First Look: ESV Following Jesus Bible

First Look
We're excited about the upcoming ESV Following Jesus Bible––a new edition to help kids ages 8–12 understand and enjoy God's Word. Ideal for the years between a children's Bible and the more advanced ESV Student Study Bible, the Following Jesus Bible will help kids learn more about the Christian faith and teach them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
The ESV Following Jesus Bible is scheduled for publication on March 31, and is available now for pre-order.
Download the exclusive preview below for a sneak peak of the interior and features:

What Leaders Are Saying
"The Bible is for children too—and in many ways for children especially since Jesus tells us that those who come to him must come as little children. The Following Jesus Bible doesn't patronize children with low expectations but addresses them as fellow followers of and joint heirs with Christ. I look forward to using this Bible extensively with my children. I recommend it highly."
Russell D. Moore, President, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
"As the mother of an 8 year old boy, I was thrilled to learn about the Following Jesus Bible. Reading this Bible will enable him to learn in greater depth the who, what, when, where, and why of the Scriptures. With great illustrations, clear definitions of key terms, and character analysis, kids will gain foundational understanding of God’s Word before transitioning to a more advanced edition. The Following Jesus Bible is a perfect next step from elementary Bible teaching to the pre-teen years."
Trillia Newbell, author of Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves and United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity
"Imagine . . . a generation of young people who are wholly committed to enjoying God because they understand and love the unified message of the Bible. The theologically-rich study helps in this Bible will prove to be a powerful resource for our children as they seek to walk in the truth."
Gloria Furman, author of Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full and The Pastor's Wife
"The clear explanations regarding customs, terms, and concepts contained in the ESV Following Jesus Bible make it a helpful guide to understanding the Bible text for children, while maintaining the integrity of the ESV text. Children will benefit from this edition."
David and Sally Michael, founders of Children Desiring God, Minneapolis, MN