Treat

Since the cross was a monstrous symbol of death and defeat in the first century, it is no wonder that early Christians were mocked for worshiping a crucified Savior.

5 Myths about Deacons

Matt Smethurst

Deacons are not the church’s spiritual council of directors, nor the executive board to whom the pastor-CEO answers. They are a cavalry of servants.

Innovation Exists by God’s Design

Tony Reinke

Innovators—both virtuous ones and nefarious ones—are created by God. Scripture protects us from the myth that God is trying his best to stifle and subdue the unwieldiness of human technology.

Why Jesus Came

John Piper

The reason God became man was to die. As God pure and simple, he could not die for sinners. But as man he could. His aim was to die.

How to Pray about Aging

Susan Hunt

In God’s sweet providence, I began studying Psalm 90 about a year before my eightieth birthday, asking the Lord to teach me how to glorify him in old age.

A Great Salvation

R. C. Sproul

What the author of Hebrews is getting at is the perfect marriage between doctrine and practice. If we believe the things that he has declared, that has radical implications for how we live our lives.

6 Questions about John Owen

Lee Gatiss

Alongside regular preaching and teaching, John Owen produced many works, including books on toleration, his monumental multi-volume writings on the Holy Spirit, and four large folio volumes on Hebrews.

The 5th Commandment Is for Adults Too

Jen Wilkin

The fifth commandment is found in the middle of a list of commands clearly addressed to adults, targeting issues that are, developmentally speaking, primarily the concerns of adulthood.

The Antidote to #MomGuilt

Abigail Dodds

It’s at the cross that we lay down our indifference and our fears about the work set before us in shepherding eternal souls in favor of full investment and commitment to the job.

11 Notable Quotes from Everyday Faithfulness

What does Christian faithfulness look like when life feels unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? Be encouraged by these quotes from Everday Faithfulness by Glenna Marshall.

No More Hiding behind the Past

The Bible has a lot to teach us when it comes to thinking about our pasts. Whatever your situation may be, it is no surprise to God. Our challenge is to not allow the past to control our walk with God in the present.

How to Pray for the African Church

Conrad Mbewe

Major news outlets in the world tend to concentrate on the economic poverty and social deprivation that characterizes much of Africa, but then many believers miss what God is doing in his church across the continent.

The Gospel in Daniel

Bryan Chapell

The “gospel according to Daniel” comes in glowing revelations of the power of God to redeem his people, overcome their enemies, and plan their future.

Satan's Plan for Your Family

Randy Newman

Given God’s high ideals for what families should be—reflections of the very nature of a loving, personal God, sources of intimacy and security, and environments that foster godly character—it should come as no surprise that the Devil would want to destroy them.

Renouncing Narcissism

JR Vassar

Life is a war for glory. Even those of us who have rested in Jesus to bring an end to our battle for glory still fight skirmishes in which we feel our reputations are at risk.

God Is Infinite and Personal

Francis A. Schaeffer

On the side of God’s infinity, there is a complete chasm between God on one side and man, the animal, the flower, and the machine on the other. On the side of God’s infinity, He stands alone.

Have We Undervalued Baptism?

Tim Chester

However baptism is conducted, we go under the water as a picture of our death with Christ and we rise up from the water as a picture of our resurrection with Christ.

God Is . . .

Mark Jones

To know the attributes of God is to not only know God, but to know what God is like. To know what God is like is to know what God is toward us. More pointedly, to know God is to know Christ.

What Do Deacons Do?

Matt Smethurst

The way deacons are described in the New Testament and the way they operate is that they are exemplary servants who function on behalf of a congregation to assist the elders by doing at least three things.

You Can Trust God's Design for Sex

Paul David Tripp

The essence of obedience is not simply doing the right stuff. Rather, the essence of obedience is the heart, and what must live in the heart of the obedient person is a willing submission to God’s authority.

Women Were Puritans Too

Jenny-Lyn de Klerk

We can’t really understand Puritanism at all—that movement so concerned with genuinely loving God in their communities, churches, and families,—without understanding the part played by Puritan women.

The Gospel in Zechariah

Iain M. Duguid

Writing to people who were discouraged by living, after the exile, Zechariah encouraged them to look forward to the day when the Lord would act once again.

The Outrage of Jesus

D. A. Carson

Today it is considered good form to weep discretely, dab tears and turn away, to be quiet and subdued. But in Jewish culture in the first century, that was simply not the way it was.

Marriage in the World Today

If the Bible is telling us the truth about reality, then the universe we live in was created primarily with marital romance in mind.

Words of Truth for a New Year

For Christians, the start of a new year arrives with reminders afresh of the glorious promises that God has made to his people through the Bible.

Pain Is a Megaphone

Gloria Furman

When human beings are delivered through pregnancy and birth pain, there is more going on than biological processes and physiological mechanics.

How Do I Raise Grateful Kids?

Sam Crabtree

How can we raise kids to recognize with heartfelt gratitude that they are served by an endless conveyor belt of divinely supplied benefits including life, breath, and everything?

5 Marks of Contentment

Erik Raymond

With our course marked out for learning contentment, let’s think about how we might evaluate where we are in our own personal progress.

How Creativity Can Fuel Your Worship

If God created us in his likeness, wouldn’t he make us with creative minds and hands? What if engaging in creativity could draw us into deeper worship of our Creator God?

Practical Atheism Comes Naturally to Us

Stephen Charnock

Practical atheism is natural to man in his depraved state and very frequent in the hearts and lives of men. “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” He regards him as little as if he had no being.

Make Psalm 51 Yours

Dane Ortlund

God gave his own Son as the final sacrifice so that your brokenness could be the only prerequisite to receiving God’s abundant mercy.

Missionaries Come from People Like You

John Piper

God is closing in on some of you. He is like the “Hound of Heaven” who means to make you far happier in some dangerous and dirty work. Missionaries and ministers of mercy don’t come from nowhere.

Introducing the New

We're pleased to announce the launch a completely redesigned version of—our online platform for reading, studying, and engaging with God's Word.

The Believe-in-Yourself Gospel

Jen Oshman

We’re a generation that has been raised on spiritual fast food, and we’re sick. It’s time for us to sit down at the table, linger, and sup on the feast the King has for us.

Prepare Your Heart for Advent

In the midst of a busy season, make space in your days to prepare your heart for the joyous reason we celebrate Christmas.

10 Key Bible Verses on Elders

The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach.

YOLO Is the New Epicureanism

Cameron Cole

If this life constitutes the entirety of your existence, then you absolutely must maximize your enjoyment. You must never miss an opportunity for fun and pleasure.

You’re Not Just a Sinner

Joe Rigney

The fact that you have a cesspool of sin down in your heart doesn’t mean you should camp down there because that’s precisely what God is trying to lead you out of.

All Brain, No Soul?

Brad Sickler

The allegation is that we should no longer believe in souls because science has solved the problem of consciousness, leaving nothing for souls to do.

How to Pray in Times of Trouble

Philip Graham Ryken

When we cannot articulate our prayer requests to God, the Holy Spirit understands our groanings and translates them into intelligible prayers that God the Father can understand and will answer.

5 Ways to Flourish in Journaling

David Mathis

It can be helpful to hear that there’s essentially no wrong way to go about journaling, and no real rules for it, but that it’s something you can really make your own.

The Three Stages of Temptation

Russell Moore

Temptation is typically gradual. There's more going on behind the scenes before one gives in to full-blown sin. Russell Moore explains the three stages of temptation.

