How Can Busy Moms Pursue a Lifestyle of Faithfulness?

Adapt as Needed

Motherhood is hard. I remember having babies and wondering if I would ever read my Bible again, if I would ever sit in church without having to rock a baby or keep a child quiet. I’m still sort of living those days.

The call to faithfulness still applies to moms. We are shaping young hearts to follow Jesus, and so that calling is very real. Our faithfulness is important for our children. And so that may take shape a little bit differently in those years where you are up all night or you have really small children and you’re tired all the time.

Everyday Faithfulness

Glenna Marshall

This book explores what daily faithfulness to Christ looks like when spiritual growth seems hard to measure, working through the unique challenges to faithfulness during seasons of waiting, doubting, caretaking, suffering, and more.

It may not be an hour of study every day. It might be just little moments of reading the word throughout the day. It might be having your prayer time while you’re up feeding a baby at night. It might be listening to the audio Bible in the car while you’re chauffeuring kids around.

There are lots of different ways to incorporate spiritual disciplines into those rough seasons. I think it’s important, though, to remember that seasons are seasons, and they don’t last forever. And while our goal is always to saturate our hearts with Scripture, when it’s hard, we can just do that in different ways.

Glenna Marshall is the author of Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World.

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