Crossway+ Special: 50–55% Off ‘Strange New World’ Suite

Help Your Church Understand This Strange New World
In Strange New World, Carl Trueman identifies the historical, philosophical, and technological influences that have shaped present-day identity politics and teaches believers how to shift their modern understanding of personhood to a biblical perspective.
Each chapter ends with thought-provoking application questions, making this a perfect resource for small-group study and individuals who want to get a better grasp on the rapidly changing world around them and who are seeking cultural analysis from a Christian perspective.
Starting today and running through April 20, 2022, Crossway+ members receive 50% off 1–9 copies or 55% off 10 or more copies of any of the following titles in the Strange New World suite:
During this time the Strange New World Video Study will also be available for 50% off in DVD format or as a digital download.
As always, Crossway+ members can also purchase any ebook or audiobook for 50% off and receive free shipping to the contiguous US on all orders of $30 or more.
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From Philosophy to Technology, Tracing the Origin of Identity Politics
How did the world arrive at its current, disorienting state of identity politics, and how should the church respond? Historian Carl R. Trueman shows how influences ranging from traditional institutions to technology and pornography moved modern culture toward an era of “expressive individualism.” Investigating philosophies from the Romantics, Nietzsche, Marx, Wilde, Freud, and the New Left, he outlines the history of Western thought to the distinctly sexual direction of present-day identity politics, providing readers with a clearer understanding of the modern implications of these ideas on religion, free speech, and issues related to personal identity. For readers of Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, this new book offers a more concise presentation and application of some of the most critical topics of our day.
Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution
Retail Price: $17.99
Crossway+: $9.00 (1–9 copies), $8.10 (10 or more copies)
Strange New World Study Guide
Retail Price: $11.99
Crossway+: $6.00 (1–9 copies), $5.40 (10 or more copies)
Strange New World Video Study
Digital Download
Retail Price: $22.99
Crossway+: $11.50
Retail Price: $29.99
Crossway+: $15.00
Available Bundles
Strange New World Book and Study Guide
Retail Price: $27.99
Crossway+: $14.00 (1–9 copies), $12.60 (10 or more copies)
Strange New World Study Guide and DVD
Retail Price: $39.99
Crossway+: $20.00 (1–9 copies), $18.00 (10 or more copies)
Strange New World Book, Study Guide, and DVD
Retail Price: $49.99
Crossway+: $25.00 (1–9 copies), $22.50 (10 or more copies)
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution
Retail Price: $34.99
Crossway+: $17.50 (1–9 copies), $15.75 (10 or more copies)