How to Care for a Loved One with Depression
Although the task may seem daunting, as stewards of the greatest message of hope in history Christians are uniquely positioned to minister to those grappling with depression.
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How to Care for a Loved One with Depression
Although the task may seem daunting, as stewards of the greatest message of hope in history Christians are uniquely positioned to minister to those grappling with depression.
4 Principles for Making Critical End-of-Life Decisions
There are four key principles that arise from Christian bioethics that can practically help us when we are in emotional turmoil.
The Lord Provides—Even in Tragedy
Any good news in the hospital is a glimmer of God’s grace. Any cure reflects not the power of our own hands, but rather his provision for us.
A Biblical Understanding of Depression
On top of the burdens of despondency, hopelessness, and guilt that sufferers of depression already shoulder, too often interactions with those in the church cement fears about inadequate faith.
5 Myths about End-of-Life Care
Few things halt conversation as quickly as the topic of death, yet the stewardship of our God-given lives matters until the very end.
Depression Is a Hidden Disability
Meeting people in their grief, listening to their unique narratives, and then offering the love and teaching of Christ can serve as lifelines when the shadows descend.
How Faith in Christ Alters Our Perspective on Death
There are two main points in which Christian faith should differentiate how we approach end-of-life care.
End-of-Life Comfort Measures: A Realistic Assessment
In the right circumstances, modern critical care saves lives. Yet medical technology harbors a dark side.
What Does Depression Mean for My Faith?
Kathryn Butler speaks to some of the misconceptions about clinical depression, which can be especially challenging for those of us who are followers of Christ.
An Open Letter to the Christian Frontline Medical Worker
The work to which you’ve devoted your life can plunge you into your darkest hours, luring you into doubts about God’s love, perhaps even about his existence. Where is God in all this?
How to Pray for Christian Doctors
The demands of medicine and the spiritual burdens of long hours take their toll. Here are five ways to pray.
How Medicine Is a Means of Common Grace
Common grace prompts us especially to love one another as Christ has loved us and to pursue medicine as a ministry of mercy.
An Open Letter to the Child Facing End-of-Life Decisions for a Parent
How can you make rational medical decisions while flailing in grief? Even if you know your parent’s wishes, the burdens can feel too heavy.
Encouragement for a Fatigued Caregiver
Caregiver fatigue is real. For someone going through this, there is still hope, joy, and merit to your service.
An Open Letter to Those Suffering in the Hospital
Perhaps in the hospital bed, you try to pray but can’t find the words. The spiritual disciplines upon which you’ve depended seem oceans away.
Seeing God’s Grace in the Hospital Room
It can be really hard to remember God's love when you're working in the hospital witnessing other people's suffering, or even in the hospital as a patient yourself.
All the Very Best Stories Lead Us to Hope in the Darkness
Stories, it seems, can remind our kids that in Christ, morning will always come, no matter how deep the darkness.
Practically Caring for Others in the Midst of COVID
It behooves us all to reach out and stay connected with people who are working in the hospital right now.
2 Principles for Formulating Advance Directives
There are two important things to think about when equipping those you love how to act on your behalf.