February 2021 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month. Titles include The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World by Brett McCraken and the ESV Panorama New Testament.
The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World
With the quick tap of a finger we can access an endless stream of addictive information—sports scores, breaking news, political opinions, streaming TV, the latest Instagram posts, and much more. Accessing information has never been easier—but acquiring wisdom is increasingly difficult.
In an effort to help us consume a more balanced, healthy diet of information, Brett McCracken has created the “Wisdom Pyramid.” Inspired by the food pyramid model, the Wisdom Pyramid challenges us to increase our intake of enduring, trustworthy sources (like the Bible) while moderating our consumption of less reliable sources (like the Internet and social media). At a time when so much of our daily media diet is toxic and making us spiritually sick, The Wisdom Pyramid suggests that we become healthy and wise when we reorient our lives around God—the foundation of truth and the eternal source of wisdom.
“The foolishness of the world sometimes feels overwhelming. The Wisdom Pyramid lifts that fog away, revealing just how full God’s world is with goodness, truth, and beauty. By turning to these sources, in proper order, the wise will find folly fading into the background, and the world will look like—and be—a different place. Wisdom, as this book reminds us, is right there in front of us if only we will turn our eyes upon it.”
—Karen Swallow Prior, Research Professor of English and Christianity and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, On Reading Well
The Person of Christ: An Introduction
Some people think of Jesus as a great prophet or a wise philosopher; others see him as an important religious leader or even a revolutionary. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Stephen Wellum challenges these claims as he argues for the divinity of Jesus according to Scripture and in line with creedal Christianity. In this brief introduction, we are invited to rejoice in the centrality of Christ—who as both God and man reconciles us to God.
“Stephen Wellum distills years of reflection and scholarly writing on Christology into an easy-to-read form. In brief compass, he leads the reader through the biblical foundations for the doctrine of Christ’s person and work and then through the historical debates in which the language of Christological orthodoxy was forged and refined. There is deep material here, but Wellum has a gift for expressing even the most subtle of theological issues with clarity and conciseness.”
—Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College
Practicing Thankfulness: Cultivating a Grateful Heart in All Circumstances
What we believe about God is evident in how we exhibit thankfulness for all he has done. In this book, pastor Sam Crabtree encourages us to express glad-hearted thankfulness for God’s unending provision in all circumstances. Through the daily practices of expressing gratitude—saying “thank you” to a neighbor, serving others in practical ways, or simply thanking God for his many gifts—we recognize the absolute and total lordship of God and his sovereignty over all things.
“After more than fifty years living as a quadriplegic, I can definitely say that godly gratitude is the key to contentment. This remarkable work provides thorough biblical support as to how God-focused gratitude alters a Christian’s orientation to himself, to others, and ultimately to the Lord himself. The pages are filled with practical guidelines to help a believer seize every life situation as a powerful opportunity to cultivate a glad and thankful heart.”
—Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage
The topic of divorce is a complicated one, even among Christians. The Bible provides some clear answers, but gray areas remain. In this short booklet, theologian Wayne Grudem offers a thought-provoking analysis of what the Bible says—and doesn’t say—about divorce and remarriage.
“Fresh contributions to the longstanding debate over divorce and remarriage are rare. The relevant biblical texts have been picked over for centuries, and the lines of debate have hardened. And yet, somehow, Wayne Grudem has given us that rare, fresh insight into the Bible that changes everything. Grudem affirms the traditional Erasmian view, which allows for divorce and remarriage in cases of sexual immorality and desertion. But he also shows—based on new research on 1 Corinthians 7:15—that divorce and remarriage are permitted in cases of abuse as well. Grudem offers compassionate, biblical advice to those wrestling with the ethics of divorce. Anyone who wishes to understand what the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage must reckon with this book.”
—Denny Burk, author, What Is the Meaning of Sex?
