February 2024 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Questioning Faith by Randy Newman and a new edition of The Biggest Story Bible Storybook featuring a TruTone cover.
Questioning Faith: Indirect Journeys of Belief through Terrains of Doubt
After 40 years listening to hundreds of people’s stories of faith, Randy Newman has come to see that answering spiritual questions usually involves a series of twists and turns, not a direct ascent from one belief to another. Our political view, family background, understanding of sexuality, and religious background all play a part in our faith journeys. If you or a friend are navigating terrains of doubt, you’ll find Newman to be a faithful guide. He’ll help you sort through your many questions and find solid answers.
“l found this book riveting, not least because Randy Newman has given so much of his life to really hearing people’s stories. He has listened to their questions and is deeply engaged with their convictions and emotions. The result is a book that profoundly and humanely engages with what is going on beneath the surface in our culture.”
—Rico Tice, Cofounder, Christianity Explored; author, Capturing God; Finding More; and The Ultimate Christmas Wishlist
Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and for Christ
Jason DeRouchie helps Christians delight in the books of the Old Testament and read them the way God intended—as relevant parts of Christian Scripture. This accessible guide stresses the need to keep Christ at the center and to account for the progress of salvation history when applying the Old Testament today. It helps Christians interpret the Old Testament, see how it testifies to Jesus, believe that Jesus secured every divine promise, and understand how Jesus makes Moses’s law still matter. By more strongly comprehending Old Testament teachings and how they relate to the New, Christians will better enjoy the Old Testament itself and increasingly understand all that Jesus came to fulfill.
“This book will change the way you read the Old and the New Testaments. Beyond this, if you are a pastor or teacher, this book will change the way you preach and teach from the Old and the New Testaments. Thankfully, while Jason DeRouchie’s ideas are big, the words and the chapters are not. I will joyfully wear out my copy.”
—Tom Kelby, President, Hands to the Plow Ministries; President, Table Fellowship Churches
Empowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church
In Empowered Witness, author Alan D. Strange examines the doctrine of the spirituality of the church, making a clear distinction between the functions of the church and other institutions. Strange argues that if the church continues to push political agendas, no institution will be focused solely on the Great Commission and the gospel will be lost entirely. This book calls readers to become aware of the church’s power and limits and shed light on moral issues in a way that doesn’t alter the deeply spiritual and gospel-centered mission of the church.
“The fruit of deep reflection over many years, this book by Alan Strange offers the wisdom we need now more than ever. Christ is building his church—his way—and Empowered Witness points us in the right direction.”
—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
The Biggest Story Bible Storybook (TruTone)
Beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation, DeYoung provides engaging retellings of various Bible stories, explaining how they fit into the overarching storyline. Each reading is coupled with beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark and concludes with a reflective prayer. Perfect for bedtime stories or to read together as a family, both children and parents alike will experience afresh the captivating story of the Bible in an easy-to-understand, compelling way. This gift edition of the Biggest Story Bible Storybook features a stylish, long-lasting TruTone cover.
“Families need the Bible more than ever. This A+ version for kids will capture their imaginations and call their hearts to the Father. And I’m confident The Biggest Story Bible Storybook will do the same for any parent who reads these beautifully illustrated pages out loud to their children.”
—Dennis and Barbara Rainey, Cofounders, FamilyLife
Colossians: Fullness of Life in Christ
This 10-week Bible study for women explores Colossians verse by verse to help readers understand how the Christian life is meant to be lived through the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Written for individuals or groups, author Lydia Brownback provides conversational teaching, practical application questions, and additional recommended resources to help women live Christ-centered lives focused on the hope of the gospel and the person of Jesus Christ.
“The brilliant and beautiful mix of sound teaching, helpful charts, lists, sidebars, and appealing graphics—as well as insightful questions that get the reader into the text of Scripture—make these studies that women will want to invest time in and will look back on as time well spent.”
—Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age: The 1978 Lectures
In these never-before-published lectures, originally given at Reformed Bible College and Moore College in 1978, renowned theologian J. I. Packer tackles common objections to Christianity—including secular humanism, pluralism, and universalism. By studying the evangelistic efforts of Paul and the early church, Packer skillfully preaches the glory of Christ crucified and helps students, pastors, and believers share their faith in an age of skepticism.
“J. I. Packer set a high standard for proclaiming the gospel of Christ. His arguments were gracious but never cowardly, strong but never strident, faithful but never repetitive. Now with the publication of his 1978 lectures, we are all enriched more deeply for ‘the defense and confirmation of the gospel’ (Phil. 1:7) in our generation.”
—Ray Ortlund, President, Renewal Ministries