4 Ways to Prepare for Ministry

Brad Wheeler

Perhaps you’re looking for boxes to check, some way to easily measure your progress toward the pastorate. Now you’re left feeling a bit frustrated. So what now?

Introducing ‘Bread of Life’

This unique book is an enriching blend of devotional meditations and recipes that invites readers to ponder the true bread of life as they bake for their families and friends.

New ESV Study Bible Covers

The ESV Study Bible presents the biblical text amidst a host of supplemental resources offering extra insight into God's Word.

50 Ways to Be Thankful

Sam Crabtree

Why do we need suggestions on how to express gratitude? Shouldn’t a truly grateful heart just naturally overflow in expressing that gratefulness?

A Free Resource for Lent

In Behold the King of Glory, Russ Ramsey presents readers with a carefully researched retelling of the gospel story.

The Lost Art of Catechesis

Catechesis is meant to be a robust witness to biblical faith and practice, a tool which in the hands of skilled practitioners to be used to instruct, form, and make mature disciples.

The Love We Crave

Amy DiMarcangelo

Our craving for love is good, for we were made to be known intimately and loved faithfully. However, when misplaced, this craving becomes deeply destructive.

The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2024

Review some of the year’s most popular articles that cover various biblical and ethical questions related to alcohol, tattoos, heaven, and a number of challenging doctrines.

Living a Life of Presumption

David Gibson

As we move through life, the world just constantly dupes us into believing a false story. Our heads and our Bibles might tell us, “God willing,” but we are immersed in the oxygen of the world, which says, “Me willing.”

The Bad News We Need to Hear

Paul David Tripp

There is one kind of bad news that you and I often work to deny but that we desperately need to face. Facing this news is a matter of life and death, even though it is the worst news ever.

An Update on Crossway in Response to COVID-19

There is a great need for the word of God and gospel-centered publishing, and in recent weeks we have felt a palpable sense of urgency in our labors to point God’s people to the hope we have in Christ.

3 Tangible Ways to Care for Widows

For the widow, a needed gift, a consumable gift, or a sentimental gift are some of the most significant gifts she can receive that often uniquely minister to her.

Why We Need Reformation Anglicanism

Ashley Null

The two greatest issues facing Christianity in the West are (1) the Bible’s growing lack of authority in the Church, and (2) the lack of transformed lives among those who attend.

How Did We Get Our Bible?

Peter J. Gurry

We get our Bible, first of all, because God has chosen to reveal himself to humans. If it weren’t for that first step, of course, there would be no Bible.

2019 Bible Preview

Crossway is excited to announce some new and unique Bible editions. Browse some of the top releases by month.

The Demise of the Deified Self

Jen Oshman

Truly, we are lost in a darkness of our own making, and we got here by dethroning God and enthroning ourselves. We’ve deified ourselves. And it’s led to our demise.

Beset with Weakness

Dane Ortlund

Rather than dispensing grace to us from on high, Jesus gets down with us, he puts his arm around us, he deals with us in the way that is just what we need.

Introducing Unfolding Grace for Kids

In Unfolding Grace for Kids, children ages 8–12 are invited on a guided journey through 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.

The Gospel in 1–3 John

Mike Bullmore

The word “gospel” never appears in the letters of John. Yet it is hard to imagine a book more intimately connected to the gospel of saving grace in Christ Jesus than John’s first letter.

Why Am I So Unhappy?

Why are so many people so unhappy in so many different circumstances?

5 Myths about C. S. Lewis

Harry Lee Poe

In spite of C. S. Lewis’s fame, several myths have attached themselves to him which might give an unbalanced view of the man who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia.

10 Key Bible Verses on Encouragement

If there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love . . .

5 Prayers for Children

The following prayers are from The Primer (1652) by John Owen and can be used to give children a framework for talking to the Lord in prayer.

Merciful and Gracious

Dane Ortlund

It takes a lot of sermons and a lot of suffering to believe that God’s deepest heart is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger.”

Ask for Grace and Go to Church

David Gundersen

The reasons you don’t feel like going to church might be good, bad, or ugly. But, as a fellow sheep loved by the same Shepherd, I’m asking you to trust God, ask for grace, and go.

Immigrants: Legal, Illegal and the Old Testament Law

James K. Hoffmeier

This article originally appeared on Crossway's blog in June 2010. In light of the recent protests related to the immigration reform bill currently stalled in the House of Representatives, we thought our readers might once again benefit from this post that explores how to think biblically about this divisive issue.

The Church Is Not a Metaphor

Edward W. Klink III

As much as a church does facilitate and organize relationships and practices, the church is more than a means to an end, a utilitarian resource for an individual Christian’s needs.

Revelation’s Two Great Feasts

Jon Nielson

When we come to Revelation 19, we finally begin to approach John’s vision of the very last things. Soon we will move to the very good ending of the story of Scripture—and of the whole world.

What All Healthy Churches Have in Common

Mark Dever

The most important things about a Christian church are always the things that make it a Christian church. The things that are unique about your church or mine can never be the most important things about it.

One Reason Preaching Matters

David Jackman

Educational methods are increasingly interactive. Learning by discovery is the watchword. Preaching seems to be just another example of the church being out of touch, out of date, and out of steam.

9 Passages to Read about Marriage

Scripture speaks to how husbands and wives should honor and love one another for the good of each other and the glory of God.

5 Myths about Galileo

Allow us to introduce Paolo Sarpi, a contemporary of Galileo, and the most formidable adversary of the Counter-Reformation in Italy.

What Love Requires of Us

We are convinced in our heart of hearts that love is a feeling, but God’s word says nothing of the sort.

Dangerous Bible Study and Puffy Christianity

Jen Wilkin

If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, surely there is no such thing as “useless” Bible knowledge. So, why so many warnings that studying the Bible could actually be perilous to our spiritual health?

Good Neighbors Pay Attention

Amy DiMarcangelo

The church must be dedicated to hearing and attending to the cry of the afflicted. May all Christians resist the temptation to burrow our heads in the sand because we dread emotional upheaval.

Simply Read: Day 2

Day 2 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

Introducing ‘ESV Psalms, Photography Edition’

The ESV Psalms, Photography Edition seeks to capture the beauty of this beloved book of the Bible by featuring the text of each psalm alongside captivating original photography of the Irish landscape.

Herman Bavinck: The Man and the Mind

John Bolt

Bavinck wrote theology with the church in mind; he prized evangelical piety; he did not disparage modern learning; he took a genuine interest in the world’s non-Christian religious traditions as important data for Christian theology.

Rich in Mercy

Dane Ortlund

If God sent his own Son to walk through the valley of condemnation, rejection, and hell, you can trust him as you walk through your own valleys on your way to heaven.

Has God's Kingdom Already Come?

Chris Bruno

When we think about the message of the Bible, we should never lose sight of God's kingdom, or his reign over his people, and ultimately his reign over the entire universe.

Learning Evangelism from G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis

Dan DeWitt

Though we will likely never establish the sort of platform of Chesterton or Lewis, through their examples we may find the kind of confidence that compels us to cross our yard and begin a friendship with that neighbor who has made it clear that they don’t believe in God

Do You Feel Alone?

Paul David Tripp

We forget who we are, and when we do, we begin to give way to doubt, fear, and timidity. Identity amnesia makes you feel poor when in fact you are rich.

3 Aspects of Our Job as Priests

Edward T. Welch

The heart of the priestly job description is fellowship with the Lord, enjoying his hospitality and protection, living in his house. May we never think that our obedience is the essence of life in Christ.

