What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13)
We must be willing to suffer, to give our all for Christ, to persevere until the end in order to obtain the final reward.
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What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13)
We must be willing to suffer, to give our all for Christ, to persevere until the end in order to obtain the final reward.
10 Key Bible Verses on Marriage
Be encouraged from God's Word about his plan and purpose for marital relationships.
We can learn what and how to pray to God from his very Word—even from the example of his own Son.
10 Key Bible Verses on Wisdom and Discernment
Wisdom is, first and foremost, from the Lord. When you desire wisdom, be encouraged to go to him and his word in prayer.
10 Key Bible Verses on Leadership
A leader is to be above reproach, held accountable for the care of those entrusted to them.
10 Key Bible Verses on Salvation
Because of Christ, believers are granted salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life. What hope we have in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Sovereignty
When life feels out of control, it can be comforting to remember that we're never out of the sight of our Creator—and he never loses control.
What Does It Really Mean to Take the Lord’s Name in Vain?
The Old Testament identifies several ways in which the third commandment can be violated.
Be encouraged to embrace God's grace to believers through these Scriptures.
10 Things You Should Know about the Presence of God
What does it mean that God condescended in Christ and dwells with us through His Spirit?
Because of Christ, our sin does not have to separate us from God. In fact, when we confess it and believe in him, we are cleansed from our unrighteousness.
10 Things You Should Know about Demons and Satan
Jesus came into the world as the incarnate Son of God to accomplish more than one thing and defeating the devil by tasting death was among them.
What Does It Mean That Women Should “Remain Quiet” in Church? (1 Timothy 2)
“Quietly” does not mean that women are never to utter a word when the church gathers for worship.
10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics
What is Christian ethics and what role should it play in the life of a believer?
What Did Jesus Teach about Homosexuality?
In a 2012 article for Slate online, Will Oremus asked a provocative question: Was Jesus a homophobe?
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Faithfulness
But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.
10 Things You Should Know about the Garden of Eden
From the very beginning, Eden was not meant to be static; it was headed somewhere.
Faith is a necessary part of the Christian life and allows us to live as people of hope, even when we cannot always see the fruits of our hope.
What Was Paul's Thorn in the Flesh? (2 Corinthians 12)
This passage gives every indication that the thorn in Paul's flesh is still a present reality and thus represents a prolonged, sustained pain. But what was the thorn?
10 Key Bible Verses on Obedience
We are no longer under Old Testament law; but as believers, we are still marked by our obedience to Christ.
Infographic: You Have More Time for Bible Reading than You Think
If someone observed an average day in your life, how would they see you spend your time? How much do you devote to Bible reading?
10 Crucial Archaeological Discoveries Related to the Bible
While archaeological findings don’t prove the truth of Scripture, they do have the potential to enrich our understanding and draw us into the world of the biblical writers.
10 Key Bible Verses on Death and Resurrection
God’s Word paints a picture of a future when death will be swallowed up in Christ’s victory on the cross and where believers will live eternally with him.
10 Key Bible Verses on Persecution
Jesus suffered and died on behalf of sinners and calls blessed those that follow in his steps for his name’s sake.
10 Key Bible Verses on Discipleship
Christ calls us to himself and then invites us to lead others to follow him in obedience and trust. We are called disciples when we love each other in this way.
10 Things You Should Know about the Cross
The cross is not only where our sin is paid for, where the devil is conquered, but the shape of Christianity.
Pride is a sin because of its self-centered, rather than God-centered, perspective on life.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Love
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
11 Passages to Read When You Feel Lonely
Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
What Does It Mean that Women Are to Submit to Their Husbands? (Ephesians 5)
What does it mean that husbands are the head of their wives and that they should love them as Christ loved the church?
What Did Moses See When He Saw the “Back” of God?
God is present throughout the events of the exodus. But theophanies represent events of intensive presence that underline the principle that he is always present with his people and that he is faithful to his word and his covenant.
10 Things You Should Know about the Biblical Covenants
Thomas Schreiner shares 10 important things you should know about the biblical covenants—the backbone of the biblical story.
16 Passages to Read to Help Fight Lust
When faced with temptation, arm yourself with these verses from the word of God about fighting sexual sin.
Why Did God Command Hosea to Marry a Prostitute? (Hosea 1 & 3)
What is God teaching us about his faithfulness in the story of Hosea and Gomer?
Even those in their prime with perfect health have limits. We need a stronger strength to match our deep discouragements.
34 Ethical Issues All Christians Should Know
What does the whole Bible teach us about which acts, attitudes, and personal character traits receive God’s approval, and which do not?
10 Key Bible Verses on Forgiveness
God offers us forgiveness from our sins in Christ if we confess our wrongs and trust in him.
10 Key Bible Verses on Serving
Christ set the ultimate example of service and sacrifice when he condescended to us and submitted to death on our behalf.
10 Key Bible Verses on Worship
Whereas Old Testament worship focused on offering animal sacrifices in the temple, Paul says that spiritual worship in a broad sense now includes offering one’s whole life to God.
5 Myths about Angels and Demons
Sadly, there is a lot of confusion about angels and demons and certain myths that simply won’t die. Here are five of them.
10 Things You Should Know about the Love of God
No human mind can comprehend God. We cannot define God or provide a comprehensive account of who he is.
10 Key Bible Verses on Idolatry
"Keep yourselves from idols" means to keep yourselves from trusting, obeying, revering, and following—that is, in effect, worshiping—anyone or anything other than God himself and his Son Jesus Christ.
God loves joy-motivated giving to others because it expresses contentment in God’s gracious giving to the believer.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Holy Spirit
These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
10 Key Bible Verses on Spiritual Gifts
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.
10 Key Bible Verses on Contentment
A believer’s contentment is not to be affected by circumstances, but firmly rooted in the good news of Christ and what he has accomplished for sinners.
7 Steps to Walking the Spiritual Walk
Here are 7 suggestions that will fuel a passion for the things of the Spirit and further educate how to live a life directed by him.
Why Did Jesus Say, “On This Rock I Will Build My Church”? (Matthew 16)
When Peter forbids the cross, he is a stumbling stone. When he proclaims Jesus as the Christ, he is a rock.
How Jesus Viewed and Valued Women
Jesus’s regard for women was much different from that of his contemporaries.
10 Key Bible Verses on Creation
Jesus is not only the agent of creation but is also the goal of creation, for everything was created by him and for him, that is, for his honor and praise.
10 Key Bible Verses on Humility
Christ set the ultimate example of humility by submitting himself to life on earth and then death on the cross on behalf of sinners.
What Is the Millennium? (Revelation 20)
Christians have disagreed over the details of this passage for nearly two thousand years.
10 Key Bible Verses on Parenting
Children are a gift from the Lord, and he is faithful to grant wisdom and guidance to those who are called to shepherd those in their care.
10 Things You Should Know about Reformed Theology
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
The heart and soul of Reformed theology is the glory of the triune God. For this reason, it is often called “God-centered” theology.
Help! I’m Struggling with the Doctrine of Predestination
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
If you have struggled with this doctrine, you are not alone. Even Jonathan Edwards once wrestled with it before he became fully satisfied with it.
10 Things You Should Know about Evangelism
10 foundational truths to consider about the biblical call to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
3 Things We Must Believe about God’s Word
In Psalm 119 we see at least three essential, irreducible characteristics we should believe about God’s word.
What Does "Arsenokoitai" Mean?
That word is an unusual word. It’s a new word; we don’t know of any other instances of the word until Paul coins the word in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1.
10 Key Bible Verses on Evangelism
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
10 Key Bible Verses on Healing
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
Who Are the 144,000? (Revelation 7)
Who will escape the wrath of God at the final judgment? Only those who belong to God, those who are sealed by him, who are numbered by him.
What Is the Sin that Leads to Death? (1 John 5)
What is the “sin that leads to death” and why does John not say we should pray for people committing such sin?
What Are the Seventy Weeks of Daniel? (Daniel 9)
The events detailed in Daniel 9 are fulfilled in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the coming king.
What Does It Mean to Be Fearfully and Wonderfully Made?
There is something so intricate and meaningful about how God has made us that we really should be in awe of that fact.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Trinity
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
7 Passages to Read on Good Friday
Meditate on Good Friday by reading these 7 powerful Bible passages.
Does God Single Out the Sin of Homosexuality? (Romans 1)
While in recent years same-sex relations have been glamorized in some sectors of society, Jesus confirmed that God’s will for marriage has always been lifelong heterosexual monogamy.
Who Is the Man of Lawlessness? (2 Thessalonians 2)
The man of lawlessness seeks to make himself the central person of worship, beyond any other religious objects or personages in his day.
What Does It Mean that God Hated Esau? (Malachi 1)
Because God's love was unmerited, it is unchanging. From before their ancestor’s birth, God has loved Israel.
10 Things You Should Know about Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon was known as the 'Prince of Preachers.' Learn more about the life and ministry of this influential theologian and preacher.
Why should you get baptized? Christ not only commands believers to get baptized, baptism is also a gift he graciously gives for our benefit and blessing.
The biblical picture of love can differ wildly from how the world defines it. Be set aright and encouraged by these verses and commentary.
7 Passages to Read about God’s Protection
God is an ever-present help in trouble. Read from Scripture these truths about God's nearness to those who call upon his name.
10 Key Bible Verses on Judgment
There is “no condemnation” for the Christian because God has condemned sin in the flesh by sending his own Son.
Does God Want Everyone to Be Saved? (1 Timothy 2)
God’s people are not merely praying for God to give them a peaceful and quiet life. They are praying that all people might experience salvation through Christ.
10 Passages to Read with Someone Who Is Near Death
Consider reading these passages if you are together with someone nearing the end of their life and you are searching for comfort in God's word.
10 Key Bible Verses on Gratitude
Gratitude to God is essential, but not only for the sake of the good things which he bestows.
10 Things You Should Know about the Bible’s Teaching on Men and Women
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Maleness and femaleness are creational, not contractual. They are divinely instituted rather than socially defined.
Free Resources for Your Stay at Home during COVID-19
When many families are reorienting their lives and schedules around more time at home, we hope you will find these resources helpful in grounding you in the hope of the gospel.
10 Key Bible Verses on Courage
The Christian life isn’t guaranteed to be without struggle and strife—and it undoubtedly requires courage. God’s Word invites us to trust in God’s power and strength, and not our own.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Church
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
3 Lessons about Scripture from 2 Timothy 3:16–17
What can we learn about the reliability and purposes of God's Word from Paul's letter to Timothy?
How Suffering Reveals Your True Self
When the thing you have been trusting is laid to waste, you don’t suffer just the loss of that thing; you also suffer the loss of the identity and security that it provided.
What Are the Tongues of Fire? (Acts 2)
Apostolic witness, signs and wonders, and regeneration—are all entirely the doing of the Spirit. How the Spirit is working and what he is bringing about depends on the context.
What Does It Mean that Women Will Be Saved through Childbearing? (1 Timothy 2)
The interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15 has been an item of great debate among commentators.
10 Things You Should Know about Church Discipline
Church discipline is not man’s idea, but God’s. Learn more about what it is and why it's so purposeful in the Christian life.
10 Key Bible Verses on Baptism
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
10 Things You Should Know about the New Heavens and the New Earth
God will have the final victory over what God has made. It will not be discarded but rescued.
Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Divinity of Jesus
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
How Can We Know We'll Go to Heaven?
Hell is our default destination, but because Jesus Christ took our sin upon himself on the cross, we can have assurance that we will go to heaven.
10 Key Bible Verses on Children
Scripture is not silent on the value of children and how parents ought to regard and guide them in wisdom.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Second Coming of Christ
But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Studying the Bible
Reading God's Word is encouraging, life-giving, convicting, and guiding. But, our habits can also be misguided.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Devil
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
What Does Jeremiah 29:11 Mean?
This verse is commonly found on bumper stickers, signs, cards, etc. to encourage people to have hope for the future. But is that really what this well-known verse means?
What Does It Mean That God Chose Us before the Foundation of the World? (Ephesians 1)
God’s choice of his people is related to their being predestined to be a part of his family, but predestination is not an end in itself.
What Does It Mean that Samuel Was Brought Up from the Dead? (1 Samuel 28)
When Saul can no longer consult the prophet, Samuel, he uses a medium to communicate with him from the dead.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
In all the areas of theology where Calvin made his most distinguishing contributions, we see the exaltation of the work of the Spirit driving his analysis.
8 Things We Can Learn from Augustine
What does Augustine mean to us now? What is there about his life and work that still speaks to the Christian life today?
10 Things You Should Know about Justification by Faith
Justification by faith does not draw attention to ourselves and our great faith but rather to Christ and God’s great work of redemption through him.
How Tall Was Goliath? A Textual Dilemma
Through the discipline of textual criticism, we can have a high degree of certainty as to the content of the original Old Testament manuscripts.
10 Key Bible Verses on Scripture
The divine origin of Scripture is the reason for its power to convert and its usefulness in training.
10 Things You Should Know about the ESV Translation
We believed that the Bible was the most valuable thing in the world, and that was the motivating force behind the publication of the English Standard Version.
Why We Should Not Fear Satan and Demons
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
How can one know which concepts about Satan and demons are biblically accurate and which are not?
Download a Free Bible Reading Plan
Reading plans exist to provide guidance, dividing Scripture into manageable portions for each day.
10 Things You Should Know about Sex
God created and has good purposes for sex in the context of marriage, and we don't always view it rightly.
10 Things You Should Know about the Resurrection
Sadly, the church only seems to get excited about the resurrection once a year at Easter time. In reality, every Sunday should be Resurrection Sunday.
10 Key Bible Verses on Fellowship
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
10 Things You Should Know about Church Elders
Jeramie Rinne lists 10 things we should know about church elders.
10 Key Bible Verses on Hardship
With the power and presence of Jesus in our lives, we are called to endure and thus shine the light of Christ in a dark world.
4 Ways to Fight Sexual Temptation
We must choke temptation to death—it is the only way out. Here are four ways to fight when temptation strikes.
God has given us work to do faithfully and joyfully—with both our minds and our hands.
10 Key Bible Verses on Trusting God
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream.
Why Are There So Many Versions of the Bible?
Go into any Christian bookstore, and you can find an entire shelf—sometimes an entire section!—of different Bible translations.
The Provision of Sacrifice in the Old Testament
Lesson number one on God’s holiness and the people’s sinfulness was delivered in the form of instructions for offering sacrifices at the tabernacle.
Did You Know That Charles Spurgeon Struggled with Depression?
It comes as a surprise to some that Charles Spurgeon had a lifelong battle with depression. It shouldn’t be a surprise, of course: being full of life in a fallen world must mean distress, and Spurgeon’s life was indeed full of physical and mental pain.
The perfect happiness of heaven will make your greatest joys from this life feel like misery compared to the complete euphoria of heaven with Christ.
Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper
The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet? A Rock that cannot be shaken—ever?
What Did John Mean When He Called Jesus the “Word”? (John 1)
John proclaims the Word as God, through whom the world was made, in whom is life, and who is unquenchable light.
What Did Jesus Teach about Hell?
No Bible spokesman places more stress on hell as the final consequence of God’s judgment of condemnation than Jesus.
People are susceptible to believing all sorts of misconceptions about the purposes and practices of marriage.
What Every Book of the New Testament Is About
Brief summaries of the New Testament books.
What the Name “Jesus” Means for Believers
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Why were Joseph and Mary commanded to name the holy Child “Jesus?” What does his name mean for believing Christians?
7 Good Reasons to Leave a Church
Illegitimate reasons for leaving a church abound, but there are circumstances when it is right to make the painful decision to leave.
You should never stop pursuing your wife. Here are twenty ideas to help your marriage flourish.
4 Points of Evidence for the Resurrection
What historical evidence was sufficient to convince these non-Christians that the resurrection should be taken seriously and not carelessly dismissed?
What Is the Rapture? (1 Thessalonians 4)
What does it mean for living believers to be “caught up together with them in the clouds” and to “meet the Lord in the air?"
Jesus Said More about Hell Than Anyone in the Bible
The word wrath is important for understanding what Jesus meant by hell. Hell is not simply the natural consequence of rejecting God.
10 Things You Should Know about Systematic Theology
Systematic theology teaches us to trace all things from, through, and to God, enabling us to give him all the glory.
10 Things You Should Know about the Lord’s Supper
The Communion meal involves us in and embraces us in God’s grace. We are not mere observers. We do something. We eat something. We become participants in the story.
Why Was Satan Allowed to Torment Job? (Job 1)
What is curious is that God is impressed not by Satan’s extraordinary abilities but rather by Job’s character.
What Did Jesus Teach about Politics?
If we take the lordship of Christ in our lives seriously, then we should seek to apply that lordship to our participation in politics.
What is righteous vs. unrighteous anger? What does the anger of God look like? Glean insight about the right time and application for anger by reading these verses and commentary.
10 Key Bible Verses on Being Happy
The joy that Paul calls for is not a happiness that depends on circumstances but a deep contentment that is in the Lord, based on trust in the sovereign, living God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Self-Control
Self-control is the discipline given by the Holy Spirit that allows Christians to resist the power of the flesh. Read ten verses that exhort believers to be “self-controlled and sober-minded.”
6 Passages to Read during Pregnancy
Turn to Scripture for hope and help when preparing for childbirth—the Lord is near!
How God Is Both Incomprehensible and Knowable at the Same Time
Scripture teaches that we can have a true and personal knowledge of God, but this does not mean we will ever understand him exhaustively.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Holiness
In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim
What Ephesians Teaches Us about Our Past, Present, and Future
Scripture, just like good stories, contains truths we should tell and retell until the narrative has shaped us.
5 Questions about Homosexuality
When we choose to embrace sin, celebrate it, and not repent of it, we keep ourselves away from God and away from heaven.
10 Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Discipline seems like a hard word, but discipline is your lifeline, something that you learn to embrace and thank God for as you grow in him.
The Better Question Believers Should Ask about God’s Will
For the believer wanting to know God’s will for her life, the first question to pose is not “What should I do?” but “Who should I be?”
8 Reminders in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic
These are strange days, days of fear, days of hysteria. In other words, days that simply bring all our latent anxieties up to the surface.
Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”
Meditate on the story and themes of Easter by reading these 10 passages.
What Does the Bible Say About God as Our Father?
Graciously, our heavenly Father shares the wonder of his fatherhood with us men. To be a father, therefore, is a sacred privilege and a high calling.
10 Things You Should Know about Scientism
We often fail in the church to teach people why to believe what they believe. And we often do not prepare our children to engage ideas in the culture.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Depressed
During seasons of depression or anxiety, most of us find it hard to concentrate, we feel God is far away, and we despair of God hearing us or helping us.
Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
James Montgomery Boice focuses and reflects on the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.
Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world, from the cross and resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
Why We Must Understand the Covenants to Understand the Bible
There are six major covenants in the Bible. Understanding these covenants is crucial for understanding the Bible's message as a whole.
10 Things You Should Know about Priesthood in the Bible
Gloriously, there is a lot to unpack in Hebrews, but a proper understanding of that book will assist you to understand the rest of the Bible and what it says about the priesthood.
Christians, remember that God has graciously given us his Holy Spirit, who makes us fearless in troubled times.
10 Things You Should Know about Angels
What does the Bible have to say about angels and what have we incorrectly adopted from a worldly perspective on spiritual beings?
7 Passages to Read around the Dinner Table This Christmas
A Christmas gathering is a great time to center your family's celebration on the Word of God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Sanctification
For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.
Why the Church Is Vitally Important for Every Christian
Mention the church to a group of Christians and you are likely to get a mixed response.
What Must Happen before Jesus Returns?
We do not know how much time must elapse before Jesus comes. We err to say otherwise. But we may err in the other direction as well—presuming to think that he must not be near.
10 Things You Should Know about Union with Christ
In the New Testament we find literally hundreds of references to the believer’s union with Christ.
10 Key Bible Verses about the Lord’s Supper
Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them.
Depression can be quite as fiery a trial as any other. The good news is that God does indeed hear the cry of the afflicted.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Incarnation
Read about God’s condescension and wonder anew at his redemptive plan for humanity this advent season.
10 Things You Should Know about Christian Hospitality
Hospitality is not always easy or comfortable, but it is worth it. Learn why.
Why Did Jesus Curse a Fig Tree? (Matthew 21)
The cursing of the fig tree is symbolic. The prophets use the fig as a symbol of Israel in its fruitlessness.
The emergence of Islam and the Qur’an can be properly understood only within the larger context of the Bible and the monotheism of Islam’s two main predecessors, Judaism and Christianity.
10 Things You Should Know about Jonathan Edwards
In both the academic and pastoral realm, Edwards’s God-centered worldview is recognized as biblical in nature, shaping hearts and minds toward the pursuit of God’s glory in all things.
Why Does the Bible Say So Much about Widows?
There are about eighty direct references to widows in the Scriptures. Why?
What Does It Mean That Christ Is the Firstborn of All Creation? (Colossians 1)
What does it mean for Christ to be preeminent, before all things, and holding all things together? Explore the commentary on five verses of Colossians 1.
10 Things You Should Know about Prayer
It’s easy to complicate prayer; but at its essence, prayer is simply talking with God.
How to Pray for Unbelieving Family Members
God cares for us, and our families, even as he controls the vastness of all creation. And he hears the prayers of all the children he loves—including our prayers for those whom we love.
10 Things You Should Know about Suffering
Suffering is not outside of God's control and he has a purpose for it.
10 Key Bible Verses on Community
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens . . .
10 Things You Should Know about the Exodus
When God delivers Israel from Egypt in the book of Exodus, they are walking in the footsteps of the patriarchs.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Law
Read from Scripture what God says about his commandments, our obedience, and his faithfulness.
This Day in History: Jonathan Edwards Preaches “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
When Edwards came to preach in Enfield, God blessed the preaching of his Word in an extraordinary manner.
5 Lies Our Culture Is Telling Us
When it seems like we are living at ground zero of the Tower of Babel, when the whole world seems to have gone mad, we need to cling to Christ with courage.
10 Things You Should Know about Church Membership
Local church membership is not the only way we clarify the distinction between the world and the church, but it is one way we make it visible and plain.
10 Key Bible Verses on Brotherly Love
The faithful, covenant-keeping God asks the objects of his love to love him and other human beings too.
What Did Jesus Teach about the Devil and Demons?
There is an enemy of God and humanity. That enemy needs to be known.
10 Things You Should Know about the Sexual Revolution
The sexual revolution is simply one manifestation of a broader culture of what we might call expressive individualism.
What Does the Bible Say about Being Born Gay?
How to respond biblically to the question of natural-born homosexuality with grace and truth.
10 Benefits of Reading the Bible: Part 1
Ask God to give you eyes to see the worth of Scripture and to waken in you an unyielding desire for the Word of God.
Remembering J. I. Packer (1926–2020)
As we remember the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his profound writing ministry and the legacy of his faithful service to the church.
10 Things You Should Know about the Lordship of Christ
1. Christ is Lord over all because he is God. The Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Spirit is God. God rules over all things by his providential control (Ps. 103:19). …
Introducing Subscriptions for ESV.org
Moving forward, most content that was previously available for purchase will be available on a low-cost subscription basis as part of two paid subscription plans.
10 Things You Should Know about Biblical Theology
The Bible tells us one story about our Creator God, who made all things and rules over all.
Do You Ever Fear You Married the Wrong Person?
The heart of marriage is the heart of the universe. If that sounds a bit grand for you, read on.
2 Simple (Yet Profound) Questions to Ask Someone at Church This Sunday
What does it look like to strike up an intentional conversation aimed at deepening our relationships?
10 Things You Should Know about the Ten Commandments
The way to find moral instruction is not by listening to your gut but by listening to God.
Scientism is so pervasive today—it is the intellectual and cultural air that we breathe.
An Open Letter to Those Nonchalant about Their Sexual Sin
Are you living in sexual sin and darkness? Find motivation and hope for lasting change.
Godliness with contentment is great gain. Read and be encouraged by Scripture on how not to covet after wealth and be glad in God.
Choosing the Right Bible Cover Material
Crossway hopes this crash course on Bible cover material will help you decipher the differences and inform your decisions on which is right for you.
10 Key Bible Verses on Spiritual Discipline
Godly character is developed over time—honed by the practice of spiritual disciplines and commitment to living honorably before men and God.
May the God of peace be with believers—now and always—as we seek to usher in his kingdom here and now.
Did Jesus Forbid Us from Taking Oaths? (Matthew 5)
Disciples must keep their word, especially when others depend on them, even if circumstances change or oath keeping brings real loss.
If we have stripped ourselves bare of all besetting sins and every hindrance, and have begun to run with perseverance our race, we are then given the focus that guarantees our finishing well.
How to Pray When You Hate Your Job
May we cultivate the presence of Jesus in our workplaces and see the thorns and thistles of our work in light of the glory that is to come.
The realities of hell give us all the reasons in the world to persuade sinners to put their faith in the one who experienced hellish despair on the cross.
Introducing the ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Designed from the ground up for use with a digital tablet and stylus, the ESV Digital Scripture Journal is an innovative resource created to maximize the best of the digital Bible and print Bible experience.
21 Key Christian Figures You Should Know
We stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before, exemplifying how to live and love God faithfully.
3 Ways Christians Are Sanctified
There are three primary agents in the character formation or sanctification of a Christian—ways that God uses to change us.
Why Study the Book of Song of Solomon?
Although it is rarely taught, preached, or studied, the Song of Solomon is God's gift to the church.
5 Reasons to Obey the 10 Commandments
God gave the commandments that they might be obeyed—not to earn salvation but because of who we are, who God is in himself, who he is to us, where we are, and what he has done.
10 Reasons to Come Back to Church after COVID-19
Many churches are now resuming our meetings, or will soon. But these new services feel strange. Some believers may feel tempted not to come at all.
5 Passages to Read on New Year’s Day
Start the year off right with the Word of God. Read these passages alone or with your friends or family.
8 Things to Remember When Teaching Kids Theology
Theology, taught well, must inevitably result in doxology—and we shouldn’t be satisfied with less just because we’re teaching children.
10 Things You Should Know about Francis Schaeffer
The conviction that the Bible held basic answers for basic question would characterize his life and work.
What Does It Mean that We’re “Justified By Works”? (James 2)
Faith without works is dead. Genuine faith always produces righteous deeds. But are we saved by them?
What Does It Mean to Be Judged according to Your Works? (Revelation 20 and 21)
All the dead, whether powerful or poor, stand before God’s throne to be assessed by him.
10 Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Year
Even those most faithful to God occasionally need to pause and think about the direction of their lives.
Does Baptism Save? (1 Peter 3)
God uses the water of baptism to save us—only in that it links us to Christ and his victory and promises.
Introducing ‘The Biggest Story Curriculum’
Introducing a brand new children's curriculum set based on The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung with 104 Bible lessons that will help children understand the storyline of the Bible.
This Day in History: The Execution of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
At the break of dawn on April 9, 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged. As they prepared him for his death, he preached a final sermon.
10 Things You Should Know about Reading the Bible
The Bible is a story, not simply a collection of religious sayings or an anthology of various people’s religious experiences. The Bible tells us the true story of the world, the way things truly are and should be.
Christ suffered and died with purpose. Learn why.
10 Things You Should Know about Baptism
A sacrament is a covenant sign that is appropriate to the promises made by God in his covenant.
If We Were Created for God's Glory, Is God Merely Using Us?
Life is wasted when we do not live for the glory of God. All of life, all for his glory.
Heaven may not be our final home, but insofar as we are with the Lord, we will indeed be at home as we wait.
How Does the Trinity Practically Apply to Your Life Today?
Michael LeFebvre, Philip Graham Ryken
The Trinity is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious Christian doctrines.
4 Reasons for Hope in Suffering
In our suffering God is at work to give us something much better than what we want.
Practice Hospitality, Especially during COVID-19
Christians know that the dread of death can only be met by the redemption in Jesus Christ, so we need to proclaim Christ into a COVID-19 world.
10 Key Bible Verses on Pastoral Ministry
Scripture offers wisdom for those leading churches in roles of pastoral ministry. Return to the words of God for guidance, hope, and encouragement about this important calling.
10 Things You Should Know about R. C. Sproul
R. C. Sproul loved to laugh. He enjoyed people. He truly knew the generosity of God, and that propelled him to serve people.
Why Did Ruth Enter Boaz’s Tent in the Middle of the Night? (Ruth 3)
Naomi’s plan initiates this scene’s events. After Boaz has eaten and gone to bed, Ruth is to enter his tent, lift the blanket at his feet and lie down, and wait for him to wake. Why does she do this?
9 Wrong Ways to Read the Bible (And One Better Way)
The Bible is good news for us. Here are nine common but wrong ways to read the Bible, followed by the right way.
10 Things You Should Know about Theophanies
A theophany is a visible display to human beings that expresses the presence and character of God.
10 Things You Should Know about Corporate Prayer
We tend to think of prayer as primarily a solitary and private activity, but the Bible tells a different story.
If Jesus Is God, Why Did He Pray?
Many theologians over the course of church history have wrestled with this question. The answer to this question is relatively simple.
Creeds and confessions are useful only to the extent that they reproduce faithfully the teaching of Scripture itself.
Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? (Hebrews 6)
We must respond to the terrifying possibility of irreversible apostasy and the comforting evidence of God’s heart-transforming, love-producing grace
Infographic: How Is Your Prayer Life?
We recently asked over 14,000 people about the state of their prayers lives and gathered some stats about established habits as well as some common pain points.
How to Pray in Spiritual Warfare
To fight the good fight, we need to be in constant contact with God, and the means by which we stay in contact is by prayer.
What the Apostle Paul Teaches Us about Suffering
When God called Paul from being the church’s persecutor to be a gospel preacher, the Lord showed him how much he would suffer for the sake of his name.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Humanity of Jesus
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Should Drinking Alcohol Disqualify a Pastor from Ministry?
“Not a drunkard” means more than just “Knows how to toe the line and stay within the legal limits.” It implies a positive vision. It calls for men who are reliable, ever vigilant, “ready in season and out.”
Men, we will never get anywhere in life without discipline, and doubly so in spiritual matters.
10 Things You Should Know about God’s Communicable Attributes
God's communicable attributes show us how to reflect God as Christ did.
10 Tips for Getting Started with Inductive Bible Study
We need to remember—and believe—that we need to hear from God’s Word each day and other things that seem urgent can wait.
How a Husband Shows Honor to His Wife as the “Weaker Vessel”
Chad Van Dixhoorn, Emily Van Dixhoorn
We live at a time that does not really know how to deal with weakness. This is a dog-eat-dog world. What time do we really have for those who are weak?
Which Sins Are Feeding Your Sin of Lust?
In ministry to someone who struggles with sexual darkness, you may get the breakthrough in another screening room, in an area that neither of you had noticed or considered to be related.
Is There a Difference between Pastors and Elders? (1 Timothy 3)
Besides having good character, what qualifications must one meet in order to oversee others in the church?
Introducing ‘ESV Scripture Journals’
A new edition that allows readers to journal directly beside the text of individual books of the Bible.
Did a Prophet Really Lay on His Side for More than a Year? (Ezekiel 4)
The signs of the prophets are not merely visual aids; they are designed to reach people’s wills and hearts, enabling people not just to see the truth but to feel it.
The beauty of Psalm 23 is that it is so simple and clear that it almost needs no interpretation or exposition.
This might sound surprising (even scandalous!), but there is no command in the Bible about having a daily quiet time.
50 Books J. I. Packer Thinks You Should Read
A list of all of the endorsements that J. I. Packer has written for books published by Crossway, with an introduction by Sam Storms.
Why Does the Apostle’s Creed Say That Jesus Descended into Hell?
Death has been called “the new obscenity,” the nasty thing which no polite person nowadays will talk about in public. But death, even when unmentionable, remains inescapable.
9 Ways to Guard Your Personal Relationship with God
Like all healthy and satisfying relationships, our relationship with God needs time and energy.
4 Tips for Defending Your Trust in the Bible
Could you explain to someone who is a total skeptic—doesn’t believe in God, Jesus, Jonah, or the big fish—why you think that everything the Bible says is true?
10 Key Bible Verses on Endurance
The Christian life requires strength, fortitude, and endurance. The path marked out for believers is never promised to be easy or smooth.
Is the Bible’s Teaching about Homosexuality Offensive?
Jesus is sometimes caricatured as a prophet of free love, unconcerned about sexual ethics. But his teaching on sexual morality was consistently stricter than the Old Testament law.
Jesus is not commending hypocritical prayer. He is not calling for show-prayer. He is calling for real prayer, that is, real Godward desire for the good of our enemy.
Help! I Want to Read the Bible, but I Find It Boring
We won’t love God’s word until he helps us to do it. And the beautiful thing is that he will.
Why the Call to Preach Is Unique
Expository exultation is a unique kind of communication. It is different, radically different, from anything in the world.
10 Things You Should Know about Pelagius and Pelagianism
Who was Pelagius and what impact did and does he continue to have?
7 Tips for Confronting a Friend in Sin
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
Scripture speaks directly to the Christian’s responsibility to address or confront sin in the lives of other Christians.
How to Pray During Marital Conflict
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
The potential causes for conflict in marriage are virtually limitless. We must put on the armor of God and pray for each other and for our relationships—often!
Podcast: A Christian Doctor’s Guide to Thinking about Coronavirus (Bob Cutillo, MD)
A Christian doctor discusses the current coronavirus pandemic, explaining what's currently happening in the US and around the world and offering perspective on how we should think about this virus.
Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
Are all sins the same in God’s eyes, or are some sins worse than others? All sins are the same in the sense that each renders a person guilty and worthy of God’s wrath.
Celebrate the beginning of Advent season by reading these passages either on your own, with a friend, or with your family.
10 Key Bible Verses on Justice
God is a righteous judge, and Scripture details just what true justice is. Read ten verses about justice alongside notes from the ESV Study Bible.
2 Reasons Christians Lose Their Joy (And What to Do about It)
How did you become a Christian? Was it after you got your life sorted out?
The New Testament Epistles offer several characteristics of false teachers and those susceptible to their teachings.
5 Misconceptions about Heaven and Hell (and 5 Truths)
The most common misconceptions about heaven and hell have to do with their nature and purpose. There are many false ideas about what they will be like, but the word of God gives us a clear picture.
We have much to learn from the apostle who had the ability to be blunt and corrective while striving toward peace with others in kindness.
3 Reasons Jesus Is Our Only Hope
The Advent story is a hope story because it chronicles the coming to earth of the One who is hope, Jesus.
Porn is Satanic. Why do I say that? Because the world of porn is infested with lies. Porn needs lies and myths to keep going.
What Are Demons, and How Should Christians Think about Them?
Demons have right beliefs about who God is; they have known about him from the beginning of their existence, even though they chose to rebel against him!
10 Key Bible Verses on Freedom
As Christians, we’ve been released from the power of sin and death by Jesus and his substitutionary death on the cross.
What Every Book of the Old Testament Is About
Brief summaries of each book of the Old Testament.
Should Science Inform Our Reading of Genesis 1–3?
What do we do if we find an apparent discrepancy between Genesis 1-3 and what modern scientists claim about the origin of the world?
10 Key Bible Verses on Goodness
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
The concept of God living on a holy mountain is a significant theme in the Old Testament. However, this same theme frames the entire Bible.
5 Questions about God’s Design for Gender
What is at stake in God making us male and female? Nothing less than the gospel.
Resist the urge to see simple memory as the goal. Learning the text “by heart” is secondary; taking the text to heart is primary.
Who Killed the Prayer Meeting?
Behind our busyness and wealth is a philosophy called secularism, which doesn’t just deny God’s existence but denies the existence of any spiritual world.
13 Bible Promises about God’s Faithfulness
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
10 Things You Should Know about the Danger of Media
Why do we seek spectacles? Because we’re human—hardwired with an unquenchable appetite to see glory.
A lot of misinformation exists related to abortion. Here are 5 common myths that many people—pro-choice and pro-life alike—often believe.
The Work of the Trinity in Salvation
Michael LeFebvre, Philip Graham Ryken
God plays the symphony of our salvation in three movements. Each of these movements is associated with and facilitated by a different Person of the Trinity.
Read about this remarkable man and his commitment to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed in all the earth.
What Does the Bible Say about Alcohol?
Paul’s words of caution about not causing others to stumble by what we do are a reminder that not everything that is morally right in itself is wise or helpful in every situation.
Are Christians Prohibited from Getting Tattoos? (Leviticus 19)
Sometimes people read a statement about tattoos in the Old Testament and wonder if it applies today. Leviticus 19:28 is an example of this.
The Hidden Cancer in Our Churches
What is the most urgent need of the church today? Better leadership? Better training? Healthier giving? Orthodoxy? Moral integrity?
Pray your pastor would love God, and you, so much that he would be willing to disappoint you for God’s glory.
12 Principles for Disagreeing with Other Christians
When it comes to resolving conflict: there are two groups: the weak in faith and the strong in faith.
What Does 1 Corinthians 10:13 Mean?
This verse promises that God will never allow a temptation that we cannot stand under because he will provide the power to escape through endurance. But what is Paul getting at here in particular?
10 Things You Should Know about Chaos and Cosmos in God’s Creation
In the end, the cosmos God intended from the beginning will be restored.
10 Things You Should Know about the Bible as Literature
Most literature is fictional at some level, but fictionality is not a defining trait of literature.
10 Key Bible Verses on Christmas
Read these familiar passages about God’s plan of redemption manifested through Christ at Christmas.
5 Ways the COVID-19 Pandemic Points Us to the Gospel
When we are weary and distraught, we have a place to go. Jesus welcomes us to come to him and cast our cares on him.
Joy is the gift of God to those who trust in Christ—not circumstantial, but the result of a deep trust in and love for Jesus.
Were David and Jonathan Lovers?
That‘s a fair question, though it’s a question that would have been strange to anyone in the biblical world.
10 Key Bible Verses on Slothfulness
According to Scripture, laziness or sloth is considered a sinful indulgence. Learn more about what God values in kingdom laborers.
10 Things You Should Know about Missions and the Local Church
World missions and the work of the local church are integrally related, both ultimately existing to bring honor to Christ among the nations.
10 Things You Should Know about Martin Luther
Here are ten things you should know about Martin Luther, the great leader of the Protestant Reformation.
What Did Jesus Teach about Divorce and Remarriage?
David W. Jones, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Despite the fact that the Mosaic law included provisions regulating divorce, the Old Testament makes it clear that divorce falls short of God’s ideal.
Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
10 Key Bible Verses on Ministry
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. . . .”
Did You Know that the Bible Commands Us to Eat, Drink, and Be Merry?
God made the world good. And no amount of being a Christian ever changes the fact that God put you in a physical world with hands and food and drink and culture and relationships and beauty.
Doctrine is a body of teaching. Christian doctrine is the teaching found in the Bible—about who God is, who we are, and why the world exists.
10 Key Bible Verses on Patience
God is unendingly patient with us, his children. In turn, we can exhibit grace and patience with others through the help of the Holy Spirit.
You don’t need to unburden or collect yourself and then come to Jesus. Your very burden is what qualifies you to come.
It is the devil’s work to promote a fear of God that makes people afraid of God such that they want to flee from God.
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’”
It’s not that Jesus merely teaches truth or that his words are true (he does, and they are!); Jesus is truth embodied. Truth incarnate.
Training Our Kids in a Culture That Affirms Transgenderism
We must tell the truth about what the Bible teaches about gender. Among other things, the Bible is clear that there is a normative connection between biological sex and gender identity.
Should Christians Practice Total Abstinence from Alcoholic Beverages?
The issue of alcohol is a personal question, and will vary from individual to individual. It will depend in part on knowing one’s self, one’s personal history, one’s family history, and one’s cultural context.
The reality of Christ’s vicarious, substitutionary death on our behalf is the heart of the gospel according to God.
The Bible tells one story of the one God who is redeeming one people in his one creation through the one Savior Jesus Christ. The unity of the Bible is breathtakingly joyous.
If the fear of public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, fear of praying publicly may be its Christian equivalent.
6 Lessons from Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice contains some poignant lessons for Christians. Learn more about how her characters can point us to the Gospel.
Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.
10 Key Bible Verses on Teaching the Bible
Scripture has specific instructions for those in the body who are charged with teaching other believers. Read what God has to say to teachers.
10 Key Bible Verses on Celebrating
Read these ten verses that highlight the importance of celebrating God’s goodness, blessings, and the salvation offered through faith.
Your marriage is shaped by your commitment to say no. Your parenting is shaped by your willingness to say no. Your friendships are shaped by how often you say no.
A Biblical Argument for Self-Defense
What did Jesus mean when he instructed his followers to turn the other cheek? Does that mean we're never to self-defend?
10 Things You Should Know about Communion with Christ
Before we can have communion (or fellowship) with Christ, we must first be in a right relationship with him. That relationship can only come from our being in union with Christ.
5 Myths about Complementarianism
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Complementarian interpretation of Scripture holds that God’s creation purpose for man and woman entails equality of individual value but also distinct roles.
While we should be careful not to reduce gender to cultural stereotypes, we must realize that uprooting gender from biology effectively kills it. If gender can be anything, it ends up being nothing.
5 Things Science Cannot Explain (but Theism Can)
The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. Let’s look at five things that theism can explain but science cannot.
What to Do If You’re Chronically Frustrated at Church
If you're chronically frustrated at church, the primary solution is not to try to fix things but to recenter your focus on God.
10 Things You Should Know about The Pilgrim’s Progress
The classic tale of The Pilgrim’s Progress has been popular with readers through the ages because it is rooted in the truths of the Bible.
10 Things You Should Know about Studying the Bible
We study the Bible because it is God’s word to the world. We want to hear him.
Who Were the Magi, and Why Did They Worship Jesus? (Matthew 2)
Popular Christian images of the magi clash with Matthew’s account. The magi were counselors, not kings, and while they bore three gifts, their number (unstated) was large enough to cause a stir in Jerusalem.
What George Mueller Can Teach Us about Prayer
George Mueller (1805–1898) is widely considered one the greatest men of prayer and faith since the days of the New Testament.
14 Passages to Read before Bed
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Why Were Ananias and Sapphira Killed? (Acts 5)
The account of Ananias and Sapphira causes understandable trouble for readers who believe their punishment to be harsh, but we should read it in the context of the description of the believing community.
10 Things You Should Know about the Book of Revelation
The challenge greater than understanding the book may be opening ourselves up to the adjustments in our lives this book calls for. Yet this greater challenge is also what promises the greatest blessing.
I’d like to offer different advice than what you might hear elsewhere: “Do not follow your dreams. Do not march to the beat of your own drummer. And whatever you do, do not be true to yourself.”
12 Reasons You Might Not Feel Like Going to Church
There are many reasons Christians might not feel like going to church. But if you can discern the reason behind your reluctance, the path forward becomes clearer.
10 Key Bible Verses on Justification
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand . . .
12 Passages to Read to Help Fight Laziness
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
11 Passages to Read to Help Fight Anger
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
7 Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Your Kids Misbehave
Jesus came to make it possible for all kinds of people, including angry parents, to be changed into people who yield their expectations to God in service to others, specifically their children.
7 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Teens
Before teens can actually explain the gospel, they must first know it themselves. Then they must know how to articulate it.
A 7-Step Approach to In-Depth Bible Study
Studying God’s word is worth all the effort we can give, because it is God’s voice to us, making us wise for salvation and equipped for a life of love.
The Most Comprehensive Critique of Theistic Evolution Yet Produced
This groundbreaking book documents evidential, logical, and theological problems with theistic evolution, opening the door to scientific and theological alternatives.
Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.
8 Short Questions about Faith, Hope, and Love
The whole Christian life, in terms of our living in response to God and his new work in us, springs from faith, hope, and love. Everything we do as Christians relates to these three virtues.
3 Threats to the Mission of Small Groups
There are some common sins that keep us from living missional lives: apathy, indifference, and fear of man.
He Nourishes and Cherishes Her
The words "nourish" and "cherish" in Ephesians 5 help us understand the meaning of true love—a love that Christ has for his church and that a husband is called to have for his bride.
5 Readings for Your Thanksgiving Gathering
This Thanksgiving, as you gather around the dinner table with your friends and family, try reading some Scripture and these biblical reflections of thanksgiving.
10 Key Bible Verses on Weakness
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10 Things You Should Know about the Most Famous Blessing in the Bible
It’s quite possible that this Scripture text is the one you’ve heard most often in worship. Here are ten things you should know about this most famous blessing.
6 Ideas for Thinking about Halloween with Your Kids
Consider these six ways parents can help think through what to do with Halloween biblically..
10 Things You Should Know about Sound Doctrine
Bobby Jamieson lists ten things we should know about sound doctrine.
10 Things You Should Know about the Imagination
Matthew P. Ristuccia, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
We use our imaginations all the time, whether we are daydreaming, planning, remembering, or meditating.
How Psalm 73 Speaks to the Christian Experience
A goal for all of us is to be able to say Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth I desire besides you.
12 Passages to Read to Help Fight Impatience
Waiting is not easy, and the strength for patience comes only through trusting in the Lord. Be encouraged by these verses from God's Word when you're in a season of waiting.
2 Heated Cultural Debates the Bible Addresses
If we read the Bible carefully, we find that all of our modern cultural debates are addressed there.
James is an intensely practical book, filled with exhortations to Christians about the way they should live their lives now that they have been given new life in Jesus.
Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but the crowds roared to free Barabbas and to crucify Jesus.
4 Ways Paul Encourages Us to Love the Church (Even When It’s Hard)
Like it did for Paul, the truth should shape us, so that belonging to an ordinary gathering of unremarkable people becomes one of the highest joys and greatest privileges of our lives.
A Coward’s Guide to Evangelism
How do I present the gospel honestly and boldly without needlessly offending? How do I ensure I don’t slip into heresy by adding or subtracting from the gospel?
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
After the Lord Jesus Christ predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”
10 Key Bible Verses on Singing
Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD.
With a little intentionality, adults can help build a foundation of biblical literacy in children from an early age.
6 Daily Commitments to Make for a Good Marriage
You can have a marriage that is mutually satisfying while being honoring to God. You really can!
What Is the Doctrine of Election?
God is worthy of our praise precisely because he has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
Did Jesus Descend to Hell? (Ephesians 4)
God is the Divine Warrior who ascends to his throne after defeating his enemies. Here, Christ is the victorious conqueror who ascends to his throne in heaven after defeating the spiritual forces.
5 Ways Dads Can Encourage Their Daughters
By paying attention to the following five areas, you’ll give your daughter the solid head start she needs to grow into all that God has for her.
What Jesus Meant When He Said “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand”
He does not say “the exile is over” or even “salvation has come”—although both of these are connected to the kingdom—but “the kingdom of God is at hand.”
Why Do Christians Make Such a Big Deal about Sex?
The fundamental reason why Christians believe that sex belongs only in the permanent bond of male-female marriage is because of the metaphor of Jesus’s love for his church.
5 Ways Stephen Hawking Was Wrong
Scripture is true in all that it claims, and when interpreted rightly, it harmonizes perfectly with the book of nature. The church had misunderstood this principle and used Scripture to silence science.
10 Key Bible Verses on Anxiety and Worry
God tells us over and over in Scripture to lean on him for what our human strength and ingenuity cannot achieve.
An Open Letter to Those Debilitated by Their Sexual Sin
If you feel debilitated by a past of sexual sin or by the ongoing presence of temptation, hear these words of comfort and encouragement.
The crass references to hell we hear in everyday conversation shouldn’t dull the agonizing awareness all believers should have of the pains of hell.
Should Christians Always Submit to the Government? (Romans 13)
Paul’s counsel in Romans 13 assumes a government acting within its God-appointed parameters. When it does not, other measures may be in order.
14 Passages to Read When You're Doubting Your Salvation
When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy.
There are eight godly attitudes in Colossians 3:12–14 that are foundational to biblical peacemaking.
Knowing the Power of His Resurrection
Do you strain with all of your might to see things the way Christ sees them? Do you strain to please him in everything? Do you strain to understand everything through him?
An Open Letter to the Depressed Christian at Christmas
In the midst of a tough season, learn ways to carefully navigate the holidays while also contributing to your long-term healing.
10 Things You Should Know about Genesis 1–3
Human persons have deep significance. We alone among the earthly creatures are made in the image of God.
10 Ways to Fracture Your Church
You only have to be a Christian for a short time before you realize that churches suffer from disunity and splits after seasons of peace as surely as valleys follow rolling hills.
Introducing the ESV Expository Commentary Series
A resource designed to strengthen the global church with a widely accessible, theologically sound, and pastorally wise exposition.
Why Jesus Warns Us to Be Alert for His Second Coming
The appearing of Christ becomes a sudden trap not because it could happen any moment, but because the spiritually unseeing will be blind to Christ’s coming.
What Did Jesus Teach about Family?
David W. Jones, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Believers are called to seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, even when it brings them into conflict with natural family obligations.
11 Passages to Read to Help Fight Worry
Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Read these passages to help fight the sin of worry.
How to Help Your Kids Get Excited about Reading the Bible
We should and can encourage our children to see Bible reading as a delight rather than a drudge. And the most powerful way of doing that is by conveying our own delight in God’s Word.
4 Truths About Christian Giving
How are we to think about and manage our money? How can we use it for ministry?
5 Idols Revealed through Hardship
Lamenting the toppling of our cultural idols can reorient Christian exiles as to what King and what kingdom we were supposed to long for.
6 Questions about Christ’s Heart for Sinners
We cannot present a reason for Christ to finally close off his heart to his own sheep. No such reason exists.
I want to conduct a thought experiment by thinking about how some of our behavior can negatively affect our pastors.
What Did Jesus Teach about Violence and Turning the Other Cheek?
J. Daryl Charles, Timothy J. Demy
Does Jesus’s teaching in the sermon on the Mount to “turn the other cheek” and not resist evil require pacifism on the part of Christians?
2 Reasons Bully Pastors Rise Up in the Church
The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. Two key elements contribute to this crisis.
The Right Way to Ask for Prayer
God did not create us to be self-protective, so being so will eventually lead to misery rather than safety.
10 Things You Should Know about Pastoral Counseling
If God has given you his Word and his Spirit dwells within you, there is much more you can do than you probably realize.
7 Things to Avoid When Teaching Women’s Bible Study
When Bible study participants think critically about the Bible, it holds a leader accountable to avoid seven common teaching pitfalls.
Songs of Suffering: A Short Film Featuring Joni Eareckson Tada
No one has spoken more personally and insightfully into the intersection of suffering and faith than Joni Eareckson Tada. In this 13-minute documentary, hear more from Joni herself about her story.
Christian Sufferer, Your Lord Is Near
I can’t think of anything that is more powerfully comforting than these words: I will never leave you or forsake you.
We read this on Christmas cards and holiday signs, but what does it mean? The original context of this promise in Isaiah helps us.
15 Popular Passages from ‘Don’t Waste Your Life’
Read through some of the most-highlighted passages of John Piper's best-selling book.
Infographic: What's Your Take on Singleness, Dating, and Marriage?
In May 2017, we asked our readers questions about their views on dating and marriage. In total, nearly 7,000 people filled out the survey, revealing some interesting insights into how we view (and pursue) marriage and dating today.
Why Was a Man Killed for Touching the Ark of the Covenant? (2 Samuel 6)
God provides solemn reminders of the need to avoid impious infractions of the requirement to “offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:28–29).
We come into this world as a danger to ourselves. We are naturally more discontented than contented.
Stress sickens the soul. Yes, stress causes bodily disease (some estimate that 90 percent of doctor visits are stress-related), but it also causes soul disease. Stress and spirituality are mortal enemies.
Losing your temper means you’ve placed anger in the saddle and you are now galloping along at its command.
10 Things You Should Know about Youth Ministry
Youth ministry is a vital part of growing and equipping the church. Here are ten things to remember about the work of discipling students.
This question is not easy to answer, and as such, it requires careful reflection, given the variety of issues involved.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Anxious
Anxiety may misdirect us, or, properly grasped, may point us to the right path.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
7 Tips for Cultivating Deeper Relationships at Church
Belonging is much deeper than fitting in, and it’s much more satisfying than merely having other people around. To belong is one of our deepest human needs.
An Open Letter to the Suffering Christian
Jesus is a most sympathetic friend, fellow sufferer, and Savior. He has walked a hard road and he understands.
I would argue that the author of Hebrews is presenting much more than a definition of what faith is, but also offering a summary of what faith does.
How to Fight Well in the War against Porn
Many people believe they’ll flourish from the outside in, but we believe we flourish from the inside out. We believe the great things in life come not from our outward advantages but from our inward resources.
Jesus says to tell all nations the good news, but we haven’t. Jesus calls people to be fishers of men, but we prefer to watch. Peter says to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have, but we are not.
7 Key Characteristics of the Church
Reformation theology established seven characteristics or identity markers of the church.
Practically, How Do We Abide in Jesus?
Jesus commands that we go on repenting, coming, believing, loving, and listening. The transformation of repentance continues. Coming to Jesus again and again continues.
Where the Bible Teaches We Are Saved by Christ Alone
The five solas are inspired by and rooted in Scripture, which states that we are saved by grace and faith in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.
10 Key Bible Verses on Strength
Call on God for help and strength when yours is lacking, and be encouraged by his sufficiency.
What is prayer and when and how should we do it? Explore answers to some common questions from To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
Does Rahab Show Us That It's Sometimes Okay to Lie? (Joshua 2)
Although sparingly told—or perhaps because it is sparingly told—the tiny drama has exercised a fascination out of all proportion to its size.
Is Double Predestination Fair?
The terms election and predestination are often used interchangeably, both referring to God’s gracious decree whereby he chooses some for eternal life.
An Open Letter to the Church Member Hurt by Their Local Church
Local churches hurt people. People hurt people, of course; but since churches are people, churches have the capacity to inflict severe relational pain.
What do the Old Testament commands have to do with New Testament Christians? Should Christians seek to obey the Old Testament just like the Israelites? Can we “unhitch” ourselves from it altogether?
Should the Sick Be Anointed with Oil? (James 5)
James instructs the church elders to “anoint” the sick person with oil “in the name of the Lord.” Throughout the centuries, Christians have struggled to understand and apply this verse.
The Origins of the Red-Letter Bible
Crossway talks about Lous Klopsch and the origins of the red-letter Bible.
Why Is Creation So Important for Understanding the Bible?
Creation is an important and recurring theme throughout Scripture, because the God who creates is also the God who redeems.
10 Things You Should Know about Marriage
Your marriage's biggest problem is not the imperfection of your spouse. No, it is what lurks in the recesses of your heart. Your biggest struggle is with your own selfishness.
How to Pray and Hear Back from God
Those who pray in Christ’s name truly hear back from God in their most pressing need and are strengthened in hope that they will continue to hear in days to come.
Should Christians Sue Each Other? (1 Corinthians 6)
Paul’s main charge in this passage is that believers who have legal disputes with fellow believers should settle those disputes before believers and not take them to the law court before unbelievers.
How Much Should Christians Tithe?
In the history of the church, there are thousands of individuals who have faithfully tithed 10 percent of their income and who testify that they have seen God’s faithfulness in providing for their needs.
Which Large Print ESV Bible Is Right for You?
Whether you're a pastor looking for a large print Bible for preaching or you're simply wanting a larger, readable type size for personal reading and study, Crossway offers several editions to suit your needs.
Why Study the Book of Ezekiel?
Ezekiel wants us to know that God is where he always is; he is with his people.
3 Ways to Define Biblical Theology
A concise summary of how three respected biblical scholars—Geerhardus Vos, D. A. Carson, and Stephen J. Wellum—each define biblical theology.
10 Things You Should Know about the Trinity
God wants us to learn about and consider the Trinity. Here are 10 things you should know.
10 Key Bible Verses on Humanity
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Is Making Decisions All about Knowing God's Will?
Before we can make decisions, it is helpful to have a robust biblical understanding of the nature of God’s will.
Read three tips for dads on fostering healthy relationships with their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
How can the covenant God redeem and restore his people and can even grace save them when they seem to have sinned away their blessings?
5 Questions about the Reformation
The church cannot control our forgiveness because we are answerable not to human authorities, but to God.
James calls on Christians to reckon any situation, however difficult, as an occasion of intense joy. Not every element of suffering is joy. But, however severe one’s suffering, every trial is a time for intense joy.
4 Misconceptions about Contentment
One of our greatest struggles with contentment is that we often have an incorrect picture of what it means to be content.
Spiritual Blessing: More than Just a Nice Feeling
God's blessings are more than just polite sayings or false promises—we have assurance of these blessings from the the Holy Spirit.
10 Questions about Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are capacities or abilities imparted to Christians by the Holy Spirit to enable them to exceed the limitations of their finite humanity in order to serve other believers to the glory of God.
Will the Unsaved Suffer Eternal Judgment? (2 Thessalonians 1)
Salvation comes by grace through faith to believers, who consequently display their faith as they continue to trust in Jesus, heedless of suffering and persecution in this life.
Learn more from Scripture about jealousy, envy, and covetousness—and how to trust and lean on the Lord for help when we're tempted.
A Proper Christian Response to Sexual Sin in Our Culture
Sexual desire is often one of the most powerful, powerfully creative, and powerfully catastrophic forces within human history.
Is Every Sin the Same in God’s Eyes?
Many Christians hold to the mistaken notion that every sin is the same in God’s eyes. Some Christians embrace this conviction by way of a misguided theological calculation.
7 Passages to Read about Eating Together
As you gather around the table this month, read about the biblical importance of gathering over the breaking of bread.
5 Myths about Studying the Bible
If we truly believe that our very spiritual lives depend on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Deut 8:3; Matt 4:4), we will make the time to study God’s Word.
The Life of St. Patrick: An Inspiration for Missions
St. Patrick had a deep certainty of the will of God for his life: to live out his days in Ireland so that the Irish might come to know God as he had.
Did a Faithless Gideon Use a Fleece to Test God’s Will? (Judges 6)
It is always in the context of human weakness that the Lord achieves his greatest victories, even the weakness of his own Son’s death on the cross.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 1
James N. Anderson discusses what a worldview is.
10 Passages to Read in the Face of Global Conflict
God is our refuge and strength. Read these passages for comfort and to help guide prayer during times of worldwide strife, conflict, and war.
A Christian Perspective on International Women’s Day
As the world takes a moment to applaud women and girls in various ways, may we Christians be the biggest champions, the loudest cheerers, and the most proactive supporters of women.
8 Ways We Normalize the Abnormal
God has made it clear that the norm for his children should be love. It is the thing that the listening and watching world should know us for.
Here are five myths about evangelism that may lead us to neglect an important facet of the Christian life.
How to Study the Bible: A 5-Day Plan with Jen Wilkin
As Christians, we believe the Bible is the very word of God, and it’s pivotal that we spend time knowing and loving him through it.
Why Study the Book of Ecclesiastes?
Ecclesiastes is consistent with the rest of Scripture in its explanation that true wisdom is to fear God even when we cannot see all that God is doing.
5 Tips for Starting a Bible Study
The Holy Spirit must always lead us into God’s truth, so pray for his help to help you lead a study of his Word.
3 Distinguishing Characteristics of a True Church
How can we tell if a church is really a church? What characteristics distinguish a true church?
Why Did Jesus Tell People Not to Bury Their Father or Say Goodbye to Their Family? (Luke 9)
Disciples have a more important calling and responsibility: heralding the good news of the kingdom.
5 Tips for Maximizing Your Singleness
A season of singleness is not the minor leagues of marriage. It has the potential to be a unique period of undivided devotion to Christ and undistracted ministry to others.
Feeling hopeless and helpless is a feeling that we all have encountered at various times in our lives. This feeling or thought is the most painful part of all mental illness.
What Did Jesus Teach about Prayer?
As mediator, Jesus brings us to God, but he does so by pouring out his Spirit upon us so that our own prayer life is to replicate his prayer life in terms of how the Holy Spirit binds us to our Father in heaven.
10 Reasons to Study the Holy Spirit
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
The Holy Spirit is God. Therefore, to study the person and works of the Holy Spirit is a great opportunity to know God in a better way.
What Should Christians Think about Same-Sex Marriage?
What’s the big deal about marriage? Why not let people have whatever relationships they choose and call them whatever they want? Why go to the trouble of sanctioning a specific relationship and giving it a unique legal standing?
A common objection to unconditional election is that it’s unfair. Paul directly answers this objection in Romans 9, and Jesus indirectly answers it in Matthew 20.
Life is complex. Gray areas abound. Yet Jesus taught that we all face a simple but fateful either/or: a wide way leading to woe, or a narrow way leading to life.
10 Things You Should Know about Shame
Talking about shame allows the light of the gospel to begin to free God's people from its dark grip.
10 Obligations Christians Have to Scripture
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
Throughout his New Testament writings, the apostle John summarized a Christian’s obligation to obey the Scriptures. He made it clear that walking in the ways of the word was not optional.
How to Pray for Your Unborn Child
As dizzying as the pain we experience in raising children can be, we need to have the wherewithal to remember how it points us to God himself.
Why Did God Send Bears to Attack a Group of Boys? (2 Kings 2)
Is this a shocking incident? Yes it is. But this incident is also one that fits perfectly with the flow of 2 Kings 1–2, in which we see very clearly how God not only works in the darkness but will not be silenced.
Help! My Kids Keep Talking Back
When you’re more concerned for your child than for their impact on you, then you’re in the right frame of mind to help them. How do you do that?
10 Things You Should Know about John Stott
What do you know about the life of John Stott? Do you know about the various facets of his ministry? It can sometimes feel as if Stott lived a dozen lives.
How do we preachers handle the Bible faithfully and accurately so that Jesus is seen in every passage?
6 Tips for Reading the Bible with Your Kids
Here are six practical suggestions for digging into God's Word with your kids.
George W. Robertson, Bruce A. Ware
Jesus considered the book of Psalms to be ultimately about him.
10 Key Bible Verses on Thankfulness
Reflect on the goodness of God and his gifts to his children, and give thanks for who he is!
7 Tips for Reading the Bible with Another Person
Reading the Bible, like eating a meal, isn’t only for individual consumption. Some of the greatest joys come when we enjoy God and his word together with others.
10 Things You Should Know about Preaching
What is preaching really all about? How should we approach it, as preachers and ordinary Christians?
6 Keys to a Rewarding Digital Detox
Our screens project images to us that are more attractive than our real lives, and that’s all by design. Lured in, we escape into our screens, get hooked, and find it difficult to escape.
The First Adam, the Last Adam, and the Gospel
John MacArthur discusses the historicity and significance of Adam in the Bible.
Is It Fair for God to Judge Those Whom He Predestined? (Romans 9)
What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”
What Are Angels, and How Should Christians Think about Them?
While God’s word does not offer us a detailed description of how and when God made the angels, or of what exactly they look like, we can nevertheless gather truths and principles from the Bible.
How to Pray When You’re Struggling to Understand the Bible
Prayer is the means by which we implore the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our study time.
How to Pray through the Psalms
As a whole, the psalms comprise the best place in Scripture from which to pray Scripture.
6 Attitudes We Need When Studying the Bible
It is a great blessing that God has revealed himself and that we have access to that revelation and Bibles in our own language.
What exactly is salvation and how does it work in the life of a believer. Get answers to the basic questions of God's saving work from How to Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
An Open Letter to the Man Struggling to Form Deep Friendships
It can be difficult for men to find the time and energy to invest in deep relationships with other men. But it’s worth it.
3 Pitfalls to Avoid While You’re Waiting on God
Life involves a lot of waiting. For most of us, that usually doesn’t go very well. If we’re honest, waiting pushes our buttons.
Podcast: Are Christians Obligated to Give 10%? (Sam Storms)
What does the Bible teaches about tithing? Are Christians still obligated to give 10% of their income today?
Can a Christian Have Mental Illness?
Some Christians believe that Christians cannot have mental illness. If a professing Christian is depressed, anxious, or bipolar, they think it’s because they are not a real Christian, or it's because of unrepented sin.
6 Habits for Successful Bible Study
Cultivate these Bible study habits. Pay attention to the text, avoiding rabbit trails, and do everything you can to get the main point and the central application as God intended it.
5 Guiding Principles for Church Elders
God has called elders to be men worth imitating. A healthy local church typically has many people, men and women, whose example we could follow.
John Piper on Profanity, Crude Joking, and Using the Word “Dang”
Christians are called to high standards with the words we speak. On the tongue’s use and misuse of words, four general principles guide us.
How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Jesus is not separable from the God whose wrath he faces on the cross, so he is not separable from us, if we but put our trust in him.
Why Does Paul Tell the Church to Deliver Someone to Satan? (1 Corinthians 5)
God’s church must be unleavened or pure. Tolerating unrepentant sexual immorality ruins the whole church’s purity.
9 Powers of Satan That Are Not Ultimate
While God has his reasons for permitting Satan to exist and pursue evil, he has never given, nor will give to Satan any freedom that God himself doesn't restrain and decisively direct for his purposes.
5 Tips for Managing Your Emotions
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
How do we handle our feelings? How do we fix them when they are broken? How do we keep our emotions from taking control of our lives?
What Is the Unpardonable Sin? (Matthew 12)
Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
What Does Deuteronomy 31:6 Mean?
What’s the most frightening thing you’ve ever had to do? Terror is a powerful force that can seize us and render us powerless to act.
10 Key Bible Verses on Kindness
God is kind to us—most evident in Christ—and demonstrates how we can, in turn, show his character to others by being kind.
How the Holy Spirit Helps Us Read Scripture
Following Jesus by faith (i.e., discipleship) is the foundation of understanding. We don’t simply understand and then follow. We come to understand as we follow. This is the work of the Spirit.
Free Digital Bible Resources during Coronavirus
To help you make the best use of your time during these days of upheaval, we're offering you the ESV.org basic subscription plan free of charge today through Sunday, May 31, 2020.
10 Things You Should Know about Dating
Instead of making marriage your mission, make it God’s global cause and the advance of the gospel where you are, and look for someone pursuing the same.
Do Exodus and Numbers Justify Abortion? (Exodus 21 and Numbers 5)
Some abortion advocates appeal directly to Scripture to make their case for elective abortion. But this argument is flawed on several counts.
Why I No Longer Support the Death Penalty
In law school, I was a full-throated supporter of the death penalty, but I have come to the view that, as currently practiced in the United States, the death penalty is unjust as the Bible defines justice.
The Goal of Submission in Marriage
Wives bend toward the nourishment and the leadership of their husbands—they are turning themselves toward what is for their good.
4 Ways to Read the Bible for Personal Application
Your whole Bible “applies personally.” This Lord is your God; this history is your history; these people are your people; this Savior has brought you in to participate in who he is and what he does.
Introducing the ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition
Approximately 17 percent of the global population has dyslexia, and many do not have the proper resources to easily read God’s Word.
10 Things You Should Know about People with Disabilities
When we find ourselves weak, broken, disabled, we find that God shows up in unexpected ways.
Are You a Healthy Church Member?
A healthy church member is deeply committed to and practices particular disciplines within a local church.
How the Resurrection Changes Everything
Jesus death an resurrection changed everything, and it has the power to change us.
The doctrine of the Trinity is for everybody who is saved by Jesus.
This Day in History: The Death of John Calvin
The struggles of his Calvin’s life tested his faith. At the heart of his faith was the confidence that for the sake of Jesus, God was his loving heavenly Father.
8 Tips for Taking Good Sermon Notes
Consider using these eight tips, and use a notebook or the margins of your ESV Journaling Bible to record thoughts and sermon notes.
10 Things You Should Know about God’s Attributes
When we speak of his attributes, we must keep in mind that because his essence remains undivided, his goodness is his power. Or, God’s love is his power is his eternity is his immutability is his omniscience is his goodness, and so forth.
Considering sin doesn’t have to mean conceding to it. Knowing this keeps you from being crippled by unnecessary guilt; it gives hope to keep fighting, even when temptation is raging.
How to Pray When You’re Fighting with Your Spouse
Every marriage is guided by a set of habits. The question is, are they healthy habits that result in a God-honoring and joyful marriage?
Married Couples Shouldn't Obey Their Parents
Chad Van Dixhoorn, Emily Van Dixhoorn
There is no question that couples sometimes feel crowded, in the first place, because of their families of origin. As Ephesians 5 ends, Paul reminds us that married people are starting a family.
10 Things You Should Know about Sanctification
Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Though work remains to be done in terms of our spiritual growth, the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit involves placing us in a spiritual position of having been cleansed from sin.
10 Things You Should Know about Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Learn more about the man who is as relevant to us today as he was in his own lifetime.
The Greatest Gift a Mom Can Give Her Daughter
Mother-daughter discipleship can have a crucial role in the growth and formation of a young girl. Hear why from Jacquelle Crow.
7 Tips for Loving “Those” People in Your Church
What do you do with “those” people in your church—the ones who drive you crazy? If love at church were easy, how would that testify to the power of his saving work in our lives?
A Message to the Christian Battling Sexual Sin
We can't blame our environment for our struggles. The root of our wrong thinking about sex is not cultural, it's our own hearts.
3 Reasons Jesus's Miracles Still Matter Today
The miracles of Jesus were relevant to the people back then. But what about now?
How (and How Not) to Memorize Scripture
Always remember to give full credit to God’s work in you, and constantly seek the Spirit’s help as you memorize. Our pride is a deadly enemy to every good thing God wants to work in our souls.
5 Passages to Read Christmas Morning
Rejoice in what God has done at Christmas in the reading of his Word and remember the foretold birth of the Savior. God is with us.
10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment
The final judgment may seem to be bad news, but when we think about it more deeply we discover it is central to the message we preach, that the gospel shines with clarity in light of the final judgment.
10 Things You Should Know about Money
Money is an accurate window on what is truly important to us.
Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (Jim Hamilton)
Jim Hamilton discusses what to do when you hate your job, offering encouragement for those frustrated in their work and explaining the difference between a job and a vocation.
There are lots of people who are never really confronted by the wretchedness of their own hearts.
Things You May Not Know About Bible Paper
A few weeks ago we posted a crash course on Bible cover materials, and now we turn our attention to the interior of the Bible.
10 Things You Should Know about the Priesthood of Believers
Our role as priests—a role that includes both male and female—is a premier theme throughout Scripture.
An Open Letter to Those Frustrated by Their Progress in Sanctification
A professional counselor encourages believers who are experiencing doubt that God is still with them and working in their lives.
What Did Jesus Teach about Evangelism?
When we look at Jesus’s life and ministry we also see that he was the greatest evangelist. In his earthly ministry he was the light of the world, the one who always lived in a way that was pleasing to his Father.
‘The Biggest Story’ Christmas Devotional with Printable Ornaments
Take a journey through the Bible this December with the help of stories from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, and prepare your family for the birth of Jesus the Savior!
An Open Letter to the Parent of a Strong-Willed Child
Let us be careful about singling out the strong-willed child as though his will is more corrupt than ours.
Is It Okay to Pray a Curse on My Enemies? (Psalm 5)
Prayers of this sort generally carry the unstated assumption that the evildoers will not repent and seek forgiveness; should they turn, these prayers are reversed as well.
Women in Society: The Challenge and the Call
Women are extremely valuable to society, not because of their own merits but because of the qualities God has given them to use on his behalf.
10 Things You Should Know about Predestination
It is pitiful how we can take the Bible teaching about predestination that should result in humility, praise, and comfort and instead talk about it with sinful pride, divisiveness, and anxiety.
Verses like these are a doorway into the message of the book, an entry at a high point of the story with all its tension and drama.
10 Reasons Why It’s Good to Be a Girl
We in the church should be the loudest voice in our world to rehearse all the ways it’s good to be a girl. We know the God who made us, and we know he made us very good.
Why It's Wrong to Take God's Name in Vain
One of the remarkable things about God is that no one ever named him.
7 Bad Reasons to Leave a Church
Before you begin searching for a new church, consider these 7 reasons you shouldn't.
10 Apps to Use with Your ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Here are ten apps we've tested and that work well with the ESV Digital Scripture Journal.
There is a reason to value some gifts above others, but the Bible does not teach that any are more important, lasting, or Christ-centered than other gifts.
Infographic: What Does Your Church Mean to You?
We asked over 10,000 people to share their views of church. In this infographic, we present some of the interesting results.
Can Christians Know the Timing of Christ’s Second Coming? (1 Thessalonians 5)
Many wish to know when Jesus will return to establish his kingdom fully. Even the disciples asked this very question .
Are Israel and the Church Two Distinct Peoples of God?
Covenant theology is a blessing because whatever book of Scripture we find ourselves in, every part reminds us of other parts. The entire book is about God’s covenant with his people.
Why We’re Giving Away the ESV Global Study Bible (to Everyone)
We want to equip the global church with theologically rich, gospel-centered content aimed at helping God's people better understand and apply the Bible.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Providence
In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will . . .
How the Word of God Enables Us to Defeat the Devil
When the powers of darkness are arrayed against you, and aim to destroy your joy forever, nothing is more precious than to have the Word of God ready for the battle.
Will Unbelievers Be Annihilated or Suffer Eternally? (Revelation 14)
The reality of a believer's faith will reveal itself in observable and concrete ways—those who endure follow God in obedience.
10 Things You Should Know about the Church after COVID-19
In all the important ways, nothing has changed about church. We are still the people of God, gathered in the presence of God, to bring glory to God.
4 Psalms You Didn’t Realize Point to Christ
Again and again I have seen a psalm come into focus when I relate it to Christ, similar to a fuzzy scene through a camera viewfinder coming into sharp focus when the lens is properly adjusted.
10 Things You Should Know about Catechesis
What is catechesis? Here are 10 facts you should know.
We May Be Confused, but God Isn’t
As much as we try to make sense of our lives, there are things that we simply aren’t able to understand.
10 Things You Should Know about the Psalms
Bruce K. Waltke, Fred G. Zaspel
Throughout the history of the church, Psalms has been among the first books of the Bible translated and the most commonly read and memorized.
What C. S. Lewis Believed about Hell
When the wrath of God is poured out, God gives us over to our desires and we become less and less human.
Parenting: A 14-Day Devotional
Learn 14 gospel-centered parenting principles from Paul David Tripp’s book, Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Familly.
What Did Jesus Teach about Money?
We keep telling ourselves that the next thing will be what satisfies us, but it never does.
7 Tips for Being a Good Friend
As we emerge from this pandemic, we have a fresh opportunity to embrace essential relationships, not just returning to our pre-pandemic status-quo, but moving forward into something even better.
An Open Letter to the Hesitant Church-Goer
Helpful reflections and encouragement for believers who are hesitant to return to church for a variety of reasons.
14 Passages to Read about the Resurrection
As you enter into the celebration of Easter, read these passages to help you meditate on the significance of the resurrection.
Infographic: The Story of Redemption
As inspiring and wonderful as stories can be, the Bible—with all its twists and turns, ups and downs—is greater than any other because it tells what actually is.
10 Lesser-Known References to Jesus in the Old Testament
The Old Testament contains “types,” that is, symbolic personages and things and events that point to a climactic fulfillment in Christ. Here are ten lesser-known types that point forward to Jesus.
Parents, Your Kids Need Big Theology
Let them grow into understanding the big truths of Scripture by building a foundation that will shape and guide them as they learn and understand the big words and the big theology of the gospel.
Learn five things fathers can avoid when parenting their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
Podcast: Calvinism 101 (Kevin DeYoung)
What are the five points of Calvinism really about and how can we believe them, while maintaining gracious humility towards others who don't?
7 Important Lessons about Masculinity
Godly leadership doesn’t give us the right to lord our authority over others; it means that it is our glory to die first.
Is It OK to Call God My Friend?
Jesus is—and will always be—our king. And yet, it’s also true that our king has invited us to be his friends.
Seminary can by no means teach a minister everything he needs to know, but it puts strong tools in his box to set him up for a lifetime of learning and growing in the Lord.
“Love is love” proudly pronounced that the lover's authenticity determines the love's integrity. Who can judge love? it asked. But does God define love, or do I? Is God love, or are my feelings my God?
The best answers to that question will come when we understand why God gave us this book.
This Day In History: The Death of Charles Spurgeon
It was January 31, 1892, and after twenty-four years of ill health, the ‘Prince of Preachers’ went to be with the Lord, aged just fifty-seven.
Help! God Didn’t Answer My Prayer
The problem of “unanswered prayers” is one we all must reckon with. What we hear in Scripture often seems to contradict what we see in everyday experience
5 Myths about the Song of Songs
While the Song of Songs is for lovers, it applies not just to human relationships but also in our soul’s relationship to God.
Our value comes from God and he has good purposes for every role and circumstance he puts us in.
3 Pieces of Advice for Every Godly Man Fighting Porn
Prayer feels weak. We feel awkward trying. So we neglect prayer. But our prayers to God are not weak. They are powerful, because God is powerful.
5 Lessons from Shakespeare's Hamlet
Leland Ryken compels us to focus on both the content and the form of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
9 Passages of Scripture to Read on Inauguration Day
These nine passages can help center our gaze on Christ—our just king who reigns now and promises to return, bringing true and lasting peace.
God’s Plan for Your Discontentment
There is room for the power of Christ to rest on you in such a way that it will give you the strength to be content even as you continue to live your life in the wilderness of this world.
4 Questions You Should Ask When Reading the Bible
What we get out of the Bible largely depends on the kinds of questions we ask when reading the text. But how do we know what are the right questions to ask?
50 Reasons We Appreciate Our Pastors
We recently invited our readers to finish the following sentence: "In the last year, I have appreciated my pastor because he . . ." Here are 50 of our favorite responses.
Why Did Paul Publicly Rebuke Peter? (Galatians 2)
This passage clearly teaches that this subtle but very common problem in the church is a serious distortion of the gospel and needs the corrective rebuke of the apostle Paul.
Help! I Have Trouble Talking with My Adult Children
When we move from parenting a teen to mentoring our adult children, asking questions is the best and first approach to difficult conversations—far better than biting your tongue.
3 Reasons Why Your Small Group Is Not a Church
Some Christians think their small group is a church. A church is, after all, a people not a place, and small groups do many of the same things that churches do.
The temptation to forget God is always present. But there is a way to maintain one's devotion to the Lord.
Study the Greek New Testament for Free at ESV.org
Did you know that you can read and study the Greek New Testament for free at ESV.org?
Delighting in God’s Law: A 10-Day Video Devotional with Jen Wilkin
Join Jen Wilkin, author of Ten Words to Live By, for a ten-day journey through the Ten Commandments, learning what they are and what they mean for our lives.
Introducing New ESV Bible Editions Available as PDF Downloads
The full ESV text is now available in a selection of downloadable and printable PDFs, making it easy to read and engage with God’s Word. Available in five new editions.
Coronavirus and the Second Coming of Christ
Even though the history of the Christian church is littered with failed predictions of the end of the world, it remains true that Jesus Christ is coming back.
Did Jesus Lie to His Brothers? (John 7)
In John 7 Jesus tells his brothers he is not going to the Feast of Booths, but then he does. We must understand what the brothers are suggesting here and what Jesus is saying he is not going to do.
Marriage: A 7-Day Reading Plan
Marriage is God's invention intended to bring him glory. Begin a 7-day reading plan to guide you through what Scripture says about it.
The Most Important Paragraph in Human History
The human means of justification is (God-given) faith; the divine means is redemption. God justifies sinners by uniting them with Christ.
What Authority Does a Husband Have over His Wife?
A husband’s authority is what I would characterize as an authority of counsel, not an authority of command. It is both kinds of authority.
With Christ, though, our sins and weaknesses are the very tickets that qualify us to approach him. Nothing but coming to him is required—first at conversion, and ten thousand more times.
10 Things You Should Know about Love
We often say “love” when we mean sexual intimacy, or romantic love. But real love is far bigger than that.
You need to understand that there are two parts of the Christmas story, and you need both parts to make proper sense out of the whole story.
7 Passages to Read on Ash Wednesday
Today marks the beginning of the Lent season. Read seven passages of Scripture to help prepare your heart.
How to Pray When You’re Tempted by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin is a matter of the heart. When it comes to sex, we all need to say that the biggest problem in our sexual lives is us.
What Kind of Teacher Is Jesus?
The documents describing Jesus’s career—the four Gospels—make clear that he was a teacher.
How Do I Know If I’m One of the Elect?
If you follow Christ and are struggling with whether you are elect, you are at war. You are fighting a scheme of the devil.
3 Causes for Political Tension between Christians
Jonathan Leeman, Andrew David Naselli
What is going on when a disagreements affects your heart’s posture or hinders fellowship with another person in your church?
Should angels be worshiped? Into what do angels long to look? What about guardian angels?
6 Ingredients of True Friendship
What essential ingredients do we mix together to make true friendship?
10 Passages to Read on Reformation Day
Foundational truths from Scripture in celebration of Reformation Day.
5 Ways to Ensure Our Souls Aren’t Strangled by Screens
The biggest deception of our digital age may be the lie that says we can be omnicompetent, omni-informed, and omnipresent.
What Does It Mean When We Pray “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”?
This is still a powerful reminder and a necessary prayer because even though we may see grocery stores around every corner, we still are dependent upon God to give us what we need.
How to Face the Death of Someone You Love
We’ve all experienced the desolation of being left in one way or another.
10 Things You Should Know about John Owen
Now more than ever, it’s time to pick up Owen and find his encouragement for the Christian life.
An Open Letter to the Church on Singleness
Let’s not neglect what Scripture has to say about singleness. It may well surprise us. It will certainly bless us.
Podcast: Christians, the LGBTQ Community, and the Call to Hospitality (Rosaria Butterfield)
Rosaria Butterfield encourages us to engage our LGBTQ neighbors for Christ, highlighting how God used the radically ordinary hospitality of Christians to draw her to himself.
7 Tips for Deeper Conversations at Family Gatherings
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
Preparation for your family gathering will involve shopping, decorating, and meal planning. But it will also involve preparing your heart for how to achieve deeper conversations at your family gathering.
New Year, New Mercies: A 15-Day Devotional with Paul David Tripp
When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory each and every day.
How (and How Not) to Fight Sin
Fighting sin is spiritual warfare, and warfare requires a battle plan. If left to our own devices, we would have little success against our unseen enemy.
Is It Fair That God Hardens Hearts?
Is it fair that God accomplishes reprobation by withholding grace and by hardening hearts, blinding eyes, and deafening ears? It is crucial to remember two truths.
How Does Jesus Respond When We Doubt? (John 20)
Do we think our doubts trouble Jesus? Do we think skepticism is a surprise to him? Our honest thinking will not offend him. He can handle any question we have.
How to Pray for a Loved One Struggling with Mental Illness
When God gives us the right spirit in prayer—the spirit of hope, patience, and love—that will usually result in the right petitions.
10 Things You Should Know about Persecution
After telling his followers about his forthcoming death and resurrection, Jesus told them that they were to follow him by taking up their cross.
What Are the Bible's Key Themes?
How does knowing the end of the story influence the way we think about the story now?
Deuteronomy is clearly one of the most important books in the Old Testament.
6 Questions about the Fear of God
On the one hand, we are told that Christ frees us from fear; on the other, we are told we ought to fear—and fear God, no less. Is fear a good or a bad thing?
Infographic: The Common (Yet Neglected) Problem of Burnout
Are you experiencing burnout? Check out the infographic to learn more about the symptoms and causes of this common problem.
An Open Letter to the Weary Pastor
The gospel gives hope and encouragement to weary pastors—hope and encouragement that cannot be found anywhere else.
Why Romans Is the Greatest Letter Ever Written
Paul’s letter to the Romans is relatively short (it takes about sixty minutes to read aloud), and it is profound. It explains and exults in and applies the greatest news we could hear.
10 Things You Should Know about the Reformation
Some surprising facts about a time in history that changed the church forever.
10 Things You Should Know about J. I. Packer
Learn about a man from humble origin who the Lord has used in mighty ways.
6 Ways Moms Can Show Love to Their Daughters
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
If we avail ourselves of Holy Scripture, we find the wisdom and direction we so desperately seek.
5 Things We Know About Christ’s Second Coming
“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” What is known about “that day” can be summarized under five headings.
The Gospel of John is an account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus—teaching us about his life and mission and about our salvation.
What Happens after Death (and before Resurrection)
The Bible assures us that we already have eternal life here on earth and that cannot be interrupted.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 4
James N. Anderson goes into more detail about what a worldview is and what makes up a worldview
10 Things You Should Know about St. Nicholas
Saint Nicholas was a real person, born in modern-day Turkey in 270 AD. Learn more about the life of the man who eventually inspired the character of Santa Claus.
What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
When we peer into the word of God, we see who God is: his character is revealed to us. At the same time, we see who we are: we see ourselves in light of God’s character.
8 Characteristics of the Decree of God
God’s decree is his eternal plan, whereby, according to his decretive will and for his glory, he foreordained everything that comes to pass.
Does the Bible Reflect a Patriarchal Bias?
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
The root problem of humanity is not male authority, or authority itself; the problem is human sin, which affects the way in which both men and women relate to each other.
The Middle Ground between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology
Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum
Putting together the biblical covenants is central to the doing of biblical and systematic theology.
8 New Testament Passages That Support a Historical Adam and Eve
One is not free to maintain that Adam is a mythical or semihistorical figure while Jesus Christ is a fully historical figure.
Glimpsing the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible
Biblical literacy is ever-important for Christians as we seek to understand how the Scriptures come together to tell the story of the gospel.
For those who want to know God, the study of theology is indispensable.
11 Passages to Read When You Lose Your Job
Losing your job can be discouraging and confusing. Lean on the eternal hope of Christ in a difficult time with these Bible passages.
Only you know how to best cultivate and guard the woman God has given you. But sometimes it helps to build off other people’s ideas in order to form your own.
Unpacking “My Body, My Choice”
God alone is the potter. He alone knits cells together in the womb to form a baby human. He alone has the right to destroy or glorify the work of his hands.
An Attribute of God That Isn’t Discussed Enough
To talk about the aseity of God, then, is to say that God is from and of himself. He is completely self-originating and dependent on nothing other than himself.
John Piper on Theocracy, Igniting Revolutions, and Patriotism in the Church
Christ claims in every family, and in every business, and in every school, and in every church, and in every political party, and in every nation a superior allegiance, a superior love.
4 Questions about the Attributes of God
His almighty power makes it possible for him to reach out to us in love and to save us from our sins. This is why the attributes of God matter.
4 Prayers to Pray through Spiritual Darkness
Turn to the Lord in prayer and in his word during times of despair and discouragement. He is near and read to defend, protect, and preserve those he loves.
How Radically Ordinary Hospitality Changed Rosaria Butterfield’s Life
Rosaria Butterfield invites us into her home to show us how God can use “radical, ordinary hospitality” to bring the gospel to our lost friends and neighbors.
How (and How Not) to Talk with Your Kids about Sexuality
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Be assured that if you are not planning how and when to bring sexuality up in conversation, your children will learn about it elsewhere.
14 Principles for Studying the Bible
How can you dig deeper into God’s Word? Understand it better? Apply it well? Keep these fourteen foundational Bible study principles in mind when you read.
How to Biblically Defend the Sanctity of Life
We can approach discussions about abortion with evidence from the Bible, or just by using the facts of the universe about how a human life develops inside the mother's womb.
What Does Ecclesiastes 1:2 Mean?
People seek lasting significance, but no matter how great their accomplishments, they are unable to achieve the significance they desire.
Was King Saul Possessed by Demons? (1 Samuel 19)
Was Saul a prophet or was he possessed by a demon? Learn more about 1 Samuel 19 with commentary from the ESV Expository Commentary Series.
Suffering with a Christian Worldview
The question we must always ask of suffering is this: What could possibly be worth it? Jesus’s flabbergasting claim is that he is.
Gentle and Lowly: A 14-Day Podcast
Join Dane Ortlund for a 14-day audio devotional to discover the true heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers.
What Does the Bible Say about Marriage?
Marriage is an ordinance given to human beings in creation. It is therefore not negotiable, but is entrusted to us both as a “given” and as a gracious gift.
You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death
Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.
Resources Related to Abortion and the Sanctity of Life
In light of the recent ruling by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, we wanted to highlight a number of resources that will help Christians to understand the truths of the pro-life position, to articulate that message, and to truly reflect on the sanctity of life.
The Reason We Don't Feel the Weight of Our Sin
Just as we can hardly fathom the divine ferocity awaiting those out of Christ, it is equally true that we can hardly fathom the divine tenderness already resting now on those in Christ.
One of Satan’s methods to mislead preachers is the false dichotomy. Here are 5 particularly dangerous ones.
If I Believe Jesus Has Forgiven My Sins, Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?
We trust that we’ve been forgiven because Christ paid for all our sins when he died on the cross, but the memory isn’t erased, and the effects on us and on those we hurt can linger long.
Why Churches Languish under Cowardly Pastors
If there is anyone in the world who ought to have courage, it must be pastors.
Are Pastors Free to Accumulate Wealth?
Few people acknowledge the narratives that drive the assumptions that provide our framework for how we relate to money.
Was the Trinity Torn Apart at the Cross?
Jesus's quoting of Psalm 22 on the cross has been a source of wonder and speculation. What can and can’t we say about this cry?
5 Questions about the Ten Commandments
We should love the law because we love Jesus, and because Jesus loved the law.
An Open Letter to the Spouse of an Unbeliever
Since God commands believers not to marry an unbeliever, you might wonder, Does God want me to stay married to my unbelieving spouse?
Abortion and the Forgiveness of God
Have you confessed your sin to God and acknowledged that it was wrong? His word says that he is faithful to forgive your sins.
The Greatest Danger That Any Human Being Faces
For sinners, God is the supreme terror, and when we rightly understand our situation, we are right to fear.
Did Jesus Ever Complain to God?
Many Christians don't have a category for complaint—what it means to humbly and biblically take our sorrows to the Lord.
An Open Letter to Christians Who Doubt
Just defining or describing the doubt helps me talk to God more pointedly about it. And in some instances, he gives me insight or perspective that alleviates (but not totally removes) the doubt.
The ESV is a treasure that has been transmitted to us—a treasure we have sought to transmit to the body of Christ, to a new generation, and even to generations beyond.
10 Things You Should Know about Athanasius
Learn more about this theologian, church father, and key defender of Christian orthodoxy.
Bible Q&A - Why Are There Two Testaments in the Bible?
Dane Ortlund answers why there are two testaments in the Bible.
How to Pray for Your Teen’s Spiritual Growth
Here are seven specific bibliical prayers that I’m praying for my own (almost) teenager, and which I’d encourage you to pray for yours.
4 Questions about the Lord’s Supper
When we understand that the church is a family, we more clearly perceive the biblical emphasis on the Lord’s Supper as a family meal, to be celebrated by the church as Jesus’s family.
10 Questions to Ask at Your Thanksgiving Gathering
Here are some questions designed to spark not only conversation, but also dialogue relevant to the season.
We tend to project our natural expectations about who God is onto him instead of fighting to let the Bible surprise us into what God himself says.
How Do I Live Through a Season of Darkness?
It is utterly crucial that in our darkness we affirm the wise, strong hand of God to hold us, even when we have no strength to hold him.
According to the entire witness of Holy Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods. Nor are they some confederation of the one God with lesser gods. These three are the one God.
The Kind of Love That Marks a Christian
Why does the Great Commandment instruct us to love God first, others second? Because this is the order in which God himself loves.
10 Most Popular Articles in 2018
Review some of the year's most popular articles based on pageviews.
3 Lies Women Believe about Serving
It’s difficult to steward our time, talents, and treasure well in a world that invites us to self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
10 Things You Should Know about Abortion
Does each and every human being have an equal right to life?
How to Pray for Your Child’s Salvation
We cannot force this faith. We labor for it, we teach to it, we encourage it, and above all, we can pray for it.
4 Questions about Headship and Head Coverings
What does it mean that the husband is the head of his wife? What is the covering? What “head” does the woman dishonor? What does Paul mean by “authority”?
The Best Parenting Passage in the Entire Bible
Our children must learn to look at life through the lens of the will and plan of their Creator—to develop a comprehensive biblical worldview that is distinctively God-centered and biblically driven.
Suffering and Hope in the Time of COVID-19
In these circumstances, we may find ourselves wondering, Where is God? How can these things be happening if God is perfectly good and all-powerful? Can’t he stop them? Doesn’t he want to?
5 Myths about How We Got the Bible
When it comes to books, none is more famous than the Bible. As with anything of historical importance, the Bible has accumulated its share of mythical distortions in the popular mind.
The Birth of Narnia and Why Tolkien Hated It
Lewis found that his creative imagination was drawing him forward the way something magical drew the children into Narnia.
Adoption Isn't Charity—It's War
We believe Jesus in heavenly things—our adoption in Christ; so we follow him in earthly things—the adoption of children.
Why the Study of Ethics Matters for Everyday Christians
Why should we study ethics from a biblical perspective? Why should we collect and summarize the Bible’s teaching in a systematic way?
5 Ways the Digital Age Is Transforming the Way You Think
Our work, education, relationships, and even worship are increasingly happening digitally. Our tendency is often to think of these technologies as just neutral “tools." But this is not quite right.
10 Things You Should Know about the Beatitudes
The Beatitudes set the moral and spiritual bar so high that we cannot possibly live up to them—and in our best moments, we know this.
13 Times Jesus Amazed His Hearers in 2 Words or Less
Look at the red letter edition of the Bible! There are pages of verses in red. Treasure-filled treatises. But sometimes, Jesus gave a full, significant, amazing, life-giving answer in two words or less.
Waiting on the Lord Is Not a Waste
You’re not doing anything, but God is. Waiting is one of the greatest applications of the Christian faith.
2 Things That Matter More Than Your Preferred Style at Church
Prioritize two main things in your church decision-making process. Choose a church that is centered on the word and driven by love.
