Crossway Flood Update: Help Still Needed

Dear Friends of Crossway,
You may have recently heard from us about the flood at Crossway and its impact on our ministry. Last week, we reached out to ask for help at this challenging time, and we wanted to send this update on our progress.
Over 1200 people have responded to offer prayer and gifts of support. These gifts have enabled us to reach 53% of our goal, which was to raise $360,000 by May 31st so that we could pursue necessary repairs and maintain progress with key ministry initiatives. We're humbled and encouraged by the Lord's provision and the response so far, but still have a significant way to go.
Below is a message from our president, Lane Dennis, on the recovery needs:
As you may have heard, a flood recently swept through Crossway's headquarters. About two feet of water poured into our 32 first-floor offices due to unrelenting rains. The damage was extensive and repairs and rebuilding will take five or six months. You can see the damage here in this video.
More important, however, is the impact this could have on major ministry projects that we have planned.
As a not-for-profit ministry, Crossway is not only committed to publishing the ESV Bible and gospel-centered content, but also to providing God's Word to hundreds of thousands of people overseas, either free or at a substantially reduced cost. Because of the recent flood, however, some of these international ministry efforts are now at risk.
That’s why I'm writing to you — first, to ask for your prayers at this critical moment; and, second, to ask (if the Lord should lead you) for a gift of support. Your gift will help us cover three things: (1) the portion of the damage not covered by insurance, and (2) the installation of new safeguards to flood-proof our building. But most importantly (3) your gift will help ensure that crucial Bible ministry projects can continue to advance.
I would be deeply grateful to you if you are able to help us at this critical time. Specifically, we need your help to raise $360,000 by the end of our fiscal year, May 31st. Your support will make it possible especially for us to continue moving forward with the following priority projects:
- Translation costs for the ESV Chinese Study Bible to be published in Mainland China
- Printing costs for 60,000 copies of the Chinese-English ESV bi-lingual Bible, also for publication and distribution in Mainland China
- Completion and global distribution of the ESV Gospel Transformation Bible this fall
- Development of the Knowing the Bible studies, to be offered free digitally worldwide
Though we don't know exactly how the Lord will use these events for his kingdom and for his glory, we are confident in his grace and mercy and in his gracious provision for the work he has called us to do – trusting his words in Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
With my great appreciation for your prayers and support,
Lane T. Dennis, PhD
Your willingness to stand with us today will help Crossway recover and carry forward our not-for-profit ministry and our strategic efforts to reach the world with the gospel and the truth of God's Word.