This question is not easy to answer, and as such, it requires careful reflection, given the variety of issues involved.
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This question is not easy to answer, and as such, it requires careful reflection, given the variety of issues involved.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Anxious
Anxiety may misdirect us, or, properly grasped, may point us to the right path.
What Jesus Meant When He Said “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand”
He does not say “the exile is over” or even “salvation has come”—although both of these are connected to the kingdom—but “the kingdom of God is at hand.”
Knowing the Power of His Resurrection
Do you strain with all of your might to see things the way Christ sees them? Do you strain to please him in everything? Do you strain to understand everything through him?
An Open Letter to the Suffering Christian
Jesus is a most sympathetic friend, fellow sufferer, and Savior. He has walked a hard road and he understands.
11 Passages to Read to Help Fight Anger
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Jesus says to tell all nations the good news, but we haven’t. Jesus calls people to be fishers of men, but we prefer to watch. Peter says to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have, but we are not.
How to Fight Well in the War against Porn
Many people believe they’ll flourish from the outside in, but we believe we flourish from the inside out. We believe the great things in life come not from our outward advantages but from our inward resources.
10 Key Bible Verses on Justification
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand . . .
10 Things You Should Know about Genesis 1–3
Human persons have deep significance. We alone among the earthly creatures are made in the image of God.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
7 Key Characteristics of the Church
Reformation theology established seven characteristics or identity markers of the church.
Why Is Creation So Important for Understanding the Bible?
Creation is an important and recurring theme throughout Scripture, because the God who creates is also the God who redeems.
Where the Bible Teaches We Are Saved by Christ Alone
The five solas are inspired by and rooted in Scripture, which states that we are saved by grace and faith in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.
We read this on Christmas cards and holiday signs, but what does it mean? The original context of this promise in Isaiah helps us.
7 Tips for Cultivating Deeper Relationships at Church
Belonging is much deeper than fitting in, and it’s much more satisfying than merely having other people around. To belong is one of our deepest human needs.
10 Things You Should Know about Marriage
Your marriage's biggest problem is not the imperfection of your spouse. No, it is what lurks in the recesses of your heart. Your biggest struggle is with your own selfishness.
What is prayer and when and how should we do it? Explore answers to some common questions from To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
3 Ways to Define Biblical Theology
A concise summary of how three respected biblical scholars—Geerhardus Vos, D. A. Carson, and Stephen J. Wellum—each define biblical theology.
Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.
14 Passages to Read before Bed
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Read three tips for dads on fostering healthy relationships with their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
Is Double Predestination Fair?
The terms election and predestination are often used interchangeably, both referring to God’s gracious decree whereby he chooses some for eternal life.
Should the Sick Be Anointed with Oil? (James 5)
James instructs the church elders to “anoint” the sick person with oil “in the name of the Lord.” Throughout the centuries, Christians have struggled to understand and apply this verse.
Does Rahab Show Us That It's Sometimes Okay to Lie? (Joshua 2)
Although sparingly told—or perhaps because it is sparingly told—the tiny drama has exercised a fascination out of all proportion to its size.
Is Making Decisions All about Knowing God's Will?
Before we can make decisions, it is helpful to have a robust biblical understanding of the nature of God’s will.
Spiritual Blessing: More than Just a Nice Feeling
God's blessings are more than just polite sayings or false promises—we have assurance of these blessings from the the Holy Spirit.
Which Large Print ESV Bible Is Right for You?
Whether you're a pastor looking for a large print Bible for preaching or you're simply wanting a larger, readable type size for personal reading and study, Crossway offers several editions to suit your needs.
Will the Unsaved Suffer Eternal Judgment? (2 Thessalonians 1)
Salvation comes by grace through faith to believers, who consequently display their faith as they continue to trust in Jesus, heedless of suffering and persecution in this life.
The Origins of the Red-Letter Bible
Crossway talks about Lous Klopsch and the origins of the red-letter Bible.