We all read things every day and are warned not to believe everything. Why can we believe everything in the Bible?
Money can’t buy you a satisfied heart, money can’t buy you peace and happiness, and money can’t buy you a reason to get up in the morning.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Repentant
Turn to God and his Word and the prayers of the saints when your heart cries out to the Lord in repentance.
Proverbs 1:7 seeks to instill in us the indispensable virtues for becoming wise. We must tremble at the Lord’s holiness, just as we are drawn to him in love.
What Does It Mean to Live a Life Worthy of the Gospel?
On the one hand, here is the gospel. And on the other hand, here is your life. And Paul’s exhortation is this: Live in such a way that your life “weighs the same” as the gospel!
Why John Owen and Richard Baxter Didn’t Like Each Other
When we see other people, we do so through a filter that operates on the basis of the only evidence we have: what we see them do and hear them say. It’s easy to get that wrong.
Hospitality is not a gift unto itself, but a means through which other spiritual gifts are displayed: mercy, serving, giving, and evangelizing.
Will Your Phone Dominate Your Life in 2018?
As another new year begins, let's examine our habits, including our relationships to social media and our phones.
The Core Problem with Genetic Engineering
Children are not commodities to be bought and sold, or products to be manufactured, or objects to be designed for someone else’s use.
Was Violence against the Canaanites a Matter of Racial Prejudice?
Gregory Goswell, Andreas J. Köstenberger
It is impossible to ignore what is routinely viewed as the grave moral problem of the book of Joshua, namely, the action of the Israelites in exterminating the Canaanites.
Why Do We Get Baptized One Time but Take Communion Many Times?
Many Christians today have a weak understanding of the sacraments and what they accomplish in the lives of believers.
Discovering the Holiness of God: The Formation of R. C. Sproul
The zeal to proclaim the holiness of God and the gospel of Christ propelled R. C. Sproul to devote his life to teaching, to preaching, to traveling, to writing.
Why It Matters What We Do with Our Bodies
We might think it doesn’t matter what we do with our bodies, but the Bible repeatedly and powerfully shows us this is not the case.
Learn more about forthcoming Bibles in 2018, including the ESV Archaeology Study Bible and the ESV Story of Redemption Bible.
11 Bible Promises about God’s Love
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Understanding Biblical Covenants Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Why are covenants so important in Scripture? Why does it matter in the Christian life?
J. Alasdair Groves, Winston T. Smith
The issue isn’t really whether or not God has emotions but what they are like. Does God experience emotions the way we do?
Rooted in God’s Love: A 9-Day Devotional for Women
Are you tired, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed with life’s demands? Start a 9-day online devotional aimed at helping you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit.
A Prayer for Racial Reconciliation
Divisions of mistrust and historical bias run deep. Without God, nothing will ever change. In our pain and our weariness, we know that only Jesus can change our hearts and unite the church.
Download Free ‘Easter Stories’ from ‘The Biggest Story Bible Storybook’
This Easter booklet adapted from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook is a perfect way to teach children about the life-changing story of Jesus’s death and resurrection.
A Good Marriage Needs These 2 Things
The key character quality in a good and lasting marriage is humility, and the way that humility demonstrates itself is when I'm approachable and willing to admit my faults.
6 Reasons Not to Be a Missionary
You don’t need a reason to go as a missionary; you need a reason to stay where you are. I’ll admit I don’t love this saying. Yes, it’s a catchy phrase, but it’s not especially good theology.
Christian, What Are You Watching?
For most Americans, media is the omnipresent backdrop of life. We generally give no more thought to it than we do to the air we breathe. But give thought to it we must.
How to Grieve Racial Violence through Lament
Rather than allowing racial tension to drive a wedge between us or to frighten us into silence, lament can invite all of us on a journey toward seeking God’s grace together.
Is the Story of Job Historical? (Job 1)
Was there really a man named Job? Did he live in a land called Uz? Was he perfectly righteous with a perfectly blessed life? Put simply, did the author of Job create the whole drama?
How (and How Not) to Read the Psalms
Bruce K. Waltke, Fred G. Zaspel
Although we all have derived spiritual benefit from the Psalms—an ancient collection of poems—on many levels, there are ways to read the Psalter that are more beneficial than others.
An Interview with J. I. Packer on the Origin and Significance of the ESV Bible
Dr. Packer served on the Translation Oversight Committee as general editor for the English Standard Version.
10 Things We Get Wrong About the Love of God
While it is true that God is love (1 John 4:16), this does not mean he is obligated to express that love to anyone, much less toward hell-deserving sinners like you and me.
One Big Reason the Church Doesn't Pray
Are we living as if we can accomplish things on our own, or are we praying to God like we know we can't?
10 Things You Should Know about B. B. Warfield
Warfield was a towering theological figure at the turn of the twentieth century.
Why Elisabeth Elliot Changed Her Beliefs about Finding God’s Will
Elliot had left Ecuador with a changing understanding of God’s will. Circumstances had forced her to look long and hard at her beliefs about God’s guidance.
J. V. Fesko discusses if the Pope is an antichrist, as opposed to the antichrist.
A Christian Doctor Answers Questions about COVID-19
Read answers to common questions related to COVID-19 from a Christian physician.
10 Things You Should Know about Grieving People
People who are grieving don’t expect that you are going to say something that will make everything okay.
Scripture tells us that sin is deceitful. We are often deceived into believing two lies, as we step outside of God’s boundaries and do what he has forbidden.
Are the Old Testament’s Moral Laws Still Binding on Us Today?
Even if the Mosaic covenant no longer has binding force on us today, we still need to realize that the Old Testament is a valuable source of ethical wisdom.
An Open Letter to the Prayerless Church
The church is a spiritual force. It is animated by the Spirit of Jesus in our midst. So, if we want to see the church brought back to life, we have to make room to listen and be led by the Spirit as a community.
3 Questions about Small Groups
We should be asking ourselves if we act like family members of the church and whether or not our participation in the church strengthens or weakens it.
What’s The Deal With Footwashing?
Jesus demonstrates to the disciples through footwashing that the greatest among us is the one who serves out of deep and abiding love
There are quite a few commonly-held, yet misguided beliefs about Martin Luther. Uncover the truth behind five myths.
15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me
Real pastors get honest about the joys and challenges of the first five years of pastoral ministry—and how they bridged the gap between seminary training and life in a local church.
We may take it for granted that women are equally valuable as men. But that was not what people in Jesus’s day believed.
Jesus’s Troubled Family History
If you have no hope to be accepted into God’s family other than the perfect record of your righteous brother, Jesus, then you can be sure you’ve found your forever-family.
Why Our Expectations for Teens in the Church Are Way Too Low
Historically, one of the failures of youth ministry is that kids have not been seen as potential contributors in the church, and that is a disservice to them and to the church as a whole.
Why Your Emotions Are a Good Thing
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
God didn’t redeem us, body and soul, only for us to leave emotions out of the Christian life.
Martin Luther’s Controversial View of Women
The way Martin Luther spoke about women is controversial and complicated: in some ways he valued them and in some ways he did not.
Lessons from 7 of History's Greatest Theologians
Access nearly five hours of free video content exploring key teachings on the Christian life from seven of church history’s greatest theologians.
Your Prayer Life Might Be Better Than You Think
Scripture’s prayers, especially the psalms, are prayers we can and should take on our lips. We can pray through Scripture. It’s part of learning how to pray.
10 Key Bible Verses on Friendship
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend . . .
4 Prayers to Pray When You’re Anxious
Read four prayers from church history along with passages from Scripture, and be encouraged to know the Lord hears you.
What Did Jesus Teach about Total Depravity?
The assumption of universal guilt before God is evident throughout Jesus’s teaching in the Gospels. Proof of this reality is manifold. Below are four evidences to support this claim.
The foundation stories of Genesis set the stage of the drama of Scripture in many ways.
The Day My Worst Nightmare Came True
Four years ago, Cameron Cole came face-to-face with his worst nightmare. The one thing that he hoped and prayed would never happen, did happen.
Should I Attend My Homosexual Friend's Wedding?
A thoughtful answer to a question that we all—sooner or later—may need to face, and how to honor Christ with our response.
What Is Divine Inspiration (and Why Does It Matter)?
The general line of argument is that if the Bible is divinely inspired, it must also be infallible because God would not lead his people astray.
10 Things You Should Know about the Pentateuch
Just like missing the first fifteen minutes of a movie will spoil our ability to fully enjoy its plot line, a lack of familiarity with the Pentateuch will compromise our ability to fully appreciate the Bible’s overarching story.
Here are seven important principles for sharing our faith with others gleaned from a close reading of Acts 8.
7 Tips for Being More Productive
True productivity is not about results but about faithfulness. We are productive when we are walking in the good works God has prepared for us, whatever the results of those good works are.
What Should a Youth Pastor Spend His Time Doing?
Youth pastors should dedicate their time to three primary things—spiritual growth, relationships, and Bible study.
The term sovereignty does not contain the idea of purposeful action, but the term providence does.
When Marriage and Motherhood Become Idols
When we moralize marriage and motherhood, we inadvertently create a hierarchy in the church with the moms on top (the more children the godlier) and the singles without children on the bottom.
7 Questions That Teens Need to Answer
Teenagers are in one of the most exciting and most important times of their lives. Paul Tripp points to seven questions they will face that will influence the shape and direction of the rest of their lives.
Help! I Can’t Stay Consistent with My Bible Reading
God is working in and through the daily, faithful, consistent discipline of Bible reading—even if it’s hard to see it in the moment.
A Systematic Theology of Justification
Justification is necessary because all humans without exception are sinners under God’s condemning wrath.
Is It Possible to Suffer Well?
It takes discipline to carry pain with you while not letting it asphyxiate you. It will not crush you if you believe Christ is in it.
What Does It Mean That All Israel Will Be Saved? (Romans 11)
There is a particular call to faith in Christ through the call of the gospel. Both God’s gifts and his calling of Jews to faith in Christ remain in force and will not be revoked.
10 Things You Should Know about the Fall
Made for communion with God, Adam and Eve experienced alienation. Made for trust and hope and life abundant, they descended into sin and shame. They fell.
Why You Should Read Augustine's Confessions
I believe that Augustine's masterpiece is a largely unread book because people approach it with the wrong expectations, quickly become frustrated, and leave the book unfinished.
Why Are the Books of the Bible in the Order They’re In?
The positioning of each book relative to other books in the canonical collection has hermeneutical significance for the reader who seeks meaning in the text.
A Devotional on the Birth of Jesus by Martin Luther
I would not have you contemplate the deity of Christ, the majesty of Christ, but rather his flesh. Look upon the Baby Jesus. . . . See how God invites you.
An Open Letter to the Parent Who Has Lost a Child
As a parent whose child died four and a half years ago, I want to offer you two hopeful words about that wound in your heart that never will fully heal on this side of eternity.
What Did Jesus Teach about Limited Atonement?
There are a number of texts demonstrating that when Jesus lived, died, rose, ascended, and interceded, he did so for a particular group of people. Read what Jesus says about this.
10 Things You Should Know about Being Single
God made you and me for far more than marriage. If we miss this, we risk wasting our lives running in wrong directions, pursuing pitiful dreams, and serving tiny gods.
The Key to Spiritual Stability in the Christian Life
As you prayerfully saturate your mind with God's Word, it begins more and more to control your thinking and behavior.
What Does It Mean That an Elder Must Be the Husband of One Wife? (1 Timothy 3)
One’s gifting is certainly a consideration (“able to teach”), but it is not the whole, or even the main thing, that Paul is looking for in an overseer.
Podcast: The Heart of the Abortion Debate (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf discusses abortion and the current state of the pro-life movement, highlighting the biggest mistakes pro-life people make and responding to common pro-choice arguments.
The topic of money can be tricky for Christians to navigate. What does the Bible say about it and how ought we to use it to honor God?
The Purpose and Limits of a Husband’s Authority
How do we unpack the idea of a husband’s headship? We look to Christ and the church: “The head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Cor. 11:3).
Is Homosexual Orientation Sinful?
The Bible is somewhat ambiguous about orientation as such, only because that language is relatively new language. Here's what the Bible does say clearly.
What Does It Mean to Pray “Your Kingdom Come”?
A simple definition is to think of the kingdom of God as his reign and rule. Another way to think of the kingdom is as God’s redemptive presence coming down from heaven to earth.
What Is New about the New Covenant? (Jeremiah 31)
Since the old covenant could be broken by disobedience, the new covenant will impart a greater ability to obey. The result will be the kind of covenant relationship that Yahweh has always sought with his people.
J. I. Packer on the Hub of Christian Life
Packer would contend that one has fallen short in the knowledge of God until such time as the glory of God becomes central in all areas of life and thought.
Is the Story of Jonah and the Whale a Historical Account or a Parable? (Jonah 1 and 2)
Jesus often taught in parables and expected his hearers to learn and act on the truth the parables conveyed. But is “parable” the best approach to Jonah?
Why Is Love Called the Greatest of These? (1 Corinthians 13)
Love is not a spiritual gift. It is essential for using spiritual gifts, and it is more important than spiritual gifts.
Jesus seeks disciples—people who respond to all that he is and all that he offers with a faith that says, “Wherever you take me, I’ll go.”
How Can An All-Knowing God Not Remember My Sin?
Can an all-knowing, omniscient God ever truly forget? Is it not an essential element in being God that nothing ever slips his mind? Could God ever not remember?
10 Things You Should Know about Anglicanism
Anglicanism is the third-largest Christian communion in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
How to Believe against Your Feelings
Some people stop following Christ because they enjoy other things more than Jesus. To them, Christianity just isn’t satisfying anymore. So how should you deal with this important issue?
How to Pray for Your Teenager’s Sexual Purity
Ultimately only the Lord can provide the help our teens need, which is why parents like me must pray for their teenager’s sexual purity.
10 Things You Should Know about Election
God chose us in Christ “before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4).
Help! My Beliefs Are Viewed as Intolerant
As our world continues to speak about inclusivity, diversity, and tolerance, it can seem like Christianity is embarrassingly behind the times.
4 Ways Christians Can Navigate Cultural Confusion around Gender in the Coming Decade
The question of transgender identity looks set to be significant for Christians both in matters of public life and pastoral care for the foreseeable future.
10 Things You Should Know about Teenagers
Do teenagers confuse you? This article shares 10 things you should know about them.
10 Things You Should Know about Limited Atonement
What is the doctrine of atonement and what does it mean for us?
7 Tips for Starting to Learn Biblical Greek
This advice is purposed not to make things easier, but to make the process more realistic, and more pleasant.
If you were to take a quick survey, there’d be a strong consensus that waiting is difficult, annoying, or downright bad. Waiting should be avoided and not affirmed, right?
Does the Bible Direct Us to Have Quiet Times?
It may come as a surprise, but there is no explicit command in Scripture to have a time of worship each day, either as an individual or as a family.
For Packer, affirming biblical authority is meant not merely to provoke a debate but to give ethical direction to life.
Is the Lord’s Supper Jesus’s Actual Body and Blood? (1 Corinthians)
The Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
Who Were the Nations in Nebuchadnezzar’s Prophetic Dream? (Daniel 2)
A great God has made known to the king what shall be after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.
How to Pray When You’re Tempted by Anger
Here are five things you might focus on in your prayers as you seek to do the heart work necessary in your own circumstances.
10 Things You Should Know about Fatherhood
Fatherhood began in God, since he is our Father. Ultimate reality is not mechanical but relational, not physics but fatherhood.
Wrestling with God’s Silence in the Face of Inexplicable Suffering
God does not object to our groanings, our pleas for help, our desperate whimpers when we can’t even form words. He invites us to question him.
The story of Christmas is meant to enliven, motivate, excite, and transform you. May the glory of the best gift ever recapture our hearts this season.
A Simple Solution to a Boring Prayer Life
But if God invites and expects all his children—regardless of their age, IQ, education, or resources—to do the same thing—to pray—then prayer has to be simple.
The Remedy to Self-Condemnation
We’re called to leave the past behind, but that doesn’t mean that the scars of painful things are gone.
Did Jesus Possess Faith and Hope?
Christ had to have trust in his Father, hope in his Father’s promises, and love for his Father.
Orthodoxy and Heresy Orthodoxy means right doctrine or belief. In one very important sense it is essential to salvation. Although we are saved entirely by the grace of God, not on the basis of the …
Are Christians Free to Enjoy the Things of Earth?
There are two dangers that we can fall into with the things of earth: idolatry and ingratitude.
How Is Love of Money a Root of Evil?
The root system of the love of money runs deeper and wider through the soil of the human heart than we tend to think.
The Story of Redemption: A 1-Year Reading Plan
Over the course of 365 days, read through Scripture chronologically, and see how the story of redemption has unfolded over time.
10 Things You Should Know about Apologetics
Apologetics is a means to an end: a means of helping people to live for Jesus.
3 Ways Men Can Love Their Wives in Real Life
Men, these three verbs describe freely given love: lead, sacrifice, and care. God holds you accountable for the spiritual welfare of your wife.
How Iran Became a Hotspot for Christianity
Despite Muslims’ commitment to bringing up their children in the ways of Allah, the Holy Spirit is stirring the hearts of children and adults in Islamic-ruled countries to bring them to faith in Jesus.
The Fear of God Is the Antidote to Our Anxiety
Fear is probably the strongest human emotion. But it baffles us. When we come to the Bible, the picture seems equally confusing: is fear a good thing or bad?
A Biblical Theology of the City of God
From the very beginning of creation, God intended that people, made in his image, should inhabit an earthly city with him.
10 Things You Should Know about the Fruit of the Spirit
On good days, the fruit of the Spirit list is an encouraging list—a reminder that the Spirit is at work in you. On bad days, it can be a crushing list—a testimony to how far you have yet to go.
Why It's Destructive to Deny God's Sovereignty in Suffering
To deny God's control over suffering actually severs the root of our comfort when facing tragedy.
What Is the Difference between Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology?
The Bible doesn’t come to us as an academic textbook, with carefully delineated topical headings organized according to theological themes. What is different about these two ways of organizing theology?
10 Things You Should Know about Your Conscience
J. D. Crowley, Andrew David Naselli
Thankfully, we’re not left to popular perception in regard to conscience. We have the Bible to teach us what conscience is and is not. Let's lay out some introductory principles about conscience.
Where Christ Isn’t Being Treasured, He’s Being Used
Christ as a treasure is not a slice of Christ. It is every dimension of Christ—all of Christ—making up the totality of his infinite value.
What Is Needed to Be a Christian?
In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.
Can I Serve God Better Unmarried?
The whole duty and calling of every human being who has ever lived is to love God with heart, mind, soul, and strength.
How and Where the NT Authors Reaffirm the Ten Commandments (Except One)
The Ten Commandments are part of the OT Law, but NT authors do quote or allude to the commandments quite often as being relevant for new covenant Christians (except for one).
Infographic: How Is Your Phone Changing You?
We surveyed 7,000 people about their phone usage habits—learn more about their answers in this infographic.
Jesus’s Path to the Cross: A 9-Day Devotional
Travel with Jesus through Scripture on his path to the cross, learning more about the people and places he encountered along the way.
Is God Far Away When He Feels Far Away?
Scripture captures both the subjective experience of being internally broken and the external experience of having something objectively hard circumstances.
As one of the more mysterious utterances in the Old Testament, God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 3:14 has received countless examinations by biblical interpreters.
10 Things You Should Know about Covenant Theology
John R. Muether, J. Nicholas Reid, Guy Prentiss Waters
The Bible is a book about God’s plan to glorify himself by saving sinners through the work of his Son, Jesus Christ. At every point, Scripture’s covenant theology leads us to Jesus.
It’s more difficult to think too much of yourself when you remember what is currently riveting the attention of the mightiest angels.
How to Care for a Loved One with Depression
Although the task may seem daunting, as stewards of the greatest message of hope in history Christians are uniquely positioned to minister to those grappling with depression.
3 Times You Should Disobey Authority
No human authority is absolute. Authority is always relative to the assignment given by the Authority Giver.
Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or a Sword? (Luke 12)
Jesus came to bring peace, but peace is not the only consequence of his coming. Both peace and division, harmony and conflict, joy and strife will occur.
5 Questions about Mental Illness
Mental illness is an old problem; as old as the fall. Although God made everything very good, when sin entered, humanity—together with the rest of the creation—came under the divine curse.
Lament boldly reaffirms the trustworthiness of God. But, first we need to learn how to do it.
Legalism: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
Legalism is the tendency to regard as divine law things that God has neither required nor forbidden in Scripture.
Is it true that it's not just the messages that we find on the web that influence us but that it’s the web itself, the process through which the web puts us as we engage its powers?
Why There’s No Such Thing as an Atheist
If what Paul says in Romans 1 is true, there is ultimately no such thing as an atheist.
4 Ways Jesus Fulfills Every Old Testament Promise
When Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Law and Prophets, he is actualizing what Scripture anticipated and achieving what God promised and predicted.
What is the best way Protestants today should look back on the Reformation? Should we think of it more like a happy birth or an ugly divorce?
9 Passages to Read about Pastoral Ministry
Scripture has a lot to say about the responsibilities and blessings of being in the ministry.
The book of Acts does not primarily provide us with human patterns to emulate or avoid. Instead, it repeatedly calls us to reflect upon the work of God, fulfilled in Jesus Christ, establishing the church by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What Does It Mean That King David’s Son Would Build a House for God? (2 Samuel 7)
The Lord is undoubtedly favorably disposed to David, but this does not warrant a blanket endorsement of all that David proposes. It is the Lord’s right to decide when and by whom a temple for him should be built.
10 Things You Should Know about Infertility
Infertility is a more common experience than some realize affecting 7–10% of couples.
3 Practical Ways to Remain Faithful in Ministry
Practical things you need to do in your life to remain faithful in ministry are the same means of grace that are available to every believer.
5 Things to Consider When Confronting a Friend
Sin becomes public in three different ways: someone confesses it, we see it, or we are told about it. Here are some ways to enter into the discussion.
Jesus’s Love for the Marginalized of this World
We are inclined to give our attention to and serve those with influence and power, to praise those who wield influence in the world, but every person is made in God’s image and every person is significant.
For believers today, the significance of the book of Esther is that it coordinates with the rest of the Old Testament to foreshadow Jesus as deliverer and mediator for God’s people.
10 Things You Should Know about Thanksgiving
Though Thanksgiving is not a traditional Christian holiday, it's deeply rooted in biblical principles. Learn more about this beloved American celebration.
Why It Matters How We Treat Unborn Children
How serious is it in God’s sight to intentionally cause the death of an unborn child?
Here are 43 questions and answers for preachers aimed at helping them think carefully about their calling as ministers of the Word.
10 Things You Should Know about Biblical Archaeology
Archaeology provides a vital avenue for understanding ancient everyday life.
You Become Like What You “Like”
Social media has become the new PR firm of the brand Self, and we check our feeds compulsively and find it nearly impossible to turn away from looking at—and loving—our “second self.”
4 Things Dads Should Teach Their Kids about Money
Your kids need more than practical tips for managing their money. They need theology.
Paul Miller’s Story of Learning to Love
Paul Miller shares his story of learning to love by discovering the pattern of Jesus’s life.
Unrealistic standards of beauty are being pushed on us almost constantly by the media, and the cumulative effect is that it can leave us thinking about our bodies in a seriously distorted way.
8 Tips for Studying God's Word
Learn some practical tips for engaging with and getting the most out of your time in God's living, active Word.
Why Study the Book of Hebrews?
Hebrews shows us that the Bible is not a collection of unrelated stories, but is rather one unified story.
In the Beginning God Created a King
You could argue that the theme of kingship is the central theme in the story of the Bible, the one without which the others simply cannot cohere.
How Reliable Is Your Conscience?
Martin Luther believed that maintaining a good conscience was worth going to prison for and even dying for.
What Does the New Testament Mean That Jesus Will Come Soon?
What would it mean for an infallible spokesman (an apostle!) of the Lord Jesus, who cannot predict the time, to say that Jesus is coming soon?
Why Was Jesus’s Teaching So Astonishing?
What was so unusual and so attention-grabbing about Jesus’s teaching? Part of it was that once people began to challenge him and ask him questions, Jesus proved to be a masterful chess player.
Does Scripture Teach that Jesus Is Fully God?
One of the most debated, and at times perplexing, aspects of belief in the Trinity is the question “Does Scripture actually teach that Jesus is fully God?”
10 Prayers from History to Pray for Your Loved Ones
Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter
Oh Lord, with your gracious and merciful eye, look upon the contrition of my heart. According to your certain promise, stay with me as I acknowledge you to be the maker and defender of all creation.
Is Your View of Women Aligned with Your Theology?
A body of Christ is healthiest when women are esteemed and their gifts highly valued, not just in the home but also in the church.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Mercy
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
No Christian denies that justification is by faith. That is an obvious biblical teaching. The controversy is about whether justification is by faith alone (sola fide).
What Is Justification by Works, and Why Do We Reject It?
The apostle Paul emphasizes that we are not justified by “works” or by the “works of the law,” and the question before us is what Paul means when he speaks this way.
How Can God Be Both Righteous and Sovereign over Evil?
Everything that happens unfolds according to God's plan, without exception. But If God planned all things that ever come to pass, how is he not also the author of sin?
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Sorrowed
Turn to the Word of God and the prayers of the saints when your heart is saddened and in need of the gospel’s hope.
Walk with Jesus During His Last Week on Earth
The final days of Jesus were the most important days of the most important person who ever lived.
Why Christian Mission Must Focus on Evangelism
The gospel of Jesus Christ, by its very nature, refuses to be bottled up. It must be shared.
12 Passages to Read on Thanksgiving Day
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
I’m passionate that every Christian display the gospel in their lives, which is why I’m passionate about church membership.
An Open Letter to Teens Facing Doubts about Christianity
Perhaps you believe in Jesus, but sometimes you are not sure. Maybe you find the Bible hard to understand or you find yourself wondering what is true. Asking questions is often the best way to learn.
Why Modern Christians Should Obey the 10 Commandments
Jesus didn’t set the Ten Commandments aside. He fulfilled them.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 2
James N. Anderson outlines five reasons why it’s important to be worldview-aware.
5 Common Ways Church Members Go Astray
How can church elders engage relationally with their local fellowship and keep a watch out for church members who may be straying?
Finding Contentment in Singleness
If you’re over the age of twenty-five and single, surely by now you’ve experienced at least some of the challenges of living an uncoupled life.
10 Things You Should Know about Motherhood
Motherhood is evidence that God is patient toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Initiate Meaningful Conversations
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
Whether speaking with strangers, acquaintances, or those we dearly love, we sometimes realize that we and they would greatly benefit if we would talk about God. But how?
10 Things You Should Know about the Book of Acts
In the book of Acts, Jesus remains at the center of the action calling people to himself, adding new believers to his church, providing direction to his disciples, and appointing ministers of his word.
Why We Need to Gather as a Church
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman
The push toward the virtual church, we fear, is a push to individualize Christianity. It trains Christians to think of their faith in autonomous terms.
Why Do We Sometimes Feel Empty?
Perhaps you have come to see your emptiness as your biggest problem. That’s not how God sees it.
The Role of Prayer and Missions in Salvation
Prayer and evangelism are both part of the plan—the all-embracing, all-pervasive, unstoppable providence of God is the only hope for making our efforts effective.
20 Engaging Questions to Ask Kids at Church
As churches everywhere shake their heads in frustration over declining commitment among younger generations, we need to remember that a person’s commitment to the church is often formed early.
Ours is not a time of great respect for authority. For most people, including many evangelical Christians, personal freedom and liberty are avidly pursued virtues.
Vocation: My Choosing or God's Calling?
One aspect of the doctrine of vocation flies in the face of every self-help book and occupational seminar, every conversation about “your plans,” and every agonizing bout of decision-making.
What Does "Raised for Our Justification" Mean?
Is Jesus's Resurrection and Our Justification Linked? Romans 4:25 reads "[Jesus] was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification". The Greek behind our English word for could mean either “because of” or …
Can Women Be Deacons? (1 Timothy 3)
Deacon's wives, whether or not they hold office, do hold responsibility for serving others. This is why they must bear character qualities fitted for a servant.
9 Considerations: What Does Paul Mean by "Able to Teach"?
We must not overlook this qualification when assessing a candidate for pastoral leadership: Can he teach?
Help! I Don’t Like Evangelizing
Why do others seem to feel so much more natural at evangelism than you? You need to know that you’re not alone in feeling that way.
10 Reasons the Old Testament Matters to Christians
Without the Old Testament, we wouldn’t understand the problem for which Jesus and the New Testament supply the solution.
12 Ideas You Must Embrace to Affirm Theistic Evolution
Explore the 12 details of Genesis 1-3 that speak to the nature of God's creation.
Rest in God’s Faithfulness, Not Yours
God not only forgives your sins and guarantees you a seat in eternity, but welcomes you to a radically new way of living.
4 Questions about Our Suffering
Why are we to rejoice in our suffering? Why do we suffer in the ways that we do, and why do some suffer much more than others? Why doesn’t God usually answer our prayers for him to end our suffering?
Podcast: The Freeing Reality that You Are Not Enough (Jen Wilkin)
Jen Wilkin discusses God-given limits as created beings, reflecting on why the common refrain that we should look inside ourselves for meaning and purpose is so misguided.
Our occupation is what occupies us as we make a living. The word vocation originates in a word for “calling” and refers to what God has called us to do to fulfill his mission in our lives.
Why Your Child’s Misbehavior Shouldn’t Be Your Next Social Media Post
There’s nothing new about parents talking about their child’s misbehavior, but there are some underlying pitfalls that you should consider, especially as the internet magnifies them.
An Open Letter to the Older Women in the Church
Older women, read Titus 2, and be encouraged to embrace your calling to train younger women in the church.
An Open Letter to Those Who Divide over Doctrine
We live in polarized times. Outrage and rancor seem to be simmering all around us, and it’s making it harder to talk across ideological lines.
What the Bible Says about Women’s Physical Strength
Women's bodies are weaker because God made their bodies to be weaker than men’s bodies and that's what Peter's talking about in 1 Peter 3.
The Dying Away of Cultural Christianity
Cultural Christianity is on the decline, a reality that should not cause despair, but should actually lead us to hope.
4 Principles for Making Critical End-of-Life Decisions
There are four key principles that arise from Christian bioethics that can practically help us when we are in emotional turmoil.
5 Tips for Being Disciplined without Being Legalistic
God is not counting our failures against us, and we are not building a treasury of merit with our successes. We are simply trying to live a disciplined life that pleases our loving Father.
What Is the Difference between God’s Discipline and God’s Punishment?
God promises never to repay us for our sins. Why? How? Because he's already poured out that judgment and that wrath on his Son in our place.
10 Things You Should Know about the Book of Mark
Jesus goes to Calvary to atone for apostate apostles, blasphemous bystanders, taunting thieves, and even hate-spitting, flesh-whipping Roman soldiers.
5 Ways the World Would Be Worse without Christianity
Christians are instructed to “check their privilege” and “do the work” to repudiate Christianity’s toxic legacy. But what would the world really be like without Christianity?
The Son of Man Came Eating and Drinking
The meals of Jesus represent something bigger. They represent a new world, a new kingdom, a new outlook. But they give that new reality substance.
The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence
Romans is about the good news—the gospel. The word gospel is prominent at the beginning and end of the letter. And we can summarize the bad news and the good news with four words.
Abortion advocates are correct that the Bible does not specifically mention abortion. But what’s the best explanation for its silence?
5 Reasons Churches Should Teach Theology to Children
A focus on reading and teaching Scripture to children does not—and must not—mean that we fail to educate them theologically as well.
When You Don't Even Realize How Discouraged You Are
The truth is, most of us don’t like the look of discouragement. It feels embarrassing. But when we avoid areas of our own insufficiency, we also avoid finding the help we so desperately need.
5 Things You Must Remember about the Resurrection
What does it look like to look at life through the window of the resurrection? As I assess my life right here, right now, what about the resurrection must I remember? Let me suggest five things.
It is within a man’s private life, in those “unseen hours,” where his character is most laid bare.
On the Crushing Guilt of Failing at Quiet Time
Meet any mature, fruitful Christian, and you can almost guarantee he regularly has something like a “quiet time”—a time set aside to talk to God in prayer and hear from God in the word.
Why Stay-at-Home Moms Don't Need to Be Embarrassed
God values all work that's done in his name and in service of others, so you don't need to be embarrassed about your at-home work.
Atheism and the Problem of Evil
Can an unguided world governed by mere chance provide any sort of objective foundation or absolute definition of “good”?
God Is Sovereign and We Are Responsible
Exploring the theological past can unearth wonderful theological truths that are incredibly helpful for our own growth in grace and enable us to understand all the more how mighty and merciful God truly is.
How to Pray with the End Times in Mind
Closely connected to end-time gatherings for the sake of encouraging each other not to grow cold in love, but to persevere in faith, is the summons to end-time praying.
It’s the Spirit who brings life to our spirits and enables us to know, love, and worship God the Father through Jesus Christ.
10 Things You Should Know about the Incarnation
The Son, who is in eternal relation to the Father and Spirit, willingly humbled himself and chose to assume a human nature in obedience to his Father and for our salvation (Phil. 2:6-8).
4 Reasons We Need a Biblical View of Humanity
When we consider the view of personhood presented in Scripture, the question of whether we are mere brain machines or something more becomes a gospel question.
An Open Letter to Those Who Feel Unqualified to Offer Counsel
The Lord specializes in using people who feel weak in themselves, and your sense of inadequacy will probably protect you.
Repentance for the Sake of Racial Reconciliation
To what extent can I help to rid even the smallest parts of sinful prejudice and racism out of my life for the glory of God?
Communing with the Holy Spirit
In order to experience the Spirit’s power, we need know the Spirit as a Person, to begin a relationship with him through prayer.
10 Things You Should Know about C. S. Lewis
Lewis is a master of the soul. He understands the human heart, in all its deceitfulness and grandeur, both in its good design and in its twisted corruption.
10 Things You Should Know about J. I. Packer
Learn about a man from humble origin who the Lord has used in mighty ways.
How Can We Worship in Spirit and in Truth?
Everyone in the world worships something. From the most religious to the most secular, all people value something high enough to build their lives around it.
Help! I’m Feeling Anxious about . . . Everything
Let’s be honest, we’re all worried, aren’t we? The good news is that God knew this day was coming and has provided counsel for us to stop worry at its source.
How to Embrace Your Emotions without Being Ruled by Them
Emotions can seem as unpredictable as the wind—apparently beyond your control. But we don’t have to live at the mercy of our emotions.
How to Pray when Preparing for Family Vacation
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
God knows you need rest, and wants you to get it, but we can honor him by submitting our plans to him so he can direct our steps—even in our vacation!
A Father's Example of a Legacy Worth Leaving
The following is a letter Ray Ortlund's dad wrote several years before his death, which he left in his desk, where he knew his family would find it.
Introducing the ‘ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible’
This new study Bible features over 400 short in-text doctrinal summaries connecting Christian beliefs to specific passages aimed at helping Christians make the connection between theology and the Bible.
10 Things You Should Know about Elisabeth Elliot
The single great passion in Elisabeth’s life was not Jim Elliot, but her desire to know the God who loved her with an everlasting love.
Podcast: How to Read the Bible Every Day in 2020 (David Mathis)
David Mathis discusses how anyone can make Bible reading a habit in 2020, reflecting on the pros and cons of New Year's resolutions and offering practical advice on making a plan to read the Bible every day.
10 Notable Quotes from Gentle and Lowly
The gospel flows from God’s deepest heart for his people, a heart of tender love for the sinful and suffering.
5 Myths about Biblical Theology
The agenda of biblical theology isn’t driven by the questions we bring to the Bible, but by the focus of the Bible itself.
Discipleship 101: How to Disciple a New Believer
Discipleship involves a lot, but one of the most important things you can do with a new believer is read the Bible with them–teaching them how to read, understand, respond to, and apply God’s Word.
Why Mourning Can Be Good for Us
Mourning sin—past, present, and future—is the first step in seeking and celebrating the hope of divine grace.
Introducing the For the Bible Tells Me So Series
For the Bible Tells Me So board books immerse little ones in the gospel, teaching them who God is and why they should love and trust him as their Lord and Savior.
Jesus claimed that the fulfillment of the Old Testament hope with its attendant blessings was present in his person and ministry.
What Did Jesus Teach about Justification?
When we think of justification conceptually instead of just verbally, we see that Jesus taught justification in his own idiom and his own way before Paul ever came on the scene.
7 Back-to-School Prayers for Students
Students: as you head back to school, don't forget to prepare and recalibrate your hearts for the days ahead through intentional prayer.
Pastor: Request 50 Free Copies of an Illustrated Easter Booklet for Kids by Kevin DeYoung
Request 50 free copies of a new illustrated Easter booklet for kids from Kevin DeYoung.
6 Gospel-Centered Leadership Values
If the primary driving force of leadership in local churches around the world was the gospel of Jesus Christ, we could avoid so much sadness in the lives of church leaders.
5 Patterns of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The Bible may not give explicit instructions about men and women in the church, but it does reveal some patterns that ought to shape how we think of sexual differentiation and complementarity.
5 Key Distinctives of Anglican Worship
Anglican worship is distinct because of the central contribution that the 1662 Book of Common Prayer has made to it.
Pastoral Concern about Evangelical Prophecy
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
The question about the cessation or continuation of special revelation has very practical ramifications for the Christian life, for God’s special revelation carries great authority.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Timothy and Titus?
1–2 Timothy and Titus are among the most personal and practical books in the New Testament. These letters are often called the "Pastoral Epistles,” but they’re relevant for all Christians, not just pastors.
Romans explains the saving work of Jesus reported in the Gospels, and unpacks many of the teachings that were foundational to the churches that arose in Acts.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Hurting and Hopeless
Be amazed at the power of Christ to transform a helpless man; but also, marvel at the love of Christ that claims rebels like this as his own.
What We Would Be Missing If We Didn't Have the Book of Acts
The book of Acts offers something unique in the Christian canon. It recounts the birth of the church age, and its content has no parallel in the New Testament.
Day 1 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Apathetic about Your Faith
If we take apathy seriously, as does God, we will be better equipped to recognize it when it threatens, avoid it, or at least escape from it earlier.
The narratives contained in the book of Judges were written to “bear witness” or “testify” to the person and work of Jesus and the great salvation that he has achieved for his people.
4 Ways to Squash a Child’s Imagination
Sometimes our determination to instruct extinguishes the wonder sparking in our kids’ minds. When do our efforts to discipline actually squash a child’s imagination, and what is the cost?
7 Lessons from the Book of Revelation
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Here we look at seven lessons that exemplify how the book of Revelation is theological (God-centered), eschatological (focused on future hope), and practical (aimed at godliness).
Is It True That “All Is Vanity”? (Ecclesiastes 1)
In a culture that promotes immediate gratification, will we have the endurance to persevere in the hard work needed to understand the message of Ecclesiastes?
What Is Our Only Hope in Life and Death?
Because Jesus gave himself for us, our lives no long belong to us—we surrender our bodies and our souls to the Lord.
5 Lessons I’ve Learned from Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s Preaching
I owe more to the ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones than I can put into words.
6 Ways to Fight the Debilitating Power of Doubt
In your suffering, doubt is a battle worth fighting. Remember, you never fight this battle alone but with the strength that is yours because of the presence and power of Christ.
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp explores the idea of elusive rest and our ultimate hope in the life to come.
How (and How Not) to Keep the Sabbath
It is tempting to rush into discussions about what to do (and not to do) on the Sabbath. But before we get there, there are a couple of questions that we need to ask.
The star is doing something that it cannot do on its own: it is guiding magi to the Son of God to worship him.
The ESV Translation Oversight Committee met over the summer of 2024 to consider a limited number of changes to the ESV text. Read a summary of the changes that were made.
Seeing God’s Gracious Hand in the Hurts Others Do to Us
We need to know what Scripture says in general about God’s relationship to evil. Scripture declares that the Judge of all the earth will always do what is right.
The devil is a very real, very powerful opponent, far too powerful for us to take on in our own strength.
10 Things You Should Know about St. Patrick
Patrick’s mission to Ireland has been an inspiration to many through the years. Read more about the man behind March 17th.
Life is full of moments where our emotions—love, joy, sorrow, confusion, hurt—render us speechless before God. Liturgy provides structured prayers that give us a voice when our own words fall short.
Why Our Feelings ≠ Knowing God’s Will
Feelings are not meant to be our guide. That's the role of God's Word in our lives.
The King Who Suffers for His People
The king would represent. And the king would suffer. But what do those have to do with each other, and how do they lead to salvation?
The Holy Spirit, Our Helper and Beautifier
Without the Holy Spirit, the church would never have been founded. Godly leaders would never have been called, believers added, gifts distributed, service rendered, or growth realized.
Reclaiming Christmas Carols for Our Worship
In the midst of confusing, chaotic, and despairing times, carols give expression to the hope, peace, and joy we’re all longing for.
Introducing ‘The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge’
The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge seeks to make a distinctive contribution to biblical scholarship.
While many know D. A. Carson for his mind and his impressive scholarly writings, fewer have an intimate acquaintance with the heart that produces those works.
Did Paul Endorse Slavery? (1 Timothy 6)
Paul states that slaves should pursue their own freedom if at all possible, and he also forbids free Christians from becoming slaves.
C.S. Lewis and the Role of the Physical Body in Prayer
Prayer, whether it is confession, supplication, thanksgiving, or adoration, always involves a surrender, an embracing of God’s ever-present presence.
The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual
The way so many of us treat the Scriptures—as God's "how to" book—doesn't seem quite right when we carefully look at what its own pages say.
How Can You Show Radical Hospitality as an Introvert?
What is most lacking in this Christian world is not the need for more extroverts, but the need for more discernment.
3 Reality Checks for Your Marriage
What are the essential wisdom perspectives that Scripture gives us that enable us to have realistic expectations for our marriage?
Why We Sometimes Prefer to Keep God at a Distance
The Lord pursues and offers forgiveness of sins to those who want their own way, who want to have their own kingdom.
How to Stop Thinking about What People Think of You
Self-consciousness is really bondage to the question What do people think of me?
Podcast: Complementarianism Is Not about Competency (John Piper)
John Piper discusses complementarianism, with both personal and practical implications, and how we should think about it in the #MeToo era.
6 Questions about the Book of Job
The book of Job is realistic in the sufferings it sets before disciples of Jesus and full of glorious hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Consensus is hard, especially in an individualistic culture where “have it your way” consumerism is the air we breathe. Sometimes it’s just easier to say, “You do you, I’ll do me.”
The Greatest Movement for Racial Diversity in All of History
Christianity is not declining contrary to many of our perceptions, whether we are secular or religious.
What Did Jesus Teach about the Bible?
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
Jesus and his apostles considered the Old Testament Scriptures to be the written Word of God, and thus the ultimate authority for life.
What God Starts, He Always Finishes
As New Testament passages abundantly emphasize, God is faithful to sustain and establish us in our relationship with Jesus.
4 Cultural Factors That Contribute to Our Epidemic of Burnout
Diligence and discernment are necessary to combat these 4 cultural factors that contribute to burnout.
Help! People at Church Are Driving Me Crazy
Who isn’t discouraged by conflict at church? After all, church should be as close as we get to heaven on earth, right?
Resources to Help You Read and Study the Bible in 2023
We know being in the Scriptures daily is essential to the Christian life, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to do. These resources will help you read, study, and understand the Bible.
What Is Progressive Revelation?
Progressive revelation is a movement from truth to more truth and so to full truth.
7 Tips for Teaching the Bible to Children
Teaching the Bible to children can be a great challenge, but, if done well, it will be deeply rewarding. By modeling your dedication for God’s Word, you can help children grow in their knowledge of and love for it.
Crossway is proud to publish a number of new Bible editions this Fall, including the ESV Story of Redemption Bible, ESV Journaling New Testament, Inductive Edition, and more.
6 Reasons Christians Need to Learn to Lament
For hurting people, knowing that this expression of grief is a biblical and a God-given category can be a watershed moment.
Must We Count All as Loss to Follow Christ? (Philippians 3)
Paul’s conversion came by embracing the righteousness of Jesus, not earned by works but received as a gift by faith. The righteousness a holy God demands of us, he gives to us in Christ.
Making the Most of the Holidays with Your Adult Children
It’s been estimated that one in four parents are estranged from at least one adult child. The sense of hopelessness mixed with guilt can leave parents feeling depressed and defeated.
Fight the Good Fight but Surrender the Bad Ones
Paul shows the Philippians catastrophic consequences of unnecessary war to make them long for necessary peace. Let’s fight the good fight of faith but surrender bad fights of faith.
God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
3 Ways to Surrender Your Will to Christ
God seems extremely concerned that we learn to submit ourselves to authority, especially to the one whose lordship demands obedience from the heart.
The Doctrine of the Church in the Bible
Paul uses the picture of the body to teach the horizontal dimension of union with Christ.
'Theistic evolution' actually can be a number of different distinct ideas because the term 'evolution' can have a number of distinct definitions.
Why All Christians Should Care about Systematic Theology
Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum
Biblical theology provides the basis for understanding how texts in one part of the Bible relate to all other texts.
Why Study the Books of 1-2 Chronicles?
Chronicles is a reboot. It is not just the same old material; it has a new tone, a new message, new truth about God to communicate.
5 Ways We See Jesus Serve as a Priest
Yet, when we look at these four books, we see Jesus doing what priests do throughout. He teaches the law, purifies the unclean, cleanses the temple, forgives sins, and prays for his disciples.
Where Are All the Single Pastors?
Sam Allberry explains four common reasons why churches may hesitate to hire single pastors.
A Thought Experiment to Help Recalibrate Our Beliefs about the Trinity
Matthew Y. Emerson, Brandon D. Smith
The way we talk about God’s acts often divides the persons of God in a way that is contrary to our confession that God is one God in three persons.
Exercise Spiritually as You Exercise Physically
Why should we Christian women turn our attention to the disciplines that will train us for godliness? In today's culture, disciplined Christian lives are the exception, not the rule.
Did Anything Happen in 1776 besides That One Thing?
Beginning in northwestern Europe, economic growth began outpacing population growth, and more people found themselves getting richer than their parents. The world has not been the same since.
Introducing the New and Improved ESV Bible App
The ESV Bible app allows you to easily read, study, and engage with God’s word wherever you go. And we've just updated the app with a number of exciting new features to make it even better!
Interpreting the Bible in 3 Simple Steps
In the simplest form, we sit down and read the Bible with a focus on the fact that God is present and speaks to us through what we read.
Seeing Jesus the Way the Shepherds Did
Let us imagine that we are with the shepherds on those hills in Palestine. We come bursting into the presence of Mary, Joseph, and the baby, and immediately we wonder: what are we looking at?
9 Tips for Making the Most of Your Bible Study
As you read the Bible devotionally, seek to complement this with time in which you also build a basic knowledge of Scripture. Here are nine suggestions to help you make the most of that time.
The Bible teaches that we are continuously dependent on God. This dependence includes not only dependence on him for food and physical sustenance, but dependence on him mentally.
Does the Bible Condone Slavery? (Philemon 1)
Paul addresses a delicate matter in his epistle to the leader of a Colossian church.
Must We Be Hurt Deeply to Be Used Significantly?
We want our grand abilities and keen insights to make us usable to God, not our broken hearts and crippling weaknesses.
10 Key Bible Verses on Glorification
And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
How to Pray When Your Heart Feels Cold
Many Christians experience seasons of spiritual apathy when the heart seems miles behind what we know to be true in our minds.
What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?
Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Prior to their new life in Christ, New Testament believers had not experienced the continual indwelling of the Spirit. It was at Pentecost that the Spirit came upon the first believers and the church was born.
What to Do If You're Bored by the Bible
When we allow the Bible to show us who we are and who God is, we find that Bible reading goes from being mildly boring to vitally life-giving.
10 Bible Promises about Eternity
But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.
Which ESV Bible Is Right for You?
To help you find the Bible that’s right for you or someone you love, we’ve compiled a list of some of our most popular editions, organized by category.
The Bible and the Religions of the World
Although the Bible nowhere discusses “other religions” as such, much in it is relevant to the subject.
How the Love of God Helps Us Walk in Holiness
The testimony of Scripture is clear: if we want to walk in the way of holiness, the love of God is indispensable to our progress.
Scripture tells us that we cannot serve two masters and that the love of money is the root of all evil. What is the proper way to use our money for the glory of God and the good of others?
We are encouraged not to fear, but trust in the Lord with all our hearts, leaning not on our strength and understanding, but on his.
Jesus Loves His Church, So You Should Too
Jesus calls us to this immense personal and corporate challenge. Are you up for it?
How Christianity Gave Rise to Modern Science
Science actually got started in a very explicitly theistic—indeed Christian—milieu.
Embracing God in Your Trials: A 7-Day Devotional
A 7-day video devotional on ESV.org aimed at helping you run to God in the midst of trials and suffering.
Why Study the Book of Ephesians?
Ephesians invites us to consider what God has made us to be, do, and have in Christ for a display of the gospel to the world.
Disguising Ungodliness as Righteous Anger
Christopher Ash, Steve Midgley
Sometimes our imitation of God slides, ever so subtly, into replacement of God. We do that thing that we do. We take his place, and soon it is our honor that we are concerned about.
The Problem with the Self-Help Movement
Sanctification demonstrates that right actions work their way out from the inside and not the other way around.
We need to think of the blessings, to all concerned, of biblically responsible discipling when we are reminded of the pitfalls associated with unbiblical discipling relationships.
Why Jesus Cannot Be One Truth among Many
Jesus claims rule over all of heaven and earth. He presents himself not as one possible path to God, but as God himself.
2 Traps that Lead to Ministry Failure
Realize you don't deserve anything, realize that it is a privilege, honor, and a mercy that you've even been called into ministry.
What to Do When People Don't Sympathize with Your Suffering
In the midst of your heaviest grief, those around you will likely return to life as normal long before you can. Be realistic about people and their ability to enter into your suffering, to stay, and to remember.
What Is the Great Gain of Godliness? (1 Timothy 6)
Believers should not act as if material possessions are the key to the good life, because they are not. The good life is in godly contentment.
How the Lord’s Prayer Affected September 11, 2001
The pattern for prayer that Jesus has given to you and to me exists so that we may discover peace and contentment, hope and forgiveness, truth and assurance.
The Little ‘C’ Catholic Church Explained
Most people associate the word “catholic” with the Roman Catholic Church. Yet, when used with a little c, the word simply means worldwide or universal.
5 Benefits to Reading Entire Books of the Bible in One Sitting
Read whole letters written by the apostle Paul in one sitting without distraction.
Did Jesus Really Mean That We Should Hate Our Families? (Luke 14)
He is to have absolute rule and sovereignty over one’s life; no family relationship can take precedence over one’s commitment to Jesus.
7 Reasons Why You Should Study the Book of Ruth
Ruth is a very old book. The events took place over three thousand years ago. Could it be relevant and helpful for your life? I think so.
What We Misunderstand about Freedom
I think we misunderstand true freedom. Freedom that satisfies your heart is never found in setting yourself up as your own authority.
By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.
12 Bible Passages for Overwhelmed Fathers
A father’s world is filled with responsibilities and concerns, and the stress that can arise from helping to support a family can be overwhelming. But God offers all fathers wisdom and strength from his Word.
Prayer is oxygen for the Christian. It sustains us. So it follows that prayer must be a source of life for any community of Christians.
What Does It Mean to Be Your True Self?
Expressive individualism, like a lot of things, captures something of the truth. Human beings do have an inner life, and that inner life is very important to who we are.
When someone asks me a question about the faith that I don’t have a good answer for, it will rattle me unless the Lord Jesus is taking up holy ground in my heart.
Introducing the ‘Women of the Word’ Podcast with Jen Wilkin
Join Jen Wilkin over ten weeks as she walks through methods, tips, and encouragements to studying the Bible more deeply so we might know and love the God of the Bible better.
What Does It Mean to Flourish?
As counterintuitive as it sounds, flourishing is a slow and progressive death that brings abundant life.
Nietzsche or Christ? Who Will We Follow amid Our Political Angst?
The days of rage are back. In the face of current social and political events, resentment may not be flooding the street (at least not yet), but it is raging at the level of the heart.
How to Pray for Your Kids This Summer
The clay is still soft, so ask God for sculpting opportunities in the lives of your young children.
Social Media Is Discipling You
We are shaped by the winds that blow around us. In the age of the omnipresent smartphone, the wind that shapes us most is online.
10 Questions to Ask at Your Christmas Gathering
Here’s a list of questions designed not only to kindle a conversation in almost any Christmas situation.
Douglas Sean O'Donnell exposes Job's under-the-surface theological foundations that made him hold up under duress.
Paul Tripp’s Story of Unexpected Suffering
Four years ago, Paul David Tripp entered the hospital with what he thought was a minor issue and began a journey with pain and suffering for which he felt completely unprepared.
Why Is Temptation So Hard to Withstand?
Why do we need a shield to live the Christian life? The Bible is clear: because we have an enemy, who is poised ready to attack us.
Most of us like to think we’re basically good people. We know we’re not perfect. We sometimes do bad things. But at heart, we think we’re pretty good.
What Not to Do in Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit
A relationship is a two-way street; that means that there is a role for us to play with the Holy Spirit. We need to think about what we need to do in order to enjoy and live out our communion with him.
3 Things the Pro-Life Movement Needs to Do to Stop Abortion
Despite the bleak picture we see all around us, the pro-life cause is not nearly so bleak when our message is clearly communicated.
What Does Philippians 4:13 Mean?
This verse is well-loved and often quoted, but frequently misunderstood and thus misapplied. This verse is not a promise that God will enable believers to do whatever they want whenever they want it.
The Book of Revelation Is Not Just about the Future
The symbolism of the book ranges through the entire Old Testament canonical Scriptures and drives us back to the very beginning.
5 Reasons You Did Not and Cannot Reinvent Yourself
You are not just an individual. You are not your own creation. You did not invent yourself. You exist in a web of relationships. You are a social animal.
5 Pieces of Advice for Discussing Gender Roles with Other Christians
We won’t be able to say everything in one conversation, and we certainly won’t say everything perfectly.
3 Questions about Creation: Who, How, and Why?
When considering the creation of the universe, there are three principal questions we can ask: Who? How? and Why?
Podcast: How to Study the Bible (Jen Wilkin)
In this episode of The Crossway Podcast, we chat with Jen Wilkin about the importance of developing a habit of Bible study in various seasons of life.
Free Audiobook: How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?
Free audiobook available of 'How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?' by Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli read by
3 Tips for Starting a Bible Study
If you're hoping to start a Bible Study, always incorporate these three vital aspects: structure, accountability, and predictability.
Why Are We Baptized in Jesus’s Name?
For Jesus’s name carries Jesus’s claim, and undergoing baptism is, for those who have reached years of discretion, a sign that the claim is being accepted.
4 False Accusations against Reformed Theology
The Synod of Dort's desire was to defend Reformed theology from slander and to call upon Christ to protect the truth and sanctify his church.
Before we can fight our sin, we must know what sins are currently present in our lives
Help! I’m Feeling Stressed about Finances
As members of our families, God calls us to love and serve one another, and, as members of the Household of God, to practice stewardship over the gifts God has given us.
An Introduction to the Thought of Alvin Plantinga
William Edgar, K. Scott Oliphint
Learn more about the life and beliefs of Alvin Plantinga.
10 Things You Should Know about the Holy Spirit
When you find your mind wandering or getting lost in the details of pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit), just call back to mind the basic Christian confession that there is one God in three persons.
Acts shows that the new Christian movement is not a fringe sect but the culmination of God’s plan of redemption.
5 Inspiring Stories about Evangelism
Hear stories from 5 women God is using right now to take the good news to those who need to meet the Savior.
5 Tips for Helping Your Teens Study the Bible
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see growth right away. It might take months and it might even take years, but keep being faithful to your calling as parents.
Exodus offers the greatest paradigmatic redemption event in the Bible prior to Christ’s incarnation.
How Do I Follow Jesus When He Is Not Here?
Jesus knew that he would not always be on earth, so the command that we follow him was relevant not only for his physical days on earth but for all time.
Why Does the Gospel of Mark End without Mention of Jesus’s Resurrection?
Mark provides only eight verses to narrate the events after Jesus’s crucifixion, including the women’s angelic encounter at the tomb and the angel’s announcement with no actual resurrection appearances.
10 Things You Should Know about Poetry
We should all learn the language of poetry. Here are ten reasons why.
The One Word That Explains the Whole Message of the Bible
I don't know if you know this, but the Bible is not ultimately about you—the Bible is about God.
What Is Christ to Us If He Is Not Our All-Satisfying Treasure?
The aim of God’s work in redemption is not that through Christ we might have salvation, but that through salvation we might have Christ—the all-satisfying treasure.
How God Works All Things for Good for His People
God works all things for good for his people. “Those who love God” does not refer to a subset of believers but to all “who are called according to his purpose.”
The salvation God has accomplished in Messiah Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the Old Testament.
Bible Q&A - What Is Hermeneutics?
Dane Ortlund discusses what hermeneutics are and why they are important.
Communion Is a Meal of Remembrance
As we eat the bread and drink the cup, we remember him, just as he told us to. We look back with thankful hearts to the cross.
Why the Secularization Hypothesis Is Fundamentally Flawed
As the world became more modern, more scientific, and more educated, sociologists thought the world was also becoming less religious, but is it true?
Free ESV.org Subscriptions for Those in Ministry Outside of the US
As a way to serve Christian leaders around the world, we're offering free access to ESV.org resources for those in ministry outside of the US.
Help! I Have a Problem with My Pastor
Don't let your pastor be the only thing that connects you to your church.
3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement
The transgender revolution is sweeping. Deeper understanding of it requires us to consider three core beliefs that underly it and make it possible.
Why Study the Book of Jeremiah?
We should study Jeremiah because we want to know Christ better and see God deepen our endurance in the gospel.
I’m persuaded that much of our fear, anxiety, discouragement, and hopelessness is the result of bad theology. At its core, what is the Bible all about? The existence, character, and plan of God.
The New City Catechism Curriculum
The New City Catechism Curriculum features 52 engaging lessons designed to help children ages 8–11 learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith.
6 Ways to Find (and Protect) the Time You Need to Read Books
Reading is a discipline, and all disciplines require self-discipline, and self-discipline is the one thing our sinful flesh will resist.
A Common Misconception about Suffering
A frequent misconception about suffering often recurs in Christian circles. It says: “You are suffering because God is trying to teach you something.”
The Final Days of Jesus: Sunday, March 29, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
The word of God is more than enough for the people of God to live their lives to the glory of God.
‘Seinfeld’ Showed Me How We Got Here and Why I Don’t Care
The paradox of apathy is that we are captivated by the things we don’t really care about and are lukewarm to the things that, in our heart of hearts, mean the most to us.
Do You Ever Question Your Digital Habits?
Habits such as reading Scripture, prayer, and faithful membership in a local church are integral to growing as believers. But the importance of habits goes beyond the typical spiritual checklist items.
One Argument for the Existence of God: Mathematics
The success of mathematics in describing the universe is a fact that most of us, even scientists like me, take for granted. Yet it is actually extremely surprising.
Unpacking “No Creed but the Bible”
Many Christians may well have heard the phrase ”no creed but the Bible“ at some point. Is it a faithful and useful principle for guiding how we think about Christian truth and authority?
A 30-Day Crash Course in Systematic Theology
We've created a free, 30-day crash course in systematic theology designed to give you an overview of key doctrines and show how they connect to the specific passages of Scripture.
Help—I Want to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom but Can't
Whether stay-at-home mom or career woman, where God has you now is his good design for you.
5 Questions about the Sanctity of Life
What does the Bible really teach about abortion and the sanctity of human life?
Pastor: Could Your View of Scripture Be Too Low?
Pastor, your preaching will be a direct reflection of what you believe about the Bible.
A Superlative Guide to All 15 Elder Qualifications
As Christians, we have our conflicts and controversies to grieve about our leaders, but the risen Christ has not left us to confusion about what to expect, pray for, and hold our leaders to account for.
How Can Jesus Possibly Say That Those Who Mourn Are Blessed?
Much of life happens before you are ready. Our hearts race and our minds search for meaning, but some circumstances resist explanation.
10 Things You Should Know about Your Smartphone
How much do you really think about your smartphone? Here are 10 things you should know.
Could You Be Emphasizing the Saving Work of Christ Too Much?
The saving work of Christ has been so distanced from his person that the notion of a saving personal union with the incarnate, crucified, resurrected, living Jesus strikes us as rather outlandish.
When the Supreme Somebody Became Nobody
It’s what the Lord Jesus took to himself that humbled him, not what he laid aside. It was in taking to himself humanity that he became nothing.
7 Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Discipleship
As you get going in discipleship doing spiritual good to others, consider a couple of pitfalls you should avoid. The following list isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully it will help you approach the discipling task with wisdom.
Do the Gospels Contradict Themselves?
If anyone wants to argue that two Gospel accounts are in such conflict that both cannot be true, he must first ensure that he has correctly understood the claims being made in each text.
What Does It Mean that Jesus Is Prophet, Priest, and King?
Jesus has one office, that of Messiah or Christ. He is the anointed one, the one mediator between God and man, the Savior. But this office has three aspects to it: those of prophet, priest, and king.
How to Journal through the Psalms
In the Psalms we find how to be real with God and simultaneously reverent—how he wants us to relate to him as his children.
Every Detail of Jesus’s Birth Was Part of God’s Plan
Every detail of Jesus’s birth was part of God’s plan before the foundations of the earth were set in place. So the promises and prophecies of his birth were detailed and specific.
How Much Should Christians Care about the Environment?
God is committed to the earth and has given humans responsibility to care for it. This Biblical truth is foundational from the opening chapter of the Bible.
An Open Letter to the Younger Women of the Church
Let’s talk about why we should take the Titus mandate seriously and not miss God’s rich provisions for our growth in grace.
7 Tips for Celebrating Christmas as a Family
For a Christian family, Christmas is a significant annual opportunity to disciple as you celebrate the incarnation of Christ. Here are seven tips on how to do that well.
J. I. Packer: In His Own Words
As we look back on the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his humble writing ministry and the legacy of his service to the church.
At Christmas, God thunders into our lives in his flesh and beckons us to behold in him the glory of God, full of grace and truth.
Why We Desperately Need the Message of Revelation
In the midst of evil, in a world in which the Christian faith is under attack, we need hope and assurance that evil will not have the last word.
7 Tips to Help Introverts Connect at Church
In our individualistic, consumer-minded culture, it can seem acceptable to conclude that, if you’re an introvert, church just isn’t your thing. But the Scriptures tell a different story.
A Category You Won't Find in the Bible: The Churchless Christian
The New Testament apostles can't conceive of anything called a Christian that's not connected to Christ's body.
Should the Church Operate Like a Business?
How we think about the church will affect how we think about our service in the church.
Music is a gift meant to bring glory to God; don't let it become an idol.
Do We Live in a Post-Christian Society?
Our society may not be a happy Christian one, but that leaves the gospel room to speak, stand, and save.
Beware the Idol of Busyness at Christmas
We must be careful to guard the true meaning of Christmas, keeping it from becoming about busyness and bondage to creation.
10 Reasons Pastors Should Study the Bible in Its Original Languages
Every pastor—as time and opportunities arise—should study the Bible in its original languages. Yes, it's that important.
The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community
This new book calls us to embrace the uncomfortable aspects of Christian community, whether that means believing difficult truths, pursuing difficult holiness, or loving difficult people.
6 Truths about Parenting That Reorient Everything
Paul David Tripp draws six agenda-setting observations from Psalm 51 for our work as a parents.
Podcast: Parenting in Light of the Gospel (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp shares how raising children often exposes the idols of our own hearts—and gives us the opportunity to rely on the power of Christ.
We should admit up front that there are some decent reasons a person might have for being an atheist.
Fear Not, Your Future Is Secure
No matter how hard your story is right here, right now, it is guaranteed for you as God’s child that it will end better that you can imagine.
As believers, we put our ultimate hope not in this world, but in what is unseen. We trust and wait expectantly for God to usher forth the promised King and kingdom.
6 ESV Bibles You Can Take Anywhere
Someone searching for the ideal Bible that will be able to handle the wear and tear of everyday life usually looks for something portable, durable, and affordable.
What Is a Healthy Way to Leave a Church?
Leaving the church is painful for Christians and pastors, and we've seen a lot of it over the last couple of years through COVID, election crises, and racial crises.
Churches should teach and disciple Christians how to critique the cultural ideas that are influencing people away from the faith.
What Does a Committed Church Member Look Like?
There are many marks of true discipleship, but one mark is singled out as signifying to the watching world that we belong to Christ.
Since the Bible is the Word of the all-powerful God, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it is active and accomplishes much.
The best self-care habits, not only for the Christian but for any human being, lead us back to our Maker and Savior.
4 Issues Your Children Are Facing That You Never Had To
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Parenting in today’s culture can seem like boating into uncharted waters. The good news is that though the culture may throw us new challenges, Scripture speaks a better word to anchor our parenting.
Jesus of Nazareth vs. Caesar Augustus
The nature of infancy teaches us something about weakness, and it teaches us something about our God. Every Christmas we celebrate not Caesar’s triumphant census, but our Emmanuel: God with us.
Introducing ‘Exploring the Bible’ by David Murray
This Bible reading plan for kids ages 6–12 from David Murray leads children through the Bible one day at a time over the course of a year.
Dare to Believe in Your Own Dignity
You may see yourself as damaged goods, but that's not all you are. You are made in the image of your Creator.
5 Things to Remember about Worship
Music can be a part of worship, but it was never meant to be the heart of it.
3 Things That Must Change in the American Justice System
The American justice system has an accuracy problem. And this accuracy problem is a justice problem—a biblical justice problem.
5 Myths about Being Called to Ministry
Are you called to the ministry? How can you tell if you’re called to ministry? What should you do to find out?
Is Motherhood a Woman’s Highest Calling?
Marriage and motherhood are good and God-given gifts, but when we elevate any good gift to an ultimate gift, then it becomes an idol.
When You Think of Jesus, Do You Think “Genius”?
Was Jesus a rather ordinary teacher with brilliant students who selflessly credited him with their great ideas? Or was Jesus a very smart teacher with smart disciples, and therefore the credit should be shared?
What Sola Scriptura Really Means
For Martin Luther, Scripture alone was of ultimate authority for Christians, yet this did not mean that there were no other means of discovering truth.
Is The Song of Solomon about God's Love or Human Love? (Song of Solomon 1)
Although we are fallen and our sexual desires can easily be distorted and debased, there is still something “very good” about the desire for physical intimacy.
Sanctification: An Often Painfully Slow Process
We have sin patterns that we battle for years, and we can have the sense that we're getting any better at this re-imaging thing.
Does “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin” Still Work?
Christians who fail to note this shift are going to find themselves very confused by the incomprehension of, and indeed the easy offence taken by, the world around them.
What Is the Job of the Pastor?
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman
Your ability to do your job as a church member depends on pastors or elders doing their jobs.
This verse tells me that God will give me the desires of my heart. May I not claim this as a promise? Why not?
What Did Jesus Teach about Disabilities?
In the record of Jesus’s ministry in the four Gospels, we see in the Savior a striking focus upon a ministry among the deaf, mute, lame, blind, and the broader community they represent.
What Do I Use to Write in My Bible?
When it comes to underlining and writing in the margins of our Bibles, the choice of writing utensil can make all the difference in preserving the appearance and longevity of the thin Bible paper.
We will often neglect what we don’t prioritize. And book reading is often neglected because it fails to be a priority.
This Day in History: The Death of Martin Luther
On this day in history, as night turned to day on February 18th, the earthly life of Martin Luther, the most famous man of the sixteenth century, came to an end.
Church Membership Is Not a One-Way Street
What is church membership? It’s the commitment Christians make to keep one another accountable for regularly gathering and centering their lives together on the gospel.
To be converted as a Christian is to have changed your thinking and your believing about Jesus Christ, and to be changed into a person who is no longer an enemy of God but a beloved child of God.
5 Questions about the Sacraments
What is a sacrament and what is its purpose in the church? Learn answers from To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
Why C. S. Lewis Was Wrong about Psalm 23
It may surprise you to hear that Lewis was unable to reconcile the beauty of verses 1–4 of Psalm 23 with what he regarded as a spirit of hatred in verse 5, a spirit “almost comic in its naivety.”
Looking Heavenward Transforms Our Sorrow
Many may think this heavenly-mindedness would make a person detached and ineffective in this present earthly life. The opposite was true for the apostle Paul.
I’ve Heard It Said, “Once Saved, Always Saved”
The Bible repeatedly warns us that God will not finally save you if you don’t persevere in the faith and good works.
The Christian Faith of Jane Austen
Learn more about how Jane Austen's faith went from sympathetic to genuine.
Why Study the Book of Numbers?
It is one of the great ironies of Scripture that the generation that saw God’s works most vividly became the epitome of those who refuse to believe him.
What Does the Bible Say about the Incarnation?
God the Son became the Man, Jesus. He lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved.
Help! I Don’t Enjoy Reading the Old Testament
The Old Testament is big and can feel daunting, especially because it is filled with perspectives, powers, and practices that seem so removed from Christians today.
Introducing the ‘ESV Journaling New Testament, Inductive Edition’
This new edition is purposed to give you space to go deeper in your study of God's Word.
Jared C. Wilson gives three big reasons you ought to give Romans careful study.
Why It’s Both Possible and Impossible to Know God
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
It is possible to know God because God has made himself known. Our knowledge of God is real but never exhaustive.
How to Pray for Your Pastor’s Family
Would you like to show your pastor your appreciation but are unsure what might be most helpful to him? More than any other gift you could give your pastor, he will treasure your prayers for his family.
How to Grow in the Fear of the Lord
Since the fear of God is a matter of the heart’s deepest inclinations, how you think you can cultivate it will depend on how you think our hearts work.
Why Study the Book of Philippians?
Behind the text of Philippians stands a riveting story shared by Paul and the Philippian Christians—what we might call the “fellowship of the cross.”
The Gospel Is Good News for Mothers
What we say and write reveals what we place our hope in. Our words are the overflow of what is going on in our hearts.
Today’s world has more and more information readily available, but less and less wisdom.
What Does Colossians 1:15 Mean?
Readers often pause and puzzle over Colossians 1:15 and its statement that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is “the firstborn of all creation.”
Why It Is Unloving to Preach #YouDoYou
If the ship is going down, it’s not arrogant to tell people the truth and point them to the lifeboat. It’s deeply unloving not to.
An Open Letter to the Hesitant Host
Are you busy? Are you important? Do you work on a tight schedule? Are your boundaries well-fortified?
The Trinity Transforms the Church into a Community of Love
Just as the church is the glorious gift of love from God the Father to Christ the Son, so the church, as the body of Christ, reflects that Trinitarian love and beauty outwardly to the world.
An Open Letter to Those Apathetic about Their Sanctification
A professional counselor speaks to Christian who are unmotivated to continually seek God and serve others.
You’re Romantic Whether You Know It or Not
Some marks of the Romantic movement seem quite alien to us today. Others, by contrast, seem thoroughly natural to us, to the extent that we do not even notice them.
Help! I’m Struggling to Strike a Work/Life Balance
Work is not primarily a place to please our boss, help our customers, make money, or build a career. Work/life balance begins with a biblical view of work.
Podcast: Disciplines of a Godly Man (Kent Hughes)
Kent Hughes discusses why discipline is so important for the life of a Christian man. He explains how discipline is actually aimed at freeing us to be the men that God called us to be.
The Crushing Obligation to Keep Doing More and More
I understand there are lazy people out there who need to get radical for Jesus. I also know people like me, people who easily feel a sense of responsibility, people who easily feel bad for not doing more
Pastor: Request 200+ Free Copies of ‘Gentle and Lowly’ for Your Church
In partnership with a generous ministry donor, Crossway is pleased to offer any church in the US up to 208 free copies Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Arlo and the Great Big Cover-Up’
Watch a video and enjoy this children's story about sin, repentance, and forgiveness read aloud by its author.
The Lord Provides—Even in Tragedy
Any good news in the hospital is a glimmer of God’s grace. Any cure reflects not the power of our own hands, but rather his provision for us.
The question for each of us is: What is the one thing that is keeping me from giving everything to the kingdom of God?
The Solas of the Reformation: A 5-Day Reading Plan
We've created a free, 5-day devotional leading readers through the five solas of the Reformation.
Should Protestants Read the Apocrypha?
What's the New Catholic Edition Bible? Which Bible is right and which one contains the canon?
Podcast: The Danger in Being a Self-Made Woman (Jen Oshman)
What does it look like to pursue real fulfillment in God, rather than in ourselves? And what's wrong with the self-obsessed, individualistic culture that dominates our world today?
Why You Should Make Time to Read the Bible . . . Even When You’re Busy
We make time for many things. But none is so important as the life-giving Word of God.
5 Stumbling Blocks to Pastoral Honesty
Why isn’t humble candor more of a regular part of our ministry leadership culture? Why aren’t we more ready to confess spiritual discouragement or struggle?
Scientific Evidence for the Personhood of Unborn Children
Alongside the biblical testimony about the personhood of the unborn child, scientific evidence also indicates that each child in the womb should be considered a unique human person.
What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life?
A biblical Christian ethic is concerned with the whole life. But the organizational priorities of pro-life organizations are necessarily narrow.
5 Ways to Use the ESV Digital Scripture Journal
There are countless ways to use the ESV Digital Scripture Journal to dig into God’s Word, from taking sermon notes, to inductive Bible study, to art journaling.
4 Reasons Why We Need Biblical Theology
To read the Bible faithfully, we need the proper tools. The discipline of biblical theology is one of those helpful tools.
The gentle and quiet spirit of which Peter speaks, calling it “of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:4), is the true femininity.
7 Practical Things You Can Do for People Who Are Grieving
There are simple ways that we can demonstrate a deep sensitivity to the pain of grieving people.
What Does the Bible Say about Evangelism?
There is a gift of evangelism, and we should be grateful for those to have it, but all believers are called to be faithful in sharing their faith.
How Baptism Changes Our Status
Baptism declares that you are in Christ. You have died with him and risen with him.
You Might Be An Idolater If...
We need the Spirit to give us power over our idolatrous desires.
How Prayer Produces a Soul at Rest
We pray because we should, or worse, because we think we have to if we want to experience God’s blessings. A quote from John Calvin in his commentary on Matthew 6:5–6 helped me understand prayer differently.
“How much will you lose if you follow Jesus?” That’s the devil’s favorite question; he has successfully used it more than any other to lead billions to hell.
Some people have good friendships, some don’t. Friendship—true friendship—requires intentionality and even skill.
Dear Pastor . . . Your Shepherd Doesn’t Care How Big Your Church Is
What the Lord requires of us is faithfulness. And while it’s perfectly normal for every pastor to want his church to grow, it’s also idolatrous to marry our validation and our justification to our attendance.
Fearing God Is a Matter of the Heart
The fear of God is not a state of mind you can guarantee with five easy steps. It is not something that can be acquired with simple self-effort.
Bible Reading That Satan Leaves Alone
Reading the Bible for wrong, selfish, or insincere reasons is not a threat to Satan.
Where There's Hope, There's Life
We humans are hoping creatures; we live very largely on and in our anticipations, things we know are coming and we look forward to.
Podcast: Making Sense of Transgenderism and the Sexual Revolution (Carl Trueman)
Why is our culture obsessed with gender identity and sexuality? Learn what history has to say about our modern times and how Christians can navigate this increasingly hostile issue.
Looking for a Large Print Bible?
Brian Martin and A.J. Penney speak about the main goals for producing a large print edition and also the major challenges to the process.
When we make a home for others, we are often doing small and unseen work humanly speaking, but the meaning behind the work is never small.
Will God’s Wrath Come upon the Sexually Immoral? (Ephesians 5)
Not everyone who commits these sins is excluded from God’s heavenly kingdom. Yet, those who persistently give themselves over to them demonstrate that they are indeed excluded from eternal life.
4 Reasons Justification and Sanctification Are Inseparable Gifts
Justification and sanctification are inseparable gifts of redemption because they flow from the unified work of the triune God and his electing, redeeming, and renewing mercy.
Introducing the ESV Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty
From Genesis to Revelation, encounter the word-for-word reading of the ESV Bible text through this audio recording by musician and hymn-writer, Kristyn Getty.
5 Myths about Christian Publishing
The gospel transforms everything in the universe, including publishing. Everything else is to be considered downstream.
An Open Letter to Parents Feeling Unequipped to Disciple Their Kids
God calls us to disciple our children into him—to walk with them into his kingdom and help them be conformed to the image of the one, true King.
The Common Calling of All Women
Am I faithfully obeying God as his child by meeting the genuine needs of others, or am I pursuing self-actualization, self-fulfillment, or selfish ambition apart from him?
4 Questions about Parenting and Screen Time
If we intend to teach our children how to appropriately enjoy, but not abuse, time in front of a screen, we must check our own hearts and habits first.
5 Questions about the Local Church
Ultimately, the local church makes visible what is invisible, and reflects in words and deeds the kingdom life that is to come.
9 Passages to Read on National Day of Prayer
Nine verses to meditate on during National Day of Prayer.
Did Jesus Teach That Our Prayers Are Bothersome to God? (Luke 18)
In Luke 18 Jesus tells of a judge who does not fear God or respect human beings.—especially those who, like the widow, are poor and disadvantaged.
3 Barriers to Spiritual Growth Faced by Teens Today
Christian teenagers attempting to grow in godliness tend to face a series of unique challenges.
Your Best Parenting Is Done by Prayer
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson
All Christian parents are missionaries. We are all on a mission from the Lord to announce the love of the Father to our children and to encourage them, as much as we can, to believe it.
3 Things to Remember about Your (Imperfect) Marriage
What are the essential wisdom perspectives that Scripture gives us that enable us to have realistic expectations for our marriage?
What Does 1 Corinthians 16:13 Mean?
“Act like men” is a phrase that could be easily misunderstood in light of modern sensibilities. For many, at first blush, it could read as a sexist statement by Paul. So, what does it mean?
What Does It Mean for Jesus Christ to Be the Head of the Church?
The phrase "head of the church" is not employed to identify Christ as the head of a company or the head of some earthly organization.
We Read the Bible to Commune with God
We know God for who he is, and meet him as he is, when we meet him through his word—the Bible.
The Unbiblical Pursuit of a Trouble-Free Life
How can we keep on loving and serving people when life has so much pain and disappointment? What are the roots of endurance?
3 Reasons to Make Systematic Theology Part of Your Bible Study
What systematic theology offers is a way of surveying the essential content of the entire Bible.
The Key to Not Grumbling in Suffering
It seems to me that suffering without grumbling is one of the world's rarities.
Crossway Statement on the ESV Bible Text
Understand the goal behind our decision to stabilize the English Standard Version.
12 Old(ish) Books to Read When You Are Young
Talk to almost any mature, vibrant Christians, and they will tell you about Christian books that have been instrumental in their lives.
How Do the Arminian and Calvinist Views of Election Differ?
We can distinguish the Arminian view of election from the Calvinist view of election by answering this question: What is the basis of God’s election?
We (Do Not) Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
We are inclined to see equality and human rights as universal norms. But in reality they are culturally conditioned beliefs that depend on fundamentally Christian assumptions about the world.
Help! I Don’t Like Praying in Public
Prayer can get repetitious, feel rote, rambly, or distracted. For these reasons, many are reticent to pray in public. How can we overcome our fears and misguided thinking?
7 Things We Can Learn from the Puritans
We need more of the Puritan focus on the Word of God.
How to Pray in Times of Physical Pain
Father in heaven, in spite of all our uncertainties and all our embattled anxieties and all our discomfort, we say, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.
Viewing the Christian Story through the Lens of Our Suffering
Suffering disrupts our lives, seeming to violate the way life should be. This can make us desperate to know why we are suffering.
What’s So Important about Faith, Hope, and Love?
Faith, hope, and love have been referred to as the three divine sisters. We can think of them as three beautiful sisters joined together, hand-in-hand, swirling around as in a dance.
Why It Matters That Jesus Was and Still Is Human
The impression often seems to be that the Son of God came down from heaven in incarnate form, spent three decades or so as a human, and then returned to heaven to revert back to his preincarnate state.
What Memorizing Scripture Will Do for Your Kids
One of the neglected spiritual disciplines of our time is Scripture memorization. Rarely are churches, families, and individuals taking the time to learn by heart God’s Word.
Retirement presents a new freedom to live your life according to your God-given priorities.
A New Advent Devotional by Paul David Tripp
We all love the sights, sounds, colors, and tastes of the season, but are we loving Christmas for all the wrong reasons?
People throw the word church around quite a bit, and often they have different things in mind.
Why Living for God Depends on Good Theology
We live for Christ because Christ lived and died for us. But we are not able to maintain a Christ-focused life apart from being “Spirit energized.”
What to Do When Singleness Lasts Longer than You Expected
We tend to define our life based on our perception of our progress. Am I where I thought I would be at this age? Are my dreams more or less real today? Unfortunately, our plans and dreams can become idols.
No More Going through the Motions
There are plenty of men who know their names and their occupations and yet don’t really know who they are at the core of their being. Therefore, they have no real sense of purpose in life.
What Does 2 Peter 1:19–21 Mean?
God is a God who speaks and delights to reveal himself. And so when God speaks, he is telling us something about who he is, what he values, what's important to him, and what he is doing in this world.
10 Things You Should Know about the Reliability of the New Testament Writers
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
We have all these reasons to support the idea that the New Testament writers relentlessly stuck to the truth. And why wouldn’t they?
An Open Letter to the Sexual Sufferer
If you are a victim of sexual sin, God offers you true hope and healing.
What Is the Christian Religion If You Subtract Our Union with Christ?
Without our union with Christ, Christianity is nothing. We’re not left with a diminished Christianity; we’re left with no Christianity at all.
4 Emotions That Are Hidden Beneath Your Anger
Christopher Ash, Steve Midgley
We should take time to notice the way that other emotions are so often at work alongside, or underneath, our anger.
What Happens When the Governing Authorities Are the Wrongdoers?
Some wrongful convictions are merely honest mistakes, the tragic results of criminal justice administered by well-intentioned but finite humans. But some are not.
6 Basic Realities about a Man's Identity
What gives a man his identity? On what foundation are you building your sense of self? Your answer, whether true or false, defines your life.
Why Does the Bible Talk So Much about Land?
God will dwell with his people in the land that he promised.
Why We Dare Not Seek God without Christ
The true and living God is too much for us to bear, to handle, to conceive, to adore, to know, to trust, to understand, and to worship. The Incomprehensible One is simply too much for us in every conceivable way.
You're Not God, So Get Some Rest Today
The work will never be finished this side of heaven, but it's a reminder for us to trust God for the work. We can stop what we're doing and trust him to establish the work of our hands.
God’s grace sustains us, even in the darkest hours, so that we never give up. Psalm 88 offers four lessons of hope.
10 Things You Should Know about Dementia
A medical doctor shares 10 things you should know about dementia, offering advice and encouragement for everyone affected.
Why Study the Books of Ruth & Esther?
Ruth and Esther give us insight to the crucial role of women in the big story of redemption.
How (and How Not) to Think about Retirement
A good retirement is far from a given. Due reflection must be given to how you will take advantage of the new opportunities available and how bad choices can easily disappoint.
10 Disciplines of a Godly Pastor
As we sweat out the disciplines of a godly pastor, remember, with Paul, what energizes us to live them out.
You can be in community with any number of people, but not actually have any true friends.
6 Things to Look for in a Pastor
What are some things to consider when searching for a new pastor to lead the church?
Introducing the ‘ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition’
This unique Bible features over 500 elegantly hand-lettered gold ink illustrations by artist Dana Tanamachi.
Is Joining a Church as a Member Actually Necessary?
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman
Sometimes people like to say, “I don’t need to join a church. I already belong to Christ’s universal church.” Is that right?
C. S. Lewis and the Beauty of Self-Forgetfulness
To become humble and self-forgetful is to become truly human so that we might truly know God. God wants to give us himself.
The Holy Spirit Is at Work in Our Ordinariness
Our lives are building slowly toward a great climax of redemption when we will finally see God face to face. And there are smaller victories along the way.
5 Tips for Reading the Song of Songs
The Song of Songs can be a difficult book if it's not read through the right lens.
Introducing the ESV Large Print Thinline Bible
Featuring the complete ESV Bible text, this edition sports a larger, 10-point type size while maintaining a portable format at less than 1 inch thick.
Why You May Want to Take a Silent Retreat after Christmas
You may not know how badly you needed silence and solitude until you get to know them.
7 Tips for Becoming a Better Encourager
Because Christians are called to encourage one another, we must make sure that we are crystal clear on who we are called to encourage, how we are called to provide help, and why we are called to do so.
10 Things You Should Know about Christmas
The primary purpose for observing Christmas is remembering Jesus’s birth.
By the Spirit, We See the Cross
The bold and clear preaching of the cross materializes the spectacle of the cross before a congregation, for those with the faith to see it.
Why Are Christians Told Not to Love the World? (1 John 2)
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world— the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.
We Are Both Job and Job’s Friends
One important question in reading any biblical text is who you, as a reader, identify with. This is easier for some texts than for others. Who do we identify with in the book of Job?
Why Are There Four Gospels? How Are They Unique?
In Discovering Jesus: Why Four Gospels to Portray One Person? T.D. Alexander explains how each Gospel offers different themes and perspectives on the account of our Savior.
An Open Letter to the Christian Disheartened by Ongoing Temptation
D. A. Carson, John D. Woodbridge
That you are experiencing rounds of temptation is not as unusual as you might suppose. From the inception of the church believers have found this pilgrim way to be strewn with multiple temptations.
Why You Should Stop Pretending You'll Live Forever
Living in light of our death reorients us to our limitations as creatures and helps us see God’s good gifts right in front of us—enabling us to live wisely, freely, and generously.
5 Myths about Your Personal Identity
These days, knowing who you are and being true to yourself are seen as signs of good mental health and well-being, and the keys to authentic living and true happiness.
Dear Pastor . . . You’re a Shepherd, Not an Entrepreneur
If we plant churches as pastors, not entrepreneurs, whose aim is to love Christ and feed and tend the sheep of Christ’s reward, then we can sleep well knowing our work will endure.
5 Ways to Commune with Christ on a Busy Day
The crazy days will come. But with a little intentionality, and with a modest plan in place, you can learn to navigate these days, and even walk with greater dependence on God.
7 Commitments to Make before Using Social Media
Because of who human beings are by God’s design and their lofty place in God’s economy, we should always treat everyone with dignity no matter who they are.
Podcast: John Piper Answers Common Questions about the Second Coming (John Piper)
John Piper makes the case that although questions about the second coming are important, there's an even more fundamental question that we all must ask ourselves: Am I truly longing for Christ's return?
4 Examples of How Knowing Original Greek Improves Your Understanding of the Text
God’s word is powerful. When reading our Bible we hear his voice. However, it does not mean that Scripture is always easy to understand.
15 Passages to Read Together with Your Family
Reading the Bible aloud together can have a powerful impact. If you’re not sure where to begin, read any of these 15 passages as you commit to reading the Bible as a family.
Why Mentoring Is Better than Asking Alexa
In our digital age, it’s helpful to remember the importance of real-life relationships and the benefits of older believers in the faith who can offer us wisdom, presence, and pursuit.
Introducing a New Bible Browsing Experience
Check out our brand-new online Bible browsing features designed to make it easier than ever to find the ESV that's right for you.
Introducing the ‘Blessed’ Podcast with Nancy Guthrie
In this new podcast, Nancy Guthrie—author, Bible teacher, and podcast host—leads listeners to a deeper understanding of the book of Revelation through conversations with respected Bible scholars, pastors, and other Bible teachers.
The Many Benefits of Scripture Memorization
There are numerous spiritual benefits to the memorization of Scripture. A proper assessment begins with understanding the role of the written word of God in our lives and in our spiritual growth.
Discontentment Says Something about You, Not Your Circumstances
Our own complaints are not caused by our outward circumstances; rather, they reveal the inward condition of our hearts.
A Brief History of the Greek New Testament
On this day in 1516, Erasmus dedicated his New Testament translation to Pope Leo X.
14 Lesser-Known Details about J. I. Packer
Everyone has a dimension of personality and life that is hidden from public view and known mainly by family members and close acquaintances. Read 14 details related to this lesser-known side of J. I. Packer.
Podcast: Verses That Changed My Life (John Piper)
John Piper reflects on key verses that have had a huge impact on his life and helped him grasp the connection between our joy and God’s glory.
How to Find True Fulfillment in Marriage
The nature of the divine glory can sustain a marriage. We can marvel at its multifaceted radiance and rejoice at the very down-to-earth assistance it affords husbands and wives.
The Pros and Cons of a Global Economy
The global economy can be a little frustrating because globalization and the global economy are terms that mean different things to different people.
Self-care has become a thing. The trend got traction by appealing to necessity—you can’t care for others if you don’t first care for yourself.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Immutability
The Bible teaches that God does not change. Read ten verses that emphasize the immutability of our Father in heaven “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
Why Study the Book of Leviticus?
If you have trouble mustering up the excitement to read through Leviticus, you are not alone.
Do We Play Any Role in Our Sanctification?
God is the one who enables us to do the good works he has called us to do.
One of the Most Misused Words Today
Appearing just under 1,000 times, the word “heart” is used in the Bible more than any other for the inner self.
Christ in All of Scripture – Genesis 1:26-28
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
To Cry Is Human, but to Lament Is Christian
Every human being has the same opening story. Life begins with tears. It’s simply a part of what it means to be human—to cry is human. But lament is different.
Why Good Works Are Crucial for the Christian Life
What is required of us to live in this world as citizens worthy of all the wonders and relationships belonging to the next?
What to Do When It Feels Like God Is against You
When you’re facing times of trouble and it feels like God is against you, there are two important things to do.
Why Study the Book of Proverbs?
We don’t want to miss the heart of Proverbs—what God is saying to his people through this unique portion of Scripture.
The Church’s Central Role in the Coming of the Kingdom of God
It’s not to the government, nor to any king or pope or any other ruler, but rather to the church that the keys of the kingdom of God are given.
Why I Wrote a Book about the Marrow Controversy
What is Jesus really like, truly like—deep down, through and through?
Your struggle with assurance is a struggle to see yourself rightly—specifically, to exchange your perspective of yourself with God’s perspective of you.
On January 6, twelve days after Christmas, the Western church celebrates Epiphany. What does it mean and where does it originate?
Daily Wisdom from Proverbs: A 1-Year Reading Plan
This daily reading plan helps you digest the entire book of Proverbs over the course of a year, reading just a few verses each day.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Waiting
Find encouragement through Scripture and the prayers of the saints for when your spirit faints and flags—the Lord is near.
Busyness is like sin: kill it, or it will be killing you. When busyness goes after joy, it goes after everyone’s joy.
3 Advantages of Understanding Identity Politics
First of all, one thing that I'm very convicted of is that the history of identity politics—and understanding of identity politics—helps us to understand how we ourselves, as Christians, are often complicit in that.
Why Study the Book of Deuteronomy?
If we have yet to grasp what’s so great about Deuteronomy, it may be that we have misconceived it.
An Open Letter to Those Suffering from Depression
Although you feel hopeless and helpless, I want to assure you that there is hope and there is help.
9 Ways the New Earth Will Be More Glorious than Eden
When we enter this Eden 2.0, we’ll begin to experience all that God has intended for his people all along.
How Pregnancy and Labor Point Us to the Gospel
Realize that your motherhood is a challenge that proves God’s strength and sufficiency.
Help! I Don’t Know Where to Start with Racial Reconciliation
Lament doesn't solve all the problems of racial disharmony. It’s not without risk. But it helps.
Jesus doesn’t say that we must. But he says we will. In that sense, fasting is not an obligation, but it is an opportunity—and one too powerful to miss.
The Temple Destroyed: Jesus Becomes the Meeting Place Between God and Sinners
If we are going to understand why Matthew reports these words, we must remember that the theme of Jesus' destruction of the temple has already been introduced.
Isaiah’s messianic profile informs Christian worship of Jesus as the suffering servant who brings a new creation through his life-giving resurrection.
Our new status and our new identity are due to the saving mercy and transformative power of God and are not of ourselves.
9 Passages to Read on Gratitude
Center your heart and mind on biblically rooted thanksgiving with these nine passages of Scripture.
Our church’s gatherings are ultimately about God. We worship according to his desires, not ours. When we gather we should be governed by God’s word, not our preferences.
Podcast: Why You Probably Need a Digital Detox (Tony Reinke)
Tony Reinke reflects on how to do a digital detox, why we should be careful with our social media habits, and what the massive success of the new Avengers film can teach us about our media saturated world.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Ephesians?
Why has this small letter had such a big impact on the church? The answer, at least in part, is due to the depth and diversity of topics emphasized in the letter.
50 Reasons We’re Thankful for R. C. Sproul
We asked you to share why you were thankful for the life and ministry of R. C. Sproul. Over 17,000 of you answered with thoughtful and poignant reasons.
In a Divisive World Your Values Reveal Your God
The gospel is entirely relational. Christ purchased for us peace with God and, through that peace, peace with one another.
3 Signs You're Idolizing Your Home
It can be hard to discern whether or not we're idolizing our work in the home. Unfortunately, the reality is that we often do. But there are a few questions we can ask ourselves that may help.
