July 2022 New Releases

New Books
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Grace at Work by Bryan Chapell and The King and the Dragon by James Shrimpton.
Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job
In this book, author and pastor Bryan Chapell shares this biblical perspective of vocation, explaining how God gives purpose to our work by making it an instrument of his grace to our own hearts, as well as a way of bringing his goodness and glory into our world. Chapell explains how we can worship God by our work, rising above drudgery, duty, or self-interest with the understanding that our jobs are unique callings for displaying God’s character and care. Our work is worship when we see the glory beyond the grind, the mission in the mundane, and the grace at work.
“We need a lot more books on integrating faith and work, but not all teaching on this subject is of equal value. In particular, I’ve noticed over the years that a lot of such books tend to be intellectualistic, all about ‘applying biblical principles’ in a way that leaves out the changed heart that we need to glorify God in our work. That changed heart, with its reordered loves, comes from an application of the gospel of grace. Bryan Chapell as always is an expert on this subject. I’m grateful for this important contribution to the faith-and-work Christian movement.”
—Tim Keller, Pastor Emeritus, Redeemer Church
The King and the Dragon
James Shrimpton
Illustrated by Helena Perez Garcia
In this imaginative story, James Shrimpton teaches children the story of redemption in the Bible through the lens of dragon slaying. With a memorable rhyming style, engaging artwork, and theologically grounded storytelling, this book is perfect for teaching children the story of Christ’s defeat of sin, death, and evil.
“Fantastic book! With remarkable illustrations, The King and the Dragon is a beautiful and captivating tale. The task of communicating the gospel to our children through story is a significant work, and James Shrimpton does this excellently.”
—Devon and Jessica Robyn Provencher, coauthors, Big Theology for Little Hearts
Cultural Identity and the Purposes of God: A Biblical Theology of Ethnicity, Nationality, and Race
Steven Bryan presents a biblical framework for thinking about cultural identity and experiencing cultural diversity as a positive good that God intended. Writing from more than 20 years of experience in cross-cultural mission work in Ethiopia, Bryan examines historical and political aspects of nationality, ethnicity, and race. This practical examination of cultural ideologies—including multiculturalism, nationalism, and intersectionality—helps readers move from asking, Who am I? to Who are we? as God’s people.
“Among the heated arguments and rancorous debates that characterize much Western conversation, expressions such as culture, ethnicity, race, cultural identity, assimilation, individualism, and diversity are dropped into live discussions like grenades. It takes a few minutes to grasp how these words mean different things to different people, and are often deployed with more zeal than insight—the purpose being to score points, not win arguments. What a pleasure it is, then, to read Steven Bryan’s learned and evenhanded book and to listen in on presentations that are mature, reasoned, and convincing. Better yet, the stances Dr. Bryan adopts are grounded in careful exegesis and wonderfully refreshing biblical theology. It could have been written only by a faithful and competent biblical scholar who has spent many years in fresh study of Scripture while being immersed in more than one culture. This is not a book to skim, it is a book to ponder.”
—D. A. Carson, Cofounder and Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition
Give Me Understanding That I May Live: Situating Our Suffering within God's Redemptive Plan
In volume 2 of the series Suffering and the Christian Life, Mark Talbot explores Scripture’s account of the origin, spread, and eventual end of suffering, giving Christians the perspective they need to get through life’s difficult times. He encourages readers to see themselves within the Bible’s storyline (creation, rebellion, redemption, and consummation), finding the courage to endure and taking comfort that God is at work for their good.
“With this volume, Mark Talbot continues what looks set to be a tour de force on Christianity and the suffering Christian. In his first book, he pressed the existential power and importance of individual narratives of pain and anguish. Here he steps back and sets those stories within the larger framework of the great narrative of God’s dealings with his people. If it is true that every story of human suffering has its unique pain for those involved, Talbot demonstrates with characteristic conviction and authority that all redemption from suffering must be understood in terms of the unique revelation of God in Christ.”
—Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College
Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine
In Truth, Theology, and Perspective, Poythress explains how truth informs and confirms what the Bible teaches. In addition to a theology of objective truth, he explains how it is interwoven through each of the major topics in systematic theology, such as revelation, the Bible, man, Christ, salvation, and eschatology. This perspective highlights how the interconnectedness and harmony of Scripture is an extension of God's own truthfulness and how this attribute is manifested in all of creation, prompting us to greater worship and gratitude to God.
“‘Truth is what God knows.’ Beginning with this God-centered definition of truth, Vern Poythress explains how every major doctrine in systematic theology and every event in the world can be understood more deeply if we ponder its relationship to truth. Such a ‘truth perspective’ leads to numerous fresh insights into the relationship between truth and everything that exists. While he is always careful to be faithful to Scripture, Poythress demonstrates once again his remarkable capacity for creative thinking.”
—Wayne Grudem, Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary
James: Walking in Wisdom
In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores James verse by verse, addressing trials and temptations, the relationship between faith and good works, and choosing the wisdom of God over the wisdom of the world. Written for individuals and groups, each lesson helps women understand how to recognize marks of genuine godliness by faithfully and practically living for Christ. Brownback desires that readers of this study will meditate on Scripture and find a renewed zeal for discipleship and walking closely with the Lord.
“As a women’s ministry leader, I am excited about the development of the Flourish Bible Study series, which will not only prayerfully equip women to increase in biblical literacy but also come alongside them to build a systematic and comprehensive framework to become lifelong students of the word of God. This series provides visually engaging studies with accessible content that will not only strengthen the believer but the church as well.”
—Karen Hodge, Coordinator of Women’s Ministries, Presbyterian Church in America; coauthor, Transformed