Dear Christian, If Heaven Is Real, Then Your Life Isn’t Meaningless

Significance in the Ordinary

I think a lot of people really struggle with finding meaning in normal life because most people don’t have glamorous lives that are super exciting. For most people, life is going to a job that might not be inspiring, changing diapers, cleaning your house, paying your bills, or weeding your garden. And so I think a ton of people really struggle with thinking, What’s the point of all this?

As a result, a lot of people are just either living for the weekend, living for the next vacation, or living for retirement. When you have a heavenly mindset and you realize that there is reward and significance in anything we do for the glory of Lord and that it’s of eternal significance, that means that just the basic, day in and day out things that we do—things like changing diapers, washing the dishes for your spouse, calling someone to encourage them, praying for a person—all of these things have eternal significance.


Cameron Cole

Pastor Cameron Cole shares his personal story of grief, as well as the apostle Paul’s theology of heaven in Scripture, to show how heavenly mindedness transforms the daily lives of Christians.

And so that means that if you are working the cash register at McDonald’s, if you’re changing oil, or if you’re a student and you’re going to school and you’re wondering, Why is it that I have to study geometry?—it all has significance in God’s eternal economy.

And so when we have a heavenly mindset and we realize that we’ll go before the judgment seat of Christ and that there will be a reward, it means that every single day matters. Everything we do unto the Lord is significant. That is an inspiring and life-giving mindset that brings incredible meaning to ordinary life.

Cameron Cole is the author of Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change Your Life on Earth.

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