February 2020 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month. Titles include Sanctification by John MacArthur, Living for God by Mark Jones, and the ESV Seek and Find Bible.
With All Your Heart: Orienting Your Mind, Desires, and Will toward Christ
The Bible commands believers to “love the Lord with all your heart.” But with sinful and fickle hearts, how can they possibly obey that command? The heart, a term used all over the Bible, is a complex reality that captures the totality of a person’s inner nature. This book explores the three capacities of the heart (knowing, loving, and choosing), explaining how each is redeemed through the threefold office of Christ (prophet, priest, and king). As readers comprehend the heart as the source of all their thoughts, fears, words, and actions, they will discover principles and practices for orienting their hearts to truly love and obey God with all that they are.
“So much depends on a clear, Scriptural understanding of ourselves, and Troxel—a pastor and instructor of pastors—has given us just that.”
—Ed Welch, Counselor and Faculty Member, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
Big Theology for Little Hearts (Series)
Devon and Jessica Robyn Provencher
Big Theology for Little Hearts is a board book series for children ages 1–5 that teaches key Christian truths in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Each book introduces a big idea from the Bible with concise definitions and engaging illustrations to help young minds gain a foundational understanding of God’s word. As each book’s topic builds on the previous one, children can develop a cohesive framework of theology that includes God, creation, humanity, Jesus, and the gospel—allowing parents to start having crucial conversations with their children as early as possible.
The first book in the series—God—lays a foundation for understanding who God is, defining 10 words that describe God so children know what to believe and how to follow him. The second book—Jesus—helps children understand important truths about Jesus as God, King, rescuer, priest, and prophet, and how he came to earth to atone for our sins and defeat death once and for all. The third book—The Gospel—tells children why they need to be forgiven of their sins, what Jesus has done for them on the cross, and how they can respond to the gospel and receive eternal life.
“In Big Theology for Little Hearts, Devon and Jessica Provencher have provided an incredibly helpful resource for teaching your children about God and his gospel.”
—Greg Gilbert, Senior Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky
Sanctification: God's Passion for His People
This book points to the primary aim of pastoral ministry: the sanctification of God’s people. Drawing on John 17 and Titus 2:11–15, veteran pastor John MacArthur makes the case that God’s passion for his people is their sanctification, defined as “the process of fighting for full joy and not selling out for a cheap substitute along the pathway.” He describes 3 hindrances to sanctification (heresy, complacency, and culture) and shows pastors how to work toward the sanctification of their members. Pastors and church leaders will see how, through preaching and discipleship, they can help their members be conformed to Christ.
“Saturated with Scripture, straightforward, and easy to understand, MacArthur’s words show what the Bible teaches about sanctification and how it applies both to the individual Christian and to the local church.”
—Donald S. Whitney, Associate Dean and Professor of Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, Family Worship; Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life; and Praying the Bible
The Future of Orthodox Anglicanism
Gerald McDermott (Editor)
Anglicanism is the fastest growing Christian communion in the world today. It is attracting evangelicals who hunger for connections to the early church and for mystery, sacraments, and liturgy. But many people, even Anglicans themselves, don’t really understand what sets today’s Anglicanism apart from some of its history and distinguishes it from other Christian denominations. In 11 essays by leading Anglican scholars representing perspectives from East Africa, North Africa, and North America, this book clarifies what distinguishes Anglicanism from both Roman Catholicism and other denominations, reflecting on the tradition’s rich legacy in the past while offering a winsome proposal for the future.
“Warm kudos to Gerald McDermott for skillfully bringing together these insightful essays from across orthodox Anglicanism.”
—Hans Boersma, Chair, Order of St. Benedict Servants of Christ Endowed Professorship in Ascetical Theology, Nashotah House Theological Seminary
Living for God: A Short Introduction to the Christian Faith
What difference should doctrine make on our day-to-day Christian life? This book summarizes Christianity in 5 core truths—the Trinity, the Son of God, the Spirit, the church, and heaven and hell—to show how theology is intended to bring people closer to God. Drawing from writers throughout church history—particularly St. Augustine, Richard Baxter, and C. S. Lewis—this book summarizes the building blocks of “pure Christianity” and how they shape minds, hearts, and actions, so readers can know simply and concisely what it means to live for God.
“Mark Jones’s helpful discussion of these major elements of the Christian faith demonstrates his point, shared with C. S. Lewis, that the best resources for devotion to Christ are found in substantial theological investigation conducted under the authority of Scripture.”
—Robert Letham, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology
What Is the Gospel? Study Guide
Greg Gilbert’s best-selling book What Is the Gospel? has sold over 250,000 copies, helping Christians and non-Christians alike gain a clear understanding of the central message of God’s word. This study guide was created to further help readers answer this important question and apply the gospel to their lives. Reflection questions, along with summaries and key Scripture passages for every chapter, empower readers to explain the gospel in their own words and apply the truths found in the book. Intended for small groups, one-on-one studies, or individual use, this study guide works alongside What Is the Gospel? to help readers center every part of their lives around the good news of the gospel.
“Greg Gilbert is someone I have had the honor and privilege of teaching and who is now teaching me. This little book on the gospel is one of the clearest and most important books I’ve read in recent years.”
—Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; President, 9Marks
ESV Seek and Find Bible
This full-color children’s Bible for ages 5–9 combines the complete ESV Bible text with 130 retellings of major Bible stories alongside vibrant illustrations. Each Bible story is clearly summarized for young readers, directs them to where to find the story in the Bible text, and also includes a key verse to memorize, related Bible readings for discovering more of the story throughout the Bible, and simple questions for families to help children begin to understand and apply God’s word. Colorful icons make it easy for young readers to see where each story is found in Scripture and to locate the illustration that goes with it. The ESV Seek and Find Bible is the perfect first Bible for young readers, and a wonderful resource for families to use together.
“Our family is excited for the rerelease of the ESV Seek and Find Bible and its vision to put the 130 retellings in the context of the full book of Scripture. We pray that having it all in one place will help our daughters transition from the retellings to the real tellings they will lean on their whole lives.”
—David Mathis, Executive Editor, desiringGod.org; Pastor, Cities Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota; author, Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines