The Goal of Submission in Marriage
Wives bend toward the nourishment and the leadership of their husbands—they are turning themselves toward what is for their good.
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The Goal of Submission in Marriage
Wives bend toward the nourishment and the leadership of their husbands—they are turning themselves toward what is for their good.
Our value comes from God and he has good purposes for every role and circumstance he puts us in.
What the Bible Says about Women’s Physical Strength
Women's bodies are weaker because God made their bodies to be weaker than men’s bodies and that's what Peter's talking about in 1 Peter 3.
5 Pieces of Advice for Discussing Gender Roles with Other Christians
We won’t be able to say everything in one conversation, and we certainly won’t say everything perfectly.
When we make a home for others, we are often doing small and unseen work humanly speaking, but the meaning behind the work is never small.
The Common Calling of All Women
Am I faithfully obeying God as his child by meeting the genuine needs of others, or am I pursuing self-actualization, self-fulfillment, or selfish ambition apart from him?
It’s at the cross that we lay down our indifference and our fears about the work set before us in shepherding eternal souls in favor of full investment and commitment to the job.
To Be a Woman Is to Be Fully Human
Being a woman means being human. And this is good news.
Why Should We Disciple Younger Women?
Disciple-making is helping others to see Christ for what he is
The world tells mothers that they can do it all and have it all, but that they need not give their all.
The Problem with Manufactured Femininity
There is no ideal standard of a woman that we are supposed to achieve apart from the virtues found in Christ himself.
The Glory We Desire vs. the Glory He Means for Us
It seems the moment our mortal minds begin to dwell on any sort of glory that involves ourselves, we are tripped up into idolatry, into a lust for praise and human acknowledgment.
You and I and all those who belong to him and are his children are indeed called to his glory, and we shall become partakers of his divine nature.
The Lord has a storehouse of blessing and honor for his people—the question is, are we humble enough to enter as unworthy characters in his story, humble enough to beg for crumbs?
How Motherhood Mimics the Cross
God gives us gifts and abilities; then he gives us children. And perhaps it seems he’s made an error when our gifts and abilities seem completely irrelevant to the job of bringing up children and caring for a home.
The Wilderness Offers Us New Sight
When we walk through any season of wilderness, the greatest danger is not the scorching heat of the trial; it is that we would be blind to the God who sees us.
Obey Even When You Don’t Understand Why
Whenever we take a rule from our Father and begin examining it apart from him—apart from his character, his fatherly affection, his authoritative goodness—we fall into sin.
What Our Physical Diet Says about Our Spiritual Appetite
He has prepared food for us. The food he has prepared is himself. He serves us himself through his holy word—the Bible.
When God’s Provision Isn’t What We Expected
After Jesus’s first show of miraculous power in the Gospel of Mark (his healing of a man with an unclean spirit), the amazed people turn to each other and say, “What is this?”
The Food of Christian Survival
When you understand Bible reading as the means, the food, the fuel, the sustenance of your Christian life, then you will consume it with joy, like a hungry person eats bread.