The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual
The way so many of us treat the Scriptures—as God's "how to" book—doesn't seem quite right when we carefully look at what its own pages say.
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The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual
The way so many of us treat the Scriptures—as God's "how to" book—doesn't seem quite right when we carefully look at what its own pages say.
Jared C. Wilson gives three big reasons you ought to give Romans careful study.
Dear Pastor . . . Your Shepherd Doesn’t Care How Big Your Church Is
What the Lord requires of us is faithfulness. And while it’s perfectly normal for every pastor to want his church to grow, it’s also idolatrous to marry our validation and our justification to our attendance.
The Idolatry of Spiritual Laziness
We can (and should) command repentance from sin, but it is grace that enables repentance and belief that accompanies it.
4 Principles for Political Engagement as a Christian
When we grasp the important contrast between the earthly and heavenly kingdoms, our hearts will direct our politics differently.
Lemuel Haynes: The Most Important American Figure That You’ve Never Heard Of
Haynes needs no modern apologies, no asterisk next to his legacy. He was a great minister of grace, worthy of great emulation.
How Should We Read Jesus's Parables?
Jesus is the embodiment of the wisdom of God—he is the Word of God—so at their center, the wisdom scenes of the parables picture the centrality and the supremacy of Christ.
3 Ways the Gospel Encourages Weary Men
Freedom from the past, power for the present, and hope for the future.
Peter writes to encourage a “mixed bag” of believers with dear but easily forgotten truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
3 Ways the Gospel Changes Every Man's Life Today
Men who taste gospel freedom can’t get enough of it, and they will push through, run, chase, and endure to the end to get to that prize already promised them before time began.
Jesus once said that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why?
Where is the gospel in Jude’s epistle? In such a compact space, we actually receive a potent portrait of the gospel.
Why Men Need to Be Transparent with Each Other
One of the best ways men can encourage each other with the gospel is simply with honesty and transparency.
How to Be a Gospel-Centered Bible Reader
To make sure that you are gospel-centered every day, look for Christ in the Scriptures.
The faithfulness needed to combat wickedness requires an experience of God’s powerful grace in the gospel.
Gospel wakefulness persists and endures, settling deep into the heart and the conscience of a believer that it carries through all emotional highs and lows.
How the Gospel Sets Us Free in Everyday Life
The message that the gospel has in terms of freedom for a man’s everyday life is really a counter-intuitive message.
Shepherd Your Flock, Not the Flock You Wish You Had
We frequently find ourselves trying to shepherd the flock of God that we want, but God through Peter commands us to shepherd the church we’ve actually got.
Gospel Wakefulness Changes our Theological Pursuit
True theology galvanizes our affections toward God, not toward theology.