3 Ways That Scriptural Leadership Differs from Secular Leadership
R. Scott Pace,
Jim Shaddix
Preaching is inherently a form of leadership. But in order for our preaching to qualify as scriptural leadership, we must be careful to exercise it according to biblical standards rather than worldly principles.
A Misguided Pastoral Motive
R. Scott Pace,
Jim Shaddix
While it may sound strange, we must understand that leadership is not the ultimate goal or standard of success when it comes to gospel ministry.
Dear Pastor, Avoid the Common Pitfall That Will Sabotage Your Ministry
R. Scott Pace,
Jim Shaddix
In seeking to be good stewards of God’s truth and his church, we must be mindful of the common pitfalls that can undermine our efforts to lead well.
Dear Pastor . . . Your Leadership Is Needed in the Pulpit
R. Scott Pace,
Jim Shaddix
Pastor, the work of shepherding God’s people naturally involves and requires good leadership. There’s no more important place for that to happen than in your preaching ministry every week.
Times When Pastoral Leadership Begins to Unravel
R. Scott Pace
Some of the greatest challenges that pastors face right now are through subtle leadership issues. When we’re guarding our hearts and lives, what should we make sure we don’t drift into?
Why Preaching Is the Number One Way a Pastor Leads
R. Scott Pace
Preaching has to be the first way we lead as pastors, in one sense, because it’s inherent within our position, within our role.
How Expositional Leadership Helps a Church Through Times of Tragedy
R. Scott Pace
Expositional leadership is important from a congregational level because there are going to be constant changes—not just in individual’s lives, but also in the life of the church.