The Cross is Christ’s Pulpit

Jonty Rhodes

The cross is not just about Christ’s priestly work; it also stands at the heart of his prophetic ministry. The cross preaches to us. The cross is Christ’s pulpit.

Good Authority Submits

Jonathan Leeman

Jesus is king. Jesus obeys. How do we hold those two truths together? And what does it teach us about any authority we’ve been personally given?

Walk in Love

Gloria Furman

Casting off the old self and walking in love is only possible through God's work in us as new creation.

Suffering: A 7-Day Reading Plan

This 7-day Bible reading plan was created to help you draw encouragement from God's Word in the midst of suffering—leading to hope in the gospel through the power of the Spirit.

Draw Near

Dane Ortlund

It is in “our weaknesses” that Jesus sympathizes with us. His is a love that cannot be held back when he sees his people in pain.

Giving Thanks Is Better Together

Megan Hill

Thanksgiving is not simply a thank-you card, sealed in an envelope and intended only for the eyes of the divine addressee. Thanksgiving is an open, public declaration.

Loneliness: A 5-Day Devotional

Single or married, young or old, man or woman—everyone experiences loneliness at various times and to varying degrees. No one is exempt.

5 Myths about Anger

Christopher Ash

We live in an angry world, and most of it is obviously destructive. But anger is not intrinsically evil, essentially evil, or necessarily evil.

Five Principles of Providence

Timothy George

Our faith should be strengthened as we consider God's providence—how our loving father carefully governs our lives. As you study providence, there are five principles that you should keep in mind.

How the Psalms Teach Us to Sing

Kristyn Getty

God’s people have always been a singing people. There must be a robust expression of our testimony to his grace, something not just seen in our lives but heard from our voices.

4 Truths about Pentecost

Robert Letham

Our faith and all that flows from it in the Christian life is due to the Spirit, who renews us in the image of God and transforms us into Christ.

Don’t Wait by Yourself

Mark Vroegop

One way we waste our waiting is by not realizing that God invites us to pursue it with other people, to integrate waiting into the normal life of the body of Christ. We need to wait on God together.

God's Invading Grace

Paul David Tripp

Why did Jesus send his disciples into that storm? He did it for the same reason he sometimes sends you into storms—because he knows that sometimes you need the storm in order to be able to see the glory.

Simply Read: Day 3

Day 3 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

Is Christianity Bad News for Women?

Jen Oshman

The true Christian faith elevates, cherishes, protects women. Women are drawn to it. Our God created us imago Dei, and his desire is that each life will be cherished and protected.

Let's Make Every Sunday Resurrection Sunday

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter, let's resolve to make every Sunday a resurrection Sunday, living in all the good that the resurrection accomplishes for us each day.

Why Faces Matter to Us

Michael J. Glodo

More than any other physical feature, we associate the face with a person. Faces matter to people, and so it’s not surprising that faces matter in the Bible.

God’s Compassion for Doubters

David Murray

The weed of doubt never grows alone. When we plant the seed of doubt in God’s word or God’s power, the weeds of fear, disobedience, and pessimism also take root and grow.

The ESV Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible

The Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible was designed to be a Bible that would last a lifetime. In keeping with it’s name, it is an edition that can be passed from generation to generation.

What Makes Salvation So Great

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What is more wonderful than to be able to put your head on the pillow knowing that if you die during the night it doesn’t matter, that you will go to heaven and wake up there as a child of God?

The Heart Behind the ESV

The ESV is an “essentially” translation of the Bible in contemporary English emphasizing “word-for-word” accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning.

Introducing the 'ESV Devotional Psalter'

The devotional content of the ESV Devotional Psalter is intentionally designed to point to and highlight the biblical text, and to build bridges from the Psalms into the reader's heart.

The Promises of God: A 7-Day Devotional

We are to treat a promise of God as reality, as someone treats a check. We are to take the promise and endorse it with our own name by personally receiving it as true.

Fasting = Homesickness for God

John Piper

Christian fasting is not only the spontaneous effect of a superior satisfaction in God; it is also a chosen weapon against every force in the world that would take that satisfaction away.

Peace: A 7-Day Reading Plan

This 7-day Bible reading plan was designed to help you find the peace that God offers to us in his Word.—How to Read the Greek New Testament

Study the Greek New Testament for Free Did you know you can read and study The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge for free on To start reading, navigate to any New …

Remembering Your Baptism

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt encourages us to remember our baptism—the sign of the new identity that Christians have in Jesus Christ.

The Fuzzification of Faith

J. I. Packer

When the church ceases to treat the Bible as a final standard of spiritual truth and wisdom, it is going to wobble between maintaining its tradition in a changing world and adapting to that world.

What Is Hell?

Thomas R. Schreiner

Hell is eternal conscious punishment where sinners are separated from God’s gracious presence. Hell is eternal. Hell lasts forever after this life.

September 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Everyday Gospel by Paul David Tripp and One with My Lord by Sam Allberry.

Custom ESV Bibles for All

The Custom ESV Bible Program allows you to create a custom cover to represent your church, ministry, or organization.

Our King Has Come

Jen Wilkin

But God’s plan to liberate his people exceeded anything they could have hoped for. He intended liberation from the tyranny of sin itself.

Is Individualism a Bad Thing?

D. A. Carson

Everything depends on how people use the term. Individualism can be simply the focus on self. In certain contexts, it would be very difficult to have a deep difference between the two.

Courage Is Contagious

Joe Rigney

Here’s the principle. Seeing courage spreads courage. Seeing boldness awakens boldness. Seeing fearlessness overcomes fear.

How I Learned to Lament

Mark Vroegop

No one sets out to learn lament. But once you find it, you're so thankful because there's grace that God can give you when the dark clouds of hardship and pain roll into your life.

When Grace Dances

As we savor the good news of the sin-bearing servant of the Lord, we learn to enthuse. The gospel of a surprising salvation can only make us laugh, sing, and cheer.

On the Third Day

James M. Hamilton Jr.

The Lord called Abraham to take his son. The Lord called Abraham to take his son, his only son Isaac, whom he loved, up to Mount Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering there. …

Why We Need the Puritans

J. I. Packer

Spiritual warfare made the Puritans what they were. They accepted conflict as their calling, seeing themselves as their Lord’s soldier-pilgrims.

How Jesus Changes Sinners

Nancy Guthrie

My friend, as you are united to Christ and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is applied to your life, you will experience the change that you long for.

Introducing ‘The Sower’

This new beautifully illustrated children's book introduces the biblical imagery of sowing seeds and planting gardens to young readers to help them understand the story of redemptive history.

The Imperfect Pastor

Zach Eswine shares his own story of loss and the stunning realization that true faithfulness is not synonymous with ministry success.

Create a Plan to Date Your Wife

Justin Buzzard

There is no one right way to do this. Every marriage is different. Every wife is different. You need to create an annual plan that’s unique to the dream God has given you for your marriage and your wife.

Simply Read: Day 4

Day 4 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

Essential vs. Peripheral Doctrine

K. Erik Thoennes

The ability to discern the relative importance of theological issues is vital to the health and unity of the church. Erik Thoennes shares four categories of importance into which theological issues can fall.

Why Are Movies So Powerful?

Grant Horner

Culture is more than just what we believe and what we do; it is also our whole framework for comprehending the world, for making sense, or trying to make sense, out of life.

Saving Faith Receives Christ

John Piper

Saving faith goes beyond confidence in Christ’s reliability, and receives him—not just his word, but himself, that is, all that God is for us in him.