What Jesus Thinks about Children
Children occupied a precarious position in the Hellenistic society of the first century.
5 Myths about Being a Pastor’s Wife
What every congregation really needs to see is a family serving God with wholehearted devotion while dealing with the realities of sinful parents raising sinful children.
What's So Wrong with a Little White Lie?
I believe God will always give an alternative by which we can do what is right in his sight.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Kings?
This is a theologically rich book that makes a unique contribution to our understanding of our sin and frailty, God’s character and provision, and the plan of redemption being worked out in history.
A Word for the Discouraged Christian
The Apostle Paul remembered who he was in Christ. He remembered that beating within him is none other than Christ himself—the indwelling Christ with all his resources of power and love and joy.
Jeremiah plays a strategic role in God’s revelation of his purposes that will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
4 Ways to Look for the Good in Others
All of us can see the good in our friends. Scripture, however, authorizes us to see the good and enjoy it in all people, even when most of us are not always so good.
Individualism Is Defeated Every Sunday Morning
Paul Tripp describes a transformational perspective that changes the Sunday worship service from feeling like an obligation to being a wonderful gift.
Our Friendship with God Is a Two-Way Street
Most Christians know that they are supposed to do some basic things: go to church, avoid sin, read the Bible, and pray. But what do any of those things have to do with being God’s friend?
According to Jesus, the people who are ashamed of him are those who refuse to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. They’ve considered Jesus unworthy of their devotion and obedience.
What Did Jesus Teach about Men and Women?
Christ not only valued women very highly, but also demonstrated a clear role distinction between men and women.
C. S. Lewis’s Role in The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien always acknowledged that C. S. Lewis played a huge role in encouraging him to finish writing The Lord of the Rings, and was equally insistent that Lewis had no influence on the actual content.
3 Things to Avoid When Ministering to Those Suffering from Mental Illness
We make many mistakes in what we say to sufferers. Partly because of ignorance, discomfort, or fear, we end up saying nothing, or nothing helpful, or everything wrong.
Why It Is Good to Be Poor in Spirit
Our culture is obsessed with wealth and riches. Why, then, does Jesus call the poor "blessed?"
3 Convictions You Need to Have before You Teach the Bible
If you’re just getting started teaching the Bible, this is the first thing I want to put in your mind: beginning preachers and teachers (and experienced ones too!) need confidence in God’s word.
10 Things You Should Know about Early Christology
Many Christians often can assent to key statements on Christ’s divinity like the Nicene Creed, but struggle defending such statements from Scripture.
4 Reasons We Neglect the Resurrection
The cross is the basis by which we can be forgiven. Because the cross is literally crucial, it sometimes overshadows the resurrection.
The Greatest Example of Irony in the Bible
Retributive and restorative irony ultimately finds its zenith of expression at the cross.
Why Doing Theology Right Matters—for All Christians
The case can be made that every Christian is a theologian because every Christian has a theology, whether well thought out or not.
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
A Historical Person Maybe you have never really thought about who Jesus is, or whether his claims have any implications for your life. After all, we’re talking about a man who was born in the …
What to Say to Someone Suffering like Job
The book of Job does not directly tell us how to address Job-like suffering. But I think we can sketch what a helpful answer would be, if we take an approach exactly opposite from the friends.
An Open Letter to the Overwhelmed Parent at Christmas
For the believer, the most important thing we can do this Christmas is not wrap another present, but open up our hearts and minds anew to the wonder of God coming to earth.
6 Times We See the Heart of Jesus in Action—and What It Means for Us
What we see Jesus claim with his words in Matthew 11:29, we see him prove with his actions time and again in all four Gospels. What he is, he does. His life proves his heart.
Make Your Face Shine upon Us—A Reading of Psalm 67 by Conrad Mbewe
Listen to Psalm 67 with new ears as it is read by Zambian pastor and author Conrad Mbewe, one of the new voices coming to ESV.org and the ESV Bible app in 2023.
Perhaps the most important reason for reading the book, however, is that Job’s tragedy—an experience of searing pain and loss which did not make sense within any framework Job had—is all too common.
Podcast: Are Angels and Demons Still Active Today?
What does the Bible really teach about angels, demons, and Satan, and what have we implicitly adopted from culture?
Podcast: Navigating Conflict in Marriage (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash shares biblical wisdom and practical advice for couples working through disagreements related to money, sex, and kids.
What Did Jesus Teach about Discipleship?
Jesus’s instruction about discipleship applies to all (i.e., not simply the twelve) who want to follow him and includes three elements: denying oneself, taking up one’s cross, and following him.
Help! I’m Still Single and It Feels Like Life Is Passing Me By
Life has not passed you by. It’s not going to. If you are in Christ, your life has only just begun.
4 Reasons to Let Go and Trust God
We can trust God to manage the future without our help. It is none of our business.
Find a Bible Reading Plan for the New Year
We have made over fifty Bible reading plans available with varying lengths, topics, and styles. Find one that fits your lifestyle and reading goals, and establish a regular habit of Bible reading this year.
The psalms are poems that reflect the beauty of God himself and how he wants to enchant, allure, woo, and draw us up into him.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Mark?
Certainly Mark is the Gospel that has most in common with the other Gospels. But even Mark has some distinctives that are worth noting and that help us to read Mark as Mark.
What to Look for in a Spiritual Mentor
A spiritual mentoring relationship is one where a younger believer is tethered to a more mature believer for a season so that he or she might grow stronger in faith and be equipped for ministry.
There is not an uninfluenced day, hour, or minute in our lives. We are constantly discipled by the cultural, relational, and spiritual forces around us. Which discipling forces influence you the most?
Why I Believe God Is Sovereign over Suffering
Scripture is not silent when it comes to the question of God's sovereignty in our suffering.
Why the Doctrine of the Trinity Is Crucial for the Christian Life
Matthew Barrett, Michael A. G. Haykin
The Trinity is a doctrine that is to be not only believed but also experienced by the believer.
10 Things You Should Know about Inaugurated Eschatology
Traditionally eschatology consists of the return of Christ, the resurrection, the final judgment, heaven, and hell. Here's what else you should know.
The Church and Homosexuality: 10 Commitments
Of the many complexities involving the church and homosexuality, one of the most difficult is how the former should speak of the latter.
Is the Pope Really the Appointed Successor to the Apostle Peter?
Evangelical theology dissents especially from Catholic theology’s doctrine of apostolic succession.
10 Things You Should Know about the African Church
It is said that the number of Christians in Africa at the beginning of the twentieth century was about 9 million and that by the end of the twentieth century it was about 380 million.
What Are the Limits of a Church’s Authority?
Christians today tend to give little attention to the idea of church authority, just like we give little attention to church membership and discipline.
Dangers for the Churchless Christian
If you try to grow as a Christian apart from a church, your growth will be misshapen.
Draw Near to the Lord in Your Fight for Purity
By persevering in prayer, your gaze will be fixed on Christ, which God will use to transform you.
5 Guidelines for Preparing Congregational Prayer
Effective public prayer must be well-prepared prayer. This is the engine that will move all the other principles.
Mary J. Moerbe, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Scripture is clear that all earthly fatherhood finds its origin in our heavenly Father, but it also reveals more than that.
The Hidden Value of Pastoral Gentleness
As leaders of God’s people, we all long to make a difference for Christ. We don’t want to be unfruitful. The main reason to nurture gentleness is neither pragmatic nor historical, but biblical.
An Open Letter to a Young Woman Contemplating an Abortion
If by “personal” we mean something that belongs to you and no one else, your decision about whether or not to end this pregnancy by abortion is not as personal as they say.
Introducing the 'ESV Super Giant Print Bible'
Offering low-vision readers an optimized reading experience, this edition features large 17-point type and a black card to help reduce each page's show-through.
How Studying the Bible Changed My Life (Women of the Word Episode 1)
Jen Wilkin discusses how believers can learn to study the Bible with both their hearts and their minds and ultimately love the God who it points to.
What Does It Mean to Grieve the Holy Spirit?
To grieve the Holy Spirit is something we’re told is possible and we’re commanded not to do. There are two ways of thinking about it.
Four Ways a Person Can Die in Their Sins
John MacArthur offers four elements from John 8:21–30 that show how a person can die in their sin.
Sanctification is a process that lasts a lifetime—it follows no formula or schedule. God's grace sustains us to grow as we simply point in the right direction.
The true woman does not compartmentalize domesticity, nor does she reduce it to a set of behaviors.
Crossway+ is a new membership program designed to provide you with gospel-centered resources aimed at strengthening your faith and serving the church.
While our collective declaration of “New year, new me” is powerful on January 1, it loses steam quickly. The second Friday in January is known as Quitters Day because so many of us give up by then.
13 Passages to Read on Mother’s Day
Consider these passages for encouragement as a mother or to reflect on the sacrificial love of a mother in your life.
An Open Letter to the Pastor Desiring Racial Reconciliation in the Church
Reconciliation—vertical and horizontal—is the goal of the good news. Gospel unity creates racial harmony.
Why Does the Book of Acts End So Abruptly?
The abrupt but victorious ending compels readers to ask about their own role in this narrative. Acts offers a word of encouragement. Yet, encouragement for what?
An Open Letter to Graduating High School Seniors
Of all the decisions you’ll face this year, the most important one may be whether you get up and go to church on the very first Sunday when no one is there to make sure that you go.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like Going to Church
One of parents’ chief responsibilities is to train our children to be worshippers. And bringing our kids to church, whether they like it or not, is an essential act of discipleship.
Your Kids Need You to Talk to Them
The Spirit makes godly conversations possible, and he expects you to give yourself to them because the people around you—your children—need them.
Learn to Say “Help” to the Lord
It is not always easy to talk openly to the Lord. We need help, but it is difficult to actually ask God for it. Why is it so difficult? Why do we sometimes resist speaking to him?
Faith in Christ vs. the Faithfulness of Christ
It is Christ and his blood rather than our faith that is really the foundation of our salvation. Our faith in the gospel of Christ is important and necessary to our salvation.
Does the Bible Speak to Today’s Struggle with Personal Identity?
The Bible does actually address many of the questions of identity that we’re asking today—in really profound, beautiful, and true ways.
The Sermon on the Mount Is Not an Impossible Standard to Make Us Feel Bad
If we approach the Sermon on the Mount only or mainly as a means by which we see our sinfulness, we’ve not taken the sermon on its own terms.
3 Prayers of Thanksgiving from History
Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter
As we draw near to Thanksgiving, use these written prayers from the past as examples to help give you words to express your gratitude to God.
2 Essential Doctrines of the Reformation
Works have no value before a perfectly holy God. Instead, place your faith in Jesus alone.
Pastor: Request 20 Free Copies of ‘Rediscover Church’
Crossway is distributing 400,000 free copies of the book to churches in the US in partnership with 9Marks and The Gospel Coalition.
5 Things Your Wife Wishes You Knew (But Might Never Tell You)
At-home work differs from a typical 9-to-5 job, but that doesn't mean it isn't hard work.
4 Essentials for Finishing Well
As we think of the endurance of the saints, of enduring to the end and finishing well, there is no better example in Scripture than that of the apostle Paul.
Finding God's Grace While Waiting for a Prodigal
By God’s grace, waiting on a prodigal can actually strengthen your faith.
4 Tips for Discipling Younger Women
Older women are to be faithful examples as they teach younger women. As you think about Paul's message to older women, consider these questions from the book of Titus.
10 Things You Should Know about God's Incommunicable Attributes
God's incommunicable attributes belong to him alone.
6 Questions about Raising Daughters
As we continue to plant seeds of faith in our daughters, we must shape their understanding of what it means to grow in godliness.
Why Computers Can Never Replace the Human Brain
If we are not just machines, but spiritual beings as well, even the cleverest computer could never replicate the priceless and wondrous imago dei borne by every human.
3 Things God Will Never Do with Your Sin
When we interact one with another, all too often we let our response be guided or dictated by past infractions. But this is precisely what God will never do.
How to Preach Biblical Narrative
Douglas Sean O'Donnell, Leland Ryken
I love stories. You love stories. Your congregation loves stories. The unbelieving world loves stories. Below are seven suggestions for preaching a sermon on a biblical narrative.
How to Love God and Your Neighbor through Your Work
Four New Testament passages provide a cross section of the New Testament’s teaching on how to love God through our work.
When Studying the Bible, Don’t Follow Your Heart
We speak often in the church about how Christianity is a religion of the heart. It is right to speak of Christianity in this way, but not exclusively in this way.
Why the 10 Commandments Are Still Relevant
The law in the New Testament is to show us that in the life of the believer, the law is in fact a means of grace because it shows us what pleases God.
We instinctively recognize that the solution to bad authority is seldom no authority, but almost always good authority.
The Connection between Thankfulness and Joy
Joy is fostered in us as we come together as God’s people, with God at the center.
3 Times Jesus Told Us He Was God without Saying It
“Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” The scribes aren’t wrong: the only person with the right to say these words is God himself.
Resources for Small Group Studies
Need some suggestions for what to study with your small group? Browse this list of resources for a variety of interest groups.
John Piper on Gambling, the Lottery, and Fantasy Football
Fantasy sports are now a multibillion-dollar gambling industry in the United States, leading a young man to email and ask if a “rather modest” bet of twenty to fifty dollars per week is sinful.
Why You Can Trust Your English Bible
We can be confident that our translations of the historical documents are accurate and correct and that we know what the authors of those documents originally wrote.
What Does It Mean That Scripture Is Inspired?
How are the rest of us, who never had a revelatory dream or vision and to whom God never spoke directly, supposed to know what God wants us to know?
In the Beginning God Created a Priest
While priesthood is not defined or assigned until Sinai, we can see how priesthood in Israel finds an original pattern in Genesis.
A Brief Introduction to the History of the Illuminated Manuscript
The practice of illumination—adding decoration to book manuscripts—dates back to the early fifth century.
John Piper’s Favorite Christmas Text
Jesus wasn’t humble for the same reasons we are (or should be). So how can looking at Jesus’s Christmas humility help us?
When we are praying in the Spirit, we are being obedient to what the Spirit desires, and bringing those desires to God in prayer.
How Should We Determine the Order of Worship in Our Church Services?
Our worship should be, among other things, God-fearing (Eccl. 5) and bibliocentric (Neh. 8). In other words, our worship should be God-revering and Scripture-saturated.
As a stay-at-home mom, it can be really hard to think about balance in the work of the home because we don’t have a boss.
What a Church Is . . . and Isn't
The church is not a place. It’s not a building. It’s not a preaching point. It’s not a spiritual service provider. It’s a people—the new-covenant, blood-bought people of God.
I wonder what that song was like for Jesus. I wonder because of the other details the Gospel writers also included about that evening—and there are many.
Podcast: 12 Key Tools for Bible Study (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback discusses 12 key tools for Bible study that all Christians can use—tools that will help us go deeper into the biblical text and understand the Bible’s life-giving message for ourselves.
The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Bible
God has always existed as the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
How to Engage Emotionally with the Bible
Emotions are not a bad thing, but they must arise from accurate thoughts about the truths of Scripture.
10 Key Bible Verses on Blessing
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
How Advent Teaches Us to Wait Well
The hardest thing about waiting is not knowing when it’s going to end, if it is going to end.
What Does 2 Timothy 3:16 Mean?
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” —2 Timothy 3:16
The Final Days of Jesus: Monday, March 30, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Podcast: Rethinking Multiservice and Multisite Church (Jonathan Leeman)
Do multiservice and multisite church models run counter to the pattern for the local church we see in the New Testament?
The Bible promises that in Jesus, we have peace. But when our circumstances and our emotions threaten us with despair, it doesn’t always feel like that is the case.
How to Root out Apathy with the Power of Habit
Practicing spiritual disciplines may feel like work at first. Establishing new habits always presses against our apathy in uncomfortable ways.
The gospel—the good news of what God has done for sinners through Jesus Christ—permeates 1 Corinthians.
8 Important Dos and Don'ts of Discipline
The point of parenting is not to cultivate uniform perfection.
What the Grand Canyon Teaches Us about Ourselves
Ninety-nine years ago today, Grand Canyon National Park was established after President Woodrow Wilson signed a Congressional act. Learn the invaluable lesson John Piper thinks this national landmark can teach.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Teach My Kids the Bible
How do we sow in our children love for the word that has become a lifeline for us? How do we communicate in a way that prepares them for a life of faith and faithfulness?
Assessing the Arguments for and against Physician-Assisted Suicide
In addition to arguments that can be made from the Bible against physician-assisted suicide (Ex. 20:13, “You shall not murder”), four additional arguments can be made against euthanasia.
Building a Culture of Spiritually Intentional Relationships
Most Active Does Not Equal Most Fruitful Could it be that the most active members of your congregation are the least fruitful? Consider for a moment: in God’s sight, not all activity carries equal value. …
A Brief Introduction to the Life and Ministry of John Calvin
Nothing could get in the way of God's big plans for John Calvin's life and ministry.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 5
James N. Anderson suggests five different ways to discern someone’s worldview.
7 Reasons to Use 'The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge'
'The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge' reflects significant advances that have been made in Greek New Testament translation.
If My Sins Are Fully Forgiven, Why Must I Confess My Sins Daily?
There are a lot of Christians today who, amazingly, deny the importance of confessing our sins. It has to do with this distinction between eternal union and experiential communion.
Because your world is not out of control but under God’s careful redemptive control, you can have hope even when it looks to you as if darkness is winning the day.
A Template of Praise from Psalm 103
We should remind ourselves of the good things God has done for us. The psalmist of Psalm 103 focuses on five main blessings.
7 Reasons to Study the Book of Job
Christopher Ash offers seven reasons to study the book of Job.
Bible Q&A - Why Read the Bible Every Day?
Dane Ortlund explains the purpose behind reading the Bible every day.
The Importance of Preaching the Theology of Suffering
Preach to your people a theology of suffering that places all our trials in the hands and will of a loving Father.
Why Pastors Must Show Their Kids How to Love the Church
Perhaps the most important thing we can do to demonstrate our love for the church is to crucify any trace of careerism.
True Peace Isn’t Found in the Absence of Conflict
When pain tempts me to feel disheartened and glumly stare out a window, I stand up to my miserable emotions. I quell those dark feelings by singing about peace and resting my soul in God.
The Difference Family Worship Makes
Having your family in a Christ-exalting, gospel-centered, Bible-teaching local church is crucial to Christian parenting—but it is not enough.
Podcast: Disciplines of a Godly Woman (Barbara Hughes)
Barbara Hughes discusses why discipline is important for Christian women, highlighting her own struggle to cultivate a disciplined life over the years.
3 Kinds of Prayers That God Answers
We know we should pray. We start praying. But soon we give up. Or we pray with no expectation of an answer. Or we pray for the wrong things. Prayer becomes a problem rather than a solution.
Introducing ‘The Complete Works of John Owen’
The Complete Works of John Owen brings together all of Owen’s original theological writing, including never-before-published work, reformatted for modern readers in 40 user-friendly volumes.
6 Habits of Heart and Mind for Lifelong Learners
Lifelong learning for the glory of Christ calls for continual growth in six habits of mind and heart. We seek to instill these habits in our students so that their education does not stop when their schooling stops.
What Did Jesus Teach about Giving Generously?
The reason money is so crucial for Jesus is that across all cultures and all ages it represents the alternative to God as the treasure of our hearts, and therefore the object of our worship.
Was Shakespeare a Christian Writer?
Leland Ryken encourages us to look at the Christian elements present in Shakespeare's plays.
Words That Mark a Gracious Woman
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
The words of a gracious friend are self-controlled, wise, and hopeful, and those who hear her speak are the better for it.
Does the Bible Offer Guidance for Contemporary Ethical Issues?
The Bible has much to offer believers as they seek to obey the Lord in every area of life, but it is not always as easy as matching one Bible verse with a problem.
3 Questions about Blessings and Curses
God’s design has always been for his people to experience the fullness of life in his presence—physically and spiritually.
This Day in History: The Death of Hudson Taylor
Today marks the 113th anniversary of the death of Hudson Taylor, missionary to China. His legacy of faithfulness lives on.
How to Prioritize Your Spouse in Ministry
She’s not been called to serve. You have been called to serve and she’s been called to serve alongside of you as your helper.
Jesus explicitly identifies himself with the gathering because the gathering makes his kingdom visible and active through their mutual agreement and testimony.
3 Ways the Internet Itself Resembles Pornography
It is not just that much pornography can be found online. It is that the web, by virtue of what it is, is intrinsically pornographically shaped.
Is Evangelicalism Today Truly Evangelical?
If evangelicalism is to have a future worthy of the name, we who would be people of the gospel must cultivate an integrity to the gospel, and on more than paper.
The Bible presents the greatest story ever told: the ultimate good-versus-evil storyline—the great cosmic battle between God and Satan.
How the Exodus Shapes the Whole Bible
The reason the exodus story is so important is partly that it is so foundational to the whole Old Testament.
5 Myths about Making Decisions
The sooner we learn to see decisions as a blessing rather than a burden, the more we will begin to experience the God-intended delight that comes with the decision-making process.
How Hannah’s Prayer Found Its Fulfillment in Mary’s Magnificat
Why does Luke talk so much about God being "high"? The answer lies in Mary’s praise in the well-known Magnificat.
Who Needs Dogma when Stigma Will Do?
Sliding into liberalism is when you no longer take the time or make the effort to define your terms.
Dear Pastor . . . You Need to Recognize Your Limits
Our limits and weaknesses are not in the way of what God can do through us, but our denial of limits and our delusions of independent strength are.
An Open Letter to a Children’s Ministry Worker
The children entrusted to your care have ears, and they use them. So teach these little ones the big truths. God willing, it will yield fruit for many years to come.
The Lord’s Prayer Teaches Us How to Pray Every Other Prayer
The Lord's Prayer orients us, most importantly, to the vertical dimension of our prayers. That's why we start by saying, “Our Father.”
3 Privileges of Intimacy with the Father
As God's children, we inherit God’s glorious new world. But more than that, we inherit God himself.
Why Should Christians Want to Help the Poor?
Why should Christians want to help the poor? The Bible gives us two kinds of reasons, including numerous specific commands in Scripture that tell us to do so.
Help! I Can’t Get Control over My Tongue
There is an intimate path between our words and our heart. Our speech simply puts on display what is produced in the heart–whether good or evil.
Feeling Alone in a Crowded Congregation
We are social beings, and human connection is essential for our brain functioning, physical health, and emotional well-being. Loneliness is the unsurprising symptom of an individualistic society.
The Ultimate Goal of Parenting
The ultimate goal of parenting is not behavior management. It is heart realignment. The root problem with your children is not their misbehavior but the condition of their heart.
5 Hats That a Lead Pastor Must Wear
If the quality of our elder plurality determines the health of our church, then we need to know which hats will best help us to cultivate solid teams. Here are five hats senior leaders should wear.
Resources to Help You Meditate on Scripture in 2025
There are many ways to engage with the Bible and countless tools available that allow you to dig deeper into the text and better meditate on Scripture. Consider these resources to use in this new year.
4 Ways the Gospel Appears in the Book of Amos
Learn about four ways that the Old Testament book of Amos is essential for a robust understanding of the gospel.
Men: Crossway wants to equip you with resources to help you joyfully receive, carefully study, and faithfully share God's Word.
5 Questions Singles Might Have about Marriage
Whether married or single, growth in all areas is the best preparation for the Christian life. Pursue humility, wisdom, prayerfulness, the fear of the Lord, and the fruit of the Spirit without holding back.
Why Study the Book of Revelation?
The book of Revelation shows us how to live victoriously in the midst of both torment and temptation.
How a Familiar Truth Forever Changed Hudson Taylor
We have all had experiences where the same truth we have read a hundred times explodes with new power in our lives. That happened for Hudson Taylor on September 4, 1869.
Win the Next Generation with Love
The evangelical church has spent far too much time trying to figure out cultural engagement and far too little time just trying to love. If we listen and are curious about people, we will be plenty engaged.
It Doesn’t Matter What Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh Was
The thorn’s purpose is to deflate the certainty that Paul would quietly become puffed up over his indescribable experience of heaven. And who wouldn’t, without a thorn to burst that bubble?
Galatians is a letter is about protecting the truth of the gospel, which declares what God has done in Christ for sinners.
How the Book of Psalms Is Like No Other Biblical Book
The book of Psalms is special because it equips us to speak to God.
What about Scholars Who Deny that the Bible Condemns Homosexual Practice?
It's just not accurate to say that what we are seeing now as expressions of homosexuality were completely unknown to the biblical authors.
5 Questions about Sanctification
Knowing that you are a beloved child does not leave you complacent and self-satisfied.
How Important Is It for Me to Affirm the Doctrine of Predestination?
Predestination is crucial for our serious joy in God, and it directly affects how we make disciples. It affects what and how we preach and teach and sing and pray and counsel.
The advice to listen to your heart is not only common, but it has also been exalted to a sacrosanct place of moral authority in our culture.
10 Things You Should Know about the J-Curve
Like the letter “J,” Jesus’s life descends through his incarnation and then death, and then upward into his resurrection and exaltation.
Don’t Mistake Your Passion for Theological Precision
Many of us, even Christians, have little patience for rigorous thinking and little interest in careful definition.
We develop wisdom by knowing the Bible and by relying on the Holy Spirit to help us correctly live it out.
A Church Is Not Just a Truth-Dispensing Center
The church is the household of God, so we can expect relationships, interaction, and shared identity to be fundamental aspects of its life.
What Did Jesus Teach about Judgment?
Some have said that the most popular verse in the Bible is Jesus’s command to his followers not to judge. How are we to understand Jesus's teaching on judgment?
The thrust of 1 Timothy is that godliness is central to the Christian’s continuing in the gospel and the church’s proclamation of the gospel.
A Biblical Understanding of Depression
On top of the burdens of despondency, hopelessness, and guilt that sufferers of depression already shoulder, too often interactions with those in the church cement fears about inadequate faith.
Maximus the Gladiator and Jesus the Christ
Just as Maximus was not just a gladiator but the ultimate Gladiator, the Gospel authors claim that Jesus is not just a king, but the King.
4 Prayers to Pray for the Sick
When or loved ones are burdened with suffering and illness, find comfort in Scripture and in these historic prayers of saints that have gone before.
This Day in History: The Death of C. S. Lewis
Jack faced the prospect of death bravely and calmly. “I have done all I wanted to do, and I’m ready to go,” he said one evening.
An Open Letter to the Pastor in a Post-Christian World
Though we are in post-Christian times, when the culture is becoming increasingly secularized, Christianity is far from “over.”
Introducing the ESV Church Bible
A new durable, affordable edition created specifically for widespread distribution.
Introducing the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series
Learn more about these Bibles featuring commissioned cover artwork designed by Christian artists such as Peter Voth, Ruth Chou Simons, and Joshua Noom.
Good Bible Reading Requires Humility
The first step in reading the Bible in the power of another is to begin with humility. It begins with the renunciation of pride.
Do This Breathing Exercise for Healthy Christian Living
Think of Scripture and prayer as inhaling and exhaling because that shows the two necessarily go together.
Though God receives our offerings, he isn’t looking for our outward offerings that give back to him what he gave us in the first place.
What Does Radically Ordinary Hospitality Look Like?
Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not as theirs at all but as God’s gift to use for the furtherance of his kingdom.
Infographic: Do Women Need to Slow Their Pace?
We asked over 6,000 people to share their experience with stress and burnout. In this infographic, we present some of the interesting results.
The ministry of the deacons is an extension of the ministry of the elders to care for the flock of God.
7 Tips for Planning a Sermon Series
How can pastors approach teaching the whole word of God to the people of God? It can be a daunting task.
Woman: You Will Become What You Behold
If we spend our time gazing only on lesser things, we will become like them, measuring our years in terms of human glory.
J. I. Packer on One of the Most Urgent Needs in the Church Today
Catechesis—from a Greek word meaning "instruction by mouth"— is a historic teaching method of giving Christians the language with which to articulate the basic tenets of faith.
Growth in Christ Is Not Just Personal Improvement
Jesus is not a concept. Not an ideal. Not a force. Growing in Christ is a relational, not a formulaic, experience. Who then is this person?
You Need a Theology of Uncomfortable Grace
Mourning acknowledges that the world is not the way God meant it to be. Mourning cries out for God’s redeeming, restoring hand.
5 Ways You Can Nourish Your Soul with God’s Word
In this 12-minute video, Kristen Wetherell describes one method for interacting with God’s Word that is distinct from a traditional quiet time and suggests five creative ways we can use it to nourish our hungry souls.
4 Reminders for When You’re Hurt by Someone at Church
We live in a fallen world. As glorious and wonderful as life in the church is, God’s people have not yet been fully delivered from the effects of sin.
The Story of the First Ordained African-American Pastor in US History
If the church is to prosper and mature, she will need faithful men to lead and care for her.
What glory right here, right now, has captured your heart, and how is it shaping the way you respond to the situations, locations, and relationships in your life?
The Bible, like all good literature, is full of questions. It includes over 3,000 of them—questions that are intended to make us ponder the person and powers of God and our relationship with him.
Norman Geisler (1932–2019) on the Truth about Truth
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
Norman Geisler (1932–2019) distinguishes here between contrary beliefs and the absoluteness of truth.
Actually, Goodness and Mercy Don’t Follow Us
When we see it or experience it personally, human goodness can be truly amazing. It can be life-giving and liberating. So, too, steadfast love.
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
Many non-Christians take a “blind leap of faith” that their non-Christian beliefs are true simply because they want them to be true.
4 Prayers to Pray for the Lost
We can call on the Lord on behalf of those who don't know him—for he knows and cares for them.
Deaconing is not for the faint of heart. Much of it is thankless: grunt work, not stage work.
8 Principles of Prayer from John Owen
There are some generally allowed principles, which, though not always duly considered, yet cannot at any time be modestly denied, that give direction toward the right performance of our duty [of prayer] herein.
How Studying the Bible Restores the Soul
How does the Bible restore our lives daily? I find no better explanation of what I have learned than the words of Psalm 19.
An Open Letter to Husbands on Mother’s Day
The fact that Mother’s Day may have secular origins does not mean that it can’t be used by Christian husbands to remind us of biblical principles related to our mothers and wives.
The 10th Commandment: Don’t Even Think about It
If contentment has been a losing battle for you, if coveting comfort or cash or companions has been your common state, let the good news sink in: contentment is learned.
Podcast: Does Jesus Really Like Me? (Dane Ortlund)
What does Scripture say about God's disposition towards us as redeemed sinners? What does it mean that Jesus is "gentle and lowly in heart"?
Can Jesus Pray Prayers of Repentance?
If the Psalms give a window into the human emotions and affections of Jesus Christ, we must ask what we are to understand when the psalmists express repentance for sins.
J. I. Packer’s Thoughts on Holiness
Repentance begins with a recognition of the multitude of ways in which our thinking and attitude and belief system are contrary to what is revealed in Scripture.
How Should a Wife Respond to Her Husband’s Bad Authority?
We are called to forbear, be patient, forgive, and continue to seek to compel the gospel through our trust in Christ—even as we continue to serve those God has called us to serve.
Why All Christians Should Care about Biblical Theology
Biblical theology is crucial for the health of the church because the church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.”
4 Ideas to Help Us Make Better Use of Our Time
God is the one most interested in you and me using our time well. He isn’t looking down from heaven waiting for us to throw our lives away in order to punish us.
A 10 Question Catechism for One-on-One Pastoral Care
What follows is the catechism that pastor Richard Baxter used in his parish to train and instruct those under his care.
Introducing Emblems of the Infinite King
Introduces kids ages 10+ to God’s radiant beauty through the main categories of systematic theology in this imaginative journey through the grand story of the universe.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Luke?
The four Gospels present Jesus as true Israel and the divine Son of God who lived a faithful life, died for sins of his people, and rose from the dead, but each evangelist retells this story a bit differently.
Why Doesn't God Do More to Convince Us of His Existence?
If the Christian God exists and loves us, and if our eternal destiny hangs in the balance, why isn’t the evidence for his existence absolutely undeniable?
Without revelation, we cannot know God. God’s revelation is trustworthy, for God is trustworthy.
Are You Conveying the Loveliness of Christ to Your Kids?
Do our kids know the thing that will sustain and oxygenate them when other vital needs go unmet?
10 Things You Should Know about American Criminal Justice
American founders understood that the power to criminally punish was enormous and the emotional outcry to solve a crime could lead authorities to run roughshod over the rights of the accused.
Is Leviticus just a collection of disconnected laws? How does this book of the Bible really point to Christ?
Video: What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?
Pastor and best-selling author Kevin DeYoung answers a controversial question.
Help for Humanly Impossible Acts
The languishing come to drink at the fountain of God’s life-giving word. That too is worship. It magnifies the necessity and desirableness of God.
Can we really be strong through our weaknesses?
11 Reasons Jesus Is the Perfect Husband
John Owen argues that we live out our friendship with the Father with his love at the center, but when it comes to the Son, it’s all about his grace.
4 Simple (Yet Profound) Things to Remember This Thanksgiving
The great privilege of man is to receive everything that God gives, and then to enjoy it and to enjoy him in it.
How to Guard against a Self-Centered Relationship with Jesus
Often without warning or intention, the drive to know ourselves becomes all-consuming. It’s impossible to not be affected by the age of self in which we currently live.
What Does It Mean to Enter God’s Rest?
We are like the Israelites: When God gave them his Sabbaths of rest in a land of rest, he had more work to do to make them believe it than he had to overcome their enemies and obtain it for them.
Dear Pastor . . . Let Christ Preach
If preaching isn’t simply transferring data or trying to make people feel something through our charisma, what is it?
How Is the Sexual Revolution Affecting Women and Girls Today?
Especially for girls and women, we have been told to believe that we're only as valuable as we are sexy or sexualized, and that we are something to be consumed.
Depression, Anxiety, and Joy: A 5-Day Devotional
Christians have a unique hope in the midst of their suffering.
Podcast: Habits for Better Bible Reading (Drew Hunter)
Drew Hunter discusses advice for Christians eager to reinvigorate, or maybe jumpstart for the first time, a consistent Bible-reading habit.
4 Ways to Go Deeper in the Psalms
From the psalms we see that God works in and through our emotions to draw us closer to him and to mature us spiritually.
The Necessity and Danger of Mercy Ministry
Deeds of mercy can show the power of the gospel to change us. When we help our neighbor, we give evidence that our message is true.
Over the centuries, theologians have articulated several different theories or models of the atonement.
How to Pray When Your Kids Go Off to College
Not all parents can provide what they want for their children, but all parents can pray.
Don't Miss the Point: Questions to Ask While Reading Scripture
We need to read the Bible with it's grand mission in mind.
3 Practical Ways to Battle Depression
There are some basic steps we shouldn’t miss before we try and treat anxiety and depression with medication and counseling.
How Can I Love People Even When They’re Wrong?
Paul told us in Romans 12:9 to “abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” But what happens when we disagree on what’s “evil” and what’s “good?”
Godly growth and change happens through 5 influences and circumstances: God, Scripture, wise people, suffering, and you.
How Moms Can Model God’s Grace
One way to teach our children about our need for God’s grace in Christ is to appropriately confess our sin to them.
This Day in History: The Death of Elisabeth Elliot
Elliot had weaknesses and strengths, she got things right and she got things wrong, and she did not necessarily know which were which. Nor do we. We are too small to see very far.
Christians have a role to play in joining with other believers to demonstrate a counter-cultural message about the sanctity of human life.
Why You Should Seek God When You Feel Lonely
When we fellowship with the Lord, we will find a new security, a new peace, and a new confidence in the Lord and in just getting through life.
5 Truths about God’s Unity of Simplicity
God’s unity of simplicity means that God is one with himself, selfsame and indivisible in his being and operations, and God is not composed of parts.
Christian Theology Began When Jesus Called God His Father
It is no exaggeration to say that Christian theology began when Jesus called God his Father and taught his disciples to do the same.
Tithing in Financially Tight Times
Giving out of scarcity declares in an especially profound way that God is better than money.
Isaiah is quite lengthy, but there is great joy to be gained from diligently engaging with it.
7 Tips for Researching and Studying Theology
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
The following seven principles are useful for researching a theological paper, preparing to write an article, or developing a full systematic theology one piece at a time.
What Grieving People Wish You Knew
Four things grieving people wish we knew about grief to help us confidently interact and helpfully take action.
The Gospel Is about More (But Not Less) Than Your Personal Salvation
We are not just individually liberated from death, hell, and the Devil—the whole of creation is on an exodus journey as well.
Introducing the ‘ESV Archaeology Study Bible’
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots biblical text in its historical and cultural context.
How God Changes Hearts for His Glory
As Spurgeon saw it, the new birth of a Christian has to be a work of pure divine grace: the sinful human heart is impotent, unwilling, and wholly unworthy.
The ultimate purpose of the book of Psalms is to model for God’s people how and why to praise the LORD.
3 Important Questions for the Church about the Lord’s Supper
The Lord’ Supper is an ordinance of remembrance, and recipients must turn their minds to the cross as they approach the Table.
Why Study the Book of 2 Corinthians?
The Christian life is impossible to live without 2 Corinthians.
Most of us would be quick to speak up and protest our innocence. It’s just human nature to want to speak up and justify ourselves.
Podcast: Are You an Evangelical, a Pharisee, or Both? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves talks about the Pharisaism that all-too-often takes root in our churches, our homes, and, ultimately, our hearts, challenging us to see how the sins of pride and hypocrisy are an ever-present threat to us as God’s people.
Do We Still Need the 10 Commandments?
There are many people inside the church—and especially outside the church—who would say the Ten Commandments are irrelevant or antiquated.
4 Reasons We Avoid the Book of Revelation
Revelation is actually less about when Jesus will return and more about what we are to do, who we are to be, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom.
God’s Goal for Marriage Is Transformation, Not Comfort
Paul Tripp reflects on five decades of marriage with his wife, Luella, and he shares how the sin in their hearts and particularly his problem with anger impacted their relationship and nearly destroyed their marriage.
3 Principles of Self-Denial for Every Christian
The blindness with which we all rush into love of ourselves is such that it seems to each of us that we have good reason to elevate ourselves and to despise all others in comparison with ourselves.
Help! I Love Jesus but Not the Church
Have you given up on the church? Shift your gaze from your hurt and disappointment and behold the church through the eyes of Christ.
What Did Jesus Teach about the Poor?
If poverty will always exist, does that mean any efforts to alleviate poverty—in our own communities and around the world—are in vain?
What Does It Mean for a Man to Manage His Own Household “Well”?
What does it mean for a man to manage his household “well”? Oh, the apostolic brilliance of that qualifier.
Feminine Beauty and Masculine Strength
What do we say to our sons and daughters who ask, “Daddy and Mommy, what does it mean to be a man or a woman?” Tell them they are made in the image of God and for union with Christ.
Understanding the First and Last Adam
Truly God and truly man, Jesus was not a transgressor like the first Adam. Our hope is the perfect righteousness of Jesus, which is credited to us sinners.
The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way
If we try to influence the world by using its methods, we are doing the Lord’s work in the flesh.
An Open Letter to the Woman Struggling with Aging
If you’re like most women, fear about your changing physical appearance is just the beginning of aging anxiety. Many of us struggle with aging because we know it is often a season of loss.
4 Qualities of God-Honoring Work
Your vocation, be it ever so humble, is a divine calling, and thus must be done for the glory of God. This alone will take the church out into the world.
15 Strategies for Men to Strengthen Their Friendships
Men, you were made for friendship. You can forge deep relationships and cultivate a culture of brotherhood around you. Here are 15 strategies.
8 Real-Life Questions about Children and Discipline
You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of parenting advice that exists. Take a breath. Break the goal down into small steps, and take one step at a time.
7 Checklist Items for Your Next Church Search
Consider these seven key items to look for and prioritize when you embark on your next church search.
Does Singleness Waste My Sexuality?
There will be a time when there will be no more earthly marriage. Marriage, as we practice it now, will have served its purpose. Life then is a fulfillment of all that marriage now is meant to point to.
The Best Reason to Read the Bible
A lot of people think that the reason they are to study the Bible is so that they can know the Bible well. But when we study the Bible, we always should be coming to an increasing knowledge of God not just the Bible.
The Dangerous Ways We Add to Scripture
The pages of church history are littered with heretics who boasted of their devotion to Scripture yet failed to spot how their biblical language concealed unbiblical thinking.
What does the Bible teach about how to make decisions and discern God's will in the life of believers?
Podcast: How to Date Your Wife (Justin Buzzard)
Justin Buzzard offers advice for husbands eager to love and serve their wives on a daily basis.
Full Audiobook: The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
We are pleased to share the entire audio of The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung on The Crossway Podcast.
3 Ways That Scriptural Leadership Differs from Secular Leadership
Preaching is inherently a form of leadership. But in order for our preaching to qualify as scriptural leadership, we must be careful to exercise it according to biblical standards rather than worldly principles.
What I Learned in My Season of Depression
God, in his love and wisdom, chose this very specific trial for me.
Good News Publishers and American Tract Society Finalize Joint Publishing Agreement
Crossway announces a joint publishing agreement with the American Tract Society (ATS) for the publication and distribution of gospel tracts throughout North America.
6 Ways to Help Your Kids Love Reading the Bible
What could be more important than teaching your kids to read the Bible? What better habit would you want them to have?
If Grace Abounds, Why Not Sin?
Paul makes it clear in Romans 6, those who are truly in Christ will not want to keep on sinning.
An Open Letter to Those Nearing Retirement
We need to have a clear understanding of our priorities in retirement and have a plan to implement them that can be flexible enough to adapt to changes in our abilities and life situations over the coming years.
A Biblical Theology of Clothing
The provision of clothing makes the theological point that sin needs to be covered. And the language about uncovering nakedness is typically connected to a wicked act.
Equip graduates with resources that can strengthen and deepen their walk with the Lord as they embark on new life seasons.
An Open Letter to the Single Person on Valentine’s Day
You are completely valued and treasured just as you are because the Being running this massive universe is, in fact, a personal Being and he loves you wholly and completely.
What Does God Have to Do with Math?
What does God have to do with mathematics? The two subjects have everything to do with each other.
Good deeds matter to God in regards to their purpose for the church, the world, our sanctification, and God’s glory.
The Importance of Enjoying Your Kids
To be in those high-demand years is a great blessing, so enjoy it. Enjoy your kids!
The Real Reason We Don’t Evangelize
How can we motivate greater evangelism? Many of us hold false beliefs that are at the root of a lot of our evangelistic apathy and inactivity.
John Calvin on the Role of the Pastor
Calvin did not imagine that the New Testament gave us a precise liturgy or church order, but he was convinced that it gives us clear guidelines.
Children Are a Blessing (Even If You Don’t Feel That Way)
Our wayward feelings about motherhood—whether we are prone to glorying in it or growing bitter about it—need to consider the related truth that our Father has given his Son a heritage.
Why Good Theology Matters in Prayer
Knowing who God is and what he’s like as revealed in Scripture is very important as we approach God in prayer.
Struggling in Your Faith? Isolation Isn’t the Answer
The hardest thing for struggling Christians to recognize is that church is exactly the community they need.
The Idolatry of Spiritual Laziness
We can (and should) command repentance from sin, but it is grace that enables repentance and belief that accompanies it.
Do You Struggle to Discern God’s Will?
Thinking about the will of God is asking a secondary question when there’s a primary question that we need to ask first.
Why a Pastor Needs to Learn His Context
To faithfully pastor those who are culturally different from you, the first thing you should do is learn as much as you can about your context.
Does God Give Us More than We Can Handle?
Perhaps it takes growing old to realize that aging with grace sometimes feels impossible. It is more than we can handle.
How (and How Not) to Discuss Doctrinal Differences
Divisiveness belongs to the works of the flesh. Believers who walk by the Spirit must address their doctrinal differences in the fruit of the Spirit.
Bill Mounce Reviews The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge
In this 13-minute video, Bill Mounce—president of BiblicalTraining.org and New Testament scholar—offers a thorough review of The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge.
Q&A: Paul Tripp Answers Your Questions about Marriage
Paul Tripp answers questions from around the world about healthy communication, asking forgiveness, offering correction, and reigniting a sense of romance.
What Changed after C. S. Lewis Came to Christ?
He not only knew about God with his reason but also met God with his emotions. He experienced Joy. And God changed him.
4 Principles for Political Engagement as a Christian
When we grasp the important contrast between the earthly and heavenly kingdoms, our hearts will direct our politics differently.
That there is such a thing as Holy Saturday in the gospel is remarkable, if oft overlooked. Why wouldn’t a simple movement from death one day to resurrection the next be sufficient?
The Day Martin Luther Was Excommunicated
On January 3, 1521, Luther was excommunicated. The severity of excommunication is not to be underestimated.
Revelation 5:8–12 portrays a similar scene, with multiplied thousands of voices singing of the worthiness of God and the Lamb. That is the song of heaven. I cannot wait to hear it.
10 Things You Should Know about Shared Church Leadership
God loves patience, so he imposes a way of governing that requires humble listening and trust that he is working in the lives of others. God loves humility, so he gave us plurality.
4 Steps to Engaging with Your Emotions
J. Alasdair Groves, Winston T. Smith
When you engage something, you move closer and explore it, preparing yourself to deal with whatever you uncover.
7 Tips for Teaching Theology to Teens
If you’re a pastor, youth leader, ministry volunteer, or simply a Christian parent of a Christian teenager, you’ve probably struggled with the best approach in talking with young people about theology.
How God Uses Friction to Shape Us
God employs friction to shape us into his Son’s likeness. Scripture reflects on this in various places.
12 Truths for Depressed and Anxious Christians
Richard Baxter, Michael S. Lundy
Be sure that a theological error is not the root of your distress. Especially have a solid understanding of the covenant of grace and the riches of mercy revealed in Christ.
What Does God Think of My Pain?
While Christians are never promised immunity from suffering, they are promised a purpose in the midst of it.
Loving Others through Political Difference
Jonathan Leeman, Andrew David Naselli
What is wisdom? It’s a capacity of mind that combines the fear of the Lord with the skill of living in God’s created but fallen world in a way that yields justice, peace, and flourishing.
10 Attributes of God Viewed through the Lens of Truth
Let’s explore how various attributes of God are displayed in his truthfulness. “Attributes” of God are terms describing who he is.
9 Notable Quotes from The Gospel Comes with a House Key
The Bible teaches that hospitality is not an option, but a requirement, for Christians. In opening our doors, we have the opportunity to shine the light of Christ in dark places.
Why You’ll Never Be Free Until You Start Obeying God
Biblical freedom doesn't mean doing what we want to do, but what we ought to do.
A Mistake Christians Make regarding the LGBTQ+ Movement
For Christians, our identity is not rooted primarily in our feelings or desires, be they sexual or otherwise. Our identity is to be rooted by the fact that we are created in the image of God and united to Christ.
Give Up on Your Own Self-Righteousness
There is a difference between a person in whom disappointment leads to self-reformation and someone in whom grief leads to heartfelt confession. We often confuse the two.
Cultivating Habits of Grace: A 5-Day Devotional
Start this 5 day video devotional on 3 life-giving habits that can act as channels of God's grace in your life.
10 Tips for Your Next Short-Term Missions Trip
Short-term missions trips can be a significant aid to long-term gospel work, as well as a blessing to the individuals who go.
Every church, practically and functionally, has to come down on a position. You’re either going to install women into the office of deacon—or not.
5 Myths about End-of-Life Care
Few things halt conversation as quickly as the topic of death, yet the stewardship of our God-given lives matters until the very end.
Why Youth Ministry Can’t Function Like Little League
The job of a youth pastor involves equipping the whole church to invest in the whole lives of young people.
An Open Letter to Daughters on Father’s Day
Our heavenly Father has good news for each and every one of us, as well as fatherly gifts in store.
A Special Christmas Video from ‘The Biggest Story’
Gather your family together and watch this special Christmas video titled “A New Baby and a New Beginning” featuring chapter 53 of The Biggest Story Bible Storybook based on Matthew chapter 1.
5 Ways for Ordinary Christians to Engage in the Mission of Christ
God’s redemptive mission is vast, touching every part of life in a fallen world. For ordinary Christians, that call can feel daunting.
2 Big Barriers to Christian Hospitality
Too often, we're not honest with one another about where we hurt, how we struggle, and what we need.
5 Tips for Creating Healthy Bible-Reading Habits
We must be convinced that God’s word is true, truer even than what our circumstances and our hearts’ longings are telling us.
4 Reasons We Should Study the Book of Revelation
Many of us have a rather lightweight perception of what it means to be blessed. Revelation is going to correct some of our assumptions about what the blessed life looks like.
Depression Is a Hidden Disability
Meeting people in their grief, listening to their unique narratives, and then offering the love and teaching of Christ can serve as lifelines when the shadows descend.
4 Approaches to Understanding the Redemptive Nature of Scripture
We should be very willing to learn principles of redemptive interpretation that the New Testament writers employed and exemplified.
An Open Letter to Women Straining under the Burden of Expectations
Are you worn down by the weight of the countless roles and expectations in your life? Are you feeling the pressure of doing more and striving harder to please the people around you?
8 Ways the Doctrine of Eternity Clarifies Our Values
If you want to know what you truly value, consider where you tend to invest your time, energy, gifts, and money.
11 Criteria for Judging the Arts
How are we to set about the task of testing everything and holding fast to that which is good?
5 Ways to Practice Scripture Meditation
Whether we are feasting with our church—a fantastic God-given means of built-in meditation alongside other hungry believers—or “snacking on” Scripture alongside our children, the point is that we feed our souls.
7 Tips for Navigating Criticism as a Pastor
Receiving criticism is part of pastoral ministry. Expect it and be ready to learn from it so that you can grow in your walk with the Lord and in your service of the saints.
Two Truths You Must Believe When You Feel Stuck in Your Sin
It is a good thing for you to see your sin. You need to feel the conviction of the Spirit on the one hand, but God doesn't want you to stay in that mindset.
How (and How Not) to Implement Family Devotions
Pray for wisdom. Pray for your children. Pray that your time in the word and prayer will be fruitful and that God will bear the fruit of his Spirit in your family.
What Is Burnout and Why Is It So Dangerous?
Burnout is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion and breakdown. It is usually caused by living at too fast a pace, for too long, doing too much.
Love for the church ought to be a fundamental characteristic of our lives. You have a people. They are your local church. And our love ought to mirror God’s love in three important ways.
Unity Is Not the Same as Total Agreement
There is an extreme view of Christian unity that is found among those who will work together only with those with whom they agree on everything—doctrinal and practical.
Should We Pray in, for, or to the Holy Spirit?
While it is possible for Christians to pray to the Spirit, for the Spirit, and in the Spirit, the Bible overwhelmingly focuses on one of these.
Introducing ‘ESV Prayer Journals’
Learn more about new 30-day Bible journals that help you engage with Scripture and pray with purpose, featuring artwork from Ruth Chou Simons.
Don’t Quit the Everyday Work of Marriage
Why do we quit paying attention? Because it is hard work to care, it is hard work to discipline ourselves to be careful, and it is hard work to always be thinking of another person.
10 Things You Should Know about Adoption
Adoption reflects the gospel to a watching world. Learn more about the process and purpose of adoption.
Does the Bible Teach Definite Atonement?
We do not embrace definite atonement merely by looking at Bible verses here and there, but by synthesizing the Bible's comprehensive teaching on Christ's death.
Despairing Over the Culture? There's Still a Reason to Get Out of Bed Tomorrow
Is the world so intent on dismantling what it means to be a human being that society is doomed to collapse, or at least committed to shunting Christians and Christianity to its far margins?
Cultural Singleness vs. Christian Singleness
What Christians mean by singleness is often very different to what our secular friends mean by singleness.
5 Things to Remember When Helping Someone Read the Bible
As we read the Old and New Testaments through the lens of redemption in Christ, we will understand
the whole Bible as God wants us to.
Does Singleness Require a Special Calling?
Many Christians have taken “the gift of singleness” to mean some special capacity to cope with it. But there are a number of problems with this way of thinking.
The Right (and Wrong) Way to Be True to Yourself
You’re no longer worshiping the god of this age. You have the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. This is what’s true of you.
10 Things to Remember When Reading the Bible
At the heart of the Bible is the gospel, the good news that Christ has come and has lived and died and has risen from the dead, and now lives to intercede for us.
An Interview with Andreas J. Köstenberger and Thomas R. Schreiner
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Thomas R. Schreiner
This is an interview with Andreas J. Köstenberger and Thomas R. Schreiner, co-editors of Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (3rd edition).
Finding Your Identity in Christ
We need to know that we are not in charge and we need to know how to submit to God as the one who is in charge.
How to Be Confident in the Resurrection: Look to Its First Witnesses
How can anyone be confident that the resurrection really happened? The first followers of Jesus didn’t claim their leader rose from the dead because of gullible ignorance or blind faith.
Many Worlds and Many Gods: An Excerpt from "Mormonism Explained"
Mormonism also believes that these innumerable worlds or kingdoms were also inhabited by gods.
How Should Christians Share the Gospel with Practicing Homosexuals?
You preach the same gospel that you would preach to someone who is not in the homosexual lifestyle.
What 1 and 2 Thessalonians Teach (and Don’t Teach) about the End Times
Thessalonians does not present a complete picture. Neither do other parts of Scripture. What do these letters contribute to a fuller biblical eschatology?
The Lord's Prayer—a simple prayer which Jesus taught his disciples—can also show us how to talk with God in prayer.
5 Myths about Teaching Theology to Youth
Everyone is a theologian. The question for Christian parents, church members, and friends is: how do we help children be good theologians?
The Top 2 Archaeological Finds of All Time
The Holy Spirit, through time, has preserved a couple of key archaeological finds. Learn about two of the most important.
Learning to Accept Help from Others (Especially Your Husband)
Accepting help means you're acknowledging that you are not God. God doesn't need help from anyone, but you, as a human being, need a whole lot of help to get things done.
Let’s Talk about Our Bible Literacy Problem
When women grow increasingly lax in their pursuit of Bible literacy, everyone in their circle of influence is affected.
How to Study Scripture Theologically
Doing theology is a process that involves both study and personal spirituality. And these are not two separate activities.
6 Tips for Reading Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
Calvin himself understood the cumbersome nature of his book. Here are some helpful tips for getting the most out of your reading of his important work.
8 Bible Reading Habits to Establish as a Young Person
How can we establish healthy Bible-reading habits so that we are connected to God, have a God-centered worldview, grow in confident faith, and enjoy spiritual peace and confidence?
God designed you with the capacity to pause and ponder. He means for you not just to hear him, but to reflect on what he says.
What Is the Central Hope for Your Marriage?
What's a biblical view of marriage? It's a flawed person married to a flawed person in a fallen world. But with a faithful God.
Do We Secretly Resent Evangelism?
Every Christian knows we’re meant to share the gospel and look for opportunities to witness to Christ, yet almost all of us find it a genuine struggle, if not a gloomy discouragement.
How Scripture Empowers Personal Holiness
God wants Christians to share his holiness and to present themselves as slaves of righteousness, which will result in holiness.
Should Same-Sex Marriage Be Legal?
This is an issue about which Christians should not be indifferent.
The Shepherd Can Lead You through the Valley of Darkness Because He’s Been There
Our great familiarity with Psalm 23 as a whole might cause us to miss the stunning way the shepherd leads the sheep for his name’s sake.
Help! I’ve Stopped Caring about the Things of God
I imagine all Christians sometimes feel like we don’t love God enough, don’t read our Bibles enough, don’t pray enough, don’t evangelize enough, and so forth. And there’s a sense in which we are largely correct.
Why Partial Obedience Is Disobedience
Do you find joy in obeying your Lord? Do you treasure his commands? Do you recognize the protective wisdom of the boundaries he has set for you?
Who Was Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones?
Martyn Lloyd-Jones—often known as “the Doctor” from his medical degree—was one of the greatest preachers of the twentieth century.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 3
James N. Anderson gives four specific reasons why it is beneficial for Christians to think in terms of worldviews.
God’s Mission in Creation: Why Did He Make Us?
God’s mission is to gather a people from all nations into a family, a family that would share in the very life of Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the purpose of both creation and redemption.
Read Scripture, explain the gospel, and celebrate Jesus’s resurrection with the youth in your church or your own children through Scripture-based crafts.
Signs You Are on the Pathway from Stressed to Depressed
God has a purpose for even our most difficult seasons. He offers hope and eternal perspective in the midst of them.
Help! My Kids Seem Uninterested in Family Worship
Do your kids try to avoid family worship? Do they find excuses not to be there? Do they obviously dread it and groan when you reach for the Bible?
Survival mode for the weary Christian is not hibernation from Christ but perseverance in Christ.
Podcast: Navigating Grief during the Holidays (Nancy Guthrie)
Nancy Guthrie discusses dealing with grief over the holidays and how God used suffering in her own life to teach her about his healing grace.
12 Prayer Ideas for New Believers
Praying regularly is hard work. So how do we develop the discipline of a healthy prayer life?
Understanding Teen Anxiety and Depression
One of the best things we can do for our teens is to explain to them that many teens suffer in the same way.
An Antidote to Spiritual Amnesia
We forget we were saved by God. We forget the suffering required to save us. We forget to worship God for saving us. What’s the antidote for such serious spiritual amnesia?
The Character of the Christian Minister
Christian ministers must be vigilant, prepared to endure.
Can Humility and Social Media Coexist?
We cannot stop the incessant screaming and scrambling that is the internet. But we can try to reduce our own involvement in the problems and do whatever we can to contribute to a healthier culture.
Lemuel Haynes: The Most Important American Figure That You’ve Never Heard Of
Haynes needs no modern apologies, no asterisk next to his legacy. He was a great minister of grace, worthy of great emulation.
5 Steps to Take within the Exegesis Process
What follows is a suggested method for preaching preparation that I have followed for many years and found to be helpful. Please know that this is just one approach.
Why Study the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah?
There’s nothing like a really good story. That’s the first reason I often give for studying the Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Thessalonians?
The same encouragement, hope, and exhortation that the Thessalonians of 2,000 years ago needed, we need today.
If only we could depend on something more than the power of our thinking and the tools we possess to stand between us and disaster.
How Should We Read Jesus's Parables?
Jesus is the embodiment of the wisdom of God—he is the Word of God—so at their center, the wisdom scenes of the parables picture the centrality and the supremacy of Christ.
Tips for Students Facing Doubt in the Real World
When facing doubts and fears, the last thing you want to do is isolate yourself and struggle alone.
What Makes Our Prayers Distinctively Christian?
We're asking for God to do gospel things in our lives, among our families, and in our churches. And that's what makes Christian prayer distinctively Christian.
Podcast: Is the Church Facing a Discipleship Crisis? (Ajith Fernando)
Has the church neglected one-on-one discipleship? Why should an emphasis on this kind of intensive discipleship be recaptured today?
The book of Proverbs is one of the “many ways” God spoke, leading us to his only Son Jesus.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The World's Best Grandfather
Christopher Catherwood reflects on his grandfather, Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
4 Things Jesus Taught about Children’s Ministry
Jesus told his glory-seeking disciples to become like children, to welcome kids, to protect them, and to value them as a kingdom priority.
When we study this book, will not our hearts burn within us with love for him? And will not this love overflow for the salvation of the world?
Podcast: What It Takes to Persevere as a Pastor (John MacArthur)
Seasoned pastor, John MacArthur, reflects on what it takes for a pastor to persevere through the challenges of a long and faithful ministry.
What You Need to Understand about Evangelism before You Do Evangelism
What comes to mind when you hear the word evangelist? What about evangelism? Before I became a Christian, those words sounded creepy and pushy to me.
How Both Singleness and Marriage Testify to the Gospel
The ways we misunderstand singleness reflects the fact that we’re looking to marriage in unbiblical and unhealthy ways.
How God Helps Us Pray according to His Will
Our focus is on God through prayer; our glance is at the Bible; and we turn Godward and pray about every matter that occurs to us as we read.
Why the Christian Faith Is Fundamentally . . . Uncomfortable
The very nature of Christian faith is uncomfortable—especially in today's world.
While motherhood is a desirable and godly calling, it also brings pain and heartache. But God is still good. He really is, no matter what. These are ten truths for moms like me to cling to on our difficult days.
4 Privileges We Enjoy as Friends of God
Our friendship with God isn’t just a vague concept filed away in heaven, it’s a permanent and stable reality that gives shape and structure to our lives.
Conflict is inevitable, so how will we handle it?
10 Things You Should Know about Sexual Assault
If you were the victim of sexual assault, you were sinned against. Despite all the pain, healing can happen and there is hope.
How the Reformation Transformed Church Architecture
The Protestant Reformists believed that Scripture is our final authority—and that made a difference in the layout of the church itself.
Simply Read: An 8-Day Bible Reading Challenge
Join us on this 8-day journey through Luke and Acts aimed at helping us see the glory of God through his Word.
The Bible is more than just a book about events in history: it’s a unified story.
5 Key Realities the Bible Teaches about God’s Love
God's love is altogether other. Learn about five reasons its not like ours, and why it's better.
What is a creed and why is it important for the Church? Learn the basics from the answers to seven questions from To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
The Forgotten Women of the Reformation
We need not just remember the men of the Reformation, but also the women, and make sure their stories get told.
Filthy Rags or Fully Pleasing?
There is no righteousness that makes us right with God except for the righteousness of Christ.
An Open Letter to the Evangelical Church on Christology
Scripture speaks to us on many issues, but none so important, glorious, and central as our Lord Jesus Christ.
Introducing the Podcast ‘Doctrine Matters with Kevin DeYoung’
Join bestselling author and pastor Kevin DeYoung as he walks through the most important theological topics over the course of a full year.
Why the Physical Earth Matters to God
When we fail to value creation, we fail to honor the God who made and sustains it.
How to Help Those Who Believe the Prosperity Gospel
How do we help our family members, friends, coworkers, or even fellow church members who are swept up in the prosperity gospel? Here are a few simple ideas.
Podcast: God’s Sovereignty, Pastoral Burnout, and Racism (John Piper)
John Piper discusses God's sovereignty, pastoral burnout, and the sin of racism.
The 2 Characteristics of Revival
By divine command, we must pray for the reinvigorating of God’s people—morning and evening, today and tomorrow, this year and next year, and in all the years until Christ’s return.
How to Train Your Youth Group for Real Ministry
The first priority for students is increasing their ability to competently read, study, understand, and apply the Word of God.
The Problem of Nice and the Promise of New
When it comes to how we think about conversion, it’s crucial to get both our doctrine and our practices right. Churches should believe that God makes people radically new, not just nice, through conversion.
The Presence of God for the Christian Life
If we know the presence of God as it is expressed across the pages of Christian scripture, it can and will transform the way we understand and live our Christian lives.
The Danger of Neglecting Lament in the Local Church
Lament is a rich but untapped reservoir of God’s grace, and there is a danger in neglecting lament in the church.
The Most Important Part of Youth Ministry
What attracts people to ministry to youth? Why are they in this field?
An Open Letter to a Struggling Mom
Even while you and I experience the joys and bear the burdens of this glorious thing called motherhood, we remain—and always will remain—beloved daughters of our heavenly Father. Beloved is who we are.
What Family Discipleship Is (and Is Not)
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
The same grace that saves sinners from the penalty of their sin also instructs them in holiness.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Technology
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
All of life in the digital age is presenting us with a dizzying array of possibilities for where we spend our time, how we understand who we are, and how we perceive the world around us.
Unpacking “Separation of Church and State”
The notion of the separation of church and state is a comparatively recent phenomenon, as part of the American experiment in republican government.
Do You Take Your Irritability Seriously?
We should take our irritability much more seriously, because it is the very opposite of love.
Why All Christians Can (and Should) Share the Gospel
Opportunities abound for sharing our faith. Things are happening all around us that cause people to ask religious questions.
An Open Letter to the Christian at a Secular College
Whenever we start doubting our faith, it’s usually because we’ve come to believe something else in its place.
The Final Days of Jesus: Sunday, April 5, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
The emptiness that so often accompanies aloneness—loneliness—is meant to be filled, and most fully by Christ himself. Lydia Brownback outlines three lies that can heighten the waves of loneliness.
What Christmas Carols Get Right (and Wrong) about the Star of Bethlehem
Most of us love our Christmas traditions, especially singing the old, familiar carols. From time to time, however, we might well wonder about the correctness of some of the things we’re singing so gustily.
An Open Letter to the Timid Evangelist
Only the Spirit can give life. But recognizing the Spirit’s role should thrill our hearts with hope.
Take a Bold Stance against the Commonality of Porn
What if not just one man but a whole generation of men takes a bold stand against the new slave trade of our time—pornography?
Faith, Freedom, and the Founding Fathers
The Founding Fathers understood very well the relationship between one’s world view and government.
Every elder is a pastor. The New Testament uses three terms that are all distinct, but they all describe the same office.
8 Tips For Engaging with Your Bible Devotionally
Reading the Bible devotionally is about engaging with the text at the heart level.
Were the Reformers Obsessed with Predestination?
A commonly held prejudice regarding Reformation theology is that the doctrine of predestination and election was the peculiar focus of Reformed theologians.
Why Is the Book of Acts So Focused on Peter and Paul?
The deeper motive for Luke’s focus on Peter and Paul is not on them simply as prominent, historic individuals in earliest church history, but on them as apostles and the nature of their apostolic commission.
Personal Actions of The Holy Spirit
Erik Thoennes meditates with us on who the Holy Spirit is and what he does.
Watch Paul Tripp Teach on 12 Doctrines That Will Transform Your Life
Paul David Tripp takes a close look at twelve core doctrines and how they engage and transform the human heart and mind.
Luke’s presentation helps us see clearly that the gospel of Jesus is about the comprehensive blessedness of God available to us through Jesus Christ.
Douglas Sean O'Donnell suggests three reasons to study the Psalms.
Podcast: Are We Undervaluing the Lord’s Supper? (Tim Chester)
Do evangelical churches undervalue communion? What's the significance of the fact that Jesus gave us the physical elements of bread and wine?
7 Heart Postures to Cultivate in Your Discipling Relationships
Discipling isn’t just about what we do, but also how we do it. If we aren’t careful, we can become overly programmatic in our approach to discipling, and our relationships can become robotic.
Love the Neighbors Living in Your Own Home
Our neighbors are the people who are in closest proximity to us. They're not always in the house next to us or the homeless shelter across town. Often, they're sleeping in the next room over.
7 Things the Holy Spirit Does in and for Our Salvation
The work of the Holy Spirit is the means by which all that Christ accomplished comes to benefit the elect. The Holy Spirit does (at least) seven things in and for our salvation.
Teach Your Kids Their Identity before the World Does
What do you want to be when you grow up? Who are you? It’s one of the most fundamental questions of life. And the answer our culture has come up with is very far from the truth.
10 Benefits of Reading the Bible: Part 2
Part 2 of 10 Benefits of Reading the Bible.
15 Ways to Honor Christ as Women
As “true” Christian women, we consecrate ourselves to fulfill his calling and purposes for our lives.
The Theology We Claim versus the Theology We Live
Our hope is the glorification without which we cannot see the Christ who saved us. But believing in the Christian hope is one thing. Living as though that hope is real is another.
How Women Can Disciple Younger Women
How should you disciple younger women? Keep the gospel in mind.
On this day in 1521, Luther's address in Worms divided the church and made history.
Understood rightly, however, Ezekiel contains and continues a beautiful story of God’s grace to his undeserving people.
10 Ways Not to Help a Hurting Friend
There are ways to care for the hurting that look helpful on the surface, but in the end may only add to the pain.
In the riveting stories of 1 and 2 Samuel we catch glimpses of who God is, what he does, what life is like with him and without him, and what life can become by his grace and in the power of his Spirit.
9 Bible Promises About God’s Forgiveness
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
If the Good News Is So Good, Why Aren’t People Flocking to It?
Perhaps the most perplexing response we encounter in evangelism is not so much anger but apathy. This reaction may frustrate the evangelist, but it should provoke our compassion.
Why It's Dangerous to Misrepresent the Gospel
It is rare to find an individual who can give a well-rounded and comprehensive declaration of the gospel message.
Turning Prayer from Monologue into Dialogue with God
Prayer is not pleading with a God who is not already there to somehow show up. Prayer is not enticing a silent God to finally speak.
Practical Counsel for Those Who Have Experienced Painful Divorce
Christians who have been through divorces also have a wonderful encouragement to realize that Jesus understands our sufferings and is willing to walk beside us in them.
What Your To-Do List Can’t Accomplish
When your eyes are fixed on the horizon of eternity, it affects your vision for motherhood.
10 Things You Should Know about the Atonement
Through his death on the cross Jesus accomplishes reconciliation, victory, removal of shame, justification, adoption, propitiation, glorification, healing—and much more!
Men: Don’t Neglect These 4 Key Spiritual Disciplines
Godliness requires discipline. Here are four categories to commit to growing in.
A Trial Lawyer Answers the Most Searched Questions about the Criminal Justice System
Matt Martens is a trial lawyer in Washington, DC who has spent most of his career in criminal law. In this video, he offers clear and candid answers to some of the most searched questions about criminal justice.
If Christ came to die so that when you do sin, there is a propitiation, a removal of God’s wrath, then what does this imply for living your life? Three things.
Dear Pastor . . . You Need the Monday Gospel
Monday is the preacher’s dog day. Ask any of us. In the cold light of day we see just how far short we fell from what we wanted and hoped for.
DNA 101: How It Works and Why It's Astounding
The ultimate question in the origin of life is the question of where information comes from.
A Word to Those Who Are Lonely This Christmas
Human beings weren't created to be lonely. We were created for intimate relationship with God and intimate relationships with one another.
4 Guiding Principles for Cultivating Friendship
It may be true that you are too busy for friends. But that doesn’t mean you should be. We always make time for what we treasure.
Will You Be Faithful Even if It Costs You?
When it looks like we’re facing defeat or failure, we’re often tempted to take things into our own hands.
2 Ways You Can Make Your Pastor’s Job a Joy
It’s so important to say that humility toward leadership is not a blind and uncritical following. We always want to measure what we are being directed towards or encouraged in by Scripture.
Dear Pastor . . . When You Wonder How You’ll Make It, Remember This
In my experience, this unsaid thing for sustaining a long, fruitful life and ministry sounds too basic to some who quickly dismiss it.
Why the Church Needs Teens and Teens Need the Church
Because they are a part of the body of Christ, teens should be included in the active community of the church.
How Prayer Exposes the Illusion of Control
Prayer reminds us of who we are and who God is.
God’s covenant promises are gloriously on display as this weak, struggling remnant returns to Jerusalem after the exile to live together again as his people.
How Should the Church Confront Social Injustice?
We need to hear the voice of Dr. Francis James Grimké as he beckons us to both reform the church, leadership, and our society with the gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian witness.
How to Have the Mind of Christ
It is all very well to say that being “worthy of the gospel of Christ” means being restored to the image of God so that we begin to reflect the character of the Lord Jesus. But what does that mean?
Don’t cede the title of Catholic—embrace it but with the theologians of the Westminster assembly add the qualifier that you are a Reformed Catholic.
What value can we gain from fictional literature?
Rather than focusing mainly on human faithfulness to God, the book of Nehemiah shows God’s faithfulness to his unfaithful people.
Essential Tools to Learn in Seminary
Learning the biblical languages is not just stocking a bookshelf. It’s more like digging a well that you can then draw from over time.
Podcast: A Trauma Surgeon’s Guide to Modern Medicine and the End of Life (Kathryn Butler, MD)
Kathryn Butler, MD shares from her experiences working as a trauma surgeon in an ICU and offers biblical wisdom for walking alongside loved ones at the end of life.
The glorious good news of Jesus is that you and I can change. Part of the problem is we often try to change in the wrong way.
12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
Within a few years of its unveiling, the smartphone had become part of us, fully integrated into the daily patterns of our lives.
Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating
God has far more planned for you than your future marriage. In his new book, author Marshall Segal won't call you to wait quietly in the corner of the world for God to bring you “the one,” but instead sets out to inspire you to live and date for more now.
Why It’s OK that God Loves Himself Most
Where God’s love is fundamentally different than a fallen human being’s love is that it is holy. It is utterly set on himself and his own glory.
Bible Study Resources for Women
One of the most important things you can schedule is consistent time in the Bible. How will you prioritize God's Word this fall?
2 Dangers In Doing the Lord’s Work
Doing the Lord’s work in our own way is betrayal. It is a stab in the Lord’s back.
Human marriage is not the ultimate human experience. Our relationship with God is. But under Christ, marriage is the most profound human relationship we have.
What Does It Mean to Be Blessed?
Just like themes such as law, sacrifice, and covenant, the theme of blessing must be understood within the full biblical story, if it is to be understood biblically at all.
Podcast: Practicing Hospitality in a Pandemic (Rosaria Butterfield)
What does it look like to embrace the call on all Christians in a time where we're limited in unprecedented ways?
Should All Believers Take Part in Evangelism?
Simply by being a member of the church of Jesus Christ each Christian has a responsibility to be involved in the missionary call of the whole church.
Help! I Don’t Know If I’m Doing Enough for Christ
Following Jesus is costly. But, Jesus is a giver, not a taker. He calls us to die so that we can live.
Why Moralistic Therapeutic Deism Is a Dead End
It's very easy to shelve God and decide we don't really need him, that we just need to believe in ourselves and to invent who we are and what we want to do.
The language of redemption permeates the story of Ruth.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Bible is the most sweeping and engrossing and enthralling epic ever written.
The Prayers of Jesus: A 7-Day Reading Plan
Today, we're introducing a new 7-day reading plan on ESV.org to guide you through some of the prayers Jesus uttered during his earthly ministry.
The Nature of a Woman's Nurture
In the midst of life's complexity, what does it mean for a woman to nurture?
Podcast: Delighting in the Ten Commandments (Jen Wilkin)
In this episode, Jen Wilkin discusses what's wrong with the way we often talk about the Law, along with some of the common dangers of legalism.
How Puritan Women Debunk 3 Puritan Stereotypes
Puritan stereotypes—which go all the way back to the 17th Century—are still going strong. It almost seems like no matter how many solid scholarly books are written about them, the stereotypes will live on.
With a Christian perspective, we can see the economy as a social web that God has created for people to serve each other with their work.
Bible Q&A - What Does the Bible Say About Swearing?
Dane Ortlund shares what the Bible says about swearing.
What to Say to Someone Who Has Had an Abortion
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ—including those who have had an abortion.
Douglas Sean O'Donnell, Leland Ryken
Parables feature what the whole of the New Testament covers: gospel need, gospel proclamation, gospel response, and gospel ethics. In your preaching, follow Jesus’s pattern.
Of course, every Christian faces difficulty—Jesus called us to a life of carrying our crosses as we follow him. However, the challenges of those in pastoral ministry are often more acute.
What Was the Holy Spirit’s Role in the Incarnation?
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Christ would not be the God-man apart from the power of the Spirit forming his humanity from Mary’s flesh. God’s promises hinge upon this great work.
13 Passages to Read on Father’s Day
Fathers, be encouraged from Scripture about who you are and what God has called you to in your role of shepherding those entrusted to your care.
Is Productivity a Godly Goal or an Unhealthy Obsession?
Let’s understand productivity correctly—as making the best use you can of the resources God has placed in your hands—and use it as a means of serving our Lord and the people around us.
Help! My Faith Is Being Opposed in the Classrom
Conflict can be an opportunity to be salt and light, particularly in academic settings.
A Single Word to Sum Up Christmas
God’s response to our rebellion was to give us himself. He is the great redeeming, transforming gift. He is the rescue.
Why Study the Book of Matthew?
Matthew’s account provides a unique window through which to see the glory of Christ.
Don't Let the Culture Train Up Your Children in the Way They Should Go
We need to be intentional about catechizing our kids with what is truly good, truly beautiful, truly life-changing, and life-saving, and God-glorifying.
Imagine Reading ‘The Lord of the Rings’ the Way You Read the Bible
Imagine reading The Lord of the Rings out of order. You pick it up, flip over to Rivendell for a moment, then hop over to Mordor before slamming back into the Shire.
Introducing the New City Catechism
The New City Catechism is a modern day resource aimed at reintroducing this ancient method of teaching to Christians today.
Podcast: Preparing Our Kids for a Post-Christian World (Rebecca McLaughlin)
Rebecca McLaughlin discusses what it looks like for parents to prepare their teens for a life in a post-Christian world, reflectong on kids' propensity to ask hard questions and why that's a good thing,
A Brief Biblical Theology of Friendship
In the beginning, we walked with God in friendship. Then we walked away. But now, God is befriending us again.
Resources to Help You Dig into the Bible in 2022
Consider the following resources to help you as you commit to pursuing biblical truth this year.
Once we begin to pull back the layers of the story, we discover that it is not really about what Jonah is doing for God, but what God is doing for Jonah.
A Case for Learning Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek is not just a tool for use in ministry. It gives us the most privileged place from which to listen to the voice of our Lord.
The place of Advent in our calendar as being the four-week period before Christmas day on December 25 certainly lends itself to that understanding. However, while this is true, it is only half the truth.
What Is Natural Law and How Should It Be Used?
Natural law theory refers to the idea that there is an external moral order that God has brought into existence and is an extension of God’s reason and God's will.
Crossway's Heirloom Line of Bibles
Don Jones and Brian Martin explain the vision behind Crossway’s expanding Heirloom Line of Bibles.
4 Ways to Practice Theological Humility
Our zeal for theology must never exceed our zeal for our actual brothers and sisters in Christ. We must be marked by love.
A Brief Introduction to the Life and Ministry of Martin Luther
Martin Luther made a lasting impact on the world with his boldness and dedication to Scripture and faith.
A Call for Theological Humility
There are plenty of issues over which Christians will be tempted to divide. We must even be willing to make sacrificial adjustments for the sake of our unity with others in the body of Christ.
An Open Letter to the Pastor Doubting His Calling
A pastor may hear the still, small, devilish voice of inner doubt: Maybe I’m not really called to pastoral ministry.
How We Work Reveals Who We Are
What we need is a work ethic that is informed by God’s word and religiously lived out in the workplace and the church.
The value of our work doesn't depend on what compensation we receive or don't receive, but on the love we offer in service to our neighbor.
Advice for a New Christian Reading the Psalms
We want to read the Scripture, inhale it, and then exhale it out to God in whatever way makes sense for our own life.
The One Thing That Makes Parenting Tough Today
Distraction is a huge issue for the modern Christian parent.
Students: Get Free Digital Access to 7 Study Bibles, Original Language Resources, and More
Now offering free student access to a wide range of helpful, interactive study and language tools and resources.
Podcast: Gracefully Dealing with Doctrinal Disagreement (Gavin Ortlund)
What should Christians do when they disagree over doctrine?
How to Worship in a Way That Speaks to Unbelievers
Though we don't want to cater only to the unbelievers in our congregations, we need to be aware of certain things we can do to help them encounter Jesus in a way they can understand.
Why Do We Need to Keep Praying “Forgive Us Our Debts”?
If you want to be happy in the church (or simply not give up on the church), you need to learn forgiveness. You need to grant it, and you need to receive it.
Dear Pastor . . . No, You Are Not a Failure
Our present failures make us long for future heaven, to hasten the day when the pain of failure and the torture of disappointment will be gone forever.
God saves people for a purpose. Salvation in Christ begins a life spent growing into being like him and serving him faithfully.
The Red Herring of Bible Application
A red herring is something that distracts, whether intentionally or not, from the real purpose and goal.
Podcast: What We Often Get Wrong about Our Emotions (J. Alasdair Groves)
In this episode, Alasdair Groves discusses what the Bible teaches about our emotions and how Christians should think about and deal with the full range of them.
Jesus isn’t like you. Even the most intense of human love is but the faintest echo of heaven’s cascading abundance.
Each myth of missions, if left uncorrected, will likely tend toward a weakening of biblical missionary labor and a reliance on our own wisdom and methods.
Introducing the New ESV Bible App for iPhone and iPad
We’re pleased to announce the release of Crossway’s new ESV Bible app for iPhone and iPad, now available for free in the App Store.
How Social Media Worsens Theological Divides
Rather than rushing to refute every theological misstep, we must exercise patience and grace toward those who disagree with us.
Single or married, young or old, man or woman—everyone experiences loneliness at various times and to varying degrees.
Learning Money Management from Jesus
We need to teach much more clearly and with far greater boldness the biblical message that we will have to give an account to God, and that the choices we make today have eternal consequences.
Family Worship and the Day I Made My Daughter Cry
Many times after family worship, I wondered if anything good had been accomplished.
Why Jam-Packed Schedules Can Be Dangerous
It’s safe to say that on a typical day for most of us, our responsibilities, requirements, and ambitions add up to more than we can handle, whether we admit this or not.
3 Illustrations That Help Us Understand What It Is to Be “in Christ”
Scripture often unpacks our union with Christ using illustrations of more familiar things. Sometimes being told what something is like is a good way to begin understanding what that something is.
Podcast: The False Messages Facing Women Today (Lydia Brownback)
What messages are Christian women hearing and imbibing from culture, and what does the Bible have to say?
Out of the smoking ruins came cries of lamentation and confession, and the daring hope of restoration.
How Delight and Obedience Coexist
The law of God changes when we move from thinking about it in terms of our justification to our sanctification.
3 Doctrines We Can't Afford to Neglect
If you talk about a doctrine that needs to be recovered, you have to start with the doctrine of Scripture.
We all long for the restoration that will come when God gives us new, resurrected bodies. But we don’t have those bodies yet.
How to Avoid Both Graceless Parenting and Overly Spiritual Ministry
The biblical storyline is a four-fold storyline of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, but I think oftentimes both for ministers and for parents, we don't think about it holistically.
Why You Can’t Be a Christian without the Church
A Christian is someone who, by virtue of his reconciliation with God, has been reconciled to God’s people.
4 Factors That Govern Biblical Typology
The Bible is full of typology that reveals deeper meaning in the narrative of Scripture. But seeking to understand such literary connections doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Can We Have Jesus without the Church?
Being in fellowship with a church is integral to participating as a part of the body of Christ.
How Faith in Christ Alters Our Perspective on Death
There are two main points in which Christian faith should differentiate how we approach end-of-life care.
Does the Law of Moses Matter for Christians Today?
Moses matters for Christians, and yet he spoke in a context that’s very different from our own. The old covenant is not the covenant we’re under. We are under the new covenant.
A Devotional on the Most Glorious of Birthdays by Charles Spurgeon
Leland Ryken, Charles H. Spurgeon
The birth of Christ should be the subject of supreme joy. We have the angelic warrant for rejoicing because Christ is born.
Throughout Ecclesiastes we are led forward to other answers, other solutions, and other wisdom than the world’s vain promises of satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment.
Reading the Easter Story on the Shoulders of Giants
Reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus with insight offered into these events by gifted teachers from church history like John Calvin, Martin Luther, Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon.
How to Pray for International Missions
When we pray for the work of missions, we are joining an essential work as co-laborers with the missionary. But what should we pray?
How Your View of God Impacts Your View of Genesis
Today we can read many interpretations of the book of Genesis, and even more interpretations focused on Genesis 1–3 or part of it. The interpretations do not agree.
When God's Timing Is Not Our Own
Often our schedule and God's seem out of sync. He often acts earlier than we had expected, or later than we had hoped.
Why Is the Virgin Birth So Important?
The entry and exit miracles carry the same message. First, they confirm that Jesus, though not less than man, was more than man. His earthly life, though fully human, was also divine.
Does God Care about Gender Identity?
In this video, Samuel D. Ferguson carefully walks through the core beliefs of the transgender movement, comparing them with fundamental truths expressed in Scripture.
A Brief Introduction to the Life and Ministry of William Tyndale
The courageous legacy of William Tyndale is one for which any English-speaking Bible reader should give thanks.
The History of Christian Theology in 1,000 Words
Theology is essentially the way in which the Christian church has received the Word of God revealed to us in the Bible and in Jesus Christ.
David and Goliath Is about More than Having Courage
Every story in the Bible can be better understood through the lens of Christ and the gospel.
2 Reasons You Should Pay Attention to the Use of the OT in the NT
What are NT authors trying to achieve by quoting OT Scriptures ? What are we to do with these quotations? The topic of the use of the OT in the NT matters for two main reasons.
Is Any Love Greater Than a Mother's Love?
Not even the love of a mother for her children can compare to the love of God.
There may be no other book in all the Bible that packs in as much gospel per square inch than Ephesians.
While it may sound strange, we must understand that leadership is not the ultimate goal or standard of success when it comes to gospel ministry.
Introducing the ESV Prayer Bible
This volume demonstrates the connection between the words God has spoken to us in the Bible and the words we speak back to him in prayer.
How Idolizing Comfort Can Lull Us into Spiritual Sleep
We’re all comfort junkies and we crave it from the minute we get up until the minute we go to bed.
What True Humility Is and Is Not
One mistake that we can make in thinking about humility is seeing it as self-hatred, as though to be humble means you’re constantly attacking yourself or you’re denying your own worth.
Are You Losing Your Gospel Mind?
I don’t know about you, but in the rush and press of life I can lose my mind. No, I’m talking about a subtle form of insanity that often inflicts me and a vast number of my Christian brothers and sisters.
Dear Pastor, Keep This in Mind When There Is “Too Much to Do”
D. A. Carson, John D. Woodbridge
A young friend in pastoral ministry asks for suggestions when there is “too much to do.” D. A. Carson and John Woodbridge respond with eight pieces of advice.
The Legacy of the ESV Study Bible
When we first began work on the ESV Study Bible, we could never have anticipated the way God would use it to encourage and equip Christians to study his word.
An Open Letter to Those Living for Tomorrow
Remember death so you can remember Jesus.
Discipline Your Body—for Christ
The Bible is littered with cautionary tales of those who seemed spiritually vibrant but in the end showed themselves to be disqualified. The key to it all is the body. It needs to be disciplined.
The practice of remembering the Sabbath requires Israel (and us) to remember what God has ordained for his children from the earliest moments of human existence: a pattern of work followed by rest.
3 Reasons We're Addicted to Digital Distraction
Author Tony Reinke explains how we use digital distractions to escape people, situations, and thoughts that make us uncomfortable.
2 Common Mistakes in Interpreting Scripture
The point of interpreting Scripture is not to rob us of the joy of the journey but rather to protect us from wrong turns and unnecessary repairs that will slow us down.
Learning from the Life and Death of Stephen
This is the way all of us want to live and die. We want to live full of faith and the Holy Spirit.
How Husbands Can Protect Their Wives from Burnout
Sometimes, the men are having their day off, but the wives are still doing what they do every other day of the week.
Jesus’s Love in the Midst of Sexual Sin
The unfailing love of Jesus is unspeakably glorious, sacred, and precious—especially right after sexual sin.
ESV.org—How to Customize Your Own Greek/English Interlinear
Create Your Preferred Greek/English Interlinear Did you know you can create your own preferred Greek/English Interlinear for free on ESV.org? To start reading, navigate to any New Testament passage, open the Library tab, and then …
The book of Revelation is a triumphant vision of God’s final victory over all the forces of evil in the world.
An Open Letter to Those Caring for a Loved One with Dementia
Taking responsibility for the care of a person suffering from any stage of dementia can be one of the greatest challenges of life. But there are not only challenges. There are also opportunities.
What Is Successful Evangelism?
Following Christ means loving those who don’t follow Jesus, and that love includes sharing the gospel.
7 Things I Prayed for My Husband through 30 Years of Ministry
Marriage to a man in any particular profession has particular difficulties. Over the years, I have learned to pray for the needs of my husband that are distinct to his calling as a pastor.
Double listening . . . is the faculty of listening to two voices at the same time, the voice of God through Scripture and the voices of men and women around us.
3 Misconceptions about Christian Growth
For the Christian to grow in a healthy way, we must clarify what growth is and is not.
What the Early Church Can Teach Us about Living in This Strange New World
Traditional Christians are typically those who take history seriously. If only we might be able to return to ancient worlds, we tell ourselves, all might be well.
How to Pray for the Global Church
In praying for the global church, start by remembering that there is just one church of Jesus Christ.
3 Goals of Pastoral Counseling
We need to rely on the gospel like this throughout our lives. Remember, Christ is both the means and the goal of counseling.
The (Anti-Christian) Moral Absolutes of Our Culture
We live in a time of high moral obligation. The question is who gets to determine what those obligations are?
You Need a Qualified Pastor—Not Just a Charismatic One
Charisma is helpful, important even, for pastors. But I want to focus on other attributes that are even more important for the pastor: character, capability, conviction, and compassion.
Fighting Fear When It Comes to Sharing Your Faith
It's time to confront our fears about sharing the gospel.
Are Christ's Human Limitations Permanent?
Scripture and church tradition teach that the incarnation is not a temporary act but a permanent one.
As ordinary as our days may seem, the world we live in is precarious. The unknowns we live with can threaten to overwhelm our faith and even our very lives. Where can we look for hope and security?
How to Help Your Teens Use Their Phones for Good
How can you help your teen wield their technology for good purposes, while avoiding the inherent dangers?
What character is required so that we can be part of what God is seeking to do in the lives of our children and not in the way of it?
We gain insight into the loving nature of the God who inspired this Song, and are made able to love him in return although we constantly require his fidelity, protection, and undeserved love.
Sam Storms Answers Tough Questions About God’s Love
In this video, Dr. Sam Storms takes on a number of difficult questions about what the Bible describes as the steadfast love of the Lord.
What Did Jesus Teach about Resurrection?
Jesus's teachings affirmed a future resurrection for the righteous and the wicked, but he himself was raised in the middle of history as the firstfruits of the life that will be ours.
Podcast: Hymns and the Joy of Singing (Kristyn Getty)
What are hymns, and how are they still relevant in a Christian's life today? What are the benefits of learning hymns and congregational singing?
How Do We Grow in Holiness? (Part 1)
Holiness isn’t a mysterious spiritual state that only an elite few can reach. It’s more than an emotion, or a resolution, or an event.
In a variety of ways, the prophecy of Nahum brings home the gospel and carries along the redemptive story that culminates in Jesus Christ.
Christian Hope Changes Everything
We can rest because our choices don’t actually have the final say in any sphere—God has the final say.
How C. S. Lewis Awakened John Piper to the ‘Realness’ of Life
Lewis made me more alive to beauty. He put my soul on notice that there are daily wonders that will waken worship if I open my eyes.
The book of Judges portrays the people of God languishing without good leadership. Who would lead the people of God into battle?
The Professionalization of the Home
With the work of the home being increasingly outsourced and professionalized, it can feel unglamorous. But the home isn't about compensation or perfection—it's about people.
ESV Digital Scripture Journal FAQ
Here are answers to a few common questions about the brand-new ESV Digital Scripture Journal.
5 Things to Avoid When Discussing the Bible's Teaching on Gender
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
When it comes to gender, we live in confusing times. For many, gender has become merely a subjective reality.
God is transforming the city into a place that he intends to live in forever with his people
Does God Care about Our Happiness?
A passion for holiness isn’t the problem. It’s something every true disciple values. But sometimes we make the mistake of pitting holiness against happiness.
4 Reasons We Must Not Disregard God's Word
God's Word has cut me untold numbers of times since. But each pain, responded to, has brought a fresh, satisfying healing.
The Intersection of the Natural and the Supernatural in Preaching
How do the supernatural and the natural intersect in the act of preaching?
How (and How Not) to Find Identity in Your Work
How often do you feel torn between the demands of career, the responsibilities of family, and the call to serve the church actively? Could it be that you are asking your job to do for you what it cannot do?
What Is the Ultimate Goal of Sexual Renewal?
Depending on the particular struggle we face, the Lord knows how to renew us sexually in exactly the ways we most need.
Steward Your Body for the Glory of God
The fact that God has made us physical means that attending to our physical life is not unspiritual; our bodies are not unspiritual.
How Books Help Us Connect in Ways the Internet Doesn’t
We sometimes characterize the digital age as a “post-literate” age, where images and video have taken over the place that written words used to occupy.
Build Your Life around Spiritual Habits, Don’t Just Fit Them In
If there's anything in our life that we want to do with regularity, we have to plan for it. It's just practical living.
Why Pastors Have a Unique Responsibility to Counsel
You must counsel. It’s not optional. You can’t say no as if it were simply a career choice, a matter of personal preference, or an absence of gifting.
The highest meaning and the most ultimate purpose of marriage is to put the covenant relationship of Christ and his church on display.
This Day in History: The Death of John Owen
When John Owen died on August 24, 1683, his reputation as “the Calvin of England,” was firmly established.
The core issue here is our heart. It’s our nature. I always choose what I choose because I want what I want because I am who I am.
5 Myths about Pastoral Leadership
We can, with true humility and firm confidence, call our people to repent when they are sinning, assure them of God’s care when they are hurting, promise them eternal riches when they are dying—all on the authority of God’s most precious word.
I’ve Heard It Said That the Bible Is God’s Love Letter to Us
“The Bible is God’s love letter to us.” I can see where that’s coming from. It’s not a hundred percent wrong. It’s just that it’s probably not a big enough statement about what the Bible is.
Why We Need Systematic Theology
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Why do we need systematic theology? How we answer the question depends a lot on what we think theology is.
Tracing Christianity’s Impact on Slavery through the Centuries
If we live in the West, we often take freedom for granted. But the idea that every human is of equal dignity and should be afforded liberty has not been obvious to most cultures.
God Is the Origin and Author of Beauty
We live in a culture that is obsessed with image, and every day advertisements bombard us with promises to deliver beauty and happiness.
Introducing the ‘ESV Journaling Psalter’
The 'ESV Journaling Psalter' allows readers to think, pray, question, lament, and give praise, in written form, along with the psalmists.
