Help! I’m Still Single and It Feels Like Life Is Passing Me By
Life has not passed you by. It’s not going to. If you are in Christ, your life has only just begun.
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Help! I’m Still Single and It Feels Like Life Is Passing Me By
Life has not passed you by. It’s not going to. If you are in Christ, your life has only just begun.
Finding God's Grace While Waiting for a Prodigal
By God’s grace, waiting on a prodigal can actually strengthen your faith.
How Advent Teaches Us to Wait Well
The hardest thing about waiting is not knowing when it’s going to end, if it is going to end.
We all long for the restoration that will come when God gives us new, resurrected bodies. But we don’t have those bodies yet.
What I Learned While Waiting for My Spouse
I spent many years of my life wanting to be married. Sometimes I didn't know if I’d ever get married.
The maker of the universe is not far off—he is nearby. Realizing this is a huge first step in trading anxiety for patience.
44 Activities for Kids That Don't Involve Screens
Most Christian parents would like their children to spend less time in front of a screen. Since ideas can be hard to come up with in the moment, here’s a list of 44 activities that don’t involve screens.
How Stories Teach Kids about Sin
The calling to raise children to love God and hate sin is daunting, and Christian parents should avail themselves of all the help they can get.
God wants me to learn how to wait so that I can wait well, even if my waiting continues for the rest of my life.
How to Make Yourself at Home While Awaiting Heaven
Fixing our eyes on the home that is to come will help us thrive in this world that is not our home.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Why Don’t I Fit In with My Friends?
God made you unique. He gave you particular gifts and tastes and a personality. And having confidence in the person that God made you to be is very attractive to other people.
Do You Have What It Takes to Wait Well for a Lifetime?
You feel that you simply don’t have what it takes to wait well for a lifetime. You know what? You don’t.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What If My Friends Tell Me to Do Something That Is Wrong?
So if someone tells you to do something you know that is wrong, stop and remember that you don’t have to do it. You don‘t have to give into temptation.