February 2023 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Evangelical Pharisees by Michael Reeves and Social Conservatism for the Common Good by Andrew T. Walker.
Evangelical Pharisees: The Gospel as Cure for the Church’s Hypocrisy
In this clear, compelling call to spiritual reformation, Michael Reeves helps believers reject pharisaism and embrace gospel integrity. Studying 3 essentials of Christian doctrine that the Pharisees misunderstood—their approach to Scripture, understanding of salvation, and disregard of regeneration—Reeves shows readers how to embrace a biblical, Trinitarian, and creedal understanding of the gospel necessary for true reformation.
“Jesus warned us about becoming like the Pharisees, and Michael Reeves reminds us in this winsome and penetrating book that we need to heed that warning today. We all are prone to trusting in ourselves and longing for the praise of people instead of resting and delighting in the gospel of God’s grace. We never move beyond the gospel or the need to repent of our self-dependence, and thus this book is a spiritual tonic for our souls.”
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
5 Puritan Women: Portraits of Faith and Love
In 5 Puritan Women: Portraits of Faith and Love, Jenny-Lyn de Klerk shows how the lives and writings of Christian women encourage the beauty of holy living and provide practical wisdom for the home and the church. Each chapter portrays a different Puritan woman—Agnes Beaumont, Lucy Hutchinson, Mary Rich, Anne Bradstreet, and Lady Brilliana Harley—telling their stories of devotion, lament, and family. By studying their faith journeys, modern readers can learn more about their roles in church history and glean insights into the Christian life.
“In 5 Puritan Women, Jenny-Lyn de Klerk introduces us to five faithful saints who have gone before us. As you get to know these women through the pages of this book, you will feel as though you have met five new friends. Through their words and stories, they will instruct, strengthen, and encourage you in your faith. So grab a warm drink, sit down with your new friends, and let them spur you on to love God and live a faithful, beautiful life.”
—Courtney Doctor, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; Bible teacher; author, From Garden to Glory and In View of God’s Mercies
Social Conservatism for the Common Good: A Protestant Engagement with Robert P. George
In this thorough introduction and careful analysis of George’s work for Protestant audiences, editor Andrew T. Walker gathers essays from high profile evangelical writers and academics—including Carl R. Trueman, Hunter Baker, Jennifer Marshall Patterson, and Scott Klusendorf—to explore subjects such as faith and reason, George’s New Natural Law theory, and how to collaborate across ideological lines. Social Conservatism for the Common Good helps Christian evangelicals understand George’s philosophy and apply it to their own cultural engagement and public witness.
“Everything about this book is wonderful: the contributors, the essays they’ve written, the topics they address, and their main subject, Robert P. George. Social Conservatism for the Common Good is a must-read for any believing Christian interested in bringing faith and reason together to advance human dignity, human flourishing, and human rights.”
—Ryan T. Anderson, President, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Does It Matter What I Believe?
In this addition to the Church Questions series, Samuel James addresses how doctrine influences every area of life for the believer. Many individuals know that their beliefs matter in certain areas of life, such as politics, but don't always understand how key biblical principles like the Trinity, ecclesiology, and the atonement should shape their everyday lives. It is easy to think that doctrine is only for theologians, but in reality, it is essential for everyone—humanity was created to know the truth about God, themselves, and the world.
“Where can we Christians find reliable answers to our common questions about life together at church—without having to plow through long, expensive books? The Church Questions booklets meet our need with answers that are biblical, thoughtful, and practical. For pastors, this series will prove a trustworthy resource for guiding church members toward deeper wisdom and stronger unity.”
—Ray Ortlund, President, Renewal Ministries
The God Who Judges and Saves: A Theology of 2 Peter and Jude
In this addition to the New Testament Theology series, Matthew S. Harmon examines the unique themes of 2 Peter and Jude as well as their common ground, addressing topics such as false teaching, God’s authority, and the new heavens and the new earth. Analyzing the historical and biblical context of both books, Harmon helps readers understand how these key themes apply to them today—giving Christians comfort and motivation in the face of serious challenges and opposition to the gospel.
“Set in the broader theological context of Scripture, Matthew Harmon usefully summarizes the main theological contributions of these neglected letters. He outlines the considerable theological overlap in the books at the same time as he highlights the distinctive emphases of each letter.”
—Douglas J. Moo, Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College
The Freedom of a Christian: A New Translation
Originally published in 1520, The Freedom of a Christian is one of Martin Luther’s most well-known and enduring treatises. In it, the German Reformer examines Christian ethics and how justification by faith alone impacts the liberty of believers. He famously writes, “A Christian is a free lord of everything and subject to no one. A Christian is a willing servant of everything and subject to everyone.” Luther also further develops ideas and doctrines that were key to the Reformation, such as the priesthood of all believers and union with Christ.
“True ‘classics’ are more than timeless; they are works of exceptional insight and power. These beautiful booklets put before us works that fully deserve the label. Wise, Christ-centered, and full of gospel comfort, they are treasures that will enlarge both the mind and the soul of all who heed them.”
—Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology; author, Rejoice and Tremble and Gospel People
Selected Sermons
Selected Sermons features 4 rarely published sermons, along with a biography of Haynes. In “Universal Salvation,” he preaches on the reality of hell and the character of Satan. “A Sermon on John 3:3” explores Jesus’s command to be born again. “The Character and Work of a Spiritual Watchman Described” details qualifications for gospel ministers, and in “Liberty Further Extended,” he presents a biblical argument against slavery and oppression. This collection of Haynes’s sermons offers readers robust spiritual insight and a closer look at an extraordinary figure in church history.
“We followers of Christ are not always good these days at hearing the wisdom of godly voices from the past. This series of historic writings provides an accessible, beautiful way for us to listen. You can read one of these small treasures in an hour—and the benefits will be large. These writers call us to gospel truth and gospel life in Christ. Hearing their voices is good for our souls.”
—Kathleen Nielson, author; speaker