Family Worship 101: Day 5

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In our final video, Don Whitney summarizes the three key elements of family worship and shares a few practical things to keep in mind for the future.

From the video:

The famous British preacher Charles Spurgeon concurs that these three things should be the elements of family worship: "I agree with Matthew Henry when he says, 'They that pray in the family do well; they that pray and read the Scriptures do better; but they that pray, and read, and sing do best of all.' There is a completeness in that kind of family worship which is much to be desired."

Things to Keep In Mind

  1. Be brief. Otherwise the experience can become tedious. A good average time to read the Bible, pray, and sing is roughly 10 minutes, perhaps less if you have very small children. It is usually easy to lengthen the time if the occasion seems to be especially meaningful and family members are asking questions.
  2. Be consistent. Try to have a regular time each day for family worship. For some people it works best early in the morning before the family scatters. For others, the most convenient time is at the close of the evening meal. Another popular time for family worship is late in the evening or just before bedtime.
  3. Be flexible. Whatever time you choose, consider the wisdom of adapting a time when the family is already accustomed to being together, rather than trying to create another routine gathering during the day. Every family has to flex its worship time occasionally. Just be careful that your flexibility does not lead to inconsistency.

God deserves to be worshiped daily in your home by your family.

Learn more about Don Whitney's new book, Family Worship.

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