This poignant account of a man’s ruin and restoration dramatically reveals a gospel story of God’s mercy toward those who have stood against him.
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This poignant account of a man’s ruin and restoration dramatically reveals a gospel story of God’s mercy toward those who have stood against him.
Hebrews 11: A 5-Day Devotional
Recount Hebrews 11 and the stories of faith-filled men and women throughout biblical history whom God commended for believing what they could not yet see.
Love Emojis and a Taste of Reality
Behind the exclamation points and cupids lie all the normal stuff of everyone’s life: sickness, heartbreak, rejection—and loneliness.
Christ in All of Scripture - Hosea 11:8-9
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Now we follow Jesus far from home, but one great and glorious day we shall follow Jesus home.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Fruitful edited by Megan Hill and Melissa B. Kruger and Loving Your Adult Children by Gaye B. Clark.
November and December 2021 New Releases
New releases at the end of this year include Bread of Life by Abigail Dodds, Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson, and the ESV Heirloom Bible in three new editions.
Podcast: The Man behind Calvinism (Derek Thomas)
Derek Thomas discusses John Calvin's enduring legacy, reflecting on the importance of predestination in hius theology and describing what it would have been like to have Calvin as your pastor.
How I'm Using the ESV Journaling Bible
Joe Thorn discusses journaling in his Bible.
Engaging with God through the Psalms
The Psalms are meant to invite readers into communication with God.
Christ in All of Scripture - Revelation 1:4-8
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible.
Scott Klusendorf on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Scott Klusendorf discusses the controversy of stem cell research as it relates to the pro-life position.
Acts: A 14-Day Devotional for Men
In this 14-day devotional, read through the entire book of Acts with devotional readings corresponding to select passages adapted from the ESV Men’s Devotional Bible.
Podcast: What Really Happened at Pentecost? (Patrick Schreiner)
Patrick Schreiner discusses the story of Pentecost—the account of the sending of the Holy Spirit to indwell God’s people in a new and powerful way.
Podcast: Christianity Is Both Easier and Harder Than You Think (Kevin DeYoung)
Kevin DeYoung discusses the reasons we’re so hard on ourselves and what it looks like to truly embrace the freedom and joy of being beloved children of our heavenly Father.
Podcast: Fighting for Faith in the Midst of Doubt (Glenna Marshall)
Glenna Marshall discusses how we should view our doubts about the Bible, the gospel, and God's love for us, and how our struggles with doubt should give way to a more resilient faith.
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 Leads Us—and Dies for Us
The good shepherd is the one who doesn’t just walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He actually walks through death itself so that the sheep can now walk through and fear no evil.
Crossway asks Adam Greene about the illustrations for The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived.
Video: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
Many Christians have unwittingly embraced the idea that “church” is a once-a-week event rather than a community of Spirit-empowered people.
Introducing the ESV Student Bible
This affordable edition seeks to meet the needs of young students eager to study God's Word on their own.
Why “Going Our Own Way” Is a Burden, Not a Freedom
We often hear the encouragement to go our own way or blaze our own trail. In a lot of ways, that sounds like freedom. But without Christ, it’s actually bondage.
Pastors must guard against these three common pitfalls in ministry.
Excellent Revelations through Ordinary Means
As was typical among the Puritans, the Lord’s Supper is seen not simply as a memory aid, but an occasion in which Christ is present among his people through the Holy Spirit.
Why Admitting Limitations Is Life-Giving
There is freedom in admitting that we are not Christ—we are not perfect. But Jesus loves us anyway and only asks that we follow him.
The Danger of Thinking Science Alone Leads to True Knowledge
If you limit knowledge to science, then you must see if all of the important questions of life can be answered by science.
100,000 ESV Global Study Bibles to Leaders Around the World
Our greatest passion at Crossway, as a not-for-profit ministry, is to reach the people of the world with the Gospel and the life-transforming Truth of God’s Word.
2 Glorious Themes from These Overlooked Books of the Bible
In the context of 2 Peter and Jude, there’s a very strong emphasis on the reality of God judging those who are in rebellion against him. And that’s intended as comfort for his people.
Are Vocation and Occupation the Same Thing?
In our ordinary conversation, vocation and occupation can be the same thing, but in the history of language and in the Bible’s expression of what we're doing, they actually have very special distinctions.
A Blazing Light in a Dark World
The truth of Scripture upholds and sustains the church in every age and in every culture, regardless of what may be taking place outside her doors.
Gospel-Centered Partnership: The Neopolis Network
We are overjoyed to be able to partner with organizations across the globe who share our passion to bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.