3 Lies Women Believe about Serving
It’s difficult to steward our time, talents, and treasure well in a world that invites us to self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
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3 Lies Women Believe about Serving
It’s difficult to steward our time, talents, and treasure well in a world that invites us to self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
What Does It Mean When We Pray “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”?
This is still a powerful reminder and a necessary prayer because even though we may see grocery stores around every corner, we still are dependent upon God to give us what we need.
Adoption Isn't Charity—It's War
We believe Jesus in heavenly things—our adoption in Christ; so we follow him in earthly things—the adoption of children.
10 Things You Should Know about Abortion
Does each and every human being have an equal right to life?
10 Things You Should Know about Athanasius
Learn more about this theologian, church father, and key defender of Christian orthodoxy.
What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
When we peer into the word of God, we see who God is: his character is revealed to us. At the same time, we see who we are: we see ourselves in light of God’s character.
How to Pray for Your Child’s Salvation
We cannot force this faith. We labor for it, we teach to it, we encourage it, and above all, we can pray for it.
According to the entire witness of Holy Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods. Nor are they some confederation of the one God with lesser gods. These three are the one God.
4 Questions about Headship and Head Coverings
What does it mean that the husband is the head of his wife? What is the covering? What “head” does the woman dishonor? What does Paul mean by “authority”?
5 Myths about How We Got the Bible
When it comes to books, none is more famous than the Bible. As with anything of historical importance, the Bible has accumulated its share of mythical distortions in the popular mind.
4 Questions about the Lord’s Supper
When we understand that the church is a family, we more clearly perceive the biblical emphasis on the Lord’s Supper as a family meal, to be celebrated by the church as Jesus’s family.
5 Things We Know About Christ’s Second Coming
“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” What is known about “that day” can be summarized under five headings.
Why the Study of Ethics Matters for Everyday Christians
Why should we study ethics from a biblical perspective? Why should we collect and summarize the Bible’s teaching in a systematic way?
8 New Testament Passages That Support a Historical Adam and Eve
One is not free to maintain that Adam is a mythical or semihistorical figure while Jesus Christ is a fully historical figure.
Was the Trinity Torn Apart at the Cross?
Jesus's quoting of Psalm 22 on the cross has been a source of wonder and speculation. What can and can’t we say about this cry?
5 Ways the Digital Age Is Transforming the Way You Think
Our work, education, relationships, and even worship are increasingly happening digitally. Our tendency is often to think of these technologies as just neutral “tools." But this is not quite right.
The Best Parenting Passage in the Entire Bible
Our children must learn to look at life through the lens of the will and plan of their Creator—to develop a comprehensive biblical worldview that is distinctively God-centered and biblically driven.
The Birth of Narnia and Why Tolkien Hated It
Lewis found that his creative imagination was drawing him forward the way something magical drew the children into Narnia.
We all read things every day and are warned not to believe everything. Why can we believe everything in the Bible?
Bible Q&A - Why Are There Two Testaments in the Bible?
Dane Ortlund answers why there are two testaments in the Bible.
Will Your Phone Dominate Your Life in 2018?
As another new year begins, let's examine our habits, including our relationships to social media and our phones.
What Does the Bible Say about Marriage?
Marriage is an ordinance given to human beings in creation. It is therefore not negotiable, but is entrusted to us both as a “given” and as a gracious gift.
Learn more about forthcoming Bibles in 2018, including the ESV Archaeology Study Bible and the ESV Story of Redemption Bible.
Discovering the Holiness of God: The Formation of R. C. Sproul
The zeal to proclaim the holiness of God and the gospel of Christ propelled R. C. Sproul to devote his life to teaching, to preaching, to traveling, to writing.
Was Violence against the Canaanites a Matter of Racial Prejudice?
Gregory Goswell, Andreas J. Köstenberger
It is impossible to ignore what is routinely viewed as the grave moral problem of the book of Joshua, namely, the action of the Israelites in exterminating the Canaanites.
13 Times Jesus Amazed His Hearers in 2 Words or Less
Look at the red letter edition of the Bible! There are pages of verses in red. Treasure-filled treatises. But sometimes, Jesus gave a full, significant, amazing, life-giving answer in two words or less.
Hospitality is not a gift unto itself, but a means through which other spiritual gifts are displayed: mercy, serving, giving, and evangelizing.
Why It Matters What We Do with Our Bodies
We might think it doesn’t matter what we do with our bodies, but the Bible repeatedly and powerfully shows us this is not the case.
Rooted in God’s Love: A 9-Day Devotional for Women
Are you tired, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed with life’s demands? Start a 9-day online devotional aimed at helping you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit.
Money can’t buy you a satisfied heart, money can’t buy you peace and happiness, and money can’t buy you a reason to get up in the morning.