How to Study the Bible: A 5-Day Plan with Jen Wilkin
This article is part of the Reading Plans series.
Making the Effort
As Christians, we believe the Bible is the very word of God, and it’s pivotal that we spend time knowing and loving him through it. But it’s not always easy to understand, and sometimes, casually reading it isn’t enough to let the word do its complete work in our hearts and lives. In, Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, author Jen Wilkin says:
Do you know that the word disciple means “learner”? As a disciple of Christ, you and I are called to learn, and learning requires effort. It also requires good study methods. We know this to be true of our schooling, but do we know it to be true of following Christ?
Women of the Word
Jen Wilkin
This best-selling book offers practical guidance and helpful tips for women who want to go deeper in their study of the Bible and learn how to teach others to do the same.
Start Digging In
Over the course of five videos, read through the first chapter of the book of James and follow along with video instruction from Jen Wilkin as she walks through five helpful ways to study the Bible and let it, as she says, “get under your skin.”
You can also start the video Bible reading plan via or the ESV Bible app for iPhone and iPad.
Download a bookmark outlining the 6 Ps of Sound Bible Study here.
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