What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
When we peer into the word of God, we see who God is: his character is revealed to us. At the same time, we see who we are: we see ourselves in light of God’s character.
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What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
When we peer into the word of God, we see who God is: his character is revealed to us. At the same time, we see who we are: we see ourselves in light of God’s character.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Hurting and Hopeless
Be amazed at the power of Christ to transform a helpless man; but also, marvel at the love of Christ that claims rebels like this as his own.
According to Jesus, the people who are ashamed of him are those who refuse to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. They’ve considered Jesus unworthy of their devotion and obedience.
Complaining about God vs. Complaining to God
There is a difference between complaining about God and complaining to God. He wants us to trust him with our anxieties and burdens.
Help! I Find Myself Perpetually Discontent
Contentment is something that we, as Christians, must regularly work to cultivate. By not working on our contentment, we are working on our discontentment.
Why Believing That God Is Sovereign Makes All the Difference
God's sovereignty applies to our everyday lives because it assures us that he working in every circumstance.
With our course marked out for learning contentment, let’s think about how we might evaluate where we are in our own personal progress.
Beware These 4 Common Threats to Your Contentment
Culture is like a big magnet, it’s pulling on us and around us.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those with an Embarrassing Past: The Story of Tamar
While we may blush over our sin and our stories and our embarrassing past, we have a Savior who doesn't blush. He actually enters into the mess with us.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Still Sin: The Story of Peter
Our sin doesn’t put us on the sidelines for the rest of our lives. Christ forgives us and he puts us back in the game to serve him, just like Peter.
The Key to Happiness Is More Stuff . . . Right?
Our contentment is unshakeable when it is rooted in our unchanging God.
Ashamed Sinner, Unashamed Savior
God has gone through great pains to prove to us that he's not as ashamed of us as we often are of ourselves.
Why You'll Never Be Content without God
Since God is able to be completely content in himself, we are able to find contentment in him as well. We will never find true contentment with God.
Am I Sinning When I'm Not Content?
God is in control of every part of life—from the mundane to the significant. Discontentment is questioning the wisdom and sovereignty of his plans.
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Overlooked: The Story of Bartimaeus
It's not hard to feel overlooked, right? In a world this big, we can kind of just blend in and it just makes us feel, in many ways, insignificant.
Jesus Comes for Sinners and from Sinners
The point is that Jesus not only comes for sinners—that is, to die for our sins—but he comes from sinners. He identifies with sinful people like us.
What Tom Brady Can Teach Us about Contentment
He made it to the top and thought “There’s got to be more than this.”
The Family Photo of God’s Family Is a Little Surprising
Imagine if we gathered together all of the believers throughout history and lined them up for a massive family photo. Whom would we see? What kinds of people would be there?
Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Have Nothing: The Story of the Thief on the Cross
The reality is that Jesus doesn't need anything. And we see this vividly in the story of the thief on the cross.
We are often tempted to find contentment in our circumstances: If things were only going better, then I would be happy.