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A Bible-Infused Mind

Carey Hughes

Scriptural meditation can be woven into our busy schedules—while waiting for a ride, at lunch, mowing the lawn, jogging, and even lying awake at night.

What’s Your Motto?

Bob Cutillo, MD

For every generation, how we live and what goals we pursue depends a great deal on why we think we are here and where we think we are going.

A Look Back at 2018

As 2018 draws to an end, we would like to look back at what God has been pleased to do in and through Crossway over the last 12 months.

The Normalization of Pride

Russell Moore

Pride is, by definition, idolatrous and insurrectionist because it is rooted in ingratitude. It glorifies the creature over against the Creator and claims the inheritance rights of image-bearers without acknowledging that we have these things …