What John Stott Learned about Theology from Bird-Watching
Stott’s obsession with the snowy owl was more than a charming eccentricity. It reflected some important themes in his theology.
You Have Everything You Need for Life and Godliness
Knowing that God has promised to complete the work he began in us, we are well equipped to practice perseverance.
Should I Choose a Church for Its Pastor?
The centrality of the Word coming from the front, from the preacher, the one specially gifted by God and called to that ministry, is the most important thing you can look for in a church.
“Mommy, Do You Like Being a Mom?”
Even if and when we talk about some of the harder parts of parenting, we want to do so in a way that affirms our love for our children and how much we value them.
5 Questions about Church Membership
The local church is the authority on earth that Jesus has instituted to officially affirm and give shape to my Christian life and yours.
Squeezing Marriage into Our Kingdom of Self
Why do we have to marry flawed people? Wouldn’t it have been much easier if God had worked it out so that we would be fully sanctified, then married?
Why We Desperately Need the Body of Christ
Why do I need the daily intervention of the body of Christ? The answer is as simple as it is humbling.
The Doctrine of the Atonement in the Bible
What does the Bible say about Christ's death and atoning sacrifice for sinners? Learn more from this look into the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible.
A Brief Intro to the Origins of Humanity
One of the hot spots in the perceived conflict between science and Christianity is around the question of how human beings came to exist.
Christ in All of Scripture – Isaiah 11:1-5
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The book of Malachi contains six oracles (or disputations) that each begin with a saying of the people, to which the Lord responds through his prophet.
Is Sexual Renewal a Simple or Complex Process?
The journey to sexual renewal is a complex but worthwhile battle.
The Final Days of Jesus: Friday, April 3, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
What Does Deuteronomy 6:4 Mean?
Deuteronomy is the first book of the Bible to demand love for God. Previously the emphasis was on fear of God, an awe of his grandeur and a dread of his judgment that serve as motives for obedience.
Introducing the ‘ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament Set (Artwork by Ruth Chou Simons)’
Introducing a beautiful new ESV Scripture Journal Set featuring artwork from bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons in nineteen journals containing the entirety of the New Testament.
The Surprising Limits of Natural Selection
The mechanisms that theistic evolutionists propose are the means by which God created are themselves demonstratively not creative. That’s a big problem—a scientific problem.
Like the book of Job, this book presents important gospel truths for people who encounter difficulties that seem incomprehensible.
Why You Can’t Have Justification without Sanctification
Justification should not be abstracted from the person of Christ.
Many passages in Scripture speak to the missionary task, but at the foundation we need to remember that we do missions because Jesus commissioned his people to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
How the Bible Supports Catechesis
Catechesis helps us grow in and meditate on the truths of God in Scripture.
When Jesus walked the earth, he wasn’t afraid to touch hurting people. He drew people in close. He met them empty and left them full and turned everything upside down.
Why Did God’s Beautiful Plan of Redemption Involve Something So Ugly?
When we consider carefully what Jesus was doing on that old, rugged cross, we can understand why it was so ugly. To atone for our transgressions, Jesus had to shoulder our guilty sins.
What Does It Mean to Be a Man in the Home?
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Men are to be worshipers, disciples, witnesses, husbands and fathers, leaders, providers, and protectors.
Do Christians Ever Need to Choose the Lesser Sin?
The notion that we sometimes have to choose the lesser sin is a dangerous and deeply harmful idea for the Christian life.
Why I Believe in the Doctrine of Justification
The Bible makes clear that our right standing before God comes not by works, effort, merit, or achievement, but by faith in Christ alone.
3 Steps to Take If You’ve Been Waiting on God
If you are walking through a season that is leading you to feel frustrated, anxious, or impatient, here are some steps that can help.
When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.
5 Prompts for Journaling through Scripture
As you spend time reading and journaling through the Bible, consider these five prompts to guide your study and reflection.
How do we teach our children to be discerning, both to recognize and to do right, but at the same time to show God’s love and care for the imperfect people around them?
4 Reasons to Consider a Cloth Over Board Bible
There are many important features to consider when purchasing a new Bible, and its aesthetic appeal is one that tops the list for many.
5 Questions That Steal or Seal Your Hope
It is quite clear that your view of God will inescapably shape your perspective on your circumstances. In this way your theology is like a lens through which you examine life.
God is a good God and a generous God who wants to bring joy and happiness into our lives. He loves to bless his children.
How God Saved David Powlison from Destroying Himself
Counselor David Powlison shares his testimony of how God softened his heart and brought him to repentance and faith.
God’s Grand Plan for Motherhood
God has created and equipped women to nurture the life he creates—both biological and spiritual.
Introducing ‘The Biggest Story Podcast’
Journey through God’s word as a family—from Genesis to Revelation—with The Biggest Story Podcast—a brand-new podcast from Crossway!
In four ways, the Old Testament book of Amos is essential for a robust understanding of the gospel.
Love That Makes the Beloved Beautiful
God’s love is different from human love because it is a beautifying love.
This spring, Crossway is eager to partner with churches, ministries, and individual Christians to help God’s people share the good news of Easter with their communities.
Given that liturgy concerns the order of worship elements in a church service, it’s not whether a church has a liturgy; it’s just which liturgy the church has.
Regardless of what you personally think about him, surely we can agree that Jesus is a towering figure in the history of the world.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Polly and the Screen Time Overload’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story about healthy boundaries with technology read aloud by its author.
10 Helpful Books for Church Leaders
Crossway suggests 10 books would be valuable for every church leader to read and have in their library.
Introducing ‘Daily Strength’ and ‘Daily Joy’
Introducing two new 365-day devotionals for men and for women that are perfect for gift-giving and daily reading.
3 Means God Uses to Change Us (and 3 Ways We Change)
There are three primary agents in the character formation or sanctification of a Christian. Within these three categories come several other means that God uses to change Christians.
Pastor, Don’t Quit—Learn to Lament
In order to stem the tide of weariness and burn-out, pastors should learn how to lament.
The clear contrast between God’s covenant-keeping and Israel’s covenant breaking, particularly among Israel’s kings, is perhaps the most important theme in the book of Kings.
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Today
One day of structured content from the 31-day liturgical guide Be Thou My Vision to help you in your daily worship.
The Problem with Trying to Portray the Holy Spirit
As we strive to know the Holy Spirit the way he makes himself known in Scripture, we are constantly tempted to add a few details, to quietly nudge the Spirit in the direction of being more immediately vivid.
5 Questions about Church Discipline
What is church discipline? Is it biblical? Jonathan Leeman answers five questions about church discipline.
Don’t Try to Make the Bible Say More (or Less) than It Does
To the degree that sin remains within us, we all seek to find in the Bible what we want it to say rather than what it actually does say.
In Sanctification, Where You’re Going Is More Important Than Where You Are
When it comes to sanctification, it’s more important where you’re going than where you are. Direction matters more than position.
The Comfort of God’s Justice and Judgment
The message of Revelation—over and over again—is not that judgment is going to fall, but instead, that you will be protected in the judgment.
Why would anyone ever fast? What is to be gained from giving things up?
What Did the Reformers Think of the Church Fathers?
Luther and the Reformers looked to the church fathers and were shaped by them.
Introducing the ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible
The ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible is designed to help readers see Christ in all of Scripture, and grace for all of life.
3 Things Overwhelmed Students Need
“Teens” and “rest” don’t usually go together, do they? The teen years are busy years, restless years, hectic years.
Discard Christianity, Discard Human Equality
Saying that the Bible undermines the idea of human equality is a bit like saying that England undermines the English language.
10 Things You Should Know about the Genres of the Bible
Douglas Sean O'Donnell, Leland Ryken
Identifying the genre of a text gives us the right terms for interacting with it. Conversely, if we do not interact with a text in terms of its genre traits, we cannot deal adequately with it.
2 Little-Known Facts about C. S. Lewis
Readers of C. S. Lewis may be quite surprised to discover that the man behind the pen was a bit different than how he may be perceived through his writing.
How the Bible Talks about Corporate Responsibility and Repentance
Do we share some responsibility for the sins committed by those who were part of the same immediate family? What about the same religious family?
How to Be an Effective Bible Study Leader
Nancy Guthrie lists several issues that have a significant impact on using the time allotted for small-group discussion effectively.
Podcast: What If I Don’t Feel Like Going to Church? (Gunner Gundersen)
What do we do when we just don't feel like gathering with God's people in corporate worship, and how has the pandemic affected us in this area?
We each have a blink. We can waste it in sinful busyness or laziness or discontentment or distraction. Or the gospel of Jesus Christ can change how we spend our time.
Are There Differences between Christ’s Humanity and Ours?
What kind of human nature did Christ assume in the incarnation? Was it the nature of Adam before the fall, a sinless nature but with the potential to disobey God and fall into sin?
Make Enemies with Sin and Satan
Our friendships say a lot about who we are. Friendships can make or break people, shaping who we are and making us better or worse for the experience.
Before You Gather, Mourn Your Sin
In our avoidance of sadness, we often numb ourselves to death with entertainment. Perhaps what we’re running from is not just sadness; perhaps we’re running from ourselves.
4 Ways to Help Save Your Pastor from Burnout
The reasons for pastoral burnout are deeper and more complex than just how congregations relate to their pastors. Intentional support can help alleviate some of the main causes.
Introducing a New Podcast for Families
Over the course of 26 episodes (each 3-5 minutes in length), listen to the grand story of the Bible as a family with this new podcast for families.
A Word to the Youth Pastor Who Feels Discouraged
To a youth pastor who is feeling discouraged, your reward is in heaven where you’ll see in glory the things that Jesus has done through your ministry, you’ll see the fruit of your labor.
How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Health?
There's much that we can do to have influence over our health, but in reality, we have no control at all.
Learning to Kiss the Wave: Dave Furman's Story
What if we can learn to experience the nearness of God in the midst of suffering? What if God intends to work through our trials rather than simply take them away?
The Breakthrough That Helped Me Understand the Old Testament
Perhaps more than any other book in the New Testament, Hebrews represents a long and careful engagement with the words of the Old Testament.
The Gospel of Mark is presented in a way that demonstrates the fulfillment of Old Testament promises.
One Simple Yet Crucial Decision College Freshmen Need to Make
My oldest son is a freshman in college. So I’ve thought about this question: What is that important piece of advice for a graduating high school student heading off to college?
Mentoring is a discipleship relationship that focuses on equipping younger believers for the work of ministry so that they grow in maturity and unity in the faith with the ultimate goal of glorifying God.
What Should I Do When I'm Bearing Unbearable Suffering?
In the midst of pain and suffering, we must preach truth to ourselves rather than listening to the lies in our own heads.
Numbers is especially relevant for God's people in “wilderness” times when we must practice faith and trust in God's guidance and provision.
Teens Need Something They Can’t Find Online
It is vitally important today for all of us to prioritize our local church even as the rest of the world moves more of life online. The body of Christ is essential to spiritual growth.
Complaining about God vs. Complaining to God
There is a difference between complaining about God and complaining to God. He wants us to trust him with our anxieties and burdens.
Introducing the ESV Women’s Study Bible
Introducing a new resource for women who are eager to study God's word. For a limited time, Crossway+ members receive 50% off and free shipping in the contiguous US of the ESV Women's Study Bible.
How to Find God's Signature in the Bible
The Scriptures themselves are God's signature—they bear witness to his glory.
Are We Meant to Enjoy Our Work?
The stories we tell reveal our understanding of the world, with our hopes and fears, and the songs we sing are reflective of the deep longings of our hearts.
As an oracle of judgment, Obadiah presents unique challenges for gospel application.
Why We Need the Psalms of Lament
The Psalms help us express our pain to God, knowing that he hears our cries.
Why Higher Education Needs to Know Its History
The richness of the Christian tradition can provide guidance for the complex challenges facing Christian higher education at this time.
What Should a Pastor’s Authority Look Like?
What is the authority of a pastor? The authority of the pastor is to teach and give oversight to the flock by being an example to the flock.
The Final Days of Jesus: Wednesday, April 1, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Dig into Theology with the ‘ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible’ on ESV.org
Learn more about theology with over 400 short doctrinal summaries connected to specific Bible passages—all on ESV.org.
Q&A: Dane Ortlund Answers Your Questions about the Heart of Christ for Sinners
A couple of weeks ago, we asked readers to submit their questions for Dane Ortlund. Many of you sent in questions from around the world.
Where Did Youth Ministry Go Wrong? Identifying a Way Forward
It's concerning that our ideals about how to do family discipleship have sometimes distracted us from our more primary responsibility to teach kids the gospel. Here are a couple of the ways we get distracted.
Be the Teen God’s Calling You to Be
There’s only one way for teens to find purpose, meaning, and joy. Only one message that has the power to change the life of a teenager.
An Open Letter to Women in the Church
Sister, don’t try to follow Christ alone. There is no substitute for your commitment and service to your local church.
The Final Days of Jesus: Thursday, April 2, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
4 Traps to Avoid When You Suffer
How we respond to suffering shapes our experiences with suffering.
12 Notable Quotes from 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
Technology is not itself bad, nor is it innocuous. Though we’re not all aware of how we are being changed by our digital habits, we are being changed nonetheless.
A faithful response to sin involves drawing near to God in faith through confession, repentance, and trusting the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
Lent Ends in Jesus’s Death—and Yours
Everywhere you die, you will be resurrected to new life in that area. It is the continuing resurrection/ transformation/liberation work of sanctifying grace.
Irenaeus was born somewhere around AD 130 and grew up in Smyrna in Asia Minor, where the then bishop, Polycarp, became his mentor and passed on his memories of the apostle John and others.
Christ in All of Scripture – 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Bring My Faith to Work
Like all working people, Christians must deal with deadlines, difficult people, and office politics. How should a Christian approach life at work?
Those preparing for adoption or orphan care must be equipped in more ways than they might realize—most importantly, to fight the spiritual battle that rages for the vulnerable.
A Brief Introduction to the Life and Ministry of Ulrich Zwingli
Although Zwingli's life was cut short, his was a ministry of zeal for the Lord and for his precious Word.
Help! I Find Myself Perpetually Discontent
Contentment is something that we, as Christians, must regularly work to cultivate. By not working on our contentment, we are working on our discontentment.
Living an Others-Oriented Life
Being a disciple of Jesus means orienting our lives toward others, just as Jesus did.
3 Threats to Deep Relationships
What makes deep relationships so uncommon and challenging today?
The Purpose of the Church Is Bound Up in These 3 Commands from Jesus
Jesus gave three commands that Christians know well but maybe don’t always connect back to the local church.
Why You Should Be Thankful for Your Knowledge of Sin
Of all the blessings in my life, one is without a doubt the most wonderful blessing of all. Of all the things I most needed, but could never provide for myself, this was my deepest need.
Is there something great or small you’re currently grieving? Have you processed that grief before God or other people? Is this grief making you numb?
Introducing the ‘ESV Story of Redemption Bible’
Be led on a journey through the Bible's storyline from start to finish.
Is leisure something we really need? As Christians, we perhaps struggle with the concept, but it is vitally important.
The Spirit’s Work of Conviction through the Conscience of a Sinner
The work of conviction of sin on those who expected it not, who desired it not, and who would avoid it if by any means possible they could.
The Life and Death of Jesus: A Theophany
Jesus's life brings to fulfillment the entire spectrum of theophanies of God in the Old Testament.
Hospitality: What It Is and What It's Not
Hospitality, biblically speaking, means love of the stranger. What hospitality is not is fellowship.
Married or single, our hearts should never settle. But no man or woman is the person of our dreams.
5 Myths about Counseling and the Church
We come to Jesus as people in need, and we continue in Jesus as people in need.
An Open Letter to Pastors about the Teens in Their Congregation
The relationships, the preaching, the teaching, and the admonition of a specific church body are as vital to teenagers as they are to every other believer.
How to Help Others Understand and Apply the Bible
Helping others understand the Bible and apply it to their lives is a great privilege and a great responsibility.
8 Passages to Read about Parenting
Parenting requires all kinds of help, most helpfully from the God who created us. Find encouragement from Scripture for the task.
6 Metaphors the Bible Uses for the Church
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
There is a richness to the church that defies human comprehension. God draws from a treasury of terms to describe his magnum opus.
The Hope of Renewal for the Sexually Broken
Is darkened sexuality even the prime battleground today? Where is today’s choice point? The current struggle is the place where the Vinedresser is pruning.
Memorizing Scripture Can Be the Most Important Discipline in Your Christian Walk
Scripture memorization keeps me close to Christ. As I go over the words of Scripture, I find my heart drawn into active fellowship with Christ.
Blessed: Why Study the Book of Revelation? (Episode 1)
Nancy Guthrie discusses the book of Revelation and how we actually can understand its central message, encouraging us to accept the blessing promised to those who “hear and keep” this book.
Why the Message of Salvation Is Evidence of the Truth of Christianity
Isn't it obvious that most Christians adopt their beliefs on the basis of emotion or tradition or culture, rather than on the basis of reason and evidence? This is an interesting objection. How could we respond?
Mapping the Doctrine of Total Depravity
Left to ourselves, we neither want to nor can return to the God who made us, and, without the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit, we cannot know him as our heavenly Father.
Like a Good Mystery Novel, the Bible Changes upon a Second Reading
Masters of the literary craft can structure their stories in such a way that the beginning gains new significance—gains its true significance—only in light of the end.
6 Truths that Will Lead You to True Joy
God made us to magnify his greatness—the way telescopes magnify stars.
Strengthen Your Prayer Life with an Assist from Past Pray-ers
Ordinarily, desire is not enough. We usually have to be shown how to do something, with plenty of examples, before we can feel capable.
How Is Jesus Able to “Sympathize with Our Weaknesses”?
This truth is hard to believe because it is so wonderful: even though Jesus is now in heaven he is just as open and tender in his embrace of sinners and sufferers as when he was on earth.
The Lord’s Prayer Reignites Our Desire to Want to Pray
Jesus doesn’t give us an impossibly high standard of prayer. It's lofty, and none of us will do it perfectly, but he's giving us something that we can do.
While Hebrews clearly makes its own unique contribution, it joins other New Testament books in exulting in the same amazing grace in Jesus that forms the Bible’s main message.
What "Christmas Spirit" Should Actually Mean
The New Testament does not encourage us to puzzle our heads over the physical and psychological problems that the incarnatiton raises, but to worship God for the love that was shown in it.
Haggai is all about the ongoing work of building up the people of God, a work that is primarily God's.
The Importance of the Global Church
The church is the single most important institution on earth, the organism through which God advances his kingdom.
ESV.org—How to Listen to the ESV Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty
Now on ESV.org, users can access audio for the entire Bible, read by Kristyn Getty.
The Quickest to Anger Are Often the Slowest to Forgive
The biblical concept of forgiveness is so rich and multifaceted that there are a million aspects of the doctrine we could spend years pondering and trying to fully understand.
Thoughtful reading is becoming a lost art. Artful reading is dying. Many people believe it’s drawing a final breath on its deathbed.
Why Teens Must Read the Bible for Themselves
Teenagers who are wondering if the Bible is relevant to their lives are often starting off on the wrong footing with Scripture.
How the Bible’s Irony Combats the Prosperity Gospel
Since our life is to be like Christ’s, our life must include suffering of some kind so that God’s spiritual strength can be exhibited in our physical weakness.
3 Questions about Regeneration
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
New birth is an absolute necessity for salvation. Without regeneration, the glorious offer of the gospel will not save a single soul.
Why should we endeavor to obey Christ comprehensively? Why should we serve him in every area of life?
Why Do I Struggle to Read the Bible Consistently?
Sometimes we think of Bible reading as a duty, rather than a grand invitation to encounter the living God by opening the pages of Scripture, reading it, seeing him, and understanding more of who he is and how we should follow him.
10 Things You Should Know about Physician-Assisted Suicide
Throughout a believer’s life, there may be a continuous struggle to submit to God’s control. But when my earthly life comes to an end I want to be fully surrendered to God and be able to rest in Jesus.
The Most Important Thing Parents Can Do This Summer
Being faithful to the ABC’s of Christian living can have such a profound evangelistic impact upon your children.
Cultivating Habits of Grace with David Mathis
For many of us, the "spiritual disciplines" are little more than a list of things we aren't doing but feel like we should be doing.
The Final Days of Jesus: Tuesday, March 31, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Hard-Won Doctrines That We Take for Granted Today
We need to remember that we are indeed standing on the shoulders of those who’ve come before us. We need to be grateful for their labors and praise God.
Memento Mori: What It Means and Why It Matters
When we see death as an unshakeable reality, it has the ability shed perspective on life in the meantime.
Enter to Win a Free Resource Library for Your Pastor
We want to express our love and appreciation for our spiritual leaders this October. Over the next two weeks, we’re inviting you to enter to win a free resource library on behalf of your pastor/elder.
6 Questions about the ESV Translation Philosophy
God called us to be his children, has entrusted his word to us, and has entrusted the gospel to us. To faithfully steward what he has given to us, we must walk by faith and not by sight.
Babies cry for food, warmth, company, and love. They plead for our help. The cries of our precious little ones remind us that we’re not too different from them.
Hope for When Sanctification Feels Slow
You’re a new creation. So sanctification is a reality, affected by how obedient and willing we really are.
Why Is the Book of Romans Considered the Greatest Letter Ever Written?
Studying Romans carefully is worth every minute you invest that way. It’s a relatively short letter, it takes about sixty minutes to read aloud, and it’s profound.
What Does It Mean to Mortify the Sins of the Body?
The vigor, and power, and comfort of our spiritual life depends on the mortification of the deeds of the flesh.
Why Study the Book of Galatians?
The constant pressure is toward practical atheism, toward falling asleep to the glory of our God. Galatians is given to wake us up.
9 Conversation Starters to Help You Get Out of a Prayer Rut
How do we talk to our heavenly Father like we might to good friends? Quite simply, what does it mean to become human again as a group?
A Devotional on the Excellency of Christ Seen in Christmas by Jonathan Edwards
Christ came to subdue the mighty powers of darkness, and make a show of them openly, and so to restore peace on earth.
An Elevator Pitch for Church Membership
The Bible presents a picture of the church as unlike any other organization or society of people in the world.
7 Tips for Improving Your Ministry Team
Jesus does not mean for his followers to go about their work alone. He is the one singular leader in his church. No peers. The rest of us follow his example together.
What Can We Learn about God’s Anger from Jesus?
When Jesus is angry, he is right to be angry; the cause of his anger is right, and he expresses his anger rightly.
How to Help Your Kids Establish Bible Reading Habits
Ask yourself, What do I want most for my kids? If we're Christian parents, we want our kids to know Jesus, we want them to be saved. Sometimes just writing that down really helps to reorder our lives.
Get to Know the Voices of the New ESV Audio Bibles
Crossway has added a number of new voices to the ESV Audio Bible that will allow you to listen to the entire ESV Bible read by different Bible teachers and Christian artists.
The Spiritually Dangerous Spiral of Complaint
You can’t complain about God’s provision without questioning his wisdom, goodness, faithfulness, and love.
Are Miracles Still Possible and Probable?
The most fundamental reason that people don’t believe the miracles in the Bible is because they already believe something else, namely, that miracles are impossible.
Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself to the real hero of the story. Joshua is a story of grace.
Praying in Jesus’s name is an acknowledgement of our total dependence on his provision. We push away from any personal claim on God’s blessing and lean entirely on Christ’s provision.
Why Believing That God Is Sovereign Makes All the Difference
God's sovereignty applies to our everyday lives because it assures us that he working in every circumstance.
We were made for closeness to others and to God through Christ, and yet it doesn’t always feel as though we can grasp God’s nearness to us.
The Book of Job Is a Book of Joy
“Joy” is probably the last word most of us would use to describe the book of Job. What could be less joyful than the nightmare of Job’s suffering?
How Were the Books of the Bible Chosen?
We got the Bible through a providential process. God continually orchestrated both what was going on in the Jewish synagogue and also how the books were being used and affirmed by Christians.
The Best Premarital Advice Is Bad News
In marriage preparation, we need to get at the deeper heart issues, the deeper effect of sin on the way that we function, and begin to expose how sin reveals itself.
Men, Are You Showing Signs of Burnout?
Recent statistics have shown that 77% of Americans have symptoms—physical symptoms—associated with stress. Then there are emotional symptoms . . .
Is “Mental Illness” a Helpful Label?
Labels can be helpful in beginning to describe or define what we are talking about, but labels can also cause difficulties.
A Blueprint for Multigenerational Faithfulness
God has not left us to wander aimlessly in the wilderness as we raise our children. He has given us a blueprint for multigenerational faithfulness.
10 Things You Should Know about Biblical Typology
A symbol already has a special meaning when God first presents it in biblical history. But its meaning is more fully revealed when Christ comes, and we see the person for whom the symbolism was designed.
5 Poor Ways to Approach the Old Testament
Through the New Testament we have instruction that enables us rightly to appreciate the Old Testament. And that appreciation means understanding how the Old Testament points to Christ.
The cross of Christ was more than a victory for Christ alone. It was a triumph in which we, too, can participate.
For Matthew, the gospel is the good news that God has inaugurated the final stage of his plan to reclaim the world from the destruction of sin and establish his just and merciful reign over it.
God is interested in character far more than possessions. His intention is that our work becomes an integral part of the process of character development.
Sin is deceptive, both in its capacity to tempt us to follow its lead and in the way it confuses and clouds our thinking.
It is the Spirit’s work to help us see our sin. This drives us to Jesus for forgiveness, and this is very good.
The Origins of the Self-Esteem Movement
People threw off the shackles of the church and the state and they began to look inward. They began to look to themselves for what is true and what is real.
Why Study the Books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi?
God sent the prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi to speak powerful words of challenge and comfort to his world-weary people, words which are just as relevant and powerful for Christians today.
How to Move Doctrine from Head to Heart
If you preach to the heart, you enter into the experience of the people of God as they encounter doctrine in their own lives.
Fathers are called upon to choose not only between our children and our work, but between our convenience and the inconvenience of keeping a promise.
Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel, and Want (Part 1)
God created us as thinking and feeling creatures, and therefore both are part of being made in his image, therefore both thoughts and feelings are vital components of true faith.
An Open Letter to Victims of Abuse
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Disgrace is the opposite of grace. Grace is love that seeks you out even if you have nothing to give in return.
God Doesn’t Love You Because You’re Special or Good
God loves his people despite their sin against him. He loves them before they love him back, and before there’s anything in them worthy of his love. But his love doesn’t stop there.
Why You Shouldn’t Neglect the First 39 Books of Your Bible
Trying to understand the New Testament without the Old Testament is like trying to understand the last four chapters of a book without reading the first eight.
The Single Most Important Task of the Pastor
Preaching is central to the pastor’s ministry because that is primarily our calling.
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Alexander E. Stewart
Jesus’s unusual supernatural conception, issuing in the virgin birth, served as a fulfillment of Scripture.
Not If but When: Reflections on 4 Different Kinds of Healing
At some point or other, every Christian with a disability is going to have to figure out how to think about physical healing. In our case, theological reflection on healing has been essential.
What Freedom from Sin Looks Like in This Life
It’s natural to feel frustrated that you’re still staring down the same habits of sin in your life.
Adoption and Spiritual Warfare
There seems to be an orphan-making urge among us, whether we see it in the slave culture of centuries past or the divorce culture of today. But where does it come from?
The Greek-English ESV Interlinear New Testament
The Greek-English Interlinear ESV New Testament is an essential volume for all who study the New Testament in the original Greek.
The whole Bible is from heaven, and the whole thing is profitable (2 Tim. 3:16). But different parts of the Bible serve us in different ways.
The Deceptively Easy Path to Prideful Humility
There is a danger, in thinking about humility, that we can become so self-preoccupied in the process, and it kind of defeats the point.
Good Advice for Living a Countercultural Life
When you think about your life, you are the main character. You never think about your life as a supporting actor or actress in someone else’s story.
Why the Local Church Needs Good Biblical Theology
Biblical theology is a vital help for pastors to faithfully declare the glorious truth that Jesus is the main point of the whole Bible.
What the Atonement Means for You
In our sin, we—who were created to know, love, and obey the God of all glory—stand guilty and condemned before him; we cannot save ourselves.
Podcast: Tips for Leading an Effective Bible Study (Lydia Brownback)
What does it look like to lead an effective Bible study? How can a leader keep the conversation on track and guide people to discover the treasures of God's Word?
7 Tips for Young Adults to Improve Their Relationships with Their Parents
You can mitigate your frustrations with your parents. Here are seven tips that may help you have a better relationship.
The Problem of Pain Is a Problem for Everyone
There are only a few ways to handle this issue, and all of them feel incomplete. So the question is this: Which incomplete answer will you embrace to help you with the problem of evil?
My Breakthrough in Scripture Memory
Maybe the breakthrough could come with some simple change in perspective. What if Scripture memory really was about today?
Help! It Feels Like God Is Far Away in My Suffering
Lament is the biblical language for people who feel like God is distant.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Pope Leo X
How Pope Leo X's desire to bring glory to Rome (and himself) ended up being the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.
Opening Doors to Faith at Work
Happy Khambule, Kathleen Nielson
God places us in particular professions and callings so as to be his witnesses, spread like salt and light in the world.
9 Notable Quotes from Providence
The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe.
Of all the books in the Bible, Colossians may rightly be considered the most Christ-centered.
Introducing the ESV Concise Study Bible
This robust Bible offers fresh content for new believers and seasoned saints alike, helping readers explore the essential meaning of the Bible.
What I Learned While Waiting for My Spouse
I spent many years of my life wanting to be married. Sometimes I didn't know if I’d ever get married.
2 New Bible Study Resources for ESV.org
Access two resources via subscription on ESV.org that will prove valuable as you study, apply, and teach God's Word.
Male and Female He Created Them
Everything else in creation reflects something of God’s glory in a general sense, but humanity alone is described as being created in God’s image.
Stay on Mission—Even in the Later Years
One joy of aging is a stillness of soul that helps us see the small moments as sacred moments when we can reflect God’s glory to someone else.
9 Common Excuses for Not Memorizing Scripture (And How to Overcome Them)
The human heart is deceitful and twisted in so many ways (Jer. 17:9). We can make amazing excuses for not doing things that the Lord has commanded that would richly benefit us.
We Need Both Rules and Relationship with God
To obey the law is to look like Jesus Christ. While legalism builds self-righteousness, lawfulness builds righteousness.
Podcast: What an Old Controversy Teaches Us about Grace and Legalism (Sinclair Ferguson)
Sinclair Ferguson discusses the relevance of church history and divisive theological positions as we dig into a largely forgotten 18th-century Scottish debate about God’s grace and our works.
Beauty Is in the Eye of the True Beholder
We know there is such a thing as beauty. We know this biblically. And if the Bible stipulates certain things as beautiful, then there really is beauty in the eye of the Beholder, with a capital B.
A Devotional on Prayer by Jane Austen
Teach us to feel the importance of every day, and every hour as it passes, and earnestly strive to make a better use of what thy goodness may yet bestow on us, than we have done of the time past.
What Did Paul Mean by “New Creation”?
The resurrection in Jewish thought means that the new age has arrived and that the old age of evil and death has come to an end.
Encouragement for Parents in Our Sexually Confused Culture
The world has been transformed and the influences in our children's lives are pervasive, profound, and powerful. Parents need to be aware of that.
Humanism: You Will Be Like God
James Montgomery Boice explains the dangers of secular humanism.
3 Doctrines That Sustain Us in Suffering
While we may not understand what God is doing, we can always trust who he is. We must never interpret God’s character by our circumstances.
6 Ways to Live in Light of the Serpent-Slayer Story
Jesus is the serpent slayer. So how should a Christian live in light of that thrilling storyline?
Three Steps to Studying the Bible
The goal in studying the Bible is to find out what the Bible meant, what it means, and how it applies to us.
The Surprising Truth about Legalism
The root of legalism is almost as old as Eden, which explains why it is a primary, if not the ultimate, pastoral problem.
Benefits of a Verse-by-Verse Bible
Proponents of a versified Bible text appreciate how easy it is to quickly find a specific verse, especially when scanning the biblical text while preaching or teaching.
A Special Easter Video from ‘The Biggest Story’
Get together with your family this weekend and watch this special Easter video titled “Jesus Lives” from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook based on the story of the resurrection in the Gospels.
Why You Don’t Need to Be a Super Saint to Be a Spiritual Mother
Spiritual mothering may involve mentoring and coaching, but it is broader.
Christ in All of Scripture - Jeremiah 9:23-24
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
We Must Worship God on His Terms
True worship is not possible unless God himself enables it, because human beings are unable to truly worship him without his enabling.
What Is a Personality vs. a Soul?
A soul can be called a personality insofar as the powers within it have come into connection with each other and have penetrated one another.
Is Singleness an Advantage in Ministry?
Pastors being single is not prohibited by Scripture, nor is singleness necessarily a hindrance to effective gospel ministry, even in contexts where the majority of people are married.
How Elders Shepherd by Example
A church should be able to direct a newborn believer to an elder and say: “Do you want to know what a real Christian should be like? Then look at him.”
The doctrine of the necessity of Scripture reminds us of our predicament: the One we need to know most cannot be discovered on our own, and this same ineffable One has made himself known through his word.
Was Jesus a Leader or a Follower?
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
The New Testament leaves no doubt as to the deity of Christ. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. So perhaps it is unsurprising that we forget that Jesus was also a follower.
How to Hope in God When Life Gets Hard
Simply knowing the end of the story gives us hope in our present circumstances.
Differentiating the Work of the Son and Spirit in Salvation
A classic way of looking at the two-handedness of God’s work in salvation is the relationship between how the Trinity accomplishes redemption and how the Trinity applies that redemption to us.
We don’t truly understand who we are as the church of Jesus Christ unless we know our own story.
You Are Set Free from Self-Improvement
Many of us believe that Christian discipleship is synonymous with self-improvement. But true Christian discipleship is a call to die, not to improve.
Is the Hope of Resurrection Found in the Old Testament?
What if I told you that a glorified and risen body was not just a New Testament hope? And what if I told you it was rooted in previous biblical revelation?
Should Our Sexual Desires Determine Who We Really Are?
Sigmund Freud argued that who we are at the most fundamental level is our sexual desires. And, of course, once you start arguing that, then two things happen.
Why Ordinary Faithfulness Is Enough
Feeding your faithfulness is an unremarkable practice in real-time. It’s unglamorous by the world’s standards, yet it is precious as it contributes to a life of holding fast to Christ.
Why You Should Read This Obscure Old Book about Pastoral Ministry
Every pastor faces that tension of cultivating a rich inner-life, focusing on the spiritual aspect of calling, without neglecting the mundane responsibilities of ministry.
The Fruit of the First Sin Was Shame
We feel shame when some fault, imperfection, or vulnerability of ours conflicts with what we think we should be. Finding this shameful, we attempt to hide.
Justification Is Forensic (Not Transformative)
Certainly Paul teaches that Christians are transformed by God’s grace. But we must not make the mistake of reading Paul’s theology as a whole into every word he uses.
Do John Calvin’s modern-day opponents really know Calvin’s theology?
An Open Letter to the Churchless Christian
It is impossible to have a faithful walk with Christ and Christian life—biblically or practically—without committed participation in a local church.
5 Ways to Use an ‘ESV Scripture Journal’
Journaling can be a great way to actively engage with Scripture. Learn five ways to use our new journaling edition to enrich your time in God's Word.
The Psalms Are Both by and about the King
Bruce K. Waltke, Fred G. Zaspel
Fundamentally, the Psalms are both by and about the king. The Psalter can be thought of as a royal hymnbook, and its individual psalms have the house of David as its subject matter and point of reference.
Matthew Y. Emerson, Brandon D. Smith
The eternal communion of Father, Son, and Spirit is the grounds for our communion with him and one another. Our triune God, simple and perfect for all of eternity, has always been the one God.
11 Practical Ways to Reduce Digital Consumption
If we can get digital technology under control, we will do so much better—physically, intellectually, relationally, vocationally, educationally, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
What Is Anxiety vs. Depression?
It's important to realize that anxiety and depression are different while being careful to realize that they do sometimes overlap.
Why Your Physical Body Matters
For the Christian, his or her body has been made a sacred location of God’s redemptive presence in the world.
If you fail to understand poetic structures and literary devices, you will understand and preach the Psalms improperly.
Is Protestantism Still at Odds with Catholicism?
The Roman Catholic church and Protestant churches continue to disagree on the principle of how is one made right before God.
Your Salvation Doesn’t Depend on Your Feelings
If our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one day and saved another, for they are as fickle as the weather.
How a Busy Mom Can Stay Consistent in the Word
Here are some steps you can take to stay consistent in the Word.
How Christians Can Guard against the Cultural Milieu
To any Christian who is starting to be persuaded by the arguments of the LGBTQ+ movement, I would suggest these things.
4 Roles Scripture Plays in the Life of a Believer
The doctrines of the word of God were not intended just to lay claim on your brain, but also to capture your heart and transform the way you live.
Podcast: Common Misconceptions about Heaven (Ian Smith)
Ian Smith discusses what the New Heavens and New Earth will be like when Jesus returns.
The book of Job helps free us from believing in a “score-keeping” God.
15 Passages to Read to Help Fight Pride
Pride can be a struggle for every one of us and is at the root of other sins in our lives as well. Consider meditating on these verses from God's word to help fight against the sin of pride.
Podcast: Honoring God in Singleness and Dating (Marshall Segal)
Marshall Segal discusses singleness and dating as a Christian, sharing some of his own story including his struggle with contentment as a single person.
Why You Shouldn’t Read Isaiah Like You Read Romans
All believers should seek to learn how to read and understand the biblical prophets on their own. They are a different kind of literature from Romans, as much so as comics differ from the front page of a newspaper.
God has begun to fulfill his promises in and through Jesus, but he's not quite finished yet.
3 Ways the Gospel Encourages Weary Men
Freedom from the past, power for the present, and hope for the future.
“Docetism,” was a heresy which could not accept the direct union of God and man.
Short Studies in Biblical Theology
One of the great advances in evangelical biblical scholarship over the past few generations has been the recovery of biblical theology.
How Does God's Love in Christ Relate to Islam?
How do we bear faithful witness to the love of God in Christ to our Muslim friends?
You Don’t Get the Church You Want, but the One You Need
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman
You have many reasons not to go to church. That’s why we see this moment in history as an opportunity to rediscover church.
The Promise Jesus Offers to Those Who Leave Everything Behind
Jesus is always honest, even blunt, about the cost of discipleship. He never buries suffering in the small print. He wants us to know that following him will be hard.
Why Sanctification Is Not Passive
Sanctification is absolutely essential to the life of faith—so much so that Scripture frequently treats holiness as the identifying mark of a true believer.
The object of our love can always be detected in our behavior.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Peter?
Second Peter has a robust doctrine of Scripture. Peter begins his letter with one of the strongest assertions of the sufficiency of God’s Word found in all of Scripture.
Why Contentment Stems from a Thankful Heart
If the contentment goes and the giving of thanks goes, we are not loving God as we should, and proper desire has become coveting against God.
Justice Denied Is Love Denied
You have heard it said that justice delayed is justice denied. But I tell you that justice denied is love denied.
Learning Evangelism from Jesus
Sharing the Gospel can be intimidating for many reasons, but we have a flawless evangelistic example from which to learn: Jesus himself.
Suffer the Loss of What Has You in Its Grip
Lent calls us to remember once again that sin reduces us all to idolaters somehow, someway.
Why Christians Should Study Ethics
Questions of right and wrong aren't always straightforward for people today.
5 Questions about Biblical Spirituality
Justin L. McLendon, Christopher W. Morgan
There is no shortage of conversations surrounding spirituality—culturally and across various religious expressions—but a Christian understanding of spirituality must have its roots in the gospel.
Does the Book of Acts Teach Socialism? (Acts 2)
One of the greatest challenges in interpreting the book of Acts, one with which every reader must wrestle, is in determining whether the narrative portions of the book are descriptive or prescriptive.
Is the Church the Answer to Poverty?
The church is the answer to real, deep poverty because it is the gospel that reconciles us to God and takes away our shame.
4 Prayers to Pray When You’re Afraid
When fear paralyzes you, turn to the Lord through his word and in prayer and be comforted by the light that overcomes darkness.
Help! I Don’t Know If My Words Are Helping or Hurting
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
As you have conversations with those who are suffering, remember how the Lord’s healing words have strengthened and sustained you in your own times of trouble.
The Church’s Role in Making Abortion Unthinkable and Unnecessary
Our God laid himself down for us. He gave his life for us. So whenever we take life for our own purposes, it is deadly, both to bodies and to souls.
Is It Possible to Love Jesus but Not the Church?
People find the church ugly because their focus and their vision is on the wrong thing. It's on the wrong person, if you will. They're focused on those who make up the church: sinners.
Is There a Distinctively Christian Approach to History?
How should we think and write about history? How should we read critically the historical accounts of the past? How should each of us think about personal history and the history of relatives and friends?
The Notion of Authority in God's Created Order
Authority is integral to God’s created order, and when his work of creation was completed, the structure of authority he’d established in the world was good and beautiful.
Faith is much more than a one-time decision; it is a lifestyle lived with the presence, promises, and call of God always in view.
God’s People Are a Forgetful People
We human beings are forgetful by nature. I do not mean in a finite sense but in a fallen sense. We forget because we choose to forget.
Martin Luther and the Power of Preaching
As the Word is preached, the Christian is torn down by the law and built up in the gospel.
6 Practical Steps to Help Grow Your Confidence in God’s Word
Sometimes we have our doubts about the stories we read in the word of God, about its moral convictions and the promises it makes.
The Difference between Legalism and Discipline
Paul hated legalism but he enjoined discipline upon all of his followers for the purpose of godliness.
You’re Insignificant for God’s Glory
We are weak. We are common, plain, fragile, breakable, dishonorable. But our weakness does not diminish the power of the gospel.
If there ever was a clarion call to rejoice because of the gospel, it is Paul’s epistle to the Philippians.
Introducing Buffalo Leather Bible Covers
Crossway has expanded cover options for select Bible lines to include buffalo leather covers.
Don't Pack Your Bags for Heaven
When the only certainty about life is death, the Gospel message of resurrection-life offers comfort and hope.
Podcast: Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety and Depression (David Murray)
Why is teen anxiety and depression on the rise, and what can parents do to help their children who are struggling?
What Does Jesus Want This Christmas?
What does Jesus want this Christmas? We can see the answer in his prayers.
Be Excellent as Christ Is Excellent
It is precisely because Christians have been called to or by God’s glory and excellence that they are to add excellence to their faith.
9 Notable Quotes from Coronavirus and Christ
The only firm foundation we have in an unpredictable world is the rock of Jesus Christ.
4 Strategies to Help You Wait Better
I’m sure you’d like to move from anxiety to faith-filled, hopeful waiting. How do we make this practical? Let me give you a fourfold strategy from Psalm 25.
We first need to understand biblically what gentleness is, because it is a largely misunderstood term. In our day, we often associate gentleness with weakness. That is not the biblical virtue of gentleness.
5 Myths about the Pro-Life Movement
To position ourselves for eventual political victory resulting in legal protection for unborn humans, we must engage the public with a persuasive case for life that confronts abortion at the worldview level.
The Proper Expectation for Pastor’s Wives
It's important to remember our families are members of our churches and not unpaid staff.
Does the Reformation Still Matter?
We study the Reformation because of what we can learn. We learn of the treasure of the gospel.
God bestows many gifts on his children. Some of these gifts are titles and privileges; others enable us to be diligent for the work of God’s kingdom. But whatever we accomplish, we do so by the grace of God.
I’ve Heard It Said That Motherhood Is a Woman’s Highest Calling
Motherhood is so good. Motherhood was designed by God, and it’s a good gift from above. But, first and foremost, we are children of God.
Asking people for help makes calling out to the Lord seem easy by comparison.
Mere Christianity as C. S. Lewis’s Personal Testimony
Believing in a moral God is still not the same as believing that God took on flesh and dwelt amongst us as Jesus.
In typical prophetic form, Joel gives his readers both the bad news of God’s judgment and the good news of his promised deliverance.
5 Ways Pastors Can Care for Those Struggling with Sexual Identity
Pastors face a tough calling today. Caring for those struggling with LGBTQ+ issues is not easy. Here is some encouragement.
Jesus Prayed for Your Sanctification
On the night of Jesus’s betrayal, before he prayed for himself, he prayed for his own.
A Brief Word to J. I. Packer on His 90th Birthday
As I reflect on who J. I. Packer is and what he has meant to me personally, several things come quickly to mind.
3 Ways You Can Discover Authentic Community in Your Church
For the frustrated, disaffected believer on the fringes of the church—feeling disconnected, unwanted, or not at the center of things—there’s good news. True belonging is possible.
7 Essential Things to Know about Hope
Hope is not a situation. Hope is not a location. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not an experience. Hope is more than an insight or a truism.
5 Myths about the Armor of God
There are not two separate classes of Christians: Christian soldiers and Christian civilians. There are only prepared and unprepared Christian soldiers.
Martin Luther, the Loving Father
When it came to the rearing of children, Luther had plenty of advice.
How the Bible's Message Impacts Daily Life
Knowing the whole message of the Bible should be transformative.
The Most Important Lessons John Piper Learned from His Dad
Where did I learn that delight in God is our highest duty? Before I encountered Jonathan Edwards and C. S. Lewis and Daniel Fuller, there was my father, Bill Piper.
Why Archaeology Can’t Prove the Bible (and Doesn’t Need To)
David W. Chapman, John D. Currid
In this video with Drs. David Chapman and John Currid, editors of the ESV Archaeology Study Bible hear why archaeology isn't needed to prove the Bible true.
9 Questions about Christ Our Redeemer
Because our Redeemer is truly God and truly human and died for us, our sins can be forgiven.
We Forget Just Why We Live in a WEIRDER World
The rate of change in the last two centuries makes the past feel much further away than it actually is, which inclines us to fawn over the future, and either patronize the past or ignore it altogether.
Podcast: A First Step toward Racial Reconciliation (Mark Vroegop)
How does the biblical practice of lament offer Christians from different backgrounds a common language for productive, God-honoring conversations about race?
How to Maintain Everyday Faithfulness in Festive Times
God has equipped us to follow Christ faithfully no matter what season of life we’re living.
The Rightful Risks of Motherhood
Remembering and embracing Christ’s death means an end to helicopter mothering ourselves and the people around us.
We live with a God who has many, many, many ways of meeting us, and it's good to become aware of them all.
End-of-Life Comfort Measures: A Realistic Assessment
In the right circumstances, modern critical care saves lives. Yet medical technology harbors a dark side.
Can I Pray to the Holy Spirit?
It’s a great question and the theological guideline is that we can pray to anyone who is God. So you’ve got choices.
Why C. S. Lewis Wasn't a Pacifist
C. S. Lewis was horrified by England’s declaration of war on Germany [in 1939], but he had no doubt of its rightness.
There are three important factors that will help pastors combat burnout: hardness, honesty, and humility.
Food played an important role in the life of Jesus and continues to be an ingredient in our enjoyment of God's goodness.
Remembering Christ’s Power in Weakness in the Life of Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Billy Graham died today, after a faithful and Spirit-led life and ministry. We celebrate his legacy, and his weakness through which God to move so powerfully.
Are You Frustrated by Others’ Spiritual Immaturity?
The Holy Spirit guarantees that he is at work. He will continue to be at work until it is completed on the day of Christ Jesus.
Dear Pastor . . . Rely on Your Congregation in Ministry
D. A. Carson, John D. Woodbridge
Brother, we need one another in ministry. You should not try to be an evangelical superman and by yourself direct all the principal tasks of the church.
How the Psalms Speak to All of Our Emotions
The Psalms are in the Bible to give a us a full range of ways to approach God. They're not just for those who are happy and they're not just for those who are in pain. They cover the whole range of emotions.
How Slowing Down Speeds Up the Church
The kingdom of heaven is like a marathon runner. He gets better at running fast by running slower. In this is a parable for church planting that demands we pay attention.
Pride vs. Humility in Marriage
Pride is perhaps the most deceptive, pervasive, and multifaceted form of sin, and it plays a central role in virtually all sin.
For explaining the cross, the New Testament uses many images, many categories, many modes of thought blended together.
Amaze the Next Generation with God
I beg of you, don’t go after the next generation with mere moralism. The gospel is a message not about what we need to do for God but about what God has done for us.
You and Your Toddler Teach One Another Theology
There is no distinction between the sacred and the secular; everything belongs to the Lord and is under his reign.
The Ethics of Jesus: What Do the Four Gospels Reveal?
Gregory Goswell, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Within the overall ethical teaching of the Gospels, each Evangelist focuses on a particular aspect of Jesus’s ethical instruction.
The Scandal at the Heart of the Christian Faith
If we imagine that Jesus was born in a freshly swept, county fair stable, we miss the whole point. It was wretched—scandalous!
How John Piper Mobilized Thousands for Radical Missionary Service
John Piper energized thousands of young people to live lives of radical devotion to Christ, primarily (and simply) by preaching sound doctrine from the Bible.
The Song of Songs: Highly Practical, Deeply Spiritual
When people read and interpret the Song of Songs, there are a couple of mistakes that they often make.
Listen Now: The Crossway Podcast
We’re excited to officially launch The Crossway Podcast. Listen to the first 3 episodes today.
What Did Jesus Teach about Himself?
Jesus taught on a variety of topics, from family, to money, to discipleship, and more. But there is one subject that is central to all his other teachings—himself.
Many unmarried people have strengthened their hands with the truth that no one has left anything for the sake of the kingdom, says the Lord Jesus, who will not receive back far more.
Understanding the Book of Revelation Isn’t Your Biggest Challenge
The most challenging part of Revelation's very clear message is a call to bold allegiance to Jesus Christ, and a call to refuse to compromise with the world.
10 Things You Should Know about Jesus’s Final Days on Earth
Jesus clearly explains the message of the Scriptures “concerning himself” in Luke 24; he also provides a model for faithful Bible reading.
How Charles Spurgeon Learned to Preach through a Broken Heart
When the heart is overwhelmed, it’s one thing to survive adversity; it is something entirely different to continue preaching Sunday after Sunday, month after month.
Podcast: How to Create a Plan for Family Worship (David Murray)
Why and how should we implement a routine of family worship? What are the reasons it's hard for families to remain consistent and see fruit?
“Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Understanding Jesus’s Cry on the Cross
Matthew Y. Emerson, Brandon D. Smith
The crucifixion is a good case study in showing how a careful Trinitarian framework can help work through thorny issues related to the Trinity and salvation.
Hope in the Midst of Languishing
Spiritual growth in seasons of languishing is more about persevering through the struggle for belief than it is about arriving at a settled conclusion.
God deals with sinners in one of two ways: deserved justice, or undeserved grace.
Can We Reshape Ourselves into Whatever We Want?
The idea of self-creation, that we can shape our essences by acts of will, is deeply embedded in the way we now think.
Advice for Wisely Navigating the Internet
Wisdom is knowing where you're going and sticking to that. Foolishness is straying off the path, being susceptible to people on the periphery calling for your attention.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Answer My Kid’s Tough Questions
Rather than seeing our cultural challenges today only as obstacles for our kids, I’m increasingly convinced they’re opportunities to do three important things.
Making the Most of Your Bible Study
The more we are tugged, the more we have to work to guard the time we give to personal study of our Bibles.
The Unresolved “Why” of Suffering
When tragedy strikes, almost everyone who believes in God, along with almost everyone who claims they don’t, asks the same question: Why does God allow suffering?
The Nicene Creed and the Importance of a Single Letter
The church could not be as grateful to anyone as they can and should be to Athanasius.
Intimacy with Christ Is for Men and Women
The Song of Songs gives us permission to have a very intimate, affectionate relationship with Jesus.
Why Study the Books of Colossians and Philemon?
Why study Paul’s letters to the Colossians and Philemon? Let me provide three reasons.
Hopelessness Leads Us to the True Hope of Christmas
God created our lives to be propelled and directed by hope, and he meant our capacity for hope to drive us to him.
Dear Pastor, Avoid the Common Pitfall That Will Sabotage Your Ministry
In seeking to be good stewards of God’s truth and his church, we must be mindful of the common pitfalls that can undermine our efforts to lead well.
Everything John tells us about Jesus leads us to his cross and his empty tomb—to his substitutionary death and glorious resurrection.
Podcast: Should Christians Fear God? (Michael Reeves)
What is the Bible getting at when it commands us to fear the Lord? Is it ever sinful to fear?
Why Youth Pastors Must Be Gifted to Teach God's Word
Historically, churches have had a false paradigm for what youth ministry should look like. It's far more than getting kids in the door and keeping them out of trouble.
Why Christians Depend on Revelation from God
Christianity is a religion that rests on revelation: nobody would know the truth about God, or be able to relate to him in a personal way, had not God first acted to make himself known.
4 Crucial Truths the Gospel Presents
Perhaps more clearly than any other book of the Bible, Romans contains a deliberate, step-by-step expression of what Paul understood to be the good news.
4 Ideas for Art Journaling with Your ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Here are just a few ideas for how you might use the ESV Digital Scripture Journal to express your creativity and connect with God through Scripture.
Counseling Fallen People Based on the Bible’s Teaching on Sin
One of the ongoing problems in the counseling world is that there is no grand unifying theory that explains what is ultimately wrong with people. This is not a problem for Christians.
God shows us how he consistently provides for people who cannot provide for themselves.
The Collapse of the Secularization Hypothesis
It has long been assumed that the rise of modernity will be accompanied by the decline of religion, but the scholarly consensus today rejects the secularization hypothesis.
Pastor: What Your Wife Wishes You Knew about Being a Pastor’s Wife
Having been a pastor’s wife for many years, let me share with you some of the struggles your wife may be dealing with.
Why You Should Teach Your Kids about the Reformation
The Reformers so clearly point us back to Christ, and point us to Scripture.
Devon Provencher, Jessica Robyn Provencher
How can we avoid unintentionally communicating to our littles untrue things about God?
How Hudson Taylor Shocked People out of Indifference about Missions
Hudson Taylor was committed to proclaim the gospel to people who were passing into eternity without hope and without God.
Introducing ‘Do You Believe?’ by Paul David Tripp
Paul David Tripp takes a close look at 12 core doctrines and how they engage and transform the human heart and mind.
Take Up Your Cross: Live a Balanced Life
Living a balanced life does not mean doing everything in moderation; rather, it means being obedient in every area of life.
Podcast: Family Discipleship 101 (Adam Griffin)
What is family discipleship, and how can parents start discipling their kids?
Sexual ethics, and a high standard of sexual integrity, are so vital. It is vital because it isn't just a petty taboo.
Modeling Our Faith to Our Kids as Both a Sinner and a Saint
Two key components are essential for family discipleship through Christian modeling. A godly role model needs to be reliable and relatable.
Since the cross was a monstrous symbol of death and defeat in the first century, it is no wonder that early Christians were mocked for worshiping a crucified Savior.
Introducing the ESV Panorama New Testament
View many of the New Testament books in their entirety on a panoramic, two-page spread with this new edition.
Deacons are not the church’s spiritual council of directors, nor the executive board to whom the pastor-CEO answers. They are a cavalry of servants.
Innovation Exists by God’s Design
Innovators—both virtuous ones and nefarious ones—are created by God. Scripture protects us from the myth that God is trying his best to stifle and subdue the unwieldiness of human technology.
Believers of every era grapple with God’s command to give up everything for his sake, even while they strive to understand the corresponding promise of greater rewards.
Dear Pastor . . . Don’t Undervalue the Sacraments
Many pastors and churches today grant the sacraments a low status in public worship, but the sacraments have played a vital role in nourishing God’s people throughout church history.
5 Things Jonathan Edwards Teaches Us about the Christian Life
Dane Ortlund talks shares five things Jonathan Edwards teaches us about the Christian life.
An Open Letter to the College Student Facing Weighty Decisions
The further into college you step, the more you realize that what you thought was the destination is really only an incredible depot for decisions.
5 Things Your Children Need from You
Parenting is not a behavior-control mission; it is a heart-rescue mission. The only hope for a lost child is a radical transformation of his heart.
The Importance of Lament in the Midst of COVID-19
The more you know about lament, the more things really come alive to you in reading Jeremiah's lament. His lament is so relevant to the suffering that we’re going through right now.
The Relationship between Saving Faith and God-Pleasing Works
Paul underlines repeatedly the crucial and powerful relationship between faith and the good works of love.
How Was the Resurrection of Lazarus Different than the Resurrection of Jesus?
Lazarus would die again, but Jesus would not. And for all who trust in Christ who are united to him by faith, what is his is now ours.
Dear Pastor, Value Character over Performance
Every leadership community needs to recognize that ministry is an intersection of many competing and conflicting motivations.
As the last books in the Hebrew Old Testament, the books of 1–2 Chronicles prepare God’s people for the arrival of Jesus.
Using Reader's Mode in the New ESV Bible App
We removed verse numbers, section headings, and translation footnotes so as to declutter each page and help readers focus their attention on the biblical text itself.
For the Joy before Him, Christ Came
When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.
How Suffering Can Be Our Teacher
There’s no way you’re ever going to learn endurance without having to keep on going through something hard that doesn’t go away.
3 Things to Remember When You're Feeling Anxious
Anxiety is an understandable part of life. God reassures us that we need not worry and can bring our fears to him in prayer.
A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Work of the Holy Spirit
Many people will be surprised to discover that the work of the Holy Spirit was not developed as a doctrine until after the Protestant Reformation.
4 Questions about Leading Family Devotions
It is critically important to give our lives in the service of leading our children to be followers and friends of Jesus.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Gender
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Remember that you want to be the first person to have the conversation with your child to be able to lay the biblical foundation. Otherwise, culture will form the foundation for you.
4 Pieces of Advice for Stressed Out Christians
Take the necessary steps to communicate about and treat your burnout. These 4 steps will help you begin to heal.
The Importance of the Gathered Church
Love is messy. You know what else? The gospel is messy. It means loving sinners—people like you and me.
Why Study the Books of Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah?
These books are rich with God’s truth about our sin and need of redemption as well as his love for us in the savior Jesus Christ.
What It Means That God Is Rich in Mercy
Nowhere else in the Bible is God described as rich in anything. The only thing he is called rich in is mercy. What does this mean?
Pastors' Wives: 5 Misconceptions
Pastors' wives don't have it all together, despite what others might think or expect.
An Antislavery Message from 1776 by the Nation’s First Black Ordained Minister
It is evident, by ocular demonstration, that man by his depravity has procured many corrupt habits that are detrimental to society.
Gospel-Centered Partnership: The Rafiki Foundation
Through a recent partnership with Crossway, The Rafiki Foundation is now working to equip thousands of Christian leaders in Africa with study Bibles and other ministry resources.
The reason God became man was to die. As God pure and simple, he could not die for sinners. But as man he could. His aim was to die.
Sin and the Snake separated us from God, but the Snake Crusher came to restore our relationship.
How to Help Your Kids Love the Bible
As parents and caregivers, we want our children to know the God revealed in the Bible and come to love his word deeply, just as we have.
Why Your Youth Group Needs Generational Integration
Offering students opportunities in the church makes them feel as if they are contributing—here and now.
In God’s sweet providence, I began studying Psalm 90 about a year before my eightieth birthday, asking the Lord to teach me how to glorify him in old age.
Black, Reformed, but Foremost Christian
We have solid, historical, and biblical grounds upon which to stand as we seek to be an instrument of God in spreading his righteousness, peace, and joy throughout the world.
10 Things You Should Know about Love
We often say “love” when we mean sexual intimacy, or romantic love. But real love is far bigger than that.
Why Every Parent Should Embrace Their Inability
It is vital that you believe and admit that you have no power whatsoever to change your child.
What the author of Hebrews is getting at is the perfect marriage between doctrine and practice. If we believe the things that he has declared, that has radical implications for how we live our lives.
The maker of the universe is not far off—he is nearby. Realizing this is a huge first step in trading anxiety for patience.
How Discipleship Yields Restoration
The Acts of the Apostles is basically an account of how the Holy Spirit transforms the earliest followers of Jesus into the restored people of God, the beginnings of God’s new creation.
Introducing the ‘ESV Reader's Letters of Paul’
Enjoy reading the thirteen letters of the apostle Paul without verse or chapter numbers in a clean, single-column format.
The biblical proverbs as a whole have a Godward goal: the fear of the Lord. As preachers, our job is to focus on that fear.
5 Steps for Maximizing Time with Unbelievers
We interact with family in a host of mundane activities that seem disconnected from eternity—but they are most certainly not.
Podcast: Is Singleness Superior to Marriage? (Sam Allberry)
Culture often idolizes romance and intimacy. In this episode of The Crossway Podcast, Sam Allberry offers insight on the value and unique gifts of singleness.
5 Myths about the Relationship between Science and Faith
The dispute between the church and Galileo sowed the seed for the apparent divorce between science and faith.
God's Intention Was a World Full of Diversity
Where do our differences come from? How should we think about them? And what do we do with them when we meet them? To answer those questions, we need an origin story.
Alongside regular preaching and teaching, John Owen produced many works, including books on toleration, his monumental multi-volume writings on the Holy Spirit, and four large folio volumes on Hebrews.
When you’re talking about discipline for the purpose of godliness, it’s with an eye on the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who enables godliness.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Corinthians?
If otherwise vital Pauline notions such as “grace” and “law” are nowhere near the heart of Paul’s concerns in 2 Corinthians, what is the heart or center or core burden of this letter?
You Don't Need a Degree to Read (and Understand) the Bible
Sometimes we make studying the Bible more complicated than it has to be. In reality, it's actually just a matter of asking the right questions that point us in the right direction as we seek to relate to God through his Word.
A Diagnosis of Our Culture's View of Sexuality
We've lost the ability to talk about sex and gender, asking sex to be what it was never meant to be.
What Does Depression Mean for My Faith?
Kathryn Butler speaks to some of the misconceptions about clinical depression, which can be especially challenging for those of us who are followers of Christ.
The Longing of Every Human Heart
There is no emotion, no experience, and no quest more authentically human than love.
12 Notable Quotes from Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel
Marriage was created to evidence Christ’s love for his bride, the church. Our earthly relationships, though marred by our sin, can point us toward this true and ultimate reality.
Can we simply say “no” whenever we are tempted?
The Biblical Case for Observing the Sabbath Today
We were made to work, but we were made for more than work. We were made for worship—fellowship in communion with the living God.
How Old Testament Kings Bear Witness about Jesus
The book of 1 Kings tells the story of fourteen “kings of the Jews,” framed by King Solomon—and this story foretells the coming of the Messiah.
The 5th Commandment Is for Adults Too
The fifth commandment is found in the middle of a list of commands clearly addressed to adults, targeting issues that are, developmentally speaking, primarily the concerns of adulthood.
What Makes Charles Spurgeon Relevant Today?
Spurgeon's ministry was marked by his constant looking to Christ for his salvation.
The Bible’s Grand Narrative: A 1-Month Reading Plan
Though the Bible compiles the voices and writings of many individuals, it is, in fact, one story—written by God.
The Hardest Thing Jesus Said about My Money
Perhaps you felt a twinge of discomfort when Jesus told the rich young man to give everything he had to the poor and follow him. But he’s not done.
5 Myths about Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry shouldn’t merely be about teaching Christian character and morality to the younger generation. No, it’s an incredible opportunity to help kids see Christ!
What Your Church Needs More than Productivity
Prayer shows our dependence on God. It honors him as the source of all blessing, and it reminds us that converting individuals and growing churches are his works, not ours.
The Church Should Mind Its Spiritual Business
The calling, or mission, of the church as the church is to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth, not to be another merely (or even chiefly) political, social, or economic institution.
It’s at the cross that we lay down our indifference and our fears about the work set before us in shepherding eternal souls in favor of full investment and commitment to the job.
11 Notable Quotes from Everyday Faithfulness
What does Christian faithfulness look like when life feels unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? Be encouraged by these quotes from Everday Faithfulness by Glenna Marshall.
Spiritually Hungry? The Church Service Is Your Main Meal
We have a set-apart opportunity to breathe in God’s breathed-out words, to hear, and to believe. I want to encourage you: this matters!
Is Joy in Christ Possible When All I See Is My Sin?
We think that somehow we have exceeded God’s capacity to forgive. We deceive ourselves to think that our sin is greater than his grace.
No More Hiding behind the Past
The Bible has a lot to teach us when it comes to thinking about our pasts. Whatever your situation may be, it is no surprise to God. Our challenge is to not allow the past to control our walk with God in the present.
How to Honor the Lord with Your Summer Vacation
When you take your vacation time, how do you reflect your priorities and honor the Lord?
The One and Only Way to Enjoy Evangelizing
If we fear that God’s love for us is reluctant or that his approval rests on our performance, we won’t feel any real affection for him, our service will be grudging, and the world will likely see through us.
The Case for Traditional Marriage in the Midst of Efforts to Redefine It
Over the course of decades, widespread divorce, cohabitation, and unwed childbearing changed how people thought about marriage.
How to Pray for the African Church
Major news outlets in the world tend to concentrate on the economic poverty and social deprivation that characterizes much of Africa, but then many believers miss what God is doing in his church across the continent.
Hospitality Starts with Your Family
Hospitality towards others then becomes a natural outworking or extension of what we are already practicing within our own homes.
Does Psalm 91 Promise Too Much?
“In the whole collection there is not a more cheering Psalm,” wrote Charles Spurgeon of Psalm 91. But does it promise too much? Can it possibly be true?
A church’s commitment to prayer is one of the greatest determiners of its effectiveness in ministry.
The Lord’s Supper in Redemptive History
The Gospels tell us that the Lord’s Supper occupies a significant place within redemptive history.
The “gospel according to Daniel” comes in glowing revelations of the power of God to redeem his people, overcome their enemies, and plan their future.
Introducing the ‘ESV Exhaustive Concordance’
Introducing a new tool to help with in-depth word study.
Does Doctrine Matter for the Everyday Christian?
Does the doctrine of justification make a difference in the way that we live the Christian life?
Quiet is a means of God’s grace. Why does it make us so uncomfortable?
Understanding the Bible Thematically
Two books, two ways to study the Bible.
Who’s in Charge at Church? 3 Ways the Answer Is You
The whole congregation has the responsibility for its health, its preaching, and its membership. All the members together are responsible.
44 Activities for Kids That Don't Involve Screens
Most Christian parents would like their children to spend less time in front of a screen. Since ideas can be hard to come up with in the moment, here’s a list of 44 activities that don’t involve screens.
7 Questions about the Septuagint
The “Septuagint” is a catchall term that usually refers to the corpus of ancient Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible. What else should we know about it?
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Entering Holy Week
A sample day’s readings from O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, a 48-day devotional liturgy to help readers effectively prepare their hearts from Pascha (Easter) to Pentecost.
Heroes, Dragons, and Other True Myths
In our disenchanted age we have made tales of the supernatural synonymous with falsehood. It should not be so. Every myth is a shadow cast by the light of truth.
The Right and Wrong Way to Read Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11 is a very familiar verse to many Christians. Jason DeRouchie examines how someone might apply this verse rightly—and wrongly.
Given God’s high ideals for what families should be—reflections of the very nature of a loving, personal God, sources of intimacy and security, and environments that foster godly character—it should come as no surprise that the Devil would want to destroy them.
The Unlikely Companion Who Walked with Me Through My Season of Grief
We suffer in the fallen world. We wait for the return of Christ. We aim to move fruitfully toward glory. In the Christian life, all things begin, point to, and end in eternity.
An Open Letter to the Preacher Writing a Sermon
Grace is slow sometimes. But grace is also powerful. The Lord will do his work.
A Movie So Good It Will Ruin You—Would You Watch It?
Do we have the ability to keep ourselves from entertainment unto death?
How and When Kids Learn Theology
Kids really learn theology when it moves from being information in their heads to truth in their lives.
12 Notable Quotes from Confronting Christianity
The gospel challenges some of our culture’s deepest beliefs and can prompt a lot of questions, yet we are called to make a defense for our hope.
Practicing Thankfulness during a Pandemic
There is a kind of thankfulness that is grateful not only for what isn’t but for what is. The Bible doesn’t exhort us merely to be thankful in everything, but for everything.
What Should We Do When Members Won’t Attend?
Pursuing longstanding non-attenders and disciplining those who can’t be found is a mark of a healthy church.
Introducing ‘The Biggest Story ABC’ Board Book
Kevin DeYoung has once again teamed up with illustrator Don Clark to create a new ABC board book for kids aimed at walking them through the Bible's overarching story.
Where Do Christians Get the Doctrine of Total Depravity?
Doctrines arise out of holding together a whole number of biblical texts and then synthesizing internally related doctrines as they’ve been understood through church history.
Why Philosophy Matters for Christians
Philosophy matters for Christians because many of the debates are about the "big questions" of human existence.
The word submission is loaded with a powder keg of emotions. We live in a culture more accustomed to questioning authority than submitting to it.
What Is the Foundational Authority of Scripture?
That the whole authority of the Scripture in itself, depends solely on its divine original, is confessed by all who acknowledge its authority.
Life is a war for glory. Even those of us who have rested in Jesus to bring an end to our battle for glory still fight skirmishes in which we feel our reputations are at risk.
The Only Way We Can Overcome the Debilitating Power of Shame
Shame is undoubtedly one of the most crippling and destructive experiences in the human soul. To a certain extent, we’re all hardwired for self-punishment.
Christ in All of Scripture - Ezekiel 36:24-27
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Crushing Freedom of Decision-Making
One of the unanticipated weights of living in an age of unprecedented freedom is the anxiety that comes as its counterpart.
My Master wants room! Room for him! Room for him! I, his herald, cry aloud, Room for the Savior! Room!
Can Jesus Pray “Imprecatory” Prayers?
There is a great difference between letting loose a curse against someone and praying for God to execute his just judgment on them.
If the Bible Is Enough, Why Is It Good to Retell Bible Stories?
God, throughout history, has always given not only his word to people but also has given qualified men who might teach others.
A Teen’s Argument for the Bible’s Truthfulness
Christianity isn’t a religious system that collapses if you think about it too hard. The truth can stand up to the toughest questions.
Guiding Children to Adulthood: What Does Success Look Like?
With grown or nearly grown adult children, it can be easy to despair and think it is too late to improve or repair our relationship with our kids. But is anything too difficult for God?
Men: Seek Transparency Rather than Accountability
Accountability opens the door for men to be pressured, cornered, and coerced into admitting what they really don't want to admit.
Our work, when earnestly undertaken, lays us open to attacks in the direction of depression.
A Vital yet Neglected Attribute of God
The patience of God does not today receive the emphasis it should, especially in preaching.
Podcast: Sexual Confusion, Cultural Lies, and Our Christian Witness (Rosaria Butterfield)
Rosaria Butterfield responds to many of the most common claims and arguments that we often hear related to gender and sexuality today. She also answers tough questions that many of us may encounter.
The Mission of Your Church Will Shape How You Think
A church’s mission impacts what kind of church you will join. Different churches will shape your conscience, your spiritual life, and your worship differently.
Fulfilling Your Personal Definition of Happiness Is Not God’s Goal
Our agenda, our definition of what a good God should give us, is a life that is comfortable, pleasurable, and predictable; one in which there’s lots of human affirmation and no suffering.
3 Questions about Christ’s Sinlessness
Temptation cannot be defined in terms of the capacity of the one tempted to succumb. Temptation is enticement to sin from whatever source.
What a Heated Disagreement between Two Puritans Can Teach Us Today
It takes the effort to understand and to empathize—in an age of polarization when empathy seems to be in short supply. It takes time and mutual generosity.
On the side of God’s infinity, there is a complete chasm between God on one side and man, the animal, the flower, and the machine on the other. On the side of God’s infinity, He stands alone.
Don’t Define Gender Apart from the Bible
What it means to be men and women is a really complex issue and one that's very controversial today, so we need to be really careful not to go beyond what God has said.
How Professors Can Integrate Faith and Learning
Christian scholars must demonstrate a deep humility before a sovereign God before they can learn anything.
Podcast: The Church's Leadership Crisis (Paul David Tripp)
What is the church's leadership crisis and what is the solution?
However baptism is conducted, we go under the water as a picture of our death with Christ and we rise up from the water as a picture of our resurrection with Christ.
How Can You Know If You’re Called to Marriage?
Every man is bound to choose that condition in which he may serve God with the best advantages and which tends most to his spiritual welfare and increase in holiness.
What qualities does something possess in order to merit the title classic?
Practical Faithfulness in the Throes of Motherhood
Know that God’s mercy abounds every morning, and his grace covers you. The Lord loves you, he is working toward your spiritual growth, and he is not done sanctifying you.
Why We Can Be Hopeful about the Pro-Life Movement
There are reasons we can be hopeful about the pro-life movement. Hear why Russell Moore thinks so.
Dear Pastor . . . Save Your Church from Yourself
Pastor, you also must keep a close watch on yourself. Neglect your own soul, and your public teaching, however seemingly fruitful, is a ticking time bomb.
An Open Letter to the New Christian
Now that you're a Christian, what do you in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead? Here are a few practical suggestions as you seek to follow the Lord.
How Can I Be Ready to Defend the Hope I Have?
If one is to be adequately prepared to give an answer for one’s Christian faith, the lordship of Christ must be a solid and unwavering commitment of one’s heart.
3 Musts before You Hit “Reply”
A commitment to wholesome talk isn’t first a commitment to a restricted vocabulary but rather to change at the level of the thoughts, desires, intentions, and choices of the heart.
The main purpose of Daniel is to reveal to us who God is—his character, his purposes, his way of working in the world for the good of his people.
Revival Is a Corporate Blessing
Revival is a work of the Spirit, it is extraordinary, and it comes to a group of people.
Does the Gospel Need a Feminist Rescue?
Men and women and children are to conduct themselves in accordance with a pattern. A woman’s personal gifts do not take priority over the design pattern that God established in the garden.
A pastor preaches on marriage often enough to know how a husband should love his wife, right?
To Be a Woman Is to Be Fully Human
Being a woman means being human. And this is good news.
Video: Jen Wilkin on Staying Motivated in Bible Study
In this video, author and Bible study leader Jen Wilkin offers some advice for staying motivated in our reading of God's Word and explains the limitations of topical Bible studies.
2 Ways Our Motives Can Be Twisted in Discipleship
When Christians discuss any given topic, our aim should be to align our thoughts with God’s thoughts, not his thoughts with our thoughts.
How to Pray When You Want to Give Up in Ministry
If you’ve been in the pastorate very long, you most likely have considered walking away and doing something else—anything else—with our lives.
How to Go from Fearful to Forgiven
Isaiah 53 has to be the best news for sinners, and that's all of us.
A Devotional on Communing with God through Nature by George Washington Carver
Nature in its varied forms are the little windows through which God permits me to commune with Him, and to see much of His glory, majesty, and power by simply lifting the curtain and looking in.
To know the attributes of God is to not only know God, but to know what God is like. To know what God is like is to know what God is toward us. More pointedly, to know God is to know Christ.
The way deacons are described in the New Testament and the way they operate is that they are exemplary servants who function on behalf of a congregation to assist the elders by doing at least three things.
The Secret to Resolving Conflict
The Song of Songs does give us some guides for navigating marital conflict.
What Does It Mean for a Man to Lead His Home?
A father who understands the Bible, loves the Lord, and has surrendered his life to Christ should not apologize for being the head of the house.
Perhaps one of the greatest misunderstandings concerning the Christian faith is that God is only concerned with “good people.”
Introducing the ‘ESV Journaling Study Bible’
Learn about a new Bible featuring both in-depth study notes and plenty of room for taking your own notes as you study God’s Word.
Why Pastors Should Catechize Their Congregations
Catechism benefits adults and children alike by giving them a deeper understanding of theology and the ability to communicate those beliefs well.
4 Ways Healthy Church Members Cultivate True Growth
How do healthy church members cultivate such growth? The following are some suggestions for continuing to develop godliness or holiness in life.
What’s New about the Revised Edition of ‘Kingdom through Covenant’?
Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum
The authors of a landmark work of biblical theology explain what’s changed in the second edition.
Are you too foolish and slow of heart to understand why life sometimes doesn’t make sense?
Don’t Let Go of God’s Sovereignty over Your Worst
God did and does have something to do with your tragedy. I know this sounds like a cruel statement, but stay with me. There is hope in the end.
2 Things Pastors Can Learn from Spurgeon’s Preaching
One of Spurgeon's great strengths is that he would always seek preach Christ to people where they were at and to their needs.
Men: Pursue Others Like Jesus Pursues You
All the biblical stories of the Lord moving toward people are stories of grace. Grace is God’s moving toward us in Christ.
What the Church Today Needs to Hear from the Book of Revelation
This message to patiently endure persecution for Christ is a message our church needs today. And if where we are right now means we don’t need it today, maybe we will tomorrow.
Why Dating Doesn’t End with Marriage
Justin Buzzard helps men remember and re-learn the all-important (and often forgotten) skill of dating their wives.
Christ in All of Scripture - Psalm 1
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Is it possible you look at personal holiness like I look at camping? It’s fine for other people.
How to Commune with Christ on a Crazy Day
How should you think about, and engage in the “spiritual disciplines” when God’s good, but often inconvenient, sovereignty has you reeling?
What is God's Ultimate Purpose?
Do you want to ponder a question that has roots that stretch so far back into eternity past that we will never come to the end of them? How about this: What is God’s ultimate purpose?
Infographic: 4 Biblical Ways to Pray
How do you pray biblically? Paul Miller outlines four ways to help you pray biblical prayers.
You Must Study the Bible with a Purpose
Every good endeavor should be done with purpose. Without a clear sense of purpose, our efforts to do a good thing well can flounder.
An Unnecessary Pastoral Disconnect
Pastoral leadership should be by appointment of Christ and in union with Christ and should prioritize preaching the word of Christ on the mission of Christ.
Help! My Kids Are Bored This Summer
We can help our children begin to take ownership over their time—and to recognize it's given to them by God to steward well.
Work in the New Heavens and New Earth
This side of the sin at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, our work is ruined by all manner of afflictions moral, physical, emotional, and mental.
Only God Sees the Whole Elephant
The Bible itself says that there are things God hasn’t revealed anywhere. But the God who has revealed himself through the Bible is not a God who hides.
Generosity is the calling card of all who are recipients of the generous good news of salvation through Christ.
The Most Shocking Story We've Ever Heard
You will never find anything so shocking, so strange, so weird and spellbinding as the story of the incarnation of the Son of God.
You Can Trust God's Design for Sex
The essence of obedience is not simply doing the right stuff. Rather, the essence of obedience is the heart, and what must live in the heart of the obedient person is a willing submission to God’s authority.
The Hidden Prayers and Pray-ers behind Great Movements
God designed his church to look like his Son who spent most of his life hidden, so the most important people in the church are often invisible.
Keep It Simple Stupid: Martin Luther on the Christian Life
Martin Luther saw clearly that the Christian life is actually distinguished not by elaborate complexity but by its beautiful, simple, accessible Christ.
What If I Differ with My Pastor on Politics?
You may disagree with your pastor’s approach on a particular issue. He could be wrong. You could be wrong. It may be important enough to leave. It may not.
We Need Spiritual Sight to Read about Jesus
The disciples’ journey with Jesus on the road to Emmaus poignantly illustrates the fact that we need spiritual sight to recognize Jesus’s true identity as revealed in the Scriptures.
What Our Pro-Life Predecessors Can Teach Us about Standing against Abortion
Success on the abortion supply side—cutting down the number of abortion suppliers—is only part of the battle. Work on the demand side is at least as important.
We Should Expect Frustration When Reading the Bible
If we give in to impatience with the learning process, we tend to react in one of two ways.
Podcast: A Christian Scientific Perspective on Evolution (Stephen Meyer)
Stephen Meyer discusses the controversial topic of theistic evolution and explains what the term does and doesn't mean.
What's the Difference between Tolerance and Recognition?
Tolerance is that I'll allow you to live in society, but I'm not going to fully approve of you. Recognition involves full approval.
Podcast: The Surprising Power of Lament (Mark Vroegop)
Mark Vroegop shares his family’s story of loss and grief, recounting how God used that experience to introduce him to the biblical concept of lament.
We can’t really understand Puritanism at all—that movement so concerned with genuinely loving God in their communities, churches, and families,—without understanding the part played by Puritan women.
In the Lord I Take Refuge: Daily Devotions through the Psalms with Dane Ortlund
Join author Dane C. Ortlund for a 30-episode journey as he reflects on the riches of the psalms.
When the eternal Son of God became flesh and dwelt among us, he crossed an infinite chasm.
Writing to people who were discouraged by living, after the exile, Zechariah encouraged them to look forward to the day when the Lord would act once again.
Dear Pastor . . . We Are Out of Balance
The world as God created it was designed with perfect balance. What is balance? It is everything in its right place doing what it was meant to do. We cannot even picture such a world.
The Conversion and Execution of Tokichi Ishii
An example of the power of God’s word to awaken well-grounded faith, even if the believer does not know how to describe what has happened.
What It Means that Christ Died for God's Elect
In the phrase definite atonement, the adjective definite does double duty. The death of Christ is definite in its intent and it's definite in its nature—Christ's death really will atone for his people's sins.
Did You Know Martin Luther Practiced Bible Journaling?
While Bible journaling might be thought of as a more modern practice, God’s people have been engaging in this form of devotion and study for hundreds of years.
How Christianity Transformed Our Understanding of History
According to Herman Bavinck, the very understanding of history itself was transformed by Christianity.
Watch Out for Functional Atheism
In the midst of storms in your life, have you forgotten who Jesus is?
3 Crucial Qualities of All Good Sermons
Pastors need all three of these views in order to give an accurate account of what God is doing and will do.
James is a beloved epistle, eminently practical and full of vivid exhortations to godly living.
4 Things to Remember When Meeting with Jesus
Pray, have a plan, be patient, and be positive. You will meet him in his word.
Start Early: Teaching Your Kids the 10 Commandments
There have been three items that have formed the backbone of the church’s catechesis: the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.
Does God Really Care about My Job?
He does care about your job because he cares about you, and he has given you a calling of extending his kingdom, his name, and his glory into the place that you work.
Making Every Issue “Your Thing” Is Impossible
In this digital age we have access to millions of people's hopes, dreams, fears, pain, and suffering. Shouldn't we be doing something about all of these problems?
Today it is considered good form to weep discretely, dab tears and turn away, to be quiet and subdued. But in Jewish culture in the first century, that was simply not the way it was.
An Open Letter to the Christian Frontline Medical Worker
The work to which you’ve devoted your life can plunge you into your darkest hours, luring you into doubts about God’s love, perhaps even about his existence. Where is God in all this?
Endure Suffering with Patience until Jesus Returns
It may be that many people approach the book of Revelation with the assumption that somehow, as they look at the book, it's going to give them a better sense of when Jesus is going to return.
David Powlison’s Answer to the Question “Why Me?”
David Powlison (1949–2019) reminds us that God does not offer advice and perspective from afar; he steps into our suffering.
Is There Such a Thing as Race?
It is a healthy sign to wish that the term “race” did not exist. It has not served well to enhance human relations.
If the Bible is telling us the truth about reality, then the universe we live in was created primarily with marital romance in mind.
The Beauty of God’s Hierarchical World
Lewis insists on something that is radically out of step with the modern world.
How Angels and Demons Intersect with the Christian Life
What does Scripture have to say about angels and demons and what role do they play in the world today?
Voddie Baucham Jr. offers seven steps to implement family worship in your home.
This Lenten Season, Place Your Pride on His Altar
This Lenten season, don’t just give up physical stuff. How about coming to God with the pleasing sacrifice of confession? Come to him and confess your wandering heart.
The Depressing Dead End of “Your Truth”
Your truth. Those two words are so entrenched in our lexicon today that we hardly recognize them for the incoherent nightmare that they are.
Dear Pastor . . . Your Leadership Is Needed in the Pulpit
Pastor, the work of shepherding God’s people naturally involves and requires good leadership. There’s no more important place for that to happen than in your preaching ministry every week.
What Is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
Jesus teaches all the things that will be forgiven of people and then closes that talk by saying that the one thing that will not be forgiven in this world or the next is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
We won’t be able to overcome our insecurities if we do not have a biblical understanding of who God is and respond appropriately to that understanding.
An Open Letter to the Church on the Issue of Infertility
Recognizing that many couples in your church community are infertile will invariably change the way you think about your community.
What Is the Difference between Union and Communion with Christ?
An important distinction that a lot of Christians misunderstand is between the eternal union we have with God and the experiential communion that we have on a daily basis.
For Christians, the start of a new year arrives with reminders afresh of the glorious promises that God has made to his people through the Bible.
Meditate On and Mutter God’s Word
Slowly and prayerfully turning over Scripture engages the eyes, the ears, and the mouth, and drills through the granite to the heart—maximizing internalization and devotion.
When human beings are delivered through pregnancy and birth pain, there is more going on than biological processes and physiological mechanics.
Reviving a Classical Vision of Pastoral Ministry
Coleman M. Ford, Shawn J. Wilhite
According to Scripture, the pastor first and foremost prays (Acts 6), shepherds his people (1 Pet. 5), lives a virtuous life in the Spirit, and upholds sound teaching in local settings.
What Ecclesiastes Taught Me about Being a Mom
We all hit moments when life shatters our expectations of motherhood. My “moment” came early on, but sooner or later it happens to all of us.
Is the Book of Proverbs an Instruction Manual for Life?
Gregory Goswell, Andreas J. Köstenberger
The essential mystery of life is not denied or dispelled by Proverbs, and it is a misreading to view it as naïvely optimistic about the temporal prospects of the godly.
Why Does Jesus Call Himself the “Door”?
Jesus is saying that, as the door, as we enter into eternal life with him and through him, we will be saved. He is access to salvation.
4 Key Components of Mainstream Anglicanism
Jesus Christ fills the mental horizon of mainstream Anglican believers; the claim and the purpose is that in all we do, we are seeking Christ’s glory and furthering his kingdom.
Why Should We Disciple Younger Women?
Disciple-making is helping others to see Christ for what he is
6 Purposes for Plural Leadership
Leading in community puts us under a holy spotlight. But it’s all part of God’s plan and protection.
4 Distinct Ways That God Is Unchangeable
God is unchangeable in his essence. He is unalterably fixed in his being, so that not a particle of it can be lost from it, not a mite added to it.
Can Theistic Evolution and Original Sin Coexist?
Our friends who hold to theistic evolution maintain that Adam and Eve were ordinary human beings, doing sinful deeds for their entire lives just as all other human beings do.
5 Practical Implications of Your Union with Christ
We are all born by nature into Adam. We can only be reborn into Christ. Our standing before God, our inner nature, and our eternal destiny all flow from which of these two men is our representative.
When Genuine Obedience Becomes Impossible, Hell Becomes Impossible as Well
There’s no way to understand the pastoral epistles unless you realize Paul has a category for Christians who are living a faithful, obedient life, and a category for those who are unrepentant, in whom there’s no progress.
Nativity Scenes, T-Rexes, and the Gestalt Shift
One of the most powerful human experiences is when one construal is replaced with another, when a shift in the Gestalt happens and we come to see in a different way.
Falling Behind in Your Bible Reading Plan Isn’t Your Greatest Danger
Perhaps the biggest danger in reading and studying our Bibles is to miss the whole point, which is to miss encountering Jesus, the risen Lord and Savior of us all.
Podcast: Real Faithfulness Is the Kind No One Sees (Glenna Marshall)
Glenna Marshall talks about the life-changing practice of Scripture memory, the oft-given advice to give ourselves grace, and the importance of perseverance in the Christian life.
How to Incorporate Biblical Archaeology into Your Preaching
Is there a connection between archaeology and preaching? Do the two relate? What is there point of intersection?
Grace Gives Us a New Way to Live
The most outrageous acts of penance in the world are powerless to do what needs to be done—radically transform your heart. So you and I are left with only one final option.
How can we raise kids to recognize with heartfelt gratitude that they are served by an endless conveyor belt of divinely supplied benefits including life, breath, and everything?
Introducing the Crossway Short Classics Series
Rediscover these historically significant classic works and be encouraged by timeless truths for all Christians.
The Problem with Child-Directed Parenting
Young children cannot “lead” parents to a Jesus they do not know, but parents can lead a child to a Jesus the parents know and love.
With our course marked out for learning contentment, let’s think about how we might evaluate where we are in our own personal progress.
How Creativity Can Fuel Your Worship
If God created us in his likeness, wouldn’t he make us with creative minds and hands? What if engaging in creativity could draw us into deeper worship of our Creator God?
What's So Special about John Calvin?
If readers look to Calvin they will find a godly pastor who, with all of his flaws, evades the caricatures and exhibits the sort of piety that we need desperately today.
Why You Need a Sabbath from Your Tech
The human body is remarkable in similarities to an efficient machine, but we are physical beings with finite limitations and eternal souls.
The Temple(s) Filled with God’s Presence
What a glorious end to the story! In the new Jerusalem, there is no temple, no need for one particular place where God will dwell, because he dwells right out in the open, among his people.
We’ll Be Truly Alive on Our Third Birthday
Some day, some way, my heart will stop, as sure as eggs are eggs, and that what the world will call my death-day will really be a birthday—the third in line.
Practical Atheism Comes Naturally to Us
Practical atheism is natural to man in his depraved state and very frequent in the hearts and lives of men. “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” He regards him as little as if he had no being.
Podcast: The Day I Lost My 3-Year-Old Son (Cameron Cole)
Cameron Cole talks about losing his three-year-old son and how that tragedy and all the suffering it entailed has ultimately strengthened his hope in God.
Introducing the ESV Bible with Creeds and Confessions
Creeds and confessions have been used throughout Christian history to summarize the Bible's teaching, distilling the key truths of Scripture into concise and succinct propositions.
Nehemiah's Deeper Concern for Building Up God's People
The work of God gets done when there is a good heart for God and his work. It starts in a heart with a deep concern for the glory of God and the health of his church.
How to Fight Chronological Snobbery
C. S. Lewis saw and wrote about a suffocating enslavement to the beautiful myth of progress.
The Only Solution to World Poverty
After extensive research in both economics and biblical ethics our conclusion is this: poor nations must somehow produce their own prosperity, and it is possible for them to do this.
The world tells mothers that they can do it all and have it all, but that they need not give their all.
God gave his own Son as the final sacrifice so that your brokenness could be the only prerequisite to receiving God’s abundant mercy.
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Entering Advent
A liturgy of daily worship aims to help us worship God by meditating on the first coming of his Son while we wait for the second coming of his Son.
Commentaries can be wonderful friends, debating partners, and theological mentors. But start with the Bible.
How Do We Define “Success” in Ministry?
We do the work of pastoral ministry so that our people might treasure Christ together. That’s the often unheralded yet beautiful definition of “success.”
4 Essential Things to Remember When Disciplining Your Children
What are we trying to do in disciplining children? We are not just trying to avoid all annoyances. There’s an aim here and it's a glorious one.
Beware These 4 Common Threats to Your Contentment
Culture is like a big magnet, it’s pulling on us and around us.
Why You Must Leverage Your Self-Despair
There is a strange though consistent message throughout the Bible. We are told time and again that the way forward will feel like we’re going backward.
5 Ways the Church Makes You Wiser
Church can be an indispensable source of stability and growth; a treasure trove of communal and Spirit-infused wisdom that we’d be foolish to neglect.
Why the Mission of the Church Is Spiritual and Not Political
The church is a spiritual institution, and its core of agreement builds upon truths that transcend the more ephemeral matters that concern politics.
4 Things That Might Hinder You from Embracing Definite Atonement
The doctrine of definite atonement is a misunderstood doctrine, one that we must seek to understand more accurately and embrace more deeply.
Missionaries Come from People Like You
God is closing in on some of you. He is like the “Hound of Heaven” who means to make you far happier in some dangerous and dirty work. Missionaries and ministers of mercy don’t come from nowhere.
A Word to Parents at Their Breaking Point
It can be helpful to manage your expectations of what normal life can and should be, and recognize that the season you’re in is intensely difficult in a particular way and that it won’t always be that way.
The Benefits of Honoring Singleness
In God's economy, blessing our spiritual family becomes a blessing to us.
A Christian’s Perspective on Economic Downturn
Discipling people for the new economy is a major challenge. But our gospel is big enough, and our God is strong enough.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on Isaiah 53:3-6
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Help for Thinking Wisely about Health Care
Health care, while being a good gift from God, actually becomes unhealthy when we rely too heavily upon it.
3 Battles Your Teen Faces Every Day
Teens must stand up against the untruths they hear from culture and from within themselves.
Jonathan Edwards gives us longings for God and for holiness that are more satisfying than even our best joys currently are.
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
These statements about leadership are endorsed by our culture, but may not be true. In fact, these statements may even be harmful to individuals and organizations and the missions they pursue.
John Piper on Instagram, Superficiality, and Online Fame
Influence is not wrong. Seeking to influence others is very Christian. But many Christians now set out to become social-media “influencers.” When does this become fame-seeking?
Introducing the New ‘ESV Teen Study Bible’
The ESV Teen Study Bible is a robust new study Bible designed specifically for teens featuring 12,000 accessible study notes and 365 devotions.
Coming Soon: ‘The Biggest Story Curriculum’
Releasing in June, The Biggest Story Curriculum will incorporate a host of integrated print and digital components to teach kids key Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation.
Why Godly Discipline Is about Learning to Fail Better
We're sinners and are not striving for perfection, but aiming to please God.
John Piper shares a helpful guide for how to pray over the Word in the fight for joy.
