Introducing the ‘ESV Archaeology Study Bible’
Explore the Ancient World behind the Living Word
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture.
With editorial oversight from Dr. John Currid (PhD, University of Chicago) and Dr. David Chapman (PhD, University of Cambridge), as well as contributions from a team of field-trained archaeologists, the ESV Archaeology Study Bible assembles a range of modern scholarship—pairing the biblical text with helpful articles, maps, photographs, and drawings.
Articles include "The Ten Most Significant Discoveries in the Field of Archaeology” by John Currid and "The Dead Sea Scrolls" by Paul Wright, and cover a variety of helpful topics. Additional charts, sidebars, and notes add detail and bring life to the ancient texts, helping readers situate them in their historical context while recognizing the truth that the eternal God became flesh and entered human history at a specific time and in a specific place.
Features include:
• 2,000+ study notes
• 15 detailed articles
• 200+ doctrinal summary sidebars
• 700+ maps and photographs
• Extensive glossary
• 4 timelines
• Cited ancient texts glossary
• Book introductions
Download an excerpt or access a digital version through our Basic Subscription Plan for $2.99/month.
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