Artist Spotlight: Peter Voth

Learn more about German designer and illustrator, Peter Voth, and his work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.

Why the Book of Psalms Is for You

Dane Ortlund

The Psalms were written for ordinary Christians leading ordinary lives—lives marked by depression, discouragement, despair, frustration, or maybe even numbness toward God or anger toward others.

Virtual Church Is an Oxymoron

Collin Hansen

Virtual church cannot deliver the water of baptism. It cannot deliver the body and the blood, the bread and the wine of Christ's body broken and his blood shed for us.

The Apostle Paul: A 5-Day Devotional

Over the next five days, learn more about the apostle and be encouraged to imitate his example of unwavering confidence in God's grace and love toward others.

I Pledge Allegiance

Drew Hunter

As the election season nears its end, we are left wondering how to process it all, and what the Bible has to say in times like these.

Advent Crafts for Kids

Use these Christmas crafts to help explain the truths of the Christmas story to children in your church or family.

Pastor: Your Ministry Is a Mercy

John MacArthur

Paul’s deeply rooted understanding that his calling was a totally undeserved expression of God’s great mercy to him was itself one of the core convictions that kept him faithful to the end.

12 Notable Quotes from Enough about Me

Self-care may produce happiness and temporary relief from stress or hardship, but real joy comes when we stop serving ourselves and find meaning and purpose in something outside of ourselves.

Introducing ‘Songs of Suffering’

Introducing a beautifully uplifting book from Joni Eareckson Tada that includes 25 hymns with sheet music, devotionals, and photography designed to spark hope in hardship.

An Important Update on the Leadership of Crossway

With great appreciation for the lives and ministry of Lane and Ebeth Dennis, the Crossway Board of Directors announces that they will be stepping down and that Josh Dennis will be Crossway’s new President and CEO.

7 Notable Quotes from Surviving Religion 101

The college years can challenge your faith and belief in the Bible, so it’s important to equip yourself to engage secular challenges with intellectual honesty, compassion, and confidence.

Saved to the Uttermost

Dane Ortlund

The doctrine of the atonement reassures us with what Christ has done in the past, the doctrine of his intercession reassures us with what he is doing in the present.

How to Pray This Thanksgiving

Use this prayer as a guide as you lead your family at the table or as spend time in personal prayer this Thanksgiving.

Raising Kids as a Pastor's Wife

Children are truly a gift—a reward from the Lord himself, and parenting is such a glorious privilege, but it's not easy.

Simply Read: Day 5

Day 5 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

Gospel-Centered Help for Fathers

Leading your family well can become a daunting task, particularly if you misunderstand the role of fatherhood as God intended it.

Start a Bible Reading Habit in 2021

Whether you’re already in the habit of reading the Bible daily or you struggle to find consistent time in the Word, reading plans can be helpful in cultivating daily Scripture reading.

Never Cast Out

Dane Ortlund

The atoning work of the Son, decreed by the Father and applied by the Spirit, ensures that we are safe eternally.

Gospel-Centered Partnership: Faith Comes By Hearing

Faith Comes By Hearing has the mission to “get God’s word to every person and cover the world with the word” by creating and distributing Bible recordings and programs in the languages of people worldwide.

God’s Faithfulness: 2019 Ministry Highlights

As another year comes to a close, we thank God for the work he has done in and through Crossway and the generosity of those who have partnered with us in our ministry efforts around the globe.

The Strategic Righteousness of Ruth

John Piper

The question that Ruth 3 answers is, What do a God-saturated man, a God-dependent young woman, and a God-exalting older woman do when they are filled with hope in the sovereign goodness of God?

What Is Feminism?

Courtney Reissig

Nearly every few weeks, it seems, another female celebrity is either claiming feminism for herself or renouncing feminism as an unnecessary ideology for women today.

2018 Fall Resource Guide

As the summer winds down and school and small groups recommence, find some resources to get back into your study of God's Word.

April 2024 New Releases

Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month like The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation by Kevin DeYoung and Heavenward by Cameron Cole.

Our Advocate

Dane Ortlund

Do not minimize your sin or excuse it away. Raise no defense. Simply take it to the one who is already at the right hand of the Father, advocating for you on the basis of his own wounds.

The Glory Meant for Us

Abigail Dodds

You and I and all those who belong to him and are his children are indeed called to his glory, and we shall become partakers of his divine nature.

Simply Read: Day 6

Day 6 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

What Your Complaining Says about God

One of the things that’s important for us to do for our own sanctification is to ask the question, “Why am I grumbling and complaining about this?”

Why Do Traditions Matter?

Noël Piper

Although we cannot bequeath God to our children, we can help them know him and understand him in ways that prepare them to believe in his name.

How to Be Sustained by Crumbs

Abigail Dodds

The Lord has a storehouse of blessing and honor for his people—the question is, are we humble enough to enter as unworthy characters in his story, humble enough to beg for crumbs?

How Motherhood Mimics the Cross

Abigail Dodds

God gives us gifts and abilities; then he gives us children. And perhaps it seems he’s made an error when our gifts and abilities seem completely irrelevant to the job of bringing up children and caring for a home.

Simply Read: Day 7

Day 7 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

The Bad News of the Kingdom

Michael Lawrence

The news of the kingdom of God is simultaneously good and bad—good for the cosmos and bad for sinners. Systematic theology helps us personally resolve the bad news of the kingdom.

Help! I Need More of God

Jani Ortlund

Some people expect the pastor’s wife to have the most ideal and perfect relationship with God. What should we—women married to men in ministry—do to stay spiritually radiant?

Your Marriage Matters

Genesis 1–3 defines marriage and shows us that marriage began in the Garden of Eden, in a perfect world.

Exploring the Bible: A One-Year Reading Plan

The Bible can be rather intimidating to young readers (and old ones alike) and it can be immeasurably helpful to have a little guidance when independently working through the Scriptures.

Fictitious Mother of the Year

Gloria Furman

Of course, there is not a real “Mother of the Year” award, but we talk about it as we would a lighthearted joke. The reality, though, is that every mother fails to image God perfectly in her mothering.

Can You Hear Your Money?

David Gibson

Money talks, but some rich people can’t hear what it’s saying. Read James 5:1–6, and as you read it, listen to how money is speaking.

Simply Read: Day 8

Day 8 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

How Christmas Cuts History in Half

John Piper

We often think of prophecy as relating to what is yet future or to what is now beginning to happen in the world, forgetting that what is past for us was future for the prophets.

The Root of Cowardice

Joe Rigney

What’s underneath cowardice? How does the Bible describe what’s underneath that cowardly demeanor? The answer is unbelief. We don’t believe that God can do it.

Friend of Sinners

Dane Ortlund

All our human friendships have a limit to what they can withstand. But what if there were a friend with no limit?

Jesus Is Lovely

John Owen

“He is altogether lovely. This is our beloved, and this is our friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”—How to Use Supplemental Study Resources

Go Deeper in Your Study of God's Word Did you know that you can access supplemental study resources with To open the library and see which study resources are available for your account, click …

What Is Apologetics?

John M. Frame

The term apologetics has nothing to do with “apologizing” for anything. Presenting an apologetic is almost the very reverse of apologizing.

Crossway 2022 Book Award Winners

Christianity Today and the Gospel Coalition have announced the winners of their book awards for the year, including Overcoming Apathy by Uche Anizor, which won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year award.

Something Better Than the Gospel

Fred Sanders

There is something even better than the good news, and that something is God. The good news of the gospel is that God has opened up the dynamics of his triune life and given us a share in that fellowship.

