Browse a list of the new and notable resources including Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Preaching Bible, Verse-by-Verse Edition.
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Browse a list of the new and notable resources including Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Preaching Bible, Verse-by-Verse Edition.
Podcast: Are We in a Loneliness Epidemic? (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback talks about her experience of the pandemic and how Christians can rally together and support one another in the wake of two years of social isolation, masks, and lockdowns.
A Parent’s Guide to Explaining Marriage to Children and Teens
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
The Bible says exactly how two people can become one flesh. That's where we need to go to in Genesis 2, where this incredible language is used.
Church Exists to Advance the Gospel
We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?
David Wells: God's Love and Holiness in Our Culture Today
In this video series (part 1), Dr. David Wells reflects on the message of his newest book, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients Our World.
Browse a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month.
Do We Spend More Time Correcting or Affirming in Relationships?
What does it look like to restore a pattern of affirmation to a relationship?
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering: A 6-Day Devotional
How do we persevere and hope in the resurrection when in the midst of difficult circumstances?
Are Your Pleasures Worth More than Your Soul?
God is labouring to bring you back from sin and from Satan unto himself. Open the door of your hearts and the King of glory shall enter in.
Podcast: How Can We Show God's Heart for the Widow? (Brian Croft)
Brian Croft discusses one area of church ministry that is too often neglected: the care of widows.
Joe Thorn on the Practice of Preaching to Ourselves
Crossway asks Joe Thorn various questions related to the practice of preaching to ourselves.
Pregnancy and the Gospel: A 5-Day Devotional
In this devotional, Gloria Furman brings Scriptural light on the topics of pregnancy, child-birth, and motherhood.
Faithfulness in This Digital Age Is about Establishing Priorities
Faithfulness in the digital age means prioritizing God’s word and prioritizing embodied relationship over these digital tools.
The Gospel and Moving Toward the Lost and Broken
In their book Faithmapping, Daniel Montgomery and Mike Cosper challenge us as we witness to our communities
Introducing ‘Jesus and the Gift of Friendship’
Learn about a new storybook by Trillia Newbell that teaches kids to embrace Jesus as their closest friend and provider.
Artist Spotlight: Jess Phoenix
Learn more about artist, Jess Phoenix, and her work on the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Godly Lament Reminds Mothers of God’s Goodness in the Midst of Pain
Godly lament is a vehicle that God gives us to be able to bring that sadness and heartache to the Lord in a way that we have emotional freedom with our Heavenly Father.
An Interview with Gloria Furman (Part 1)
(Part 1) Gloria Furman talks with Crossway about motherhood.
ESV.org—How to Change the Interface Layout
Choose the Layout That's Right for You Did you know that you can change the interface layout at ESV.org to better suit your preferences? Click on the layout icon at the top of the screen …
Podcast: Don’t Waste Your Waiting (Mark Vroegop)
Mark Vroegop offers his thoughts on the difficult yet important question of what it looks like to wait well as a Christian.
Video: What Leaders Are Saying About "Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament"
A variety of Christian leaders testify to the depth, quality, and gospel-centered practicality of Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament.
New ESV Journaling Bible Covers
Reading and studying the Bible is an active process, requiring the combined effort of mind, heart, and energy.
You Will Always Have the Time to Do What God Calls You to Do
You probably don’t have time to do all you want to do or all you dream of doing, but you have the time to do the things you should be doing, the things that God is calling you to do.
Introducing the Global Pastors Book Set Campaign
In many places around the world, pastors lack access to biblical resources to help them cultivate healthy churches full of thriving Christians.
Video: The Advance of the Gospel Around the World
In this video, Tim Keesee sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, Dispatches from the Front: Stories of Gospel Advance in the World's Difficult Places.
Learn more about the resources releasing this month from Crossway like Answering Speech by Dan Brendsel and Planting by Pastoring by Nathan Knight.
One Million Copies of the ESV Study Bible
Crossway celebrates that 1 million copies of the ESV Study Bible have now been sold and distributed worldwide.
Learning to Love in the Midst of Suffering
Paul E. Miller discusses learning to love in the midst of suffering.
Exchanging Counterfeits for the True Masterpiece
What is the priceless masterpiece of your life? What ambition drives you on, day after day?
Learn more about this month’s new releases like Marriage by Paul David Tripp and the ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal, Gospels Set.