10 Things You Should Know about Limited Atonement
What is the doctrine of atonement and what does it mean for us?
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10 Things You Should Know about Limited Atonement
What is the doctrine of atonement and what does it mean for us?
Does the Bible Direct Us to Have Quiet Times?
It may come as a surprise, but there is no explicit command in Scripture to have a time of worship each day, either as an individual or as a family.
Does the Bible Teach Definite Atonement?
We do not embrace definite atonement merely by looking at Bible verses here and there, but by synthesizing the Bible's comprehensive teaching on Christ's death.
The place of Advent in our calendar as being the four-week period before Christmas day on December 25 certainly lends itself to that understanding. However, while this is true, it is only half the truth.
Given that liturgy concerns the order of worship elements in a church service, it’s not whether a church has a liturgy; it’s just which liturgy the church has.
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Today
One day of structured content from the 31-day liturgical guide Be Thou My Vision to help you in your daily worship.
Mapping the Doctrine of Total Depravity
Left to ourselves, we neither want to nor can return to the God who made us, and, without the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit, we cannot know him as our heavenly Father.
God’s People Are a Forgetful People
We human beings are forgetful by nature. I do not mean in a finite sense but in a fallen sense. We forget because we choose to forget.
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Entering Holy Week
A sample day’s readings from O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, a 48-day devotional liturgy to help readers effectively prepare their hearts from Pascha (Easter) to Pentecost.
Where Do Christians Get the Doctrine of Total Depravity?
Doctrines arise out of holding together a whole number of biblical texts and then synthesizing internally related doctrines as they’ve been understood through church history.
What It Means that Christ Died for God's Elect
In the phrase definite atonement, the adjective definite does double duty. The death of Christ is definite in its intent and it's definite in its nature—Christ's death really will atone for his people's sins.
A Guide for Your Personal Worship Entering Advent
A liturgy of daily worship aims to help us worship God by meditating on the first coming of his Son while we wait for the second coming of his Son.
4 Things That Might Hinder You from Embracing Definite Atonement
The doctrine of definite atonement is a misunderstood doctrine, one that we must seek to understand more accurately and embrace more deeply.
3 Practical Applications of Definite Atonement
Definite atonement has practical applications for life and mission
Does Definite Atonement Undermine Our Zeal for Evangelism?
Christ made a definite atoning sacrifice for those whom the Father had given to him; and we are commanded to proclaim Christ indiscriminately to all people.
God’s People Are a Waiting People
As early as Eden, God’s people have been a waiting people. Following the fall of our first parents, God made a promise that permanently oriented his people toward the future.
Discovering Depth and Renewal through Daily Liturgy
If we are dissatisfied with our times of devotion with the Lord, enriching our daily liturgy can lead to renewal and rejuvenation.
What the doctrines of grace do is they show us that God is still on his throne. He's still saving people.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Christmas?
Christians care about Christmas because it marks the beginning of the gospel, the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Help! My Daily Worship Feels Stale
When we experience a time when our quiet time becomes stale, it’s easy to become discouraged, especially if we don’t know where to look for help. However, help is at hand in two ways.
Why Do We Need a Liturgy for Our Daily Worship?
It's not whether or not you're going to have a liturgy for your daily quiet time, it's just which kind of liturgy you're going to have.
One Great Encouragement to Spend Personal Time With the Lord
The Lord Jesus is the one who encourages us not just to say the Lord's Prayer together at church, but also to go to our room, to shut the door, and to pray to our Father in heaven.
How the Reformers Help Us Understand Definite Atonement
The Reformers laid the foundation, helping the next generation or two to present a mature doctrine of definite atonement.
How You Can Slow Down and Appreciate Christmas More This Year
A daily liturgy can help us by giving us the discipline to do something day after day. And a liturgy helps us with content and structure.
Why Claim Total Depravity When People Do Good All the Time?
If you study the doctrine of total depravity on its own, you may be led to think that an unbeliever cannot do any good in society— and yet, that is incongruent with our own experience of unbelievers.