When Did I Get a Right to Life?

Scott Klusendorf

Some say that just because we exist as human beings at the embryonic/fetal stage doesn’t mean we have the same rights, including a right to life, at every stage of life. How should we respond to this?

Doubting Your Doubts

Philip Graham Ryken

Doubt can be a stimulus to faith, or an ongoing annoyance in the Christian life, or a fatal blow to someone’s loose commitment to Jesus. It all depends on what we do with our doubts.

The Search for Love

Mike Cosper

Maybe in every story is a thread that the human heart that can’t give up the belief that one day, true love will come along.

The Good News of Easter

Christ's resurrection is more than just a historical event—it is good news about eternal life!

Misunderstood Christian Classics

The way to get attention and be mainstream in the secular establishment is to debunk what has been accepted as true for centuries.

God Taught Us to Pray

On May 3rd, across the country, countless will gather to come before the Lord for the National Day of Prayer.

Issues of Race in Scripture

John Piper

Jesus was forceful about the issue of ethnocentrism, the conviction or the feeling that one’s own ethnic group should be treated as superior or privileged.

9 Notable Quotes from Lead

Ministry leadership, at its core, is about a community of leaders practicing together the presence of the Lord.

Earthly Categories for Spiritual Things

Joe Rigney

General revelation works both directly and indirectly. It works directly by creating categories in our minds and hearts for knowing God. This is direct because we move straight from the made thing to God himself.

What to Say to a Grieving Person

Nancy Guthrie

Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say to someone who is grieving. Yet there are helpful words we can give to people who are suffering—words that will actually help and encourage in the midst of grief.

Putting Health in Its Place

Bob Cutillo, MD

G.K. Chesterton said that "life is as bright as diamond and as brittle as a window pane." Our lives and health are beautiful but fragile, and we need to cherish them.

Dads, Remember the Power of the Open Book

Colin Smith

Children who are able to read will benefit from being with their parents in worship, and it is the duty of husbands and fathers to make sure that their families hear God’s word both in private and in public.

Esther: A 10-Day Reading Plan

Over the course of 10 days, dig deeper into the book of Esther and learn how God is faithful to keep his promises and deliver his people.

Grace Reigns

Dane Ortlund

Just as we can hardly fathom the divine ferocity awaiting those out of Christ, it is equally true that we can hardly fathom the divine tenderness already resting now on those in Christ.

A Go-Between for God’s People

Jon Nielson

God’s word and his holiness ought to bring us to our knees in fear, reverence, and obedience. And they ought to make us ask for a mediator—someone to act as a go-between for us and God.

Everyday Discipleship

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt recalls the mission that Christ left his followers before his ascension.

Learning to Lament: A 5-Day Devotional

Explore how the psalms of lament and the book of Lamentations give voice to our pain and invite us to grieve, struggle, and tap into the rich reservoir of God's grace and mercy.

September 2021 New Releases

New books from Crossway this month include The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund and Good News of Great Joy by John Piper.

Let's Pray

Megan Hill

Let's pray. How many times have you been privileged to say or hear those words?

Share the Good News This Easter

This season represents the hope of the gospel—new life to those who believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

A History of Crossway’s Tract Ministry

Through all areas of publishing, Crossway strives to articulate and apply the truth of the gospel to every area of life, and to invite as many readers as possible to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Introducing the ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty

Featuring the voice of modern hymn writer Kristyn Getty, the [ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty] offers listeners comfort and hope from Scripture amid the busyness and difficulties of daily life.

What Is Marriage?

Marriage is the one flesh union of one man with one woman for one lifetime.


While the chief priests were arguing over the wording of the sign, the soldiers were preparing Jesus for crucifixion.

J. I. Packer: In His Own Words

As we look back on the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his humble writing ministry and the legacy of his service to the church.

The Urgent Need of the Gospel

At Crossway, we would be grateful for your urgent prayers and gracious support for our upcoming ministry projects.

Finding Rest in a Restless World

It’s easy to settle for a subhuman life. Despite all our efforts, achievements, and success, many of us discover each night that our hearts don’t rest.

How Grace Lets You Have It All

Paul David Tripp

The more you understand the magnitude of God’s grace, the more accurate will be your view of the depth of your unrighteousness; and the more you understand the depth of your unrighteousness, the more you will appreciate the magnitude of God’s gift of grace.

Why Tracts?

Tracts are creative, short-form gospel presentations, convenient to use and economical to produce and distribute.

10 Key Bible Verses on Light

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.

Read the Bible the Way Jesus Did

Jon Nielson

Far too often, Bible students seek to understand and apply Scripture without considering that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—the message of the gospel—is the center of the Scriptures.

January 2022 New Releases

Explore a list of new books out this month, like A Dozen Things God Did with Your Sin by Sam Storms and God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke.

What Makes Evangelicals Different?

Kevin DeYoung

What is it that separates evangelicals from the rest of the world, even some other branches of Christianity? The fundamental dividing line is the belief in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Why does it matter if we believe this or not?

Give Them Jesus

Jeff Vanderstelt

It is God’s intent that every person who comes into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ eventually will grow up into maturity. And maturity looks like Jesus.

Video: J.I. Packer on Weakness

J.I. Packer, renowned theologian and author of the forthcoming Weakness is the Way, reflects on his experience of weakness, having been hit by a bread truck as a child and now facing the realities of aging.

Why Giving 10% Isn’t Enough

Greg Forster

Human beings—as image-bearers of the God who made the world—are responsible to take care of the world and to use their time, talent, and treasure in everything they do for the Lord.

The Food of Christian Survival

Abigail Dodds

When you understand Bible reading as the means, the food, the fuel, the sustenance of your Christian life, then you will consume it with joy, like a hungry person eats bread.

Reading E-Books on Your Kindle Fire

Purchasing e-books directly from allows you the freedom to read these titles on a variety of platforms—including Kindle Fire tablets.

Looking Back While Looking Ahead

Ryan Kelly

As David looks back in reflection on his life, he writes not a lament about how many enemies he’s had to face but a praise song for how much deliverance and faithfulness the Lord has shown.

Compromise on Marriage, Lose the Gospel

Who Created Marriage? We must not compromise on same-sex marriage. If we had invented marriage, we could reinvent it—there would be no problem with that. We could make it whatever we wanted it to be. …

Done before Do

Bryan Chapell

When you see the message of grace unfolding in the Bible a pattern emerges. God is gracious to us, and then expects us to respond.

We Cannot Domesticate Jesus

John Piper

Look at the Jesus of the Bible. Look at him. Don’t close your eyes and hope for a word of confirmation. Keep your eyes open and fill them with the full portrait of Jesus provided in the Bible.

Learn How to Speak the Language of the Gospel

Even if they want to, many Christians find it hard to talk to others about Jesus. Is it possible this difficulty is because we're trying to speak a language we haven't actually spent time practicing?

You Died 2,000 Years Ago

David Murray

In the age of TikTok, how does a naked, bloodied, and bruised body hanging on a wooden cross outside Jerusalem have any connection with my life?

Introducing the ESV Audio Player

We're pleased to announce the release of a free new resource that allows you embed audio from the ESV Bible on your blog or website.

Hebrews 11: A 5-Day Devotional

Recount Hebrews 11 and the stories of faith-filled men and women throughout biblical history whom God commended for believing what they could not yet see.

May 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Fruitful edited by Megan Hill and Melissa B. Kruger and Loving Your Adult Children by Gaye B. Clark.

