April 2023 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Friendship with God by Mike McKinley and Job by Lydia Brownback.
Friendship with God: A Path to Deeper Fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit
In Friendship with God, pastor Mike McKinley takes a key idea or insight from Communion with God and clarifies it for readers in each chapter, giving them practical guidance for how to develop fellowship with God—such as obeying the Father’s commands, acknowledgment of sin, and prayer. Perfect for new Christians or for those without a church background, this accessible resource offers an introduction to the God who “wants you to know him and be known by him.”
“Probably no book has influenced my theological instincts more than John Owen’s Communion with God, but Owen is not always easy to read. Therefore, this small volume by Mike McKinley is a welcome gift. He ably conveys in an accessible and friendly way many of Owen’s key ideas from that book, inviting readers to consider the kindness of the God who desires to be in communion with us.”
—Kelly M. Kapic, Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College
Job: Trusting God When Suffering Comes
In this 10-week Bible study, Lydia Brownback goes beyond the familiar lessons from the Old Testament book of Job and invites women into an in-depth, exegetical journey through the text. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson explores topics around faith, doubt, and suffering and explains the context of Job in redemptive history. With resources including reading plans and discussion questions, this challenging yet accessible study encourages women to love studying God’s word.
“The brilliant and beautiful mix of sound teaching, helpful charts, lists, sidebars, and appealing graphics—as well as insightful questions that get the reader into the text of Scripture—make these studies that women will want to invest time in and will look back on as time well spent.”
—Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
Philippians and Colossians: Stories of Joy and Identity
Philippians and Colossians: Stories of Joy and Identity includes 50 devotionals written by David Murray. This series features daily readings designed to help you learn, love, and live the whole Bible. Murray walks you through the full text of Philippians and Colossians, offering thoughtful comments on each book’s message, reflection questions, and a personal daily prayer. These devotionals can help reorient your mind and transform your life with God’s better story.
“If you struggle to connect the truths of Scripture to your daily life, this book will help you mine Philippians and Colossians for rich theological truth and show you how to put what you’ve learned into action. David Murray’s StoryChanger devotionals are immensely practical and encouraging!”
—Glenna Marshall, author, The Promise Is His Presence and Everyday Faithfulness
Redeeming Reason: A God-Centered Approach
Vern S. Poythress explains how all human reasoning reflects God’s nature. Providing a foundational understanding of God as the source of rationality, Poythress details the 3 fundamental laws of logic—identity, contradiction, and excluded middle—with a strong focus on analogical reasoning. This robust guide explains types of analogy, ethics applied to logic, the use of analogies in the doctrines of God, and more to give readers a renewed perspective on how to use reason as a follower of God.
“Vern Poythress explores the pathways of human reasoning with simplicity and clarity. What is especially intriguing and unusual about this book, however, is the way in which he grounds human reasoning in the triune God, strongly emphasizing its analogical dimension. As a result, he helps us to think carefully about careful thinking, and to do so in the presence of our Lord. There is much of value in this book that will stimulate your thinking—and your reasoning!”
—Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Personality and Worldview
Personality and Worldview by J. H. Bavinck, nephew and student of Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck, creates a distinction between a worldvision (which all people have) and a worldview (which only few have in a mature and wise way). Profoundly influenced by the works of St. Augustine, Bavinck challenges readers to allow the gospel to reshape their worldviews and their personalities as they pursue godly wisdom. Translated into English for the first time by James Eglinton, Bavinck’s accessible prose, personal applications, and more will greatly serve pastors, students, and laypeople alike.