The Holy Spirit, Our Helper and Beautifier
Without the Holy Spirit, the church would never have been founded. Godly leaders would never have been called, believers added, gifts distributed, service rendered, or growth realized.
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The Holy Spirit, Our Helper and Beautifier
Without the Holy Spirit, the church would never have been founded. Godly leaders would never have been called, believers added, gifts distributed, service rendered, or growth realized.
The Trinity Transforms the Church into a Community of Love
Just as the church is the glorious gift of love from God the Father to Christ the Son, so the church, as the body of Christ, reflects that Trinitarian love and beauty outwardly to the world.
What Does It Mean for Jesus Christ to Be the Head of the Church?
The phrase "head of the church" is not employed to identify Christ as the head of a company or the head of some earthly organization.
Help! I Love Jesus but Not the Church
Have you given up on the church? Shift your gaze from your hurt and disappointment and behold the church through the eyes of Christ.
Is It Possible to Love Jesus but Not the Church?
People find the church ugly because their focus and their vision is on the wrong thing. It's on the wrong person, if you will. They're focused on those who make up the church: sinners.
How Does the Holy Spirit Beautify the Church?
We can't talk about the church without talking about the Holy Spirit. He is our helper. He is our beautifier.
Loving the Church for Who She Is, Not for What She Can Do for You
We get wrapped up in the organizational structure of the church and in what she can give us, what she can do for us, or even, what's in it for us.
A Blazing Light in a Dark World
The truth of Scripture upholds and sustains the church in every age and in every culture, regardless of what may be taking place outside her doors.