Never Give Up

Bryan Chapell

This poignant account of a man’s ruin and restoration dramatically reveals a gospel story of God’s mercy toward those who have stood against him.

January 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the resources releasing this month from Crossway like Expositional Leadership by R. Scott Pace and Jim Shaddix and ESV Bible Promises: 700 Passages to Strengthen Your Faith.

August 2021 New Releases

Learn more about new releases like the ESV Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty and Rediscover Church by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman.

November and December 2021 New Releases

New releases at the end of this year include Bread of Life by Abigail Dodds, Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson, and the ESV Heirloom Bible in three new editions.

Luke: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan

See how the Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the promised King of kings, showcasing how Jesus’s earthly ministry is good news to the downtrodden, the hurting, and the outsider.

Podcast: The Man behind Calvinism (Derek Thomas)

Derek Thomas discusses John Calvin's enduring legacy, reflecting on the importance of predestination in hius theology and describing what it would have been like to have Calvin as your pastor.

Acts: A 14-Day Devotional for Men

In this 14-day devotional, read through the entire book of Acts with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Men’s Devotional Bible.

Why Tracts Matter

Tracts are meant to be informal or conversational—easily comprehended and relational in style.

"Keeping Holiday"

Crossway recently interviewed Starr Meade, the author of the new children's book Keeping Holiday, about literature, her new book, and more.—How to Change Your Subscription Plan

Lots of Great Resources for One Low Cost Did you know you can change your subscription plan at any time? To change your plan, simply click the profile icon at the top right of …

Video: Elyse Fitzpatrick on How She Reads the Bible

In this video, author and speaker Elyse Fitzpatrick explains why she stopped reading through the entire Bible every year and reminds us that God doesn't get "mad" at us when we miss a day of reading his Word.

Affirmation Is Not Optional in Marriage

Sam Crabtree

The evaporating disappearance of affirmation in a marriage is invariably a contributing factor to virtually all divorces. Short of divorce, it also contributes to flatness, coolness, and degrees of alienation.

May 2021 New Releases

Learn about new resources releasing from Crossway this month including The Making of C. S. Lewis by Harry Lee Poe and The Promise by Jason Helopolous.

How to Read a Classic

Leland Ryken

If a classic is a work that possesses the qualities that I ascribed to it, and if there are good reasons why some of our reading should be reading the classics, then how should we go about our reading of them?

June 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources released this month from Crossway including Waiting Isn’t a Waste by Mark Vroegop and What Is Covenant Theology? by Ryan M. McGraw.

February 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the new resources releasing this month like Questioning Faith by Randy Newman and Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age by J. I. Packer.

Viral Anxiety

Gloria Furman

Because of Christ we can rejoice in hope, and there is no place for anxiety in the city that is to come.

Present for His Purposes

J. Ryan Lister

As humanity proved incapable of fulfilling God’s purposes from the very beginning, God, in his grace, became present to do what man was unable to do.

Is Christianity Good for the World?

Sharon James

Some claim that Christianity is oppressive and toxic, but in this video, Dr. Sharon James argues that a biblical worldview is essential for human freedom, flourishing, and fulfillment.

2015 ESV Bible Preview

Here is a roundup of Crossway's new ESV Bible editions for 2015, arranged in order of their release.

July 2021 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month including Pure in Heart by J. Garrett Kell and Praying in Public by Pat Quinn.

What Is True Wellness?

John Dunlop, MD

In order to have this unified focus on God and his glory in our lives we must carefully review each area of our lives to see what changes are needed.

The Calling of a Pastor's Wife

Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about the unique calling of the pastor's wife to the church and her family.

Give Thanks!

Thankfulness doesn’t come naturally, yet it is an important part of life.

A Parent’s Role in Teen Anxiety

David Murray

If your teen experiences anxiety or depression, it’s very common for you to feel that you’ve failed or you’ve done something wrong. So what do we do with these feelings and thoughts?

January 2023 New Releases

Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Church History Study Bible and Come, Lord Jesus by John Piper.

Video: The Joy of Calvinism

Justin Taylor recently sat down with Greg Forster, author of The Joy of Calvinism, who asserts that Calvinism is a largely misunderstood tradition that is ultimately about joy and the love of a God who saves.

Prepared to Give a Reason for Your Faith

The main task of an apologist, which on some level is every Christian, has been to defend the core doctrines of the faith both within and outside of the church.

Mark: An 8-Day Devotional Reading Plan

Over the course of eight days, be encouraged by Scripture and the wisdom of other women as you seek to apply the truths of Mark's gospel to your everyday life.

A Bible-Infused Mind

Carey Hughes

Scriptural meditation can be woven into our busy schedules—while waiting for a ride, at lunch, mowing the lawn, jogging, and even lying awake at night.

The Normalization of Pride

Russell Moore

Pride is, by definition, idolatrous and insurrectionist because it is rooted in ingratitude. It glorifies the creature over against the Creator and claims the inheritance rights of image-bearers without acknowledging that we have these things …

10 Key Bible Verses on Gentleness

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness . . .

What’s Your Motto?

Bob Cutillo, MD

For every generation, how we live and what goals we pursue depends a great deal on why we think we are here and where we think we are going.

Video: Kristyn Getty on Coming Back to the Bible

In this video, singer and songwriter Kristyn Getty shares two passages that have had a big influence on her life and offers some encouragement for those struggling to consistently read God's Word.

A Look Back at 2018

As 2018 draws to an end, we would like to look back at what God has been pleased to do in and through Crossway over the last 12 months.

Reading E-Books on Your iPad or iPhone

Purchasing e-books directly from allows you the freedom to read these titles on a variety of platforms—including any iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod).

Truth That Transforms the Teen Years

The teenage years have been hijacked—by pleasure, pressure, entertainment, and distraction. But there is one truth that has the power to totally change the life of a teenager: the gospel.

Turn and Live

Zack Eswine

Zack Eswine explains how Ezekiel 18 provides a summary of the gospel in the Old Testament.

The Task of the Apologist

R. C. Sproul

The defense of the faith is not a luxury or an intellectual vanity, but instead is a task appointed by God that you should be able to give a reason for the hope that is in you as you bear witness before the world.

March 2021 New Releases

Learn more about this month's new titles including Providence by John Piper, Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, and the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.

Your Marriage Is Awesome

Your marriage, like mine, is imperfect. But your imperfect marriage is amazing, more than you might think.

October 2021 New Releases

New releases from Crossway this month include the ESV Concise Study Bible™, Unfolding Grace for Kids, and Gentle and Lowly, Gift Edition by Dane Ortlund.—How to Bookmark a Passage

Did you know that you can bookmark Bible verses using the features on, making it easy to toggle back and forth between several passages of Scripture?—How to Create Notes

Did you know that you can take and save digital notes alongside passages of Scripture using the features on

June 2022 New Releases

Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including A Better Encouragement by Lindsey Carlson and The StoryChanger by David Murray.

August 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including Impossible Christianity by Kevin DeYoung and Help for the Hungry Soul by Kristen Wetherell.

Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel, and Want (Part 2)

Lydia Brownback

Just consider the roller-coaster ride of emotions we can experience in the course of a single week (or, for some of us, a single day): anger, love, frustration, joy, sorrow, annoyance, irritation, fear, anxiety, peace, satisfaction, exultation, discouragement, happiness, fulfillment, dissatisfaction, anticipation.

Artist Spotlight: Jake Weidmann

Learn more about artist and master penman, Jake Weidmann, and his work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.

