‘Seinfeld’ Showed Me How We Got Here and Why I Don’t Care
The paradox of apathy is that we are captivated by the things we don’t really care about and are lukewarm to the things that, in our heart of hearts, mean the most to us.
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‘Seinfeld’ Showed Me How We Got Here and Why I Don’t Care
The paradox of apathy is that we are captivated by the things we don’t really care about and are lukewarm to the things that, in our heart of hearts, mean the most to us.
Help! I’ve Stopped Caring about the Things of God
I imagine all Christians sometimes feel like we don’t love God enough, don’t read our Bibles enough, don’t pray enough, don’t evangelize enough, and so forth. And there’s a sense in which we are largely correct.
Is there something great or small you’re currently grieving? Have you processed that grief before God or other people? Is this grief making you numb?
Excited about Christmas, Less So about Christ
As Christians, we sometimes find ourselves excited about Christian things, but surprisingly indifferent to Christ.
Passionate about the Trivial and Apathetic about the Vital
The paradox of apathy is that, for the spiritually apathetic, there is an inverse relationship between the greatness of a truth and our emotional and practical response to it.
Is Doubt the Backstory Behind Your Apathy?
While I am consoled somewhat by the fact that doubts are normal and potentially formative, they still feel like what Lewis calls an emotional “blitz” on my belief.