This might sound surprising (even scandalous!), but there is no command in the Bible about having a daily quiet time.
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This might sound surprising (even scandalous!), but there is no command in the Bible about having a daily quiet time.
5 Ways You Can Nourish Your Soul with God’s Word
In this 12-minute video, Kristen Wetherell describes one method for interacting with God’s Word that is distinct from a traditional quiet time and suggests five creative ways we can use it to nourish our hungry souls.
5 Ways to Practice Scripture Meditation
Whether we are feasting with our church—a fantastic God-given means of built-in meditation alongside other hungry believers—or “snacking on” Scripture alongside our children, the point is that we feed our souls.
You and Your Toddler Teach One Another Theology
There is no distinction between the sacred and the secular; everything belongs to the Lord and is under his reign.
Spiritually Hungry? The Church Service Is Your Main Meal
We have a set-apart opportunity to breathe in God’s breathed-out words, to hear, and to believe. I want to encourage you: this matters!
Falling Behind in Your Bible Reading Plan Isn’t Your Greatest Danger
Perhaps the biggest danger in reading and studying our Bibles is to miss the whole point, which is to miss encountering Jesus, the risen Lord and Savior of us all.
Be Careful, Your Kids Are Emulating Your Works Righteousness
Salvation comes to undeserving, dead sinners as a free gift of God, not by anything we do. Yet the heart’s tendency toward works righteousness—thinking we can earn our salvation—runs deep.
What Makes God Joyful? Reflections on Joy
When it comes to joy, we are all about it. And this is not problematic; God has created us to be joy seekers. The problem is when we seek joy in the wrong places.
God’s Primary Provision for Our Spiritual Hunger
How does God intend to satisfy our spiritual hunger? He gives us his word. Matthew 4 says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
4 Feasts We Eat Every Week at Church
The primary spiritual meal of our week is before us on Sunday mornings. Through a sumptuous banquet for our hungry souls, God’s word nourishes us. Together.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: If God Speaks to Me, Why Can’t I Hear Him?
No, we can’t hear God audibly, but we can hear him speak in the sense that he has written his thoughts down for us to read and to hear in his word.
Is the Fruit of the Spirit More Like a Pie or a Tree?
Rather than picturing the Spirit’s fruit as a homemade pie that depends on its ingredients, we are to picture it as a tree. A fruitful tree is dependent on external factors to survive and thrive.
Reading the Bible Is a Discipline, Loving the Bible Is a Gift from God
Reading the Bible is an action. It's something that I do, but there is a supernatural reality going on when we open God's Word that we can't see with our eyes.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Does God Love Me More When I Obey My Mom and Dad?
Because we’re not God, our anger is imperfect anger at times, even sinful. But it doesn’t change our love for our kids.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: How Can God Hear Everyone’s Prayers at the Same Time?
Our kids can know that when they’re in their dark rooms and they’re feeling alone, God is with them. He hears their prayer when they’re at school, feeling nervous, feeling sad.
“She Is Different”: Reflections on Peace
Peace describes the heart that knows it is safe in God. The third virtue of the fruit of the Spirit is all about what God’s love and joy have accomplished for his people—“peace with God” (Rom. 5:10).
The False Guilt We Feel When Our Quiet Time Falls Short
There is no command in the Bible to have a daily quiet time—not as we think about it. God wants us to prioritize Jesus and spending time getting to know who he is through the power of his Spirit.