Study Bibles for the Whole Family

God's Word is a gift, and the fact that his children are afforded the opportunity handle it, study it, and meditate on it is an immeasurable grace.

Marveling at Mercy

Like Israel of old, we begin our lives with a sensory disability: we are spiritually ignorant, blind, and deaf.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships

Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"

Let’s Be Thankful

Remember that God is good even outside of the gifts he often graciously bestows to his children.

March 2023 New Releases

Read about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Come and See by Jonathan T. Pennington and Knowing God by J. I. Packer.

Why Work?

Tom Nelson

From the very beginning of Scripture we see that the one true God is not a couch potato God, nor did he create a couch potato world.

1 Corinthians: A 9-Day Devotional for Women

In this 9-day devotional, read through the entire book of 1 Corinthians with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.

July 2020 New Releases

Explore new titles from Crossway including Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation by Mark Vroegop.

Affordable ESV Bibles You Can Give Away

Crossway strives to create ESV Bibles of the highest quality that bear witness to the truth and beauty of God's Word, and that serve the needs of the global church.

The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2023

Review some of this year’s most popular articles and read great content on subjects like heaven and hell, failing at quiet time, gender identity, and the second coming of Christ.

July 2024 New Releases

Learn more about new titles this month including Saved by Nancy Guthrie and the ESV Scripture Journal, Spiral-Bound Edition: Old and New Testament Sets.

Is Success a Friend or Foe? (by Dave Kraft)

Dave Kraft

Maybe, just maybe, we need to revisit our working definition of success to see how much of what we believe is truly biblical and not merely cultural, with a few verses added for “seasoning” here and there.

One Million Bibles: A Crossway Global Initiative

Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help distribute God’s Word to those with little or no access? Our overall goal for this initiative is to raise $5 million for the distribution of 1 million Bibles.

Following Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life

In this video, pastor Jeff Vanderstelt calls us to look beyond the special "church" events that so often dominate our calendars and start focusing on reaching the lost in and through our everyday lives.

New ESV Bible Covers for 2015

We have an outstanding lineup of new cover designs for 2015, but we're particularly excited about several new cloth over board editions.

January 2021 New Releases

Browse a list of the new and notable resources including Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Preaching Bible, Verse-by-Verse Edition.

Church Exists to Advance the Gospel

Jonathan Leeman

We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?—How to Change the Interface Layout

Choose the Layout That's Right for You Did you know that you can change the interface layout at to better suit your preferences? Click on the layout icon at the top of the screen …

July 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the resources releasing this month from Crossway like Answering Speech by Dan Brendsel and Planting by Pastoring by Nathan Knight.

April 2021 New Releases

Learn more about this month’s new releases like Marriage by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, Gospels Set.

Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?

Mark Dever

Today some people, even within evangelicalism, are acting and speaking as if Jesus Christ alone is not fully sufficient and as if faith in him and his promises alone is a reduction of the full gospel.

June 2021 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this mont including The Heritage of Anglican Theology by J. I. Packer and How Can I Serve My Church? by Matthew Emadi.

The Duality of Your Calling

David Mathis

Why has there arisen this impulse in our day toward pastor-scholars and scholar-pastors? Why are so many in the younger generation reluctant to let the pastoral and scholarly roads diverge?

Video: Invisible Creature

Don Clark discusses why he creates art and how it has the potential to give us a glimpse of the way the world was intended to be.

June 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include The Biggest Story Curriculum: Box Set by Kevin DeYoung and Elisabeth Elliot by Lucy S. R. Austen.

The Orange

Finding out your children have special needs is kind of like being given an orange.

9 Notable Quotes from Weep with Me

In the Bible, lament is a prayer that leads to trust, which can be a starting point for the church to “weep with those who weep."

November and December 2023 New Releases

Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Reforming Criminal Justice and the ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Wisdom.

Church Is More than a Building

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt questions our understanding of the word "church," helping us recapture a biblical vision for the body of Christ in community and on mission.

March 2022 New Releases

Below is a list of the new and notable resources released in March from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Psalms, Photography Edition and The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung.

Once Upon a Time

Kevin DeYoung

there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy.

August 2024 New Releases

Read about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including The Heart of Jesus by Dane Ortlund and Tracing God’s Story by Jon Nielson.

May 2022 New Releases

Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including The Lord’s Prayer by Kevin DeYoung, Blessed by Nancy Guthrie, and What Is Saving Faith? by John Piper.

Spotting the Lies

If we’re going to defeat the sin of discontentment, we need to be able to spot its lies.

From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 3)

Thabiti Anyabwile

I lived a lost, God-rejecting, self-seeking life for about a year. Not surprisingly, my marriage grew empty as well, and the difficulties started to appear overwhelming. Then, my wife and I learned that we were …

To Be Human, To Read the Bible, To Live

James M. Hamilton Jr.

James M. Hamilton Jr. discusses the challenges of being human, bearing the image, striving to know God, to find truth, and to help others find their joy, satisfaction, purpose, meaning, and life in knowing God through his Son, Jesus Christ, by the power of the Spirit.

October 2022 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Prayer Journals and Reactivity by Paul David Tripp.

March 2020 New Releases

Learn more about March’s new book and Bible releases including Enough about Me by Jen Oshman and How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics? by Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli.

From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 4)

Thabiti Anyabwile

The Doctrines of Grace My wife and I returned to North Carolina full of wonder and joy. We were changed. The world sparkled with a newness and freshness we didn’t know was available. Everything was …

A New Identity

Jeff Vanderstelt helps us rethink the way we perceive ourselves, reminding us that our identity as believers is first and foremost in Jesus Christ and what he has done on our behalf.

Your Most Basic Need

We must train ourselves to slow down and recognize the greatest need we have is met in Christ’s coming.

April 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Friendship with God by Mike McKinley and Job by Lydia Brownback.

September 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Five Lies of Our Anti-Chrisitan Age by Rosaria Butterfield and Ditigal Liturgies by Samuel James.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community

Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"

October 2024 New Releases

Learn about the new and notable resources including Daily Doctrine by Kevin DeYoung and The Daily Liturgy Devotional by Douglas Sean O’Donnell.

The ESV Bible in Kenya

Through various partnerships, Crossway can focus on what we do best and our partners focus on what they do best, and together we can better serve the worldwide church.

April 2022 New Releases

Learn more about the new titles releasing this month like Gospel People by Michael Reeves and ESV Prayer Journals.

February 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Evangelical Pharisees by Michael Reeves and Social Conservatism for the Common Good by Andrew T. Walker.

Recommit to Bible Reading in 2017

Adopting habits and regimens may appear to provide some stability in out-of-control situations, but without Christ, our feet falter on shifting sand.

February 2021 New Releases

Browse the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month including The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCraken and the ESV Panorama New Testament.

September 2022 New Releases

Learn more about this month's newly released books and Bibles like the ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament (Artwork by Ruth Chou Simons) and Confronting Jesus by Rebecca McLaughlin.

D.A. Carson on Evangelicalism—from ETS 2009

Dr. D. A. Carson presents a biblical/theological definition of evangelicalism that is rooted in the New Testament’s description of the gospel, and then proceeds to demonstrate its continuing relevance and our need for its scripturally defined boundaries.

What Are Your Blind Spots?

Our blind spots lead to divisions and disagreements, preventing God’s people from testifying to his grace with one voice.

Enter to Win 2 ABC Books on Church History

Teach Your Kids about Church History . . . and Learn a Thing or Two Yourself With the 500th anniversary of the Reformation celebrated this year, many new resources are being released that teach us …

Win 8 Books by Paul David Tripp

The ministry of Paul David Tripp exists to encourage Christ followers back to the gospel of grace for help in every season of life's challenges.