What Is at the Center of Paul’s Theology?
How should we proceed in our own interpretation of Paul? Is it, for example, with his teaching on justification by faith? Or with his teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit? Or somewhere else?
How Consumerism Trains Us to Devalue the Past
What has consumerism got to do with rejection of the past? Consumerism is predicated on the idea that life can be fulfilling through acquiring something in the future that one does not have in the present.
A Lack of Generosity Means a Lack of Contentment
If we really believe that the God who created the universe cares for us and is working in our lives, then that removes the fear that makes us hoard our money.
The Final Days of Jesus: Saturday, April 4, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
A Simple Way to Think about Sanctification
Walking with and becoming like our Savior are two important dimensions of sanctification.
Why Every Generation Must Contend for Justification Sola Fide
Justification sola fide is the heart of the gospel and the broad Protestant consensus achieved on this article of faith is one of the greatest theological developments since the Chalcedon.
9 Principles for Navigating Anxiety and Depression with Your Teen
What are the general principles to bear in mind as you begin to work with your teen through anxiety and depression?
We're pleased to announce the launch a completely redesigned version of ESVBible.org—our online platform for reading, studying, and engaging with God's Word.
Advice for Singles Who Feel Lonely
Place your relationship status in God's hands and find freedom from worry and loneliness.
Why Study the Book of 1 Corinthians?
How is Christian unity revealed? Put another way, what is the flesh and blood of union with other believers? Paul roots his theology of unity in love.
3 Important Truths Job’s Friends Neglected
In the context of the whole Bible, perhaps the deepest error and omission of Job’s friends is this: they have no place for innocent suffering.
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is a call to endurance amid opposition and suffering for the sake of the gospel.
The most rebellious, countercultural thing you can do in our culture is to be happily married until death do you part.
Podcast: Diagnosing the Heart of Anger (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash discusses why anger is such a powerful, dangerous emotion for the Christian, walking through some of the key Bible passages that address the topic.
Christ in all of Scripture – Luke 2:8-14
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
A Story of Grace in the Face of Infertility
Read the personal story of a couple who experienced infertility for a period long enough to know the pressures, anxieties, absences, and losses that so commonly define the experience.
Why You Should Study God's Incommunicable Attributes
God’s incommunicable attributes are important for us to understand because they’re the ones that tell us how God is not like us.
What to Remember When Looking for a Church
When you come to church with a consumer mindset, you’re actually never able to fully commit or fully love it.
The Believe-in-Yourself Gospel
We’re a generation that has been raised on spiritual fast food, and we’re sick. It’s time for us to sit down at the table, linger, and sup on the feast the King has for us.
The Doctrine of the Incarnation in the Bible
God came to dwell with man and as man at Christmas. Coming to the manger should lead us to worship.
How to Make Time for Your Family as a Pastor
Even the busiest pastors can make it a priority and count it a privilege to spend quality time with their families.
Podcast: Reading the Psalms with Jesus in View (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund discusses how the psalms uniquely invite us into prayer and devotion, how they reflect the greatness of God, and how he cares for his people.
Acts of Kindness Aren’t Random
Kindness is one fruit of the Spirit that we can’t practice in isolation. We demonstrate kindness in relationship.
In 1 Thessalonians, Paul cannot stop rejoicing that the gospel came to the Thessalonians in word, in power, and with full conviction by the Holy Spirit.
In the midst of a busy season, make space in your days to prepare your heart for the joyous reason we celebrate Christmas.
Second Corinthians is filled with the astounding paradoxes of the gospel.
Rarely, if ever, have we found a systematic theologian so well versed in the data of Sacred Scripture as we find in Calvin.
An Open Letter to the Student at the Start of a New Semester
How do we faithfully approach a new semester as Christian students? How do we steward our studies well and honor Christ?
How Suffering Crushes Our Unrealistic Expectations
Our expectation is that tomorrow will be just the same as today was, but this world is not operating the way that God intended for it to operate.
9 Ways to Pass on Your Faith through Family Milestones
Your faith is your children’s best possible inheritance. Pass it on to them as often and thoroughly as you can.
Dear Pastor . . . Pride Is a Subtle Enemy
How frequently does pride come with us into our studies and sit with us as we prepare our sermon? How often does it choose our subject and more often choose our words and ornaments?
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Will God Always Keep Me Safe?
As a parent, we’re often trying to help our kids overcome fears that they might be encountering in their lives. But we have to remember that God never promises bad things won't happen to us.
Are you content with what you have—with your calling in life, your marital status, your income bracket, your home?
Praying to Our Father Is a Spiritual Privilege
To pray with intimacy to God as father is not a human right; it is a spiritual privilege. It is a privilege for the people of God who have been born again by the Spirit of God.
Christians Don’t Need to Submit to Every Scientific Finding
God can work exceptionally. We have science existing at all because God is faithful in his governance of the world.
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Conscience
Your conscience can function like a moral version of your nervous system.
The Significance of God Taking on Flesh
Jesus knew that everything about his earthly life, including the body he inhabited, was to fulfill God’s intended purpose.
Don't Miss What God Is Teaching You in Your Pain
God works through our weakness to bring glory to his name and make it absolutely clear that it's him who's at work.
How Being Honest about Death Brings Hope
We live with more detachment from death than in any other time and place in history.
The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach.
Help! My Teenager Won’t Open Up to Me
Now, as a parent of a teenager, it’s easy to feel locked out. It is painful to stand on the wrong side of the door of your son or daughter’s heart as though they’ve changed the locks.
John Piper’s Trilogy on the Word of God
If the Bible is completely true and is to be read supernaturally in the pursuit of worship, what does it mean to preach this word, and how should we do it?
What Does Perfect Anger Look Like?
Christ got angry and still gets angry, for he is the perfect human, who loves too much to remain indifferent. And this righteous anger reflects his heart, his tender compassion.
Dear Pastor . . . You Should Follow More Than You Lead
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
We challenge people to lead, we train and equip them to lead, and we celebrate and praise them for leading (or condemn them as the case may be). Followership, in contrast, is almost completely ignored.
How Is the Church Doing at Caring for One Another?
Are we caring for one another the way the Bible instructs us to do so?
How to Balance Being a Husband and a Father
God is willing to give wisdom to every young dad for both being a father and a husband.
Reading the Christmas Story on the Shoulders of Giants
Read through this well known passage from Luke chapter 2 along with commentary notes from giants of the faith such as Martin Luther, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, and Jerome.
The ESV Study Bible now available in Korean
Crossway announces the publication of the ESV Study Bible into Korean, the first complete translation of the ESV Study Bible into another language.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Spurgeon on Psalm 23:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Why Christ’s Relationship to the Law Matters
Christ fulfills the law by obeying it perfectly during his earthly ministry. This is an important detail that's sometimes left out of gospel presentations.
Children are not naturally obedient. The problem lies in the opposite direction. The little fellows are sinners—and sin hardens.
How to Pray for Christian Doctors
The demands of medicine and the spiritual burdens of long hours take their toll. Here are five ways to pray.
Is War Inherently Unjust and Immoral?
J. Daryl Charles, Timothy J. Demy
J. Daryl Charles and Timothy J. Demy discuss whether or not war is inherently unjust and immoral.
Putting Emotions in Their Place
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
Though our faculties were corrupted by sin, all are being restored, and Christ makes peace between our minds, wills, and emotions.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Help My Kids Focus on Christ this Season
To see the goodness of God most clearly—to focus on Christ during Christmas—your children will need to see you enthralled by him and captured by him.
9 Notable Quotes from ‘Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy’
Lament gives us a language to express our grief and sorrow to God, while asking him to lead us to deeper trust.
8 Tips for Engaging with Your Bible Artistically
God invites us to meditate on his Word (Ps. 1:2). Art journaling is one of many ways to study and reflect on Scripture.
Dig into God’s Word with the Updated ESV Bible App for Android
One of the most immediate, inexpensive, and portable options for accessing God's Word is via digital means.
If this life constitutes the entirety of your existence, then you absolutely must maximize your enjoyment. You must never miss an opportunity for fun and pleasure.
How Can I Teach My Kids to Help at Home?
We want to raise our children to see themselves as contributors to society, and whether they work inside the home or work outside the home, we want them to see that work is not about pay, it's about contribution.
Unpacking “Look inside Yourself”
Knowing who you are and being true to yourself has never been more important. They are seen as signs of good mental health and well-being and the keys to authentic living and true happiness.
Why Gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
God is not served by human hands as though he needed anything. The gifts of the magi are not given by way of assistance or need meeting.
Practical Tips for Expository Preachers
Alistair Begg shares five tips that he learned from an older minister when he was a theological student.
I’ve Heard It Said the Gospels Are Full of Contradictions
What I like to do with this question is to take it out of the culture war it can be used in and to slow down and really think about what’s going on.
When Doubt Seeps In, Look to Thomas
Sometimes it is hard for us to believe in life after death. The true Bible story that shows this perhaps most clearly is the story of “Doubting Thomas,” as he is usually called.
The fact that you have a cesspool of sin down in your heart doesn’t mean you should camp down there because that’s precisely what God is trying to lead you out of.
The Pros and Cons of Being Rich
“Wealth is wonderful and makes us wonderful.” That’s the message the media bombards us with every day. No wonder so many of us want to be rich.
The Secret of Contentment in Motherhood
No matter how much mom life does or doesn’t look the way you imagined it would, you too can learn the secret of contentment. It might seem like a lofty goal, but it isn’t an unattainable one.
Explaining and defining terms in preaching are both important—but that's not all a preacher is to do.
If a classic possesses the qualities that people ascribe to them, we know that we want them in our lives.
Dear Pastor, Slowing Down Might Just Save Your Ministry
Coleman M. Ford, Shawn J. Wilhite
In the past five years alone, how many reading this have questioned your calling, lost ministry friends and co-laborers, or have grown generally weary?
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Colossians?
The theology of Colossians is distinct because it arises from Paul’s response to a false teaching that was threatening the church in Colossae.
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
We don’t have to accept our culture’s ever-changing and ever-more-tyrannical definition of beauty.
Are God’s Attributes Relevant Today?
Most of us take God’s attributes for granted and seldom think about them specifically. They may be hard to fathom, but they matter greatly for our relationship to him.
Why People and Place Matter in the Kingdom of God
Why is it imperative to define the kingdom as “power, people, and place”?
In the book of Jude, our heavenly Father threatens the church to keep her from being dragged away from his love.
Reconciling the Reality of Hell and the Grace of God
We can’t scare people into heaven. Our union with Christ is not simply a self-serving choice to walk streets of gold rather than be cast into a lake of fire.
Dear Pastor . . . the Sabbath Was Made for You Too
The exhaustion that comes from trying to hold things together in such a hostile climate eventually takes a toll on pastors.
How Does the Cross Lead Us to Humility?
For an awakened heart—a heart that’s been touched by grace and the gospel—there’s a different kind of humility that is produced when you think about what Jesus did for you.
The Fruits of Suffering in the Life of John Bunyan
In 1655, when the matter of his soul was settled, John Bunyan was asked to exhort the church, and suddenly a great preacher was discovered.
Be Careful, Your Kids Are Emulating Your Works Righteousness
Salvation comes to undeserving, dead sinners as a free gift of God, not by anything we do. Yet the heart’s tendency toward works righteousness—thinking we can earn our salvation—runs deep.
Christ in All of Scripture - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Role of Technology and Media in the Sexual Revolution
Technology and the media have played a significant role in the triumph of the sexual revolution—specifically in terms of the LGBTQ+ movement.
The allegation is that we should no longer believe in souls because science has solved the problem of consciousness, leaving nothing for souls to do.
How to Pray in Times of Trouble
When we cannot articulate our prayer requests to God, the Holy Spirit understands our groanings and translates them into intelligible prayers that God the Father can understand and will answer.
No human marriage, no matter how good, can bear the weight of our expectations.
The Greatest Promise in the Bible
What we see in Eden is God preparing a home that he intended to dwell in with his holy people.
Does Evangelicalism Have a History?
If evangelicalism really is “mere Christianity,” how could it be anything but the oldest orthodoxy of the apostles?
2 Audacious Demands We Are to Make of God
Moses didn't want God simply to send down orders; he wanted to know the purpose behind God's plans.
The Most Powerful Force of Transformation in the Universe
Grace is the most powerful force of transformation in the universe. The incalculable transforming power of grace should never be minimized or doubted.
Podcast: The Truth about Satan and Demons (Iain Duguid)
What does the Bible really teaches us about the devil and how can we avoid overestimating or underestimating his impact on the world?
How to Die for the Glory of God
Coming to the end of life can be very self-centered and that’s antithetical to the gospel. When I die, I want my life to reflect the gospel.
Podcast: If You Don’t Catechize Your Kids, the World Will (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung talks about how Christians (parents and non-parents alike) can help children to trust Jesus, embrace the Bible, and love others—even those with whom we disagree.
Martin Luther was, at one point, the famous man in Europe. Discover two surprising facts about his quiet life and death.
It’s by Design That We’ve Never Lived without the Sabbath
In the creation account, God makes the world and everything in it in six days. A seventh day follows that is set apart from the previous six in some important ways.
What Not to Say to a Grieving Person
Here are three things that grieving people wish no one would ever say to them again.
5 Ways to Flourish in Journaling
It can be helpful to hear that there’s essentially no wrong way to go about journaling, and no real rules for it, but that it’s something you can really make your own.
The Three Stages of Temptation
Temptation is typically gradual. There's more going on behind the scenes before one gives in to full-blown sin. Russell Moore explains the three stages of temptation.
2 Ways Leaders Can Exemplify Humility to Those under Their Authority
Make it your personal ambition to build up those around you, and let them flourish in their gifts.
Podcast: The Scoundrels of Scripture (Nancy Guthrie)
What can we learn from some of the less well-loved characters of Scripture? Why is Jesus's scandalous family tree good news for sinners like us?
Motherhood Isn’t What I Expected
Motherhood isn’t what I expected. It hasn’t delivered all that I hoped it would, and instead it’s given me some things I never asked for. What about you?
What Does It Mean to Represent Jesus in My Job?
If we are representing Jesus in our work, it means there's value to our work because we are showing the world his character and care—and that's always part of our witness.
An Untethered Identity Is Dangerous
The way that our world shapes and steers us on that quest for identity can be dangerous because it’s often without reference to God, without being anchored in his Word.
You Were Made to Love Your Neighbor
Just because the Bible says that not all men are our brothers, it does not follow that we are not to love all men as our neighbors.
3 Ways Teens Can Stay Rooted in God's Word
It's hard for teens to stay in the Word, but it's easier if they make a plan, set aside a specific time, and read with someone else.
Podcast: What Your Marriage Needs Most (Paul David Tripp)
Paul Tripp discusses how the gospel comes to bear on the day-to-day realities of marriage and why that’s more than just a platitude.
A Guided Liturgy on Hope for Your Personal Worship Today
Through these biblical and ancient Christian prayers, offer your adoration and gratitude to God, confess your sins, and ask for help to read his word and live the Christian life.
Podcast: How to Pursue Meaningful Mentoring Relationships (Melissa Kruger)
What are some core aspects that should be in place in every mentoring relationship, and how can we build relationships that actually help others follow Christ?
Introducing the ‘Big Picture Bible Crafts’
Combined with reading the Bible, hands-on activities are a great way for small children to engage with and learn truths from Scripture.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on John 3:16
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God's Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Practical Tips to Prepare for the End of Life
As we’re coming to the end of life, it’s very important to make practical decisions about how and where we want to depart.
Podcast: How Should Christians Navigate Political Disagreements among Friends? (Jonathan Leeman)
How should Christians think about political disagreements within the church and how much should politics be shared from the pulpit?
How to Love People Who Feel Impossible to Love
Easy love rarely shows off gospel power. But love that stretches beyond what’s possible is a stage, set to display the glory of God.
We’re literally surrounded by gracious reminders of the presence, power, authority, and character of God because he designed created things to function mnemonically.
Mundane with the Chance of Miraculous
The dirty dishes are not my biggest problem in life, even though it seems like they are. The biggest problem in my life and yours is sin.
Matthew Barrett, Michael A. G. Haykin
J. I. Packer has argued, we need to read the Puritans, and John Owen especially, because we are spiritual dwarfs by comparison.
What Motherhood Teaches Us about Womanhood
In light of Paul’s and the Bible’s teaching on motherhood, what is the significance of women being mothers?
Don’t Get Sloppy in Defining Grace
Especially as Christians, we understand how important it is to have been saved by grace. So it’s incumbent upon us, then, to carefully talk about this grace.
4 Ways to Prepare for Ministry
Perhaps you’re looking for boxes to check, some way to easily measure your progress toward the pastorate. Now you’re left feeling a bit frustrated. So what now?
Podcast: Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism (Denny Burk)
How should Christians think about transgenderism, and how should we talk to our kids about it? What does the Bible teach on gender and sexuality?
Podcast: What Do Protestant Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Disagree About? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves discusses what the Protestant Reformation was really all about and whether or not is it still relevant today.
Was Christ’s Coming the End of the Law? (Romans 10)
Christ is the termination of the law in the sense that he ushers in a new age— both continuous with and different from the former age.
This unique book is an enriching blend of devotional meditations and recipes that invites readers to ponder the true bread of life as they bake for their families and friends.
The ESV Study Bible presents the biblical text amidst a host of supplemental resources offering extra insight into God's Word.
Why do we need suggestions on how to express gratitude? Shouldn’t a truly grateful heart just naturally overflow in expressing that gratefulness?
John Owen’s Ministry to Young Christians
John Owen specialized in ministry to young people, though that’s not how he tends to be remembered.
How to Avoid Pastoral Arrogance
There are two things that a new pastor experiences that can help knock the smirk off an ego‘s face.
Observing the Sabbath Starts on Monday Morning
I need to order my life Monday through Saturday so that I can do the work God has given me to do in the six days that he's given me. And if I can't do that, then the problem is on my end.
ESV Bibles for Reading, Devotion, Study, Journaling, and More
Here are some of our favorite Bibles for diving deep into meditation and study. Find one for yourself or someone you love this season.
Podcast: The Human Need to Connect (Ed Welch)
Ed Welch discusses the human need for relationship, reflecting on the epidemic of loneliness in our world today, and offering advice for the person who feels God is distant.
Help! I’m Feeling Spiritually Listless
What do we do when we feel spiritually listless? First of all, don’t be surprised.
Make a Change from Me-ology to Theology
Me-ology prizes you and me. Theology prizes the God of the universe who holds everything together.
4 Ways Paul Prayed for You to Be Strengthened
Kneeling shows that we are coming to a sovereign whom we depend on. It is also often associated with extreme passion and neediness. It reflects our desperation.
10 Verses that Have Been Central to Wayne Grudem’s Life
After being presented with a collection of essays in his honor, Wayne Grudem reflects on the verses that have impacted his life and ministry.
In Behold the King of Glory, Russ Ramsey presents readers with a carefully researched retelling of the gospel story.
Why the Apologist Must Also Play Offense
Apologetics does not just entail defense. It also involves offense, the positive task of constructing a case for Christianity.
The church is led to maturity on her mission through intentional, earnest, persistent intercessory prayer. A man of God leads from his knees!
Why Expository Preaching Is Important
When you do expository preaching you get a sermon's symmetry and structure from the biblical text.
A Missing Ingredient in Today’s Preaching
The literary approach to the Bible, and the importance of genre as a chief ingredient of such an approach, are subjects of neglect. This represents a missed opportunity of massive proportions.
Infographic: 6 Counterproductive Approaches to "Studying the Bible"
The infographic below, drawn from chapter 2 of Jen's book, highlights 6 common—yet ultimately counterproductive—approaches to "studying the Bible" that we all struggle with from time to time.
Catechesis is meant to be a robust witness to biblical faith and practice, a tool which in the hands of skilled practitioners to be used to instruct, form, and make mature disciples.
Are You Dissatisfied with Life? Take Communion
The Lord’s Supper is a gift where Christ himself presents himself to us, and he wants us to think about who he is and who he is to us. We are hungry and thirsty people.
Help! I’m Struggling to Accept the Bible’s Teaching on Men and Women
The Bible reveals the nature of masculinity and femininity by describing diverse responsibilities for man and woman while rooting these differing responsibilities in creation, not convention.
The Blessing of God’s Presence
The most important blessing of the church’s new existence will be its similar experience of the immediate, palpable presence of God.
Our craving for love is good, for we were made to be known intimately and loved faithfully. However, when misplaced, this craving becomes deeply destructive.
You Live in a God-Entranced World
The world is not a machine that God made to run on its own. It is a painting, or a sculpture, or a drama.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Jude?
Knowing the true gospel inside and out is a crucial way of being able to identify departures from the gospel and remain true to Jesus.
Christian: Are You Imbibing Our Culture’s View of Love?
With culture and history both shaping our definitions, where are we learning love from?
Why Use Written Prayers? A Personal Reflection
I understand and respect the hesitations that some believers have regarding the use of written prayers—either privately or publicly. I have close friends who fall on both sides of this discussion.
How Stories Teach Kids about Sin
The calling to raise children to love God and hate sin is daunting, and Christian parents should avail themselves of all the help they can get.
3 Questions about the End Times
We can seek to understand as much as possible about how God will work in the end times, but let’s stay humble and freely admit our ignorance.
The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2024
Review some of the year’s most popular articles that cover various biblical and ethical questions related to alcohol, tattoos, heaven, and a number of challenging doctrines.
How John’s Gospel Helps Us Understand God’s Mission
Why did God create the world? What is his plan for humanity? Why send Jesus? We must start with these foundational questions before exploring how God accomplishes his mission.
Backsliding Stems from Indifference to the Necessity of Christ
There are reasons that are peculiar unto every especial instance of backsliding in any kind. We must not forgo the gospel, with our own experience, and ruin our souls.
10 Things You Should Know about the Spirituality of the Church
True unity is what we want. This is achieved only together with true diversity. Uniformity is never the biblical pattern. Unity is, and unity, as we see perfectly manifested in the Undivided Trinity.
10 Notable Quotes from New Morning Mercies
As sinners in need of grace, we can find comfort and rest knowing that God’s mercy toward us is new at the break of each day.
Practical Ways to Sustain Family Worship
3 Simple Helps I've noticed when I talk about family worship that people say, I've tried it. It doesn't work. Or, I've tried, but I can't keep it going. They are discouraged from even trying …
Does Reflecting on Our Past Hurt Show a Lack of Trust in God?
Trying to write our future story can change our present story. But what about our past story? Can we get any help in the present from reading what’s already been written in our past chapters?
As we move through life, the world just constantly dupes us into believing a false story. Our heads and our Bibles might tell us, “God willing,” but we are immersed in the oxygen of the world, which says, “Me willing.”
The Modern Challenge to the Doctrine of Justification
In the 21st Century, though, we not only continue to face that challenge that the Reformers had with the Roman Catholic Church but also a bigger task.
There is one kind of bad news that you and I often work to deny but that we desperately need to face. Facing this news is a matter of life and death, even though it is the worst news ever.
How to Pray for Unity across Denominations
Jesus prayed that our unity would also be a testimony such that “the world may believe you have sent me” (17:20).
Luther's Two Theses about What a Christian Is
A Christian is a free lord of everything and subject to no one. A Christian is a willing servant of everything and subject to everyone.
How Do We Grow in Holiness? (Part 2)
Tim Chester presents seven elements of a reinforced faith.
Introducing the Digital Greek Scripture Journal
The Digital Greek Scripture Journal provides a flexible, on-the-go interaction with the original Greek text.
The Intersection of God’s Sovereignty and Our Perseverance
Thankfully, the maturity of a steadfast heart that reflects the image of your Savior and clings to the truth doesn’t weigh on only your shoulders.
5 Reasons to Prioritize Family Worship
Just about everyone I know feels overwhelmed, and most are busier than they’ve ever been, especially if they have children at home.
Want to Be a Missionary? Check Your Motives
We don’t just need more warm bodies called missionaries; we need qualified people sent by healthy churches who are equipped to do missions well.
3 Ways to Root Your Marriage in Worship
Where will you find the reasons to continue working on your marriage in those disappointing moments when those reasons are most needed? Well, you won’t find them in your spouse.
An Update on Crossway in Response to COVID-19
There is a great need for the word of God and gospel-centered publishing, and in recent weeks we have felt a palpable sense of urgency in our labors to point God’s people to the hope we have in Christ.
The wasted life is the life without a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples.
What Parents Can Learn from Children’s Books
In many respects, and certainly in spiritual matters, we are all weak and inadequate, and we need to face it.
Introducing the ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, Gospels Set
Each of the four books features hand-lettered, gold-ink illustrations by renowned artist Dana Tanamachi, inviting readers to add their own artwork and reflections to each page.
What We Lose If We Deny a Historical Adam
The importance of believing in a historical fall of Adam and Eve is seen when we ask the question Who is to blame for the evil in the world today?
Busting the Myth of Human Omnipotence
God’s power is at work within us. It is at work helping us to overcome sin and to grasp the extent of his love for us.
My Child’s Wandering Heart and My Father’s Never-Ending Love
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely seen that natural tendency in your children to wander (or run!) from what God says is best—even if the nature of it looks different with each child.
Act Like the Human that You Are
C. Everett Koop, Francis A. Schaeffer
People are special and human life is sacred, whether or not we admit it. Every life is precious and worthwhile in itself—not only to us human beings but also to God.
Parents, Your Children Were Never Intended to Give You Identity
If you are not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find yourself and your reason for living in something in the creation
4 Ideas for Sermon Prep with Your ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Crafting a meaningful sermon demands time, energy, careful thought, clear insight into the Bible's meaning, and nuanced application of Scripture’s intent.
3 Tangible Ways to Care for Widows
For the widow, a needed gift, a consumable gift, or a sentimental gift are some of the most significant gifts she can receive that often uniquely minister to her.
5 Lessons from One of the Most Famous Christmas Carols of All Time
How we live in the world should manifest the change the Spirit is working in us, carrying the impact of the joy of God “far as the curse is found.”
Christ in All of Scripture – Nehemiah 1
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
It is deeply wounding to be accused falsely and to be treated as if you dishonored the Lord when you haven't.
Why We Need Reformation Anglicanism
The two greatest issues facing Christianity in the West are (1) the Bible’s growing lack of authority in the Church, and (2) the lack of transformed lives among those who attend.
How Culture Can Warp Our View of God's Love
Because of the way that our culture tends to think of love, being told God loves you can fail to land on us with the beauty and significance that it should.
How Thankfulness Increases Your Capacity for Wonder
Thankfulness greatly intensifies one of life’s most precious capacities—namely, the capacity to marvel. We are created for it.
Podcast: Is Christianity on the Decline? (Rebecca McLaughlin)
Secular culture often takes issue with various beliefs held by conservative Christians. In this episode, Rebecca McLaughlin responds to two of the most common.
4 Assumptions Made by Anyone Reciting a Creed
My conviction that creeds and confessions are a good and necessary part of healthy, biblical church life rests on a host of different arguments and convictions; but, at root, there are four basic presuppositions.
We get our Bible, first of all, because God has chosen to reveal himself to humans. If it weren’t for that first step, of course, there would be no Bible.
3 Ways to Prepare for the Battles of Ministry
How do we strategize together as leadership communities for the battle?
How to Read (and Not Read) the Bible
We have to read the Bible as literature, but we also have to recognize that it is unlike any other book we know.
What Makes God Joyful? Reflections on Joy
When it comes to joy, we are all about it. And this is not problematic; God has created us to be joy seekers. The problem is when we seek joy in the wrong places.
Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do
Human beings are hardwired for awe. We are worshipers. We are searching for joy, hope, and fulfillment.
Tossing Out Beliefs When They Don’t Spark Joy
What’s fascinating (and saddening) is that there seem to be many Christians, particularly in the affluent West, who think of theology, or doctrine, the way Marie Kondo thinks of clutter.
Announcing the Completion of the Knowing the Bible Series
Each study in the series covers one or more books of the Bible over 12 weeks, making practical applications and connections between the passage and the rest of Scripture.
6 Ways Parents of Estranged Adult Children Can Find Help at Church
Despite the struggles of parents experiencing pain in their relationships with their adult children, there is help for parents through the local church.
A Street-Level View of the History of Abortion
There is plenty of scholarship looking into the political history of abortion in America or the legal history, but we wanted to take a different angle.
How to Help Those Who Consider Themselves “Done” with Church
We have to admit that as much as the church is not a human project, there has been human involvement in the church that has not honored or followed God’s will.
How Rumination Falls Short of Meditation
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
When we fix our attention on God’s standard we will begin to feel peace and hope.
Podcast: Hear What God Has Truly Done with Your Sin (Sam Storms)
Sam Storms talks about how God deals with our sin, once and for all.
What deeper source of peace could we ever find than the holy, infinite, majestic, Creator God looking on us with love and joy?
How Medicine Is a Means of Common Grace
Common grace prompts us especially to love one another as Christ has loved us and to pursue medicine as a ministry of mercy.
Parents, Disciple Your Teens (While There's Still Time)
Teens need discipleship, and parents are some of the best disciplers.
What’s Fueling the Sexual Revolution?
What makes the sexual revolution remarkable is that the transgression of boundaries has now become effectively normative within society.
The Most Influential Event to Happen in 1776 Isn’t What You Think
In a thousand years’ time, what will people look at as the most important development in this period? And I think it's probably the economic transformation.
How to Defend Pro-Life Views in 5 Minutes
Suppose that you have just five minutes to graciously defend your pro-life beliefs. Can you do it with rational arguments?
2 Comforts for Those Discouraged with Prayer
Many Christians are—or have been—discouraged by their prayer lives. Here are a couple of things to remember about the practice of prayer.
Free E-Book: "Adoption" by Russell Moore
Russell Moore calls Christians to seriously consider adoption for their own families and thus take a stand for children, born and unborn.
Peter writes to encourage a “mixed bag” of believers with dear but easily forgotten truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dear Pastor, Sermon Prep Is Worth the Effort
Sometimes it can be hard to remember that in the Lord’s goodness and grace he has called us to take up the most significant and fulfilling task in the world—to be a pastor-teacher.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!
Our Christian Terminology Is Built on the Old Testament
When it comes to the nuts and bolts of the gospel, the NT often adopts essential concepts/words from the OT, particularly the Greek version.
Lots of people want to teach us how to postpone death through healthy living, but very few teach on how to face up to death when healthy living is fading.
To Lead Others, Become a Disciple
A disciple of Jesus follows in Jesus’s steps, doing as Jesus taught and lived. But it means more than that.
How to Do Family Worship with Young Kids
Several specific situations commonly prompt questions about the feasibility of family worship.
Crossway is excited to announce some new and unique Bible editions. Browse some of the top releases by month.
Introducing the New ‘Daily Strength’ and ‘Daily Joy’ Podcasts
Crossway is excited to announce the launch of two brand-new, daily podcasts starting January 1st—one for women called Daily Joy and one for men called Daily Strength.
Blessed: Time, Symbolism, and Imagery in Revelation with Greg Beale (Episode 10)
Nancy Guthrie is joined by Greg Beale to discuss questions related to the sometimes difficult symbolism and imagery of the book of Revelation.
God speaks in light of who he is and what he has done, and we respond back to God.
3 Practical Applications of Definite Atonement
Definite atonement has practical applications for life and mission
Christ in All of Scripture – Judges 2:16-19
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Demise of the Deified Self
Truly, we are lost in a darkness of our own making, and we got here by dethroning God and enthroning ourselves. We’ve deified ourselves. And it’s led to our demise.
3 Ways the Gospel Changes Every Man's Life Today
Men who taste gospel freedom can’t get enough of it, and they will push through, run, chase, and endure to the end to get to that prize already promised them before time began.
Dear Pastor . . . Let’s Cultivate Honesty in Our Churches—Starting with Us
We don’t have our Christian lives fully together. In Christian ministry, we necessarily stretch the pastoral metaphor because we shepherds are, inevitably and undeniably, still sheep.
Rather than dispensing grace to us from on high, Jesus gets down with us, he puts his arm around us, he deals with us in the way that is just what we need.
12 Things You Might Not Know about ESV.org
We recently launched the new ESV.org, an online Bible study tool created to help you read and engage with God's Word on a regular basis.
12 Ways People Are Using the ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Over 200 people told us how they were using and what they like most about the ESV Digital Scripture Journals. Read what a few of them had to say.
Social Algorithms Are Today’s “Lady Folly”
Algorithms lure us into constant distraction by putting “suggestions” into our minds, waiting to pounce and consume our attention.
10 Things You Should Know about Political Elections
The Bible tells us to obey the governing authorities. What does that look like?
There’s no guarantee that because we’re in a saving relationship with God through Christ that we’re going to be exempt from darkness.
Meditate on the Psalms with the ‘ESV Devotional Psalter’ on ESV.org
Featuring a brand-new devotion for all 150 psalms in the Bible, the 'ESV Devotional Psalter' is now available as part of the Basic subscription plan via ESV.org.
The Structural Abortionism That Remains after Roe v. Wade
I cannot forecast accurately the changes that will come in the first post-Roe decade. I can, though, list some fundamental things that will still apply.
The Mission Field I Never Expected
For those of us who are parents, God wants us to esteem the field he’s given us. It’s not a tiring distraction from the true mission field we should be tilling.
How Adoption Mirrors God’s Love for the Fatherless
Throughout history, God has faithfully used Christians to play a pivotal role in orphan care. Until Christ’s return—when he brings full restoration and makes all things new—we’re called to continue this work.
Jesus knows that true power only flows through weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
The Biblical Foundation for Church Partnerships
In thousands of cities across the globe, churches large and small haven’t considered the amazing things God could do through them in partnership with others.
There is no doubt about it—the Bible is a big-picture book that calls us to big-picture living.
Crossway interviewed Carol Cornish based on her new book, The Undistracted Widow.
How Does D. A. Carson Define Theology?
While Carson acknowledges that “theology can relate to the entire scope of religious studies,” he uses “the term more narrowly to refer to the study of what the Scriptures say.”
Why Bible Study Should Always Lead to Worship
Anytime we spend time gazing at who God is as he’s described in the Scriptures, we cannot help but be drawn into worship.
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
When we come to the house of God—in Solomon’s day, the temple, and in our time, the church—we are coming into the presence of God.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those with an Embarrassing Past: The Story of Tamar
While we may blush over our sin and our stories and our embarrassing past, we have a Savior who doesn't blush. He actually enters into the mess with us.
Why Study the Books of Joel, Amos, and Obadiah?
Why study these short Old Testament prophetic books? Because the Lord gives us hope through his Word.
Help! My Small Group Is Not Working
When we say community isn’t working, what we are really saying is that our expectations were not met.
John Piper’s Prayer for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Grant recovery. Grant a cure. Deliver us—your poor, helpless creatures—from these sorrows, we pray.
The One Mediator We Find in 1 Timothy
In 1 Timothy, the title “Savior” is reserved for God, and Christ Jesus is the agent or means by which that salvation is accomplished.
An Open Letter to the Child Facing End-of-Life Decisions for a Parent
How can you make rational medical decisions while flailing in grief? Even if you know your parent’s wishes, the burdens can feel too heavy.
A Concise Biblical Theology of the Spirit’s Mission
The Holy Spirit is the divine apologist who convinces the world of sin, righteousness, and coming judgment, and the divine evangelist who bears witness to Christ in this broken world.
Q&A: A Bible Translator Answers Your Questions about the ESV
A member of the ESV Translation Oversight Committee answers listener questions about the ESV related to how translators work, the translation philosophy of the ESV, tricky passages, and more.
Introducing Unfolding Grace for Kids
In Unfolding Grace for Kids, children ages 8–12 are invited on a guided journey through 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.
Pastor, What Do You Preach to People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together?
Titus 2 tells us that it’s the grace of God that teaches us to say no to ungodliness. If people aren’t growing in godliness, Paul says they need more grace.
The word “gospel” never appears in the letters of John. Yet it is hard to imagine a book more intimately connected to the gospel of saving grace in Christ Jesus than John’s first letter.
Updates to the ESV Bible App for Android and iOS
The ESV Bible app—available for both iOS and Android devices—was designed to facilitate a beautiful and intuitive digital Bible reading experience.
2 Reasons We Don’t Know How to Lament
The notion that lament isn't familiar is actually an indictment of the state of the American church.
The Triumph of Easter: A 6-Day Devotional for Families
There is no story more worthy of being retold in our families than the true account of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.
9 Ways Emotions Play a Role in Theological Diversity
Because human beings are complex creatures with reason, will, and emotion, no reductionistic scheme can explain why we reason or why we dissent the way we do.
Why You Can't Have Science without Philosophy
What in the world philosophy has to do with science? The answer to that is very important for Christians to understand.
Priests of God in the Workplace
You are a priest of God in your workplace. A priest represents the glory of God by showing his character and care to his people.
Giving should ever express unending gratitude for God’s almost unbelievable grace.
Author Interview: Matt Harmon on Asking the Right Questions in Bible Study
Justin Taylor sits down with Matt Harmon to discuss his new book about asking the right questions when reading the Bible.
How the Gospel Transforms Our Productivity
To be productive is to embrace the reality of what God does in us and to respond in worship through our work and our rest.
Podcast: Womanhood and the Bible (Abigail Dodds)
We need kindness and grace when discussing womanhood—even with those within the church. In this episode, Abigail Dodds offers wise, biblically based advice.
4 Tips for Memorizing God's Word
Gloria Furman lists 4 tips for memorizing God's word.
Podcast: What You Believe about God's Sovereignty Matters for Real Life (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp discusses what the Bible actually teaches about the extent of God’s sovereignty, the purpose of evil and suffering, and the idea of free will.
Introducing the 30 Days in the Psalms with Kristyn Getty Podcast
Discover Afresh the Beauty and Power of God's Word The book of Psalms has been cherished by Christians for centuries. Down through the ages and across the globe, the church has clung to these biblical …
Is “Be True to Yourself” Good Advice?
You don’t need to look far today to notice that personal identity is a do-it-yourself project. People think about themselves constantly, it seems, and with high expectations!
The book of Titus is a letter from Paul to a young pastor, urging him to lead his people deeper into the gospel.
An Open Letter to the Pastor about Embracing Weakness
The Lord, in his love and mercy, shows us that we are weak, and he often does it through affliction. But it is a certain sign of his love.
John MacArthur's Story: A Passion for Doctrine
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
I grew up with an appreciation that the Bible contained truth—completely consistent and coherent because God was behind all of it.
8 Notable Quotes from Women of the Word
If it is true that we become what we behold, we must devote the time to learn how to dig into Scripture with our hearts and minds.
People are rebellious, even God’s people, but God himself insists on doing his people eternal good anyway.
Why are so many people so unhappy in so many different circumstances?
How to Encourage a Grieving Mother
Because of what Jesus did on the cross and the suffering that he took for her, every grieving mother has hope that one day these tears will be washed away.
The Hope of the Gospel Is Someone, Not Something
The hope of the gospel is Christ. The Father has accomplished our redemption and reconciliation through his Son in order to present us blameless at the final judgment.
An Exciting Update to the ESV Bible App for iOS
The new update includes 30+ free reading plans and devotionals, split screen, more subscription content, and support for iPhone X and the new iPad Pro.
Are You Experiencing FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)?
Because of Christ's assurance of salvation to all believers, we don't need to fear missing out on eternity.
Why Hospitality Is for All Christians
Radically ordinary hospitality—those who live it see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God.
Stop the Spread of Infectious Anger
Christopher Ash, Steve Midgley
Anger is infectious. It is not a purely individual phenomenon; there is a corporate dimension. Here, we'll explore five biblical examples of infectious anger.
In spite of C. S. Lewis’s fame, several myths have attached themselves to him which might give an unbalanced view of the man who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia.
When It's Time to Get in the Van and No One's Ready
God always intends his words with his children to restore relationship with himself. And when that’s been your experience, you long to pass it on to others.
A Plea for Holistic Christianity
The best way to prevent burnout is to strive for holistic Christianity: spiritual, mental, relational, and physical health.
Caregiving Is a Stewardship of Grace
It is easy to focus on physical needs in desperate times, but by God’s grace, remember there are spiritual issues, too.
Who Caused the Divorce of Science and Faith?
The dispute between the church and Galileo sowed the seed for the apparent divorce between science and faith.
How Not to Share the Gospel at Christmas
Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to share the hope of Christ with people in your life—both in word and deed.
4 Exemplary Character Traits of J. I. Packer
Learn just four reasons why Packer has been a faithful steward in the Kingdom.
Everyone Has a Worldview, and Almost No One Has a Worldview
J. H. Bavinck makes the paradoxical claim that worldview is both everywhere (“Everyone has a worldview”) and nowhere (“Almost no one has a worldview”). How can both these statements be true?
Reclaiming Psalm 139 from the Clutches of Coffee Cups and Picture Frames
Psalm 139 is more than just fodder for t-shirts, coffee mugs, and picture frames.
What Do I Do If I Don’t Like My Job?
Even in the onerous jobs, there is a glory that God intends for his people as they do what needs to be done.
What to Do When God Doesn’t Answer
We are called, as was Job, to begin our lives of discipleship with the fear of God and repentance from evil.
Why Pastors (and All of Us) Should Read the Puritans
Reading the Puritans can contribute to our growth, holiness, and conviction of the need to stay close to the Lord.
10 Key Bible Verses on Encouragement
If there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love . . .
Why You Need Confidence to Teach the Bible
Anyone who is going to teach the Bible needs real conviction that God acts through the proclamation of his word. Additionally, you need confidence in the Holy Spirit.
Free E-Book: "What's Your Worldview?" by James Anderson
How Do You View the World? It’s a big question. And how a person answers has the power to shape literally everything about his or her life. In What's Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach to …
Why We Don't Have to Hide Our Pain from God
Like a child going to a parent, we don't have to clean up our spiritual act to pour out our hearts to God.
Why Death Is the Final Stage of Salvation
Death often brings reality to light. When individuals are thrown onto their last resources, they show where their true hopes lay.
There’s No Heaven That Envy Can’t Turn into Hell
Envy is one of those sins that hides and lurks. And so many times we can be experiencing envy that's robbing our joy, and yet we're not even aware that we're struggling with the sin of envy.
Jesus Will Deliver Us from the Wrath of Jesus
Against the backdrop of coming judgment, the second coming of Christ is pictured as a rescue of his people. He is coming to save us from God’s wrath.
Spending the Rest of Your Life Teaching Sound Doctrine
If you're going to enter the ministry, whether as a missionary or a pastor, you will spend the rest of your life (if you're faithful) teaching sound doctrine.
Celebrating God’s Faithfulness in 2020
As we near the end of 2020, we thank God for his continued faithfulness to Crossway over the course of a year full of unexpected challenges.
Times When Pastoral Leadership Begins to Unravel
Some of the greatest challenges that pastors face right now are through subtle leadership issues. When we’re guarding our hearts and lives, what should we make sure we don’t drift into?
The following prayers are from The Primer (1652) by John Owen and can be used to give children a framework for talking to the Lord in prayer.
It takes a lot of sermons and a lot of suffering to believe that God’s deepest heart is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger.”
Take Your Doubts about God to God
God always invites us to take our troubles straight to him. This is what godly people have done throughout history.
Ask for Grace and Go to Church
The reasons you don’t feel like going to church might be good, bad, or ugly. But, as a fellow sheep loved by the same Shepherd, I’m asking you to trust God, ask for grace, and go.
How to Resist the Vortex of the Course of This World
By definition, a Christian is one who has been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Col. 1:13).
The Danger of Wrongful Comparison
The knowledge of God and the knowledge of self always go hand in hand. There is no true knowledge of self apart from the knowledge of God.
Does God Ever Give Christians Over to Their Idols?
When we’re committed to something else that doesn’t have the Spirit of God, we become as spiritually inanimate as that thing to which we are committed. We need the Lord to break through.
God’s Primary Provision for Our Spiritual Hunger
How does God intend to satisfy our spiritual hunger? He gives us his word. Matthew 4 says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
4 Essential Ingredients of Reformed Preaching
Reformed preaching aims to take all of the Bible into account and to apply it.
Scripture gives us five criteria by which you can evaluate faith.
How We Created the 'ESV Super Giant Print Bible'
A conversation with Crossway's Bible production team about how we created this unique Bible edition.
Podcast: Why Did God Let Job Suffer? (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash discusses the story of Job and how God's goodness shines through suffering. He also explores the roles of Satan, the fall, and the cross of Jesus Christ in human suffering.
Reflecting God’s Character: A 10-Day Devotional
Sign up for this free 10-day video devotional with Jen Wilkin walking through key Bible passages that teach us about God's communicable attributes.
Dear Pastor . . . Don’t Settle for the Status Quo in Your Preaching
We take up our call to the ministry believing the gospel is the power of God for salvation. Fatigue, fear, and even temptations to doubt the message we are preaching can cut the nerve of our zeal.
Advent Is for Looking Forward and Looking Back
During Advent we look back, thinking how it must have been, waiting for the promised salvation of God, and we look ahead, preparing ourselves to meet Jesus at his Second Coming.
It is impossible that our Divine Lord could have had fellowship with us unless He had given to us from His own abounding wealth and had become poor so as to make us rich.
Rich communities can be harder to reach because wealth and comfort tend to make people think that they’re invincible.
Does Christian Education Need to Be Reclaimed?
If education is the whole process of personal development, then the dismal news is that Christian education is in crisis.
Introducing ‘21 Servants of Sovereign Joy’ by John Piper
Focusing on 21 leaders from church history, this book offers a close look at the course of their individual lives and their impact on our own spirituality today.
10 Things to Consider before Retiring Early
Early retirement may sound attractive—but be careful. There are several things to consider before you choose to retire voluntarily, since work may be more valuable to you than you realize.
4 Things Pro-life Christians Must Do in a Post-Roe World
If we do these four things in a post-Roe world, I think pro-life Christians are well-situated to make a real difference.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Hebrews?
The theology of the book of Hebrews is distinct in that it draws together so many of the greatest truths revealed in God’s word to address the deepest of human needs.
One Thing You Might Not Know about Charles Spurgeon
Spurgeon possessed an ability to use humor from the pulpit and in his life as a weapon.
Immigrants: Legal, Illegal and the Old Testament Law
This article originally appeared on Crossway's blog in June 2010. In light of the recent protests related to the immigration reform bill currently stalled in the House of Representatives, we thought our readers might once again benefit from this post that explores how to think biblically about this divisive issue.
What Do They Know? Learning From "Secular” Leaders
When God speaks through his world, we call it general revelation or common grace.
Dear Pastor . . . Home Is Where You Are Most Loved and Most Needed
I want to affirm something you already believe but might hesitate to embrace. You are not alone in your ministry.
The Importance of Books in Christian History
From ancient times, books have had a profound and mysterious power to move us. We find this in every culture and in every time period.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Revelation?
The book of Revelation is characterized by symbolism and dazzling—and sometimes confusing—visions which can make the book difficult to understand.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Galatians?
No compromise can be accepted or tolerated when it comes to the gospel, and all teachings and teachers must be evaluated and measured by the gospel revealed to us by Jesus Christ himself.
Why Do We Feel Lonely at Church?
In this video, Jeremy Linneman takes time to explain why the mounting problem of loneliness matters and offers suggestions for how we might build spiritual communities for ourselves.
A Sufferer’s Great Resource in Tragedy
In the early days, the pain and sorrow of losing my son were so intense that I could not focus on anything beyond daily survival. But hope prevailed.
Introducing the Greek Scripture Journal: 1–3 John
A new Scripture journal great for college or seminary students learning Greek, pastors preparing for sermons.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Peter?
Into a historical moment when many Christians feel disoriented, 1–2 Peter helps us recenter our hope on Christ.
A really intriguing thing, which goes against the notion of expressive individualism, is the fact that we live in shared stories.
Why Spontaneous Prayer and Planned Prayer Are Both Important
Praying about something right in the moment reminds us of our dependence, but planned prayer has its place, too.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Does God Love Everyone the Same?
God hates the sin that’s in us, but he sent his son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins so that we can have a relationship with him.
The Life and Mission of St. Patrick
Patrick's work firmly planted the Christian faith in Irish soil and left a deep imprint on the Celtic church.
Christmas is about the coming of Christ into the world.
There is no greater need for the church today than to think rightly about Jesus, biblically and theologically.
When ‘I Don’t Know’ Is a Good Answer and When It’s Not
It’s vital that everyday Christians are speaking into nuanced cultural issues from a biblical perspective.
Why Listening to a Podcast Is Not a Substitute for Going to Church
Going to a church has many benefits. If you are physically able to attend a church, you should make it a priority.
Hope sometimes doesn’t feel like power; it feels like foolishness. High hopes can lead to horrible hopelessness. The Bible has something to say about that feeling.
Is Marriage the Cure for Loneliness?
Loneliness is a big issue for married women, whether their marriage is good or not.
Does Definite Atonement Undermine Our Zeal for Evangelism?
Christ made a definite atoning sacrifice for those whom the Father had given to him; and we are commanded to proclaim Christ indiscriminately to all people.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Rest Well
Be honest with yourself. Are you perhaps traveling too fast and trying to do too much—thereby violating the concept of Sabbath on a weekly and daily basis?
5 Ways to Use an Illuminated Bible
Illuminated manuscripts have a long history. Here are five ways to use the new 'ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition.'
3 Things I've Learned from Carl F. H. Henry
The following three examples are among some of the most quintessentially Henrician lessons I’ve learned.
Is Jesus Worth Following at Any Cost?
Are you ready to receive him and believe in him as your supreme treasure, even if it costs you the loss of your family and your life?
Why the Gospel Requires Undivided Attention
The gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of the book of Hebrews, calls upon the world to give earnest heed to what it has to say.
How to Pray for the Advent Season
How do you pray to prepare for Advent season?
Reading God's Word When You Don't Want To
Pick God’s Word up not with the burden of guilt or as a call to duty, but because it’s a gift given to you by a God of amazingly tender mercy and grace.
What is the Goal of Community Groups?
In order to have a vision for community, we need to understand the purpose of community.
4 Things at Stake When Your Children Don’t Obey
What’s at stake in practicing correction is probably better gauged by understanding what happens when correction doesn’t get practiced very well.
Marriage Is a Place for Joyful Sacrifice
Every day in a good marriage is just a series of sacrifices that you joyfully make and that you then enjoy the fruit of that spirit of sacrifice.
Are You Far from God This Christmas?
The Christmas story is a story of God making himself available, making himself near. And, so it's a story for everyone who feels distant from God.
As much as a church does facilitate and organize relationships and practices, the church is more than a means to an end, a utilitarian resource for an individual Christian’s needs.
Encouragement for a Fatigued Caregiver
Caregiver fatigue is real. For someone going through this, there is still hope, joy, and merit to your service.
Help for Finding the Right ESV Bible
Not sure what kind of Bible you're looking for? We're here to help.
God’s People Are a Waiting People
As early as Eden, God’s people have been a waiting people. Following the fall of our first parents, God made a promise that permanently oriented his people toward the future.
The Logical Contradiction at the Heart of Theistic Evolution
Theistic evolutionists accept that the theory of evolution is an unguided process. But then they say that God somehow guided the process. That’s why they’re theistic evolutionists.
5 Tips for Being a Faithful (and Not Just Busy) Mom
Only God is God, so only God gets his to-do list done at the end of the day.
We Need the Soul-Stirring of John Wesley
Is anybody listening to the voice of John Wesley anymore? Outside the self-identified Wesleyverse, the Wesley Literacy Quotient among evangelicals has declined alarmingly.
I’ve Heard It Said That Abortion Is Healthcare
Women Need Support I’ve heard it said that “abortion is healthcare.” I think I understand the sentiment behind that declaration. I do have friends who are involved in the pro-choice movement and even in providing …
Can We Really Claim to Be Well?
Wellness is much more than physical health and freedom from distressing symptoms. Wellness involves the whole of our being, which includes six distinct areas.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of 1 Thessalonians?
The Thessalonians had much to learn about the Christian journey ahead. Thus, the letter happens to capture helpful statements about each stage of that Christian journey.
Glenn Harrington: Be Truthful, Not Original
In this six-minute documentary of artist Glenn Harrington, learn what inspires his paintings and how he interprets God's creative power in the natural world.
How Biblical Doctrine Makes Us Beautiful
The Reformation was intimately tied to beauty, goodness, and human flourishing because the Reformers were seeing—through Scripture—God’s glory shine.
Why Seek the Truth? The Achilles’ Heel of Free Thought
Atheists and agnostics insist we pursue the truth about reality—even if the idea of a meaningless universe frightens and depresses us. We ought to face facts and accept reality as it is, not as we want it to be.
When we come to Revelation 19, we finally begin to approach John’s vision of the very last things. Soon we will move to the very good ending of the story of Scripture—and of the whole world.
The Best News Ever for Our Sexual Struggles
What does God give us to face our inevitable struggles and sufferings? The resoundingly glorious answer of Romans 8 is that he gives us the only thing that can truly provide the rescue, wisdom, and strength we need.
Podcast: The Danger of Burnout and How to Avoid It (David Murray)
In this interview, David Murray discusses the all-too-common problem of burnout—its causes, warning signs, and effects . . . and how to avoid it.
The Story of the Monk Who Changed the World
It’s not the metal band that gives the ring its worth. The value comes from the diamond the ring holds. In the same way, it’s not the strength or size of our faith that saves us.
Church, State, and the Authority of Jesus
Imperium means supreme power or absolute dominion, and it gets at the idea of where the buck stops in a society.
Paul Was a Missionary Consumed by God’s Approval
If receiving God’s affirmation is of critical concern for our mission, then isn’t the antithetical desire for others’ approval to be a potential snare for Christian ministers?
How We Learn to See the Face of Jesus
Experiencing the reassuring, transformative, and hope-giving power of God’s gracious gaze in Christ means we must practice seeing Christ’s glory.
4 Feasts We Eat Every Week at Church
The primary spiritual meal of our week is before us on Sunday mornings. Through a sumptuous banquet for our hungry souls, God’s word nourishes us. Together.
How God Called Wayne Grudem to Serve the Church
In this video, Wayne Grudem recounts his journey to become a professor and author, sharing about his passion to faithfully teach the Bible to God’s people.
4 Things to Remember When Fighting for Faith
How do we maintain our confidence when we are in the heat of the battle and we’re confronted with stuff we’ve never seen or experienced before?
What All Healthy Churches Have in Common
The most important things about a Christian church are always the things that make it a Christian church. The things that are unique about your church or mine can never be the most important things about it.
The Heart of Jesus Reveals the Father of Mercies
I am trying to help us leave behind our natural, fallen intuitions that God is distant and cold and to step into the freeing knowledge that he is gentle and lowly in heart.
Educational methods are increasingly interactive. Learning by discovery is the watchword. Preaching seems to be just another example of the church being out of touch, out of date, and out of steam.
Can You Really Summarize the Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses?
We are living in a day of increasing biblical ignorance—not only among the general population, but also among evangelicals.
How the Sacraments Act as Contracts
The gospel is a series of promises expressed in words. God promises forgiveness, acquittal, adoption, preservation, resurrection, and glory.
9 Ways to Root Your Disciple-Making in the Power of the Holy Spirit
The Great Commission still applies to every single follower of Christ in every generation. Jesus’s command to make disciples of all nations remains just as compelling.
Christ in All of Scripture – Habakkuk 3:16-19
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Counterintuitive Path to Blessing
When we pray for God’s kingdom to come “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10), we sometimes imagine the kingdom to be far away.
The Beauty of Shared Suffering
God delights in identifying with us in our suffering. He feels the sting in his chest when you hurt. He takes
it personally.
Do You Orient Yourself Toward Others?
The discipling life is an others-oriented life. It labors in the power of God to proclaim Christ and present others mature in Christ.
We don’t need more information. We need God’s revelation.
Podcast: Understanding the World of the Bible through Archaeology (David Chapman)
How can archaeology bolster our faith and enhance our understanding of the Bible?
4 Ways Baseball Fuels Supernatural Joy
How does my natural joy in baseball become a supernatural joy in God? That’s the question Christian Hedonists ask.
Stop Looking to the Bible for Fortune-Cookie Wisdom
If you understand that the Bible as the epic story of the history of humanity and God’s dealings with humanity, then the glory of God shines through so brightly.
Pastor: Equip Your People to Counsel Each Other
The leadership of the church has been commissioned to equip the congregation in caring for each other’s souls.
Why We Need to Be More Than Nice
God's not calling you to be a nice person only—he's calling you to be a Gospel-proclaiming person.
Why Christians Must Remain Dissatisfied
The Christian is not merely a man who knows now that he’s been forgiven, and that’s the end of it all. Not at all. That’s merely the introduction.
Podcast: A Realistic Approach to New Year’s Resolutions (David Murray)
David Murray talks about what it should look like to work hard to establish good habits while also relying on God’s grace and power.
Tools for Teaching the Overarching Story of the Bible
Whether we are leading our families, working in the office, or even studying the Bible, one of the great challenges in life is living in the tension between the forest and the trees.
2 Truths to Help Navigate Doctrinal Disagreement with Other Christians
This side of heaven, we see through a glass dimly. It’s just reality. We’re not going to agree on everything.
Free E-Book: "What Is Biblical Theology?" by James Hamilton
The Bible recounts a single story—one that began at creation, encompasses our lives today, and will continue till Christ’s return and beyond.
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Alexander E. Stewart
Christians know that Christmas is all about Jesus (or at least it once was all about Jesus), and we want it to be all about Jesus again.
Is Your Work Life Biblically Balanced?
We are not only expected to crown Jesus as Lord of all someday in a heavenly future; we are required to acknowledge his dominion over all things every day.
4 Things to Remember When Reading the Bible
Proper Bible reading begins before we open the book. It begins in our approach.
Introducing ‘The Hebrew Old Testament, Reader’s Edition’
This new edition was created with both new and seasoned Hebrew readers in mind to accelerate facility with the original language text.
What Would Be Lost If We Didn’t Have the Last 2 Chapters of the Bible?
Revelation is not simply another book in the Bible. It's the final book of the Bible, and it's such a fitting end not only to the book of Revelation, but to the Bible as a whole.
Have You Ever (Really) Read the Bible?
True understanding of Scripture comes when we set aside our earthly and sinful desires and instead seek God's glory.
When the risen Christ sought to put those in charge or in leadership in local churches, he chose—amazingly—teachers.
Podcast: How to Become a Better Bible Reader (Phil Ryken)
What are the literary qualities of Scripture and why should we not just read the Bible for what it says, but for how it says it?
Why 2 Peter and Jude Matter to You Today
In the midst of a world that often seems out of control, knowing our ultimate destiny is a source of great comfort and motivation to press on in the face of serious challenges and opposition to the gospel.
When Jesus, the Clean One, touched an unclean sinner, Christ did not become unclean. The sinner became clean.
J. I. Packer’s “Last Crusade”: The Renewal of Catechesis
While many rightly think of Packer as a theologian, he has averred for years that he is, first and foremost, “a catechist.”
The Creation of the ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set: With Chapter and Verse Numbers
Learn more about the impetus and creation of the ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set with Chapter and Verse Numbers.
How Can Evangelicals and Catholics Work Together for the Common Good?
There is a lot of overlap in the convictions that Protestants and Catholics have on a lot of deeply controversial moral and ethical issues in our society.
The Song of Songs: A 7-Day Devotional
Through this video devotional, beging to grasp God’s vision for love and marriage by working through the Song of Songs.
The Church’s Most Powerful Witness to the World
God is using the power of the church’s shared witness in remarkable ways all over the world.
I’ve Heard It Said the Old Testament Is Full of Errors
The copies we have of Old Testament manuscripts do have signs of human error within them. But the question is, Does that lead to despair? Dr. John Meade answers that question with a resounding no.
How (and How Not) to Think about Religion
I cannot speak about religion without lamenting that among so many who claim to be religious, so few understand what it means.
Christ in All of Scripture – Psalm 23
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Help for Discerning God’s Will
There are several things that can be taken into account in a cumulative way to help us know what God is guiding us to do.
9 Passages to Read about Marriage
Scripture speaks to how husbands and wives should honor and love one another for the good of each other and the glory of God.
What Is Distinct About the Theology of 1 Timothy?
The distinctive theology of Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus can be helpfully distilled through three words that belong to the distinctive terminology of the letters: "savior,” “appearing,” and “godliness.”
Jesus once said that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why?
Finding God in My Loneliness This Christmas
In other words, loneliness is an indicator that something is missing, and that something is found only in Jesus Christ.
How the “Crux Tool” Can Help You Understand Any Book of the Bible
Just as every Bible passage has a main point, so does every biblical book, and it’s very important to find it. The crux tool—a hermeneutical tool—can help you do that.
Allow us to introduce Paolo Sarpi, a contemporary of Galileo, and the most formidable adversary of the Counter-Reformation in Italy.
What Are Some Dangers of Neglecting Church History?
By cutting ourselves off from church history, we are cutting ourselves off from a rich tradition that the Holy Spirit has been teaching the church through his faithful disciples.
What We Think We're Entitled to in the 21st Century
We realized just how much we had assumed we would have, how many things we believed were almost rights of ours.
Avoiding Heresy When Explaining the Trinity
There are better ways and worse ways to explain the Trinity. We can describe a pie chart where we split God up into parts, and this is one of the worst ways to explain the Trinity.
We are convinced in our heart of hearts that love is a feeling, but God’s word says nothing of the sort.
Podcast: Why Every Christian Should Care about Adoption (Russell Moore)
Russell Moore shares his own family’s adoption journey, explaining why adoption is important for all Christians—even those who never actually adopt.
Help! I’m Struggling to Connect with my Church Family During COVID
The pandemic has stripped away many of our opportunities to connect with the people in our congregations.
How Does the Old Testament Fit in with the Great Commission?
Recent stats suggest that Christian awareness of the Great Commission has fallen on hard times. Barna Research has stated that only 24 percent of churchgoers know what it is.
Dangerous Bible Study and Puffy Christianity
If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, surely there is no such thing as “useless” Bible knowledge. So, why so many warnings that studying the Bible could actually be perilous to our spiritual health?
Introducing the ESV Heirloom Single Column Personal Size Bible
Crossway is pleased to add a new Heirloom edition to the popular collection—this time in a portable trim size.
Podcast: We're in a Strange New World. Now What? (Carl Trueman)
Carl Trueman explores the history of Western thought with the view of answering two simple questions. How did we get here? How should the church respond?
Blessed: The Apocalyptic Nature of Revelation with Iain Duguid (Episode 2)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Iain Duguid about how we can understand Revelation in new ways when we read it as a letter, as a promise, and as apocalyptic prophecy.
The church must be dedicated to hearing and attending to the cry of the afflicted. May all Christians resist the temptation to burrow our heads in the sand because we dread emotional upheaval.
A person is gospel fluent when the gospel becomes their "mother tongue."
Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and World Missions
A man’s inability to believe removes his responsibility to believe (and our duty to command people to believe).
Impatience, tiredness, zoning out, interrupting—these are just a few of the things that can lead to poor listening.
When Good Gifts (Like Marriage) Distract Us from God
The problem with so many of us today is that we have close to no anxiety about spiritual realities and endless anxiety about the things of this world.
The central gospel themes in Paul’s shortest letter are surprisingly substantial.
You Need a Plan (to Grow in Godliness)
Janelle Bradshaw, Kristin Chesemore, Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
In order to sit and plan, you have to hit the pause button on life. You have to get away from everyone and everything clamoring for your attention.
The Eternal Importance of Our Earthly Bodies
Jesus's resurrection body is the foretaste of what is going to happen to all of us. We will all be raised to new physical life.
A Devotional on Christlikeness by Florence Nightingale
If we have not true religious feeling and purpose, life . . . becomes a mere routine and bustle. . . . Our work must be the first thing, but God must be in it.
Day 2 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
Jesus has come to inaugurate that peace among God’s people and to unveil the true joy of Christmas.
Podcast: Faith, Family, and the Creative Life (Ruth Chou Simons)
Ruth Chou Simons discusses her life as an artist, sharing her passion for creating beautiful pieces of art that reflect the beauty of our Creator.
Introducing ‘ESV Psalms, Photography Edition’
The ESV Psalms, Photography Edition seeks to capture the beauty of this beloved book of the Bible by featuring the text of each psalm alongside captivating original photography of the Irish landscape.
Practical Suggestions for Cultivating Communion with God
We were made by God to find our greatest joy in fellowship and communion with God.
Technological Progress Must Honor God’s Design for Our Bodies
We may eventually modify our bodies in ways that are helpful and necessary. But we will never reach a point where the human body is a disposable machine.
An Open Letter to Those Suffering in the Hospital
Perhaps in the hospital bed, you try to pray but can’t find the words. The spiritual disciplines upon which you’ve depended seem oceans away.
How to Stay Focused in a Distraction-Filled World
We have our phones that open a thousand possibilities for us to do a thousand different things at every moment of every day. But God has set good works for us.
Herman Bavinck: The Man and the Mind
Bavinck wrote theology with the church in mind; he prized evangelical piety; he did not disparage modern learning; he took a genuine interest in the world’s non-Christian religious traditions as important data for Christian theology.
3 Imperatives for Christ’s Early Disciples (and for Us)
Repentance has always been and will always be the way into restored fellowship with God. It is turning away from self, away from whatever we’ve given our allegiance, and toward Christ.
Entering into the Loneliness of Job
There is a deep sense in which the lonely sufferings of Jesus Christ mean that no believer today is called to enter Job’s loneliness in its full depth.
If you are responding to Jesus and following him, then you are praying.
One of the Church’s Greatest Needs
People outside the four walls of the church will eagerly embrace the faith of believers who model the honesty and integrity for which they long.
If God sent his own Son to walk through the valley of condemnation, rejection, and hell, you can trust him as you walk through your own valleys on your way to heaven.
That Idol That You Love Doesn't Love You Back
Everyone has to live for something and if that something isn’t the one true God, it will be a false God–an idol.
Has God's Kingdom Already Come?
When we think about the message of the Bible, we should never lose sight of God's kingdom, or his reign over his people, and ultimately his reign over the entire universe.
Discovering Depth and Renewal through Daily Liturgy
If we are dissatisfied with our times of devotion with the Lord, enriching our daily liturgy can lead to renewal and rejuvenation.
Truth in relationships, especially between Christians, is divinely commanded and truth telling is integral to godliness.
Podcast: 8 Questions to Ask Every Time You Open Your Bible (Matthew Harmon)
Questions we should ask when studying the Bible to help us get at the true meaning of Scripture, and how to apply it to our lives today.
What Happens when Doctrine Suffers from Historical Amnesia
As evangelicals, we tend to go right to the cross and to Jesus dying to save us, and sometimes we forget that’s not the only thing that he did to save us.
Podcast: Q&A: A Bible Scholar Answers Your Questions about the Book of Revelation (Tom Schreiner)
New Testament scholar Tom Schreiner answers questions submitted by readers about the book of Revelation and surrounding topics.
9 Notable Quotes from Seasons of Waiting
God uses seasons of waiting to teach us patience and make us more like himself.
Proclaiming Christ in the Marketplace
It is interesting to note how Athens affected Paul. Instead of being awed by all the marvelous sites, Paul saw only a city full of idols, and it grieved him greatly.
Does Anyone Who Accepts Law and Circumcision Lose Their Salvation? (Galatians 5)
This passage reminds Christians to live in the knowledge that God loves them and has shown his love for them through the death of Christ on their behalf and through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.
What Does Covenant Theology Teach Us about Living in a Family?
Human life usually begins in families. Whether families are stable or unstable, helpful or harmful, family connections shape who we are.
A Pastor’s Guide to Celebrating Christmas as a Church
Christmas sermons and services should evoke the question, “What do these things mean?” to which the pastor then heralds the eternal answers.
How to Be Content in Plenty or in Need
Women who love God and love his word find sources of joy and satisfaction that surpass any the world has to offer.
Don’t Fall for This Misconception about Singleness
The church is family to all of those without brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.
3 Things We Often Forget about the Christmas Story
Three words that sum up what we’ve tended to miss about the Christmas story are sacrifice, honesty, and glory.
Justification: The Heart of the Reformation
The issue at the heart of the Reformation was without a doubt the question of justification.
Dear Pastor . . . You Can Serve Both Your Ministry and Your Kids
It is not easy to be fully committed to the people we minister to and to our families at the same time. But the strain of doing both (the balanced life) is our cross.
What to Do with Mom Guilt on Mother's Day
If you struggle with guilt over your parenting, consider that God does not require perfection from you.
What Good Self-Esteem Can’t Do For You
Having self-esteem doesn't solve all of our problems, because underneath it, we know our weaknesses and we know our sin.
The Problem with Manufactured Femininity
There is no ideal standard of a woman that we are supposed to achieve apart from the virtues found in Christ himself.
Introducing the Meet Me in the Bible Series
The Meet Me in the Bible series is a new inductive Bible study that provides a simple five-step framework for studying any book of the Bible.
Free E-Book: "Practicing Affirmation" by Sam Crabtree
Why do so many of our relationships suffer from alienation, indifference, and even hostility?
Why You Should Go to Bed Early Tonight
Sleep is a gift from God. It’s one of his most wonderful gifts to us—when we receive it as he intended us to receive it.
You Were Designed for Spirituality
Justin L. McLendon, Christopher W. Morgan
Humans are created good and blessed beyond measure, being made in God’s image, with an unhindered relationship with God, and with freedom.
Share God’s Big Promise with Your Kids through this Free Audiobook
We are pleased to share the entire audio of The Promise by Jason Helopolous on The Crossway Podcast.
The Voice of Wisdom and the Voice of Folly
Proverbs tells us that there are two voices calling out in the marketplace.
Podcast: Are You Aware of Your Own Blind Spots? (Collin Hansen)
What problems with our lives, priorities, and even theology do we not recognize? What would it look like to wake up to our own blind spots and to lovingly engage with those with whom we disagree?
How Does Being Created in the Image of God Change How We Think about Our Work?
Because we're created in the image of God, reflecting him in what we do, we're also fulfilling his purposes for our lives.
A Narrative of Hope in the Darkness of Tragedy
The sovereignty of God is not some debatable proposition; it is the assurance that your child’s death is not a meaningless accident.
The Journey of Following Jesus Isn’t Always Smooth
Dying and rising is the pattern not only of Jesus’s life, but of our lives—of our everyday moments.
Why Wisdom Is More than an Intellectual Pursuit
To do theology we need to do with an attitude of reverence to the God who has made himself known in his Word.
The problem with all of our desires to change is that they’re not ambitious enough.
Learning Evangelism from G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis
Though we will likely never establish the sort of platform of Chesterton or Lewis, through their examples we may find the kind of confidence that compels us to cross our yard and begin a friendship with that neighbor who has made it clear that they don’t believe in God
Why We Need a Paradigm Shift about Money
We need a brand-new way of thinking about money, a way that is rooted in the gospel story and its narrative of the lavish grace of God.
How Fathers Help Roll Back the Curse
Joseph’s fatherhood is significant for us precisely because of the way the gospel anchors it to the fatherhood of God himself.
3 Cross-Currents of Anglican Theology
Evangelicals who prioritize true piety are as centered and focused on the church as they are on anything—because we know that the church is Christ’s focus.
Why You'll Never Grieve Well without Hope
To grieve well is to have a growing sense of confidence and rest that God's promises of resurrection, centered in the resurrected Jesus, are really true.
Are Grace and Works Compatible?
If you really have experienced the grace of God and you are in fellowship with him, your heart will desire to discipline itself for the purpose of godliness.
Why Study the Books of Jonah, Micah, and Nahum?
Each book of the Bible has something unique, something distinct, to teach us about God, about ourselves, and about the meaning of life.
Podcast: Becoming Better or Going Deeper? How Real Change Happens (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund discusses why we, as children of God, can remain hopeful—even when our journey toward Christlikeness is painfully slow.
Help! My Sunday Mornings Are Chaotic
You have the opportunity of passing on to your children a deep love for Sunday mornings. Children learn to love what their parents love.
Free E-Book: Taking God At His Word
In our rapidly changing culture, biblical authority is too important to neglect.
Why Modern Christians Should Stay Hitched to Church History
Theological retrieval is a way to draw attention to things that you were assuming that you didn’t even know that you assumed.
Why You Need Faith to See God’s Glory
The supreme spectacle of the cross brings a cosmic collision with the spectacles of this world. And we’re in the middle.
We forget who we are, and when we do, we begin to give way to doubt, fear, and timidity. Identity amnesia makes you feel poor when in fact you are rich.
Husbands, It’s Time to Start Leading Family Worship
The worthiness of God to receive your family’s worship each day is reason enough to start practicing family worship today.
Parents, Don’t Miss God’s Plan for the Mundane
God is a personal God, and you have the chance to continually reintroduce your family to him while praising him for who he is and what he’s done.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Still Sin: The Story of Peter
Our sin doesn’t put us on the sidelines for the rest of our lives. Christ forgives us and he puts us back in the game to serve him, just like Peter.
A Compelling Reason to Have Kids
One of the reasons our children are given as a heritage from the Lord is so that we can know and love our heavenly Father more and more.
10 Most Popular Articles from 2017
Catch up on some of this year's most popular articles.
What Makes the Preaching the Word Commentary Series Unique?
The Preaching the Word commentary series is unique because I’ve asked all the contributors to have preached the content of their commentary viva voce, or live.
3 Aspects of Our Job as Priests
The heart of the priestly job description is fellowship with the Lord, enjoying his hospitality and protection, living in his house. May we never think that our obedience is the essence of life in Christ.
Where is the gospel in Jude’s epistle? In such a compact space, we actually receive a potent portrait of the gospel.
What Studying Old Conflict Can Teach Us
We seem to live in a world of increasing polarization in which the members of warring tribes address each other with remarkable vitriol in the online environment.
3 Implications of the Fact that God Has Spoken
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Hearing and remembering God’s word requires a worldview that takes into account the whole counsel of God in order to guide the whole life.
Podcast: How to Intentionally Disciple Your Kids (Lindsey Carlson)
Lindsey Carlson discusses what it looks like for parents to thoughtfully disciple teenagers during a pivotal point in their lives.
In the rare moments when we catch broad attention from our social media presence—whether through our images or tweets or memes—we become the star.
Two of Prayer’s Essential Ingredients
The resurrection is the most important thing to behold in God’s word to fuel our desire to pray. But really, we need all of God’s word. We also need God’s people.
His Blessings Flow Far as the Curse Is Found
What is the scope of the work of redemption? What in the world is God working on? What does the final chapter of the grand redemptive story look like?
Justification is not just a doctrinal or church doctrine. It is a deeply personal doctrine.
The Ten Commandments: A 10-Day Devotional
Our obedience should be the result of our gratitude to God for his work in Christ.
Christ in All of Scripture - Matthew 26:26-29
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Why Is the Pentateuch Referred to as the Book of Moses?
If Moses is behind the Pentateuch, that lends a certain massive authority to it. It's a singular book and Moses is ultimately the author, so we should listen to it.
Podcast: How to Endure Inexplicable Suffering (Eric Ortlund)
Eric Ortlund looks at the example of Job and how, as Christians, we should respond when we face the kind of suffering that Job did.
The cross is not just about Christ’s priestly work; it also stands at the heart of his prophetic ministry. The cross preaches to us. The cross is Christ’s pulpit.
What Ministry “Freshness” Means
More than anything else, we want to guard our relationship with God with a sense of urgency, and deal with anything that hinders that relationship. Our primary desire is God.
When the Tyranny of the Urgent Invades Missions
We're living at a time in global missions today where the gospel and faithful ministry are threatened because we often sacrifice the important for the immediate, the best for the most pressing.
Jesus is king. Jesus obeys. How do we hold those two truths together? And what does it teach us about any authority we’ve been personally given?
Casting off the old self and walking in love is only possible through God's work in us as new creation.
2 Primary Goals of God’s Election of Sinners to Salvation
It’s really helpful to answer the question, What’s the goal of election? because we can better understand what we see if we know what the goal is.
The Sacraments Are a Christian’s Answer to Questions of Identity
Put differently, being in Christ is our primary identity as Christians. This is true because Jesus Christ, the Son of God incarnate, is the God-man
When Fear Prevents You from Being a Good Neighbor
One of the greatest detriments to being the neighbors Christ has called us to be is fear. And somehow, instead of identifying our fear as sinful we often call it by another name: wisdom.
Podcast: Roe v. Wade Has Been Overturned. Now What? (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf talks about what the Supreme Court's ruling means for the pro-life cause and how it should impact how we, as Christians, seek to advocate for the lives of the unborn in our communities.
Admitting Imperfections and Turning Them for Love
In spite of having such a privileged role in the early church, Paul did not try to pull rank by hiding his weaknesses or his sins.
Suffering: A 7-Day Reading Plan
This 7-day Bible reading plan was created to help you draw encouragement from God's Word in the midst of suffering—leading to hope in the gospel through the power of the Spirit.
On Bible Translations: A Q&A with Leland Ryken - Part 1
Leland Ryken clarifies some of the issues of modern Bible translation and makes a case for an essentially literal approach.
Podcast: How to Read the Old Testament in a Christ-Centered Way (Bryan Chapell)
The Old Testament can feel confusing and intimidating. In this episode, we hear from Bryan Chapell about how reading it with an eye on the gospel helps us understand it better.
Podcast: Common Misconceptions about the Trinity (Fred Sanders)
Fred Sanders explains why the doctrine of the Trinity is essential to the gospel, highlights why Trinitarian analogies are of limited value, and responds to the charge that three-in-one is inherently illogical.
Are Complementarians Guilty of Selective Literalism?
Aren’t complementarians guilty of a selective literalism when they say some commands in a text are permanently valid and others are culturally conditioned and not absolute?
Teenagers and the Dangers of Relativism
There are two pretty big things that young people have to face when trying to follow Christ in a post-Christian world.
How OT Scriptures Changed the Course of History at the Jerusalem Council
The decisive speech fell to James, the brother of Jesus. Yet his speech mainly quoted Scripture. The turning point at the Jerusalem Council was a passage from the Word of God.
Why Your Sermons Should Address Believers and Unbelievers
Preachers should aim to capture the attention and inspire the affection of both unbelievers and believers.
Excited about Christmas, Less So about Christ
As Christians, we sometimes find ourselves excited about Christian things, but surprisingly indifferent to Christ.
What Does It Mean to Take the Lord’s Supper in “Remembrance” of Christ?
Many times today, Christians think that this remembrance is simply recalling past events, but this remembrance—at least from a biblical standpoint—means a lot more.
It is in “our weaknesses” that Jesus sympathizes with us. His is a love that cannot be held back when he sees his people in pain.
Derek W. H. Thomas, John W. Tweeddale
For Calvin, self-denial was not a special requirement for the few but a norm for all believers, and we deny self because we have been united with God, not because we want to achieve such a union.
3 Ways the Internet and Social Media Benefit Wisdom
In what sense are the Internet and social media potentially valuable for wisdom? We know the many downsides to online life. What are the upsides?
10 Things You Should Know about the Church’s Historic Creeds and Confessions
The best doctrinal summaries promote church unity. They help us to identify what we have in common with other Christians.
How to Eat with Gratitude This Thanksgiving
The created world finds its meaning when people, created in God’s image, use it with a mind that knows God and a heart that believes in and thanks God.
Giving Thanks Is Better Together
Thanksgiving is not simply a thank-you card, sealed in an envelope and intended only for the eyes of the divine addressee. Thanksgiving is an open, public declaration.
Is Your Check Engine Light On?
Are you experiencing any warning signs of burnout? This articles tells you what signs to look for.
What Makes Pastoral Ministry Enjoyable?
Pastoral ministry—while having its unique challenges—is also filled with particular, and sometimes unexpected, joys.
Loneliness: A 5-Day Devotional
Single or married, young or old, man or woman—everyone experiences loneliness at various times and to varying degrees. No one is exempt.
What Does It Look Like to Be Blessed?
What is the proof that God is for us? Where else do we need to look other than God giving the most valuable thing in the universe, offering up his one and only Son for his people?
The Devil’s Doctrine: A Sermon from Lemuel Haynes Against Universal Salvation
The holy Scriptures are a peculiar fund of instruction. They inform us of the origin of creation, of the primitive state of man, and of his fall, or apostasy, from God.
We live in an angry world, and most of it is obviously destructive. But anger is not intrinsically evil, essentially evil, or necessarily evil.
No, Good Theology Didn’t Start with the Reformation
Sometimes evangelicals view church history as though our main tradition is the last 500 years, but there's much more to our history.
God Cares about Beauty (and We Should, Too)
God has implanted in people longing and desire for the true, the good, and the beautiful. The Bible speaks to all three of these.
Praying the Bible vs. Interpreting the Bible
One hurdle many people face when trying to pray the Bible is confusing prayer time with Bible study, interpretation, and application.
6 Soul-Searching Questions from the Book of Hebrews
New converts to Christianity typically have few doubts. But years of living and learning often soften their confidence.
How Psalm 145 Saved My Ministry
I can’t tell you how many times in my early days of ministry I questioned if God had really called me into pastoral ministry.
Interview: Justin Taylor on the 10-Year Anniversary of the ESV Study Bible
In this interview, we sit down with Justin Taylor to discuss the publication of the ESV Study Bible, which first released ten years ago this month.
3 Pieces of Advice for Teens about to Start High School
In the long run, your friends have an enormous influence on you, so you need the right kinds of friends.
Do Christians Fast Because Food and Drink Are Bad?
There are a number of things that God has given Christians as disciplines for our pilgrim condition in this world.
Our faith should be strengthened as we consider God's providence—how our loving father carefully governs our lives. As you study providence, there are five principles that you should keep in mind.
Free Desktop Wallpapers from "The Biggest Story"
We’ve created a collection of free desktop wallpapers featuring some of our favorite illustrations by award-winning illustrator Don Clark from the book.
The Cultural Misconception of Blessing
We are all familiar with the hashtags around social media. The word blessing gets thrown around a lot, so people have an idea of what they think blessing means.
Teaching Your Kids Gratitude in the Media Age
Media doesn’t create a sense of entitlement—a sense of “I deserve”—but it fuels that belief by holding in front of our eyes what others have and do.
The Necessity of Faith in Science
Cory C. Brock, James Eglinton, N. Gray Sutanto
The temptation of Christians throughout history, according to Bavinck, has always been to separate faith from reason or to synthesize them in a syncretistic manner.
My view of the Bible was always a view through the Bible.
An Implicit Biblical Command for Families
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of progress. Keep a regular time of family worship and encourage your kids to explore the Bible together with you.
The Doctrine of Scripture in the Bible
God speaks definitively to us in Scripture and we can trust the Bible as his words.
12 Practical Ways to Be on Mission This Halloweeen
Halloween offers opportunity to engage in new relationships or to revisit old ones with missional intentionality.
Podcast: The Fight against Porn Is a Fight for Justice (Ray Ortlund)
We are royalty created in God’s image for a great and noble purpose. This has the power to free us from the dehumanizing lies of the porn industry.
Which Approach to Bible Study Should I Use?
The longest-lasting—and most accurate and faithful to the Word and character of God—is to approach the Bible trying to understand what God is saying to us about himself.
Don't Make This Mistake When Studying the Bible
Most of us haven’t spent much time devoting our attention to just things that are true about God.
How the Psalms Teach Us to Sing
God’s people have always been a singing people. There must be a robust expression of our testimony to his grace, something not just seen in our lives but heard from our voices.
Podcast: C. S. Lewis on Truth, Beauty, and the Human Heart (Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney explores the legacy of one of the most beloved Christian thinkers and writers of the 20th century.
Does the Old Testament Really Point to Jesus? Jesus Thought So
Does the Old Testament really point to Jesus? To answer that question, we should ask an expert. The leading authority on all things spiritual is Jesus himself.
If you’re not dealing with hardship now, you will someday. And if you’re not dealing with it now, you are near someone who is.
Our faith and all that flows from it in the Christian life is due to the Spirit, who renews us in the image of God and transforms us into Christ.
You Might Be an Idolator If...
Where is the line between a healthy enjoyment and an idol?
Gospel Hope for Suffering: A 5-Day Devotional with Paul David Tripp
In this five-day video devotional learn how to trust God more deeply—even through circumstances you wouldn’t choose for yourself.
4 Prayers to Pray in Gratitude
Turn to the Lord in gratitude with help from Scripture and these prayers of the saints.
Never Forget: You Need What Your Kids Need
It’s helpful for our kids to hear that they’re not alone in their struggles and that you're not perfect either—but Jesus is.
2 Questions about the Doctrine of Christ
To explore the wonder of who Christ is and stir our hearts to worship him, let us consider two questions about who he is.
One way we waste our waiting is by not realizing that God invites us to pursue it with other people, to integrate waiting into the normal life of the body of Christ. We need to wait on God together.
4 Reasons Christians Should Use Their Minds
Stott recognized the need for both intellect and emotion in Christianity, but, clearly for him, “the greater danger is anti-intellectualism and a surrender to emotionalism.”
What About the Issues Scripture Doesn't Address?
John MacArthur shares a few questions to ask ourselves when venturing into gray territory.
Truth Was Made in the Image of God
Truth has three key attributes: omnipresence (everywhere present), everlastingness (through all times), and unchangeability (immutability). These three features of truth are attributes of God.
Why Pursuing Sanctification Is More Than Just Remembering Justification
There are many truths in Scripture that speak to the process of sanctification.
Why Is It So Hard to Discern the Work of the Holy Spirit in My Life?
You come to awareness and confession and belief in Christ and then gradually become aware that if you are successfully believing in Jesus, it’s because the Spirit is at work within you.
What Can We Know about the Father’s Involvement in the Crucifixion?
What sort of knowledge of God’s action in Christ’s death may we have? That a man named Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate. What further knowledge about the cross, then, may Christians enjoy?
10 Things You Should Know about Leadership
There is not a square inch of knowledge that doesn’t belong to God.
How Puritan Women Are Misunderstood Today
You don't have to agree with Puritan women, but it does mean that you have to allow them to tell their own stories in their own words before you start to interpret them for yourself.
How to Turn Weeping into Witnessing
We can’t jump straight to It’s alright. God will be good. We can be sure he will, but that’s probably not where we should start.
How to Motivate Our Churches for Gospel Witness
Every believer and every church is called to bear witness about Christ. But until motivated by the Spirit, our public witness is often weak and fickle.
Why Should Christians Care about Church History?
For the Christian community, history is the stage on which the drama of redemption is being displayed—at the beginning is the Fall, at the end is the Last Judgment. In between, the most crucial event of all.
Introducing the ‘ESV Daily Devotional New Testament’
Introducing a new 365-day plan to help you read and pray through the entire New Testament.
Why did Jesus send his disciples into that storm? He did it for the same reason he sometimes sends you into storms—because he knows that sometimes you need the storm in order to be able to see the glory.
Day 3 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
11 Notable Quotes from Parenting
As caregivers, parents act as ambassadors of God’s love and care to their children.
Why Men Need to Be Transparent with Each Other
One of the best ways men can encourage each other with the gospel is simply with honesty and transparency.
3 Characteristics of a Christian Response to Sin
The story of the prodigal son is an incredible illustration of sin, repentance, and forgiveness. Through the character of the son, the parable reveals three things that should characterize a Christian's response to his sin.
8 Theses on Christians and Twitter
This month, Twitter celebrates its 12th anniversary. Short, pithy, snarky statements are the currency of Twitter, but, how should Christians engage?
How the Modern West Is WEIRDER than the Rest of the World
Joseph Henrich introduced the term WEIRD about ten or fifteen years ago, and he said that people in the modern West are WEIRD: Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic.
Podcast: How Ancient Liturgy Can Renew Your Walk with Jesus Today (Jonathan Gibson)
Jonathan Gibson talks about why liturgy can be such a powerful force for good in the life of the Christian when rightly understood and practiced.
When defining the term “missional community,” I often take time to clarify what it’s not.
The Real Cost of Building a Healthy Church
A call to ministry is a call to die—to self, to sin, to selfish ambition, to idolizing your own success, and to enhancing your own image.
10 Reasons Joy Brings Christ to Our Culture
How can Christians help their neighbors live more like God wants and resist the decay of our culture?
This Day in History: John Stott Was Born
On this day in history John Stott, one of the most influential Christian leaders of the twentieth century, was born. This year marks the centenary of his birth.
4 Common Misconceptions of What the Church Is
Before you establish what the church is, you have to define what it isn’t. You have to clear away some of the rubble before you can build and construct something.
Is Christianity Bad News for Women?
The true Christian faith elevates, cherishes, protects women. Women are drawn to it. Our God created us imago Dei, and his desire is that each life will be cherished and protected.
7 Tips for Pastoring Your Children
If you’re a pastor and a father, you already know how hard each is, and how much harder the two in tandem can be.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: If God Speaks to Me, Why Can’t I Hear Him?
No, we can’t hear God audibly, but we can hear him speak in the sense that he has written his thoughts down for us to read and to hear in his word.
A Brief Bibliography of the Writings of J. I. Packer
J. I. Packer’s written productivity is legendary, but even more impressive than the number of his publications is the remarkable extent of the topics he addresses.
Get Your Feet Out of Death’s Path and Live
May this generation turn from the greatest of wickednesses, the placing of any created thing in the place of the Creator, getting its feet out of the paths of death so that it may live.
Why Church Planting Can’t Be Church Franchising
I have seen empires come and go, but never have I seen anything so radical and pervasive as the gospel of the kingdom.
Introducing a Bible Study Resource for Kids
Learn more about this resource designed to lead children ages 6–12 to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
How to Show Your Kids Grace This Christmas
In this season, the very message we have staked our lives on gets obscured by the message of the world.
Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image
From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified.
Saul Had an Extraordinary, Supernatural Conversion—and So Did You
Isn’t it interesting how God saves people? And whom God saves? And how he changes them? It’s often the people we least expect and in a way we would never expect.
Let's Make Every Sunday Resurrection Sunday
As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter, let's resolve to make every Sunday a resurrection Sunday, living in all the good that the resurrection accomplishes for us each day.
Why God’s Promises Are Important for Kids Too
The struggles and complexities of life teach us through the years that we must rely on our heavenly Father. How are God’s promises also for our little ones?
Seeing God’s Grace in the Hospital Room
It can be really hard to remember God's love when you're working in the hospital witnessing other people's suffering, or even in the hospital as a patient yourself.
Celebrating 85 Years of Crossway’s Tracts Ministry
2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Good News Publishers, and Crossway is casting a vision for its tracts ministry for the future.
Should Children’s Ministry Be Church-Centered or Family-Centered?
We have the responsibility to train our children in the faith, and yet the whole church has this responsibility to hold parents accountable.
Everyone wants to have a good life. What will make you truly blessed?
Nancy Guthrie investigates what the creed means when it says that Jesus "descended into hell".
Don’t Waste Your Life: A 5-Day Devotional
Beyond the legacy that you’ll leave for your family, what gospel difference will your life have made in the world?
Why Study the Books of 1–3 John
The more divisive, the more stressful, the more anxious, and the more lonely our society grows, the more compelling the need becomes for a clear exhortation to love.
How to Pray in the Wake of Hurricane Dorian
Natural disasters can be a doorway for spiritual questions and eternal decisions. We can do more than just watch and marvel.
Inerrancy Part 2: How do You Reconcile the Discrepancies in the Gospels?
Vern S. Poythress discusses what the most prominent discrepancies in the gospels are and we can reconcile them.
Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum
What, we may well ask, in literary terms, is the plot structure of the Old Testament or even of the entire Bible as a single text?
Podcast: What I Wish I Knew in Seminary after 30 Years in Ministry (Dave Harvey)
What can be learned in seminary and what can only be learned through years of experience in ministry? Hear from Dave Harvey about his own path to the pastorate.
Podcast: Prayer as an Invitation, Not an Obligation (John Onwuchekwa)
In this episode, John Onwuchekwa discusses how prayer can deepen our relationship with God instead of being a source of guilt.
Watch for Faithfulness in Those around You
As you spend time in the local church, observe how the believers around you follow Jesus. Watch for people who radiate the life of Jesus and spend time with them.
2 Categories of Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible
The worst thing you can do when you read the Bible is to read it passively or thoughtlessly.
Introducing the ‘Reactivity’ Podcast with Paul Tripp
Join Paul Tripp in this new podcast as he encourages Christians to think wisely about their social media interactions and to be a beacon of light in an age of toxicity.
The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden
Kids need to know how classic Bible stories connect to Scripture’s overarching message about God’s glorious plan to redeem his rebellious people.
Connecting Worship on Sunday to Work on Monday
Many of us are misguided when it comes to how my work connects to the Christian faith.
Are Love and Authority Mutually Exclusive?
But authority in creation and authority and redemption actually work together—for good.
More than any other physical feature, we associate the face with a person. Faces matter to people, and so it’s not surprising that faces matter in the Bible.
Podcast: Why Your Physical Body Matters to God (Sam Allberry)
Sam Allberry talks about the eternal significance of our physical bodies, how it relates to our identity, and why our bodies matter here and now.
Conflict: When Desires Become Demands
What are the kinds of things—perhaps good things in and of themselves—that can rule our hearts?
Men: Your Wife Only Needs One Savior
Men, remember this. The difference maker in your marriage isn’t you, it’s Jesus.
Clothed in Christ and Unashamed
Body shame is the feeling that your body with its imperfections is something of which to be ashamed—something you wish you could hide or change.
Podcast: Distinguishing Christmas Tradition from Truth (Andreas Köstenberger)
Andreas Köstenberger explores how to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to the Christmas story, discussing the real date of Jesus's birth, the wise men and the star, and key Old Testament prophecies and allusions surrounding the incarnation.
