Gentle and Lowly: A 14-Day Podcast

A New Podcast for Anxious and Discouraged Christians
It’s easy to become nervous, burdened, frustrated, and cynical in these uncertain and difficult days. We try to trust that God loves us, but are our lives evidence that he’s actually abandoned us? The gospel tells us not just what Christ has done—it reveals how deeply he cares for us in our struggle with sin and suffering.
The Gentle and Lowly podcast is a 14-day audio devotional exploring the heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers. Join Dane Ortlund—author of Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers—each day for a brief Scripture reading as well as a devotional meditation on a different aspect of the heart of Christ, as he helps you discover afresh not just what Jesus has done for you but how he feels about you as his beloved.
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