Tracts for a New Season

If we’re after true and lasting change, we must pray that the Lord work out our sanctification by his Spirit

November and December 2022 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources released this month and last from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Church History Study Bible and Fight for Your Pastor by Peter Orr.

Cultivating a Healthy Marriage in Ministry

This is guest post by Lisa Chan and is part of Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month. Lisa’s husband, Francis, is the best-selling author of Crazy Love and formerly served as teaching pastor at Cornerstone Community Church …

A Legacy of Illuminating Religious Texts

When you think of illuminated religious texts, the lavish Book of Kells may come to mind, with its exotic inks, intricate decorations, and ornate treatment of the Gospel texts. Since the time of the early …

Why Read "Date Your Wife"?

Wondering if you should read the book? Here are some recent videos, reviews, and quotes about this new book from Justin Buzzard.

God's Word Is Going Forth

Since its launch in 2001, the ESV has become one of the fastest growing English translations of the Bible in the world.

A Live Video Series for Teenagers

God calls Christian teens to reject the status quo and low standards the culture sets for them, and to live in the freedom, joy, and transformative power of the gospel.

Mission or Community?

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why it's important to realize that God has called the church to be in community and on mission.

Preview: R.C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen Nichols

Today, we are pleased to share a special hour-long audio preview of R. C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen J. Nichols, including the book's prologue and first chapter, on The Crossway Podcast.

Marriage is War

Did you expect marriage would be anything different? To clarify, marriage is not war as in "husband versus wife." No, it's something deeper than these "skirmishes." Marriage is a war against sin. This is the …

Why Serial Captivates Us

Serial offers us insights into our culture’s longings, revealing God’s truth in the world around us.

Behind the Book: "Don't Call it a Comeback"

In this series of interviews, editor Kevin DeYoung talks with the contributors of Don't Call it a Comeback about each of their specific chapters. Check out the interviews to glean personal insight from the authors …

A New Book By Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman offers wives of ministers a breath of fresh air, reminding readers that Christ stands ready to help regardless of the circumstances.

Podcast: Does It Matter What I Believe? (Samuel James)

Samuel James walks through a number of common misconceptions and fears that we often have when it comes to thinking about our theology, ultimately making the case that what you believe matters today and for eternity.

Video: Biblical Theology Has A Center

In the Old Testament: God used judgment of the Egyptians and Canaanites to save the Israelites. In the New Testament: God's righteous judgment on the cross brought us salvation. At the end of time: God's …

Download a Free E-Book Sampler on the Church

Wisdom from the Past Crossway’s Theologians on the Christian Life series was designed to help Christians learn from the great teachers of church history—bringing modern readers wisdom from the past for life in the present. …

May 2023 New Releases

Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Do Not Be True to Yourself by Kevin DeYoung and the ESV Teen Study Bible.

Video: Christian Guides to the Classics Series

In these short guidebooks, popular professor, author, and literary expert Leland Ryken takes you through some of the greatest literature in history while answering your questions along the way.

February 2022 New Releases

Browse the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include No Shortcut to Success by Matt Rhodes and Suffering Wisely and Well by Eric Ortlund.

Watch the Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full Trailer

In Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms, Gloria Furman, a pastor's wife and mother of four, shows us how to pursue a vibrant and ever-growing relationship with Christ in the midst of the busyness of life.

July 2022 New Releases

Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including Grace at Work by Bryan Chapell and The King and the Dragon by James Shrimpton.

Video: The Prodigal Church

If you treat your church like a business, you will see other churches as competition. You'll worry about turf and market share.

Introducing the New ‘ESV Gift and Award Bible’

Special occasions call for a special Bible to celebrate them. The affordably priced ESV Gift and Award Bible is perfect for celebrating someone who is graduating, being baptized, or being recognized.

New ESV Cover Designs

Crossway announces new cover designs now available for some of the more familiar product lines.

Midweek Roundup - 6/18/14

Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …

Urgent Ministry Opportunity

Yesterday we posted an urgent request from Crossway's president, Dr. Lane Dennis, concerning an extraordinary opportunity to meet a matching grant for $270,000. In the above video, Dr. Dennis provides some perspective on why this opportunity is so important to the ministry work of Crossway.

January 2025 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including the ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition and How Do I Disciple Others?* by J. Garrett Kell.

March 2024 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including New Morning Mercies for Teens by Paul David Tripp and Ask Pastor John by Tony Reinke.

Lepers Are Still Meeting Jesus and Being Healed

As a believer in Jesus, Dr. Suneetha has taken the responsibility of not only treating his patients’ physical conditions, but also sharing the opportunity for spiritual transformation.

The Church's Mission

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why he no longer tells people to "go be Jesus" among the lost.

October 2023 New Releases

Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Sunday Matters by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Chronological Bible.

Video: Disability and the Gospel

"Why do we in the evangelical church in the West demand that everyone be “normal” and look the same? Why do we as a culture try so hard (and succeed so well!) at hiding people …

When Our Pursuit of Freedom Results in Slavery

Redemption: An Interview with Mike Wilkerson Mike Wilkerson (author of Redemption) sees that many addictions stem from past abuse. The scars of abuse turn to addictions as a means of coping with the pain. Though …

Treasured Words on the Altar of the Urgent

If we're honest with ourselves, often, in the craziness of life, instead of treasuring and applying more Scripture to a heart that needs it we shy away from time in the Word.

Trevin Wax's Challenge to the Church, to Us

Do our hopes and dreams look the same as the world's? Do we claim Jesus is Lord, and then relentlessly pursue a bigger paycheck, a bigger house, a better job, or more leisure?

Midweek Roundup - 1/14/15

Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always.

2015 Readers' Choice Awards

We're grateful for the privilege of partnering with talented authors to publish gospel-centered content.

Bill Pollard and The Tides of Life

Bill Pollard encourages us to think carefully about who we are, who we want to become, and God's role in the decisions that we make every day.

Midweek Roundup - 10/8/14

Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the …

Midweek Roundup - 9/17/14

Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …

August 2022 New Releases

Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Songs of Suffering by Joni Eareckson Tada and The Epic Story of the Bible by Greg Gilbert.

A Word of Advice to Couples About to be Married

Paul Tripp- A word of advice to couples about to be married from Crossway on Vimeo. You can go here to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.

Midweek Roundup - 10/22/14

Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the …

Introducing ‘Meg Is Not Alone’

With easy-to-understand language and colorful illustrations, this children’s book highlights Jesus’s command to “love one another,” showing kids that God has provided the local church to be their loving community.

Midweek Roundup - 9/24/14

Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …

Introducing ‘Confronting Jesus’

Award-winning author Rebecca McLaughlin explores who Jesus really is in this follow-up to Confronting Christianity. Learn more about this new title today!

Introducing ‘Lost in the Caverns’

The third book of the Dream Keeper Saga by Kathryn Butler, mixes fantasy with Christian themes, taking middle-grade readers on an adventure steeped in magic, mystery, and glimmers of hope.

November and December 2024 New Releases

Learn more about books releasing at the end of the year from Crossway including The Biggest Story Family Devotional by Douglas Sean O’Donnell and The Story of Martin Luther by Jared Kennedy.

February 2025 New Releases

Learn about the new resources released this month, including Understanding God’s Word by Jon Nielson and the ESV Scripture Journal: Old Testament Set with artwork by Ruth Chou Simmons.