What Jonathan Edwards's Daughter Can Teach Us about Friendship
Our culture is not one that provides great encouragement for the nurture and development of deep, long-lasting, satisfying friendships.
The Resurgence of Reformed Theology among African Americans
There are encouraging indications that Reformed theology is being embraced by an increasing number of African American Christians today.
The weed of doubt never grows alone. When we plant the seed of doubt in God’s word or God’s power, the weeds of fear, disobedience, and pessimism also take root and grow.
Podcast: Help! I’m Married to My Pastor (Jani Ortlund)
In this episode, Jani Ortlund discusses the joys and challenges of being a pastor's wife for nearly five decades.
Why You Should Join an Imperfect Church
We need the body of Christ to grow and to know what it means to be a mature Christian.
The ESV Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible
The Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible was designed to be a Bible that would last a lifetime. In keeping with it’s name, it is an edition that can be passed from generation to generation.
The Swift Digression of Humankind in the Godless City of Babel
With remarkable conciseness the opening chapters of Genesis introduce a story that looks forward to the creation of an exceptional city where God and humanity will live in harmony.
Christ in All of Scripture – Exodus 3:13-16
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
What is more wonderful than to be able to put your head on the pillow knowing that if you die during the night it doesn’t matter, that you will go to heaven and wake up there as a child of God?
Introducing the ESV Single Column Thinline Bible
At just over one inch thick and featuring a popular type setting, this edition combines readability with portability.
11 Notable Quotes from Missional Motherhood
There is eternal value in even the most mundane moments if the Great Commission informs how we’re thinking about all of life, including what it means to be a mom.
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp encourages us to turn to Christ in our hardships, taking even our most difficult moments to him.
How to Find Yourself in the Psalms
I love the psalms because we find ourselves, but even more significantly, we find our Lord in the psalms.
As fathers, it’s important to remember that the gospel is eschatological—it is our hope not merely in this age, but also in the age to come.
Why Christians Should Read Shakespeare
Leland Ryken explains why more Christians should read or view Shakespeare than currently do.
The First Step in Celebrating Divine Grace
It’s good to mourn, it’s healthy to be sad, and it’s appropriate to groan. Something is wrong with us, something is missing in our hearts and our understanding of life.
The ESV is an “essentially” translation of the Bible in contemporary English emphasizing “word-for-word” accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning.
Did Christ Die for My Sins Just So That I Can Go to Heaven?
The question, Did Christ die for my sins so that I can go to heaven? assumes something that is correct, but not complete.
Q&A: Ray Ortlund Answers Your Questions about Porn and Pastoral Ministry
Ray Ortlund answers your questions about how pastors can cultivate churches where honesty about porn thrives and repentance abounds.
Passionate about the Trivial and Apathetic about the Vital
The paradox of apathy is that, for the spiritually apathetic, there is an inverse relationship between the greatness of a truth and our emotional and practical response to it.
God’s Calling for George Müeller
When Müller was twenty years old, he was invited to a Bible study and, by the grace of God, felt the desire to go.
Podcast: Sourdough Starters, Daily Bread, and the Goodness of Jesus (Abigail Dodds)
A discussion with Abigail Dodds about what the mixture of flour, water, and yeast can teach us about God, the Bible, and what it really means to be satisfied by our Savior.
Full Audiobook: How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy Kimble
Today, we are pleased to share the entire audio of How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy M. Kimble on The Crossway Podcast.
The Self-Forgetfulness of Real Love
This universe of self-love is collapsing in on itself. It’s like a black hole that shrinks itself into a smaller and smaller space.
Loving God in Marriage or Singleness
I guess being married or not married, being in a relationship or not—is a really, really big deal.
Introducing the 'ESV Devotional Psalter'
The devotional content of the ESV Devotional Psalter is intentionally designed to point to and highlight the biblical text, and to build bridges from the Psalms into the reader's heart.
Are You Intimidated by the Old Testament?
Do you find the Old Testament more than a little bit daunting? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Podcast: Why You Shouldn't Feel Bad about Enjoying the World (Joe Rigney)
What does it look like to love God and enjoy this world? Are the two in contention with each other?
3 Activities That Help Us Maintain Evangelical Unity
We must be deliberate about several activities if we are to maintain unity among ourselves as God’s people. Here are a few of them.
The Promises of God: A 7-Day Devotional
We are to treat a promise of God as reality, as someone treats a check. We are to take the promise and endorse it with our own name by personally receiving it as true.
What Is Catechesis and What Role Do Bible Stories Play in It?
Catechesis is basically training discipleship. When we catechize someone, we are instructing them, oftentimes, in the foundational, fundamental elements of our faith.
What the doctrines of grace do is they show us that God is still on his throne. He's still saving people.
Free E-Book: "Why Trust the Bible?" by Greg Gilbert
The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith. But this leads to an inescapable question: why should we trust it?
Introducing the ESV Premium Thinline Bible
Made with high-quality materials, this portable, beautiful edition will last for years to come.
The Glory We Desire vs. the Glory He Means for Us
It seems the moment our mortal minds begin to dwell on any sort of glory that involves ourselves, we are tripped up into idolatry, into a lust for praise and human acknowledgment.
Motherhood Is for the Faint of Heart
You may have read on a greeting card somewhere that motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Don't believe it.
Why the Reformation Isn't Over
We need to be constantly searching in God's word to see how further reformation needs to work itself out in our lives.
Podcast: Learning to Love the Local Church (Megan Hill)
Why is the local church so important and essential for our spiritual growth as Christians—especially in the time of COVID-19?
The Scoundrels of Scripture: A 6-Day Video Devotional
Learn from the stories of a handful of the Bible’s scoundrels and see more clearly the ways in which they reveal the generous grace of Jesus toward sinners.
What Is the Best Question to Ask a Hurting Friend?
There are lots of good questions to ask someone who is hurting, but I think one of the best questions is this: "How are you doing today?"
Is the “You Do You” Experiment Actually Working?
In our day, personal identity has never been more important. So there’s unprecedented interest in identity formation, being yourself, and thinking about yourself.
The Doctrine of Grace and Peace in the Bible
Benedictions are God’s good words for us as he looks on us with joy and love and grants us grace and peace.
Fasting = Homesickness for God
Christian fasting is not only the spontaneous effect of a superior satisfaction in God; it is also a chosen weapon against every force in the world that would take that satisfaction away.
Help! I Don’t Know What to Do with My Retirement
Retirement should not all be free unscheduled time, nor is it time to focus on ourselves, our comfort and happiness.
Today’s post is the first in a four-part series to give you a sample of some of our favorite devotional resources.
Students: Don't Let Your Head Get Ahead of Your Heart This Semester
David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell
Seminary is dangerous. Its gospel fragrance proves life-giving to many. But for others—far too many others—its aroma can lead to death.
Is There a Silver Bullet of Sanctification?
Sanctification isn't a one-size-fits-all process—God guides different people in different ways.
This 7-day Bible reading plan was designed to help you find the peace that God offers to us in his Word.
The Rich Biblical History of the Sacraments
The biblical exodus is recalled and made part of our lives through baptism, the Lord’s supper, and these other celebrations that place us within their pattern.
How Have Modern Ways of “Doing Church” Fallen Short?
Coleman M. Ford, Shawn J. Wilhite
I think that modern ministry has had a lot of fruit come from it, and perhaps a lot of good methods have been produced. Typically, what it doesn’t do, though, is to care about the soul of the pastor.
Help! I’m Supposed to Be the Perfect Child, Student, and Christian
We live in a culture of impossible expectations. Teens are under incredible pressure to succeed on a number of fronts. All these impossible expectations lead to an inevitable sense of failure and shame.
Does the Old Testament Teach Justification by Faith Alone?
Does the Old Testament teach justification by faith alone? We certainly don’t find the explicit teaching on the doctrine that is present in the New Testament.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Bridges on Proverbs 4:23
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
An Open Letter to Pastors on Preaching through the Whole Bible
Expository preaching is preaching that “exposes” the text of Scripture as God delivered it to us. It does not bring its own agenda to the Bible or to the pulpit, but seeks to understand the Bible text in its own terms.
Podcast: Where Is God in Suffering? (Ligon Duncan)
How can Christians can face profound life-changing suffering with their faith intact and find encouragement from God's word in the midst of a season of intense pain?
The Passionate Plea of Preaching
Alistair Begg, Sinclair B. Ferguson
There is a vast difference between simply conveying information to people, which can be cold and ineffectual, and true preaching and witness.
A Book for Teens Who Want to Take the Gospel Seriously
If you are a teenager and the gospel has changed your life, this book is for you.
3 Pieces of Advice for Responding to Miscarriage
Miscarriage can be an acutely painful experience. Yet it teaches those who experience it—and the church as a whole—to lean into the Lord's care.
My Suffering Savior Taught Me to Sing
My suffering Savior has taught me to always choose a song—a song that fortifies my faith against discouragement and breathes hope into my heart.
What Are the Sacraments, and Why Do They Matter?
One of the most important aspects of church life is the celebration of the sacraments—the Lord’s Supper and baptism. But despite this importance, there is much misunderstanding about them.
Aim to be mistaken for an elder before you are appointed an elder. All pastors are elders, and every elder is a pastor.
Podcast: Covenant Theology 101 (Guy Waters)
How do we understand the biblical covenants, and how can they help us to read Scripture rightly?
God’s Passion for God at Christmas
The deepest reason why we live for the glory of God is that God acts for the glory of God.
4 Arguments from Scripture in Favor of Biblical Theology
The core conviction of those who practice the discipline of biblical theology is that the Bible is a unified work inspired by God and given to humans to help them understand his broad saving plan.
Help for Regular Bible Reading When Life Is Hectic
The best thing is to have a plan—even if it's one of your own creation. Just map out a series of readings for yourself.
Jonathan Edwards makes three observations about heaven.
You need to be willing to stand on the shoulders of those that have come before.
Why Planned Parenthood and the Kingdom of Christ Are at Odds
every believer is called to recognize Jesus in the face of his little brothers and sisters.
The reality is that Christians are priests and that’s one of the most significant identities we share as human beings.
ESV.org—How to Read the Greek New Testament
Study the Greek New Testament for Free Did you know you can read and study The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge for free on ESV.org? To start reading, navigate to any New …
Your Physical Presence Is an Irreplaceable Gift
We need to realize that being embodied means that we are designed to relate to one another physically.
Doing good and being rich in good works and being generous and ready to share aren’t just about money.
The 2 Battles Every Minister Fights
In ministry, there will be a war in which you’re called to come and lay down your life as Christ laid down his life.
Introducing ‘ESV Proverbs: Daily Wisdom’
The book of Proverbs is a unique and treasured part of the Bible, rich with timeless wisdom. It is meant to be read slowly and meditatively.
Jesus said that it is out of the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). What comes out of your heart displays what’s in it and what has captured it.
How Do You Pursue Neighbors Who Continually Avoid Your Invitation?
Here are a couple of barriers you can remove to make people feel loved and welcomed.
What We Misunderstand about the Story of Abortion in America
If early American men were going on trial for forcing women to eat abortifacients, we certainly can’t believe what Justice Blackman wrote in his original Roe v. Wade opinion.
This is an interview with Don Clark, illustrator of The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden by Kevin DeYoung.
It's easy to idolize both the "super mom" identity and the "messy mom" identity—instead, let faithfulness and service be your standard.
Full Audiobook: ‘The Expulsive Power of a New Affection’ by Thomas Chalmers
As a result of the fall, human feelings of love are often misplaced on the creation rather than the Creator. This classic work of the faith reorients our affections toward him.
Something Scarier Than the Storm
Jesus’s miracle in the boat didn’t solve the disciples’ life problems; it gave them a bigger problem. Now they had to figure out what to do with Jesus.
Podcast: The Rewarding Risks of Church Membership (Thabiti Anyabwile)
Thabiti Anyabwile reflects on the value and benefits of local church membership, showing what the Bible really teaches about the idea of formal membership.
What Churches Should Look for in a Missionary
Churches should carefully assess the character, fruitfulness, and Bible knowledge of the missionaries they hope to send.
Jonathan Edward’s Response to Spiritual Arrogance
Jonathan Edwards was stirred by his congregation’s spiritual pride, apathy, and confused notions about true religion, alongside misunderstanding about genuine spiritual life.
Crossway Board Appoints Josh Dennis as New President
The Crossway Board of Directors is delighted to announce that Josh Dennis has been unanimously elected as the next President of Crossway, effective immediately.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Philemon?
Some question whether we should even say that the book of Philemon has a theology since it is merely a short, practical letter written to an individual Christian rather than a church.
6 Questions About Jesus’s Calling of the 12
Mark gives us five different angles on Jesus. In Mark 3:13–19 our view comes through the apostles’ eyes.
Why Study the Book of Genesis?
Genealogies form the backbone of the book of Genesis.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt encourages us to remember our baptism—the sign of the new identity that Christians have in Jesus Christ.
Waiting on God Means Releasing the Right to Control Your Life
Why is it so easy to get angry when we have to wait? It seems like that‘s our natural go-to response. Things are out of my ability to manipulate, manage, or maybe even figure out.
Podcast: How I Study the Bible (Lauren Chandler)
Lauren Chandler shares her Bible study and reading habits and how Scripture has impacted her personal life and work as a songwriter.
There are four essential identity markers of the church: oneness, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity.
How to Make Your House a Home Base for Mercy
Can I let you in on an embarrassing secret? When I hear someone at the door, my instinct is to breathe a frustrated sigh as numerous thoughts race through my head.
When the church ceases to treat the Bible as a final standard of spiritual truth and wisdom, it is going to wobble between maintaining its tradition in a changing world and adapting to that world.
No One in Our Lives “Always” Acts a Certain Way—Except God
Every. Single. Day. Always. The Lord has no off days and no half-hearted days. No days where instead of pursuit he dawdles in his goodness or forgets to follow in his mercy.
The Economy Is about More than Money
The economy is a system of choices we make about all of our resources. Every choice we make is an economic choice.
We have a strong foundation by which we know that Christ is building his church all over the world.
Why Is Teen Anxiety on the Rise?
What factors contribute to the rise of anxiety in teenagers today?
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Alexander E. Stewart
God does not always do things the way that we think he should or act as we might expect.
The true Christian is called to be a soldier, and must behave as such from the day of his conversion to the day of his death.
Christ in All of Scripture – Nehemiah 9
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Dear Pastor . . . in a Lonely World, Cultivating Community Is Worth It
Of all the many things we do, cultivating spiritual community in a lonely world ranks among the most difficult, time-consuming, and personally demanding efforts.
Hell is eternal conscious punishment where sinners are separated from God’s gracious presence. Hell is eternal. Hell lasts forever after this life.
What Is at the Heart of the Book of Acts?
If this is a book about what the apostles did, it is interesting that after the twelve are listed in the first chapter, we don’t hear anything else about most of them.
Is Complementarianism Oppressive to Women?
Exegetical support for why we believe Scripture teaches that headship includes primary leadership, which is the responsibility of the man.
Before we address fighting sin, it is worthwhile to point out that the victory over sin has already been won in Christ.
Is the Fruit of the Spirit More Like a Pie or a Tree?
Rather than picturing the Spirit’s fruit as a homemade pie that depends on its ingredients, we are to picture it as a tree. A fruitful tree is dependent on external factors to survive and thrive.
3 Ways Early Christians Were Intentional about Sharing the Gospel
The New Testament shows that early Christians were consistent in sharing the good news with individuals and households, as well as proclaiming the gospel in public squares.
Why You Should Disciple Your Child during the Teen Years
We are so used to training up our children when they’re very young, but it's just as important when they hit the pivotal growth point of the early teen years.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Everyday Gospel by Paul David Tripp and One with My Lord by Sam Allberry.
The Key to Happiness Is More Stuff . . . Right?
Our contentment is unshakeable when it is rooted in our unchanging God.
Despite the commercialization of Christmas and its overall worldly cast, God still infuses wonder into the season.
5 Tips for Teaching Your Kids about Church History
Learning about church history can be exciting, uplifting and often funny. But if taught badly, it can also be turgid, pedestrian and dull.
The Custom ESV Bible Program allows you to create a custom cover to represent your church, ministry, or organization.
11 Notable Quotes from Gospel Fluency
To become fluent in a new language, you must immerse yourself in it until you actually start to think about life through it.
ESV.org—How to Start an Interactive Bible Reading Plan
Make a Habit Out of Reading the Bible Every Day Did you know that you can start an interactive Bible reading plan on ESV.org? After creating a free account, simply click on the calendar icon …
2 Ways the Church Can Help Women Who Are Burned Out
The church can be actively aware, learning or acquiring knowledge about the stresses and strains on women and families.
If People Smarter Than Me Reject Christianity, Isn’t It Likely That They’re Right and I’m Wrong?
We tend to think that we discover truth by simply gathering facts together. And once we’ve gathered enough facts, we can know things about the world.
Free E-Book: "Communion with the Triune God" by John Owen
Does it make a difference that the God Christians claim to worship has revealed himself as triune—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Learn more about artist Joshua Noom and his work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Podcast: How Reliable Is the New Testament? (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams, author of Can We Trust the Gospels? answers a crucial question: can we really trust the New Testament Gospels?
Rejecting Theistic Evolution ≠ Embracing a God of the Gaps
A God of the gaps argument is an argument that has a formal, logical structure. Logic is known as an argument from ignorance—an informal fallacy.
How to Be a Gospel-Centered Bible Reader
To make sure that you are gospel-centered every day, look for Christ in the Scriptures.
Money will either bless you or curse you. It will be a tool in the hands of a God of grace, or it will be a doorway to bad and dangerous things.
Only the Greatest Humility Accepts the Lowest Place
A proud person would protest that some low position was “beneath” him or her. Jesus displayed his humility by not regarding anything as beneath him.
Free Download: Printable Verse Cards Tracing God's Unfolding Grace
Download these free printables for memorizing and meditating on God's word.
Why Preaching Is the Number One Way a Pastor Leads
Preaching has to be the first way we lead as pastors, in one sense, because it’s inherent within our position, within our role.
Blessing in God’s Plan of Redemption
Blessing plays a significant role in God's plan of redemption, in that blessing is the goal of God's plan of redemption.
Knowing Church History Is an Asset for Every Pastor
Our brothers before us have gone down challenging roads and they have much that they can share that is of true benefit to us.
What Peter and Jude Would Say to the Contemporary Church
One of the things that makes 2 Peter and Jude so relevant to our contemporary situation is the fact that they address issues that the church still faces today.
The Cosmic Effect of Resurrection
The resurrection is the guarantee that the wrath of God has been appeased by the sacrifice of Jesus.
The Why behind Rapid Cultural Shifts in Gender Politics
Christians are often prone to focusing on symptoms rather than looking at underlying causes.
An Important Chapter That Calvin Added to the Second Edition of His ‘Institutes’
John Calvin did not have a chapter on the Christian life in the first, short edition of the Institutes (published in 1536), but he added a concluding chapter on this topic in the second edition.
The Sympathetic Heart of Our Lord Jesus
The emotion that we should naturally expect to find most frequently attributed to that Jesus whose whole life was a mission of mercy, and whose ministry was so marked by deeds of beneficence, is compassion.
But God’s plan to liberate his people exceeded anything they could have hoped for. He intended liberation from the tyranny of sin itself.
The faithfulness needed to combat wickedness requires an experience of God’s powerful grace in the gospel.
God wants me to learn how to wait so that I can wait well, even if my waiting continues for the rest of my life.
Introducing the What Is the Gospel? Study Guide
This study guide was created to help readers define the gospel and apply the it to their lives.
It Wasn’t Just Jesus That Died on Good Friday
The death of Jesus was the end of the priesthood. There was simply no need for an imperfect priest once the perfect priest had come.
10 Things You Should Know about Cultural Identity
From its opening pages right through to the end, Scripture attests to the importance of peoples in God’s purpose for humanity.
A Common Misconception About Your Worth
Did our preciousness move God's heart to send Jesus to die for us? If that is the case, what is the purpose of grace?
How Reading the Bible Shapes Our Identity
But if every revelation of God is a revelation of myself in relation to God, then all of Scripture is continually in the business of rewiring our self-understanding.
Health and salvation, for three good reasons, have much in common.
Everything depends on how people use the term. Individualism can be simply the focus on self. In certain contexts, it would be very difficult to have a deep difference between the two.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Political Engagement
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Andrew and Christian Walker talk through some basic biblical, theological, and philosophical principles related to political engagement that every Christian parent should know.
Should Ministry Be a Calling or an Aspiration?
Scripture doesn’t use the exact word calling. So, that means we don’t have to. It’s a question of wisdom. Is this helpful language?
Can We Find Lasting Encouragement through the Power of Positive Thinking and Self-Help?
But God's word says that God's power is made perfect through weakness. So I'm intended to come in my weakness in search of God's power, not in search of my own power.
A Momentary Affliction in Light of Eternity
All Christians, especially those who are suffering, should be daydreaming about eternity on a regular basis.
Enter to Win a Free ‘ESV Illuminated Bible’
This month, we introduced the new 'ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition.' Enter our giveaway to win a free copy!
Here’s the principle. Seeing courage spreads courage. Seeing boldness awakens boldness. Seeing fearlessness overcomes fear.
A Key Difference between Social Conservatism and Political Conservatism
I am a political conservative myself and I’ll fully admit that there are aspects of political conservatism today that gain acceptance under the umbrella of political conservatism that I am wary to adopt.
No one sets out to learn lament. But once you find it, you're so thankful because there's grace that God can give you when the dark clouds of hardship and pain roll into your life.
Why It Matters That Jesus Is Better Than Everything
Introducing people to Jesus involves showing them how Jesus meets their needs better than anything else.
What Difference Does God Make on Monday Mornings?
God does his sustaining work through the actions of human beings.
The True Way of Keeping Christmas
I entreat that your time may be thus spent. Let it not be about your dressing, your plays, your profits, or your worldly concerns but let it be the wonders of redeeming love.
As we savor the good news of the sin-bearing servant of the Lord, we learn to enthuse. The gospel of a surprising salvation can only make us laugh, sing, and cheer.
Podcast: What Pastors Can Learn from Richard Baxter (Tim Cooper)
Tim Cooper discusses the importance of Richard Baxter, a Puritan responsible for many key (if not misunderstood or difficult to read) treatises on church doctrine and the role of ministry.
Lessons on Church Planting from the Prince of Preachers
We can learn many lessons from Spurgeon’s example. Here are three.
How the Anglican Communion Addresses Neo-Paganism
Any discussion of Anglicanism in our present context must include the rise of neo-pagan Anglicanism in many Anglican churches around the world, especially in the West.
Tim Keller's Foreword to "Bloodlines" by John Piper
I was excited when I learned that John Piper was writing a book on race and the gospel of the cross. When John gave me the privilege of reading the manuscript, I devoured it and …
How Can Pastors Help Their Church Become a Praying Church?
In order to get the Spirit of Jesus in the front seat of the car driving you, you need to slow down and be attentive to him.
Delight in God Must Be the Fuel for Mission
The foundation of all our mission is our knowledge and enjoyment of God. Our delight in God is the main fuel for mission.
How to Flourish in a Fallen World
When the man and woman sinned against God, they were expelled from his presence, driven out of Eden.
The Vicious Cycle of Idolatry and Loneliness
Escape from difficult circumstances can easily turn into idolatry and unhealthy coping mechanisms. But God always provides a way out.
Follow the Second Adam into True Rest
There is an unending, eternal rest that God established himself and that we have always been meant to enter into with him.
God Blesses Holiness, Not Pastoral Talent
If you’re not cleansed from the things that corrupt your life, you’re not a vessel fit for the Master’s use.
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Creeds and Confessions in Your Church
Not long ago a friend asked what I’d say if I had thirty seconds with someone in an elevator and had to explain why I think Christian Confessions are so important. As you can see, I know what I’d say.
Why Martin Luther's Preaching Was So Offensive
As soon as the Reformation began in 1517, Martin Luther became the most famous man in Europe.
Ashamed Sinner, Unashamed Savior
God has gone through great pains to prove to us that he's not as ashamed of us as we often are of ourselves.
This Day in History: John Calvin Returns to Geneva
We can learn three important lessons from this episode in history.
The Believer’s Paradoxical Experience of Sin
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Christians live in the painful paradox of salvation begun but not completed.
Developing a Plan for Summer Bible Study
As you develop your plan to feed deeply this summer on God’s Word, here are five suggestions to help fill these summer days with spiritual fruit.
The common good is such an important concept because it helps us understand that when we are pursuing the welfare of the city, we're not looking out for our self-interest alone.
You Are Complete When God Is Yours
Dwell in the light of your Lord, and let your soul be always delighted by his love.
Four Temptations: How Internet Habits Can Cripple Book Reading
Tony Reinke presents four temptations that interfere with reading books.
The Economy’s 3 Essential Ingredients
Economists are looking at things that people have to make trade-off decisions about. That includes material resources, time, and relationships.
You Can Change: A 5-Day Devotional Reading Plan
Over the course of five days, be encouraged by God’s commitment to his own in this devotional adaptation from John Piper’s book, Providence.
Is There Any Purpose in Our Loneliness?
We were originally created by God, alone. The reason God created in this way is so that we will find our all in him.
Remembering Ann Judson 190 Years Later
With her husband Adoniram Judson (1788–1850), Ann was the first of a long line of American evangelical missionaries.
Try a simple experiment. Take a small child on your knee. Respect him. Do not see him as something to prune, form, or mold.
The Most Accessible Person in the Universe
Jesus is lowly, he's accessible. You don't have to go through security to get to him. You just have to humble yourself.
Marriage: Realistic Expectations? A Q & A With Paul Tripp
CBN talks with Paul Tripp about his book, What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Behind-the-Scenes: The Creation of the ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty
Giving priority to the Scriptures can help ensure that we make God’s voice the loudest message we hear.
Doctrine: Information Leading to Heart Transformation
When you enter the world of biblical truth, you’re entering a moral battleground. The great drama of life is not about information.
How to Prioritize Family Prayer as a Leader
We must proactively pursue the priority of prayer in the home and somehow make the time for it.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Lucy and the Saturday Surprise’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story about the dangers of envy and joy of contentment read aloud by its author Melissa Kruger.
Out of chaos, Christ came. In spite of, and out of, the pandemonium, Christ came.
Introducing the New ESV CrossReference Tool
This free tool for your blog or website scans each page for all Bible references, automatically turning each reference into a hoverable link.
How Did Jesus’s Stories Get Passed On?
Some seek to explain how the stories were passed from Jesus into the Gospels, but that question, though tending to get primacy in academic discussion, is actually secondary.
3 Words of Counsel to Sufferers
Be aware that you're always preaching to yourself some kind of gospel.
The very rhythms of the world are a pointer to what it means to be part of the created order as a human being.
Illustrating the Overarching Story of Scripture
Gail explains how she worked to tie her illustrations together so as to communicate the overarching story of Scripture.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Christmas?
Christians care about Christmas because it marks the beginning of the gospel, the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Developing doctrine in the church is one more in a series of improvisations.
Andrew Fuller: A Mind for Modern Missions
It is totally possible that Andrew Fuller’s impact on history, by the time Jesus returns, will be far greater and different than it is now.
The Value of Your Work Isn't Attached to a Dollar Sign
I don’t want to diminish the need to pay people a fair wage for the work they do. But it is important for us to see work as a contribution, and not always with a dollar sign attached to it.
Rebalancing Our Approach to Observing the Sabbath
We don’t want to add to his Word. We don’t want to take away from his Word. We want to observe his Word, and the Sabbath is no exception.
Why the Christmas Story Isn't Finished
Christmas is a promise and invitation of a celebration to come.
Podcast: Asking God "Why" in the Midst of Suffering (Mark Talbot)
Is it okay to ask God why when suffering? What do you do when you go through profound suffering?
Why Devotional Bible Reading Is Good Bible Reading
The purpose of reading the Bible devotionally is to commune with God and grow closer to him.
How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
To live a life transformed by the gospel means that everything in life changes.
The One Thing That Will Free You from FOMO
The more heavenward my life has become, the more meaning I’ve found in mundane things, and the more motivated I’ve been to serve the Lord.
Are Authority and Submission Inherently Flawed?
Lewis uses the Great Dance as a way of talking about the patterning, ordering, structuring, and interlocking of reality.
Podcast: A Better Way to Talk about the “Call to Ministry” (Bobby Jamieson)
Bobby Jamieson talks about his own path to church leadership, what role seminary played, and as well as what advice he'd give to those aspiring to be pastors.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of J. I. Packer (Sam Storms)
Sam Storms reflects on Packer's remarkable life and ministry, including how Packer came to faith and the impact that his many books have had on generations of Christians.
3 Losses of an Illiterate Culture
Glenda Faye Mathes, Leland Ryken
The decline of reading has impoverished our culture and individual lives. We have lost mental sharpness, verbal skills, and ability to think and imagine.
Podcast: Help! I’m Afraid to Share My Faith (Isaac Adams)
Isaac Adams discusses the nature of evangelism and why we so often feel intimidated, unequipped, or unsure of how to even speak about the gospel to others in our lives.
Blessed: How the Old Testament Helps us Make Sense of Revelation with Andrew Sach (Episode 3)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Andrew Sach about how the more we keep our eyes and ears open for Old Testament imagery and allusions, the less strange the book of Revelation will seem.
All around the world, God is giving and sustaining life to the praise of his grace.
Podcast: Help! I Can’t Find Someone to Disciple Me (Garrett Kell)
In this episode, Garrett Kell discusses why all Christians are called to be discipled and to disciple others.
The Lord called Abraham to take his son. The Lord called Abraham to take his son, his only son Isaac, whom he loved, up to Mount Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering there. …
Play-Doh, Flannelgraphs, and Teaching Kids Biblical Theology
When we teach the stories of the Bible without helping them connect those stories, we’re giving them puzzle pieces only without the context of the larger picture.
Preach the Bible, Not Your Dog
One of the big dangers that faces pastors today comes from a desire to connect with people.
Only when we catch a glimpse of this God and his glorious purposes that our lives finally make sense and can truly be purpose driven.
Learning to Hate for All the Right Reasons
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
Like Solomon, we must hate life. We must hate its terms and dread its end. We cannot control or comprehend anything.
Spiritual warfare made the Puritans what they were. They accepted conflict as their calling, seeing themselves as their Lord’s soldier-pilgrims.
Will You Be a Lifelong Learner?
For Christians, the stakes are even higher for cultivating holy curiosity and the mindset of a lifelong learner.
Spiritual Authority in an Anti-Authoritarian Age
God-appointed church leadership is for our good, stability, health, and protection.
Is It Right for Christians to Think the World Is Not Our Home?
There really are two kingdoms that are competing within the gospels. There is the kingdom that is ruled by Satan and there is the kingdom that is ruled by Jesus.
My friend, as you are united to Christ and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is applied to your life, you will experience the change that you long for.
The Present Hope of the Gospel
It is life-changing to know and believe that Jesus came so that we would have all that we need to live as he intended right now.
Introducing ‘Good News of Great Joy’ by John Piper
Joyous reflection and eager anticipation mark the season of Christmas, as Christians around the world celebrate the coming of their Savior.
This new beautifully illustrated children's book introduces the biblical imagery of sowing seeds and planting gardens to young readers to help them understand the story of redemptive history.
Understanding the Role of Justification
Theologically understood, justification is the moment—the event—that God declares a sinner righteous in his sight.
All the Very Best Stories Lead Us to Hope in the Darkness
Stories, it seems, can remind our kids that in Christ, morning will always come, no matter how deep the darkness.
Why Healing Requires More Than Self Help
We seek healing as if we have the power (and right) to obtain it, whereas it is our very weakness and lack of valid claim to such a cure which are defining characteristics of our illness.
The Counterintuitive Nature of Authority
Authority can be dangerous. But, if used rightly, it can also be a blessing.
Zach Eswine shares his own story of loss and the stunning realization that true faithfulness is not synonymous with ministry success.
Introducing the ‘ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, New Testament Set’
A new edition—great for art journaling, personal Bible reading and prayer, small-group Bible study, or taking notes through a sermon series.
Reading the Bible Is a Discipline, Loving the Bible Is a Gift from God
Reading the Bible is an action. It's something that I do, but there is a supernatural reality going on when we open God's Word that we can't see with our eyes.
How Does the Parable of the Two Sons Display the Genius of Jesus?
The parable of the two sons is Jesus’s longest story, and it’s remarkable in so many ways. Jesus loads up the story with layers of meaning.
Is Family Life a Proving Ground for Ministry?
The family really is meant to be a proving ground for a man's character, his ability as a leader, his ability to teach and shepherd and guide and direct and provide.
Introducing the Building Healthy Churches 16-Volume Set
When it comes to building a healthy church, there are many factors to consider—membership, evangelism, biblical theology, corporate worship, and more.
3 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves about Equipping the Church for Ministry
Here are three questions for church leaders to ask themselves before trying to help their people love each other better.
Dear Pastor . . . You Have Wonderfully Unique Opportunities to Counsel
Pastoral counseling is unlike any other form of counseling because of the many unusual opportunities a pastor has to engage lives. Here are seven unique facets of the pastoral life that open doors.
Christ in All of Scripture – Leviticus 1:4-5
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
4 Lessons for Pastors from the Life and Ministry of John Calvin
While Calvin is remembered today as a great theologian, he viewed his calling from God primarily in terms of his work as a pastor and preacher in Geneva.
The antidote to hypocrisy is humility. What good deeds do you do that are seen by few or none? When did you last volunteer for a menial task?
Create a Plan to Date Your Wife
There is no one right way to do this. Every marriage is different. Every wife is different. You need to create an annual plan that’s unique to the dream God has given you for your marriage and your wife.
You Need a Well-Oiled Gospel Memory
It is important to have a well-oiled, activated gospel memory. It’s important to require yourself never to forget.
Don’t Let Envy Poison Your Hospitality
Competitiveness has no place in the church. Imitate the good, but don’t envy what God has given to others. Hasn’t he been abundantly good to you?
The Sacraments Give Us a Collective Identity
The sacraments reinforce the truth that we belong to a collective, to Christ and his body. We are branches joined not just to the vine but also to other branches stemming from our Lord.
Gregg R. Allison, Stephen J. Wellum
In God’s providence, it was to a teaching career that God graciously called John to use his gifts and abilities to serve the larger evangelical church.
What’s Your Ambition’s Agenda?
God’s glorious agenda for our ambition, like his glorious gospel, begins not with what we achieve but with who we are.
Foreign Missions in Your Own Hometown
Engaging with your local community can provide numerous opportunities to practice international missions close to home.
Spurgeon’s Secret to a Fruitful Ministry
Fruitful ministry is less about self and more about Christ.
5 Fallacies about a Literary Approach to the Bible
Leland Ryken, Philip Graham Ryken
When the Bible gives us literary subject matter, that subject matter is present through the agency of divine inspiration. The same is true of the genres and forms of the Bible.
Common Pitfalls on the Path to Becoming a Pastor
Ministry is a gift of grace. So, hold your aspirations loosely and recognize any opportunity to serve God's people is a gift from him.
The Church’s Role in Racial Reconciliation
The church has a vital role to play in reconciliation between people of different ethnicities. It actually goes to the essence of what it means to be a Christian.
How Lament Can Help with Racial Reconciliation
When we don't know what to say, lament can become a really helpful language to use.
Growing a Disability-Effective Church
How can churches become equipped to be disability effective? By living transparently with weakness and allowing these weaknesses to issue forth in fruitful labor in Christ’s church.
How Spurgeon Avoided the Calling Calamity
Spurgeon understood the critical importance of helping men evaluate whether they were genuinely called to pastoral ministry.
The Purpose of Vibrant Illustrations in ‘The Biggest Story Bible Storybook’
Kids—and really all of us—are drawn to images and pictures. The illustrations in this edition present a kind of mood.
Introducing the ESV Heirloom Bible, Alpha Edition
A closer look at a new edition being added to Crossway's popular line of Heirloom Bibles.
How the Bible Is One Big, Divine, Holy Story of Marriage
One of the amazing things about the Bible is the grand scope of its vision.
The Christian Life Is about Wakefulness
The Spirit of Christ burns in our hearts, awakening us to the presence and activity of Jesus Christ. Sleeper, awake!
Give Yourself to Prayer This Lenten Season
Lent could be one of those seasons where you take time to meditate, examine, and consider. Here are four categories that can organize this season of worship for you.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Shame
Here are three things to pray for when you’re feeling ashamed.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Does God Love Me More When I Obey My Mom and Dad?
Because we’re not God, our anger is imperfect anger at times, even sinful. But it doesn’t change our love for our kids.
Three Purposes of God in Your Suffering
We know that suffering is a result of sin and a fallen world, but that usually feels inadequate when we're in anguish.
Being Constantly Online Has Changed Us More than We Think
When you ask, How could being on the internet so much be shaping us?, the real answer is, How could it not be shaping us?
Podcast: Why Is Obeying God So Simple and Yet So Incredibly Hard? (David Gibson)
David Gibson talks about our struggle with obeying God's word and what that reveals about our sinful hearts, our theology, and our understanding of the Christian life.
6 Joys and Perils of Full Time Ministry
Josh Moody shares with us 6 joys and perils of full time ministry.
Day 4 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Sanctity of Life
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Essential vs. Peripheral Doctrine
The ability to discern the relative importance of theological issues is vital to the health and unity of the church. Erik Thoennes shares four categories of importance into which theological issues can fall.
7 Ways to Use ‘Unfolding Grace’ in Your Church
Many Christians know key doctrines or various texts within the Bible, but they often miss the sweep of the Bible’s big story and how it connects to Christ.
Mormonism and Christianity advocate two deeply contrasting and conflicting worldviews.
How Do You Prioritize What You Read?
Having a clear purpose for why you read will ensure that the few books you choose will be the books most likely to benefit your life.
How Sharing a Meal Can Show Grace
Tim Chester shares how sharing a meal can show grace.
Podcast: Trauma, Pain, and Loss: A Doctor’s Story of Faith and Healing (Katie Butler)
Kathryn Butler discusses her work as a trauma surgeon working in the ICU, sharing what it was like to be inundated with life and death situations day in and day out.
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
Followership, like leadership, is prone to misunderstanding. Unlike leadership, however, followership has few (if any) positive perceptions in contemporary culture.
Brian S. Borgman explains why emotions should not be discounted in our faith.
Francis Chan: "Knowledge is essential, but not sufficient."
Your brilliance is worthless if you’re not building up your brother—and even worse if you’re destroying him with your knowledge.
The Doctrine of Christ's Return in the Bible
What does the Bible say about Christ's return? Learn more from this look into the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible.
Introducing the ‘ESV Thinline Reference Bible’
Learn more about a great resource for pastors, students, and all other avid readers of God’s Word.
The Christian life, the church, our faith are not about us, they’re about him—his plan, his kingdom, his glory.
How Can Busy Moms Pursue a Lifestyle of Faithfulness?
The call to faithfulness still applies to moms. We are shaping young hearts to follow Jesus, and so that calling is very real. Our faithfulness is important for our children.
Culture is more than just what we believe and what we do; it is also our whole framework for comprehending the world, for making sense, or trying to make sense, out of life.
Why It’s Easier to Show Regular (Not Sporadic) Hospitality
It’s much easier for me to practice daily hospitality than it would be monthly because I don’t have to do something different.
How to Stop Praying the Same Old Things about the Same Old Things
“Empty phrases” are ruinous in any area of spirituality, but especially in prayer.
4 Things that Make the Bible Literary
The subject of literature is human experience. We should read the Bible through that lens.
Sometimes we end up disappointed with Jesus because we want the miracle, the answer, the reconciliation, the restoration, the healing right now.
Saving faith goes beyond confidence in Christ’s reliability, and receives him—not just his word, but himself, that is, all that God is for us in him.
Why Catholic Philosopher Robert George Matters to Protestants
With a career spanning over thirty years and who presently holds the title of McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Robert P. George is one of the world’s most prominent and respected public intellectuals.
What Is Our True Comfort in Life and Death?
If you want both comfort in life and death, start by recognizing the truth about the world and about yourself.
When the Sun Rose, the Son Rose
In some ways the exodus is a death and resurrection story, but in many other ways the death and resurrection of Jesus is an exodus story.
Podcast: Confronting the Idols of Body Image, Sex, Abortion, and Motherhood (Jen Oshman)
Jen Oshman discusses the many empty promises that the culture of the modern world makes that run counter to the clear teaching of Scripture and God's good plan for us.
A 5-Minute Preview of The Crossway Podcast
Listen to a short preview of The Crossway Podcast, which officially launches on Monday, April 1, 2019.
David Wells, author of God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-love of God Reorients Our World, is asked a few questions about what he hopes to accomplish with his new book and why he thinks a renewed appreciation for God's "holy-love" is important for evangelicalism.
God’s Word Is Living and Active (Even Genealogies)
Is there any hope that reading a biblical genealogy can lead us to encounter God? The (perhaps surprising) answer is yes, but first we need to learn about the purpose of these passages.
Shouldn’t God’s Power Fast Track Me to Big Things?
There is to be no Christian guru. We must reject this constantly and carefully. Leaders are to serve in humility.
What Is Pastoral Burnout, and What Contributes to It?
The things that contribute to pastoral burnout are actually very simple. Coleman Ford explains several of these and offers something for pastors to consider.
Don’t Neglect Worship to Enjoy the Earth
Our lives ought to be structured by regular rhythms of direct and indirect godwardness, moving back and forth between direct interaction with God himself and active engagement with the world.
Why Being Discontent Can Actually Be a Good Thing
While my never-ending desire to explore the unfamiliar can lead to sinful discontent, there’s a holy discontent it reflects too.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Meg Is Not Alone’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story read aloud by its author about the importance and blessing of the local church.
Reading the Parable of the Prodigal Son on the Shoulders of Giants
Read the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 and reflect on the magnificence of this story from Jesus along with commentary notes from gifted teachers throughout church history.
Learn more about German designer and illustrator, Peter Voth, and his work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
In an Outrage Culture, Choose Respect
We would do well to remember that behind the social media post is someone who was formed by God to bear his likeness.
How Does the Gospel Shape Our Goals for Children’s Ministry?
There are four ways that the gospel shapes our goals for children's ministry. I read those four ways in the way that Paul ministered to the church in Corinth.
Set Free from Self-Focus: A 6-Day Devotional
Begin to discern subtle false messages from the truth in God’s Word—exchanging a self-focused life for the abundant life Jesus promises in the gospel.
The Real Reason God Judges Evil
God’s dazzling beauty and loveliness can’t allow sin to coexist with him; doing such would compromise his holiness, his very being.
Why Restoration from Victimization Is Possible
God's Word is neither shy about topics of sexual victimization nor simplistic when it comes to solutions. Restoration is possible!
You’re Needed, No Matter What Life-Season You’re In
Without trying to be somebody you're not, think about how you can be hospitable to those around you in your current season of life.
Why You'll Never Be Content without God
Since God is able to be completely content in himself, we are able to find contentment in him as well. We will never find true contentment with God.
Podcast: What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Thomas Schreiner)
Thomas Schreiner reflects on the best way to approach Revelation when studying it for the first time, and explains what the mark of the beast is really all about.
Pastor, Are You Prepared to Shepherd Your Flock through Dementia?
The tragedy of dementia is more common than you think. Over 30% of the average church congregation will die with some form of dementia. That represents an enormous challenge in pastoral ministry.
Podcast: Is the Age of the Earth a Hill to Die On? (Gavin Ortlund)
Gavin Ortlund discusses the Genesis creation account, what the Bible really teaches on the days of creation, and whether there is room for disagreement on this topic within Christian orthodoxy.
Podcast: Can Christians Embrace God and Science? (Brad Sickler)
How can Christians embrace God and science? Must the two be separated?
Do You Idolize a Picture-Perfect Home?
Christian, everything God has for you is grace upon grace because of what Jesus has done for you.
The God Who Runs After Those Who Wander
We are a people who are prone to wander. We are so drawn to instant gratification. We're drawn to the things that we can see that are tangible and right in front of us.
Experiencing conviction over sin should actually encourage rather than condemn us, because it is evidence of being alive in Christ.
Talking about Heaven with a Grieving Person
What do you do when that’s the way everyone is talking about someone who has died, but you’re not sure that you ever saw any genuine relationship with Christ?
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: How Can God Hear Everyone’s Prayers at the Same Time?
Our kids can know that when they’re in their dark rooms and they’re feeling alone, God is with them. He hears their prayer when they’re at school, feeling nervous, feeling sad.
What We Can Learn from the Reformation 500 Years Later
The Reformation emphasized preaching the gospel with boldness and clarity.
Praying for Fullness this Christmas
Paul prays that we would experience Christ’s fullness—not just know about it, but be filled with it.
Fortunately for those of us who are Gentiles, Peter obeyed God, crossing cultural and ethnic barriers with the good news.
We Need Gospel Community, not a Behavior Modification Program
It is dangerous and tempting to change behavior without also changing heart and mind.
Why the Book of Psalms Is for You
The Psalms were written for ordinary Christians leading ordinary lives—lives marked by depression, discouragement, despair, frustration, or maybe even numbness toward God or anger toward others.
Will the Next Tech Upgrade Satisfy the Longings of Your Heart?
The spiritual dilemma of the tech age is deep because our modern economy is built on the false promise that new innovations are the key to satisfying the heart’s longings.
The Question at the Heart of Christianity
Central to our faith is the answer to this question: How is one right with God?
7 Tips to Help Your Church Support Adoption
A congregation that embraces the priority of adoption will find all sorts of ways to help those who want to adopt.
When Christ Turns Persecutors into Persecuted (for His Glory)
Jesus is alive, is at work, and he’s bringing men and women to himself.
Introducing ‘Be Thou My Vision’
This 31-day liturgical guide is designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families.
The Fundamental Decision We All Must Face
You can either put God at the center of the universe in your heart or you can put yourself or something else there.
How Our Theology Shapes Our Prayers
Theology helps us uncover what we know about God and turn it into prayer and praise to God.
Scripture indicates that in heaven we will join the angels in worshiping God around his throne.
Is Propositional Revelation Nonsense?
There are two ways to consider the question of propositional revelation and infallibility. Until the first is in place, the second cannot be sensibly pursued.
Blessed: The Organization of Revelation with Vern Poythress (Episode 6)
Nancy Guthrie talks with Vern Poythress about reading the book of Revelation not as a puzzle book to be figured out but as a picture book which should stir us up to be moved by Christ's rule and God's plan for history.
What Is Our Friendship with God Supposed to Look Like?
We think that communion with God, or friendship with God, is some sort of secret, mystical, spiritual experience, but it's not as complicated as we might be tempted to think.
Am I Sinning When I'm Not Content?
God is in control of every part of life—from the mundane to the significant. Discontentment is questioning the wisdom and sovereignty of his plans.
Podcast: Using Stories to Help Kids Understand Right and Wrong (Betsy Childs Howard)
Why are stories such powerful tools for instilling deep, biblical truths in our kids? Are moral formation and the gospel of grace mutually exclusive?
Your Words Will Change the World Today
Do you ever consciously and deliberately set your words to work, sending them off into the world and into someone else’s life to do them good?
God Used This Broken Pastor—and He Can Use You Too
Part of what I try to do as I’m reading church history is to make sure that I’m keeping these people human.
Help! My Daily Worship Feels Stale
When we experience a time when our quiet time becomes stale, it’s easy to become discouraged, especially if we don’t know where to look for help. However, help is at hand in two ways.
The Unexpected Outcome of Self-Sufficiency
Do you ascribe something to yourself that is only true about God?
Why Parenting Is One of the Most Significant Callings
Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul.
Why Do We Need a Liturgy for Our Daily Worship?
It's not whether or not you're going to have a liturgy for your daily quiet time, it's just which kind of liturgy you're going to have.
Podcast: When Churches Get Doctrine Right and Everything Else Wrong (Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry)
Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry discuss the connection between gospel doctrine and gospel culture and share what it looks like when a church is theologically careful but culturally sick.
When Ministry Becomes a Mistress (by Dave Kraft)
Ministry idolatry is becoming increasingly widespread, reaching epidemic proportions.
Podcast: Can Affectionless Faith Be Genuine? (John Piper)
John Piper discusses how he came to saving faith in Jesus and how his view of that faith has changed over the years.
Christmas marked the beginning of God’s most successful setback.
There Are No Unimportant Parts of the Church
The Spirit gives exactly the right gifts in exactly the right measure at exactly the right time to exactly the right people for the well-being of the local church.
10 Devotional Treasures from Surprising Sources
Among the classics of devotional readings, we find that great devotionals often sprang from unexpected and even unintended origins, as the following list of ten surprising sources shows.
Virtual church cannot deliver the water of baptism. It cannot deliver the body and the blood, the bread and the wine of Christ's body broken and his blood shed for us.
Should We Look for God in Every Story?
Glenda Faye Mathes, Leland Ryken
Finding God is our primary task and our greatest treasure. Can he be found in every story? How can literature feed us spiritually?
14 Notable Quotes from Habits of Grace
“Habits of grace” are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows—making them life-giving practices for all Christians.
The Apostle Paul: A 5-Day Devotional
Over the next five days, learn more about the apostle and be encouraged to imitate his example of unwavering confidence in God's grace and love toward others.
The Messy-yet-Instructive Culture Surrounding the Canons of Dort
We can learn something about how previous cared about theological points because the worship of God, the purity of the church, and the understanding of Scripture were at stake.
The Christian Life Is Not Interrupted by Death
The New Testament answers the question about whether Christians at the point of death are in heaven with the comfort that they are “away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
What Really Happened At the First Christmas
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Alexander E. Stewart
In order to appreciate the significance of Messiah’s coming—and thus to understand the true meaning of Christmas—we need to travel back in time, back to the first Christmas.
Podcast: The Dehumanizing Habits That Social Media Has Normalized (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp discusses how we as God’s people should think about the reactive culture in which we live and how to make sure we're not part of the problem.
Podcast: Mind Your Own Conscience and Love Your Neighbor (Andy Naselli and J. D. Crowley)
Should always obey our conscience? What should we do when our conscience disagrees with another Christian’s, and how the conscience relates to objective right and wrong?
Apart from God, man gets himself into all sorts of spiritually dangerous and eternity-threatening situations.
My Heart Cries Out: A 6-Day Devotional
Over the course of six days, watch videos and read Scripture and gospel meditations written by Paul David Tripp, adapted from My Heart Cries Out: Gospel Meditations for Everyday Life.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Reestablish a Healthy Church after COVID
Not meeting together has meant missing out on the countless interactions that establish and enable the very practical supports which overflow from our spiritual unity in Christ.
The fifth “ism” that has formed contemporary culture as we know it is pragmatism, a philosophy that measures truth by its utilitarian value.
What I Learned from Pastoring a 106 Year Old Widow
Although she died a few years ago, I am often reminded of what an amazing lady she was and what the Lord had graciously taught me through her as a young pastor.
As the election season nears its end, we are left wondering how to process it all, and what the Bible has to say in times like these.
Use these Christmas crafts to help explain the truths of the Christmas story to children in your church or family.
The Reader's Bible Experience Using ESVBible.org
Here is a brief tutorial for utilizing the settings within ESVBible.org on your web browser for a similar reading experience as an e-reader edition.
Count Your Blessings . . . Literally
Stephen Altrogge urges us to put all our desires on hold and ponder the great mountain of blessings that we already have.
Pastor: Your Ministry Is a Mercy
Paul’s deeply rooted understanding that his calling was a totally undeserved expression of God’s great mercy to him was itself one of the core convictions that kept him faithful to the end.
Pastor: Expound, Apply, Repeat
You are hired as a minister in your church to be a preacher—not just to expound the Word, but to apply it.
Download the Free 'Alive in Him' Study Guide
Dig deeper into the book of Ephesians with the ‘Alive in Him’ study guide.
How to Develop a Heart of Thanksgiving
Focusing on what I don’t have or what I can’t do is a common detriment to practicing biblical hospitality.
A Surprising Scoundrel of Scripture
The high priest was to serve as a mediator between God and the people of God. What was he supposed to mediate from God to the people? Mercy.
For all his resplendent glory and dazzling holiness, his supreme uniqueness and otherness, no one in human history has ever been more approachable than Jesus Christ.
Only one Comforter is great enough: the infinite-personal God who exists—that is, the God of Judeo-Christian Scripture. Only He is the sufficient Comforter.
Identifying Devotional Gems in Unexpected Places
In compiling my anthology, I worked hard to find devotional riches in unexpected places. Many of the authors would doubtless be surprised by what I chose for devotional purposes.
Obsessed with Our Own Biography
Telling your own story is at the heart of expressive individualism. It is possible today to document your life story in considerable detail and publish it widely on a daily basis.
Sin causes us to deny our need for God and others. Sin causes us to assign to ourselves the wisdom, strength, and righteousness we do not have.
We live in a world that has trivialized God, having reduced him to human proportions.
Podcast: How Were the Books of the Bible Chosen? (Michael Kruger)
Michael Kruger walks us through the history of the canon and responds to common questions and misconceptions people tend to have related to our Bibles, how they were formed, and what it means for our faith.
What Happens When We Forget We’ll Die
If we see our lives through the truth about death, then Jesus’s promises begin to take on an entirely different tone for us.
12 Notable Quotes from Enough about Me
Self-care may produce happiness and temporary relief from stress or hardship, but real joy comes when we stop serving ourselves and find meaning and purpose in something outside of ourselves.
Did You Know ‘The New City Catechism’ Is Available in 14 Languages?
Did you know The New City Catechism is available in 14 languages?
Is Feeling Discouraged Always Wrong?
If Jesus knew our humanity and that we needed to be encouraged to be strong and courageous, then we don't have to feel embarrassed or ashamed when we feel afraid.
Christ in All of Scripture – Psalm 107:1-3
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The beauty and the goodness of who he is is reflected not only in the grace of God but in the law of God.
Is Doubt the Backstory Behind Your Apathy?
While I am consoled somewhat by the fact that doubts are normal and potentially formative, they still feel like what Lewis calls an emotional “blitz” on my belief.
Our need to anchor our souls with the reminder of God's goodness and greatness hasn't changed.
What Your Marriage Desperately Needs
Here is what you have to understand: forgiveness is a vertical commitment that is followed by a horizontal transaction.
In an effort to make the gospel bigger or more relevant, Greg Gilbert introduces three substitute gospels.
Introducing ‘Songs of Suffering’
Introducing a beautifully uplifting book from Joni Eareckson Tada that includes 25 hymns with sheet music, devotionals, and photography designed to spark hope in hardship.
Blessed: The Marriage Imagery of Revelation with Jonathan Gibson (Episode 5)
Nancy Guthrie talks with Jonathan Gibson about God's people being prepared as a bride throughout Scripture in anticipation of the marriage supper of the Lamb and an eternal marriage in Revelation.
Favorite Christmas Traditions from Crossway Kids’ Book Authors
Read what the authors of Crossway kids' books had to say about their favorite Christmas traditions, and perhaps even find inspiration to incorporate new traditions into your own celebrations this year.
3 Ways Youth Leaders Can Help Parents
Many youth pastors are young, but they still have valuable insights on teenagers that can be of great help to parents.
Introducing the ‘Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal: A Planner for a Life of Prayer’
Designed to be used over many years, this durable hardcover journal features a unique method that guides readers toward an intentional, Scripture-focused prayer life.
The Paradoxical Pattern of Jesus’s Life
God is unswervingly active in bringing about good from troublesome circumstances in the Christian’s life.
Podcast: How Confronting Death Helps Us Live (Matthew McCullough)
How can thinking and being really honest about the reality of death paradoxically free us to find hope and joy in God like never before?
Christ in All of Scripture – Zephaniah 1:7-16
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Why You’ll Never Be Ready for All of Life’s Troubles
God may give me way more than I can handle—and I think that’s normal.
The Prayers of Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional
Jesus’s ministry on earth as a human was marked by a devotion to prayer. Through his prayer life, we see what it means to truly depend on God.
Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians is a letter of comfort to those eagerly awaiting the promised return of Jesus Christ.
Dear Pastor, in a Celebrity Culture, Your Call Is Contentment
Our desire is to do well in ministry so that God is glorified. We want our work to be great so that people will see God’s greatness, not to show off our talents or to be greater than others.
Introducing the Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, with Dictionary
Eliminating the need to frequently reference other materials, this resource with the added dictionary is ideal for students, pastors, and those who are less familiar with Greek.
Podcast: The Graduation Speech You Won’t Hear This Year (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung argues that the last thing that God wants us to do is be true to ourselves, at least when it comes to our natural selves.
An Important Update on the Leadership of Crossway
With great appreciation for the lives and ministry of Lane and Ebeth Dennis, the Crossway Board of Directors announces that they will be stepping down and that Josh Dennis will be Crossway’s new President and CEO.
Does Theistic Evolution Lead to Open Theism?
Not all, but certain forms of theistic evolution theologically lead to the open theism perspective.
Podcast: We're Thinking about Technology All Wrong (Tony Reinke)
Tony Reinke considers what the Bible has to say about human innovation and the things we create and why Christians are often so attracted to tech dystopianism, the future of AI, and more.
Face Your Doubt . . . and Then Fight It
Don't succumb to guilt if you are doubting; instead, combat your doubt with specific truth.
Introducing The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, Reader’s Edition
A new edition of the Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge to make for a smoother, less-interrupted reading of the text.
Think about it: a woman’s sphere of influence today is far more diverse and extensive than ever before.
Podcast: Snakes and Satan in the Story of Scripture (Andy Naselli)
Where do snakes and dragons appear in the story of Scripture and what part do they play in the history of Redemption?
The Center of the Center of the Pentateuch
If you look at the structure of the Pentateuch, we've got five books. Right in the middle is Leviticus. And what do we find right in the middle at the center of the center of the Pentateuch?
How Pastors Can Benefit from Studying Archaeology
When we understand what's going on culturally in the Bible, we're more able to understand the world that much better.
Understanding History Takes Empathy
Because the course of history involves all kinds of people, an analyst has to be able to deal with people whose personalities, inclinations, and backgrounds are different from his own.
4 Challenges to Christ's Deity
Crossway lists four specific challenges to the deity of Christ that we tend to face today.
Why Doctrine and Devotion Must Never Be Separated
The Bible calls men today to lead in their churches and in their homes through both doctrine and devotion.
Opportunities to Care for the Poor and Needy Are Closer Than You Think
Here are ways for you—in whatever season you’re in and whatever mundane activities you have to get done every day—to live for the mission of Christ.
A Friend Who Will Never Fail You
We can be assured of Christ's love for us because he gave his life to save us. He is a trustworthy friend.
7 Notable Quotes from Surviving Religion 101
The college years can challenge your faith and belief in the Bible, so it’s important to equip yourself to engage secular challenges with intellectual honesty, compassion, and confidence.
5 Questions for Newlyweds to Consider
Chad Van Dixhoorn, Emily Van Dixhoorn
Marriage is for mutual support, companionship, reproduction of the human race, and the promotion of sexual purity. Here are five questions to consider when entering into a marriage.
The Everyday Object Biblical Archaeology Depends Upon
Archaeologists get very excited about pottery as very few people elsewhere in the world do.
What Is Doctrine and Why Does It Matter?
Faith is not just something you do with your brain. Faith is a commitment of your heart that changes the way you live every day.
As a help to the faith of his people, God has appointed signs within his covenants with human beings.
Podcast: Why Is Our Culture So Obsessed with Identity? (Brian Rosner)
Brian Rosner talks about how our cultural obsession with identity impacts us as Christians and how we should think about that through the lens of the Bible.
The doctrine of the atonement reassures us with what Christ has done in the past, the doctrine of his intercession reassures us with what he is doing in the present.
Podcast: Why Union with Christ Is More Amazing Than You Think (Marcus Johnson)
What is the doctrine of union with Christ, and why is it so misunderstood today?
Can I Really Have Friendship with the Triune God of the Universe?
Because of everything that God has done for us in Christ, we can shockingly have a relationship—a friendship—with God.
How Do We Read the Bible Differently as Followers of Jesus?
The Christian attitude toward the Bible is part of Christian discipleship. To follow Jesus is to follow him in this too.
The Priesthood of Believers: A Lens for Viewing the World
As we live in our identity as a priest—which means that we are near to God—there are a couple of things that emerge as we look out into the world.
Reading Plans for the 'ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set'
Our hope at Crossway is that you will encounter the beauty of God's Word and be able to step back and marvel at its masterful author.
One Great Encouragement to Spend Personal Time With the Lord
The Lord Jesus is the one who encourages us not just to say the Lord's Prayer together at church, but also to go to our room, to shut the door, and to pray to our Father in heaven.
Introducing the ‘ESV Heirloom Study Bible’
A new edition of the ESV Study Bible is meant to allow you to treasure God's Word for a lifetime.
Podcast: Struggling to Pray? Start Here. (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung talks about our common struggle to pray and how the Lord's Prayer—the prayer that Jesus offered as a model for our prayers—can help us to pray to God day in and day out.
Podcast: Why Apologetics Is Easier Than You Think (Neil Shenvi)
Neil Shenvi talks about how every Christian can do apologetics and why we must not stop advocating for the truthfulness of Christianity—even in our post-truth age.
Learning to Live a Grace-Paced Life: An Interview with David Murray
Justin Taylor sits down with David Murray to discuss his new book.
Use this prayer as a guide as you lead your family at the table or as spend time in personal prayer this Thanksgiving.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Overlooked: The Story of Bartimaeus
It's not hard to feel overlooked, right? In a world this big, we can kind of just blend in and it just makes us feel, in many ways, insignificant.
Mary J. Moerbe, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
God joins together the family to share the work of providing daily bread, protection, guidance, and instruction.
Why a Devotional Bible Specifically for Men?
The author of the epistle to the Hebrews reminds us that “it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace” (13:9).
How to Read the Bible in Seminary
David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell
There is more to seminary, and the whole Christian life, than the necessity of pursuing daily soul survival in the Scriptures, but this need must not be overlooked.
What Does the Aaronic Blessing Ultimately Promise Us?
The highest happiness of every believer is to see the face of God unmediated, not just having to look with the eyes of faith but actually one day seeing with our eyes.
Herman Bavinck for the 21st Century
Cory C. Brock, James Eglinton, N. Gray Sutanto
When Bavinck lived in the early twentieth century, he believed there was “a disharmony between our thinking and feeling, between our willing and acting” and “a discord between religion and culture, between science and life.”
Our culture's understanding of freedom says when you break from the oppression of an external force, then you’re free to be who you want to be.
When Is the Last Time You Thought of the Fact That You Will Die?
When is the last time you thought of the fact that you will die? When did you last have a conversation with someone on the subject of death?
How to Foster a Gospel Culture
Gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. The doctrine of grace creates a culture of grace.
Preview: ‘The Death of Porn’ by Ray Ortlund
Today, we are pleased to share a special hour-long audio preview of The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund.
How the Reformers Help Us Understand Definite Atonement
The Reformers laid the foundation, helping the next generation or two to present a mature doctrine of definite atonement.
What Should We Keep in Mind When Considering the Ethics of the Bible?
When we speak about the ethics in the Bible, we are not just thinking of the Old Testament law or of the Sermon on the Mount, nor do we only have in mind actual moral instructions, injunctions, and prohibitions.
Why We Feel So Tired and Confused by What We See Online
The internet makes no distinction between what is relevant to us or what is not relevant to us, what is part of the life that we’re supposed to live or what doesn’t really matter.
How Can the Stories of Puritan Women Help Us Treat Others with Respect and Appreciation?
We can learn from Puritan women in this area because they were so good at it themselves. They had a lot to say about different Christian virtues.
What Can I Do to Foster a Deep Hunger for Jesus?
There are so many ways that we can foster a hunger for Jesus, but the most important and primary thing is to be praying for the Holy Spirit to change our hearts.
The Role of Systematic Theology in Preaching
If biblical theology helps you to discern the progressive unfolding of God’s redemption plan in Christ, then systematic theology helps you to synthesize everything that the Bible says in the form of doctrines.
Overflowing with Peace and Thanksgiving
When the buckets we carry are full of Christ, our lives are bathed with the peace of God in thanksgiving.
Read the Bible for the Sake of Others
Sermons, classes, and small groups aren’t the only ways the church teaches us to read Scripture. We’ll also become better Bible readers by investing in relationships with fellow members.
Raising Kids as a Pastor's Wife
Children are truly a gift—a reward from the Lord himself, and parenting is such a glorious privilege, but it's not easy.
Why Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry Is Important
When we’re so concerned with keeping the youth entertained or promoting a moral lifestyle, we can easily forget the message of first importance.
“She Is Different”: Reflections on Peace
Peace describes the heart that knows it is safe in God. The third virtue of the fruit of the Spirit is all about what God’s love and joy have accomplished for his people—“peace with God” (Rom. 5:10).
Pastor, Are You Growing in Submission to Scripture?
God’s leaders are to be people who are growing in submission to Scripture. Their daily lives are to reflect and exemplify the scriptures that they teach.
Podcast: The Meaningful Work of Church Deacons (Matt Smethurst)
Matt Smethurst discusses the important role that deacons should play in the life of the local church.
Why We Can’t Lament without Listening
When it comes to loaded subjects like racism or ethnic tension, too often believers fall into the familiar ditches of denial or despair.
Christ in All of Scripture - 1 Kings 3:5-14
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
How to Use the ESV for Preaching and Teaching
Here, a few members of the ESV Translation Oversight Committee comment on the translation philosophy and why it makes a difference in preaching and teaching.
Podcast: The Blessings and Burdens of Pastoral Ministry (Jeff Robinson)
What are the joys and hardships of doing ministry for the long-haul and what does it look like to be faithful in the midst of pastoral overwhelm and exhaustion?
Day 5 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
Gospel-Centered Help for Fathers
Leading your family well can become a daunting task, particularly if you misunderstand the role of fatherhood as God intended it.
Start a Bible Reading Habit in 2021
Whether you’re already in the habit of reading the Bible daily or you struggle to find consistent time in the Word, reading plans can be helpful in cultivating daily Scripture reading.
Is Science the Only Source of Absolute Truth?
Is it scientifically accurate to say that “Science is the only way to get to absolute truth about reality"?
The Spiritual Marathon: Two Sides of Perseverance
In the book of Jude, we find two realities about perseverance that we must keep in tension if we are to persevere in faith.
8 Notable Quotes from What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?
God’s word addresses how we, as Christians, should think about sexuality and offers us hope and wisdom for navigating today’s cultural landscape with humility and grace.
The False Guilt We Feel When Our Quiet Time Falls Short
There is no command in the Bible to have a daily quiet time—not as we think about it. God wants us to prioritize Jesus and spending time getting to know who he is through the power of his Spirit.
Why It’s Surprisingly Easy to Reward Disobedience
Reward the behaviors you want and don’t reward the behaviors you don’t want.
Podcast: 15 Questions about Reading and Understanding the Bible (Greg Gilbert)
Greg Gilbert answers common questions about reading the Bible such as: How do I get started with a consistent habit of Bible reading? When should I read it? How long? And what if I don’t understand something?
4 Ways You Can Swim against the Cultural Tide
Want to stand out as a Christian? Foster diligence, honesty, self-control, concern for others, and integrity.
Why Titus 2 Is a Great Commission Passage
Few would argue against the fact that the Scriptures clearly require every Christian to both be a disciple and make disciples.
The atoning work of the Son, decreed by the Father and applied by the Spirit, ensures that we are safe eternally.
Be Inspired by the Lives of Key Reformation Figures
Be inspired by the lives and ministries of 5 key historical figures whom God used to bring reformation to the church.
The Church Has One Testimony—and It’s Anything but Boring
In various times and places and life circumstances, God calls his people. For all the outward variety in our testimonies, we actually have a common story.
2 Responses to the World's Brokenness
If you mourn the fallenness of your world rather than curse its difficulties, you know that grace has visited you
How the Gospel Speaks to Motherhood
The gospel has a practical effect on every aspect of life, including the way you raise and shepherd your children.
How Can Church Communities Show Hospitality to Children?
There are three things that I think are really great for children's ministers to think about when thinking about giving, being hospitable, and giving their grace-filled presence to families coming to their church.
Gospel-Centered Partnership: Faith Comes By Hearing
Faith Comes By Hearing has the mission to “get God’s word to every person and cover the world with the word” by creating and distributing Bible recordings and programs in the languages of people worldwide.
Foundational Qualities of Good Leaders (That Might Surprise You)
What is the foundational quality of a good leader?
6 Questions about Finding a Mentor
We need mature believers to help us resist sin, grow in godly affection, and to persevere in faith.
We need to look to Christ. We need to draw our strength from him. The way we grow is simply by looking to Christ.
How Church History Can Help You Defend the Faith
Knowledge of the way that Christians in the past defended the faith can provide helpful ways of responding to postmodern spirituality today.
Lacking Assurance of Salvation? Join a Church
You don’t join a church in order to be saved, but you may want to join the church to help you in making certain that you are saved.
The Biggest Detriment to Longevity in Ministry
The call to pastoral ministry is unlike anything else you're going to do in life. What's the key to staying the course?
God’s rebuke is never about giving up on us; it’s about investing in us once again. God rebukes us because we need it.
God’s Faithfulness: 2019 Ministry Highlights
As another year comes to a close, we thank God for the work he has done in and through Crossway and the generosity of those who have partnered with us in our ministry efforts around the globe.
Build Your Church around Theology, Not Preference
Theology should determine so many things about what our churches are like, and we shouldn’t try and reverse engineer our preferences into our theology.
3 Practical Ways to Love Your Neighbor
In 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 the apostle Paul gets very practical about what brotherly love should look like.
Lament: An Open Door for Racial Reconciliation
Most Christians are not sure what to do about racial reconciliation. There are some whose hearts are sinfully closed, but I think most Christians simply lack the tools.
Why Pastors Must Be More than Professionals
The knowledge of God that the fear of the Lord brings is not a sterile knowledge. Those who fear God come to know him in such a way that they actually become holy, faithful, loving, and merciful, like him.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Thessalonians?
Other numbered “sets” of New Testament letters exhibit distinct differences. Yet the two Thessalonian letters are customarily treated together. This is an indication of how closely the two letters track.
Podcast: Knowing Your Heart and When (Not) to Follow It (Craig Troxel)
What's the difference between a Christian and secular understanding of the heart, what are the heart's spiritual functions, and how we can think about them in terms of our minds, desires, and will?
Podcast: Jackie Hill Perry on Recording the Entire ESV Bible: “It Changed Everything”
Jackie Hill Perry shares what it was like to spend over sixty-five hours reading God's word aloud in a recording studio with unsaved audio engineers listening in the whole time.
The Strategic Righteousness of Ruth
The question that Ruth 3 answers is, What do a God-saturated man, a God-dependent young woman, and a God-exalting older woman do when they are filled with hope in the sovereign goodness of God?
How a Pastor Can Prioritize Family during the Holidays
For those of us in ministry, Sunday is not a day of rest. We should try to ensure that we have a Sabbath rest so the family can refresh itself.
How to Study the Bible with Purpose
How can we begin to be more purposeful in the way we approach Bible study?
For the Christian, the Best Is Yet to Be
“The best is yet to be,” indeed, as the Christian poet Robert Browning wrote. God has a project. He is restoring his defaced images to the likeness of Christ.
So You Think You Can Understand God's Word...
While it is good to have motivation and strategies in place for reading and meditating on God's Word, they cannot be what we ultimately rely on.
Why There Is No Righteousness Like Christian Righteousness
But this most excellent righteousness—that of faith, God imputes to us through Christ.
Podcast: Why Your Church Needs Plural Leadership (Dave Harvey)
Dave Harvey discusses why plural leadership—a team of elders—is so crucial for the health of a local church.
David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell
If we Christians were honest with ourselves, we’d think more like John Newton. We would understand that we are weak.
When the Church Got Slavery Wrong
It’s one of the great tragic notes in all of church history that when African slavery came into view and such prominence, the church did not take a clear stand against it.
How Stress Undermines Our Relationships
Burnout takes a toll on men's personal relationships and support system, leaving them vulnerable to sin.
Why Work in the Home Matters to God
The first thing we need to understand regarding why stay at home work matters to God is that God created us for work.
Nearly every few weeks, it seems, another female celebrity is either claiming feminism for herself or renouncing feminism as an unnecessary ideology for women today.
As the summer winds down and school and small groups recommence, find some resources to get back into your study of God's Word.
Guard against These 4 Dangers When Doing Historical Theology
Theological retrieval can be very beneficial, but it can also go wrong. It may also be useful to briefly articulate several potential dangers.
Grabbing Imagination by the Hair
In grabbing our attention, God grabs our imagination.
Reading the Creation Story on the Shoulders of Giants
Reflect on God's creation of the universe and read from Genesis along with commentary notes from giants of the faith, such as John Calvin, Thomas Manton, Anselm, and Augustine.
I’ll Be More Faithful When I’m Older
I thought I would get to be this wise Christian woman that I desired to be later in life, and I really thought that would just come with age.
Creative Ways to Use Tracts This Christmas
Short gospel tracts are a great way to succinctly present the true story of Christmas to a world longing for deep and enduring peace.
Why Determination Isn’t Enough
Determined commitment propels our path, but reaching the destination is possible only because God gets us there.
Turning High Thoughts to the Help of the Lowly
Paul loved God and people. His love for God summoned him ever higher into God’s revealed glory, and his love for people summoned him alongside ordinary folks.
The Resurrection: A Physical and Historical Event
Christianity rests on a single, history-changing event: the resurrection of Christ.
Ministry Is Best Learned in the Trenches
Seminary education is to the church what basic training in the military is to war.
Why Sin Wasn’t Humanity’s First Problem
It’s not good to be alone. Why? Because God made us for friendship.
Why Our Limits Are a Good Thing
Every boundary that he places in our lives—every limit that he gives us—is for our flourishing.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Owen on Hebrews 4:16
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Stephen Nichols)
Stephen Nichols discusses the remarkable life, tragic death, and enduring legacy of the German theologian and pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
A Message from Crossway's President
This is a special message recently sent to our friends and supporters from Dr. Lane Dennis, president and publisher of Crossway.
Elyse Fitzpatrick calls us to remember how what Christ has already done transforms who we are right now.
3 Ways We Prevent the Gospel from Making Our Churches Attractive
The gospel brings people with nothing in common to love each other even more deeply than family.
Blessed: The Theology of the Book of Revelation with Tom Schreiner (Episode 4)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Thomas Schreiner about how our reading of the book of Revelation is impacted by our theology of the Trinity, judgment, and eschatology.
What If Your Church Were Filled with People Just like You?
When we love in ways that we can only love by the power of God’s Spirit, we show him to be sufficient. We show him to be good and glorious.
What Questions Should a Pastor Ask Himself after Preaching a Sermon?
You actually can’t tell how effective a sermon was by the response you receive.
A Surprisingly Unhelpful Promise for a Hurting Friend
For many of us, asking for help goes against every fiber of our being.
Podcast: Surviving College with Your Faith Intact (Michael Kruger)
Michael Kruger discusses the top intellectual challenges to biblical Christianity many students will face on a secular campus.
Listening Well to Preaching Is a Spiritual Discipline
We need to listen well—attentively and prayerfully—remembering that as our pastor preaches the word, it is the Lord who is speaking.
We Need Another Storyline to Put Ours in Perspective
Orienting ourselves by stories involves using their storylines to put our lives in proper perspective.
Podcast: Paralysis, Heartache, and Hymns of Hope (Joni Eareckson Tada)
Joni Eareckson Tada talks about how she has wrestled with the truth of God’s sovereignty over her life through the years and how she hangs on to the hope of heaven each and every day.
What Should I Do if I’m the Only Elder in My Church?
If you are the only elder in your church, be encouraged that God is still working in your congregation.
Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month like The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation by Kevin DeYoung and Heavenward by Cameron Cole.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like to Read
What are some major obstacles that prevent children from enjoying reading? Here are some practical suggestions for helping to instill a love of books.
Gospel-Centered Partnership: Distributing Books and Bibles in Africa
Jacob Lee lives in Uganda and works with a church and missions organization to equip pastors and distribute books and Bibles to help further the gospel of Christ in Africa.
Podcast: The Gospel’s Global Advance (Tim Keesee)
Tim Keesee shares from his own experiences as a missions journalist about the reality of persecution and the best way to approach a short-term mission trip.
An Interview with Vern Poythress
Crossway talks with Vern Poythress about his newest book, Chance and the Sovereignty of God: A God-Centered Approach to Probability and Random Events.
The Importance of Committing to a Church—Even When It’s Hard
Christian's are to be characterized by love—not just every Sunday at church, but throughout every sphere of their lives.
Pursue God, Not Just His Blessings
God’s blessing is not contingent upon whether we live in material wealth or whether we live in material poverty because we can learn to be content.
How You Can Slow Down and Appreciate Christmas More This Year
A daily liturgy can help us by giving us the discipline to do something day after day. And a liturgy helps us with content and structure.
Christmas Is for the Poor and Humble
Without a doubt we could spend our lives searching the literature of the world for a story as beautiful as that of the nativity and never find it.
Do not minimize your sin or excuse it away. Raise no defense. Simply take it to the one who is already at the right hand of the Father, advocating for you on the basis of his own wounds.
The ESV Journaling Bible and the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible were designed especially for those who enjoy the discipline of journaling.
The Key to Understanding Why Parenting Is Hard
The Bible is incredibly helpful in leading us to understand why parenting is so challenging.
Without the Trinity the Doctrine of the Atonement Goes off the Rails
The atonement is the apex of the triune mission of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit working together to reconcile sinners and renew creation.
How Gospel-Identity Enables Gospel-Behavior
The gospel changes not only the way God deals with us, but the way we deal with each other.
5 Ways to Use Your ESV Journaling Bible
Here are a few suggestions for how to use an ESV Journaling Bible to enrich your study of God’s Word.
Depression Isn’t a Modern Problem
Depression has been around since the fall, and the Bible gives examples of even the greatest people who suffered from depression.
Podcast: How Should We Define the Gospel? (Greg Gilbert)
Greg Gilbert discusses why Christians so often struggle to clearly define a simple yet foundational concept: the gospel.
Preview Crossway's Bible releases for the year, month by month.
The Solution to Our Beauty Crisis
The truth of the gospel is the only answer to our beauty crisis.
Don't Settle for a "Quiet" Time
Wholehearted devotion to God’s Word is hard to come by when you have lots of people who need your attention plus a smart phone in your pocket.
We Desperately Need What We Reject
There is a disharmony between our thinking and feeling, between our willing and acting. There is a discord between religion and culture, between science and life.
Crossway is pleased to introduce an accessible way to interact with the New Testament in its original language.
You and I and all those who belong to him and are his children are indeed called to his glory, and we shall become partakers of his divine nature.
This Day in History: John Newton Was Born (and Surrendered His Life to the Lord)
“The day is now arrived when I propose to close all my deliberations on this subject with a solemn, unreserved, unconditional surrender of myself to the Lord.”
11 Notable Quotes from A Place to Belong
Though our congregations are made up of ordinary people engaged in predictable practices, we are an outpost of heaven itself.
Learning to Endure Life's Troubles Like Jesus
Whatever trouble you are facing, there is somebody that you can relate to in the Bible.
Why Every Serious Atheist Should Be a Moral Nihilist
Every consistent atheist ought to be a moral nihilist.
Chasing Certainty in an Uncertain World
If we experience repeated successes after we fall, success becomes routine.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Submission to Authority?
You are a creature created in God’s image, called to image him, represent him, and show what he’s like. And so fundamentally, he’s the one with rule.
If the people in our charge are to teach, admonish, and exhort each other daily, no doubt we pastors may do the same for one another
Suffering is so real, so physical, so emotional, and so life-dominating that it’s hard to think of anything but the present moment of pain.
Day 6 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
What Your Complaining Says about God
One of the things that’s important for us to do for our own sanctification is to ask the question, “Why am I grumbling and complaining about this?”
Although we cannot bequeath God to our children, we can help them know him and understand him in ways that prepare them to believe in his name.
Introducing ‘New Morning Mercies (Note-Taking Edition)’
This new edition of Paul David Tripp’s best-selling book has been updated with space in the margins for note taking, encouraging readers to reflect on the devotional content.
How to Improve in Our Reasoning
All our knowledge imitates God’s original knowledge. And this imitation is mysterious, because God’s knowledge is mysterious.
The Lord has a storehouse of blessing and honor for his people—the question is, are we humble enough to enter as unworthy characters in his story, humble enough to beg for crumbs?
Human Obedience VS. Passive Righteousness
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson
What's the difference between human obedience and passive righteousness? And how does this affect the way we train our kids?
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Podcast: Why Your Job Has Meaning and Purpose . . . Even If You Don't Like It (Bryan Chapell)
Bryan Chapell talks about why the work you do day in and day out matters to God—probably more than you realize.
Why It Matters that God Is Our Father
God is our Father at the level of creation and at the level of redemption.
Podcast: Learning from the Church Fathers (Michael Haykin)
What can we learn from the early church fathers and how can early Christian creeds help us define our faith today?
Can Media Be Effective for Christ?
If contemporary Christians wish to transmit a meaningful gospel to a world awash in meaningless media, then they have a dual dilemma to confront before they can hope to proceed successfully.
R.C. Sproul on Human Tragedies and Divine Purposes
R. C. Sproul shares how human tragedy has a divine purpose.
How Motherhood Mimics the Cross
God gives us gifts and abilities; then he gives us children. And perhaps it seems he’s made an error when our gifts and abilities seem completely irrelevant to the job of bringing up children and caring for a home.
Podcast: The Power of Habitual Gratitude (Sam Crabtree)
Sam Crabtree explains why gratitude is actually more foundational to the Christian life than you probably think and offers practical advice for cultivating gratitude in the ups and downs of our everyday lives,
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Alexander E. Stewart
The Bible is God’s story, recounting the Creator’s involvement with his creation.
Introducing the ESV Gospel of John, Share the Good News Edition
This beautifully crafted edition of the Gospel of John is perfect for churches to use in their outreach efforts.
Podcast: D. A. Carson on His Life, Vision for Ministry, and Biggest Influences (D. A. Carson)
D. A. Carson talks about his life and ministry, how God led him to the academy, the original vision behind the Gospel Coalition, and what it looks like to pursue simple faithfulness before God in his stage of life.
How to Stay Holy When Under Pressure
Daniel and his three friends faced extreme pressure during their captivity in Babylon.
Show My Child Grace, or Lay Down the Law?
I know my children need the awareness of God’s law, they also need the self-awareness that law gives them.
How At-Home Work Is for Everyone
The work of the home and service of others involves the whole family.
Day 7 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
Union with Christ When You Don’t Fit In
Jesus was excluded by all and abandoned by his friends in a time of need so that we could always be welcomed into relationship.
While self-awareness is a natural side effect of maturity, God-awareness is a supernatural gift of grace.
Emblems of the Infinite King: An 8-Day Reading Plan
Over the course of eight days, explore the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith with Bible passages and readings adapted from Emblems of the Infinite King by J. Ryan Lister.
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage This Christmas Season
Be intentional to focus on the gospel this Christmas. Here are some suggestions for how to do this in your marriage this year.
The news of the kingdom of God is simultaneously good and bad—good for the cosmos and bad for sinners. Systematic theology helps us personally resolve the bad news of the kingdom.
God Offers Christians a Better Way to Measure the Fruitfulness of Their Lives
We get into trouble when we start to measure our self-worth and how the Lord sees us by how much we got done, by what we can check off our list, and what we can accomplish.
Some people expect the pastor’s wife to have the most ideal and perfect relationship with God. What should we—women married to men in ministry—do to stay spiritually radiant?
Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving with Paul Tripp
Contentment celebrates grace. The contented heart is satisfied with the Giver and is therefore freed from craving the next gift.
Experiencing Gospel Transformation in 2017
Paul teaches that the very resurrection life of Christ dwells in those who have been united to this risen Lord.
Why Are We So Reluctant to Die?
Is there a rest remaining for the people of God? Why then are we so reluctant to die and to depart from here so that we may possess our rest?
Dads: Know the Difference Between What the Gospel Requires and What it Produces
Dads must also know the difference between condemning our family with the law and shepherding them with the gospel.
God’s Blessing Goes Deeper than Any Gift or Experience
We often think of God's blessing as an achievement or an experience, but it actually goes far deeper. Chris Castaldo started learning this lesson at age nineteen in a hospital.
Genesis 1–3 defines marriage and shows us that marriage began in the Garden of Eden, in a perfect world.
We Need a Theological Framework for Racial Reconciliation
It’s really critical that the Bible and theological categories inform the racial reconciliation conversation lest culture and politics become where we start from.
Why Is the Setting of Genesis 3 So Important to the Storyline of the Bible?
We are all born outside of Eden. In the garden, we are entering a world that is before the fall, and then we're watching an unfolding event.
The Benefits of Expository Preaching
Why should expository preaching be recovered and faithfully practiced?
Loving God with or without Children
Whether married or unmarried, whether parents or childless, each of us is called to love the God and Father of Jesus.
Introducing a Devotional Liturgy for the Advent Season
A closer look at two new devotionals for this Christmas season to help Christians effectively prepare their hearts for the arrival of their King and worship him the way he deserves.
Mom, What Is Your Only Comfort in This Life?
When our hearts are full of questions and we're asking Why? and How?, so often what we think we want or need is answers to those questions.
4 Gospel Truths to Remember on Monday Morning
What's the connection between faith in God and your Monday-morning struggles? Identifying and remembering these four liberating truths about God will help.
What Is the Secret to Reaching the Next Generation?
What we need to do is keep doing the same things that Christians in every age have been called to do: make disciples, love one another, speak the truth, be kind, and ask good questions.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What If I Sin Too Much—Will God Still Forgive Me?
We know that God says that if we confess our sins, he’s faithful and just to forgive them and that we all fall short of God’s holiness. None of us can live up to his perfect standards—no matter what.
Exploring the Bible: A One-Year Reading Plan
The Bible can be rather intimidating to young readers (and old ones alike) and it can be immeasurably helpful to have a little guidance when independently working through the Scriptures.
Of course, there is not a real “Mother of the Year” award, but we talk about it as we would a lighthearted joke. The reality, though, is that every mother fails to image God perfectly in her mothering.
Money talks, but some rich people can’t hear what it’s saying. Read James 5:1–6, and as you read it, listen to how money is speaking.
Podcast: How You Can Jump-Start Your Bible Memorization in 2024 (Andrew Davis)
Andy Davis shares encouragement for every Christian to begin their journey of Bible memory—including practical advice on where to start and how long to spend on Bible memory each day.
Practically Caring for Others in the Midst of COVID
It behooves us all to reach out and stay connected with people who are working in the hospital right now.
How to Center Your Family on Christ During the Holidays
How can you always point your children and family to the spiritual significance of this time of year?
Day 8 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
How Christmas Cuts History in Half
We often think of prophecy as relating to what is yet future or to what is now beginning to happen in the world, forgetting that what is past for us was future for the prophets.
How to Host a Summer Bible Club
A home-based club that can and has been literally life-giving are children’s Bible clubs.
Podcast: What Keeps You from Going to Church? (Jonathan Leeman)
Jonathan Leeman discusses the vital importance of in-person church fellowship, how we can and should prioritize involvement with the people of God in a local church—especially after a year like 2020.
What’s underneath cowardice? How does the Bible describe what’s underneath that cowardly demeanor? The answer is unbelief. We don’t believe that God can do it.
3 Things You Should Know about the Redesigned ESV Student Study Bible
Here are three things you should know about the redesigned Student Study Bible.
Faking Fruit (of the Spirit) - Hayley DiMarco
Can you truly bear fruit if you aren’t abiding?
6 Signs You Might Be an Accidental Feminist
An accidental feminist is a woman who does not personally identify as a feminist, and in fact, may actually have no use for the term.
Grace: The Dominant Note of Christmas
God the Son, who is God, and who is with God, came to reveal God in a way he had never been revealed before.
All our human friendships have a limit to what they can withstand. But what if there were a friend with no limit?
The Christian’s Perfect Piece of Real Estate
The Bible says there is an environment in which we can truly flourish, somewhere we will truly feel we belong, where life will slot into place—somewhere that will feel deeply right.
Does Definite Atonement Undermine Our Assurance of Salvation?
Do you know about the Church of Scotland minister who lost his job for not believing in limited atonement?
Yoda and Our Search for Wisdom
The reason we have a hard time talking about wisdom is that we have a very misguided notion of what it is.
“He is altogether lovely. This is our beloved, and this is our friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”
Is There Any Benefit to Looking Inward to Find Myself?
It's easy nowadays to sneer at people who say things like, "Be yourself. Be true to yourself. You do you.” But the reality is there are some real benefits to looking within yourself to find yourself.
A Word of Encouragement for Those Who Don't Journal
Those of us who have not journaled before might wonder where to even begin. We might ask why journaling is important or how it helps us in our walk with the Lord.
ESV.org—How to Use Supplemental Study Resources
Go Deeper in Your Study of God's Word Did you know that you can access supplemental study resources with ESV.org? To open the library and see which study resources are available for your account, click …
The term apologetics has nothing to do with “apologizing” for anything. Presenting an apologetic is almost the very reverse of apologizing.
Life Is a Battle; Dress Appropriately
You don’t put your armor on once the battle starts, you wear your armor so you’re ready when the battle begins.
Dave Furman's Story: Finding Help in Suffering
In this video, Dave Furman, author of Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting, shares his story of debilitating need, resilient care, and finding the help that only God can supply.
3 Practical Ways to Cultivate Gospel Fluency
It's important to speak the gospel in a community who can speak it back or reflect on what they're hearing.
Crossway 2022 Book Award Winners
Christianity Today and the Gospel Coalition have announced the winners of their book awards for the year, including Overcoming Apathy by Uche Anizor, which won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year award.
How to Effectively Bring the Gospel into Your Parenting
Using shame to discourage children's sin isn't what they need—they need forgiveness and acceptance.
Preview: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman
Enjoy a special two-hour preview of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman on The Crossway Podcast.
The Life and Mission of St. Patrick
Patrick's work firmly planted the Christian faith in Irish soil and left a deep imprint on the Celtic church.
16 Ways Pastors Can Work for Unity in Politically Divisive Times
Jonathan Leeman, Andrew David Naselli
In an increasingly anti-Christian culture, what’s important is how we respond to those who vote or believe differently, to learn how to make at least some space for them, and to encourage charity and forbearance.
Introducing ‘The Dragon and the Stone’
An adventure novel for middle-grade readers steeped in magic, mystery, and glimmers of hope—book 1 in the Dream Keeper Saga.
When Trouble Comes: Phil Ryken’s Personal Testimony
A year or two ago, Phil Ryken went through a season of deep spiritual discouragement; some would probably call it depression.
Podcast: How Do I Discipline My Kids without Shaming Them? (Heather Nelson)
Heather Nelson talks about what it looks like to pursue shame-free parenting so that we might have joy-filled homes.
Do You Long for Truth and Meaning in Life? Read Hebrews
Hebrews is a rich treasury of life-transforming truth and heart-sustaining encouragement. Do you long to know Jesus? Hebrews introduces him as the eternal Son who radiates the glory of God.
5 Ways to Use the ‘ESV Story of Redemption Bible’
Use these five features of the ‘ESV Story of Redemption Bible’ to learn how God has brought salvation to mankind throughout human history.
The Invention That Changed Everything
If you had to name the most important invention of the last thousand years, what would come to mind?
Listening is one of the most important aspects of evangelism. Speak Jesus into the needs of everyone you share the gospel with.
For Warfield, Every Christian Is a Theologian
If life grows out of understanding, then it follows that a firm grasp and robust appreciation of Christian truth is of primary importance to Christian living.
The Christian’s Hope Isn’t Complete without a Bodily Resurrection
The apostle Paul is talking about our Christian hope of a bodily resurrection—not to minimize our suffering, but to maximize our perspective.
Jesus Comes for Sinners and from Sinners
The point is that Jesus not only comes for sinners—that is, to die for our sins—but he comes from sinners. He identifies with sinful people like us.
How Often Do You Examine Your Fruit?
Examine your life. Is there fruit? How would you describe your growth in godliness?
The True Test of a Gospel-Centered Church
Salvation from the judgment of God into fellowship with God is all of God. It is not of us.
A Family Christmas Devotional from ‘The Biggest Story’
Gather your family together and read through this special Christmas devotional from The Biggest Story Family Devotional, complete with Scripture readings, discussion questions, and a gospel connection.
Introducing the 'ESV Pastor's Bible'
When life and ministry demand of you, where do you turn?
Where is the hope in Psalm 88?
How We Illuminated All 66 Books of the Bible
The ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition includes 66 unique book opener illustrations. Learn more about how they were created.
Introducing the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Large Print
We get the immeasurable joy of physically wrapping our hands around the Word of God as we try and wrap our minds around its message.
Materialism: The Material Girl
A fourth “ism” which is part of the “pattern of this world” is materialism.
Christ in All of Scripture – Psalm 51
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Why Church History Matters (Justin Taylor)
Justin Taylor reflects on the immense importance of church history, highlighting why it’s important to make time for it alongside our study of the Bible.
What to Do When Life Messes with Our Plans
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
We can do the next thing because we know that God orders the seasons of our lives. Even the most difficult ones.
The Story of Jesus Guarantees How Your Story Will End
We all work to make the plot that we have written for ourselves come true. But grace introduces another author.
Christ’s Heart on Full Display
Jesus proves that he is gentle and lowly through his actions throughout his life and the pages of the Gospels.