What the Bible Says about Birth Control, Infertility, Reproductive Technology, and Adoption
Advances in technology offer couples wanting to have children more options than ever before—fertility treatment methods; prefertilization genetic screening; and embryo adoption. With all of these options available, plus the blessing of adoption, it can be difficult for Christian couples to determine which to consider when the Bible doesn’t give explicit direction. Wayne Grudem applies biblical truth and ethical reasoning to help Christians navigate these questions as they seek to live out God’s word in an ever-changing society.
“As a physician and medical educator, I’ve seen patients and medical students struggle with the issues addressed in this book. Wayne Grudem’s work presents a perfect blend of ethical, moral, technical, and biblical approaches to these critical topics. It will provide understandable guidance for health-care professionals as well as the general public.”
—Jacqueline Chadwick, MD, family physician; medical educator
The Heart of Anger: How the Bible Transforms Anger in Our Understanding and Experience
Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley
We all struggle with anger at times: Our plans suddenly fall through, we lose a prized possession, or our reputation is called into question. More often than not, when anger knocks at the doors of our hearts we easily allow it to take over. But what if getting to the heart of our anger also reveals the way to transform it?
Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley address this question by bringing to bear what the whole Bible has to say about sinful anger—revealing that anger is the sinful response when something we value more than God is taken away or threatened. They reflect on biblical portraits of human anger, God’s righteous anger, and how only the gospel of Jesus Christ brings true freedom—transforming a heart of anger into a heart filled with the love of God.
“I found myself jotting down quote after quote as I read through this book filled with so much insight into the Scriptures, as well as insight into human behavior. Then I came to the question, ‘What can Christ do for our anger that anger management courses cannot?’ and in the pages that followed, I realized I had just struck gold—gospel hope for those who recognize the damage anger is doing in their lives and relationships and their need of a source outside themselves to deal with it.”
—Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
Corporate Worship: How the Church Gathers as God's People
Christians worship God at church every week, but many don’t know exactly what worship is or why they do it. For some, it’s a warm-up for the sermon. For others, it’s a “me-and-Jesus” moment. What is the biblically informed way to view corporate worship?
In this book, Matt Merker shows that corporate worship is the gathering of God’s people by his grace, for his glory, for their good, and before a watching world. He offers biblical insights and practical suggestions for making worship what it truly is meant to be: a foretaste of God’s people worshiping together for eternity in the new creation.
“Matt shows pastors, music leaders, and all of us how to keep our focus on the Bible’s priorities for corporate worship: God’s glory, the church’s growth, and proclaiming the gospel to the world. As Matt himself says, you do not need to agree with every specific application for this volume to be a major help in planning and preparing for the Sunday service. Rather, this book reminds us all to rediscover the wonderful reality that God gathers us together as a united body to hear his word and sing his praise.”
—Keith and Kristyn Getty, hymn writers; recording artists; authors, Sing! How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter (Redesign)
From architecture to jewelry, the symbol of the cross is commonplace in our society. But how many of us truly appreciate the depth of meaning behind it? This collection of readings edited by Nancy Guthrie draws from the writings and sermons of twenty-five classic and contemporary theologians such as Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, John Piper, and Joni Eareckson Tada, inviting us to focus on the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice.
ESV Panorama New Testament (Cloth over Board, Gray)
The ESV Panorama New Testament is designed for readers to engage with large sections of Scripture. By significantly expanding the size of each page while maintaining a more typical type size, this edition provides an optimal reading experience for those interested in viewing many of the New Testament books in their entirety on a panoramic, two-page spread. The unique layout features generous spacing between each line, which assists readers as they identify and mark repeated words or themes. This large-format New Testament is ideal for personal use, inductive Bible study, sermon preparation, and college and seminary classes.
ESV Gospel of John (Paperback, Black)
The Gospel of John has always been one of the most-read books of the Bible, and this special paperback edition makes it easy to share with others. It includes a short gospel presentation, the ESV text of the Gospel of John, and favorite verses from this Bible book.
ESV Student Study Bible (TruTone, Black and Hardcover, Flowers Design)
The ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the ESV Study Bible and is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word—who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life.
With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous other features—including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and 10 topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich student Bible available today.