Did Anything Happen in 1776 besides That One Thing?
Beginning in northwestern Europe, economic growth began outpacing population growth, and more people found themselves getting richer than their parents. The world has not been the same since.
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Did Anything Happen in 1776 besides That One Thing?
Beginning in northwestern Europe, economic growth began outpacing population growth, and more people found themselves getting richer than their parents. The world has not been the same since.
You’re Romantic Whether You Know It or Not
Some marks of the Romantic movement seem quite alien to us today. Others, by contrast, seem thoroughly natural to us, to the extent that we do not even notice them.
We (Do Not) Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
We are inclined to see equality and human rights as universal norms. But in reality they are culturally conditioned beliefs that depend on fundamentally Christian assumptions about the world.
How the Exodus Shapes the Whole Bible
The reason the exodus story is so important is partly that it is so foundational to the whole Old Testament.
The Gospel Is about More (But Not Less) Than Your Personal Salvation
We are not just individually liberated from death, hell, and the Devil—the whole of creation is on an exodus journey as well.
Not If but When: Reflections on 4 Different Kinds of Healing
At some point or other, every Christian with a disability is going to have to figure out how to think about physical healing. In our case, theological reflection on healing has been essential.
We Forget Just Why We Live in a WEIRDER World
The rate of change in the last two centuries makes the past feel much further away than it actually is, which inclines us to fawn over the future, and either patronize the past or ignore it altogether.
A Word to Parents at Their Breaking Point
It can be helpful to manage your expectations of what normal life can and should be, and recognize that the season you’re in is intensely difficult in a particular way and that it won’t always be that way.
The Most Influential Event to Happen in 1776 Isn’t What You Think
In a thousand years’ time, what will people look at as the most important development in this period? And I think it's probably the economic transformation.
What We Think We're Entitled to in the 21st Century
We realized just how much we had assumed we would have, how many things we believed were almost rights of ours.
How to Turn Weeping into Witnessing
We can’t jump straight to It’s alright. God will be good. We can be sure he will, but that’s probably not where we should start.
How the Modern West Is WEIRDER than the Rest of the World
Joseph Henrich introduced the term WEIRD about ten or fifteen years ago, and he said that people in the modern West are WEIRD: Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic.
5 Tips for Teaching Your Kids about Church History
Learning about church history can be exciting, uplifting and often funny. But if taught badly, it can also be turgid, pedestrian and dull.
When the Sun Rose, the Son Rose
In some ways the exodus is a death and resurrection story, but in many other ways the death and resurrection of Jesus is an exodus story.
Our culture's understanding of freedom says when you break from the oppression of an external force, then you’re free to be who you want to be.
The Most Significant Edit to the Declaration of Independence
Franklin read Jefferson’s draft which said, “We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable,” and he crossed out “sacred and undeniable” and replaced it with “self-evident.”
How Parenting Kids with Special Needs Shifts Your Reality
In a sense, our story was really one of reconsidering every aspect of our lives.
How These Seven Developments Shaped the Modern World
What happens in 1776—this one remarkable year—is that there are seven key developments that you can see in a particularly intense form.