Something Better Than the Gospel
There is something even better than the good news, and that something is God. The good news of the gospel is that God has opened up the dynamics of his triune life and given us a share in that fellowship.
#yourewrong - Our Problem with Self-Righteousness (Reactivity Episode 3)
Paul Tripp talks about the self-centeredness and self-righteousness that work together to deceive us into believing we’re always right and about the humility that cures this selfishness and radically changes us.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Francis Schaeffer on Romans 5
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Why Beauty Is a Problem without God
I think in a way, for somebody who has not yet surrendered to Jesus Christ, beauty is a problem because beauty is so evident in this world, and it awakens a desire for eternal things.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Can I Choose to Be a Boy or a Girl?
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
When we are approached with questions like that, the first thing we want to do is go to Genesis 1. And when we look at Genesis 1, we see this notion of creation order.
The theological doctrine of calling is a rich, rich doctrine all of us should wrestle with and embrace.
Podcast: How to Explain the Hypostatic Union to a Fifth Grader (Stephen Wellum)
Stephen Wellum explains where we see the hypostatic union taught in Scripture and highlights why all Christians would benefit from taking time to think carefully about Jesus being fully God and fully man.
Podcast: How to Lead God-Glorifying Worship (Bob Kauflin)
Bob Kauflin discusses his work as a songwriter and worship leader, reflecting on his process for writing songs for the church.
Reaching the Next Generation Is Easier and Harder Than You Think
Sometimes we fear or we feel this burden that if we’re going to be effective as pastors, Christians, or parents that we need to have this cultural expertise.
Podcast: 12 Quick Questions about the Reliability of the Bible (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams answers tough questions about the reliability of the Bible, offering assurance to those who have ever felt like their trust in God's word has been shaken.
Podcast: Wayne Grudem on His Life, Love of Theology, and Translating the Bible (Wayne Grudem)
Wayne Grudem talks about his life as a child and young adult, how he met his wife, and his journey to become one of the most influential American theologians of his generation.
The Most Significant Edit to the Declaration of Independence
Franklin read Jefferson’s draft which said, “We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable,” and he crossed out “sacred and undeniable” and replaced it with “self-evident.”
Scripture: The Treasure of the Christian Life
When we immerse ourselves in Edwards's writings, we do not find him speaking of Scripture so much as speaking from it.
The one prayer Christ calls us all to pray requires us to let go of our momentary agendas and take up his eternal one.
Video: J. I. Packer on Taking God Seriously
J. I. Packer reflects on this "undernourishment" that many Christians suffer from, challenging us to take our faith and God's Word seriously.
Are we swimming in the mental and emotional universe of what God has told us our future is?
Learn More about Crossway’s Bible Production Process
Learn more about the materials and production processes behind Crossway Bibles by reading about what goes into choices for Bible paper, cover materials, binding and gilding, and typesetting.
Where Is God in My Loneliness?
Loneliness serves a purpose: it points us toward community and toward our heavenly Father.
When Did I Get a Right to Life?
Some say that just because we exist as human beings at the embryonic/fetal stage doesn’t mean we have the same rights, including a right to life, at every stage of life. How should we respond to this?
Why You Should Enroll in Wisdom University
The primary reason people drop out of Wisdom University is peer pressure—the influence of others in the same social group or age group.
Introducing the ‘ESV Student Study Bible, Artist Series’
Two new editions of the ESV Student Study Bible featuring beautiful cover artwork designed by Christian artists Joshua Noom and Lulie Wallace.
What Tom Brady Can Teach Us about Contentment
He made it to the top and thought “There’s got to be more than this.”
8 Notable Quotes from Ten Words to Live By
Are Christians to disregard the law or embrace it with joy? Learn to see the law of God as a feast for your famished soul.
It Takes Time to Become an Effective Missionary
God works in mysterious ways, and we should never set limits on him. All the same, depending on God to work in unlikely ways just because he can do so is unwise.
5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Bible Study
Here are five ways for women to make the most of the time they have to spend in the Word.
What the Puritans Understood about the Human Heart
The genius of the Puritans was that they knew how to build bridges between Scripture and the human heart.
3 Simple Ways to Get Started with Family Worship
Build your hopes and your faith on the truth that God can take his word, with prayer and worship, and bless it to your children’s salvation.
Podcast: Why Have So Many People Stopped Going to Church? (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp reflects on the importance of not just the universal church but the local gathered church, and he responds to many of the reasons that people stop going to church.
Doubt can be a stimulus to faith, or an ongoing annoyance in the Christian life, or a fatal blow to someone’s loose commitment to Jesus. It all depends on what we do with our doubts.
How to Make Yourself at Home While Awaiting Heaven
Fixing our eyes on the home that is to come will help us thrive in this world that is not our home.
Why Unborn Children Have the Right to Governmental Protection
We have laws against murder because people agree that murder is wrong, and so there are moral standards that underlie many, if not all, of our current laws.
3 Beautiful Words: “I Don’t Know”
Knowing that you don’t know is half the battle, and any good education will result in a humbling awareness of how little you know.
The Blueprint for Missions: 4 Steps Our Lord Took as the First Evangelist
What is mission? Many Christians answer this question by turning to Jesus’s familiar words in Matthew 28:19: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . .”
Podcast: How to Become Fluent in the Gospel (Jeff Vanderstelt)
What does it mean to be fluent in the gospel, and why is it an essential part of living as a disciple of Jesus?
Why Your Church Is Not Exempt from the Work of Church Planting
It is important that every local church find some way to focus their ministry efforts on church planting.
How to Keep Corporate Prayer Focused
We want to avoid the various negative experiences many of us have faced in corporate prayer.
In Your Shepherding, Make It Obvious What the Good Shepherd Is Like
We pastors learn gentleness as we ponder carefully how anyone actually changes. We ourselves have never really changed by being scolded, cornered, pressured, or belittled.
How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?
How are your New Year's resolutions going? Still going strong? Or is your resolve beginning to waver? Have some of those fine ideals already fallen by the wayside?
Can Evangelicalism Be Defined?
Can evangelicalism be defined, or is it so flimsy and malleable that it constantly succumbs to its context, shapeshifting according to when and where it is?
Introducing the ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set
This unique edition is the culmination of immense passion for getting the glorious gospel of Christ into the hands of his people.
Maybe in every story is a thread that the human heart that can’t give up the belief that one day, true love will come along.
5 Myths about Being a Follower
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
Followership has few (if any) positive perceptions in contemporary culture. Let us not only leave behind simplistic stereotypes but also think more deeply about some of our more subtle and hidden misperceptions.
Christ's resurrection is more than just a historical event—it is good news about eternal life!
It is our achievements that make us; our lack of achievement leaves us wondering who we really are.
Encouragement for Those Who Aren’t Resting on the Sabbath
The Sabbath is a day that God calls us to observe in his word. It’s a day that we need to observe for our own good—soul and body.
The Hollow Promise the Internet Makes to Lonely People
The web is preaching to our hearts that you can be anything and you can do anything, and you don’t have to accept the life of the world or the truth that God has put in your life.
Making Disciples Like a Soldier, Athlete, Farmer . . . Mom
Your prayer-full, hope-filled work of evangelism and discipleship—done through the strengthening grace of Jesus—gives him praise that echoes in eternity.
How Does the Holy Spirit Beautify the Church?
We can't talk about the church without talking about the Holy Spirit. He is our helper. He is our beautifier.
Views of Justification—Two Differing Gospels
In Justified by Faith Alone, R. C. Sproul clarifies the differing views of justification.
A Free Bible Reading Guide for "The Biggest Story"
From a young age, children need to hear God's Word on a regular basis.
Podcast: Why Is Making Decisions So Hard? (Aimee Joseph)
Aimee Joseph discusses why we struggle to make decisions, where God's will fits in to the topic, and how we can work on our efforts to make God-honoring choices in everyday life.
5 Ways to Use Your ESV Digital Scripture Journal at Christmas
The ESV Digital Scripture Journal makes a great gift and resource for digging into Scripture this Christmas.
Trusting When We Don't Understand, Believing When We Can't See
The question that haunts most people who experience significant suffering and loss—is, “why?”
What Dietrich Bonhoeffer Can Teach Us about Seminary Education
Bonhoeffer is usually remembered as a university professor, pastor, spy, and martyr, but he also served as a seminary director.
Start a Free 3-Month ESV.org Subscription
For one week only, new esv.org subscribers can sign up for free access to our Basic + Commentaries subscription package through April 1, 2019.
Two Possible Responses to Christ
When we read the Bible, we have a deep-seated instinct to look at particular characters and compare ourselves to them. We wonder, Is this someone I should try to emulate?
How to Overcome Fear in Sharing the Gospel
God is the one who does the work of saving people, not us.
Pastor: Is Your Holiness a Priority?
There's diminishing interest in holiness and godliness among this generation of younger pastors because of pragmatism.
What Is the Single Best Explanation for Jesus’s Genius?
God invented humans. He invented language. He invented human language. So when you allow that, it’s hardly surprising that he should know such a lot.
How We Can Cherish the Work of the Holy Spirit
John Owen points out three things that we see in the New Testament in terms of how we can go about cherishing the work of the Spirit.
How 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film' Was Made
Hear more about the creation of The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film from Jorge Canedo Estrada, director of animation.
How Christ Has Changed Our Destiny
What does it mean to be united to Christ? It’s a little bit mysterious and elusive.
Podcast: Understanding the Presence of God (Ryan Lister)
What does the Bible say about the presence of God, and how does it relate the Christian life?
Where Do We First See the Hope of the Resurrection in the Bible?
When you read what New Testament authors say, Jesus’s resurrection has fulfilled an earlier hope. And we can see that the resurrection is an ancient notion.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Spurgeon on Jeremiah 23
Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Our hearts are always captured by something—that’s how God made us.
Podcast: Can We Really Be Content? (Erik Raymond)
What does it look like to cultivate a spirit of contentment in a world that often seems dead set on helping us do just the opposite?
Don’t Be Late to the Movies, and Don’t Skip the Pentateuch
If we are Christians who want to understand the gospel better, the Pentateuch is a great place to start.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Have Nothing: The Story of the Thief on the Cross
The reality is that Jesus doesn't need anything. And we see this vividly in the story of the thief on the cross.
What Bible Reading and Eating Have in Common
Devotional Bible reading is vital for every believer in the same way that eating is vital for every human—it's just the way you're nourished. It's what you do to get stronger and grow.
The Family Photo of God’s Family Is a Little Surprising
Imagine if we gathered together all of the believers throughout history and lined them up for a massive family photo. Whom would we see? What kinds of people would be there?
What Does Scripture Actually Accomplish?
Sometimes it's hard to nail down what reading God's Word is actually supposed to accomplish.
One great temptation of singleness is an unrelenting self-focus. We need to be reminded to look outside of our circumstances and ourselves.
Christ in All of Scripture – Jonah 2:9-10
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: The Unlikely Legacy of Jonathan Edwards (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund looks back on the life and theology of famed pastor-theologian, Jonathan Edwards, gleaning wisdom that we can learn from him nearly 300 years later.
How to Comfort the Comfortless
Involvement in someone’s pain gives a dimension to a relationship that nothing else is able to do.
Don’t Disconnect These 3 Vital Facets of Scripture
We must read the Bible as history, theology, and literary artistry because there’s only one God who is doing all three things at the same time.
The notion of proof is multifaceted. It is often assumed that it is illegitimate to assert anything not susceptible to a strict proof.
Where Is the Promise of the Gospel Found in the Pentateuch?
There are going to be two lineages, two seeds: one of the woman and one of the serpent. Ultimately, the seed of the serpent is going to bruise the heel of the seed of the woman.
One of the most prominent burdens felt by society and church in the early 20th Century was the plight of orphans.
Can We Have Justice without Jesus?
The real question is whether or not we would want justice without Jesus. And there are two reasons why the answer to that question should be ‘no.’
Why Land Is More than Real Estate
After the resurrection of Jesus, God sends the Holy Spirit, who fills not just Israel, but the whole earth with his glory.
Finding Grace in Unlikely Places
When we could not take care of ourselves, God took care of us. That’s the message of grace.
3 Ways You Can Ignite a Passion for Church Planting in Your Church
If you desire to spread a passion for church planting in your church, go to Scripture, partner with other churches, and pray, pray, pray.
Help for When a Pastor’s Time and Energy Are Limited
As you think about God-ordained limits of time, what changes are needed in your leadership community?
Misunderstood Christian Classics
The way to get attention and be mainstream in the secular establishment is to debunk what has been accepted as true for centuries.
How to Cast Out Impure Affection
The best way of casting out an impure affection is to admit a pure one, and, by the love of what is good, to expel the love of what is evil.
The whole reason we care about sound doctrine is for the sake of preserving God’s beauty,
Consider Your Money Philosophy
Are we truly using and thinking of money with a Christ-centered heart? These questions will help you evaluate the role of money in your life.
Why Your Youth Ministry Should Serve the Poor
What does it look like to seek the welfare of our cities? How do you train your high school and junior high students to do this? Why is this important?
Podcast: Debunking Myths about Jesus (Stephen Wellum)
Stephen Wellum discusses myths and misconceptions about Jesus that obscure his true significance—for history and for our own lives.
The Book That Is Essential for Knowing God
You must somehow hear the Bible’s message—whether by reading it yourself or hearing someone else read or explain it—in order to become a Christian.
Moving Biblical Characters Off the Felt Board
Our understanding of who people in the Bible were—what drove them and what their lives were all about—can be very one-dimensional.
The Reformation’s Evangelistic Impact
The most lasting impact of the Reformation is gospel-centered mission. The Reformation unleashed a movement that continues today as Christians everywhere take the good news to the entire world.
A Sneak Peek at 'The New City Catechism' with Tim Keller
Tim Keller explains the value of catechesis and shares a sneak peek at ‘The New City Catechism.’
Preview: What God Has to Say about Our Bodies by Sam Allberry
There’s a danger in focusing too much on the body. There’s also a danger in not valuing it enough.
A Brief History of the Bible Verse (and Why We Developed the ESV Reader's Bible)
Crossway has published the ESV Reader’s Bible as an invitation to read the Bible as it was originally written.
How to Stay in Ministry Over the Long Haul
It's important for those in ministry to establish checks and balances in their lives to prevent burnout.
Podcast: Remembering the “Seashells” Sermon 23 Years Later (John Piper)
John Piper shares what he was thinking as he walked onto the stage on May 20th, 2000 to deliver a message to over 30,000 young people and talks about the impact that sermon had on his ministry.
An Interview with Dr. James Hamilton on "Revelation: the Spirit Speaks to the Churches"
James M. Hamilton Jr. answered questions on Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches.
What C. S. Lewis Can Teach Us about Youth Ministry
C. S. Lewis provides a case study of what is missing from most youth ministries in the United States.
Where to Learn to Become a Healthy Pastor
Formal theological training is important, but even more important than seminary would be simply to plant your life in a local church.
Podcast: God’s Work in the African Church (Conrad Mbewe)
Conrad Mbewe discusses what American Christians should know about the church in Africa, dispelling common misconceptions and sharing some of the big issues facing local congregations.
On May 3rd, across the country, countless will gather to come before the Lord for the National Day of Prayer.
11 Notable Quotes from None Like Him
God is wildly different from us, and this is for good reasons—one of which is to teach us humility before him.
How to Get the Strength You Need to Be a Mom
Mothering is a calling for all women. Every Christian woman is called to the spiritual motherhood of making disciples of all nations. Our nurturing is, by nature, missional.
The Sabbath: A 5-Day Devotional
What does it mean to take a Sabbath? Does this Old Testament law even practically apply today?
Jesus' Death Should Lead to Your Own Daily Dying
The death of Jesus is not just what cleanses you of guilt, but it is also the means by which you experience transformation.
Jesus was forceful about the issue of ethnocentrism, the conviction or the feeling that one’s own ethnic group should be treated as superior or privileged.
What Did Christ’s Atoning Work Accomplish?
The death of Christ is a multidimensional accomplishment within a story that begins in the garden and ends in the kingdom.
The Sacredness of Sexual Intimacy
Sexual intimacy in marriage is not only allowable, it is sacred.
Finding the Good Life: A 5-Day Video Devotional
In this 5-day video devotional, Nancy Guthrie answers the question, “What is the good life?”
Dear Pastor, Walking in Humility Requires Courage
Coleman M. Ford, Shawn J. Wilhite
Walking in humility requires courage. To grow in our understanding of humility, we must attune ourselves to the wisdom of Scripture and the pastoral voices of history.
Can We Ever Emphasize Grace Too Much?
t’s not gracious to reveal to God’s people the safe path that the law is without it also being a reflection of God’s character and care.
Is Justification Merely a Theological Abstraction?
The doctrine of justification unites those who share one Lord, one faith, one baptism. And though doctrines do not save us, they correctly inform us of how we are saved.
Is God opposed to prosperity? Where is the line between being grateful for the gifts he's given us and idolatry?
Gospel wakefulness persists and endures, settling deep into the heart and the conscience of a believer that it carries through all emotional highs and lows.
Why All Christians Should Expect Trouble
The longer you live in this fallen world, the more kinds of trouble you face.
Your Access Point into the Doctrine of Scripture Is Jesus
Why do Christians take the Bible so seriously? Despite some variety in how they might frame their doctrine of Scripture, Christians have, right from the beginning, been “people of the book.”
Ministry leadership, at its core, is about a community of leaders practicing together the presence of the Lord.
How Does God Feel toward Discouraged People?
God speaks tenderly toward Jerusalem. He's kind. He's patient. He's slow to anger. He's abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
What’s to love about George Whitefield?
An Early Look at 2 New ESV Journaling Bibles
Ten years after the original ESV Journaling Bible was first published—Crossway is excited to announce the release of two new editions.
Podcast: Do Christians Need to Follow the Mosaic Law? (Frank Thielman)
What does the New Testament teach about how the Old Testament applies to Christians?
Secularism: The Cosmos Is All That Is
Secularism, more than any other single word, aptly describes the mental framework and value structure of the people of our time.
Why You Should Read John Owen Next Year
What Owen offers is not quick relief, but long-term, deep growth in grace that can make strong, healthy trees where there was once a fragile sapling.
Earthly Categories for Spiritual Things
General revelation works both directly and indirectly. It works directly by creating categories in our minds and hearts for knowing God. This is direct because we move straight from the made thing to God himself.
Podcast: 5 Attributes of God We Too Often Neglect (Mark Jones)
How should we understand God in his fullness—both near to us as our Father and yet above and beyond us as our Creator?
Why Your Identity Is Not the Same as Your Role
It is the temptation to find your identity in your role.
Podcast: Why You Can’t Stop Looking at Your Phone (Samuel James)
Samuel James sets forth a distinctly Christian theology of technology, one that is profoundly realistic about its power, both for good and evil.
Podcast: Teaching Your Kids the Real Meaning of Christmas (William Smith)
William Smith offers parents simple advice for viewing the holiday season as a special opportunity to point our kids’ hearts to their Savior.
Podcast: How to Respond to Common Arguments against Christianity (William Lane Craig)
William Lane Craig discusses how to respond to common arguments against Christianity that we often hear but may not know how to respond to.
What to Say to a Grieving Person
Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say to someone who is grieving. Yet there are helpful words we can give to people who are suffering—words that will actually help and encourage in the midst of grief.
Why I Care about Women's Issues
In an increasingly pro-women society, you can’t even watch the Super Bowl anymore without seeing media campaigns elevating the dignity and worth of women.
G.K. Chesterton said that "life is as bright as diamond and as brittle as a window pane." Our lives and health are beautiful but fragile, and we need to cherish them.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Ryle on Luke 18
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
The Story of the Nun Who Escaped to True Freedom
Christian freedom, as Luther taught, wasn’t about moderation in these things. It was about resting in Christ and serving and loving your neighbor. Nothing we do can make God love us more.
A Letter from Lane Dennis Regarding the Flood
Crossway updates readers and supporters on the flood that swept through Crossway's headquarters.
Dads, Remember the Power of the Open Book
Children who are able to read will benefit from being with their parents in worship, and it is the duty of husbands and fathers to make sure that their families hear God’s word both in private and in public.
How Celebrity-Pastor Culture Impacts Pastors
We wrestle with this invitation to do a truly great thing by serving the least, while inside of us and outside of us, we're pressured to make much of ourselves.
Win John Piper's "The Swans Are Not Silent" Series
Win this 7-volume series about God's enduring faithfulness and the ongoing efficacy of the gospel in the lives of Christians throughout history.
Over the course of 10 days, dig deeper into the book of Esther and learn how God is faithful to keep his promises and deliver his people.
Christianity was a multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural movement from the beginning.
Just as we can hardly fathom the divine ferocity awaiting those out of Christ, it is equally true that we can hardly fathom the divine tenderness already resting now on those in Christ.
Dealing with Hurt as a Pastor's Wife
Pastors’ wives bear relational burdens and outright attacks that most of us cannot imagine.
Find the Right Bible for Your Church or Ministry
Find one to suit your church or ministry’s needs with a variety of helpful features designed especially for first-time Bible readers.
Beware of This Blindspot in the Christian Life
Why do some Christians—maybe why do many Christians—fail to experience a good life in the present?
The Wisdom of God-Centered Rhythms in a Me-Centered Age
When every moment of our iWorld existence conditions us to celebrate the self, the church boldly celebrates something bigger, grander, and more compelling.
How Work in the Home Reflects God
As Christians serve and care for those around them, they are acting as God's hands and feet in the world.
A Personal vs. Private Relationship with Christ
As we've prioritized our personal relationship with Christ, we've also privatized it.
3 Moral Principles to Consider Related to Reproductive Technology
Modern medicine can be used to overcome many diseases and disabilities today. We should view this as a good thing, and as something for which we can give thanks to God.
Why Motherhood Is Only for the Faint of Heart
It is often stated that “motherhood is not for the faint of heart!” But in reality, that’s not entirely true—because motherhood is only for the faint of heart.
The means of grace—the Bible, prayer, and fellowship—are regular channels by which we can experience God's grace.
God’s word and his holiness ought to bring us to our knees in fear, reverence, and obedience. And they ought to make us ask for a mediator—someone to act as a go-between for us and God.
Introducing the ‘ESV Gospel of John, Reader’s Edition’
The Gospel of John is one of the most beloved books of the Bible, providing an accessible introduction to the ministry of Jesus.
Discipleship Is Never Anti-Intellectual
The journey into faithful Christian learning in a liberal arts context involves the daring venture of whole-life discipleship in response to the Great Commandment.
11 Notable Quotes from Come, Let Us Adore Him
Recapture your attention and reactivate your awe for Christ and his coming during Christmastime.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt recalls the mission that Christ left his followers before his ascension.
The Three-Fold Office of Christian Witness
Everyone who knows Christ experientially has a calling and passion to make him known. Christian witness is the identity and calling of the church.
Learning to Lament: A 5-Day Devotional
Explore how the psalms of lament and the book of Lamentations give voice to our pain and invite us to grieve, struggle, and tap into the rich reservoir of God's grace and mercy.
The Wilderness Offers Us New Sight
When we walk through any season of wilderness, the greatest danger is not the scorching heat of the trial; it is that we would be blind to the God who sees us.
Why There Is No Systematic Theology without the Bible
The Bible creates the framework for all theological understanding.
New books from Crossway this month include The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund and Good News of Great Joy by John Piper.
We’re All Writing the Stories of Our Lives, but We’re All Failed Authors
We’re all writing the stories of our lives, and we’ve all failed to write and publish the book we wanted. Some of us failed at the beginning, some of us fear failed endings, all of us have failed chapters.
The Third Dimension of Writing: Bret Lott on Saying Exactly What You Mean
Brett Lott discusses the third dimension of writing.
Introducing the ‘ESV Every Day Bible’
Maintain a daily bible-reading habit with the new ESV Every Day Bible, and read the whole Bible over the course of a year.
Let's pray. How many times have you been privileged to say or hear those words?
Learn more about this year's upcoming Bible releases.
The Death of My Son Awakened Me to the Reality of Heaven
Even though I was grieving my son's death, heavenly mindedness was giving me greater perspective. It was refining me. It was motivating me for things of the Lord.
How Embracing Our Depravity Helps Us Suffer Well
Becoming bitter prevents healing, creates hardened hearts, and creates distance in our relationship with God.
Share the Good News This Easter
This season represents the hope of the gospel—new life to those who believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
A History of Crossway’s Tract Ministry
Through all areas of publishing, Crossway strives to articulate and apply the truth of the gospel to every area of life, and to invite as many readers as possible to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Nancy Guthrie's Story of Hope in the Midst of Grief
In the midst of Nancy Guthrie's incredible pain, God was at work.
Should I Try to Be My Child's Friend?
Your child should know without a doubt that you deeply love them, even on their worst day.
Why Men Should Memorize the Psalms Together
There is something sweet that goes beyond just repeating the words of Scripture to each other but actually living in the good of God’s Word together.
Introducing the ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty
Featuring the voice of modern hymn writer Kristyn Getty, the [ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty] offers listeners comfort and hope from Scripture amid the busyness and difficulties of daily life.
Mom, Your Hardest Day Is Not the End of Your Story
Mourning may last for a night, but rejoicing does come in the morning, and in light of these momentary troubles and trials, there is an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
An Interview with the Editors of the ‘ESV Archaeology Study Bible’
In this video, Dane Ortlund sits down with Drs. David Chapman and John Currid to discuss the, ESV Archaeology Study Bible.
A Marvel More Fascinating Than Your iPhone
No one could pick up an iPhone or a smartphone of any kind and think that it was an accident. Learn about something that's infinitely more complex.
Marriage is the one flesh union of one man with one woman for one lifetime.
Inerrancy Part 1: If God Wrote the Bible, Why Are There so Many Discrepancies?
Vern S. Poythress discusses why there are so many discrepancies within the Bible.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on John 1:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
What John Piper Wants You to Know about the Bible
In his two of his newest books, John Piper helps us to understand and enjoy the Bible for what it truly is—the very Word of God.
Jen Wilkin Answers Your Questions about Bible Study (Women of the Word Bonus Episode)
In this special bonus episode, Jen Wilkin answers the questions that listeners have sent in about studying the Bible.
You Have Been Raised Up with Christ
Paul's letter to the Ephesian church details how being embraced by the love of Christ truly changes everything.
The Psalms, ESV is a wonderful edition for devotions, for liturgical use, or for giving as a gift.
Four Crucial Questions at the Heart of the Gospel
Greg Gilbert begins to define the gospel by turning to the Bible and identifying four essential questions at the heart of the proclamation of the gospel.
While the chief priests were arguing over the wording of the sign, the soldiers were preparing Jesus for crucifixion.
How to Be Fluent in the Gospel
We live in a day and age where people are asking questions, but often we don’t have the answers.
Christ in All of Scripture - Psalm 46:1-3
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Remembering the Awesomeness of Immanuel
Jesus is Immanuel. The man Jesus is “God with us.”
What Question Is Jesus Trying to Answer in the Beatitudes?
Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. It’s a counterintuitive turn. It is, if you will, an upside-down kingdom.
Should We Seek to Burn Out for Jesus?
It is wise to pace yourself, even in ministry. Establish healthy limits for yourself and trust God to make your work fruitful.
Face It: You're Going to Die . . . and Then Rise
The church bears witness to a watching world. What does it mean to die well, and place our hope in the resurrection?
The Liberation of Being Bought By Christ
With the gospel, if we belong to Jesus physically and bodily, then actually the only person our bodies need to please is Jesus.
Podcast: Do You Know That Jesus Is Praying for You? (Joel Beeke)
Joel Beeke discusses the doctrine of Christ's ongoing intercession in heaven and why it's more important and spiritually edifying than you may realize.
Inspiration for At-Home Schooling
Life includes not only living experiences, but also the best that mankind has produced in art, books, music, ideas, and many more areas.
Letter from the President: Our Commitment to Gospel-Centered Publishing
A special message from President Josh Dennis with a ministry update and reflections on Crossway’s calling.
An Urgent Ministry Opportunity—Global Study Bibles for Leaders in Africa and Asia
Throughout the month of December, Crossway requested the help of our readers and supporters to provide the remaining $500,000 needed for the project.
Why Christians Should Encourage Consistent Atheism
times when I actually encourage unbelievers to continue in their error, in fact to do so more.
Podcast: Is Evangelicalism out of Touch with Church History? (Gavin Ortlund)
Have Protestant Evangelicals lost our connection to church history? How can we embrace our heritage and appreciate how to learn from past Christians?
How Parenting Kids with Special Needs Shifts Your Reality
In a sense, our story was really one of reconsidering every aspect of our lives.
How Pentecost Stands as a Pattern for the Church's Life
Men and women in their blindness and sin have done their very best to ruin the Christian church.
God’s gospel breaks through the most formidable barrier of all: human sin.
How to Mobilize Your Small Group for Mission
Jeff Vanderstelt offers some practical ideas for mobilizing your small group to be on mission for Jesus.
You Are Being Changed for the Good of the Church
When we join Jesus, we join his family and his mission. When Jesus Christ is Lord, he integrates disciples into a missional church family.
J. I. Packer: In His Own Words
As we look back on the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his humble writing ministry and the legacy of his service to the church.
ESV.org—How to Highlight and Favorite a Passage
Select verses or sections that you’re using for study, memorization, or devotion, making it easy to return to them quickly and easily.
Redeeming Singleness: Q & A with Barry Danylak
Barry Danylak shares some of the main points of his book, Redeeming Singleness.
The Seeds of Promise and Grace Planted in Genesis 3
If we study the fall in Genesis 3, I think we're going to notice that the seeds that are planted in that chapter are going to bear much fruit to flower over the progressive revelation of the Old Testament.
How Christians Evidence Christ’s Victory
Between the victory on the cross and the present day, and on to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, did God intend that there should be any evidence of the reality of the victory of the cross?
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Why Don’t I Fit In with My Friends?
God made you unique. He gave you particular gifts and tastes and a personality. And having confidence in the person that God made you to be is very attractive to other people.
Introducing ‘The King and the Dragon’
A new picture book for kids ages 3–5 with colorful and whimsical artwork that celebrates God’s ultimate victory over sin and death.
Podcast: Sinclair Ferguson on Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel (Sinclair Ferguson)
Sinclair Ferguson walks through why living lives worthy of the gospel is a biblical exhortation that all Christians must take seriously and one that doesn't inevitably lead to the sin of legalism.
Elyse Fitzpatrick reflects on the humanity of Christ at Christmas.
Podcast: Are Christians More Divided Now Than Ever? (Rhyne Putman)
How should Christians think about theological diversity and gracefully disagree within the body of Christ?
Obey Even When You Don’t Understand Why
Whenever we take a rule from our Father and begin examining it apart from him—apart from his character, his fatherly affection, his authoritative goodness—we fall into sin.
Human Dignity: A First Principle
We are made in the image of Jesus the Messiah. This is real ground of human dignity.
You Are More Than Your Twitter Bio
What does the way you introduce yourself say about how you see yourself, about where you find the source of your identity?
Christ in All of Scripture – John 5:36–40
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Is There a Difference between Courage and Christian Courage?
Jesus is better. And that enables me to face the danger, the hardship, and the fear of death that’s in front of me, because Christ is gain.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of R. C. Sproul (Stephen Nichols)
Stephen Nichols discusses the fascinating life and ministry of the late R. C. Sproul reflecting on who he was in private and how his theological passions shaped his ministry.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Matthew Henry on Revelation 22
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Podcast: Overcoming Me-Centered Discipleship (Jonathan Dodson)
Jonathan Dodson talks about what a gospel-centered approach to discipleship entails, highlighting the importance of transparency for everyone involved.
At Crossway, we would be grateful for your urgent prayers and gracious support for our upcoming ministry projects.
An Indirect Approach to Evangelism
Jerram Barrs offers additional insight on the challenge of sharing the gospel during the holiday season that may be helpful as you interact with close friends and family.
Interview with Tim Chester: Eating with a Mission
Crossway interviews Tim Chester on his newest book, A Meal with Jesus.
Finding Rest in a Restless World
It’s easy to settle for a subhuman life. Despite all our efforts, achievements, and success, many of us discover each night that our hearts don’t rest.
Come, Let Us Adore Him: A 5-Day Devotional
Slow down, prepare your heart, and focus on what matters most this season: adoring our Savior, Jesus.
The advent season is a reminder to pause and wonder anew at the story of the incarnation.
How Community Helps When Battling Loneliness
Church relationships, fellowship with other believers, and being involved in a local church are crucial.
How Grace Lets You Have It All
The more you understand the magnitude of God’s grace, the more accurate will be your view of the depth of your unrighteousness; and the more you understand the depth of your unrighteousness, the more you will appreciate the magnitude of God’s gift of grace.
Old Testament Wisdom for Today: A 6-Day Devotional
Do you find the Old Testament more than a little bit daunting? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Podcast: How to Translate the New Testament (Peter Williams)
ESV Translation Oversight Committee member Dr. Peter Williams discusses many of the factors involved in translating the New Testament.
Though God’s loving disposition toward us was settled at the cross, our feelings and circumstances often shake our confidence in who God is for us.
How We Can Best Pray for Our Hurting Friends
Rather than just telling people you're praying for them, pray aloud for them in their presence.
I’ve Heard It Said That Feelings Follow Actions
Though our feelings are part of God’s created design for us, they still need to be subjected to God’s word and to what is true.
Podcast: The Art Process behind ‘The Biggest Story Bible Storybook’ (Don Clark)
Don Clark discusses what appealed to him (and what scared him) about illustrating the stories of the Bible for The Biggest Story Bible Storybook.
Podcast: Marriage Questions about Sex, Submission, and In-Laws (Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn)
Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn share personal insight on a number of questions related to marriage, discussing topics like submission, relationships with family, and the ultimate purpose of marriage.
Coming Soon: New ESV Journaling Bibles
All editions of the ESV Journaling Bible and ESV Single Column Journaling Bible are scheduled to be back in stock on June 15, 2015.
Introducing the Greek Scripture Journal: New Testament Set
This 19-volume set features thin, portable notebooks each containing one or more books of the New Testament and is great for college or seminary students learning Greek, as well as pastors preparing for sermons.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Hodge on Romans 8:32
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Jesus didn't just experience a taste of humanity, he experienced the fullness of what it means to be physically human.
Interview: Andreas and Margaret Köstenberger
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Crossway interviews Andreas and Margaret Köstenberger, coauthors of God’s Design for Man and Woman: A Biblical-Theological Survey.
Tracts are creative, short-form gospel presentations, convenient to use and economical to produce and distribute.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.
What Our Physical Diet Says about Our Spiritual Appetite
He has prepared food for us. The food he has prepared is himself. He serves us himself through his holy word—the Bible.
2 Principles for Formulating Advance Directives
There are two important things to think about when equipping those you love how to act on your behalf.
Leaders are life-long learners and one of the best ways that we can know of to keep learning is to keep reading.
Loving the Church for Who She Is, Not for What She Can Do for You
We get wrapped up in the organizational structure of the church and in what she can give us, what she can do for us, or even, what's in it for us.
On a Mission to Prove Ourselves
The people of this world are on a mission: a mission to prove themselves.
Common Ways That Jesus Displayed His Genius
The way Jesus displays his genius is very understated. That is, he says to people, “Let the one who has ears to hear, hear.” And it’s very easy not to hear.
How Should a Pastor Handle Ministry Success?
Though the Lord doesn't often do large, famous, and fast things, he sometimes does.
Podcast: What's Happening to Evangelicalism? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves discusses the term “evangelical,” the different ways it’s used in our culture today, and how we should respond to the cultural baggage often associated with the term.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Martin Luther on Galatians 3:2
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
What the Book of Hebrews Teaches Us about Jesus
In this video, pastor Matt Capps discusses the unique contribution that the book of Hebrews makes to the New Testament.
Full Audiobook: ‘Why Should We Love the Local Church?’ by Dustin Benge
Today we’re pleased to share the full audio recording of Why Should We Love the Local Church? by Dustin Benge on The Crossway Podcast.
The Importance of Recapturing Biblical Marriage
Reclaiming the biblical meaning of marriage in our culture today matters because the darkness of our generation is deep and profound.
Introducing the Church Questions Series
Church Questions booklets answer common questions about the local church and what it means for the daily life of a Christian.
Podcast: Do You See the Church as Lovely? (Dustin Benge)
Dustin Benge explains why the church—despite all her faults—is worth fighting for.
The Difference between Gospel-ish and Gospel Fluency
To become truly gospel fluent is to be able to listen to somebody well enough to hear the real longing or hurts that they're dealing with.
Introducing 2 Devotionals from Paul David Tripp
With 40 daily readings, each of these short devotionals encourage Christians to experience the life-giving message of the gospel every day.
How to Spend Your Time Waiting for an Adopted Child
God has designed the universe so that anticipation is built into the order of things.
Introducing the ESV Kid’s Bible, Compact
A new Bible for 8–12-year-olds that offers explanations of major biblical concepts with kid-friendly supplemental pages.
When God’s Provision Isn’t What We Expected
After Jesus’s first show of miraculous power in the Gospel of Mark (his healing of a man with an unclean spirit), the amazed people turn to each other and say, “What is this?”
How Pride Undermines the Joy of Confession
Confession is like the gateway to freedom. As we confess, repent, and own the wrong things that we have done, we move forward with a lightness of heart.
Learn the Art of Journaling in Your Bible
The truths of Scripture are rich and profound, and their understanding requires the full engagement of our hearts and minds.
The Blessings of a Frustrating Church
Frustration is part of the sanctification process that God intends for us in church.
Why the Church Is More Important than Any Other Christian Organization
The church is the only human institution that goes into eternity. We won’t be building the Gospel Coalition in eternity. We won’t be building seminaries in eternity.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: J. C. Ryle on Mark 2:13-17
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Is the world so broken that God will abandon it, and we will need to find a home elsewhere?
How to Handle Conflict: Part 3
How does God want us to handle our desires that grow into demands? A simple alliterated outline provides a plan: recognize, repent, refocus, and replace.
Is There a Wrong Way to Study the Bible? (Women of the Word Episode 3)
Jen Wilkin describes the wrong ways we approach Bible study and what our failed attempts to engage with God's Word reveal about our own attitude toward Scripture.
5 Images of a Gospel-Centered Leader (and the Need to Hold It All Together)
There is a leadership crisis in the local church. When we look around, we see different visions of leadership competing for our devotion.
The Doctrines of Justification and Union with Christ Illuminate One Another
Scripture clearly says that Christians are united to Christ, but it is not intuitively obvious what this means. Union with Christ is a vague term.
Are you a pastor's wife who is at the end of herself? Christ understands and empathizes with all you go through.
Don’t Just Teach—Teach Your Church to Love God’s Word
There are three things to bear in mind when trying to grow a church in the conviction that the Bible is worth studying over a lifetime.
Written for elementary school-aged children, Mighty Acts of God tells the story of God's revelation of himself, his saving purposes, and his covenant.
Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety
Go to God and ask him to lead you into more understanding of the various factors involved in your child’s suffering: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and social.
Read the Bible the Way Jesus Did
Far too often, Bible students seek to understand and apply Scripture without considering that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—the message of the gospel—is the center of the Scriptures.
I’ve Heard It Said “You Are Enough”
You are enough in that God has made us with limitations. God made us to be unique, so God has made us in a specific way, and we don’t need to strive to be like others. But we’re not enough.
The Continued Relevance of Carl Henry’s ‘Uneasy Conscience’
What’s striking now is how contemporary and pressing the issues still seem, though raised by Henry back when “baby boomer” referred to youth and the future.
How the Psalms Verticalize Our Lives
Meditation on the Psalms lifts our eyes and reminds us to be mindful of God.
Podcast: Why Are We Apathetic about What Really Matters? (Uche Anizor)
Uche Anizor discusses seven deadly causes of spiritual apathy that we should all be on the lookout for and how to take steps back toward God when we realize we’re not doing well.
Chaos to Cosmos = Dark to Light
Jesus Christ, the Word of God, is not only the maker of the first creation, which is now broken, but also the maker of the coming new creation.
Podcast: The Antidote to a Boring Prayer Life (Donald Whitney)
Donald Whitney talks about a simple, proven approach to prayer that has the potential to transform your spiritual life for the better.
Gospel-Centered Leadership: A 12-Day Devotional
Over the course of twelve days, be encouraged by Scripture and wise leadership principles as you seek to become a better leader at home, in your workplace, and in the church.
Bill Clem drew up a compass to help explain these aspects of discipleship.
Deleting Bible Study from Your Mental Checklist
We don’t need reminders for what we value most.
The Resurrection: This Changes Everything
Jesus’ resurrection does not only change us by saving our souls, making us holy, and filling us with power to live.
The One Essential Ingredient for Biblical Manhood
As men, we can fight the symptoms of a disquieted inner life—anger, lust, insecurity, anxiety, and the like. Such fights are necessary. Or, we can wage war against the bunker out of which these enemies come.
2 Good Reasons We Should Read beyond the Bible
We want to read more than just the Bible because from the earliest time that words were recorded, civilization has been having this ongoing conversation.
What about the window of time in between forgiveness of past sins and assurance of future heaven?
Identity and Imitation: Getting First Things First
Why is grace so important to the chemistry of the heart from which godly lives emerge?
The End of a Remarkable Writing and Speaking Ministry: An Update on J. I. Packer’s Health
I thank God tonight that James Innell Packer’s course is not yet finished and that he is still running the race.
Introducing the ESV New Testament
Focus your heart and mind on the gospel truths of the New Testament with this elegant new edition.
Podcast: Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Book of Revelation (Nancy Guthrie)
Nancy Guthrie discusses why the book of Revelation is actually more accessible, more timely, and more encouraging than you probably know.
What the Reformers saw, especially through the message of justification by faith alone, was the revelation of an exuberantly happy God who glories in sharing his happiness.
How Lament Moves Us toward Others
Lament doesn’t solve all the problems of racial reconciliation, but it can really help.
The Amazing Truth at the Heart of the Psalms
The Psalms have an important message: God loves you.
Video: John Piper Reads "The Innkeeper"
John Piper reads his illustrated poem The Innkeeper.
Study the Hebrew Old Testament for Free at ESV.org
Get more insight into the truths of Scripture through the lens of original languages using the Hebrew Old Testament language tools on ESV.org.
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp laments the effects of sin’s curse on the world.
Introducing the ‘ESV Economy Bible, Giant Print’
Learn more about this new edition, ideal for ministry use, outreach, and bulk distribution.
Don’t Put Science in a Straightjacket
There are actually ways that certain scientific assumptions can impede the scientific search for truth.
Overcoming Common Barriers to Bible Study (Women of the Word Episode 2)
Jen Wilkin identifies a handful of perceived obstacles that prevent us from studying the Bible and how we can actually overcome those and take joy in reading and studying God's word.
What a Productive Life Is (Not) All About
The productive life is not a life of working all the time. It’s a life of wisdom to know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest.
How does a biblical role model in Proverbs 31 demonstrate that women have been made in the image of God?
Watch the First 3 Minutes of 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film'
Get a glimpse into the film's rich content, striking animations, and beautiful storyline.
Preaching Can't Love You Back (but People Will)
I love expositional preaching. It re-centered my ideological world, exploded my love for Jesus, and opened my mind to the wonders of the Scriptures. But expositional preaching has never loved me back.
James Montgomery Boice writes about the difficulty of relativism.
Podcast: The Problem with Modern Missions (Matt Rhodes)
Matt Rhodes considers what it should look like to pursue cross-cultural missions with a focus on long-term success and why the American church should be asking itself that very question today.
Video: J. I. Packer's Life and Legacy
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Sam Storms and Leland Ryken to discuss the life and legacy of an evangelical titan.
The Christmas Invitation You Can't Ignore
No matter how you feel about holiday parties, you need to know that you have been invited to a very important celebration this Christmas that you don’t want to miss.
A New Edition of a Classic Paul David Tripp Devotional
Far more than a rush of caffeine in the morning, Christians need with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel.
Surprising Peace After My Son's Surprise Birth
Redeeming love has purchased for us this blessed assurance: that Christ has regarded our helpless estate and has shed his own blood for our soul.
The Great (American) Commission - Part 1
This is the first post ([part 2]http://www.crossway.org/blog/?p=35254), part 3) in a 3-part series by Tim Keesee on the role of American missionaries in the 21st century.
The Power of God's Word in India
Sometimes, in God’s plan and providence, this ministry takes us to the farthest corners of the world.
Introducing the ESV New Christian’s Bible
A new edition created to help the new Bible reader orient to the foundational building blocks of the Christian life revealed in God's word.
One Reason We Shouldn’t Get Rid of Youth Ministry
We need missionaries and evangelists out there reaching teenagers and sharing the gospel with them.
What Women Wish Men Knew about Beauty
Men who take the time to understand the pressures women face will be able to help them resist the lies from our culture and pursue a biblical vision of beauty.
4 Ways to Think about the Persecuted Church
The persecuted church often display joy that can be a powerful example to us that Christ is with his people.
We need to remember that the Bible is God's direct speech to us. His word is the source of wisdom. It is God himself speaking to us.
In justification God does not merely decide unilaterally to forgive us our sins.
Explore a list of new books out this month, like A Dozen Things God Did with Your Sin by Sam Storms and God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke.
What Does Gospel Fluency Look Like in Action?
Listen and pay attention—the Lord will give you the right words to bring the gospel to a non-Believer in a way that meets their needs and fulfills their longings.
A year-end update from Crossway’s president and CEO, Lane T. Dennis.
5 Practical Ways Pastors Can Care for Their Wives
Though a pastor expends much energy and effort on relationships in the church, he shouldn't neglect his most important at-home relationship.
How to Cultivate a Culture of Adoption
When we adopt—and when we encourage a culture of adoption in our churches and communities—we’re picturing something that’s true about our God.
This Day in History: C. S. Lewis Is Born
On this day in history, the most significant Christian apologist of the twentieth century was born at home in Belfast, Ireland.
Common Barriers to Family Worship
There are barriers to creating a regular habit of family worship, but God has provided many helps to get over them.
Reading the Bible Gathers a Family from Every Tribe and Tongue
Without the Bible, there would be no ingathering of God’s people, and without the Bible, there would be no beautification of the bride. So everyone who enters the people of God by faith comes by the word.
There’s Always More for You in Scripture
The more delight we take in the Bible, the more we want to get into it, and the bigger difference it makes in our spiritual lives.
How the Gospel Sets Us Free in Everyday Life
The message that the gospel has in terms of freedom for a man’s everyday life is really a counter-intuitive message.
How to Achieve Pastoral Success
Do the work set before you and trust that God will bear fruit.
Podcast: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? (Dennis Johnson)
Dennis Johnson discusses Hebrews 6:4–6, one of the New Testament's most famous—and debated—warning passages.
One day the ruler—the King of kings and Lord of lords—will return and make peace a reality.
Podcast: How to Plan Your Next Sermon Series (Tim Patrick)
How should a pastor plan a sermon series? Tim Patrick highlights his own process for conceptualizing, scheduling, and studying for a new series.
The Law, the Gospel, & Parenting
Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson were recently interviewed by the BCC (Biblical Counseling Coalition) for their new book, Give Them Grace.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Martin Luther on Galatians 5:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
What Makes Evangelicals Different?
What is it that separates evangelicals from the rest of the world, even some other branches of Christianity? The fundamental dividing line is the belief in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Why does it matter if we believe this or not?
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What Does It Mean to Be Made in God’s Image?
There are a lot of ways in which we image God. God created us to do that—to show others who God is by doing what he does.
Fighting for Personal Sanctification
Living for the Lord is tremendously difficult at times. Owen Strachan gives three exhortations to keep in mind as you strive for personal holiness.
Help Wanted: Looking for Someone to Make My Kids Love the Bible
What can we do to make it easier for our kids to love God’s Word, instead of merely forcing it on them?
Artist Spotlight: Lulie Wallace
Learn more about artist, Lulie Wallace, and her work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
In Your Race of Faith, Run Together
Christians aren’t designed to run alone. When we run together, we encourage one another to endure.
Introducing Exploring the Bible Together
Help your family establish regular devotions through realistic aims, a clear plan and direction, and stimulating interaction with Scripture and prayer.
It is God’s intent that every person who comes into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ eventually will grow up into maturity. And maturity looks like Jesus.
Learn more about this month's new books and Bibles.
Why the Church Can Rest in Christ’s Victory
We’re a part of what the Lord is doing in the world when we’re pastoring a church or even a member of a church. We know that he will accomplish his good end.
On Bible Translation: A Q&A with Leland Ryken - Part 2
Part 2 of an interview where Leland Ryken clarifies some of the issues of modern Bible translation and makes a case for an essentially literal approach.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on Genesis 4:4
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
What Star Wars Can Teach Us about History
Thomas Andrews and Flannery Burke suggest that the opening sequence in the Star Wars films reminds us of the importance of historical context.
Podcast: What Your Teenager Needs Most (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp offers practical advice and encouragement to parents seeking to raise their teenagers to know God and feel ready to go into the world.
In the forthcoming book Life's Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says About Things That Matter Most, author Eric Thoennes briefly addresses what the Bible says about final judgment and hell.
Video: J.I. Packer on Weakness
J.I. Packer, renowned theologian and author of the forthcoming Weakness is the Way, reflects on his experience of weakness, having been hit by a bread truck as a child and now facing the realities of aging.
Podcast: The Life and Mind of C. S. Lewis (Harry Lee Poe)
Learn fascinating details about the start of Lewis’s career, his personal faith, the relationships that would shape his world, and the books that would make his name world-renowned.
Why Claim Total Depravity When People Do Good All the Time?
If you study the doctrine of total depravity on its own, you may be led to think that an unbeliever cannot do any good in society— and yet, that is incongruent with our own experience of unbelievers.
Self-Justification Is the Deepest Impulse in the Fallen Human Heart
Deep down, every single one of us does not want to come clean about the depth of our sin. That is not just true of the non-Christian. It’s true of the Christian.
Outward Beauty Cannot Bear the Weight of Being Your Source of Hope
Does our outward appearance convey to the watching world where our hope is? Does it show that our hope is firmly rooted and established in Jesus, in his good work, on our behalf?
Living in God's Two Kingdoms - A Vision of Christianity and Culture
In his new book Living in God's Two Kingdoms, David VanDrunen suggests an alternative "two kingdoms" model for cultural engagement.
Is It Morally Right to Impose My Pro-Life Convictions on Others?
When the pro-lifer says abortion is wrong, he’s not talking about what he likes or prefers; he’s talking about what’s right or wrong regardless of preferences.
What is my vocation? How do I find one? Or, as the self-help books put it, how do I find the vocation that is right for me?
Why We Neglect Reading our Bible
Stephen Nichols explains various culprits that get in between us and Scripture.
Human beings—as image-bearers of the God who made the world—are responsible to take care of the world and to use their time, talent, and treasure in everything they do for the Lord.
I’ve Heard It Said, “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait”
Waiting is a part of the created order. It’s a part of our humanity. To be human is to wait but with a particular nuance.
Preaching an Objective Message in a Subjective Culture
When we think about following Jesus today we are aware that our culture’s attitude to truth has changed.
The Food of Christian Survival
When you understand Bible reading as the means, the food, the fuel, the sustenance of your Christian life, then you will consume it with joy, like a hungry person eats bread.
Has Our Society Lost Its Vision of What It Means to Be Human?
These moral universes are irreconcilable. They’re impenetrable. We are unable to reason together on even the most basic essentials necessary for the common good.
God Is at Work Worldwide—Even Here
God is not just working across the world. He's still working in the hearts of his people among us.
Does America’s History Reveal a Common Consensus on Abortion?
Knowing abortion is murder is not something that is just a result of modern technology. It has been the common sense of people in America for centuries.
Reading E-Books on Your Kindle Fire
Purchasing e-books directly from Crossway.org allows you the freedom to read these titles on a variety of platforms—including Kindle Fire tablets.
Devote Yourself to Good Works Even When It’s Hard
We don’t just naturally fall into doing good. So we want to orient our lives in such a way that we’re positioned to practice generosity, to show hospitality to the lonely.
God loves beauty, and he gives it to us as a gift. He is the source of beauty, and he is beauty himself.
Raising Children in a Post-Christian, Anti-Family Society
Voddie Baucham shares what parents have been saying about his book, Family Driven Faith.
Entertainment and the Christian Novel
People love to read stories—and any fiction writer who forgets that fundamental human motivation is in danger of becoming unemployed.
We all need help and we are all helpers—that’s part of being human.
When Christians Misunderstand Christians
Sam Storms draws on Paul's interaction with the church in 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4 to provide some wisdom that we can apply as we seek to grow in godly communication.
The ESV Heirloom Wide Margin Reference Bible
The ESV Heirloom Wide Margin Reference Bible is a special edition of the original ESV Wide Margin Reference Bible.
Jesus Didn’t Show Up Unannounced
The surety of past prophecies and the specificity of how Jesus fulfilled them is also your guaranteed future hope.
Podcast: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible (Andy Naselli)
Andy Naselli talks about what he considers to be the greatest letter ever written: Romans 8.
Podcast: A Christian Perspective on Depression (Kathryn Butler, MD)
Kathryn Butler shares encouraging insights that offer hope for those who struggle with depression and help for those seeking to care for someone who does.
Inerrancy Part 3: Why is Inerrancy So Often Under Attack?
Vern S. Poythress discusses why the concept of inerrancy is so often under attack and how we are supposed to address it.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Schaeffer on Romans 8
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Podcast: Answering Hard Questions about Predestination and Free Will (Andy Naselli)
Andy Naselli answers a few of the most common questions about the doctrine of predestination, including what the Bible really says about it and what impact this teaching may have on the idea of free will.
We need to know that we are not in charge and we need to know how to submit to God as the one who is in charge.
Introducing the ESV Men's Devotional Bible
Our world presents daily distractions that can easily displace Christ as the center of a man’s heart and life.
The Danger of Labels When Discussing the Bible's Teaching on Gender
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Though the issues are fairly complex, a nuanced approach to the use of labels can provide several clarifying benefits.
Looking Back While Looking Ahead
As David looks back in reflection on his life, he writes not a lament about how many enemies he’s had to face but a praise song for how much deliverance and faithfulness the Lord has shown.
Compromise on Marriage, Lose the Gospel
Who Created Marriage? We must not compromise on same-sex marriage. If we had invented marriage, we could reinvent it—there would be no problem with that. We could make it whatever we wanted it to be. …
When you see the message of grace unfolding in the Bible a pattern emerges. God is gracious to us, and then expects us to respond.
Why Your Parents' Limitations Aren’t Limiting
Limits force you to come to grips with both your humanity and your sin nature by showing you that you are not God, but you sure want to be.
Podcast: Christianity Is Both Easier and Harder Than You Think (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung discusses the reasons we’re so hard on ourselves and what it looks like to truly embrace the freedom and joy of being beloved children of our heavenly Father.
Podcast: Is the Sabbath Still Relevant for Christians? (Guy Waters)
Guy Waters discusses God's original purpose for the Sabbath, how the idea of Sabbath rest recurs throughout the Old and New Testaments, and whether the Sabbath is relevant for Christians today.
3 Ways Wisdom Is Threatened in the Information Age
In our modern world, we're overwhelmed by information: too fast, too much, and too self-focused. And, it's crowding out our ability to think deeply.
Opening Windows to Christ’s Kingdom
More than forty years have passed since I first traveled across the world and what drives me now are the glimpses of glory I get as I follow my King in the power of His rising.
Watch the Trailer for 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film'
The Biggest Story connects the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ's death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth.
What Is the Priesthood of All Believers?
Christ is our priest, and all believers in Christ are priests, in some sense, like Christ. All believers share in this priesthood as we share in Christ and participate with Christ in a spiritual union.
An Historic Opportunity in China
Lane T. Dennis proposes two historic opportunities in China.
Christ in All of Scripture – Esther 6:1–4
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Christ in All of Scripture – Ruth 4:18-22
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Jesus Was More Than a Storyteller
What if the great storyteller also lived a perfect life? What if he came from God? What if he was the long-anticipated Jewish Messiah?
Who Was Herman Bavinck, and Why Is He Worth Reading Today?
Herman Bavinck is someone who people have become really interested in and aware of in recent years through the translations of some of his theological works. He was a really important thinker.
Christ in All of Scripture - Mark 2:16-17
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Fighting for Faith in the Midst of Doubt (Glenna Marshall)
Glenna Marshall discusses how we should view our doubts about the Bible, the gospel, and God's love for us, and how our struggles with doubt should give way to a more resilient faith.
What Modern Atheists Could Learn from David Hume
One of the most important things that modern atheists can learn from David Hume is the limitations of sense perception and reason.
Over the next 15 days, read through John’s first letter to the church alongside explanatory passages adapted from ESV Expository Commentary: Hebrews–Revelation (Volume 12).
Know a Victim of Sexual Assault? What to Say and Not to Say
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Justin and Lindsey Halcomb share what you should and should not say to a victim of sexual assault.
How to Fight the Power of Shame
To fight the power of shame, you have to do what is most counterintuitive.
Can I Passionately Follow Jesus and Not Care About Good Doctrine?
The real heart affection that’s going to burn bright and is going to last must be connected to that knowledge, deep doctrine, and precision or carefulness with what we believe.
Of course, everybody knows that movie is not true a true representation of the field, but it also kind of shapes the way that we think of archaeology.
Preview Chapter 2 of 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film'
Enjoy this sneak peek into the chapter highlighting the story of Noah and the flood.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on John 11:35
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Podcast: The Secret to Reaching the Next Generation (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung encourages youth leaders to remember that reaching the next generation will not be done through relevant pop culture references or harnessing the power of social media.
Moms, You Have Permission to Feel Weary and Exhausted
Weary, discouraged moms need permission to feel okay about feeling weary and exhausted. Small children are exhausting. It's a hard season.
Podcast: Inherent Dangers of the Information Age (Brett McCracken)
Brett McCracken discusses what it looks like to pursue true wisdom in a noisy and confused age.
Learn more about the newly released titles this month.
Look at the Jesus of the Bible. Look at him. Don’t close your eyes and hope for a word of confirmation. Keep your eyes open and fill them with the full portrait of Jesus provided in the Bible.
Why Ordinary People Matter to God
One of the things that I love about the stories in the Bible is how many ordinary people you meet.
Learn How to Speak the Language of the Gospel
Even if they want to, many Christians find it hard to talk to others about Jesus. Is it possible this difficulty is because we're trying to speak a language we haven't actually spent time practicing?
Blessed: Revelation’s Call to Courage and a Refusal to Compromise with Russell Moore (Episode 8)
Nancy Guthrie and Russell Moore discuss themes presented in the letters to the churches found in Revelation 2–3 and how we can gain courage and hope from the book of Revelation.
Lydia Brownback Discusses the Largely Undiscussed Topic of Loneliness
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Lydia Brownback to discuss her new book, Finding God in My Loneliness.
The Grace of Mentors in Pastoral Ministry
We need not only solid teaching and preaching about obedient Christian living, we also need to see holiness in practice.
Body Image, Health Care, and the Incarnation
When God chose to come to the world embodied in Jesus Christ, he accepted life with all of its limitations.
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 Leads Us—and Dies for Us
The good shepherd is the one who doesn’t just walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He actually walks through death itself so that the sheep can now walk through and fear no evil.
Artist Spotlight: Ruth Chou Simons
Learn more about ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist series and her work on the Be Transformed cover.
How to Love Those Who Care for the Hurting
We recently ook a survey of almost 15,000 people on the topic of caring for those who are suffering. Here's what we found.
Podcast: The Unexpected Sorrows of Motherhood (Katie Faris)
Katie Faris talks about the love, joy, and heartache of motherhood and how moms can experience God's comfort and grace in the midst of it all.
Podcast: How to Translate the Old Testament (Jack Collins)
ESV Translation Oversight Committee member Dr. Jack Collins discusses many of the factors involved in translating the Old Testament.
It happens sooner or later in every relationship: someone will let you down.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Omnipotence
Oh, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.
What someone shouldn’t immediately offer to the couple struggling with infertility is a set of solutions to the problem.
Are Vocation and Occupation the Same Thing?
In our ordinary conversation, vocation and occupation can be the same thing, but in the history of language and in the Bible’s expression of what we're doing, they actually have very special distinctions.
In the age of TikTok, how does a naked, bloodied, and bruised body hanging on a wooden cross outside Jerusalem have any connection with my life?
How I'm Using the ESV Journaling Bible
Joe Thorn discusses journaling in his Bible.
Christ in All of Scripture - Hosea 11:8-9
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Blessed: Revelation’s Message to Persecuted Believers with Karen Ellis (Episode 9)
Nancy Guthrie talks with Karen Ellis about what it looks like for believers to patiently endure persecution.
Introducing the ESV Audio Player
We're pleased to announce the release of a free new resource that allows you embed audio from the ESV Bible on your blog or website.
What Does It Mean to Be a Contemplative Pastor?
I would encourage pastors to think about how their ministry is only going to be as effective as their growth, humility, and dependence upon the Lord.
Christ in All of Scripture - Philemon 1:17-20
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Free E-Book: "Augustine on the Christian Life" by Gerald Bray
Augustine is widely considered to be the most influential theologian in church history after the apostle Paul.
Homer, 'Breaking Bad,' and the Eternal: Part 1
What does this have to do with theology and the Christian life? Turns out, quite a bit.
Podcast: When Authority Fails to Reflect God’s Good Design (Jonathan Leeman)
Jonathan Leeman calls on anyone with some kind of authority to think carefully about how they're using that authority, encouraging them to embrace a posture of humility and repentance.
Hebrews 11: A 5-Day Devotional
Recount Hebrews 11 and the stories of faith-filled men and women throughout biblical history whom God commended for believing what they could not yet see.
Podcast: What Really Happened at Pentecost? (Patrick Schreiner)
Patrick Schreiner discusses the story of Pentecost—the account of the sending of the Holy Spirit to indwell God’s people in a new and powerful way.
Don't Go through Life Overcome with Guilt
The Psalms give us language to pray to God when we are guilty and seeking forgiveness.
One of the deepest fears an earnest pastor has is that he is going to let God down.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Fruitful edited by Megan Hill and Melissa B. Kruger and Loving Your Adult Children by Gaye B. Clark.
How to Respond to Hurtful Comments When You're Grieving
So you’re grieving and someone has said something to you that, instead of being helpful like they’d hoped it would be and like you would have wanted it to be, was actually hurtful. What are you going to do with that?
2 Glorious Themes from These Overlooked Books of the Bible
In the context of 2 Peter and Jude, there’s a very strong emphasis on the reality of God judging those who are in rebellion against him. And that’s intended as comfort for his people.
Podcast: Without Judgment, Life Doesn’t Make Sense (Tom Schreiner)
Tom Schreiner discusses what the Bible really teaches about hell and the final judgment, and why it's worth thinking about, even though it's hard.
A Blazing Light in a Dark World
The truth of Scripture upholds and sustains the church in every age and in every culture, regardless of what may be taking place outside her doors.
The Real and Knowable Wrongness of Abortion
Relativism is expressed culturally and individually. Cultural relativism states that right and wrong are determined by one’s own culture.
The Most Important Message You’ll Ever Receive
The Bible is God speaking to us, ever pointing us to Christ.
Introducing the ESV Scripture Journal: Old Testament Set
Take notes and journal through the entire Old Testament with this new set of Scripture Journals.
Read through the ESV Reader’s Gospels in 30 Days
Reader's editions were created to change the way you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Resisting the Power of Idolatry
One of the things that has really helped me understand the power of idolatry in our own time and place is, strange to say, the plagues in the book of Exodus.
Crossway asks Adam Greene about the illustrations for The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived.
Christ in All of Scripture – 1 Peter 1:3–9
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
This poignant account of a man’s ruin and restoration dramatically reveals a gospel story of God’s mercy toward those who have stood against him.
Now we follow Jesus far from home, but one great and glorious day we shall follow Jesus home.
Learn more about the resources releasing this month from Crossway like Expositional Leadership by R. Scott Pace and Jim Shaddix and ESV Bible Promises: 700 Passages to Strengthen Your Faith.
Learn more about new releases like the ESV Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty and Rediscover Church by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman.
November and December 2021 New Releases
New releases at the end of this year include Bread of Life by Abigail Dodds, Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson, and the ESV Heirloom Bible in three new editions.
Christ in All of Scripture - Revelation 1:4-8
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Scott Klusendorf on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Scott Klusendorf discusses the controversy of stem cell research as it relates to the pro-life position.
Love Emojis and a Taste of Reality
Behind the exclamation points and cupids lie all the normal stuff of everyone’s life: sickness, heartbreak, rejection—and loneliness.
Why “Going Our Own Way” Is a Burden, Not a Freedom
We often hear the encouragement to go our own way or blaze our own trail. In a lot of ways, that sounds like freedom. But without Christ, it’s actually bondage.
Why Admitting Limitations Is Life-Giving
There is freedom in admitting that we are not Christ—we are not perfect. But Jesus loves us anyway and only asks that we follow him.
The root of idolatry is pride.
5 Key Principles for Transformative Bible Study (Women of the Word Episode 4)
Jen Wilkin walks through principles for studying the Bible that are essential to remember in order to get the most out of your time in God's word.
Gospel-Centered Partnership: The Neopolis Network
We are overjoyed to be able to partner with organizations across the globe who share our passion to bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Engaging with God through the Psalms
The Psalms are meant to invite readers into communication with God.
How the Local Church Combats Foolishness
The local church feels uncomfortable because it's countercultural on so many fronts. It goes against the spirit of our age.
Is Beauty an Attribute of God?
Beauty is clearly an attribute of God. That’s why the psalmist sometimes uses the term “beauty” to describe God.
Luke: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
See how the Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the promised King of kings, showcasing how Jesus’s earthly ministry is good news to the downtrodden, the hurting, and the outsider.
Podcast: The Man behind Calvinism (Derek Thomas)
Derek Thomas discusses John Calvin's enduring legacy, reflecting on the importance of predestination in hius theology and describing what it would have been like to have Calvin as your pastor.
The Super Bowl, as are other large sporting events, is also a magnet for sex trafficking and child prostitution. It is possibly the largest sex trafficking event in the US.
Excellent Revelations through Ordinary Means
As was typical among the Puritans, the Lord’s Supper is seen not simply as a memory aid, but an occasion in which Christ is present among his people through the Holy Spirit.
Interview with Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert: What is the Mission of the Church?
What should the priorities of the church be as it engages with the world? That's the question authors Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert seek to help clarify in their newest book What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission.
Pastors must guard against these three common pitfalls in ministry.
The Measure of God's Love (Toward Those Worse Off Than Frogs)
The measure of God’s love for us is shown by two things. One is the degree of his sacrifice in saving us from the penalty of our sin. The other is the degree of unworthiness that we had when he saved us.
Acts: A 14-Day Devotional for Men
In this 14-day devotional, read through the entire book of Acts with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Men’s Devotional Bible.
Christ in All of Scripture – Genesis 50:18-20
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Danger of Thinking Science Alone Leads to True Knowledge
If you limit knowledge to science, then you must see if all of the important questions of life can be answered by science.
Homer, 'Breaking Bad,' and the Eternal: Part 3
Human narrative always deals with the problem of evil—without it there would be no stories at all.
100,000 ESV Global Study Bibles to Leaders Around the World
Our greatest passion at Crossway, as a not-for-profit ministry, is to reach the people of the world with the Gospel and the life-transforming Truth of God’s Word.
Introducing the ESV Student Bible
This affordable edition seeks to meet the needs of young students eager to study God's Word on their own.
Tracts are meant to be informal or conversational—easily comprehended and relational in style.
Church-Planting and the Single Woman
Scripture reveals how important single adults, especially women, are to the church.
Crossway recently interviewed Starr Meade, the author of the new children's book Keeping Holiday, about literature, her new book, and more.
ESV.org—How to Change Your Subscription Plan
Lots of Great Resources for One Low Cost Did you know you can change your ESV.org subscription plan at any time? To change your plan, simply click the profile icon at the top right of …
Video: Nancy Guthrie on Pretending to Teach the Bible
In this video, popular author and Bible study leader Nancy Guthrie explains a valuable tip for those looking to study the Bible well.
Video: Elyse Fitzpatrick on How She Reads the Bible
In this video, author and speaker Elyse Fitzpatrick explains why she stopped reading through the entire Bible every year and reminds us that God doesn't get "mad" at us when we miss a day of reading his Word.
Why Pastors Should Be Good Readers
When pastors do the right kind of reading, it can heighten sensitivities to the literary forms of the Bible.
Video: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
Many Christians have unwittingly embraced the idea that “church” is a once-a-week event rather than a community of Spirit-empowered people.
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp contrasts the broken cities of this world with the restored one to come.
Podcast: How Can We Be Sure We Have the Right Bible? (John D. Meade & Peter J. Gurry)
Bible scholars John D. Meade and Peter J. Gurry discuss the Bible—where we got it, what we know about the original manuscripts, and how the text was passed from generation to generation.
Podcast: Positive Thinking ≠ Lasting Encouragement (Lindsey Carlson)
Lindsey Carlson talks about the discouragement we all face and where to turn for true encouragement that won’t let us down.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Hodge on Romans 5:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Introducing the Custom ESV Bible Program
Our new program was created to enable churches, ministries, and individuals to customize ESV Bibles at a reasonable cost.
Affirmation Is Not Optional in Marriage
The evaporating disappearance of affirmation in a marriage is invariably a contributing factor to virtually all divorces. Short of divorce, it also contributes to flatness, coolness, and degrees of alienation.
Introducing the 'ESV Daily Light Devotional Bible'
Ground yourself in the Scriptures at each day's beginning and end.
Faith Is More about Confidence than Certainty
There’s an arrogance in saying we can know with absolute certainty. That sounds more like the Enlightenment than from the Bible.
An Interview with Ajith Fernando
Ajith Fernando discusses A Call to Joy & Pain.
Video: The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses
Chris Bruno sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses
How Is It Possible That Jesus Would Delight in Me?
Is it true? Does Jesus really want to be friends with me? Does he delight in me? How could that possibly be?
Video: Kathy Keller on Reading the Bible Every Day
In this video, Kathy Keller encourages us to make time for God's Word each day, even if it's just a few short minutes.
Browse a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month.
Learn about new resources releasing from Crossway this month including The Making of C. S. Lewis by Harry Lee Poe and The Promise by Jason Helopolous.
The Problem with Human-Centered Morality
Is moral value whatever we say that it is?
Podcast: Were the First Christians Socialists? (Greg Forster)
How should believers think about the global economy and what practical difference should our beliefs make in the way that we spend and live?
How We’re Equipping Leaders with God’s Word around the World
Pastors and church leaders, serving in some of the most challenging places on earth, have been equipped with God’s Word—many for the first time.
Freedom for the Perfectionist (Hayley DiMarco)
The problem with perfectionism is that it comes from a heart that believes that it must be perfect.
Adam and Eve, Chimps, and Human Dignity
The image of God is not merely reflected in the soul, but in the body-soul combination that makes human beings a special creation.
Q&A: Michael Reeves Answers Your Questions about Evangelicalism
Michael Reeves answers a number of questions from around the world about the topic of evangelicalism.
If a classic is a work that possesses the qualities that I ascribed to it, and if there are good reasons why some of our reading should be reading the classics, then how should we go about our reading of them?
Podcast: Answering Common Questions about Mental Illness (David Murray)
David Murray responds to questions regarding anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness and also offers advice on differentiating between normal feelings of sadness and something more serious.
Video: Jani Ortlund on Staying in the Word as a Young Mom
In this video, Jani Ortlund offers some advice for staying motivated to read God's Word and making time for Bible study as a young mom.
Learn more about the new and notable resources released this month from Crossway including Waiting Isn’t a Waste by Mark Vroegop and What Is Covenant Theology? by Ryan M. McGraw.
Announcing Women of the Word Month
Join us for Women of the Word Month, a free 31-day campaign aimed at helping you kindle a passion for life-changing Bible study.
Video: Bible Study Q&A with Jen Wilkin (Part 1)
Crossway recently asked readers to submit questions about Bible study for Jen Wilkin, author of Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds.
Christ in All of Scripture – Proverbs 31
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: How to Do Family Worship During the Holidays (Don Whitney)
How can you help your family not lose sight of God and the gospel during the holidays and build in a rhythm of regularly worshiping him together?
How to Apply Literary Sensibility to Christian Doctrine
We need a sensitivity to the different genres of literature in order to make the move from the literature of the Bible to the doctrines of systematic theology.
Podcast: How to Find a New Church (Edward W. Klink III)
Mickey Klink talks about what you should look for in a new church, what factors should impact your decision, and what warning signs to be on the lookout for in your search.
Podcast: Don't Despair, Jesus Can Rewrite Your Story (David Murray)
David Murray talks about why there’s more to our stories than what we can do or have done, and how, in Christ, our stories can become part of God’s story—a story full of hope, and beauty, and grace.
You Are in Constant Communication with the Lord
If you are a true believer in Jesus, you are in constant communication with your Lord in some way—either vocally or in your heart.
The Truth About Sexual Assault
Justin Holcomb shares some important statistics related to sexual assault in our country and around the world.
Learn more about the new resources releasing this month like Questioning Faith by Randy Newman and Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age by J. I. Packer.
Guest Post: Keeping Christmas with Martin Luther
Salvation comes in and by and through an infant Son. This is more than a paradox, this is a miracle.
Because of Christ we can rejoice in hope, and there is no place for anxiety in the city that is to come.
As humanity proved incapable of fulfilling God’s purposes from the very beginning, God, in his grace, became present to do what man was unable to do.
The Recipe for Good Pastoral Theology
Spurgeon was an avid student of Scripture, but is not often thought of as a theologian.
Podcast: Are You Ashamed of Yourself? Jesus Isn't (Erik Raymond)
Erik Raymond talks about why nothing in our lives is a surprise to our Savior because Jesus’s heart is bent toward those who have an embarrassing history, feel far from God, or struggle with sin.
Christ in All of Scripture – Job 42:10–17
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: An Overlooked Problem of Atheism (Mitch Stokes)
Mitch Stokes talks about the many problems with an atheistic worldview—including logical holes that skeptics often prefer to ignore.
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb speak about the difference between self-help and gospel healing.
Parents: Expect Your Kids to Make Mistakes
When you don't know what to say (or you're tired of repeating yourself), remember that this is normal, but God is exceptional.
Church Membership and Discipline: An Interview with Jonathan Leeman
Crossway interviewsJonathan Leeman about his book, The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love: Reintroducing the Doctrines of Church Membership and Discipline.
Is Your Church Considering the ESV?
At some point in their ministry every pastor is asked the question, “What Bible translation do you recommend?”
Myths and Facts About Sexual Assault
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Justin and Lindsey Halcomb answer myths and facts about sexual assault.
Is Christianity Good for the World?
Some claim that Christianity is oppressive and toxic, but in this video, Dr. Sharon James argues that a biblical worldview is essential for human freedom, flourishing, and fulfillment.
Here is a roundup of Crossway's new ESV Bible editions for 2015, arranged in order of their release.
Video: The Word of the Lord by Nancy Guthrie
In this video, Nancy Guthrie introduces us to the newest addition in her new Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series, The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets.
5 Ways to Serve Your Pastor's Wife
There are practical ways that we can help and support the women who support our pastoral staff. Here are five.
Homer, 'Breaking Bad,' and the Eternal: Part 2
You can make more money, if you have some time and a work ethic. But can you make more time just because you have money?
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month including Pure in Heart by J. Garrett Kell and Praying in Public by Pat Quinn.
Journey through the Psalms: A 7-Day Devotional
Humans are relational, emotional beings—and nothing reveals this more beautifully than the book of Psalms.
In order to have this unified focus on God and his glory in our lives we must carefully review each area of our lives to see what changes are needed.
5 Books to Help You Start the New Year Off Right
The temptation to forget God is always present. But there is a way to maintain one's devotion to the Lord.
10 Bible Study Tools Every Christian Needs (Women of the Word Episode 8)
Jen Wilkin walks through different tools that can be used in the Bible study process and offers wisdom to help know when and how to best use them.
Buy 1, Get 1 Free: ESV Scripture Journals for Churches and Ministries
Now through September 30, 2019, church and ministry account holders get 40% off every case of ESV Scripture Journals and receive another case for free.
Podcast: Was Jesus a Pacifist? (Tom Schreiner)
Did Jesus teach a form of pacifism? How should we square Jesus’s command to love our enemies with the way that God’s people were commanded to conquer their enemies?
What It Means To Be a Missional Mother
Our responsibilities may have shifted, but our role in the kingdom remains unchanged.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What Makes Me Special?
What makes me special? This is the very air that our kids breathe today. From very young ages, even if they are not verbalizing it to us, kids are trying to figure out their place.
Counseling and Pastoral Heartache
Walking with people in the complications of their lives will increase your heartache.
The Calling of a Pastor's Wife
Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about the unique calling of the pastor's wife to the church and her family.
Podcast: The NT Authors Quoted the OT Way More Than We Do (Greg Lanier)
In today's episode, Greg Lanier talks about the many ways that the Old Testament stands as an indispensable foundation for the New.
The Great (American) Commission - Part 3
This is the third post (part 1, part 2) in a 3-part series by Tim Keesee on the role of American missionaries in the 21st century.
How Education Can Bring Renewal to the Church
When disciplined learning tells the Christian story in a fresh way, history has shown that vibrant expressions of faith result.
Can Burnout Ever Be a Good Thing?
God is good, and we will experience that goodness if we humble ourselves in the midst of burnout and become teachable.
Introducing the ESV Preaching Bible
A new ESV edition created with the pastor in mind, specifically formatted and tailored to the task of preaching.
Podcast: The Dark History of Abortion in America (Leah Savas)
Leah Savas talks about some of the forgotten history of abortion and about the efforts to protect unborn life in America that extend back over 300 years, even before the nation's founding.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What Is It That Makes Me, Me?
A question that a child might ask—maybe not directly but even indirectly and is certainly one that they are thinking about in their life—is, “What is it that makes me, me?”
How does "God's glory in salvation through judgment" relate to the moral, ethical, social, economic, and political issues in our culture?
Dr. Robert P. George and Dr. Andrew Walker talk together about religious liberty, the common good, and the true heart of conservatism.
Free in Christ: A 6-Day Devotional
Over the course of six days, read through the book of Galatians alongside passages adapted from Christ Has Set Us Free: Preaching and Teaching Galatians and begin to better understand what Christ has done to set us free from the power of sin through his death and resurrection.
Gerald Hiestand, Jay S. Thomas
God asks us to control not only our sexual activity but our sexual desire as well, arousing it only within the context of marriage.
Thankfulness doesn’t come naturally, yet it is an important part of life.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: J.C. Ryle on Luke 2
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God's Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
God's Purpose and Provision in Suffering
Nancy Guthrie is editor of Be Still My Soul: Embracing God's Purpose and Provision in Suffering. Included in this compilation are these thoughts from Jonathan Edwards, never more true or more needed than now.
Deciphering the Fallacies of History
Carl Trueman examines history and the common foibles that go into it.
A New Generation of African-American Christians
The church needs the light of the truth that is the glorious and biblical doctrines recovered during the Reformation.
ESV.org—How to Adjust How the Bible Text Is Displayed
Verse-by-Verse, Red Letters, Reader's Mode, and More Did you know that you can change how the Bible text is displayed at ESV.org? Click on the gear icon at the top of the page to open …
Praying in Response to God's Word
We have a conversation when we hear God speak to us in the Bible and then we speak to him in prayer.
When Did You Realize You Were an Imperfect Pastor?
Recognition of pastoral imperfections and flaws comes with experience and reflection on past ministry.
Video: Kristie Anyabwile on What God Taught Her Through a Challenging Book of the Bible
In this video, Kristie Anyabwile recounts how God used her study of Leviticus to sharpen her approach to reading the Bible.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Arlo and the Keep-Out Club’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story about the danger of peer pressure and the joy of friendship with Jesus, read aloud by its author.
The Great (American) Commission - Part 2
This is the second post (part 1, part 3) in a 3-part series by Tim Keesee on the role of American missionaries in the 21st century.
Crossway+ Special: Up to 50% Off ‘The Biggest Story Curriculum’
An exclusive offer for Crossway+ members on The Biggest Story Curriculum, a children’s curriculum set that helps children understand the storyline of the Bible.
Blessed: The Promise-Shaped Patterns that Resolve in Revelation with Jim Hamilton (Episode 7)
Nancy Guthrie talks with Jim Hamilton about how our understanding of the book of Revelation hinges on our understanding of the promises of God throughout the rest of Scripture.
Video: Don Whitney on the Benefit of Praying the Bible
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Don Whitney to discuss what it means to pray through God's Word.
Communing with the Savior in Every Season
We can rest in the midst of difficult seasons because of the Savior who leads us and loves us, even in unexpected and hard places.
Read a sampling from the ESV Daily Light Devotional Bible.*
Behind-the-Scenes of the Big Picture Story Bible and the ESV Big Picture Bible
Simple words and striking illustrations unfold the storyline of God's Word from Genesis to Revelation.
A Parent’s Role in Teen Anxiety
If your teen experiences anxiety or depression, it’s very common for you to feel that you’ve failed or you’ve done something wrong. So what do we do with these feelings and thoughts?
Is the Reformation Yesterday’s News?
The Reformation still matters because the debates between Catholics and Protestants have not gone away.
What Does a Breaking World Sound Like?
When we look around us and within us, a truth is clear: not all is well in God’s world and in God’s image bearers. Things are not the way they once were or will be.
Introducing ‘The Prince and the Blight’
An adventure novel for middle-grade readers steeped in magic, mystery, and glimmers of hope—book 2 in the Dream Keeper Saga.
Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Church History Study Bible and Come, Lord Jesus by John Piper.
For Christians Worldwide: The ‘ESV Global Study Bible’
A Bible for equipping Christians to learn to apply the truth of Scripture in a global context.
The paradox of evangelism is that when we remember that evangelism is impossible, we are more likely to evangelize.
Justin Taylor recently sat down with Greg Forster, author of The Joy of Calvinism, who asserts that Calvinism is a largely misunderstood tradition that is ultimately about joy and the love of a God who saves.
What We Can Learn from Reading Jonathan Edwards
Sean Michael Lucas shares his new book, God's Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards.
Christ in All of Scripture - Psalm 105
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
History: Stranger than Fiction
Discovering church history is like going through the wardrobe into Narnia and discovering there’s a whole world back there just waiting to be explored.
Christ in All of Scripture - Nehemiah 8:1-6
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Video: Nancy Guthrie on the Miracle of Bible Study
In this video, popular author and Bible study leader Nancy Guthrie discusses how God used regular time in his Word to work a miracle in her heart.
The Greatest Example of Courage in the Bible
It was joy that animated Jesus in the face of hardship, and therefore, he is the greatest example of courage.
Introducing the ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament Set (Hardcover)
Take extended notes or record insights and prayers in on blank lightly lined pages opposite full pages of the ESV text.
Want to Pray More? Try Memorizing Scripture
A good quiet time is when the Lord is speaking to us by his word and his Spirit, and we are speaking back to him what we are hearing in his word by the Spirit.
Fundamentally, sin is the refusal to glorify and praise God as God. When we sin, we are making ourselves gods.
Video: Dr. Bruce Ware Answers Questions About "The Man Christ Jesus"
Have you ever struggled to understand and explain the biblical truth that Jesus is both fully man and fully God?
Prepared to Give a Reason for Your Faith
The main task of an apologist, which on some level is every Christian, has been to defend the core doctrines of the faith both within and outside of the church.
Introducing the ESV Gospels, Reader’s Set
This edition packages the four firsthand accounts of Jesus’s life for a beautiful novel-like reading experience.
In honor of Reformation Day today, here's a selection from Stephen J. Nichols' book, The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World.
Ladies: Do Not Shy Away from Theology
As women, we study and want intimate knowledge of those we love, of those we are in relationship with. Why would we shy away from or snub knowing the One that knows us most fully?
Introducing the ESV Journaling Bible, Interleaved Edition
This edition is patterned after the Bible that Jonathan Edwards—the 18th-century preacher and theologian—used to record more than 5,000 notes about God’s Word.
Podcast: The Making of the ESV Study Bible (Justin Taylor)
Today's episode is a conversation with Justin Taylor—Crossway’s book publisher and project manager for the ESV Study Bible when it was being created.
Video: Sam Storms on Eternal Security
Sam Storms sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, Kept for Jesus: What the New Testament Really Teaches about Assurance of Salvation and Eternal Security.
Video: The Explicit Gospel Tour with Matt Chandler
In mid-April, Matt Chandler and Shane and Shane traveled to six locations on the Explicit Gospel Tour.
1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
Over the course of 10 days, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.
How Can We Uphold Sola Scriptura as Well as Christian History?
This is a really crucial question. And to grasp this, let’s go back to the Reformation itself where sola scriptura was born.
Mark: An 8-Day Devotional Reading Plan
Over the course of eight days, be encouraged by Scripture and the wisdom of other women as you seek to apply the truths of Mark's gospel to your everyday life.
Lucy Hutchinson: My Favorite Puritan Woman
According to Puritans like Lucy Hutchinson, loving God and godliness did not mean hating other people, either openly or secretly.
Scriptural meditation can be woven into our busy schedules—while waiting for a ride, at lunch, mowing the lawn, jogging, and even lying awake at night.
Pride is, by definition, idolatrous and insurrectionist because it is rooted in ingratitude. It glorifies the creature over against the Creator and claims the inheritance rights of image-bearers without acknowledging that we have these things …
Training Parrots or Making Disciples?
We can’t always say everything, but we want to help people read the Bible well, not merely train them to parrot our conclusions.
Introducing the ESV Pocket Bible
The smallest-ever complete ESV Bible ever published, this edition is a great resource to carry with you wherever you go.
Podcast: How to Have Hard Conversations with Those You Love (Caroline Newheiser and Cheryl Marshall)
Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser discuss how to have hard conversations with others that put the focus on what God has said, not their own opinions.
Eating, Drinking, and Doing Ministry
Eating and drinking were so important to the mission of Jesus because they were a sign of his friendship with tax collectors, sinners, and others scorned by others.
Podcast: Recover the Lost Art of Bible Meditation in 2023 (David Mathis)
David Mathis talks about the spiritual discipline of meditating on Scripture and why it has the power to lead us to renewed excitement, joy, and satisfaction when it comes to God's word.
Are you Prepared to Minister to Victims of Sexual Assault?
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Because sexual assault causes physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual pain, victims need the kind of hope and help that only the gospel of Jesus Christ can provide.
Introducing the ESV Journaling Bible, Writer's Edition
A new edition aimed at giving Bible readers another option when it comes to engaging with the biblical text at a deeper level.
10 Key Bible Verses on Gentleness
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness . . .
For every generation, how we live and what goals we pursue depends a great deal on why we think we are here and where we think we are going.
Podcast: 6 Practical Principles for Increasing Your Productivity (Ana Ávila)
Ana Ávila emphasizes that we each have just the right amount of time to do what God wants us to do, walking through several key productivity principles that will help us manage our time wisely.
Introducing a Resource for Church Leadership
Introducing Lead by Paul David Tripp, a new resource for church leadership.
Podcast: How to Lament after Two Years of Loss (Mark Vroegop)
Mark Vroegop considers what it looks like to lament the COVID-19 pandemic—and how that lament can help us heal, both individually and as churches.
How These Seven Developments Shaped the Modern World
What happens in 1776—this one remarkable year—is that there are seven key developments that you can see in a particularly intense form.
What Pastors Should Agonize Over
We learn from the apostle Paul that the pastor's primary calling is the sanctification of his people.
Video: Bible Study Q&A with Jen Wilkin (Part 2)
Crossway recently asked readers to submit questions about Bible study for Jen Wilkin, author of Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds.
How the Great Commission Gets Done
John Piper reflects on the Great Commission.
Podcast: The Most Important Thing Our Churches Have Forgotten to Do (Paul Miller)
Paul Miller deepens our understanding of prayer by highlighting why we need to pray with one another if we really want to experience the full blessing of prayer.
The gospel of Jesus cuts the nerve of hatred and anger and the bent to be a blaming person.
Shepherd Your Flock, Not the Flock You Wish You Had
We frequently find ourselves trying to shepherd the flock of God that we want, but God through Peter commands us to shepherd the church we’ve actually got.
Just as much as we Christians take seriously the call to disciple how we think, so we should also take seriously the call to disciple how we imagine.
What Can I Give to a Grieving Person?
What can we give as a gift to someone who is going through grief—something that we can do for them that would be really helpful?
Video: Kristyn Getty on Coming Back to the Bible
In this video, singer and songwriter Kristyn Getty shares two passages that have had a big influence on her life and offers some encouragement for those struggling to consistently read God's Word.
How the Gospel Is Like a New Language
In many ways the gospel is like a new language—it takes time.
Wisdom for Dealing with End of Life Issues from a Hospice Nurse's Perspective
Crossway interviews Deborah Howard on Sunsets: Reflections for Life’s Final Journey.
Never Severed from God, Not Even for an Instant
Through Jesus, that is, by the death of Christ, a redeemed believer’s death is not a penalty but a falling asleep.
Imagination is everywhere in the Christian life.
The nature of temptation is not random. There is strategy, purpose, and power involved.
The Bible teaches that heaven has come down to us most wonderfully and assuredly in the person of Jesus Christ, to bring us back up to heaven.
As 2018 draws to an end, we would like to look back at what God has been pleased to do in and through Crossway over the last 12 months.
Reading E-Books on Your iPad or iPhone
Purchasing e-books directly from Crossway.org allows you the freedom to read these titles on a variety of platforms—including any iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod).
Living with the Enemy That Is Sin
The greatest victory in David’s life was not a victory of David’s at all, but, rather, God’s victory of grace over the sin that had captivated David’s heart.
You must be willing to do whatever is necessary to position yourself as a tool of redeeming grace.
How Can an Athlete Cultivate Humility?
C. J. Mahaney reflects on how humility impacts an athlete.
Review the highlights from our blog this year.
Read more about Crossway's new releases for the month of February.
Truth That Transforms the Teen Years
The teenage years have been hijacked—by pleasure, pressure, entertainment, and distraction. But there is one truth that has the power to totally change the life of a teenager: the gospel.
Christ in All of Scripture – Proverbs 29:23
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Joel Beeke answers some of the most common—and most difficult—questions that Christians tend to have about salvation.
Christ in All of Scripture – Colossians 3:1–17
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Struggling with All His Energy
We don't have to change our children's hearts, we can instead trust in Him to work through us in their lives.
Why did God come into this world?
Zack Eswine explains how Ezekiel 18 provides a summary of the gospel in the Old Testament.
Introducing the ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Old Testament Set
Journal through the Old Testament with these individual volumes of Scripture—packaged in thin portable notebooks.
2 Ways Archaeology Helps Us Return to the World of the Bible
One of the benefits to reading the Bible is to understand the culture behind the text.
#toxic - Why Is Our Culture So Reactive? (Reactivity Episode 1)
Paul Tripp discusses the toxic culture of reactivity full of anger, mockery, and disrespect that is so common to see on social media but also bleeds into our everyday relationships.
Questions to Ask When Reading Prophetic Scripture
Stephen Nichols gives us some pointers on understanding the prophetic texts.
Introducing the Emblems of the Infinite King Podcast
This 10-episode podcast is a great way to introduce young and old alike to the deep truths of the Bible that explain how we got here, why our lives matter, and where we're going.
Video: 6 Reasons to Pray the Bible
Here are six benefits of praying through the Bible.
The defense of the faith is not a luxury or an intellectual vanity, but instead is a task appointed by God that you should be able to give a reason for the hope that is in you as you bear witness before the world.
Learn more about this month's new titles including Providence by John Piper, Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, and the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Your marriage, like mine, is imperfect. But your imperfect marriage is amazing, more than you might think.
Small Book, Big Topic: An Interview with Chris Bruno
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Chris Bruno to discuss his new book, The Whole Message of the Bible in 16 Words.
Video: How to Cultivate "Gospel-Doctrine" and "Gospel-Culture"
Ray Ortlund sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ.
Podcast: The Misunderstood Doctrine of Total Depravity (Jonathan Gibson)
Jonathan Gibson answers common questions and engages with common objections that Christians often have about the doctrine of total depravity.
New releases from Crossway this month include the ESV Concise Study Bible™, Unfolding Grace for Kids, and Gentle and Lowly, Gift Edition by Dane Ortlund.
Why You Don't Need to Live Confused, Accused, and Defeated
The truth of the gospel frees us from the power of guilt and condemnation.
Podcast: Am I Really Supposed to Forgive and Forget? (Erika Allen)
Erika Allen discusses the emotional challenge of forgiving someone who has sinned against us and thoughtfully answers questions about what is required for true forgiveness.
I’ve Heard It Said “Do What Makes You Happy”
It’s not wrong to want to be happy. Being happy is a good thing, and God is the creator of happiness. But we do have to think about where our happiness comes from.
From Success To Significance?: A Vocational Paradigm
This beckoning to more fully embrace lives of significance touches us deeply as image bearers of the one true God.
An Interview with Jeff Vanderstelt
This is an interview with Jeff Vanderstelt, lead teaching pastor at Doxa Church in Bellevue, Washington. He is the author of Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life.
Learn How to Pursue Christian Unity from Two Men Who Didn’t
It would be really good if we lived in a world where Christians didn’t disagree with each other. But we do live in a world where Christians disagree.
ESV.org—How to Bookmark a Passage
Did you know that you can bookmark Bible verses using the features on ESV.org, making it easy to toggle back and forth between several passages of Scripture?
