'Theistic evolution' actually can be a number of different distinct ideas because the term 'evolution' can have a number of distinct definitions.
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'Theistic evolution' actually can be a number of different distinct ideas because the term 'evolution' can have a number of distinct definitions.
How Christianity Gave Rise to Modern Science
Science actually got started in a very explicitly theistic—indeed Christian—milieu.
DNA 101: How It Works and Why It's Astounding
The ultimate question in the origin of life is the question of where information comes from.
The Surprising Limits of Natural Selection
The mechanisms that theistic evolutionists propose are the means by which God created are themselves demonstratively not creative. That’s a big problem—a scientific problem.
Rejecting Theistic Evolution ≠ Embracing a God of the Gaps
A God of the gaps argument is an argument that has a formal, logical structure. Logic is known as an argument from ignorance—an informal fallacy.
Does Theistic Evolution Lead to Open Theism?
Not all, but certain forms of theistic evolution theologically lead to the open theism perspective.