Does God Really Care about My Job?
Reflecting Our God in Our Work
He does care about your job because he cares about you, and he has given you a calling of extending his kingdom, his name, and his glory into the place that you work. How do I know that? Because you and I are made in the image of God. And if you think about what that means, it doesn’t mean that we are God, but we are made to reflect him.
I think at times about what it means to be made in God’s image. You think about the little kid who’s got the toy lawn mower who is trailing after his dad on the super charged mower that’s cutting the lawn. There’s a sense in which the child with the toy mower is not doing the same job as his dad, but there’s an unmistakable reflection. You recognize that what the child is doing reflects his father.
Grace at Work
Bryan Chapell
Author and pastor Bryan Chapell shares what the Bible teaches about work and how the gospel makes our jobs instruments of his grace.
When we are doing our job—not as a toy, but doing the things that actually matter—we are reflecting God himself. We are made in his image. And our job, as it were, is reflecting him but also fulfilling his mission. That may seem strange when we think missionaries and pastors are the ones doing the mission of God. But every single one of us is called by God to fulfill his purposes in the world and to reflect him.
So our jobs are important because they are a primary place that we are reflecting our God in what we do and how we do it.
Bryan Chapell is the author of Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job.
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