Did you know that you can take and save digital notes alongside passages of Scripture using the features on ESV.org?
Learning to Treasure Christ by Enjoying His Gifts
I don't know of a modern evangelical who has thought and written more biblically, more deeply, more creatively, or more practically about the proper enjoyment of creation and culture than Joe Rigney.
The antidote I need is to remember that each of us has been called with different gifts.
Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including A Better Encouragement by Lindsey Carlson and The StoryChanger by David Murray.
Counsel for Pastors Intimidated by Counseling
The call to counsel can be a bit intimidating. But having wise conversations with God’s people is something he intends for us to do.
Should I "Like" a Social Media Post about Grief?
By liking a post about grief, you are letting the writer that they are not alone.
Podcast: The Cure to Our Polarization and Outrage: Humility (Gavin Ortlund)
Gavin Ortlund talks about misconceptions we often have about humility—that it corresponds to weakness or that it hides our abilities—and discusses how humility is so foundational for experiencing true joy in Christ.
Justin Taylor Appointed as Crossway's Publisher for Books
Crossway announces the appointment of Justin Taylor to the position of Senior Vice President and Publisher for Books.
Podcast: Dragons, Absent Fathers, and Stories That Heal (Kathryn Butler)
Kathryn Butler talks about the power of stories to help our kids grasp and value the true story of God’s redemption and shares about how reading with her kids helped to carry her family through the pandemic.
The Problem of "Kingdom" in Our Marriages
We are drawn to order, predictability, comfort, ease, pleasure, appreciation, fun, and personal happiness. We don’t like difficulty of any kind.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including Impossible Christianity by Kevin DeYoung and Help for the Hungry Soul by Kristen Wetherell.
Facing the Painful Side of Redemption
Which is more painful? To live without hope or to catch a glimpse of hope only to have it disappear?
An Urgent Message from Our President
Crossway requests prayers and support following the extensive damage from the flood.
Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel, and Want (Part 2)
Just consider the roller-coaster ride of emotions we can experience in the course of a single week (or, for some of us, a single day): anger, love, frustration, joy, sorrow, annoyance, irritation, fear, anxiety, peace, satisfaction, exultation, discouragement, happiness, fulfillment, dissatisfaction, anticipation.
Video: Studying the Books of Ruth & Esther
In this video, Kathleen Nielson introduces us to Ruth & Esther: A 12-Week Study, which is part of Crossway's Knowing the Bible study series.
Savor the Season with an Advent Devotional
Don’t let the busyness of Christmas crowd out a quiet anticipation of this sacred season.
How to Comfort the Grieving: Click the “Like” Button
These days, people are more comfortable sharing grief online and are perhaps more comfortable receiving expressions of caring that way too.
What am I going to do with the things of earth?
7 Ways the Particularity of Scripture Underlines the Exclusivity of Christ
My suspicion is that many affix the "Co-exist" bumper sticker on their cars to preach the gospel of philosophical pluralism. In such a context, it is hard for many to hear the bold words of Jesus.
The Gospel: An "It" or a "He"?
We can proclaim the saving significance of the gospel, but may we never forget that “it” is not very good news at all unless “he” is truly present to save.
Why I Wrote a Book about God's Incommunicable Attributes
Most of us have some familiarity with the attributes of God, but we probably haven't spent a lot of time contemplating those things.
Christ in All of Scripture - Hebrews 1:1-4
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved? (Robert Letham)
Robert Letham talks about predestination, God’s sovereignty, free will, how it all fits together, and how these doctrines are a great source of encouragement for the believer.
How Can Christians Claim Old Testament Promises as Their Own?
What we hope for tomorrow changes who we are today. If we truly believe that the pure in heart will see God, that’s going to influence what we look at and what we touch, because we want to see God.
5 Resources to Help You Start the New Year Off Right
The beginning of a new year is a great chance to find fresh reading material to both challenge and encourage you in your walk with Christ.
Do You Get Excited About Evangelism?
We need to find ways preach the good news in ways that inspire amazement.
Crossway and Awana Announce New Alliance: Awana to Release ESV Bible Curriculum
Crossway announces a new partnership with Awana that seeks to extend the reach of the gospel of Jesus Christ to young people throughout the world.
An Interview with Gloria Furman (Part 2)
(Part 2) Gloria Furman talks with Crossway about motherhood.
Bible Q&A: What Was the Incarnation?
The incarnation was the quiet eruption in the middle of history of a mercy that defies comprehension—when, as C. S. Lewis put it, God wrote himself into the story.
Know Why You Think What You Think
Norman L. Geisler, Ryan P. Snuffer
The theistic worldview begins with a belief in a personal, all-powerful, and morally perfect God. Moral ideas that flow from God’s nature are absolute.
Video: Four Ordinary Means of Grace
Kevin DeYoung explains that there are four very ordinary means to pursuing holiness.
Artist Spotlight: Jake Weidmann
Learn more about artist and master penman, Jake Weidmann, and his work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Podcast: What an Old Puritan Can Teach Us about the Holy Spirit (Andrew Ballitch)
Andrew Ballitch discusses John Owen’s writings about the Holy Spirit and insights into spiritual gifts, the illumination of Scripture, and how the Spirit indwells believers.
Help for Those Who Long for Lasting Change
We can think of doctrine as being interesting to seminary students, to pastors, or just certain very intellectual people in the church. But doctrine is very practical for living a godly Christian life.
Slay the idol of focusing on only what can be seen, lauded, noticed.
We have a deep desire to be visible and valuable. We crave attention and want the approval of others.
John Piper lists why we should affirm others.
If the Son of God had not joined himself to us in our humanity, what could it possibly mean to say that Jesus is Savior?
Study Bibles for the Whole Family
God's Word is a gift, and the fact that his children are afforded the opportunity handle it, study it, and meditate on it is an immeasurable grace.
Christ in all of Scripture – Luke 1:67-79
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Like Israel of old, we begin our lives with a sensory disability: we are spiritually ignorant, blind, and deaf.
Podcast: Does Your Heart Ache for More? (Amy DiMarcangelo)
Amy DiMarcangelo talks about how our many longings point us to Christ—the only person who understands our every need and offers us eternal joy in himself.
There’s No Such Thing as a Writer (and other thoughts for those of you thinking about writing)
Bret Lott writes a guest post to accompany the publication of his newest book, Letters and Life: On Being a Writer, On Being a Christian, hoping his words can be of help to those thinking about being a writer.
Imagination: Not Just for Kids
Imagination is not just for kids; it’s part of all of us.
Do You Have What It Takes to Wait Well for a Lifetime?
You feel that you simply don’t have what it takes to wait well for a lifetime. You know what? You don’t.
Marriages are Built or Destroyed Moment by Moment
If you are a sinner married to a sinner, then it is very dangerous to allow yourself to coast as a couple.
Holy Subversion: An Interview with Trevin Wax
Trevin Wax agreed to answer some questions about his new book, Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals.
Video: New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp
Paul David Tripp wants to energize you with 365 gospel-centered devotions designed to remember God's mercies all day long.
It's the End of the World As We Know It
Many people likely read the concluding chapters of the Westminster Standards and note is subdued tones, its careful statements, and its rather generic conclusions about the end of the world.
Introducing the ESV Pocket New Testament
We recently released the newly designed ESV Pocket New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, a portable but readable edition designed for a number of uses.
Seeing Christ in Ruth: A 5-Day Reading Plan
Read through the book of Ruth and come to see how the story of a young Moabite woman communicates the covenant love of God—and ultimately the gospel.
Learn more about this month’s new books and Bibles.
Christ in All of Scripture – Nehemiah 1:4-9
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
New ESV Large Print Compact Bible Covers
This edition strikes the right balance between portability and usability.
Counsel for Those Experiencing Loneliness Not by Choice
Jesus is a available to everyone, even those who feel isolated, excluded, and rejected.
Podcast: Hope for Weak People—the Message of 2 Corinthians (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund walks through a number of key doctrines and themes found in the book of 2 Corinthians and discusses what Paul’s thorn in the flesh might have been.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships
Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"
Remember that God is good even outside of the gifts he often graciously bestows to his children.
Read about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Come and See by Jonathan T. Pennington and Knowing God by J. I. Packer.
Demolishing the Walls of Your Comfort Zone in Practicing Hospitality
In a recent interview, Pat Ennis challenges readers to demolish the walls of their comfort zone and to be counter-cultural even within their own communities to be intentionally hospitable.
Do Not be Paralyzed by Your Weaknesses
In honor of Reformation Day this week, here's a practical post about "gutsy guilt" in Martin Luther.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of Elisabeth Elliot (Lucy S. R. Austen)
Lucy S. R. Austen shares insights into Elisabeth Elliot’s missionary work in Ecuador and how her writing in the years that followed impacted thousands of believers around the world.
Crossway interviews Gerald Bay about his book, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology.
How Much Has J. I. Packer Written?
J. I. Packer’s writing career has been remarkable to say the least.
Introducing the Rediscover Church Study Guide
This companion to the book Rediscover Church emphasizes the significance of face-to-face fellowship with the family of Christ.
Advice for Those Helping the Hurting
The biggest piece of advice I have for caregivers is that it’s okay to grieve your loss in someone else’s pain.
From the very beginning of Scripture we see that the one true God is not a couch potato God, nor did he create a couch potato world.
1 Corinthians: A 9-Day Devotional for Women
In this 9-day devotional, read through the entire book of 1 Corinthians with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.
Preview: ‘Demystifying Decision-Making’ by Aimee Joseph
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Aimee Joseph's new book, 'Demystifying Decision-Making: A Practical Guide.’
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Won’t God Accept Me Because of the Good Things I’ve Done?
It can be hard to recognize that we need to help those children who tend to be a little bit more like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son—the one that seems like they’re fairly compliant.
Explore new titles from Crossway including Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation by Mark Vroegop.
Affordable ESV Bibles You Can Give Away
Crossway strives to create ESV Bibles of the highest quality that bear witness to the truth and beauty of God's Word, and that serve the needs of the global church.
Win the Crossway ESV Bible Atlas Enhanced E-Book
As any student of Scripture quickly learns, the Bible was not written in a vacuum.
Video: Joe Thorn on the Most Difficult Season of His Life
Justin Taylor talks with author and pastor Joe Thorn about walking through difficult seasons and finding refuge in the triune God.
An Interview with Courtney Reissig
This is an interview with Courtney Reissig, author of The Accidental Feminist: Restoring Our Delight in God's Good Design.
Q: If pain & evil exist, then how can your God be good?
Louis Markos answers the question: "If pain and evil exist, then how can your God be good?"
In chapter 24 of Living Water: Studies in John 4, entitled "Death Defeated", Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the problem of death and takes us to the glorious implications of the Resurrection.
Podcast: Help! My Christian Life Is a Mess (Lewis & Sarah Allen)
Lewis and Sarah Allen talk about the painful trials and unexpected disappointments in our lives as Christians and what we should do when our faith feels weak or our walk with Christ feels like a mess.
Sproul on the Foolishness of Elevating a Spiritual Gift
In R. C. Sproul's St. Andrew's commentary on Romans, he warns readers not to be jealous of other people's spiritual gifts or elevate our gifts over the gifts of others. "During my forty-plus years of …
Serving the Church as a Pastor's Wife
Pastors' wives (and all believers) are uniquely gifted by God to serve the church in a multitude of ways.
Trust Your Savior, Not Your Efforts
When we trust Jesus, we displace rules from the center of our discipleship and replace it with his gospel
Video: The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
Popular pastor and worldwide speaker Matt Chandler writes his first book to remind the church of what is of first and utmost importance—the gospel.
Christ in All of Scripture – Isaiah 25
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Our Pastors Are in Crisis, and You Can Help (Peter Orr)
Peter Orr talks about why he thinks we're facing a pastoral crisis and what regular Christians can do to help stem the tide of pastoral burnout.
Podcast: How Does Life Change If God Is Actually My Friend? (Mike McKinley)
Mike McKinley talks about what it means for us as Christians to be friends of God, about the friendship that Jesus had on earth, and about what it looks like for us to lean into our friendship with God.
Ray Ortlund on Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel
In this video, Dane Ortlund sits down with Ray Ortlund to discuss his new book.
The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2023
Review some of this year’s most popular articles and read great content on subjects like heaven and hell, failing at quiet time, gender identity, and the second coming of Christ.
A Parent’s Guide to Explaining Marriage to Children and Teens
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
The Bible says exactly how two people can become one flesh. That's where we need to go to in Genesis 2, where this incredible language is used.
Learn more about new titles this month including Saved by Nancy Guthrie and the ESV Scripture Journal, Spiral-Bound Edition: Old and New Testament Sets.
Introducing Our New Articles Homepage
Today we're excited to launch our brand-new articles homepage. Learn more about its features here.
When reading God's Word, it is essential that we pay close attention to the broader ideas and themes at work in a particular chapter or verse.
Christ Is a Light for the Lost
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp expresses a burden to share the light of Christ with those who may be unaware of his presence.
Is Success a Friend or Foe? (by Dave Kraft)
Maybe, just maybe, we need to revisit our working definition of success to see how much of what we believe is truly biblical and not merely cultural, with a few verses added for “seasoning” here and there.
One Million Bibles: A Crossway Global Initiative
Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help distribute God’s Word to those with little or no access? Our overall goal for this initiative is to raise $5 million for the distribution of 1 million Bibles.
What’s All This ‘Gospel-Centered’ Talk About?
A gospel-centered life is the only life that can truly be enjoyed, no matter your circumstances.
We are often tempted to find contentment in our circumstances: If things were only going better, then I would be happy.
If we are honest, our real image is nowhere near as attractive as we want it to be.
3 Ways Pastors Can Promote Gospel Fluency in Their Churches
Pastors can speak the truth of Jesus into the everyday stuff of life by preaching, training, and ministering.
Following Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
In this video, pastor Jeff Vanderstelt calls us to look beyond the special "church" events that so often dominate our calendars and start focusing on reaching the lost in and through our everyday lives.
We have an outstanding lineup of new cover designs for 2015, but we're particularly excited about several new cloth over board editions.
When Our Ambitions Are Delayed...
How we live when ambitions are delayed significantly shapes who we become. God uses the wait to teach us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.
Podcast: Why You Can't Put Jesus in a Box (Rebecca McLaughlin)
Rebecca McLaughlin discusses a number of unbiblical misconceptions that we may have about Jesus and offers encouragement for those with questions about who Jesus is.
As we listen to the Bible’s story, we begin to understand where we fit in and how the moments in our lives and the things around us fit together.
The Top Two Ways Dads Can Love Their Kids
As we approach another Father’s Day, Timothy Witmer asks us to reflect with him on the top two ways we can love our children.
Video: Lydia Brownback on the Book of Proverbs
The book of Proverbs offers wisdom for godly living that both glorifies God and leads to blessing for his people.
Podcast: Are We in a Loneliness Epidemic? (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback talks about her experience of the pandemic and how Christians can rally together and support one another in the wake of two years of social isolation, masks, and lockdowns.
Browse a list of the new and notable resources including Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Preaching Bible, Verse-by-Verse Edition.
David Wells: God's Love and Holiness in Our Culture Today
In this video series (part 1), Dr. David Wells reflects on the message of his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients Our World.
Church Exists to Advance the Gospel
We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?
Podcast: How Can We Show God's Heart for the Widow? (Brian Croft)
Brian Croft discusses one area of church ministry that is too often neglected: the care of widows.
Do We Spend More Time Correcting or Affirming in Relationships?
What does it look like to restore a pattern of affirmation to a relationship?
Browse a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month.
Are Your Pleasures Worth More than Your Soul?
God is labouring to bring you back from sin and from Satan unto himself. Open the door of your hearts and the King of glory shall enter in.
Joe Thorn on the Practice of Preaching to Ourselves
Crossway asks Joe Thorn various questions related to the practice of preaching to ourselves.
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering: A 6-Day Devotional
How do we persevere and hope in the resurrection when in the midst of difficult circumstances?
The Gospel and Moving Toward the Lost and Broken
In their book Faithmapping, Daniel Montgomery and Mike Cosper challenge us as we witness to our communities
Faithfulness in This Digital Age Is about Establishing Priorities
Faithfulness in the digital age means prioritizing God’s word and prioritizing embodied relationship over these digital tools.
Pregnancy and the Gospel: A 5-Day Devotional
In this devotional, Gloria Furman brings Scriptural light on the topics of pregnancy, child-birth, and motherhood.
Introducing ‘Jesus and the Gift of Friendship’
Learn about a new storybook by Trillia Newbell that teaches kids to embrace Jesus as their closest friend and provider.
Artist Spotlight: Jess Phoenix
Learn more about artist, Jess Phoenix, and her work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Podcast: Don’t Waste Your Waiting (Mark Vroegop)
Mark Vroegop offers his thoughts on the difficult yet important question of what it looks like to wait well as a Christian.
Godly Lament Reminds Mothers of God’s Goodness in the Midst of Pain
Godly lament is a vehicle that God gives us to be able to bring that sadness and heartache to the Lord in a way that we have emotional freedom with our Heavenly Father.
An Interview with Gloria Furman (Part 1)
(Part 1) Gloria Furman talks with Crossway about motherhood.
ESV.org—How to Change the Interface Layout
Choose the Layout That's Right for You Did you know that you can change the interface layout at ESV.org to better suit your preferences? Click on the layout icon at the top of the screen …
Video: What Leaders Are Saying About "Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament"
A variety of Christian leaders testify to the depth, quality, and gospel-centered practicality of Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament.
New ESV Journaling Bible Covers
Reading and studying the Bible is an active process, requiring the combined effort of mind, heart, and energy.
You Will Always Have the Time to Do What God Calls You to Do
You probably don’t have time to do all you want to do or all you dream of doing, but you have the time to do the things you should be doing, the things that God is calling you to do.
Introducing the Global Pastors Book Set Campaign
In many places around the world, pastors lack access to biblical resources to help them cultivate healthy churches full of thriving Christians.
One Million Copies of the ESV Study Bible
Crossway celebrates that 1 million copies of the ESV Study Bible have now been sold and distributed worldwide.
Video: The Advance of the Gospel Around the World
In this video, Tim Keesee sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, Dispatches from the Front: Stories of Gospel Advance in the World's Difficult Places.
Learn more about the resources releasing this month from Crossway like Answering Speech by Dan Brendsel and Planting by Pastoring by Nathan Knight.
Learning to Love in the Midst of Suffering
Paul E. Miller discusses learning to love in the midst of suffering.
Exchanging Counterfeits for the True Masterpiece
What is the priceless masterpiece of your life? What ambition drives you on, day after day?
Learn more about this month’s new releases like Marriage by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, Gospels Set.
To Love Redemptively and to Respect with Thoughts, Words, & Deeds
Gary and Betsy Riccucci urge us to focus on what it looks like for husbands to love their wives redemptively and vice-versa.
Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?
Today some people, even within evangelicalism, are acting and speaking as if Jesus Christ alone is not fully sufficient and as if faith in him and his promises alone is a reduction of the full gospel.
Distributing 100,000 Study Bibles to Spanish-Speaking Church Leaders
Crossway is collaborating with global ministry partners to provide 100,000 copies of the Concise Study Bible, Spanish Edition to international pastors and church leaders.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this mont including The Heritage of Anglican Theology by J. I. Packer and How Can I Serve My Church? by Matthew Emadi.
Christ in All of Scripture - John 1:1-5
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
The Battle of Accepting Our Limits
This gospel meditation explores the idea of being worried and confused with the Christian life, offering an invitation to turn to God when life doesn't make sense.
Christin Ditchfield discusses Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes in relation to Christmas.
It's quite common to believe that the thing we anticipate will provide the relief we seek.
Why a Consumer Mentality Doesn’t Work at Church
Particularly as Western Christians, we need to understand that we’ve been steeped in consumerism our entire lives. It is all through our hearts. One way we see that is in how we think about church.
Podcast: The Greatest Act of Redemption in the Entire Old Testament (Ian Vaillancourt)
Ian Vaillancourt talks about why the story of the exodus is so central to the Old Testament as a whole and how the story of Israel's rescue from Egypt pointed forward to the coming of Christ in more ways than one.
Tips to Help Anyone Teach the Bible (Women of the Word Episode 9)
Jen walks through different contexts for teaching the Bible, offering tips and wisdom on how to teach well no matter who or where you are.
Preview: ‘Strange New World’ by Carl Trueman
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Carl Trueman's new book, ‘Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution.’
In this video, Greg Gilbert explains why he wrote What is the Gospel?.
Podcast: Why the Church Needs Spiritual Mothers (Susan Hunt)
Susan Hunt reflects back on decades spent working to nurture the practice of Christian mentoring and shares her personal experience of mentoring others and being mentored herself.
Cultivating Friendships as a Pastor's Wife
Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about navigating the sometimes difficult process of making friends in the church as a pastor's wife.
Giving Your Life to Christ & the Truth of the Gospel
Doctrine is not just for professors and pastors; it is the truth of the gospel for which every Christian must be concerned.
‘ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set’: A Conversation with the Creators
The Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Edition was created with a deep conviction that the Word of God is an immeasurable gift, meant to be savored.
Why has there arisen this impulse in our day toward pastor-scholars and scholar-pastors? Why are so many in the younger generation reluctant to let the pastoral and scholarly roads diverge?
Don Clark discusses why he creates art and how it has the potential to give us a glimpse of the way the world was intended to be.
Tim Chester explains how his book, You Can Change, unfolds.
How to Be Most Safe and Most Strong
The gospel works in all of Scripture to teaches us that our primary goal is to enable God’s people to love him more.
Christ in All of Scripture - Micah 5:1-5a
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Answering Your Questions about Parenting Adult Children (Gaye Clark)
Gaye Clark answers several listener-submitted questions about how we should handle the difficult dynamic of cultivating a relationship with our adult children.
Video: John Piper Speaks at Wheaton College
John Piper recently spoke at Wheaton College, addressing the community with a talk entitled "Race, Repentance, and Rejoicing: Ethnicity in the Christian Church".
Introducing the 'ESV Scripture Journal'
These beautiful journals encourage thoughtful meditation on God's Word.
What Those Who Care for the Hurting Need Most
This book is not for one who is necessarily suffering physical trauma or depression. Instead, it is a book for everyone.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include The Biggest Story Curriculum: Box Set by Kevin DeYoung and Elisabeth Elliot by Lucy S. R. Austen.
Finding out your children have special needs is kind of like being given an orange.
Why Do Pastors Need the Gospel?
We need to know the message so we can live it, speak it, communicate it.
Mary Rich: Turning Pain into Power
It is often our deepest pains that inspire and motivate us to do the greatest good we can do in our lifetimes.
9 Notable Quotes from Weep with Me
In the Bible, lament is a prayer that leads to trust, which can be a starting point for the church to “weep with those who weep."
A Passion to Share the Advance of the Global Church
It's amazing to witness the power of God and how Christ is building His church all over the world.
Podcast: I Want to Disciple My Kids but Don't Know Where to Start (Jared Kennedy)
Jared Kennedy talks about what it means to disciple your children and about the long-term impact that investment can have.
Podcast: How the World Found Democracy—and Became Ex-Christian (Andrew Wilson)
Andrew Wilson explains why the idea of democracy was so transformative in the decades following the American Revolution and how industrialization changed the way people thought about the world.
There is no peace nor good will at Christmas, unless there is glory to God in the highest first.
Finding Biblical Contentment as a Widow
Is it possible for a widow find authentic contentment?
Social Media Isn't All that Social
Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, “social” media doesn’t serve to make us any more social at all.
Where would your church be without Christian publishing companies?
Why You Should Read A Sweet and Bitter Providence
John Piper lists seven reasons why we should join him in listening to the message of Ruth.
Win Free Access to the ESV Study Bible + iOS App
Don’t Have the ESV Study Bible + iOS App? Last week we announced new updates to our ESV Bible and ESV Study Bible + mobile apps for iOS. Now fully compatible with the iPhone 6 …
November and December 2023 New Releases
Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Reforming Criminal Justice and the ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Wisdom.
Church Is More than a Building
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt questions our understanding of the word "church," helping us recapture a biblical vision for the body of Christ in community and on mission.
Introducing the ESV Reader's Gospels
All verse numbers, chapter numbers, footnotes, and cross-references have been removed, resulting in a text that reads like a novel.
3 Limitations We Face In Ministry, and What We Can Do About Them
Which are you more tempted to pretend that you are: an everywhere-for-all, a fix-it-all, or a know-it-all?
Podcast: 6 Objections to Studying Theology That Don't Hold Up (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson addresses six common objections to studying theology that he's heard over the years as a pastor, including that it's too impractical, too confusing, and too divisive.
Christian Leader, Are you Forgetting Something?
In his book Practicing Affirmation, Crabtree explains in further detail why we should affirm people and how to restore affirmation to relationships that have been lacking it.
When the Podcast Preacher Isn't Enough
We need more than a podcast to truly grow in our walk of faith.
What Can Small Churches Do Together?
In what ways might God be calling your church to partner with others?
Marriage came down from above. It was not invented. It was given from God.
Christ in All of Scripture – John 21:15–19
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: The Basics of Good Preaching (Doug O’Donnell)
Doug O’Donnell talks through common questions laypeople and pastors alike have about preaching and what makes for a good sermon.
Why An ESV Women's Devotional Bible?
A note from Erika Allen, managing editor of the ESV Women's Devotional Bible.
Getting to the Heart of Materialism
In Worldliness (edited by C. J. Mahaney), contributor Dave Harvey gives some practical warnings and advice about materialism.
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 1)
I arrived at college with two cases of beer... My college roommate was my best friend from high school. He and I arrived at college with barely any supplies for school, two cases of beer, …
How We Designed the 'ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set' Slipcase
Every detail of the ESV Reader's Bible, Six Volume Set was thoughtfully conceived and carefully implemented.
Sign Up for Paul Tripp's Daily Thanksgiving Devotional
Crossway invites you to sign up for an exclusive daily email devotional starting November 17 and running through Thanksgiving Day.
David Wells: God in the Whirlwind
In this video series (part 1, part 2, part 3), Dr. David Wells reflects on the message of his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients Our World.
Video: Justin Taylor (Sorta) Interviews Dane Ortlund
In this video, Justin Taylor asks Dane Ortlund about two common objections related to Jonathan Edwards.
Reflections on Christian Publishing
Dane Ortlund reflects on what Christian publishing is.
Christ in All of Scripture – Romans 5:1–5
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Sermon Feedback
Gloria Furman responds to Megan who writes, "How can I give my husband good sermon feedback in a constructive way?"
An Important Letter From Crossway's President
Crossway requests support from readers and supporters to help us raise money to help provide the Bible and Bible learning resources to 1 million people.
Below is a list of the new and notable resources released in March from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Psalms, Photography Edition and The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung.
Podcast: Growing as a Follower in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership (Richard Langer, Joanne Jung)
Richard Langer and Joanne Jung point out the prevalence of books, podcasts, and workshops on leadership and suggest that the contrasting idea of followership is where our focus should be.
5 Things Pastors Should Ask Themselves Before Sunday
Pastors must check in with their own hearts and minds before proceeding with leading their flock each and every week.
Podcast: The Case for Abortion—and How to Refute It (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf offers pro-life training by actually making a compelling case for abortion so that he can teach us how to refute it through simple logic and reason.
Preview: ‘Be Thou My Vision’ by Jonathan Gibson
Today's episode is a special audio preview of Jonathan Gibson's new book, Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship.
there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy.
Christ in All of Scripture – Leviticus 5:14-16
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month.
Hurtful Ways to “Help” the Hurting
No one wants another treatment, ointment, acupuncture reference or a diet that is 100% guaranteed to heal them.
When Things Don't Go According to Our Plan
So often we cling with all our might to what we have in this world. But God has something even better prepared for his children.
Christ in all of Scripture – Numbers 1
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Faith Makes Both Past and Future Mercies Present to the Soul
There be three things, in the past, or future mercies, which faith makes present to the soul, giving in the substance of them, (1) their love, (2) their consolation, (3) their use and benefit.
The Truth About Paul David Tripp
WARNING: What you are about to see is probably completely real and might be disturbing to some.
Why I Wrote a New Book about Pastoral Ministry
A new book for pastors grounded on the conviction that all Christian ministry must be gospel-centered.
The Imperfection of Artistic Expression is a Mere Glimpse of the Perfection of Christ
We (here at Crossway) had the opportunity to hear an exclusive behind-the-art perspective on The Four Holy Gospels from Makoto Fujimura during chapel on Friday, January 21.
Enter to win a copy of the ESV Psalms, Read by Kristyn Getty and an ESV Scripture Journal: Psalms.
The Cure to Our Frustration in Caring for the Hurting
Let's discuss the emotions we often feel when caring for the hurting.
An Interview with Andreas Köstenberger & Justin Taylor
Andreas Köstenberger and Justin Taylor are interviewed about their new book, The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived.
Christ in All of Scripture - Job 1:20-22
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Video: Studying the Book of Psalms
In this video, Douglas Sean O’Donnell introduces us to Psalms: A 12-Week Study, which is part of Crossway's Knowing the Bible study series.
Read about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including The Heart of Jesus by Dane Ortlund and Tracing God’s Story by Jon Nielson.
How to Be Present With Your Family As a Pastor
Some advice for returning home to your family without carrying the whole church on your shoulders.
4 Ways to Stay Up-to-Date with Our Blog
Here are four simple options for reading our blog.
Podcast: Who’s in Charge of the Church? (Sam Emadi)
Sam Emadi breaks down the different leadership roles that Scripture outlines, explaining how God designed all of them to strengthen the body and glorify Christ.
Podcast: A Few Things to Remember before You Vote (Jonathan Leeman)
How should my Christian beliefs impact how I vote? Is it okay to vote for the lesser of two evils? In this podcast, Jonathan Leeman offers his thoughts on all of these questions and more.
Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including The Lord’s Prayer by Kevin DeYoung, Blessed by Nancy Guthrie, and What Is Saving Faith? by John Piper.
Preview: Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin
Today, we are pleased to share a special hour-long audio preview of Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands by Jen Wilkin.
The Ultimate Hope for the Pro-Life Movement Is Still the Gospel
We need lawmakers and lobbyists that will encourage state legislators to pass pro-life laws to protect unborn babies, but heart-change is not going to come just through new laws, but through Christ.
A Sneak Peek at Women of the Word Month
Before the official launch of Women of the Word Month on July 1, we thought our readers might be interested in a sneak peek at the email devotional.
DeYoung's Crazy Busy Wins Christian Book of the Year Award
On April 28, the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association announced winners in the 2014 Christian Book Award program, conferring Kevin DeYoung's Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem with the industry's highest honor: Christian Book of the Year.
How to Teach Your Kids about Politics
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
When we think about politics, we must think of the idea of authority. In fact, Romans 13 talks about how the government is actually a minister on God’s behalf.
2018 Crossway Ministry Initiatives
As we near the close of 2017, we wanted to extend one final invitation to you to partner with us in the work of the Gospel.
How Expositional Leadership Helps a Church Through Times of Tragedy
Expositional leadership is important from a congregational level because there are going to be constant changes—not just in individual’s lives, but also in the life of the church.
The Singlemindedness of Purity
A double-minded woman is two-minded; she is divided between two ways of thinking, and, as a result, she is ruled by competing options.
If we’re going to defeat the sin of discontentment, we need to be able to spot its lies.
Why John Piper Wrote His Newest Book
How do you know the Bible is true? Why do you trust it? Are you really willing to bet your whole life on it?
Podcast: Are You Courageous or Cowardly? (Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney discusses what it really means to have Christian courage. He explores why, contrary to common misconceptions, true courage isn’t the absence of fear but rather requires it.
Preview: A Special Excerpt from ‘R. C. Sproul’ by Stephen Nichols
A special one-hour excerpt from ‘R. C. Sproul: A Life’ by Stephen J. Nichols, focusing on the final days of Sproul’s life and the lasting legacy of his ministry.
Dear Christian, If Heaven Is Real, Then Your Life Isn’t Meaningless
Many people struggle with finding meaning in normal life because most people don’t have super exciting, glamorous lives.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of John Owen (Lee Gatiss)
Lee Gatiss walks us through the life and times of the prolific theologian John Owen, introducing us to the man, his works, and his legacy.
Declaring a Cease-Fire to the Mommy Wars
The value of your work comes from service to the Lord, not from a job title, a mother-of-the-year award, or apaycheck.
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 3)
I lived a lost, God-rejecting, self-seeking life for about a year. Not surprisingly, my marriage grew empty as well, and the difficulties started to appear overwhelming. Then, my wife and I learned that we were …
To Be Human, To Read the Bible, To Live
James M. Hamilton Jr. discusses the challenges of being human, bearing the image, striving to know God, to find truth, and to help others find their joy, satisfaction, purpose, meaning, and life in knowing God through his Son, Jesus Christ, by the power of the Spirit.
Screen 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film' at Your Church for Free
Screen the film, created to show kids how classic stories in the Bible connect to Scripture’s overarching message.
Grateful for Experiencing Grace
Grace is not an impersonal force or a divine quality to be studied only in the abstract.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Prayer Life
Gloria Furman responds to Laura who writes, "How do you organize your prayer life?"
Dave Kraft lists a few steps that will help us on the road to identifying our purpose.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Prayer Journals and Reactivity by Paul David Tripp.
The Super Bowl and Folk Culture
The event around which we gather shows the erosion of folk culture just as much as it fosters it.
Podcast: Answering Tough Questions about Raising Teenagers (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson discusses some of the most common questions that parents of teens often ask him as a pastor—questions about depression, sexuality, and when a teen should be allowed to get a phone.
Introducing the ‘Emblems of the Infinite King’ Audiobook
Take the imaginative journey through the grand story of the universe wherever you go with the Emblems of the Infinite King audiobook.
Learn more about March’s new book and Bible releases including Enough about Me by Jen Oshman and How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics? by Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli.
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 4)
The Doctrines of Grace My wife and I returned to North Carolina full of wonder and joy. We were changed. The world sparkled with a newness and freshness we didn’t know was available. Everything was …
Video: Justin Holcomb on the Book of Acts
Justin Holcomb, author of Acts: A 12-Week Study, explains how the book of Acts chronicles the spread of the gospel in the early church and offers transformative grace for us today.
Podcast: Parents, Your Kids Will Love What You Love—So Love the Bible (William Osborne)
Rusty Osborne explains how he has sought to model a genuine love for God in front of his kids, and he offers advice on how to answer your kids when they say things like “the Bible is boring.”
Podcast: Race, Ethnicity, and the Bible (Steven Bryan)
Steven Bryan talks about how Christians should approach the various “collective identities” that bind—and divide—us in our world today.
Andrew Fuller and the Most Important Historical Development in the Last 200 Years
Although he never went abroad, Andrew Fuller was a zealous promoter of world missions, influencing countless missionaries.
Podcast: Has Christianity Really Caused More Harm Than Good in the World? (Sharon James)
Sharon James makes the case that despite the many failings of many Christians over the centuries, Christianity has indeed been very good for the world.
Press Release: ESV Quadruple Growth Drives New Crossway Divisions
Crossway talks about the growth of the ESV Bible and announces a new organizational structure.
The Awkward Guest in the Evangelical Household
Even though solid biblical and theological teaching on the subject is available, the doctrine of the Trinity continues to be treated as an awkward guest in the evangelical household.
How Prisoners Are Finding Freedom in the Midst of Life Sentences
The vision of the Heart of Texas Foundation College of Ministry is to bring the light of Christ to those in Texas prisons, specifically those prisons with inmates serving very long sentences.
Stories both entertain and educate, occupying the mind and forming it at the same time.
Jeff Vanderstelt helps us rethink the way we perceive ourselves, reminding us that our identity as believers is first and foremost in Jesus Christ and what he has done on our behalf.
Building Friendships with Those Different from You Is Hard . . . but Worth It
The people at your church with whom you share very little in common other than Christ have the potential to be your deepest friendships.
What Pastors Should and Should Not Share with Their Wives
Every aspect of pastoral ministry is not meant to be shared at home. Find out what is best kept at church.
Introducing the ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set: With Chapter and Verse Numbers
A new edition of the ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set offers subtle navigational help through the text, while maintaining a clean novel-like reading experience.
Crossway Flood Update: Help Still Needed
Crossway encourages readers and supporters for gifts of support.
We must train ourselves to slow down and recognize the greatest need we have is met in Christ’s coming.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Friendship with God by Mike McKinley and Job by Lydia Brownback.
How Is God Defeating Satan?: A 5-Day Devotional
John Piper explains four ways God is defeating Satan by allowing Satan to deceive, influence, and tempt—for now.
Today’s post is the first in a four-part series to give you a sample of some of our favorite devotional resources.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Five Lies of Our Anti-Chrisitan Age by Rosaria Butterfield and Ditigal Liturgies by Samuel James.
What Is the Difference Between God’s Mission and Christian Witness?
God's mission is what the triune God is doing in the world to save sinners. That's different than Christian witness: the way we participate in what God is doing.
Win A Free Copy of the New ESV Following Jesus Bible
Full of outstanding content to help children ages 8-12 to understand and enjoy God's Word and transition from a beginner's Bible.
Why I Wrote a Book about Helping the Hurting
While my physical pain and emotional stress is difficult, it doesn't just affect me—it affects all of the people around me.
Interpretation: Understanding What Scripture Means (Women of the Word Episode 6)
Jen Wilkin talks through what the process of interpretation looks like and gives encouragement for when we find ourselves daunted by the task.
Video: The ESV Following Jesus Bible
Designed to help strengthen children in their faith and teach them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
5 Questions with Andreas Köstenberger on Excellence
Justin Taylor asks Andreas Köstenberger questions about his new book, Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue.
Podcast: How Can I Overcome My Fear of Evangelism? (Mack Stiles)
Mack Stiles helps to define what evangelism actually is and offers advice for us as Christians as we seek to share the good news about Jesus with those around us.
Bryan Chapell on God's Unlimited Grace
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Bryan Chapell to discuss his new book.
Finding Strength in Weakness as a Pastor's Wife
Nancy Guthrie encourages pastors' wives to find strength in weakness as they trust in God's promises and rely on his grace.
There's No Such Thing as the "Christmas Spirit"
As has often been pointed out, Christianity is Christ. It all centers around Him, and every doctrine that we have and every idea that we possess is something that comes from Him.
How Do You Form Ethical Opinions? Make Ethical Decisions?
John Feinburg, author of Ethics for a Brave New World sheds light on how we can develop our ethical theory and how that informs ethical decision making.
What Is Hurtful about Playing the Comparison Game?
Unless you are Jesus, it almost never helps to tell someone that you know exactly what they’re going through.
Video: Todd Wilson on the Book of Daniel
Todd Wilson explains how the book of Daniel ultimately points to the sovereign Lord of history.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community
Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"
Peruse new titles released this past August from Crossway.
Video: The Fruitful Wife by Hayley DiMarco
Hayley DiMarco gives a brief overview of her new book, The Fruitful Wife: Cultivating a Love Only God Can Produce.
Christ in All of Scripture – Mark 4:35-41
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Podcast: Should Our Churches Be Political? (Alan Strange)
Alan Strange discusses the doctrine of the spirituality of the church—a doctrine focused on clearly defining the church’s central mission and mandate.
The Toughest Place to Talk Faith
Your family and friends can be the toughest people in the world to approach on matters of faith, especially those that want nothing to do with God.
Introducing the ESV Family Devotional Bible
A new edition to help families develop a habit of reading the Bible together and applying its truth to all of life.
Podcast: Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church? (Jamie Dunlop)
Jamie Dunlop explains how unity—not necessarily uniformity—in the face of diversity glorifies God and strengthens the church's witness.
Learn about the new and notable resources including Daily Doctrine by Kevin DeYoung and The Daily Liturgy Devotional by Douglas Sean O’Donnell.
Through various partnerships, Crossway can focus on what we do best and our partners focus on what they do best, and together we can better serve the worldwide church.
The Vision for a New Children’s Curriculum: An Interview with Crossway CEO Josh Dennis
Crossway’s CEO, Josh Dennis, answers questions about The Biggest Story Curriculum, a new children’s curriculum based on the bestselling The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by pastor Kevin DeYoung.*
Comprehension: Understanding What Scripture Says (Women of the Word Episode 5)
Jen Wilkin discusses the first of three steps in the Bible study process—comprehension. She walks through how this underappreciated step is a key building block to studying the Bible well.
Podcast: How to Wait for Christmas in an Age of Instant Gratification (Jonathan Gibson)
Johnny Gibson discusses what it looks like to truly prepare our hearts for Christmas and talks about how and why the Advent season is meant to be a season of waiting.
Building the Foundation of Community
It is essential to lay a foundation for building a life-giving and life-sustaining community within your church.
Podcast: What Makes You Long for Heaven? (Cameron Cole)
Cameron Cole shares how God used the unexpected and tragic death of his firstborn son to dramatically shift his daily focus heavenward, revealing the joy-inducing power of an eternal mindset.
Avoiding Not-So-Constructive Criticism
Christin Ditchfield offers some practical words of wisdom as we interact with those we love during the holidays.
Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel, and Want (Part 3)
Our desires—the things we want—tend to govern our lives and our choices. For that reason, it is important that our desires get formed in a biblical mold.
Introducing the ESV Holy Bible for Kids, Large Print
This editon was created as a tool to help parents introduce their kids to the Bible.
Learn more about the new titles releasing this month like Gospel People by Michael Reeves and ESV Prayer Journals.
Introducing the Crossway Global Ministry Fund
Crossway's Global Ministry Fund supports the translation and ministry distribution of Crossway resources around the world.
Human Thinking & Divine Revealing Work Together To Awaken Saving Faith
John Piper shares six observations that clarify how human thinking and divine revealing work together in awakening saving faith.
Podcast: What Is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? (Fred Sanders)
In this episode, Fred Sanders answers questions about the Holy Spirit—What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Why did Jesus call that sin “unforgivable”?
Jonathan Leeman on The Church and the Suprising Offense of God's Love
Is church discipline biblical? Jonathan Leeman wrote The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love to help Christians start taking their membership in their local church seriously . . .
Gospel Community: Imaging God to One Another
In Disciple: Getting Your Identity from Jesus, author Bill Clem explains that Christian communities serve as witnesses to show what the kingdom of God is supposed to look like.
Podcast: Why Discernment Today Is So Needed Yet So Neglected (Tim Challies)
Tim Challies talks about what spiritual discernment actually looks like, why it's so important for the mature Christian, and how to cultivate it in our own lives.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Evangelical Pharisees by Michael Reeves and Social Conservatism for the Common Good by Andrew T. Walker.
Misconceptions about Pastors' Wives
Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn confronts some common misconceptions related to being a pastor's wife.
Recommit to Bible Reading in 2017
Adopting habits and regimens may appear to provide some stability in out-of-control situations, but without Christ, our feet falter on shifting sand.
Purposefully Structuring Our Free Time in a Way That Glorifies God
Too often, we give lip service to seeking first the kingdom, while our lives demonstrate pagan preoccupations.
The Heart of a Disciple-Making Pastor
Bobby Jamieson explains what he thinks is the essential quality of a disciple-making pastor.
Christ in All of Scripture – Hebrews 4:14-16
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Browse the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month including The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCraken and the ESV Panorama New Testament.
An Update on Our Global Ministry Project In Africa
Crossway's Global Ministry Fund has raised $125,000 to support the distribution and translation of gospel-centered resources in Africa.
An Interview with Mitch Stokes
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Mitch Stokes to discuss his new book.
How ought we to pray? Jerram Barrs gives a handful of specific suggestions.
Learn more about this month's newly released books and Bibles like the ESV Scripture Journal: New Testament (Artwork by Ruth Chou Simons) and Confronting Jesus by Rebecca McLaughlin.
Dig into Historic Creeds and Confessions on ESV.org
Learn more about these how these truths can shape and motivate the lives of all who follow Christ.
Podcast: How Should We Respond to Our Doubt? (Randy Newman)
Randy Newman explains that when we struggle with questions about our faith, we should view these not as roadblocks to faith but as natural twists and turns that accompany our lives as Christians.
6,000 Bibles Donated to Liberian Pastors at T4G
Crossway celebrates the shipment of nearly 6,000 Global Study Bibles to Liberia.
Afraid of the Dark? Come into the Light
For a variety of reasons, whether single or married, nighttime for many is a daily chore to simply get through.
An Interview with Bill Pollard
In this interview, Crossway talks with C. William Pollard about his new book, The Tides of Life: Learning to Lead and Serve as You Navigate the Currents of Life.
Justin Buzzard, author of the forthcoming book Date Your Wife, recognizes that many married men have forgotten how to date their wife.
First Look: ESV Following Jesus Bible
A new edition for kids ages 8–12 to help them understand and enjoy God's Word.
How to Befriend Your Pastor's Wife
Jen Wilkin offers some practical advice for befriending your pastor's wife.
Christ in All of Scripture - Genesis 50:15-21
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Video: Features of the ESV Women's Devotional Bible
This video gives a helpful overview of the Women’s Devotional Bible content, features, and aims.
Video: Studying the Book of James
In this video, Greg Gilbert introduces us to James: A 12-Week Study, which is part of Crossway's Knowing the Bible study series.
Video: On Being a Writer, On Being a Christian
Bret Lott answers common questions about writing, shares about his life as writer, and talks briefly about his forthcoming book, Letters and Life: On Being a Writer, On Being a Christian.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What If My Friends Tell Me to Do Something That Is Wrong?
So if someone tells you to do something you know that is wrong, stop and remember that you don’t have to do it. You don‘t have to give into temptation.
Making Jesus the Lord of our Free Time
The way we spend our free time reveals what we believe about God.
Podcast: Your Kids Are Already Theologians, So Give Them Good Theology (Kristen Wetherell)
Kristen Wetherell gives practical advice for teaching our children about important doctrines and offers encouragement to parents facing questions about theology that they're not sure how to answer.
Podcast: How Journaling Could Reinvigorate Your Prayer Life (Erika Allen)
Erika Allen talks about the struggles of consistent prayer, how journaling can help us with that, and what God really thinks about our baby steps towards him.
Celebrating the Life and Ministry of J. I. Packer
J. I. Packer stands as one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth-century.
Podcast: A Closer Look at One of the Most Famous Chapters of the Bible (David Gibson)
David Gibson unpacks the images in Psalm 23 that have become so familiar to us (maybe overfamiliar), showing us what it truly means when the psalm describes the Lord as our shepherd.
D.A. Carson on Evangelicalism—from ETS 2009
Dr. D. A. Carson presents a biblical/theological definition of evangelicalism that is rooted in the New Testament’s description of the gospel, and then proceeds to demonstrate its continuing relevance and our need for its scripturally defined boundaries.
One of the hardest people to love is a self-righteous sinner who thinks he has his spiritual act together.
Justin Taylor Interviews Nancy Guthrie on the Topic of Suffering
Justin Taylor Interview: Nancy Guthrie from Crossway on Vimeo.
Podcast: Inside Crossway’s Plan to Give Away One Million Bibles (Anthony Gosling and Randy Jahns)
Crossway’s Anthony Gosling and Randy Jahns discuss the One Million Bibles initiative and Crossway’s work to distribute Bibles all around the world.
Intuitive, easy-to-use, and fully customizable, ESV HebrewTools is a web app available exclusively through ESVBible.org.
Our blind spots lead to divisions and disagreements, preventing God’s people from testifying to his grace with one voice.
Enter to Win 2 ABC Books on Church History
Teach Your Kids about Church History . . . and Learn a Thing or Two Yourself With the 500th anniversary of the Reformation celebrated this year, many new resources are being released that teach us …
Win 8 Books by Paul David Tripp
The ministry of Paul David Tripp exists to encourage Christ followers back to the gospel of grace for help in every season of life's challenges.
Video: Zack Eswine on Significance in the Ordinary
Zack Eswine, author of Sensing Jesus: Life and Ministry as a Human Being, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at his own life and ministry.
The Transition from Centripetal Worship to Centrifugal Worship
Continued from part 1 of Makoto Fujimura's chapel address at Crossway on January 21, 2011.
Sex, Strategic Righteousness, and Eternal Purposes
John Piper calls us to not be like the world, but to instead to be like Boaz and Ruth.
Justin Taylor Interviews David Wells
In this video, Justin Taylor interviews Dr. David Wells about his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-love of God Reorients Our World.
If we’re after true and lasting change, we must pray that the Lord work out our sanctification by his Spirit
Serving ourselves hinders our effectiveness and skews our priorities as Christians.
Podcast: Embracing Spiritual Authority in the Face of Pastoral Failure (David Mathis)
David Mathis discusses the topic of spiritual authority—what it is, who has it, and how we should respond when that authority is abused.
Never Before Published Works from Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows how to deal with fear by confronting it, recognizing it, and realizing that the only way to address it is found in the unchanging gospel.
Podcast: There’s More to the Christmas Story Than You Think (Benjamin L. Gladd)
Benjamin Gladd talks about how the Gospel of Luke draws on the riches of the Old Testament to reveal truly amazing things about the identity of Jesus, Old Testament prophecy, and the real meaning of Christmas.
Video: What Does It Mean to Be Gospel-Centered?
We recently sat down with some Crossway authors and asked them, *"What does it mean to be gospel-centered?"
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Don't Forget About the Kids
Perhaps the greatest gift you can give to a parent struggling with a serious illness is choosing to focus on the children.
Enter to Win 'The Collected Works of John Piper'
This 14-volume set brings together for the first time all of Piper’s published writings from 1970 to 2015.
Christ in All of Scripture - James 2:14-19
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
4 Reasons to Read Echoes of Eden
David Moore highlights four things to like about Echoes of Eden.
Video: John Piper on Poetry, Music, and Affections
John Piper encourages the Crossway staff (and you) to cherish language as the sacred gift that it is.
Wisdom for Dealing with End of Life Issues from a Hospice Nurse's Perspective (Part 2)
Part two of an interview with Deborah Howard on her book, Sunsets: Reflections for Life’s Final Journey.
Imagine the Impact: An Update on Crossway’s Global Study Bible Distribution Project
Crossway has been in the midst of a campaign to send 100,000 ESV Global Study Bibles to Christian leaders around the world.
Apologetics for the Twenty-First Century
In Louis Markos' book, Apologetics for the Twenty-First Century, he divides the book into two main parts.
Sign Up for a 14-Day Email Devotional on Parenting with Paul David Tripp
In the midst of normal family life, it can be easy to lose sight of God's ultimate purpose for parenting.
Work Matters: More But Not Less Than a Carpenter
It is all too easy for us to overlook the fact that Jesus knew what it meant to get up and go to work every day.
How You Can Best Help a Victim
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Justin and Lindsey Halcomb share specific ways family, friends, and pastors can help victims of sexual assault.
Why Should We Care About Holiness?
Kevin DeYoung shares his heart and vision behind the new book, The Hole in Our Holiness.
When the Gospel Transforms Your Christmas Expectations
Stephen Altrogge reflects on how he can be content at Christmastime.
November and December 2022 New Releases
Learn more about the new and notable resources released this month and last from Crossway. Titles include the ESV Church History Study Bible and Fight for Your Pastor by Peter Orr.
Cultivating a Healthy Marriage in Ministry
This is guest post by Lisa Chan and is part of Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month. Lisa’s husband, Francis, is the best-selling author of Crazy Love and formerly served as teaching pastor at Cornerstone Community Church …
The Eternal, Marital Promise of the Gospel
The gospel is calling us to be faithful to the Lord now, during this mere blink of time, so that we then enter into the eternity of his embraces and his love.
Extraordinary Doctrine Helps Ordinary People Go Deeper into God’s Word
So much about learning doctrine is learning the vocabulary. What are the categories? What are the ways in which people have talked about these things?
A Word to Wives Who Desire Husbands to Lead Spiritually
Wives cannot demand that their husbands take leadership.
Preview: ‘Gospel People’ by Michael Reeves
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Michael Reeves’s new book, ‘Gospel People: A Call for Evangelical Integrity.’
The Boy and the Ocean: A reading by author, Max Lucado
Max Lucado reads his book, The Boy and the Ocean.
Video: Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition
David Dockery sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss the Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition series and the state of Christian higher education.
Practical Help for Times of Trouble
The things that have helped me in times of trouble are the ordinary things that God talks about in his Word.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Omniscience
O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
Introducing the ESV Children's Bible
Designed to help children ages 5–10 see Bible stories in a fresh, new way.
Video: Matthew Newkirk on the Book of Exodus
Matthew Newkirk explains how the book of Exodus fits into the storyline of the Bible and sets the stage for the coming of Jesus.
10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Omnipresence
Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
Thousands of Christian leaders all around the world are hungry for God’s Word.
Refresh: A 14-Day Email Devotional
A free 14-day email devotional created in partnership with 9 of your favorite speakers and authors.
A Legacy of Illuminating Religious Texts
When you think of illuminated religious texts, the lavish Book of Kells may come to mind, with its exotic inks, intricate decorations, and ornate treatment of the Gospel texts. Since the time of the early …
The Promise of Full Healing Here and Now: Kindness or Cruelty?
The day is coming when our God Who Heals will consummate his kingdom where there will be no more sickness.
Video: Studying the Book of Matthew
In this video, Drew Hunter introduces us to Matthew: A 12-Week Study, which is part of Crossway's Knowing the Bible study series.
Lady Brilliana Harley: Four Hundred Love Letters
I learned a lot from reading Harley. But I think one of the most valuable parts of studying her letters, at least for me, was that they showed me how important a simple note of encouragement can be.
Video: Justin Taylor interviews Lydia Brownback on "A Woman's Wisdom"
Justin Taylor and Lydia Brownback as they discuss her new book A Woman's Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything.
Video: Word-Filled Women's Ministry
In this video, Kathleen Nielson and Gloria Furman discuss the importance of women's ministries in the local church.
Podcast: The Puritans We Forgot (Jenny-Lyn de Klerk)
Jenny-Lyn de Klerk talks about why it’s worth exploring the lives and theological insights of Puritan women who have often been overlooked.
Wondering if you should read the book? Here are some recent videos, reviews, and quotes about this new book from Justin Buzzard.
Recommeded Reads for Sermon Prep
Are you getting ready to preach through Colossians? Dr. David P. Craig thinks Sam Storm's The Hope of Glory could be helpful.
Video: Studying the Book of Philippians
In this video, Ryan Kelly introduces us to Philippians: A 12-Week Study, which is part of Crossway's Knowing the Bible study series.
Andrew and Christian Walker reflect on the importance of proactively talking with our kids about important topics even when it feels difficult or awkward.
An Exciting Update Related to the Global Study Project
Throughout the month of December, Crossway invited the help of our readers and supporters to distribute 250,000 free copies of the ESV Global Study Bible.
A Message from our President on Flood Recovery Progress
Lane T. Dennis updates readers and supporters on the flood recovery progress.
Since its launch in 2001, the ESV has become one of the fastest growing English translations of the Bible in the world.
A Live Video Series for Teenagers
God calls Christian teens to reject the status quo and low standards the culture sets for them, and to live in the freedom, joy, and transformative power of the gospel.
Introducing the ESV Large Print Value Thinline Bible
Combining the readability of a large print edition with the easy portability of a standard Thinline Bible.
Video: A Word of Encouragement from Jen Wilkin
This video provides a final word of encouragement and advice from Jen Wilkin.
Video: A Crazy Awkward Interview with Kevin DeYoung
Sometimes interviews don't go the way you planned... Sometimes they get to feeling a little bit weird... And sometimes, yes sometimes, things get downright awkward.
If I Could Sit Down with Richard Dawkins
If I could change Richard Dawkins’ mind about something, it would be about this notion of objective morality.
Video: Justin Taylor and Kevin DeYoung Discuss "The Hole in Our Holiness"
Justin Taylor and Kevin DeYoung, author of The Hole in Our Holiness discuss the topic of holiness.
The Journey to Accepting Difficult Doctrines Is Painful (and Rewarding)
We can think about difficult doctrines in at least a couple of categories. Some of these doctrines are particularly hard to understand. And then there are those doctrines that are hard to accept.
Podcast: How Can I Begin to Teach the Bible? (David Helm)
David Helm reflects on what faithful Bible teaching looks like in a variety of contexts, offering advice related to preparation, dealing with anxiety, and relying on the Holy Spirit through the whole process.
Why Bible Study Should Always Lead to Worship (Women of the Word Episode 10)
Jen Wilkin draws all of the ideas covered so far together to remind everyone what the true end of Bible study should be.
Podcast: How Old Creeds Speak to New Problems (Carl Trueman)
Carl Trueman explains how historic creeds and confessions of the church can help to shape God’s people living in a culture consumed with individualism and identity.
Anne Bradstreet: Doubting Thousands of Times
The reason I can even have times of doubt and resolution and restored happiness is only because I am alive, because someone created me and is keeping me (and my faith!) going.
Podcast: On Apologetics: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
We are pleased to offer a selection of some of the best moments related to apologetics from the podcast over the past four years.
Partner with Crossway to Equip Ministry Leaders Around the World
By God’s grace and with your help, we can further equip church leaders around the world to spread the gospel message to the ends of the earth, for his glory.
I am amazed by God's great love and compassion for his church.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why it's important to realize that God has called the church to be in community and on mission.
Podcast: The Problem with Church Planting in the US Today (Nathan Knight)
Nathan Knight talks about his journey to pastoral ministry, why he's concerned about the way that church planting is often done today, and what he sees as a better way based on the New Testament.
A Final Sneak Peek at 'The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film'
We trust you will enjoy this sneak peek highlighting the story of Jesus's life and death and anticipate viewing the rest of the film!
Finishing Well: Leaving Behind a Strong Family
Building closure with loved ones is an important part of dying well.
Is God Leading Us to Eden 2.0?
The plan of the Lord to bring his people into everlasting fellowship with him is not going to be Eden 2.0. The garden itself was designed by the Lord to aim at a global project.
Podcast: A Brief Look at One of the Shortest Books in the Bible (Matt Harmon)
Matt Harmon walks through the book of Jude to explain its meaning and relevance for God’s people today and explains how the key themes of this short, confusing letter apply to us.
Why John Piper Wrote "A Sweet and Bitter Providence"
John Piper says he wrote A Sweet and Bitter Providence because there is a way to suffer that honors Christ and glorifies God.
Preview: R.C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen Nichols
Today, we are pleased to share a special hour-long audio preview of R. C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen J. Nichols, including the book's prologue and first chapter, on The Crossway Podcast.
Evangelical Unity and Denominational Diversity (book excerpt)
Showing how denominational affiliation can be natural without being negative, and how evangelical diversity can help rather than hinder Christian unity.
How God Brings Us to Glory: A 5-Day Devotional Reading Plan
God doesn’t just require holiness; he promises it to his people, he bought it for them, and he brings it about in their hearts and lives.
#QandA - Paul Tripp Answers Your Questions about Social Media (Reactivity Episode 8)
In this final episode of the Reactivity podcast, Paul Tripp answers questions submitted by listeners related to how Christians should think about social media and its impact on us.
A Thank You Letter From Crossway's President
Crossway updates readers and supporters on our appreciation to all who helped us reach our goal.
Introducing 2 New ESV Kid's Editions
The ESV Kid’s Thinline Bible and ESV Kid’s Compact Bible were created to be portable and child-friendly text Bibles for children ages 7 – 12
Learning to Understand the Real God
Nancy Guthries shares how Abraham Kuyper captures the modern mind-set and experience of doing battle with the God we've created in our own mind.
Interview with Dr. Bryan Chapell on the Gospel Transformation Bible
Dr. Dane Ortlund and Dr. Bryan Chapell discuss the Gospel Transformation Bible from a number of angles.
Take Your Life Off Your Shoulders
God not only forgives your sins and guarantees you a seat in eternity, but welcomes you to a radically new way of living.
Podcast: What Does It Mean That Women Should “Remain Quiet” at Church? (Claire Smith)
Claire Smith discusses what Paul says in 1 Timothy 2, why he says it, and what impact it should have on how men and women view their roles in the church.
Video: Dane Ortlund Interviews R. Kent Hughes
In this video, Dane Ortlund sits down with R. Kent Hughes to discuss his new book.
Women in Crisis and the Gift of God’s Word
Please join us in prayer for the many partners of Crossway who are serving on the frontlines of ministry.
Did you expect marriage would be anything different? To clarify, marriage is not war as in "husband versus wife." No, it's something deeper than these "skirmishes." Marriage is a war against sin. This is the …
Answering End of Life Questions
John Dunlop shares some strategies for a successful end of life answering questions and addressing fears that people may have along the journey.
Serial offers us insights into our culture’s longings, revealing God’s truth in the world around us.
Behind the Book: "Don't Call it a Comeback"
In this series of interviews, editor Kevin DeYoung talks with the contributors of Don't Call it a Comeback about each of their specific chapters. Check out the interviews to glean personal insight from the authors …
An Interview with Philip Ryken
Justin Taylor sits down with Philip Ryken to discuss his new book.
pastor Jeff Vanderstelt helps us recapture a vision for everyday discipleship.
Podcast: Help Jump-Start Your Journey through Scripture (Jonathan Pennington)
Jonathan Pennington details three helpful approaches to reading the Bible, and he also highlights the potholes that we so often run into as we engage with Scripture and how to avoid them.
Podcast: Is Your Soul Starved for Nourishment? (Kristen Wetherell)
Kristen Wetherell offers wisdom and encouragement to the Christian struggling with a lack of passion for God's Word, and she shares practical tips for establishing better Bible reading habits.
How to Win 2 Study Bibles for the New ESV Bible App
The new ESV Bible app for iPhone and iPad allows you to read study content alongside the biblical text.
Podcast: How Does Jesus Really Feel about Me? (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund reflects on what God has continued to teach him about the heart of Jesus and why he's more passionate than ever about this life-changing message.
David Wells: Understanding the Holy-Love of God
In this video series, Dr. David Wells reflects on the message of his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients Our World.
‘The Long Road Home’ for Kids Who “Wander”
The narrative of Luke 15 and its characters show us our naturally rebellious hearts, our pride, selfishness, sinfulness, and our desire to be known and loved.
Today’s post is the first in a four-part series to give you a sample of some of our favorite devotional resources.
Video: Justin Taylor Interviews Tom Nelson on "Work Matters"
Justin Taylor interviews Tom Nelson on Nelson's new book Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work.
Linking the Gospel and the Life of the Mind
Bradley Green's book The Gospel and the Mind explores this correlation between the gospel and the mind, and in doing so addresses five theological themes and their relevance to the intellectual life.
An Interview with David Mathis
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with David Mathis to discuss his new book.
Podcast: The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls (Matthew Barrett)
Matthew Barrett sheds light on the meaning of justification by faith alone, explaining why it’s so central to the Christian faith, and he explores why the book of James says that we’re not justified by faith alone.
An Interview with Donald Whitney
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Donald Whitney to discuss his new book, Family Worship.
With Crazy Busy being named the 2014 Christian Book of the Year, we thought we'd share a short behind-the-scenes video from that infamous interview.
Video: The Picky Eater Approach to Bible Study
We all know it’s important to study God’s Word, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin . . . especially when you're feeling a bit lost in the middle of Leviticus.
Q&A with Vern Poythress—In the Beginning Was the Word
John Starke recently conducted an interview with Vern Poythress to discuss his new release, In the Beginning was the Word: Language—A God-Centered Approach.
Christ in all of Scripture – Matthew 1:1-17
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Warfield—A Model and Challenge to Christians
Fred Zaspel shares what he has learned most from Warfield and how that has challenged him.
R. C. Sproul talks about his new expositional commentary on the book of Romans.
Why Do We Need So Many Books on the Gospel?
This post by Dane C. Ortlund was originally published on May 25, 2011. We're reposting it as we celebrate Crossway's 75th anniversary.
Our Plan to Distribute 100,000 Study Bibles Around the World
through the donations of hundreds of God’s people around the world—the Lord has provided the money to fund phase two of our Global Study Bible project.
Justin Taylor sits down with Paul Miller, author of the best-selling book A Praying Life, to ask him a few questions about his newest book, A Loving Life: In a World of Broken Relationships.
"Daddy, Can You Teach Me How To Pray?"
How can we encourage our kids to expand their prayer language beyond "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and "God bless Daddy and Mommy..."?
Introducing the ESV Durable New Testament
For those who want to take God’s Word into even the most extreme conditions.
Video: Leaders on the Need for Study Bibles in Africa & Asia
Rev. Dr. Paul R Gupta, Professor Ephraim Mudave, and Pastor Victor Anukem describe the encouraging growth of the church in Africa and Asia but also the great need for Bible study resources in these contexts.
Gloria Furman offers wives of ministers a breath of fresh air, reminding readers that Christ stands ready to help regardless of the circumstances.
Podcast: Enjoying Food, Sports, and the Rest of God’s Good Gifts (Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney talks about the biblical command to love God and turn away from idols, and he discusses how to navigate the confusing task of being in the world but not of it.
Elyse Fitzpatrick, author of Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ, reflects on Philippians 3, encouraging us to cling to our identity in Christ.
22 Million Messages of Good News
In 2015, Good News Tracts distributed more than 22 million gospel tracts.
Podcast: 3 Church Fathers Every Pastor Should Be Reading (Coleman Ford)
Coleman Ford shares his thoughts on why so many evangelical pastors aren't familiar with the church fathers and how this lack of awareness can negatively impact their ministries.
Podcast: John Owen’s Advice for Killing Your Sin (Kelly Kapic)
Kelly Kapic discusses John Owen and his insight into the corruption of the human heart and the gospel’s power to change us from the inside out.
A Sneak Peek at the 'ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set'
God's Word is a treasure, meant to be savored by God's people.
Cutting the Nerve of Complaining
Most of our complaining stems from a faulty sense of entitlement.
Podcast: Does It Matter What I Believe? (Samuel James)
Samuel James walks through a number of common misconceptions and fears that we often have when it comes to thinking about our theology, ultimately making the case that what you believe matters today and for eternity.
Introducing the ‘Unfolding Grace’ Audiobook
The Unfolding Grace audiobook is for people on the move. Listen along to the storyline of God's unfolding grace.
Podcast: An Attribute of Jesus That You’ve Probably Never Noticed (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams uses the famous story of the prodigal son to unpack how Jesus was a genius in the way that he taught during his earthly ministry.
Christ in All of Scripture - Ephesians 2:4-7
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Video: Biblical Theology Has A Center
In the Old Testament: God used judgment of the Egyptians and Canaanites to save the Israelites. In the New Testament: God's righteous judgment on the cross brought us salvation. At the end of time: God's …
Video: Edwards on the Christian Life
In this video, Dane Ortlund sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, Edwards on the Christian Life: Alive to the Beauty of God.
Download a Free E-Book Sampler on the Church
Wisdom from the Past Crossway’s Theologians on the Christian Life series was designed to help Christians learn from the great teachers of church history—bringing modern readers wisdom from the past for life in the present. …
Explore God’s Word with the ‘ESV Student Study Bible’ on ESV.org
Dig deep into your study of God’s word with the ESV Student Study Bible on ESV.org.
Stay in the Word with ESVBible.org Reading Plans
ESVBible.org has a variety of free reading plans to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word.
Video: Discipling through Anger
Join Dodson and Matt Chandler as they discuss the topic of discipling through anger.
The Gospel in Worship: An Excerpt from 'Rhythms of Grace'
Designed to help Christians think more theologically about the nature of true biblical worship, Rhythms of Grace shows how the gospel is all about worship and worship is all about the gospel.
Agnes Beaumont: Making Sense of the Nonsensical
Puritans believed that Scripture was inspired by God and without error, but also that it gives us all the wisdom we need in the exact place, time, and situations we find ourselves in.
Romans - Preaching the Word (ESV Edition)
In this recently updated edition of the Preaching the Word Commentary on Romans, Pastor Kent Hughes invites us to experience the same power that was exhibited in the lives of great church leaders such as Augustine, Luther, Wesley, and so many others.
How You Can Support the Global Church through Monthly Giving
Crossway’s Global Ministry Fund is a way for you to give directly to support carefully chosen ministry projects aimed at equipping the church around the world for ministry.
Go Deep with God's Word with the ESV Study Bible on ESV.org
The ESV Study Bible is now available as part of the ESV.org Basic subscription plan.
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Do Not Be True to Yourself by Kevin DeYoung and the ESV Teen Study Bible.
Gospel Wakefulness Changes our Theological Pursuit
True theology galvanizes our affections toward God, not toward theology.
Matt Chandler discusses March Madness and worship.
Podcast: Have We Domesticated the Cross? (Jeremy Treat)
Jeremy Treat talks about how the doctrine of atonement is often misunderstood by believers and unbelievers alike and about the impact that it should make on our day to day lives as followers of Christ.
Crossway Titles Win ECPA Cover Awards
Five Crossway titles were selected as winners in ECPA's 2014 Top Shelf Book Cover Awards.
Crossway and Gospel-Centered Publishing
From President and Publisher Lane Dennis's letter of introduction to Crossway's new website.
In Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ, Elyse Fitzpatrick explores the wonder of the incarnation and the glory of our union with Christ, offering us a sure path to ultimate acceptance and true belonging through the power of the gospel.
Video: Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors Trailer
In Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors: Reading an Old Story in a New Way, Voddie Baucham Jr. shows us the crucial role that the story of Joseph plays in redemptive history.
Encouraging Report from TGC International
Bill Walsh of TGC International Outreach reports on the distribution of the Global Study Bible.
Podcast: The Gettys’ Favorite Christmas Hymns (Keith and Kristyn Getty)
Listen to the Gettys talk about their favorite Christmas hymns, and then listen to their performance of each one right here on The Crossway Podcast.
Podcast: The History and Impact of ‘The New City Catechism’ (Collin Hansen)
Collin Hansen shares insights on deepening your theological convictions in the age of rampant de-conversion and de-churching with a tool that has stood the test of time: catechisms.
A Message from Crossway’s President
An update on Crossway's Global Ministry Fund for our friends and supporters from Josh Dennis, president of Crossway.
#meantweets - Our Problem with Anger (Reactivity Episode 2)
Paul Tripp talks about the normalization of emotionally driven responses and especially reactions filled with fear and anger, two of the primary emotions that drive the culture of toxic reactivity.
Christ in All of Scripture - 2 Corinthians 5:1-5
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Video: Justin Taylor and Jonathan Dodson on "Gospel-Centered Discipleship"
The terms "disciple" and "gospel-centered" are thrown around often in Christian circles these days, but what do they really mean?
Video: Christian Guides to the Classics Series
In these short guidebooks, popular professor, author, and literary expert Leland Ryken takes you through some of the greatest literature in history while answering your questions along the way.
Judges: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
Over the course of 10 days, follow along with passages of Scripture and excerpts from Judges: The Path from Chaos to Kingship by Lydia Brownback.
What Leaders Are Saying about the ESV Women's Devotional Bible
Crossway shares what some leaders are saying about the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.
Interview: K. Scott Oliphint, Author of "Covenantal Apologetics," Interviewed by Justin Taylor
Learn more about k. Scott Oliphant's "principles and practice in defense of our faith" in this extended interview with Justin Taylor.
Podcast: The Antidote to Your Insecurity (Ajith Fernando)
Ajith Fernando discusses how we as Christians should deal with our insecurities and describes what it looks like to rest in our identity in Christ, even as we work hard for his glory in our day to day lives.
Check out this interview with Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert where they give a little sneak preview as to what they'll be addressing in their upcoming book What is the Mission of the Church.
Browse the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include No Shortcut to Success by Matt Rhodes and Suffering Wisely and Well by Eric Ortlund.
David Wells: The Counter-Cultural Nature of God's Holy-Love
In this video series (part 1, part 2), Dr. David Wells reflects on the message of his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients Our World.
Watch the Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full Trailer
In Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms, Gloria Furman, a pastor's wife and mother of four, shows us how to pursue a vibrant and ever-growing relationship with Christ in the midst of the busyness of life.
Grace: The Dominant Note of Christmas
God the Son, who is God, and who is with God, came to reveal God in a way he had never been revealed before.
#fightme - Our Problem with Craving Controversy (Reactivity Episode 5)
Paul Tripp talks about the difference between the love of truth and the love of controversy, which is no longer motivated by the two great commands to love God and love your neighbor.
Application: Understanding How Scripture Changes Us (Women of the Word Episode 7)
Jen Wilkin walks through the final stage of the Bible study process: application. She discusses how to know when it is actually time to move into this stage and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Podcast: On Marriage: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
A compilation episode featuring some of the best moments from past interviews on The Crossway Podcast on the topic of marriage.
Learn more about new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including Grace at Work by Bryan Chapell and The King and the Dragon by James Shrimpton.
If you treat your church like a business, you will see other churches as competition. You'll worry about turf and market share.
Video: Francis Schaeffer on the Christian Life
Justin Taylor and Steve Nichols, discuss Dr. Edgar's first visit to L'abri and his resulting relationship with Schaeffer.
Podcast: 5 Strange Stories in the Book of Acts (Nancy Guthrie)
Nancy Guthrie answers a series of questions about some of the amazing but at times confusing stories in the book of Acts.
Podcast: The State of Women’s Ministry in the US (Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel)
Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel delve into the key questions and concerns that arise in women's ministry, touching on practical issues like how to get started and how to encourage discipleship.
The Bored Life Isn’t Worth Living
If the American Medical Association were to label boredom a disease, we would have to declare an epidemic.
Justin Taylor and Stephen J. Nichols, discuss Nichols's newest addition—Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life—and the series as a whole.
For the last few months, we've been hard at work on a big update to our online Bible reading platform.
Podcast: What’s Up with That Talking Snake? (Mitchell Chase)
Mitchell Chase walks us through the story of the fall from Genesis 3, showing how it connects to the whole of Scripture and highlighting key moments that we need to understand.
It is impossible that our Divine Lord could have had fellowship with us unless He had given to us from His own abounding wealth and had become poor so as to make us rich.
Introducing the New ‘ESV Gift and Award Bible’
Special occasions call for a special Bible to celebrate them. The affordably priced ESV Gift and Award Bible is perfect for celebrating someone who is graduating, being baptized, or being recognized.
Behind the Book: Phil Ryken Talks About "Loving the Way Jesus Loves"
Phil Ryken gives readers a behind the scenes perspective on the art and content development of his recent book, Loving the Way Jesus Loves.
"More Precious Than Gold" Interview with Sam Storms
Sam Storms recently answered some of our questions about his latest book, More Precious Than Gold.
In Why Cities Matter: To God, the Culture, and the Church, urban pastors Justin Buzzard and Stephen Um lay out a vision for cultural engagement and church planting in our world’s cities.
Being a disciple maker means that the gospel is our one, main message.
Matt Martens sets forth a distinctly Christian vision of criminal justice, highlighting how the great commandment to love God and love our neighbor should inform our approach to both the victim and the accused.
Video: Collin Hansen on Identifying Our Blind Spots
Justin Taylor talks with author Collin Hansen about how Christians can view their differences as opportunities to more effectively engage a needy world with the love of Christ.
Crossway announces new cover designs now available for some of the more familiar product lines.
Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …
Podcast: How to Radically Pursue Justice While Living in the Suburbs (Amy DiMarcangelo)
Amy DiMarcangelo discusses how our lives can often look relatively comfortable, and she shares her own story of learning what it means to live sacrificially for God in the midst of everyday life.
Interview with Jared Wilson: Gospel Wakefulness
Jared Wilson took some time to answer a few questions for us on the nature of gospel wakefulness:
Announcing Crossway Direct-to-Church
Crossway announces their new Direct-to-Church program.
Kristen Wetherell answers questions from around the world about things like keeping your Bible reading time fresh and making time for God’s word as a busy parent.
Yesterday we posted an urgent request from Crossway's president, Dr. Lane Dennis, concerning an extraordinary opportunity to meet a matching grant for $270,000. In the above video, Dr. Dennis provides some perspective on why this opportunity is so important to the ministry work of Crossway.
An Interview with Christin Ditchfield
Christin Ditchfield speaks with Crossway about her latest book, A Family Guide to "Prince Caspian".
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including the ESV Holy Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition and How Do I Disciple Others?* by J. Garrett Kell.
Caution: The Dangers of Reading "Charity and Its Fruits"
Kyle Strobel cautions readers of two dangers in reading Charity and Its Fruits.
Just because we assent to the truth that God is our rock does not mean we fully believe that truth.
#antisocialmedia - Our Problem with Individualism (Reactivity Episode 4)
Paul Tripp discusses the message of individualism in our culture that is destructive to our relationships and is an enemy of the community that God carefully designed for us to live in.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway, including New Morning Mercies for Teens by Paul David Tripp and Ask Pastor John by Tony Reinke.
Behind the Book: "Learning Evangelism from Jesus"
Crossway asks Jerram Barrs about the heart behind his book, Learning Evangelism from Jesus.
Lepers Are Still Meeting Jesus and Being Healed
As a believer in Jesus, Dr. Suneetha has taken the responsibility of not only treating his patients’ physical conditions, but also sharing the opportunity for spiritual transformation.
Video: The Vision Behind Buzzard and Um's 'Why Cities Matter'
Why Cities Matter provides a comprehensive analysis of urban life that informs, instructs, inspires, and answers questions.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why he no longer tells people to "go be Jesus" among the lost.
Alan Thompson on Resurrection and the Hope of Israel (Season 2, Episode 6)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professor and author Alan Thompson about three aspects of Acts that are key to understanding the conflict at the heart of the book.
“Word Versus Deed”: An Interview with Duane Litfin
Justin Taylor and Duane Litfin, president emeritus of Wheaton College, discuss Litfin’s new book Word versus Deed.
Introducing the ESV Outreach New Testament
A new edition aimed at introducing people to the life-changing message of the New Testament.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Sunday Matters by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Chronological Bible.
What is Sexual Assault and How Can Victims Find Hope and Healing?
Check out this helpful interview with Justin Holcomb (author of Rid of My Disgrace) on the issue of sexual assault and how victims can find hope and healing.
Video: Disability and the Gospel
"Why do we in the evangelical church in the West demand that everyone be “normal” and look the same? Why do we as a culture try so hard (and succeed so well!) at hiding people …
#fail - Our Need for Grace (Reactivity Episode 7)
Paul Tripp talks about the differences between a culture of condemnation and a culture of redemption, and he makes an honest confession.
Video: The Impetus for A Loving Life
In this video, Paul Miller discusses the impetus for his new book, A Loving Life: In a World of Broken Relationships.
Suggested Easter Reads from Crossway
Here are a handful of suggested Crossway reads on the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Influence of Popular Culture
Excerpts from the introduction of Ken Myers' book, All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes: Christians & Popular Culture.
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Make the First Move and Speak Wisely
Some people withdraw from their loved ones who have cancer because they don’t know what to say or because it stirs up painful memories or because it’s too painful to face.
In the Darkness Before the Light
We simply can’t appreciate the light unless we’ve allowed ourselves to sit a bit in the darkness.
5 Things to Know about Our New Website
Our goal with this redesign was to better serve you, our readers.
Double Your Gift to Equip Strategic Leaders with God's Word
Today, we have the opportunity to partner together to equip God’s servants around the world with the most powerful resource available—namely, the Word of God.
What are some sure signs of misdirected priorities in sports?
James Eglinton introduces us to Herman Bavinck, explains his role in the neo-Calvinist movement in the Netherlands, and reflects on advice that Bavinck might offer us if he were alive today.
Paul David Tripp's "A Shelter in the Time of Storm"
Check out this video clip with Paul Tripp about his new book, A Shelter in the Time of Storm.
When Our Pursuit of Freedom Results in Slavery
Redemption: An Interview with Mike Wilkerson Mike Wilkerson (author of Redemption) sees that many addictions stem from past abuse. The scars of abuse turn to addictions as a means of coping with the pain. Though …
How Kids Can Learn Humility From The Moon
It's important that as kids discover new capabilities and talents, they realize that all of their skills and energies come from God.
On the Neglect of the Resurrection
Justin Taylor and Adrian Warnock recently discussed Raised with Christ: How the Resurrection Changes Everything.
Treasured Words on the Altar of the Urgent
If we're honest with ourselves, often, in the craziness of life, instead of treasuring and applying more Scripture to a heart that needs it we shy away from time in the Word.
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Be Prepared to Help for the Long Haul
It is not unusual for visits, calls, and offers of help for those battling cancer to taper off after a couple weeks.
Pursue a Deep Understanding of Scripture with the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible on ESV.org
Go deeper in your understanding of Scripture with the practical, accessible, and theologically rich content of the ESV Women's Study Bible on ESV.org.
Discouraged When Your Efforts Don't Produce Real Change?
Our rituals might change our behavior for a while, but they can’t change our hearts.
Podcast: How to Develop Healthier Tech Habits in 2025 (Samuel James)
Samuel James talks about one of the biggest areas where we all might need to do some adjustments this new year.
"It’s Going to Bring the Greatest Transformation"
Crossway is in the midst of the 2nd phase of a campaign to raise the needed funds to distribute the ESV Global Study Bible around the world.
Video: What Does the Bible Say The Church Should be Like?
Mark Dever suggests that there are nine marks that church leaders and members can cultivate to make their church more healthy.
Trevin Wax's Challenge to the Church, to Us
Do our hopes and dreams look the same as the world's? Do we claim Jesus is Lord, and then relentlessly pursue a bigger paycheck, a bigger house, a better job, or more leisure?
Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always.
We're grateful for the privilege of partnering with talented authors to publish gospel-centered content.
Bill Pollard and The Tides of Life
Bill Pollard encourages us to think carefully about who we are, who we want to become, and God's role in the decisions that we make every day.
Video: Engaging Our Culture with Joy
In this video, Greg Forster sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, Joy for the World: How Christianity Lost Its Cultural Influence and Can Begin Rebuilding It.
Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the …
A Radically Different Approach to Film—A Call to Discernment
What do Christians "do" with movies? Do we treat them the same way as those who don't know the God of the universe?
Podcast: How Do I Disciple Others? (Garrett Kell)
Garrett Kell talks about what it looks like to disciple another Christian, addressing how age, knowledge, and other qualifications factor into a discipling relationship.
What I Miss Most about Pastoral Ministry
Pastor R. Kent Hughes shares what he misses most about pastoral ministry since retiring nearly a decade ago.
#thosepeople - Our Problem with Tribalism (Reactivity Episode 6)
Paul Tripp talks about our culture of tribalism in which we associate primarily with those who agree with us and find it easier to react to anyone who isn't in that group.
Podcast: Why Christianity Is Not Just about Being a Follower of Jesus (Sam Allberry)
Sam Allberry makes a case for why our union with Christ stands at the heart of the Christian faith and is the doctrine that has been the single biggest blessing to him since his conversion.
Video: "Christ + City: Why the Greatest Need of the City Is the Greatest News of All"
Pastor Jon Dennis, author of Christ + City, and others share their love for these cultural centers and their desire to see the kingdom of God take root in the city.
Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …
Paul Tripp Addresses Sin and New Beginnings in Marriage
You can go here to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Learn about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Songs of Suffering by Joni Eareckson Tada and The Epic Story of the Bible by Greg Gilbert.
Prayers of Old Remind Us That We Are Not Alone
Looking at prayers that came from those before us was just an opportunity for me to personally dive into where the church has been and to understand that we’re not alone.
Introducing ‘Fruitful,’ a Devotional Unpacking Each Fruit of the Spirit
Fruitful is a new 40-day devotional which features the trusted voices of several female bestselling authors and Bible teachers and explores each of the nine fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.
Podcast: Gospel Amnesiacs Need Everyday Reminders (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp talks about his new book Everyday Gospel, compares it to his book New Morning Mercies, and shares how he’s praying for God to use it in the hearts of those who read it.
A Word of Advice to Couples About to be Married
Paul Tripp- A word of advice to couples about to be married from Crossway on Vimeo. You can go here to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Video: God's Broken and Redeemed Work-in-Progress
In the video below, Rob Bentz sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, The Unfinished Church: God's Broken and Redeemed Work-in-Progress.
Each Wednesday we share recent links we found insightful and helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the …
Introducing ‘Meg Is Not Alone’
With easy-to-understand language and colorful illustrations, this children’s book highlights Jesus’s command to “love one another,” showing kids that God has provided the local church to be their loving community.
Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging …
Preview: ‘The Dragon and the Stone’ by Kathryn Butler
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Kathryn Butler's new book, The Dragon and the Stone, the first book in The Dream Keeper Saga.
Biggest Delusion in Marriage—the Problem is Outside of Me, Not Inside
We invite you to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Podcast: “Love Is Love” vs. “God Is Love” (Sam Storms)
Sam Storms explores what it really means when the Bible says that God is love and what we should do when we struggle to feel his love—even as we affirm it by faith.
Nancy Guthrie on the Salvation Purposes of God in Acts (Season 2, Episode 1)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she begins an initial exploration of the book of Acts by interrogating its title with the aim of determining what the aim and purpose of the book really is.
Introducing ‘Confronting Jesus’
Award-winning author Rebecca McLaughlin explores who Jesus really is in this follow-up to Confronting Christianity. Learn more about this new title today!
Podcast: What Was the Trinity Doing on Christmas Day? (Matthew Emerson and Brandon Smith)
Matt Emerson and Brandon Smith explain what the doctrine known as the inseparable operations of the Trinity is all about.
Video: Churches Partnering Together
In this video, Matt Dirks sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book (with Chris Bruno), Churches Partnering Together: Biblical Strategies for Fellowship, Evangelism, and Compassion.
The Character of Your Marriage Built in the Little Moments
You can go here to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Ray Ortland shares how recording the entire ESV Bible reawakened him to the incredible power and authority of the sixty-six books that make up our Bible.
Podcast: How Can We Trust a God Who Allows So Much Evil? (Collin Hansen)
Collin Hansen addresses questions about the problem of evil and where God is in the face of tremendous suffering and death.
Introducing ‘Lost in the Caverns’
The third book of the Dream Keeper Saga by Kathryn Butler, mixes fantasy with Christian themes, taking middle-grade readers on an adventure steeped in magic, mystery, and glimmers of hope.
Audiobook Preview: ‘Remaking the World’ (Andrew Wilson)
Today we're pleased to share the complete first chapter of the audiobook for Remaking the World read by the author, Andrew Wilson.
Partner Spotlight: Digital Deals
Here listed are three different ways to digitally interact with various crossway books and resources.
Podcast: The Universal Struggle with Self-Control (Sharonda Cooper)
Sharonda Cooper unpacks this universal struggle and explores the biblical perspective on self-control as a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Audiobook Preview: A Sermon from the First Ordained Black Preacher in America (Lemuel Haynes)
We are pleased to offer a special preview of the new book, Selected Sermons, featuring important yet rarely published sermons from black Puritan minister Lemuel Haynes.
Grace for the Mommy Wars and Law of Parenting
Just as fallen human beings cannot fully satisfy God’s law, parents find they cannot fully satisfy whatever law of child raising they embrace.
A Marriage Book from a Guy Who Hates Marriage Books
Pre-order your copy of What Did You Expect? now to get a 35% discount, a signed copy of the book, and a free What Did You Expect? e-book.
Patrick Schreiner on the Theology of the Book of Acts (Season 2, Episode 2)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Patrick Schreiner about the uniqueness of the book of Acts and the theological themes that are woven throughout the entire book.
Kevin DeYoung talks on the importance of theology for all Christians, why it matters for our everyday lives, and why it's worth the effort to dig in, even if it sometimes feels a bit unfamiliar.
Draw on the Wisdom of Scripture with the ESV Pastor’s Bible on ESV.org
Access the Pastor’s Bible via subscription on ESV.org for help studying, applying, and teaching God's Word.
"What Did You Expect?" Goes After the Deeper War in Marriage
We invite you to learn more or pre-order What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.
Introducing ‘The Quest for the Guardians’
In Book 4 of the Dream Keeper Saga, Lily embarks on a global quest to save the world from its nightmares.
Podcast: How to Be Like God without Trying to Be God (Jen Wilkin)
Jen Wilkin helps us understand what the Bible teaches us about how we, as redeemed creatures made in the image of God, are called to reflect God’s character to a watching world.
Ben Gladd on the Use of the Old Testament in Acts (Season 2, Episode 5)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professor and author Ben Gladd about the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament—both direct quotations and more subtle allusions.
Podcast: Jesus’s Birthday, the Exodus, and Other Bible Timeline Questions (Andrew Steinmann)
Andrew Steinmann discusses the timeline of the Bible, when key events actually happened, and why it all matters for our understanding of the Bible's message for us today.
Podcast: When Your Kid Needs a Friend (Trillia Newbell)
Trillia Newbell unpacks how God has designed all of us for friendship—both with one another and even more importantly, with himself.
Better Understand God’s Word with the Knowing the Bible Series on ESV.org
Access the Knowing the Bible Series via subscription on ESV.org for help studying, applying, and teaching God's Word.
Podcast: What’s the Deal with Melchizedek? (Daniel Stevens)
Daniel Stevens addresses some difficult passages in the book of Hebrews and how we should read all of Scripture as it points forward to Christ.
See Christ in All of Scripture with the ‘ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible’ on ESV.org
The ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible on ESV.org is designed to help readers see Christ in all of Scripture, and grace for all of life.
Andrew Young on Power in Weakness in Acts (Season 2, Episode 7)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with pastor Andrew Young about a framework for understanding both divine power and human weakness on display throughout the book of Acts.
Podcast: The False Humility Threatening to Undermine Scripture (D. A. Carson)
D. A. Carson talks about some of the key themes that have marked his career, including his enduring passion for knowing and correctly handling God’s word and for holding tight to the gospel.
Podcast: How Has Evangelism Changed in the Post-Christian West? (David Dockery)
Dr. David Dockery talks about the new challenges that shifting norms and rapid cultural changes present to young Christians.
Podcast: How the Sacraments Help Us Know Who We Truly Are (Kevin Emmert)
Kevin Emmert explains why the sacraments are so central to our lives as believers and why their shaping power is more relevant than ever in a world obsessed with identity and self-expression.
Fred Sanders on the Holy Spirit in Acts (Season 2, Episode 3)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with theologian Fred Sanders about the person and work of the Holy Spirit and specifically about his descent and indwelling of believers in the book of Acts.
Podcast: Teach Your Kids About Their Anchored Identity (Christina Fox)
Christina Fox talks about kids’ need for a strong sense of identity that is rooted in an understanding of God as our creator, sustainer, and redeemer.
Podcast: How Jesus Is Both the Singer and the Subject of the Psalms (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash discusses how we should understand the psalms in light of Christ and what role they should play in our lives today, both personally and corporately in the church.
Podcast: How One Man Is Smuggling Bibles into India (Amir)
In this special interview, Amir talks about the real persecution Christians face in a country that might surprise you: India.
Podcast: A Guide for Weary Pray-ers (Doug O’Donnell)
Doug O’Donnell discusses the new Daily Liturgy Devotional, sharing how he really wrote the book for himself first and foremost, and how it has impacted his devotional life recently.
Podcast: What Does It Mean When the Bible Says Life Is Meaningless? (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback talks through how to approach the book of Ecclesiastes and points out its core message for Christians today.
Podcast: Robert Smith on Recording the Entire ESV Bible: “It Humbled Me”
Robert Smith discusses the unique characteristics of African American preaching and how that impacted his approach to reading and recording the entire Bible in just six weeks.
Nate Shurden on Opportunities and Challenges in Teaching Acts (Season 2, Episode 11)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with pastor Nate Shurden about what should be considered when endeavoring to teach through the book of Acts.
Podcast: Unicorns, Allegory, and Stories That Give Us Hope (Kathryn Butler)
Kathryn Butler talks about writing Christian fiction and how she has crafted books that weave together biblical themes and compelling storytelling.
Introducing the Lives of Faith and Grace Biography Series
This new series of children's books engages kids with the real-life stories of Christian men and women from history.
Tom Schreiner on Paul, the Apostolic Missionary in Acts (Season 2, Episode 8)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Thomas Schreiner about the person and work of Paul, particularly his theological foundations, his work as a missionary, and the many problems he faced.
Greg Lanier on Taking the Gospel into the Empire (Season 2, Episode 9)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Greg Lanier about the theme of the kingdom of God in the book of Acts and about the Greco-Roman and Jewish world behind the New Testament.
Richard Gaffin and Tommy Keene on Pentecost (Season 2, Episode 4)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professors Richard Gaffin and Thomas Keene about the book of Acts and primarily about Pentecost and its meaning for the early church and for us today.
It’s Still True: Everyone Who Calls upon the Name of the Lord Will Be Saved (Season 2, Episode 10)
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with a number of good friends about how they are experiencing the promise of the book of Acts in their own ministries around the world.
Podcast: Answering the Best Objections to the Resurrection (Timothy Paul Jones)
Timothy Paul Jones discusses the historical eyewitness evidence for Jesus’s resurrection and the details that distinguish it from other religious myths.
November and December 2024 New Releases
Learn more about books releasing at the end of the year from Crossway including The Biggest Story Family Devotional by Douglas Sean O’Donnell and The Story of Martin Luther by Jared Kennedy.
We Must First Think Theologically About Missions Before We Think Pragmatically
It’s very important to think theologically about mission for several reasons. Thinking theologically about mission helps us define mission the way God does.
How the Author of Hebrews Reads the Book of Psalms
If we look to the way the New Testament uses the Psalms, we will discover that in addition to an emotional outpouring to God, the New Testament authors find a rich theology of God in the Psalter.
Why We Must Face Our Sinful Selves
We cannot fully comprehend the horror of our spiritual condition, and our spiritual condition is the reason why. Our sin prevents us from seeing the scope and depth of our sin.
Learn about the new resources released this month, including Understanding God’s Word by Jon Nielson and the ESV Scripture Journal: Old Testament Set with artwork by Ruth Chou Simmons.