The Awkward Guest in the Evangelical Household
Even though solid biblical and theological teaching on the subject is available, the doctrine of the Trinity continues to be treated as an awkward guest in the evangelical household.
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The Awkward Guest in the Evangelical Household
Even though solid biblical and theological teaching on the subject is available, the doctrine of the Trinity continues to be treated as an awkward guest in the evangelical household.
How Prisoners Are Finding Freedom in the Midst of Life Sentences
The vision of the Heart of Texas Foundation College of Ministry is to bring the light of Christ to those in Texas prisons, specifically those prisons with inmates serving very long sentences.
Press Release: ESV Quadruple Growth Drives New Crossway Divisions
Crossway talks about the growth of the ESV Bible and announces a new organizational structure.
Jeff Vanderstelt helps us rethink the way we perceive ourselves, reminding us that our identity as believers is first and foremost in Jesus Christ and what he has done on our behalf.
Stories both entertain and educate, occupying the mind and forming it at the same time.
What Pastors Should and Should Not Share with Their Wives
Every aspect of pastoral ministry is not meant to be shared at home. Find out what is best kept at church.
Building Friendships with Those Different from You Is Hard . . . but Worth It
The people at your church with whom you share very little in common other than Christ have the potential to be your deepest friendships.
Introducing the ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set: With Chapter and Verse Numbers
A new edition of the ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set offers subtle navigational help through the text, while maintaining a clean novel-like reading experience.
Crossway Flood Update: Help Still Needed
Crossway encourages readers and supporters for gifts of support.
We must train ourselves to slow down and recognize the greatest need we have is met in Christ’s coming.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway like Friendship with God by Mike McKinley and Job by Lydia Brownback.
How Is God Defeating Satan?: A 5-Day Devotional
John Piper explains four ways God is defeating Satan by allowing Satan to deceive, influence, and tempt—for now.
Learn more about the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway including Five Lies of Our Anti-Chrisitan Age by Rosaria Butterfield and Ditigal Liturgies by Samuel James.
This week's excerpt in our Devotional Resources series is taken from "Morning and Evening", by Charles H. Spurgeon, revised and edited by Alistair Begg.
Why I Wrote a Book about Helping the Hurting
While my physical pain and emotional stress is difficult, it doesn't just affect me—it affects all of the people around me.
Win A Free Copy of the New ESV Following Jesus Bible
Full of outstanding content to help children ages 8-12 to understand and enjoy God's Word and transition from a beginner's Bible.
Interpretation: Understanding What Scripture Means (Women of the Word Episode 6)
Jen Wilkin talks through what the process of interpretation looks like and gives encouragement for when we find ourselves daunted by the task.
What Is the Difference Between God’s Mission and Christian Witness?
God's mission is what the triune God is doing in the world to save sinners. That's different than Christian witness: the way we participate in what God is doing.
Video: The ESV Following Jesus Bible
Designed to help strengthen children in their faith and teach them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Podcast: How Can I Overcome My Fear of Evangelism? (Mack Stiles)
Mack Stiles helps to define what evangelism actually is and offers advice for us as Christians as we seek to share the good news about Jesus with those around us.
5 Questions with Andreas Köstenberger on Excellence
Justin Taylor asks Andreas Köstenberger questions about his new book, Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue.
Bryan Chapell on God's Unlimited Grace
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Bryan Chapell to discuss his new book.
Finding Strength in Weakness as a Pastor's Wife
Nancy Guthrie encourages pastors' wives to find strength in weakness as they trust in God's promises and rely on his grace.
There's No Such Thing as the "Christmas Spirit"
As has often been pointed out, Christianity is Christ. It all centers around Him, and every doctrine that we have and every idea that we possess is something that comes from Him.
How Do You Form Ethical Opinions? Make Ethical Decisions?
John Feinburg, author of Ethics for a Brave New World sheds light on how we can develop our ethical theory and how that informs ethical decision making.
What Is Hurtful about Playing the Comparison Game?
Unless you are Jesus, it almost never helps to tell someone that you know exactly what they’re going through.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community
Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"
Peruse new titles released this past August from Crossway.
Video: Todd Wilson on the Book of Daniel
Todd Wilson explains how the book of Daniel ultimately points to the sovereign Lord of history.
Video: The Fruitful Wife by Hayley DiMarco
Hayley DiMarco gives a brief overview of her new book, The Fruitful Wife: Cultivating a Love Only God Can Produce.