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What Temptation Is and Is Not

J. Garrett Kell

Considering sin doesn’t have to mean conceding to it. Knowing this keeps you from being crippled by unnecessary guilt; it gives hope to keep fighting, even when temptation is raging.

Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (Jim Hamilton)

Jim Hamilton discusses what to do when you hate your job, offering encouragement for those frustrated in their work and explaining the difference between a job and a vocation.

What Did Jesus Teach about Evangelism?

Jerram Barrs

When we look at Jesus’s life and ministry we also see that he was the greatest evangelist. In his earthly ministry he was the light of the world, the one who always lived in a way that was pleasing to his Father.

10 Key Bible Verses on Kindness

God is kind to us—most evident in Christ—and demonstrates how we can, in turn, show his character to others by being kind.